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 No.37418[Last 50 Posts]

Discuss psychedelics, dosages and trips.


psilocybin spores are easy & legal to obtain, plus if you're somewhat patient and put in the effort they can be cultivated easily & cheaply.

I like to microdose shrooms, so I can achieve a sustained buzz, full blown trips can be really panic inducing and scary.


How do you trip alone ?
I've read everywhere that for the first time you should always have a "trip sitter" with you if things get out of control.


Where do you get your drugs?


I've only tripped alone and never had any problems. I guess it's risky but I don't have any other options. I won't be doing any heroic doses alone though. I do feel like I need to be more cautious than if I had someone to look after me. I worry about losing control completely and hurting myself or doing something really dumb and getting arrested, ending up in a psych ward, etc.

I realize there is always a chance that next time will be different, and things could go very badly, but so far I've found it very easy to control myself on enjoyable, modest doses.

I've had many trips on 1P-LSD and AL-LAD, and nothing bad ever happened. Once I tripped while not in the best place mentally, smoked some weed too early in the trip (while peaking) and got pretty uncomfortable but I maintained control of my thoughts and knew I just had to wait things out.



Have any experience with shrooms ? As far as I know they are pretty unpredictable.


None. I intend to try some 4-substituted tryptamines in the future though and many of them are similar to shrooms.

>As far as I know they are pretty unpredictable.

I've heard the same. I've only tried lysergamides and it's possible I won't be as in-control on shrooms or 4-aco-dmt.


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DMT & shrooms are two of the most wizardly drugs if used with respect and the right intentions.


>wizchan 2017


Psychedelics have always been big but controversial here.


Please do tell me why drugs are bad and unwizardy.


tell me why sex is unwizardly first


Because you cant be a virgin if you have sex


I tried a fairly small dose of DMT for the first time the other day, it will make you see some crazy shit but you won't want to move around very much so as long as there's nothing dangerous near you you'll be fine. It also wears off quickly which I like, whenever I trip on lsd/shrooms I usually end up feeling mentally worn out after a while.


extracted 900~mgs DXM polistirex with cold water and put in capsules.
also 300mgs of gels.
1 hour in and feeling pretty good

good drug for those who are too scared to use the darknet or RCs

the only time I had a really bad trip and tripped with others is one and the same
just start with a low dose run so you can get a feel and adjust your judgment
after that wizards should be fine tripping alone


I love DXM. It gets expensive though and feels pretty rough on the mind and body compared to psychs.

Do you do anything else with it? I always doses 25=50 mg DPH beforehand for comfort and then smoked some weed when I started peaking to really blast off.


yes, generally 50~mgs dph and one good craft beer.
alch itself would play bad with DXM but the beer is just to put me in a good mood for the trip.

>feels pretty rough on the mind and body compared to psychs.

gotta get some ketamine.
much gentler on the body and much more clear head.
unfortunately its pricey to buy domestically in the USA.


700mg DXM - weak closed eye visuals, constant zooming in an some sort of ancient temple

MXE in varying doses alone - similar cevs to DXM, lots of peeing, forced doublevision, first time I have ever really felt what I think is empathy. MXE is probably my favorite drugs but I would be worried about possible kidney issues.

Varying doses of 4-ACO-xxx all pretty similar, open eye visuals, had 1 bad trip where a clown was yelling at me (had fairly loud artillery around me which probably caused the bad trip)

60mg MXE + 25mg 4-ACO-DMT forgot what I was, wrote "NO" on the floor with pants

DOC - lots of vasoconstriction and similar open eye visuals to other crap. Lasts way too long and tingles way too much

I got all my drugs from the internet and don't do any anymore


I didn't do a ton of drugs, and I have persistent weak flowing visuals with my eyes open now. Not great tbh.


>60mg MXE + 25mg 4-ACO-DMT forgot what I was, wrote "NO" on the floor with pants


Experience #1

I got 5 capsules of nbome 25-i off of silkroad back in 2012. I took one in my home and ended up looking through my Michelangelo artbook. BAD IDEA. I turned catholic for about 2 years. Really all you need to understand the spirit of Catholicism is Michelangelo's work. It was fun though (nbome feels like acid + ecstasy) and I still have 2 capsules saved up for someday when I am in a good place.

Experience #2 Disclaimer: Dex is not a psychedelic, but I don't care.

In college (2011) I bought a bottle of those red dextromethorphan pills from the local walmart and took all of theme. I remember wandering through campus as a depersonalized slideshow. I was in third-person mode, and in the distance I felt the presence of some distant, yet imminent, chaotic gaze that still affects my perception of reality. I felt like I could take on anything and come out of it unscathed. I rode my bike to the library and wandered there. Then I rode back to my dorm. Time was completely meaningless. The climax of the experience was filling my trashcan with red vomit, but to me I felt like a dragon breathing out years of pain and frustration as gouts of red fire. It was a profound experience and I highly suggest it. To clarify, vomiting felt orgasmic in this mindstate.

Experience #3

My worst drug experience I will qualify as psychadelic, because it involved vivid hallucination. I was visiting my uncle and his wife. They served dinner on the balcony and we all became quite drunk. We had fun arguing politics and retired to the lounge. They offered me some potent weed. At this point I knew that I was especially sensitive to cannabis and should avoid it, especially around other people as weed turns my mind inward, but I was happy and drunk, so stupidity got the best of me. I smoked, and soon found that I could neither comprehend the conversation with my relatives nor participate in it. Then I felt the stirrings in my stomach that portend emesis. I rushed to the balcony where I began vomiting over the edge. It felt like I vomited for hours until I was painfully dry-heaving. All the while I suffered visions of angels and demons battling in a smoky, twilight realm. The emotions I felt were incredible depression and hyperanxiety. It was as if the depressive quality of the alcohol was multiplied by the paranoia-inducing qualities of the weed. It is possible that the mushrooms we had for dinner also contributed to the torture, as my hosts also admitted feeling slightly ill after the experience. Though it is likely that their illness was rather the result of me emptying the entire contents of my digestive tract orally in their presence. What made it even worse for me, was that they lived next to a nunnery and I was strangely catholic at that point. Much shame and embarrassment. I ended up falling asleep outside on a chair.

Sorry about the blogpost. I have other psychedelic experiences, like the time I ate homegrown shrooms and watched kung fu movies (easily my happiest drug experience), but they aren't as interesting as these 3 I think.


I have a question, I've never done drugs but I've heard about the effects of things like heroin and how they supposedly make you feel utterly happy. Can you have similar experiences with dreams?

I've had a handful of dreams that were utter bliss and where I was so happy and elated that even after I woke up and went through my day I still felt them. These handful of dreams were so impactful on my psyche that even 10 or more years later I can remember them all and I have this haunting feeling of wishing to just relive that level of bliss again somehow.

Could these experiences be comparable to my the emotions I felt in my dreams?


I'm no expert and can speak only from personal experience.

When I was a somewhat regular weed smoker (maybe twice a week at most), I used to dream about smoking and I actually got high in my dreams. It wasn't quite the same as a waking, chemical high, but even after I woke up I felt like I had smoked a bowl several hours earlier.

I've never done heroin or anything that hard. From what I hear, a first heroin high can make even a suicidal person blissful and that's why it's so dangerous. You are immediately psychologically hooked. Repeated use adds the physical dependence.

Dreams are so subjective. Maybe your dreams hit harder than a heroin injection. I doubt it, but who knows. I have had blissful dreams that affected me for a long time as well, but in my case it was peanuts compared to chemical manipulation of the mindstate.


Yeah, I doubt it hit as hard as true drugs would but if it was even a tenth of what the real deal can give you then I fully understand why people could get so hooked so fast.


I've taken 1plsd a few times by now and I've slowly come to realize what a fucked up person I am. I know that by nature I am weak and avoidant and I have built a sort of evil (it just feels evil when I am on LSD) and callous personality "on top of it". It's like my brain knows no middleground only these two modes, while the latter one is obviously a defense mechanism. I know these don't sound like great revelation but honestly I can recommend 1plsd it really makes you realize yourself, how your thinking works and reveals a lot of your subconsciousness. I do believe it is possible to change your personality after a 1plsd experience. All my doses have been of 100mcg but I will try taking more soon. If any wizard cares I could try to write a real trip report.


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>First trip: 200ug of LSD

Come up: 40-45 minutes

Onset: after 40-45 minutes I was starting to feel different and put on some music through headphones. I was laying on my back on the floor and when I closed eyes I saw intense trippy visuals, felt strong euphoria and full-body orgasmic waves while feeling like sinking deeper in to the floor.

Plateau: I lost sense of time for many hours to come. I travelled outside of the Earth deep into to the universe, it felt like a non-being, it felt like the universe was one with me, saw odd spinning multidimensional symmetric cubes that made low frequency sound, saw giant dragons, communicated to some egyptian entities that resembled Horus and the such and comminicated with them in a foreign language whilst whispering the words out of my mouth (parseltongue resemblence).

Come down: walls looked alive, teeth grinning, overproduction of saliva, all human eyes appeared red and devilish on TV for example and I couldn't look at them beyond an instant.

Aftereffect: I felt more ingenious for couple of months.

>Second trip: Psilocybe Atlantis truffles 15g

Come up: 45 minutes

Onset: Walls started to move, little sense of paranoia

Plateau 1st part: Feel like my thinking process is changing into much more efficient, abstract and powerful. Body starts to feel more sensitive to touch, nose more sensitive to smell and ears more sensitive to sound. Feel like tapping into something higher. Feel like you've risen above your human form. Feel like you can connect your mind into humans nearby and their emotions and motions co-exist in you.

Plateau 2nd part: I've made a thread on /lounge/ what happened. It had to do with contacting aliens and visting their planet.

Coming down: Process occurs for the body and mind that strips off the hyperawarness and sensitivity and things go back to default. Terrible nausea and I had to puke multiple times.

After effect: Fatigue for couple of days

>3rd trip: Psilocybe Cubensis unknown dose

Things went wrong this time. I tried first eating them from the package, but they tasted too bad. I put on a boiling pan and made tea out of few mushrooms.

Come up: almost instantaneous

Onset: Extreme paranoia, sense of being poisoned and fear of death, I heard uneasy sounds inside my headand I thought bugs were eating my brain. I was lucky enough to have 15mg benzos laying around and I took a big dose which calmed and ended this bad trip shortly.

All in all psychedelics have been a godsend gift for me, but it will take guts and mental preparation from me to trip again after the bad trip which counted as a extremely negative experience.


There is nothing comparable to an opiate high. You have to feel it to understand. But yes, it can be described as "utterly happy", it's really a shame it tends to be sedating as well. I guess that's why so many people mix it with speed and coke. After playing around with heroin, I realized very quickly it was not a viable long term solution (tolerance rises VERY quickly, it's expensive, and hard to find if you're not willing to give money to your local scumbag gettho nigger). I still take opiates from time to time when I can find cheap, pharma grade stuff.
In my experience, trying to emulate substance abuse by natural means just doesn't work. As for pleasant dreams, they tend not to make a very long impression on me. 2 hours tops. And it's clearly not the same as being overwhelmed by chemistry.


>Come up: almost instantaneous
This suggests you accidentally took an enormous dose


I read afterwards that psilocybin losts most of it's potency when boiled in a high temperature. I'm afraid that the mushrooms were laced with something poisonous that made the experience how it was, but it's hard to say for certain.


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It's soon that time of the year that Psilocybe semilanceata start growing in grassland habitats. Many go out this time of the year to the grassfields to pick them.

There are numereous guides online which teach how to identify them and where to search for them.


I still can't get around how anyone could think that the most odd and strangest form of drugs - a series of drugs that normgroids freak the fuck out about and would never touch - is somehow unwizardly.

You should really try them. It's not some stupid "buzz" that normgroids so desperately seek in order to enhance their pathetic and mundane social interactions, it's a deeply introspective experience where one peels back the layers of consciousness to explore what can only be described as occult (as in hidden, unattainable, secret) knowledge.

After experiencing a trip, you will understand truly how wizardly these things are, and that only true magicians - those willing to plumb the fascinating (and terrifying) depths of human perception - would countenance taking them.


I went on one of the subreddits for the drugs, and it seems it's not too safe for now. It's been suggested to wait a month before ordering more drugs.

Nevertheless, I still am cautious around buying bitcoins and getting a wallet. How can one use a downloadable wallet (the open source ones) when you transfer to Tails OS?

That's my only real question here.


Now is not a good time for DNMs.

You may want to look in to RCs, generally people aren't as serious about stealth when it comes to these but they don't have problems, unless you're a vendor.

Since you're already on reddit you shouldn't have a problem finding RC sources.

RCs are drugs like any other kind, they're not even a kind, really. You might not find something that interests you in the world of RCs but if you are interested in LSD or mushrooms there are things that should interest you.


N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a tryptamine molecule which naturally occurs in many plants and animals. It can be consumed as a powerful psychedelic drug and has historically been prepared by various cultures for ritual and healing purposes. Rick Strassman labeled it "the spirit molecule".
DMT has a relatively short duration of action, intense effects and rapid onset. For that reason, DMT was known as the "businessman's trip" during the 1960s in the United States, as a user could access the full depth of a psychedelic experience in considerably less time than with other substances such as LSD or magic mushrooms. DMT can be inhaled, injected, or orally ingested, and its effects depend on the dose. When inhaled or injected, the effects last a short period of time: about 5 to 15 minutes. Effects can last 3 hours or more when orally ingested along with an MAOI, such as the ayahuasca vine in the traditional ayahuasca brew of many native Amazonian tribes. DMT can produce vivid mystical experiences involving euphoria and dynamic hallucinations of geometric forms, higher intelligences, extraterrestrials, elves and God.

I read a story about person who had been taking anti-depressants for many years and had lost the ability to experience emotions because of them. DMT made him cry for the first time in 10 years and he felt like he had reborn. DMT had guided him through every emotion and let him experience them.



DMT won't make you a nonwiz.

DMT made me realize just how awful stacy and chad really are. It was like a peek into a giant meatgrinder with the demiurge going "yes, like cain, like able, you are a wizard and chad shall be rewarded, then the people around will pretend chad is good and you will be unhappy and kill yourself and no one will even admit your story is real."



And you, wizard, shall be alone, and no one will understand your story but turbochad and turbostacy "hippies" and new age perverted freaks who dmt has show that appearance matters even more.

the chads will abuse you and the stacys will leverage their sexuality with their newfound sexual self-awareness. they will become what they are: prostitutes.

and you wiz, you will forever have these experiences with you, and you will share them with almost no one, and those whom you could, will be less like you than anyone.

the demiurge laughs and steps on the bug.


The only time i've broken through I was taken to the higher-plane but it was full of normal fags so I told them to piss off then I came back and my rectum was warm.



>>*fedora tips*

What you don't know is nothing more than your own ignorance. You are masterbating right now.



>>*fedora tips*

What you don't know is your own ignorance. You are masturbating right now.

Replying to a post about such experiences with a meme is silly in a way you have yet to understand. This is about communication and what you communicate is nothing more than what you have heard before.


if you desire intimacy with another human being then you're not a wizard


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Mind melding is the only wizardly form of intimacy.


>banging asari is wizardly


I had a very bad experience on something like 2-3g of shrooms. In fact I'm actually on antidepressants now because if I stop taking them, I go into a dysphoric state. Just a word of warning to anyone thinking about taking them, take full responsibility for what you're about to do, and if you still feel like doing it, start small and treat them with respect. You may be seeking enlightenment through tripping but the trip itself will give no shits about what you want.


Which strain did you take?




That's what I thought. I wouldn't recommend that strain for beginners.


Which sites are safe to buy from? All these look like they're going to send me poisonous shrooms instead of what I order kek


Tried LSD once, ~200ug

It was fucking shit. No idea how anyone finds this crap fun. Besides the physical symptoms (headache, sweating, stuffy nose, some nausea) and the unpleasant visual distortions resembling a seizure aura, which were about as fun as the flu, the psychological symptoms were nearly as bad. It was like having schizophrenia, disordered thoughts which I constantly lost track of, recursive and paranoid thinking, strange associations and distortions in proprioceptive sense. None of the other crap that gets peddled around, none of that spiritual or visual bullshit, it had no redeeming value whatsoever. If I wanted to feel mentally diseased I would just "be myself ;)". How fucking worthless, shit has no utility value whatsoever and only serves to make my already shit life even worse, I guess there really is no escape from this hell.


Took 40 mg ketamine, followed by 20 mg half an hour later. Onset happened 5 minutes after insufflation, walking and standing upright became tricky. Had a comfy disassociation experience lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to synthwave. Trip lasted about 2 hours in total. I just let my thoughts and imagination wander to the music and felt very peaceful and okay with everything. It felt like my mind shed its human form and became just thought, a software algorithm. My human existence with its anxieties and drives dissolved and only intellect remained, if that makes sense. Nice drug, would do again, would recommend. Didn't see any visuals at this dose.


Where do you get your drugs?





>From what I hear, a first heroin high can make even a suicidal person blissful and that's why it's so dangerous. You are immediately psychologically hooked.

From what I hear, heroin isn't immediately hooking you, but you do heroin one day, but don't have a hangover the next day, so you can do it day after day after day.


I have to poppy seeds for pst, but evertly time I try, it turns out white. They're approved seeds and even have the little wood chips and dark color. What am I doing wrong? God dammit.


Sadly the only thing I've done is Salvia. Which I had some pretty good trips on.

Majorly wanting to try Shrooms, but am open to trying LSD and DMT.


Been contemplating buying acid from the darknet for weeks now. Too scared to use TOR and actually do it though.

I've been wanting a psychedelic experience my whole adult life. Not for fun, but for serious self-enquiry. If I had a good experience with LSD, I would definitely go on to try DMT

Advice for buying online?


Funny. I reallllly want to try salvia but it seems very tricky to get for me right now.

Have you considered RCs like 1P-LSD? They might be a good option depending on your location.


Yeah, it was legal for a short time in my state and a head shop at the end of my street used to sell it. Even would continue to sell some of his stock after they made it illegal but when he ran out. I've never been able to find it again.


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It's not a psychedelic of course, but I just got 250 grams of kratom in the mail. Looking forward to trying it tomorrow before grinding away at work again.

It's supposed to combine all the best effects of stimulants and opiates.


just smoked like 10 marijuanas


I've done 330mcg of acid twice before, ask me anything.


just smoked 5 more marijuanas

fuck dude



The first time I did LSD I had the most intense euphoria of my life. It fixed my depression for some time afterwards but sadly the effects wore off. I was never able to get as good of stuff again and the last time I had a really bad trip where some more disturbing thoughts about the nature of reality that I've had unfolded in a way that made me feel like I was trapped for all eternity in a never-ending recursive fractal that housed my consciousness and I'm not about to try any again anytime soon.


About to drink a 2gram cup of shroom tea. It's been awhile so I hope everything goes smoothly


good luck psychonaut


Safe travels wizard! Stay safe we'll pray for you.


Where do you get your drugs?


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Goddamn, this kratom is cozy as fuck. This is my first time taking it, had a tablespoon a couple of hours ago. It feels like a cross between oxycodone and being in a warm bed half-asleep, just rolling around blissfully.

>This stuff is completely legal and extremely cheap

Gonna have to be careful here, I can see how someone could get hooked.


I've been hesitant to try kratom because I hear it's weak, with very subtle effects.

Would you say otherwise?


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>Would you say otherwise?

It's cheap as hell compared to anything else in the same category. 30 dollars got me 250 grams, which is 16 tablespoons, ie 16 good sessions. That same money on an opiate of any kind would get you high once, maybe twice at best.

The experience was a little on the brief side, but it was there, and it felt damn good for about 4 hours.

Definitely like the stuff, and one day far in the future when I run out I'll probably get some more.

gaiaethnobotanical.com is the site I used for the record, tried the Red Bali


that site has a ton of $5 varieties, which one is the strongest?


I've literally taken kratom one time in my entire life, friend. Can't exactly make product recommendations here.


That's the best place I found to learn about all the strain stuff before placing my own order though.


I'm not clicking on that evil shit site. *sigh*



I know, I know. It's a shitty website with an annoying userbase, but they do manage to have quality information on drugs, particularly research chemicals and kratom.


shroomin atm ama


shroomin nao 4real ama


i feel someone whispering to me


a part of me wanths to go watch anime nao hehehehuehuehuehueuhehuehueheuh


I either felt nothing at lower doses or it just made me sleepy at high doses, but that's the exact same reaction I have to opiates pretty much. I don't enjoy either.


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Kratom dude here. Now that I've used it a handful of times I wouldn't recommend it. The first time using it felt damn good, but after that the effects have always been more subtle, and I've noticed myself feeling much more irritable and sensitive when not using. So basically it's a weak effect, but with addictive properties.

Stay away, unless you'd like a mild boost once a month or so. That's how I'm going to regulate the rest of my supply here.


I got HPPD from it and it's been 3 and a half years. You can skip this and get into meditation or something, tbh.


What kind of drugs and how much of them did you use before you developed HPPD and what sort of things do you see now?


what anime


if you're on this site, chances are you're better off doing it alone. trip sitters need to be really close companions.


back the fuck up man…..

how much kratom were you taking and how frequently?

how much do you weigh?


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I need a guide for getting into psychotropics/delics by the end of this semester for someone who has never tripped on anything greater than huge ass bong rips throughout the last two years of high school. I'm a college Junior, 5 years out of hs, and strongly considering going Army by the Summer. By which time, i won't have any time to bother experimenting with drugs. I mean, I got a guy, but I need a GUIDE. Where do I start, and where do I stop?

I'll take any videos, and read any and all suggestions, experiences, and advice or tips. Should I just suffer 420chan? Thanks in advance wizkids.


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just start out with 2g cubes. eat lightly in the hours before, and don't smoke weed while you're peaking. nothings to fear, and it will let you dip your toes in the water and see what its all about. If you have a weak stomach take some ginger.


I suggest shrooms and opiates. You don't wanna try LSD , you could end up with a fail batch from darknet or just fuck up your mind from a bad trip


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Had my first flashback ever a few days ago.

>Using the computer, browsing some chan

>Get a big sunspot almost in the center of my eye
>No idea where the fuck it came from, but it's really bothering me because I can't really read with it there
>Start walking around, wondering if this is from my computer screen somehow, or some weird form of HPPD that popped up months later
>After about 10 minutes I get a huge C shaped "sunspot" around the outer edge of my vision
>It shifts between a white, and glowing, pulsating black color
>Spinning, twisting wheels form in the C shape, moving around in my vision
>Yep, just HPPD
>Ignore it and it goes away in another 10 or so minutes

Did a lot of mushrooms back in '14 with no negative effects at all, but I use "acid" once last year and it causes flashbacks evidently. It was still nothing major at all, but mildly distressing until I figured out what was going on.


I took 2/3rds of a tablespoon once a week, for two weeks. Then on the third week it got really intense for a bit while wageslaving, so I took a whole tablespoon for 3 consecutive days in a row. It was at that point that I noticed intense irritation on my first clean day, which is a highly unusual emotion for me to be feeling. So I cut all that shit out, and went through a couple of days of feeling bad.

Weight 185, with pretty low body fat for the record.

Either try mushrooms, or a mushroom RC analog if they're legal in your state. I would recommend 4-AcO-DMT. It's the friendliest psychedelic I've ever tried, and it's also the most immersive and "spiritual" feeling.


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I was considering shrooms as a first, then moving on to LSD, and then peyote, DMT, etc. Maybe ecstasy?
I'm a fairly social guy, but no one I know is even close and trusted enough to babysit me for a first time… Except the guy I hinted at, the possible dealer, but I don't know how he'd feel about that and I don't want to impose.

I was wondering if I should I go somewhere I know and trust, or if I should stay in my dorm. Should I take them at my house-house when I know my mother won't be there? My main battlestation is here, but at home it's just a laptop and tv. I mean, I have somewhat of a plan, but I don't want to fuck up my first trip and waste money on a bad trip.


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I wanted to pop in this thread and say kratom is a great legal drug and a great alternative to drinking. It's very comfy and relaxing, very wizardly. You don't have to know anyone or go outside to get it you can just buy it online. For wizards with anxiety this is a much safer alternative then benzos and liquor which can damage your liver and give you withdraws. Don't buy the capsules they are overpriced buy in bulk power


Yeah yeah, but I don't have much going on at home, and I might not even be alone. I might have to worry about my mother, her drunk friends and random guys.
I've got my main computer here at uni. And by start of Summer I'll be out of uni (hopefully, not graduated yet though) and processing into Army, before any drug tests are administered.


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erowid is a good resource for timing things out, it has accurate times for how long you will trip depending on what you take. peyote is very bad tasting, like eating sour grass, but it's liquid, and IMO it wasn't anything special. I had san pedro not the real deal though.


Hope you don't fuck up your mind and can't go to army


What lie should I tell me mom when she gets paypal email receipt for kratom? I'm known for being 100% drug free and she would probably google the shit.


Why do you even need to lie? Tell her it's like a folk medicine for anxiety or something.


I just want to try shrooms, I feel like my life is so miserable because I can't ever have any connections to try some hallucinogenics. Just shitty overpriced weed. $20 a g in my area. Ridiculous.


Grow it or get it from the darknet . But weed is more euphoric than shrooms


just grow them, it only takes 2 months, and it will give you time to mentally prepare.


cuz I don't wanna be called a drug user for taking an herbal relaxant




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I'm a musclewizard and can usually bullshit just about anyone into thinking that what I take, including kratom for the past month, is a "work out supplement". Kratom is a lot less nasty than some of the stuff they sell in a GNC for exercise anyways.

Still would advice AGAINST kratom though. It causes feelings of tranquility, very similar to what I get in small meditation sessions, however like with all things achieved with drug usage you need more and more to get the same effects. Then when you stop taking it, it has the opposite effect.

>Take caffeine for more energy

>This blocks receptors in the brain that control sensations of fatigue
>The body counters this by creating more fatigue receptors
>When you stop taking caffeine all of a sudden you feel like shit because you have twice the amount of fatigue receptors as your average person does return to normal eventually

>Take steroids for testosterone

>Your body stops producing testosterone because you have five times the normal amount injected into your penis every day
>When you stop taking it suddenly you have the testosterone levels of a 6 year old succubus, forever, and lose all your muscle

etc. kratom is the same shit, just with sensations of peace instead, so in my opinion it's worth avoiding, but again that's just me and others seem to be using it just fine.

Now psychedelics on the other hand are pretty much all good when used in moderation.


Why do you care what you are called by norms?




Im pretty sure more than 80% of normie teeagers today have tried some kind of psycs

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