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 No.38920[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone here use Linux for fun and profit?

I'm currently running debian with dwm as my window manager. I was curious to see what all the hubbub was about when it comes to minimalism and I gotta say I like some things about it. However, I'm still not fully convinced it's the end all be all of desktop computing or anything. There are still plenty of programs I like to use that are considered "bloated" by true minimalists.

Overall I'm more productive on my Linux system than I am on my Windows system. It feels good to know all the keyboard shortcuts in my system and be able to program new ones quickly and easily through config.h, and to be able to launch many programs near instantaneously. And the tiling and workspaces? It's absolutely gorgeous. I love having control of where everything goes without having to much about with window borders. I love having a group of programs open dedicated to performing a certain task, and then being able to instantly switch to another group of programs by just pressing alt+[num].


I love having drivers with a GUI for my sound card, synthesizer and wacom tablet that don't require me to be proficient in C to make use of them.


To each their own!


I run linux mint on my desktop, lubuntu on my old ass laptop, and kali on my ancient netbook.

Right now though I'm posting from my plebby windows 10 dell laptop of failure.


Since some years my only machine has just Xubuntu on it. With only open source software installed. It's great.
I do not play games so it works for me.


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Right now I'm posting from an old AMD Sempron machine with 1Gb of RAM my aunt gave me. Running Mint LXDE is 100x better than running XP on it, like what it came with. Linux can make much more of old hardware performance wise.


Cool wallpaper.


What are you using Kali for if you don't mind me asking? I know it's used a lot in network security stuff.


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This is someone's screenshot I saved from /g/. I don't suppose anyone could identify the "Bright" GTK theme that's being used in the picture, could they?


>Wizchan 2017


Did you even read my post? If that was my own desktop, I wouldn't be wondering what particular theme is in it now would I?


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What the fuck are you even trying to say? Use complete sentences, you retarded memer.


I have tried a few distros booting from usb and I think I am going to install cinnamon mint.
I don't have a external hardrive to backup my hard drive and I am too poor to have one anytime soon. How can I minimise the chances of losing all my downloaded media during installation?


You could back up some of it to Google drive or some other free cloud service. Other than that, there's not too much you can do. Just read the manual or a guide that had worked for a lot of people and triple check any commands people tell you to run.

Personally I would recommend booting into Gparted and doing things from there, I've never had any problems using gparted to resize my partitions. HOWEVER this was in the days before UEFI so you'll definitely want to do some reading.


linux is a meme, windows is so much better


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Most of the sites you visit are on a linux server though.
Windows in my opinion is inferior even compared to OS X (mac OS)


Best meme ever.


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>people here call themselves wizards
>they're not using the one true operating system for wizards, Source Mage GNU/Linux


>what are the real practical benefits of having it, instead of windows7?
Freedom, privacy, security, maximum customizability and control (more than with other distros, since SMGL is source based), simplicity (more than other distros since there's not systemd and not a lot of obfuscated libraries and dependencies, the package manager is pure bash), lightweight.


>I would, but it takes too much mental effort to get into Unixes. Having to manually enter a bunch of commands just to install a program is a bit too much of an effort for me. To say nothing of the process of OS installation itself.
If you care about any of the above, I'd suggest you get into GNU/Linux and once you're proficient enough, try Source Mage.



Like what?


From who and what are they knowing that I should be concerned about?


From viruses and stuff? I always felt it was common sense to avoid those.

>Maximum customizability and control

In what way?

Never used Linux and not a very compute knowledgeable person. Unless you're a programmer or really into computers it doesn't seem like the change is worth it when most of the programs you use won't be accessible or have an inferior alternative.


You can't rely on just common sense if you actually care about security.
Even though I use GNU/Linux, I use firefox in a sandbox and I still block scripts with noscript.
>>Maximum customizability and control
>In what way?
You have the freedom to tailor the system exactly according to your needs and wants.
You can make GNU/Linux into whatever suits you.
You have the freedom to choose what software you use and what software you don't want to use.
Every piece of software in GNU/Linux has an alternative.
On source based distros like Source Mage, you can choose which features you want to compile in and which features you want to leave out, making your system very flexible and customizable at the induvidual program level.
You can even choose which features to include/exclude in the kernel itself.
>Unless you're a programmer or really into computers
I'm not a programmer, but I guess I am kinda into computers.
But you don't have to be an autist like me in order to see the benefits of GNU/Linux.
A source based distro like Source Mage probably wouldn't suit you, so use something else.
Any GNU/Linux distro is better than Windows or OS X.
>most of the programs you use won't be accessible or have an inferior alternative
You can't say that until you've tried it.


>you can choose which features you want to compile in and which features you want to leave out, making your system very flexible and customizable at the induvidual program level.
You can even choose which features to include/exclude in the kernel itself.

Honestly sounds like a lot of room for error and screwing things up.

>you don't have to be an autist like me in order to see the benefits of GNU/Linux.

I see the benefits now when avoiding intrusive software and such. But I just don't see how it would benefit someone who isn't informed on computers would bother (problems with installing drivers during installation and issues playing games), it's not as intuitive as Windows. Your typical person just wants to watch Youtube and browse social media shit. They don't care that someone's monitoring what they do because they're not doing much in the first place. Honestly, I'm in a similar camp. I just don't see why I should go through the hassle when all I use computers for is playing games and browsing the internet.


OP here, I wholeheartedly agree that everyone should use the operating system that they like the best. Personally that's linux for me, but if you like Windows or Mac OS then more power to you.

However, do consider burning a Linux LiveCD for sensitive stuff like online banking. You wouldn't have to install or uninstall anything, just boot from it whenever you want to bank online. More info on https://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/07/banking-on-a-live-cd/


Does anyone use i3wm daily? I am curious about the shortcuts you use.


I don't have the knowlege to using it or instaling it.


I used to but I find Linux to be an hassle for what I have t do right now which is gaming every now and then and just looping the same websites over and over.


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Not really that many, to be honest; the first 158 lines on the left monitor contain i3 defaults. Is there anything specific you were wondering about? I've been using i3 almost exclusively for about a year on both my desktop and laptop. I could probably set up some shortcuts to open a combination of windows like you see on the right monitor, or simply a shortcut to open a single program such as firefox, but I've never bothered. It's easy enough to hit $mod+Enter for terminals or $mod+D and just type in whatever program I want to launch.

>There are still plenty of programs I like to use that are considered "bloated" by true minimalists.
I think that's fine. I use "bloated" IDEs when I'm not just messing around with small scripts. I've recently been using IntelliJ IDEs (mostly PyCharm) with the Vim plug-in for my familiar keybinds.


I don't know. I watched some videos by some /g/-memer luke smith and his i3 setup seems to be so insanely efficient compared to mine I feel like a total brainlet.
Do you use ranger or a gui file manager?


Also, could you show the configuration you used for dual monitor setup?
How does it work with shortcuts on two monitors? How can you open one workplace on one monitor and a different one on a different monitor?


I use Thunar for some stuff, but don't use a file manager for the most part. It feels rather messy to use a gui manager with i3 for some reason, so I've been considering a terminal-based manager such as Ranger.

The configuration in the image I posted is for the dual-monitor setup. It actually works quite smoothly: if I'm on the left monitor in workspace 1, I can hit mod+3 to open workspace 3 on that monitor. I can then shift focus to the second monitor with $mod+2 (as an example) and open workspace four with $mod+4. I tend to place my odd-numbered workspaces on my left monitor, and my even-numbered workspaces on my right monitor. I used to have a keybind $mod+m that would move the focused workspace to the other monitor, but I guess that was on a different computer. A quick search yields "bindsym $mod+m move workspace to output left". The real trick is getting my third monitor to work, which is a general linux problem that is allegedly possible with a clever configuration of xrandr and nvidia settings. The reason it's difficult is because I'm trying to get three monitors on two gpus (dedicated and integrated).

I know it's possible to do some fancy things in the i3 config. For example, you can create a confirm prompt for closing windows after you hit $mod+Shift+Q. I'd have to look that one up again as well, though.


I've been trying to use Ranger but it sucks for when you need to upload something because it doesn't have any substitute for drag&drop as far as I'm aware. Also I haven't been able to figure out how to have ranger open a terminal in its current path, or launch a cli program using its current path as the path that the cli program will reference (e.g. open vim at the current path).


I use linux for both fun and profit. I'm no expert in it though. Proficient would be a suitable term. Profit wise, it's mostly computer infrastructure testing, and fun wise, I watch all my animus on it.


Can anyone suggest an applet for Mint Cinnamon that would allow me to display text in my panel? I'd like to display a quote in my taskbar.


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I feel like you could do this in a roundabout manner by adding a blank applet to your panel and maybe changing it's text/logo to say what you want.


Using xsnow in December is so comfortable.


How do I add a blank applet?


Link to the wall paper plss



I am a user of Debian GNU/Linux. WMs/'ricing' isn't really my forte, though. I'm generally a believer of software freedom, and I like having an OS which is stable, and has a good dev toolset. Namely the GNU utilities and an ecosystem of easy to install libraries and packages. This allows me to be very productive.
>There are still plenty of programs I like to use that are considered "bloated" by true minimalists.
Same, there is quite a bit of software out there which are architecturally poor, but I'm just happy that I have a more or less stable and Free operating system which is as feature rich as I need it to be. http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/


Personally I like to go off of https://suckless.org/{rocks|sucks}

I'm surprised people hate on gcc so much. I haven't had any problems with it and it seems to follow the philosophy of "do one thing and do it well". Then again I've only made very basic C programs so maybe this is something people come across when they use gcc for actual projects.


If you don't want to have to say you use GNU/Linux, use Alpine Linux which uses Clang. If you really want to follow the suckless philosophy, try Stali Linux.


I haven't used Linux. What's the benefit?


I'm going to excuse myself.
I have used Linux distributions such as Cent OS and Ubuntu on a VPS, but I have not used a Desktop version of them for very long. I did use the Unity version of Ubuntu, but I did not have any qualms with it.


It allows you to free yourself from GUIs, while still using them if you want.
Lots of people who try linux don't actually want to be freed from the GUI so they really hate it.


no, they hate it because learning a new OS is too hard and because muh gaymz


I'm not very computer savvy so I need some advise.

How is the markup on: https://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/system/Infinity-Xtreme-Pro-Gaming-PC ?

Am I being ripped off for buying this?


Yes. Absolutely.
Good lord that's a ridiculous amount of money for a stupidly chosen PC build



If you still want a pre-built, I'd go with http://www.ecollegepc.com/. As the name indicates, it's a more budget-friendly system builder.


I installed Arch with i3-gaps on my 5 year old laptop and it's amazing. Everything is lightning fast and adopting to tiling wm is much easier than I thought.


Has anyone used void linux? I am using arch right now but I'd like to switch to something without systemd because i am annoyed that shutdown randomly takes up to a minute because of some running services that have to be terminated.


not Void linux, but Debian in my experience shuts down pretty fast. still has systemd though but what can you do. At least it's setup is fast, relatively customizable, and stable as a rock


If you've gotten good at using windows, and don't need or want a free (or free) system then there's no benefit.

If windows frustrates you, nowadays linux is often easier to use. Not so much redundancy and corporate playing-it-safe with configuration and troubleshooting.

Online help is not polluted with clueless forum post count fetishists referring you to the online manual or the official troubleshooting program. Elder linux wizards will more actively try to assist in solving your problem. It's partly because linux is more nicely put together, easier to read.


Honestly there are a few types of people who want to use it. Enthusiasts who honestly enjoy the whole experience, schizos who think the microsoft-CIA-FBI-NSA niggers care about their shitposting habits, people who use it for their hobbies/work, I think that's pretty much it. If you're not into programming, you're not concerned about privacy and you don't care abut anything else that gnu/linux has to offer, then you're probably going to stick with windows which is what you've probably always used because it just works and that is enough.


>it just works

genuine lol


Use ArchBSD (PacBSD) lol. https://systemd-free.org might be of interest if you want to stick with Arch.
Devuan exists. I'm computer illiterate, but I was able to install Debian Jessie without systemd with a step-by-step YouTube video so unless the situation's gotten significantly worse there shouldn't be too much of a problem.



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i've been using linux for so long i forgot what windows look like


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Distro-hopping Linux became a hobby of mine when I was in 5th grade, I got a bunch of spindles of blank CDs for my birthday and would download and install any distro I could get my hands on. I didn't have any good reason for doing it other than this is entirely something a wizling would do.

The design of GUIs from back in that day are such a component of my youth. Sometimes I will get bored and install one of those old window managers that are still available from modern repos but haven't changed in function or appearance for 15 years.


I tried linux before but I like my gaymen programs too much. I found myself spending more time in windows simply because it was easier than restarting every time I wanted to play a game.


Some network jobs require to know how to use Linux console, not necessarily the operation system itself. What did they mean by this?
What is the best way to get familiar with it?


Been using Linux in school for programman, etc. It's excellent.

>What is the best way to get familiar with it?
Daily use, I suppose.


I think I am going to unironically install gentoo. I really need to ditch gaming because it is wasting too much of my time. Gentoo because I like having full control of my system.


I took a class in college that were about linux system administration. They were little more than learning text editors, bash scripting, and console commands. I assume that is what those jobs mean by knowing how to use the Linux console.


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Forgot this was is one of the ultimate rtfm linux distros. Installing it isn't so bad, it is just all the manual reading that takes time. Not really complaining as this is what I wanted. Installing this OS isn't as bad as it was a few years ago, I remember being forced into using the command line, now there is a live disk. Must've been added sometime in the past 6 years.


Lubuntu on two shitty old laptops, Xubuntu on two SBCs. They're all serving as seedboxes. I run Windows on my main machine (for gaemz) and use ruTorrent and SSH when I need Linux for whatever.


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bspwm is much better
freedom in every sense of the word, security, choice, customizability, control, technically superior OS, etc etc
nothing but benefits really


I decided to ditch gentoo and went with void linux instead. Having to wait for every god damn thing to compile got real old, really fast. Void seems to be exactly what I want, with the added bonus of being fairly easy to understand.

Now hopefully things wont randomly break in updates with this distro like they do with arch.


I'd switch to linux but i heard games shit themselves on it and there's a lot of programs windows has has sub par replacements


If you have an old pc tossed around you can always install Linux on it just to mess around with it. I don't know if you'll be praising it like crazy as >>40300 though. I have messed around with a couple of distros and if you're not familiar with Linux it won't feel great. It feels like it's hard and annoying to do even basic tasks. What I'm saying is there's a learning curve there before you begin to appreciate it. It requires some effort.



Linux is really something for programmers and computer engineers. Not saying that it makes those jobs any easier, it is just that you need to have a genuine interest or love of computers and how they function to enjoy linux. You also have to be patient and be willing to read a lot of documentation. If are the type of person who never reads error messages in detail, or even give a fuck about how your computer decides to load programs then linux isn't for you.

Yea, you will find some diehard linux fanatics who say "but there are distros that makes things easy for the novice!" But that is a load of horseshit. No matter what distro you chose you will find yourself on some forum, reading ancient posts where half of the replies are like "This isn't that much of an issue, just read the 5,000 page long man page." or something equally as ridiculous. Those easy to use distros are just easy to install, until you run into a special hardware configuration that requires you to download and compile a driver that will likely run into make errors because kernel updates do break old source codes. Then you will need to manually install the driver, which will seem like an arbitrary and arcane set of commands to the type of user who needs a "user friendly" distro. You will constantly run into tiny problem like this while you use it, and if you never learn about what you are doing, you will end up with a broken system that can only be fixed with a chroot, which is something that you can only really do if you actually know linux and what is needed to fix your system.


I said this earlier in the thread:
>Lots of people who try linux don't actually want to be freed from the GUI so they really hate it.
This is the problem for looking for 'replacements' for software in linux- most often there's simply no need to try and find an equivalent since in linux you do whatever it was completely differently. That's most people's problems, they try to use linux as if it were windows and it's miserable for them.

Instead of looking for straight replacements you need to try and find another way of reaching the desired result.

Also forget most games. You can play a bunch of simple stuff and there's a good deal of stuff that works well on linux- like FTL or Dwarf Fortress. But for real games you need a windows install somewhere.
This could be in a VM with GPU passthrough, or just dual boot (better with SSDs for that fast boot time). If you go dual boot, install windows first to make it easier. Installing linux then windows requires going back and fixing the bootloader since windows removes all other bootloaders when it installs.


It's pretty pleasant to use linux inside a VM since there's no hardware issues.



How long have you been using gnome 3? I remember how it was almost universally hated on release. I see the look hasn't really changed since then so I suppose most gotten over it.

I'm using it right now and I still hate how it take more clicks to do just about everything, but I still prefer it to the alternatives


>games shit themselves
those that don't work natively tend to do that yes, but wine can run a lot of games rn
those that are really important (visual novels, touhou games) work flawlessly
>there's a lot of programs windows has has sub par replacements
there may be a few like some CAD software and some Adobe programs, but what I use on Linux either has no equivalent on windows, can be compiled for windows since it's open source or has only sub par proprietary (closed source) replacements


>bspwm is much better
Funny you mention that. Before I (>>39605) checked back on this thread just now, I had already installed it to potentially switch over to it. I'll have to see for myself, of course, but it looks promising.


>CAD software
BricsCAD is commercial, proprietary software, but significantly cheaper than AutoCAD and it's supposed to be fully Linux compatible, its developers claim they run it on their personal Linux laptops. I've never worked with it on Linux but it does its job well enough for serious work in Windows, it even has good CADWorx integration. Several European and a few Asian engineering companies already switched to it instead of AutoCAD.

In open source though yeah there's nothing even slightly close to ready for serious eng/design projects. This is probably true for most specialty purposes; compromises still have to be made.

Proprietary+GNU+Linux isn't current generation gaming desktop material, but it also isn't crippleware for hobbyist hackers right now, it's not the mid-90s anymore, there are decent proprietary drivers and decent proprietary software packages that can run on top of the free software system to provide most users with most of the functionality they need, so long as freedom isn't their goal or a deeply held value, and if someone's sticking with Windows then it certainly isn't one of theirs.


>really important (visual novels, touhou games)

I don't play either of those.

> but what I use on Linux either has no equivalent on windows

Like what?


I'm currently using dwm on void linux w/ custom hardened kernel, just updated to 4.14.

Thinking about switching over to use sway+wayland soon though.


>like what
a lot of command line programs that depend on POSIX system calls and the kernel, package managers, window managers, init systems, some features of the kernel itself like security features, services that I can actually configure and control (there's nothing equivalent to just wpa_supplicant+dhcpcd with a simple config for wifi, acpid that I can configure how I'd like, a nice system logger, etc), configurable kernel, etc

these are not exactly programs, but features I'd miss on windows, like unix pipes, the "everything is a file" model, sysfs, devfs, tmpfs, the ability to run on my system whatever I want and however I want and make it as minimal as I want, the ability to control and configure almost everything, to disable/enable features of individual programs prior to compilation, the modular nature of the system, the ability to understand how anything works, and in general the unix model is superior to windows in every way

I could probably go on and go into more detail, but hopefully you get the point


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Not to try and take away from what you've said, but I do think it's possible to at least get Windows looking pretty nice with Cygwin, Chocolatey, bbZero, LiteStep, and Launchy.


Alpine Linux uses gcc with musl iirc.

The reason it isn't technically "GNU/Linux" is because it uses busybox utils instead of GNU core utils.


I'm using Fedora 27 with KDE Plasma as the DE. It just works and is very customizable, I've been loving it.


Can't speak to anything else but Ubuntu 16.04 has prepacked wacom drivers with a gui. Also some really good libre alternatives to PS.


Why the fuck does tar produce non-deterministic results? That's insane. I spent hours today working on my backups and I almost went insane wondering why the SHA256 sums kept disagreeing. I use large encrypted tarballs too so every single operation took ages.


Huh, that's really weird. I'll have to test it out whenever I have access to my Linux box. There's a way around it according to stackexchange, at least.



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I tried Linux Mint in a VM and, while I liked most stuff, everything ran pretty hecking slow. I gave it 15 gbs and 2gb of ram and still, web browsers and videos would look like a slideshow.
I'm just scared that if I want to install ryzen I'll have to go to Linux. They keep saying how it's not optimized for windows 7, but I'm not going to install windows 10 in any manner whatsoever.
Is this just a very retarded idea? Is ryzen optimization with Linux good? Should I stick with windows 7 even though it's not optimized? Sorry I'm asking this here but I'm too much of an autist to ask in /g/ or similars. I know about the compatibility issues and Wine, but still, I'm frightened. At least I'd like to know what would be giving the slow performance. Maybe it's the CPU (Intel Core i3 2100 @ 3.10GHz), but I don't know
Sorry but I feel like breaking up at any second for my complete newfaggotry, first timer here.


Linux is perfectly fine even running on a potato computer. I run it on my chromebook (i3) without any issues. If you want to play games though, I would just stick with windows 7. The only issue I had was that HQ video streams would freeze sometimes. To fix that, I either closed a bunch of programs that were taking up CPU or by playing streams/videos with mpv. You probably won't have any issue if a shitty chromebook works


It's not normal for web browsers and videos to lag unless you're using a single board computer or something. You might want to try live booting too.

Also the linux optimization of ryzen might not be enough to offset the inefficiencies of running games using wine. You should probably just dual boot and use Windows 10 for windows-only stuff as 7 won't receive security updates forever.


Ive never used a distro in a VM that doesn't lag, it even lags in the live disc boot. But once installed I find Linux (any distro with a compositor aka all of the beginner ones) runs way smoother in general. You can expect it to run better after installed no matter what, VMs/live cds are for seeing features, they aren't going to run well


Is this majestic artwork your desktop?



Do you have the wallpaper? Thanks


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I wish. I saved it off of /g/. I would happily pay good money for someone to rice Windows if they can make even 8.1 look good.
Here you go.


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It is all gone long time ago. I just want to learn some "useful life hacks"
Will pic related work? I'm worried about those !!! warnings. This command took almost an hour.


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I am currently>>40301
>I decided to ditch gentoo and went with void linux instead.
I am currently running Void Linux, it's the first distro that I use as main system. However I recently thought about switiching to Gentoo because of the greater opportunities of customisation.


I am very interested in archlinux but i would need to buy another machine and monitor for the setup since i develop and learn with windows tools at the moment, also i play games at my current pc. When i have the money then i would definitely migrate linux and unleash all of my repressed c++ knowledge.


You can just setup archlinux as dualboot.


If you're a Linux beginner then I do NOT recommend you Arch. Better go with Arch-based Linux-for-noobs distros like Antergos or Manjaro.


>Will pic related work? I'm worried about those !!! warnings
sudo mkdir /usr/portage


Arch is nice and all but I'm too lazy to set that shit up.
My favourite is perpetually xubuntu due to the minimal configuration, and the lightweight DE.

It's the other way around, windows 7 isn't optimised for Ryzen. Microsoft is purposefully not adding support for newer CPUs to force people to migrate to their new botnet OS.
My advice is if you need games, or other windows applications, run linux as the host and then use GPU passthrough to a windows VM. You'll need lots of RAM, and two GPUs (integrated GPU counts). Lots of cores helps but Ryzen has that under control.
This way you're still technically using windows but it's not your host. So you never feed it more information than what games you play and for how long.


Surely it's simpler and more efficient to just dual-boot?


holy shit, any tips/resources/software reccomendations to help me build a fucking hot desktop like this? I'm running debian


Dual booting is a pain. VMs are actually excellent for work since you can pause it, back it up, and have it on tap without rebooting.

Fuck rebooting.


Is there a point to using a linux distro if you don't program or fuck all about comptuers?


Privacy for child porn my man


that's security by obscurity. keeping child porn on a windows machine with a decent setup is a million times safer. at most because it's harder for you to fuck it up by yourself thanks to windows having good default settings and being able to do it right without reading tons of documentation. at the very least because if you use windows nobody's going to think you're some kind of hacker or terrorist. other than that, I doubt that there's any proof that encrypting stuff on linux will make it harder for anyone to get to.
those two reasons to use linux are very good and shouldn't be just dismissed. another reason is, it's completely free, so if you find yourself unable to pirate windows, you'll have no other choice but to use it. other than that, you'll be better off with windows, that's just how it is.


To become a technomage, of course.
I'm a techno wizard. Unfortunately I'm bound by laws and shit.


After years of giving you guys linux guys shit, I am currently learning the ins and outs of Tails OS due to op-sec concerns and easy built in encryption.
Learning new IT stuff is actually kind of fun so far. Hopefully everything goes smoothly once I start putting what I learned in practice. Will be pissed if I fatally crash my main rig messing around with this stuff.


is this is a parody post? I can't tell. Nobody who cares about security at all uses Windows. Default settings fucking send all your keystrokes to Microsoft and give you an advertising ID for everything you do. Having any child porn on a windows pc connected to the internet probably instantly contacts authorities when it detects the hash value of the file.

Huge numbers of people use Linux now, not "hackers and terrorists". It's simply better than Windows and easier to use.


What you said about Windows is true for Windows 8-10, but 7 and below still put the user in control.


I run gentoo with win7 vm for vidya
Windows 7 is nice


> It's simply better than Windows
That is subjective
>and easier to use
That is false
> instantly contacts authorities when it detects the hash value of the file.
That is delusional
>Default settings fucking send all your keystrokes to Microsoft and give you an advertising ID for everything you do
That is true, at least for 8 and 10.


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>Huge numbers of people use Linux now


Over 2 Billion people use Android phones (linux).

A couple of weeks ago microsoft said they will put the whole linux kernel in windows. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/6/18534687/microsoft-windows-10-linux-kernel-feature

They have to because there is so much demand.

Huge numbers of people are flocking to IT and comp sci degrees, all will use linux (unless there are some fucked up universities out there? Mine had every STEM lab and course in linux). Then they spent decades writing software in linux like most companies.

Many servers run linux.

Hilarious how windows plebs have no idea about anything outside their pleb gayming 'friends' and their technologically illiterate families. Those people are irrelevant


You are going to hurt yourself reaching and stretching that hard.


You have to accept that there are two classes of computer users: if you think linux is hard to use, you're in the technologically illiterate class; you'll never get any privacy, security or usability until you educate yourself


It doesn't make sense for you to talk about how Linux is so easy that billions of people use it (Android!) and then argue that it's made for the "computer literate class" (such big brain). If we count "android users" then the average IQ of linux users is in the double digits and they're composed of people who willingly install spyware on top of what was already shipped in their phones.

I really liked this video.


linux has some cool tools, i use the gnuwin32 text utilities cat, cut, head, tail, sed, etc a lot. adding linux to windows just makes windows better though, basically even more features will be easier and available now. they are doing big updates to the command line as well, i'll be able to do any linux stuff pretty soon without having to leave windows

the main draw i think is that it's free. many governments, organizations, agencies, etc switch to linux because there is no cost. like the open libre/office stuff instead of microsoft office, and more importantly ubuntu or similar distros instead of windows. it hasn't worked out in some cases, but linux for normal desktop usage seems to be getting better as time goes on


not him, but linux isn't very great for general computer use, I got tired of my system just randomly breaking from just doing simple stuff like updating software that I don't even bother with linux any more, it's not that it's hard to use, it's just really annoying and bothersome unless you get a completely tailored experience like with android or mac os. If people want to do their programming on linux then that's fine with me, but I'm not going to waste my time with it. I personally run windows 10 LTSC, and I think it's great.


Well WindowsXP in QEMU is even better and safer.


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Any GNU/Technomancers here?
What about creating an IRC channel on #Freenode for our kind?


I have to dual boot due to university purposes, although I'm dual booting into linux and not windows if you look at it. Manjaro + i3 is very comfy but things break and I'm too lazy to fix them most of the time (for example brightness controls). More hardcore setups like arch, dwm, etc. are what I'm aiming to switch to in the future althogh they may not be for me.


So does anyone have any exp or tips about TailsOS or no?
Never used a OS of a thumbstick before.


dwm is nice if you know a bit of C, if you aren't a programmer I'd stick to something like jwm or i3. If you try out dwm it pays to set up a git repo for your build so you can roll back if you fuck up at all. st is a bit of a meme, no features out of the box, but if you've got nothing better to do it can be fun fucking around with it I guess?


What do you need to use it for?
It's pretty intuitive so I can't think of any tips, but it's great for doing banking and stuff if you're a paranoid individual


Anarchist stuff…
Mainly making certain transactions without being traced, taxed, or interfered with by the tyrannical government.

I am just worried I might fuck something up and brick my computer. Which is usually a risk when installing a OS you are unfamiliar with.


Sounds like an epic LARP to me,
But whatever you're using it for there's no way it can brick your computer it won't touch your actual hard drisk and it doesn't log in with root access by default so there's no issues.

Just go on their website, they have pretty simple instructions to get it set up..


I guess I am a bit paranoid after fucking up a fat ps3 when I was trying to root it, and also killing a old mac when I tried to get it to duo boot windows back in the 00s.
Better to ask first and prevent something being broken then after it is already broke.
Well I will read over the documentation again on their site just to be sure.


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using manjaro architect minimal install, it's really nice, also I love gnome, tried out a whole bunch of different dms, nothing compares, it's great

I used arch before and liked it but I don't have time to install that crap, definitely recommend manjaro, but use architect version


Hi, Andrew


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I've been using arch with i3 for the first time, and im having a lot of fun.
Like you, OP, im always more productive on my linux than i am on my windows.


As someone who uses Manjaro and want be a programmer someday I can say Linux is perfect to me, I think I will move to Debian after a year using Manjaro since Debian is the Linux distribution I need know to get some Linux certification.
I'm really productive using Manjaro since I have everything to learn how programs and create software and also have things relief stress like Stellarium and a media player to hear music and watch anime.
I'm truly happy with Linux.


Today I was playing around with Manjaro-architect and accidentally cleared the hard drive. I kept encountering some problems, probably with systemd, and gave up after about 3 hours. I decided to just download the i3 edition on sister's laptop and install it.


How do yo accidentally wipe a hard drive? I hope you didn't loose anything important.

Also as someone that's been using dwm for just over a year, don't bother with tiling window managers for machines (or users) that you don't plan to do work with. Tiling windows are annoying as fuck if you wanna play games and shitpost~ plus it's nice having a different user and environment for work/play as it stops you from procrastinating

As far as systemd goes, I don't really have strong opinions, but most of my machines (excluding desktop) run systemd and there doesn't seem to be issues. I do think other init systems are easier to understand, and are easier to fix when problems arise however.
It just blows that pulseaudio doesn't work without it, ALSA is good, but if you want to record stuff you have to play around with jack and ALSA loopback devices which is a huge pain ._.


Andrew the Wizard


Really 'yaoi' looking resource heavy de. i3wm and other tiling managers are superior to any desktop environment
Those distros are total garbage. Just use Debian, well tested, stable, uses apt, no useless additional software/configuration in the basic install and it also works out of the box.


>'yaoi' looking
what does that even mean


Yaoi means gay in the 'best foreign language'


I find Source Mage GNU/Linux to be the fastest distro i've used, since it uses bash scripts and doesn't have that much steps unlike Gentoo.
Unfortunately I just stuck with Gentoo for reasons, but I really do miss it's simplicity and speed.

Guy seems to be using Cygwin X11 for *nix terminals that are able to display images and a bb4win type window manager. As for the rest, I don't know since I kept my setup slim.


Been using a bootable USB off and on to try out liunx for edgy anarchist reasons.
While on paper the security it offers is good, actually using it is a pain and I don't like not having assess to the vast majority of softwere that I prefer when booted up in it.

How long does it take to get used to Linux, because now that the novelty has worn off I see no reason why I should use it other then covering my ass when connecting to tor and managing encrypted partitions.


I have two questions.

1) Windows 7 support is ending this month. What distro should I use if I care about security and privacy but willing to make concessions for daily use?

2) Is there a good resource to learn Linux system administration? It sounds interesting but I don't know what a good resource for it would be or look like.


I use antix with xfce and gdm.

1. It nice
2. It fast
3. It simple for a middleweight like me
4. No systemd
5. Debian based
6. Great for a basic install to build upon
7. I don't care about political

linux suck but is the best os just because of the combination of least suckage and widespread support. Still better than osx; still way better then winblows pay-us-dummy spyware for babby. Never touched BSDs or solaris. Plan 9 is distributed os and pointless for 99% of people. Positive about the latter 3 is that only 2 people use them (Ritchie has a dual-boot) so you WILL code your own tools or at least become compiler master if you want to use.


>What distro should I use if I care about security and privacy
If you care about "privacy", then you'd be best off not using the internet at all. It's still fazing to see people, especially in sites off the beaten path like this, spouting these marketing buzzwords as if they actually have a reason to be any more "secure" or "private" than they had ever been in the past. What are you reasons for demanding those things to such an extent that you'd have to abandon the OS you're comfortable with to obtain them?

Windows 7 will be fine for ever unless you try to install some pajeet driver manager or something. Hackers and other ruffians have long moved on to the more vulnerable Windows 10. Better yet, ransomware and general data stealing is all centered around cellphones these days. Any normalfag who needs a PC to do what their phone doesn't will use a Macintosh anyway.

Any version of any distribution of any OS is safe if the operating user doesn't do stupid stuff like download and install random programs from banner ads. And has a firewall.


I suggest just using xubuntu. Most of the distros are very similar. This one is the most usable, and if you go meaninginfully deeper into privacy youll end up in a rabbithole of timewasting that isnt worth it imo. Especially if you're coming from windows you should just pick whatever is most easy to use

I disagree. In terms of security and privacy, windows and linux are not comparable at all. Linux is like having an arm, windows is like having an arm riddled with bone cancer, not using the internet at all is like having no arm


Wanted to try WSL in windows 10 so I turned on a laptop I never use that has it installed. To use WSL you need a pretty recent update of windows, the laptop spent SIX HOURS updating to get to the latest version. It reinstalled applications I had removed just before updating and resetted all system settings including predeterminated software. I have no idea how windows users can tolerate this kind of behaviour. I'm guessing they believe this is normal for computers and those who have enough money are the ones buying macs.


Forgot to say the system is also very slow and clunky and the interface is not consistent it seems to have different design/styles in each menu.


I don't know what kind of fuckery you are doing with your system but I have never had any of that shit happen with a update.
My primary is win 10 but I occasionally use other OS like Tails.


Windows updates are fucking insane

I have no idea how they take so long. There is no technical justification for it possible. Must be terrible code.


With a high end gaming PC I still had random Windows 10 updates take over 30 mins at least, often happening with no warning


Dude, it usually takes around 5 minutes.
The only long update I can think of is when updating a old device that hasn't been updated in years. Yeah that first update can take awhile.


Never happened to me or anyone I know.
Win 10 has never just forced updated while I was in the middle of something, and it didn't take 30 minutes.


before i successfully stopped my win10 updates they regularly took over an hour. it's a really stupid thing. you have no control over anything especially on home versions.


The difference may be that i didnt use that drive very regularly so windows would get out of date by months

Made me even less likely to boot into windows because it would always take a ridiculously long time to do anything


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GNU/Linux stuff is the only thing that keeps computer stuff interesting for me. I work as tech support now but I plan to move into sysadmin and devops stuff in the near future. My O/S is arch with dwm as the window manager.


I installed Debian a couple days ago in dual boot with Windows.

I can see why it's not as popular as Windows or Mac for a run-off-the-mill person. There is a lot of voodoo and trial and error involved to get it working properly, to get different programs work together and not interfere. Perhaps it's involves less hassle with more popular components (GNOME etc.).

> Two monitors setup. Pick Xfce as desktop environment. Can't pick the primary monitor, always takes the left monitor in the settings as primary, no matter the actual primary setting. Problem has been existing for years.

> Try LXQt. 1. Locking the screen just doesn't work. 2. Can't configure wallpapers properly: sees both screens as one big screen, and stretches the wallpaper across it. 3. Experience screen tearing, but only on my external monitor and only in Firefox.

> Try fix screen tearing. I need to enable composition pipeline settings for Nvidia. A little bit better, but didn't fix the issue. Looks like I also need compton package, I'm not sure why and what it is (does a bunch of things). But, now compton interferes with nitrogen program that I used as a workaround to set wallpaper. It also interferes with Nvidia pipeline settings that I set in autostart as one guy recommended in a video about screen tearing. Ok, I'll set this setting in a config file instead, maybe that will help. It did help. To cut the story short: after a million different combinations and permutations of settings, million times logging in and out, rebooting, I finally got it working.

Still it's not ideal. Here's how my boot looks:
1. Display manager. Before I configured the pipeline settings for Nvidia I had a duplicate screen on my external monitor. Now I only see the login screen on my laptop screen, the external monitor is fully black, yet I see a cursor on it (I don't remember whether the cursor movement is duplicated or if I can just move my cursor in there).

2. After I log in. I see debian background on both screens. Screens start flickering off intermittently a couple times. Debian background gets distorted on my external monitor. Panels appear. Finally proper wallpapers are loaded.

3. When I switch the user, I see the old wallpapers for half a second before this new user's wallpapers get loaded.



Found these keybinds to allow tiling in openbox, and I find it very convenient.


I don't really care about minimalism (I use emacs and stumpwm) but I really like tiling wms because it's so much easier to organize windows. It's hard to go back to floating window managers.

If you're new to linux I think that ubuntu is the best option for distro, I have never had any trouble when using ubuntu(that wasn't my own creation).


anyone bitter with win10 can check out the win10 AME project

quoted from https://ameliorated.info/ :

Windows 10 AME aims at delivering a stable, non-intrusive yet fully functional build of Windows 10 to anyone, who requires the Windows operating system natively. Spyware systems, which are abundant in Windows 10 by default, have not been disabled using group policy, registry entries or various other workarounds – they have been entirely removed and deleted from the system, on an executable-level. This includes Windows Update, and any related services intended to re-patch the system via what is essentially a universal backdoor. Core applications, such as the included Edge web-browser, Windows Media Player, Cortana, as well as any appx applications, have also been successfully eliminated. The total size of removed files is about 2 GB.

Great effort has been invested in maintaining the subsequent system’s stability, bug-free operation and user experience, as many of these removed services conflict with core Windows 10 features.


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>two monitor setup problems
Slow down, friend. Neither xfce, lxqt, compton, etc, are doing much themselves. Remember, all these programs are built on top of X (also called xorg, x server, x11, etc, for historical reasons but I will simply call it X).

1. Multiple monitors

If you want to use mulitple monitors, projectors, or external monitors this is to be addressed through your X configuration in /etc. When a window manager/desktop environment like XFCE presents you options to use multiple monitors, all it's doing is changing the configuration files under /etc/X11. You can edit these files yourself with any text editor.


A program like xrandr can be helpful for retrieving information on monitors and creating new X configuration files.


2. Screen tearing

Why do we have screen tearing? X doesn't know how programs want to be rendered, as X is used on everything from laptops to fridges, so it doesn't perform double buffering. Additional rendering like this (double buffering, screen effects, transparency, etc) is the role of a compositor program. X provides a composite extension, but it's up to compositors like compton, picom, or your window manager to do the work. Depending on which window manager you're using you may not need to install anything.


3. Wallpapers

In X the background is just another window, called the root window. Programs like nitrogen or feh just replicate what xsetroot does. You could add xsetroot to your .xinitrc in ~/, and it will set the root window to a colour or background image you want. That's likely what's happening behind the scenes.

The main point here is that installing lots of programs oftentimes confuses things more. There's no mystery to how Linux works: the kernel presents everything as regular files, and programs read or write to these files, including your screen (/dev/fb0, /dev/dri/card0, /dev/tty). Therefore, the program that writes to your screen (run top and look for Xorg) is where your attention is best spent.


> xfce - monitors
my dual monitor issue is actually a bug in xfce, which was, I believe, fixed in a later version than Debian has (currently 4.12.5)


at least i didn't have any of these issues in lxqt, everything worked right away, and it uses the same X11 configuration

> wallpapers

thanks for idea, i will try to set it through the config file


>my dual monitor issue is actually a bug in xfce
Yes, and as you read in the first report:

>2012-01-10: The problem is that you cannot specify the primary display in a dual head setup. Normally you would use the xrandr command: xrandr –output CRT1 –primary to set the external screen as primary, so it gets the XFCE panel.

>2012-01-11: Xfce does not call xrandr CLI. It uses directly the API functions of libxrandr. That means, additional logic that is in xrandr executable should be reimplemented in Xfce code.
>2012-01-11: There's already code in xfce4-display-settings to support that feature. It should set an output as primary if the property /Default/<screen id>/Primary is true (e.g. /Default/LVDS1/Primary). And if you set an output as primary using xrandr and open xfce4-display-settings later, it shouldn't override the property.

This means you can fix it yourself if you wanted, using xrandr or by manually configuring the files under /etc/X11. There's no difference between what XFCE does and what xrandr does, they both use the same library which itself is built on an extension X offers.


>In X the background is just another window, called the root window. Programs like nitrogen or feh just replicate what xsetroot does. You could add xsetroot to your .xinitrc in ~/, and it will set the root window to a colour or background image you want. That's likely what's happening behind the scenes.

I only see the backgrounds I set with feh or xsetroot when I stop the desktop service (pcmanfm-qt).


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I'm not familiar with lxqt, but the readme for pcmanfm-qt (https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt#pcmanfm-qt) says:

>The file manager functionality should be self-explanatory, handling of the desktop deserves some notes:

>To handle the desktop binary pcmanfm-qt has to be launched with switch –desktop set. Optionally switch –profile can be used to save settings specific to certain session types like the different desktop environments.
>In LXQt sessions, PCManFM-Qt is launched with theses switches set as LXQt Module.
>To configure the desktop there's a dialogue "Desktop Preferences". Technically it corresponds with launching pcmanfm-qt with switch –desktop-pref set. It is available in the desktop's context menu and included as topic "Desktop" in sub-menu Preferences - LXQt settings of the panel's main menu as well as the Configuration Center of lxqt-config.
>All switches (command line options) mentioned above are explained in detail in man 1 pcmanfm-qt.

It may be then that you can disable pcmanfm-qt from overwriting the wallpaper set using xsetroot, feh, or nitrogen if launched without the –desktop switch (likely under ~/.config/lxqt). That way you could keep the file manager side of pcmanfm-qt and use your own solution, like nitrogen, to handle your wallpaper.

You may also find these articles useful:
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LXQt
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LXDE
There are sections on compositors to stop screen tearing and setting up a lock screen, which were things mentioned earlier.

There's also this issue which appears to mirror >>55242 (if you're the same anon): https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/1175

The dev seems pretty intransigent about addressing this issue with wallpapers, which is a poor attitude to have to users. My impression is this is being made more complicated than it needs to be. If you like openbox, which lxqt is built around, you can run it by itself without lxqt if you want (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Openbox) then you are free to set your wallpapers and monitors up however you want.


I've actually been thinking almost since the the installation of Debian about using only a window manager, i like simplicity, but I'd been a bit intimidated to migrate, since I'd never used only a window manager much before for everyday use. I guess I'll do it sometime soon. Gotta read about what components I would need, what to install, what to delete, perhaps this Arch wiki page will help. Shouldn't be too hard.


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GNU/Linux user since 2004 reporting in. Only using for simple tasks and it just works. Started with Debian and recently moved to Busenlabs (going to Devuan someday).


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Started reading 2 or 3 days ago. Fell asleep reading last night. Was very sleepy while absorbing lots of knowledge. Started with programming documentation, and am now no longer stagnant. Also reading math and such.

Here's what I'm reading right now aside from documentation for specific programs:
>Calculus, by Stewart
>Computer Architecture, by Dumas II
>The C Programming Langauge
>Digital Logic with Verilog Design, by Brown and Vranesic
>Euclid's Elements
>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Have my .xinitrc set to open all the pdfs I'm currently reading or might read with zathura+tabbed. Going to always keep them open so I can decide to read in an instant.


I started reading SICP, but I already have difficulties solving 1.7 (the new formula won't be a problem, it's the explaining of why this function fails for really big or small numbers that I find difficult).

> zathura

I like zathura, the only issue is that it doesn't support epubs on debian, there is no zathura-pdf-mupdf in the repositories.
But I use it for pdfs. When I read a PDF book, I like to open two zathura windows next to each other with the same book and in one I read the book, and in the other look up additional information if there is any: maps, additional notes, etc.


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Hmm interesting idea. Do you happen to know how to add indexes to ebooks without them?


I think there is no easy way to do it, but you can probably do it somehow manually. .epub is an archive, so you would probably have to unpack it, edit it, and then convert it back to .epub again.

As for PDFs, I suspect it should be possible too. You could also manually add bookmarks with zathura for every chapter. This wouldn't be a proper index, but you can still list your bookmarks etc.


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>haven't updated in nearly a year
>prepare for the worst
>everything works besides gtk file picker


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I haven't touched my computer (a shitty little laptop) in a while.

But I m still interested in linux. Not really from a user perspective, I am interested in linux at the lower level: kernel development, putting together a system, etc.
Lately I've been toying with the idea of getting back into it. Especially learning aboht the kernel.
I guess I'm trying to figure out what to do first, for some reason my lappy no longer can boot most usb live images of linux (it does manage to boot the bsds and plan9, but on linux it almost always panics right away).
Perhaps I should try older versions, so far I have managed to boot only tiny core linux (I also have a limited bandwidth and downloading 1G every time I want to try some distribution is a problem).
I tried once to do LFS from tiny core and ran into compilation issues, as expected. Perhaps I try again.
Sourcemage was actually my first stop, but sadly it's been unmantained since 2017 or so. I might try running it anyhow, if it worked 3 years ago in my lappy it hould still run, perhaps I could take it from there.

Afterwards I would take a dive into kernel source code and see if I can fulfill my dream. One particular thing that interests me is to learn how exactly the components are interdependent on a specific version scheme, how they fit together and also why they break apart. Does anyone have any resources on that?
Thank you.


>for some reason my lappy no longer can boot most usb live images of linux
probably because most distros don't offer 32bit images anymore


because the developers are faggots


It's not that, distributions almost always come in 32bit and 64bit flavors. But they both won't boot. Failed to moint rootfs or something like that, most of the time. They're live iso images. O suppose there's some bootloader setting I need to set.
Anyway tinycore does load, and I just realized sourcemage's latest version is actually from 2019. I'll try installing with the chroot image.


That sounds like it could miss some drivers for whatever medium you're booting off.
If it's complaining about the rrotfs it must have booted the kernel and initramfs already and croaks because it can't see your device anymore once the kernel takes control.


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Been using ledger (ledger-cli.org) to do personal accounting, trying out using it for accounting time instead of money. Made this crude script to try to make it a bit easier to use. This script is bound to super + t so when I press that it prompts me to choose what activity I am recording in dmenu, and then it records it until I press super + t again and then it adds it to the ledger.


Embarrassing, two of those lines did nothing. Here's the script with those removed and comments added.


# If another process of this script is already running...
if [[ "`pidof -x $(basename $0) -o %PPID`" ]] 

then	# ... then end the 'sleep' process withinin that process, which will cause it to finish.
	kill "$(pstree -lp | grep -- -lfun\([0-9]*\)---sleep | sed "s/.*sleep(\([0-9]\+\)).*/\1/")" 

else	# Else it will record the starting time, the activity name and wait to be finished by another process of this script.
	START=$(date +"%s")	
	NAME="$(echo -e "Amusement\nReading\nCoding\nWalking" | dmenu -i)"
	sleep infinity
	# When it finishes it will add data to the ledger file
	echo -e "\n$(date --date="$STARTs" +"%Y-%m-%d")\n\tTime:$NAME\t\t\t$(echo "$(date +"%s") - $START" | bc)s\n\tmyday" &gt;&gt;~/dox/fin/time


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Made it more robust and also made use of the double entry. I can now set goals and records of an activity will take away from the goal time.

On the left is the file that:
a. my script writes to
b. I manually added goals to
c. ledger reads from

and the right is the actual use of ledger. The 'bal ac' line show the balance of Activity entries and 'bal goal' lines show the balance of Goal entries. using -d or –display "amount > 0" makes it show only positive entries, so I can use it to show time left on goals.



function log_activity {
	start=$(date +"%s")	
	activity="$(dmenu -i &lt; $ACTIVITY_LS)"

	# whitespace not allowed
	if [[ ! $(echo $activity | grep "^\S\+$") ]]
	then return

	sleep infinity

	echo -e "\n$(date --date="$starts" +"%Y-%m-%d")
\tActivity:$activity\t\t\t$(echo "$(date +"%s") - $start" | bc)s
\tGoal:$activity" &gt;&gt;$LEDGER

function endprevprocess {
	kill "$(pstree -lp |
		grep -- -lfun\([0-9]*\)---sleep |
		sed "s/.*sleep(\([0-9]\+\)).*/\1/")" 

function main {
	if [[ "`pidof -x $(basename $0) -o %PPID`" ]] 
	then endprevprocess
	else log_activity



>sleep infinity
god i wish that were me


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I've been using Linux for about 5-6 years now. Started out going through all the distros and DEs (if I had to rank them, I honestly kind of miss Unity. Ended up settling for KDE, with a soft spot for XFCE. Solus/Budgie was kind of cool, but it sort of lost its luster after Ikey left. As far as distros, I mostly have a hard time seeing anything but Arch as being sensible at this point, but I'm strongly considering NixOS or Guix. Currently using Arch with suckless stuff like dwm, dmenu, st, etc.).

My end goal was always the cool, WM-only, TUI driven setups you saw in desktop threads and the like. Finally got around to setting something up like that recently, and while it's nice in some ways, I've quickly realized the limitations of such a setup. It's honestly starting to seem like something like Emacs is a superior option, if a largely text-based interface is what you're after–consistent keybindings across every program, a more unified configuration file/configuration language, and a much greater degree of flexibility and interoperability between the programs you use. The fact that it's a graphical program and capable of supporting images and the like without janky hacks is nice, too. The "help" functions are incredibly robust, and I can see them lending themselves to making it very easy to modify and extend Emacs.

Still, I'm finding it to be a tough nut to crack. The default keybindings seem a little cumbersome compared to vim so far, and most of the internal manual seems geared largely at its use as a text editor. I'm a little reluctant to use evil mode, since I suspect it might detract from the tightly integrated experience I keep hearing about with Emacs. Maybe I'm missing something, but the buffer/window management seems a little cumbersome, too. Still, I'd like to get autistic with the "Emacs as an OS" concept, so I'll share my experiences eventually.


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I like Arch a lot, but I hate systemd even more. I really wish they'd ditch it, but that will probably never happen.


I've never cared for Emacs; I've always greatly preferred vi. Then again, I cut my teeth on IRIX and SunOS where vi was factory installed, and Emacs wasn't. It's a matter of opinion, unlike systemd which is objectively crap.


>I like Arch a lot, but I hate systemd even more. I really wish they'd ditch it, but that will probably never happen.
Well, there's always Artix. I think it even supports oddball stuff like s6. I've thought about moving over to it myself because I quite like runit.

>I've never cared for Emacs; I've always greatly preferred vi. Then again, I cut my teeth on IRIX and SunOS where vi was factory installed, and Emacs wasn't. It's a matter of opinion, unlike systemd which is objectively crap.

So far, I dislike Emacs from the perspective of text editing, over which I'd take vi/vim any day. I'm much more interested in Emacs from the perspective of being an "OS", as the memes often go. To my understanding, "evil mode" is quite effective in implementing vim as a subset of Emacs, and I may still try it out yet, but I figured I'd at least give the default Emacs experience a chance.


I generally prefer vi over Emacs. But I see the value in Emacs and often miss some things about it. I actually found it's buffer management more convenient than that of vi. Also I like it better as a GUI editor (as opposed to CLI), but I never cared to earn enough to use it as my daily workspace, though the idea seems nice. It's just the huge manual, and I feel lost.
I am also very much used to the terminal workflow, a bit too much.
The editing bindings for vi are far superior, and the CTS inducing ones of Emacs turn me away, but I gotta admit some of them are super convenient and I actually use them all the time in the terminal (C-e, C-a, M-b, M-f, M-Del, and so on).
Also lisp.
But I just don't care to learn enough of it to use it as it is intended, modifying it's behavior here and there. Perhaps I should…


Right now I'm working with user account control stuff. I'm learning how to add, delete, and modify accounts. I want to learn more about chmod too since I don't have much of a grasp on it. Also, I want to make shortcuts so I can access the terminal quickly. I'm running Manjaro right now, but I might change to something related to Ubuntu's(?) style of commands to learn about it. I like Manjaro for the rolling updates. I might want to learn more about manually updating since that scares me.

I use Linux for fun but want to turn it into profit.


By Jove Windows is garbage.
I want to compile a C program to output some data and then use R to create several graphs and save them as PNGs. On Linux I would do this:
>Press CTRL+T to open terminal
>nano myfile.c
>g++ myfile.c
>./a.out | R (some arguments)
>viewerprogram 01.png 02.png 03.png 04.png
>Done. Simple as.
On Windows there are a lot of retarded trials involved just to get a compiler for C. VC++ is the most common, but that's 12 gigabyte program that uses 2 gigabytes in RAM and takes nearly 10 seconds to compile printf("hi"); instead of g++'s 0.05 seconds. You can use MinGW but it's completely retarded to get working reliably in Windows 10 and getting it to output the data to R will either require even more ridiculous fooling around or programming file input and output into the program instead of just piping the std output. Then of course you have to get R working.
Why do people say Windows just werks?


Well, after "living in Emacs" for a couple of months, I'm back to my old setup. It was a fun experience, but I just couldn't really get into it. I never really found the workflow or the keybindings to be terribly comfortable, and performance was a real issue, especially because I was using EXWM (which would, for example, freeze my entire desktop every time I reloaded my RSS feeds). Coming from a very terminal-centric environment, I felt like using it as "desktop environment" just felt too "detached" from the rest of the system–it doesn't help that all of the terminal emulators in Emacs kind of suck. It also felt more limited–like, you kind of have to do everything the "Emacs way". It also aggravated my autism a little bit that there were so many superfluous packages installed by default–Emacs comes bundled with multiple IRC clients, multiple mail clients, multiple terminal emulators, etc. It was kind of fun discovering some of the little easter egg programs, though.

A lot of the things that seemed advantageous on the surface didn't really pan out–for example, the built in documentation system was cool, but it seems like beyond the core documentation, most Emacs packages have pretty lackluster documentation and don't even bother including a manual half of the time. Having everything in one config file wasn't as nice as I thought it was going to be (I had to split a bunch of stuff into the early-init.el to keep boot times down, and you end up having to keep around a bunch of traditional dotfiles anyway). It was nice that everything had a consistent configuration language, but I also sometimes found myself missing the simplicity of traditional .conf files (one thing that annoyed me is that many packages alternate between setting options with variables and functions, the syntax is slightly different for both, and it's not always immediately clear which is which). Some things were really nice, though–the idea of everything being an editable text buffer was cool, and the keybindings were incredibly consistent across every package. dired is a fantastic file manager.

As soon as I returned to my old setup, which is focused around vi keybindings, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of me and I was so much more comfortable & efficient. Granted, a lot of that is probably just due to familiarity. I didn't deep dive into elisp, and I didn't take the time to really get a feeling for Emac's innards, so I wasn't able to accomplish as much with it as I can with shell scripting. I might still return to it someday, maybe I just didn't spend enough time really deep diving into it. I am definitely going to miss the hell out of org-mode.


I had never understood why people would go out of their way to complicate their own lives with no-gui/CLI only setups.

Why use vim/emacs when you can get the same done with an IDE and a mouse in half the time?

I can understand it if its only for fun and aesthetics but then I see people boasting about increased ""productivity"".

How? How would you even benefit from this?



>t. permanently stunted and crippled by gui since childhood

wiz we hardly knew ya :(


CLI only operating systems are more hardware efficient. They can also be more secure as they have less of an attack surface. It's ideal for hosting web services and I'm sure many other reasons.


I don't get it either. Spent a bunch of time using emacs and I just don't see the benefits. By that time I could've learned a new framework or programmed something useful. What a waste of time.

what's the point of hardware-efficiency in 2021? Seems like an excuse to "rock a cool looking cyberdeck".


I don't agree with the implication that CLI/TUI tools necessarily 'complicate' your life. To the contrary, half of the appeal (namely of CLI programs) is that they allow you to accomplish certain tasks in a far simpler, automatable way, contrast to a GUI that would require a lot of "manual labor" to achieve the same thing. For instance, in a very simple example, I could effortlessly move every file with ".jpg" as the extension to another directory with a command like "mv *.jpg ~/destination". In most GUI file managers, I would need to click a button to sort by filetype, then drag my mouse to select those files, then open the directory I want in the sidebar or another tab, then drag the files over to the destination. Of course, much of the appeal of Unix-like systems is that command-line programs are small, focused, and chainable with one another, such that you can perform fairly complex tasks simply. Scaled up to programs like dmenu, you can even simply implement custom interfaces and menus for your system, and your imagination/use cases are the only limit.

In the case of TUI programs, the appeal is generally that they treat keyboard control as a first class citizen, and are extremely configurable and extensible. For instance, in my file manager, 'ranger', I have keybindings that allow me to quickly travel to any directory on my system–I can type 'gmb' as shorthand for 'go ~/Media/Books', for instance. Or, I have another keybinding that runs a command that uploads the file(s) I have selected to a file-hosting or pastebin-style website, then copies that link to my clipboard. With a typical GUI file manager, I'd have to tediously open up my browser, then navigate to the file hosting website, then upload the file, then copy the link. It's also got useful built-in commands, like a bulk-rename feature that allows you to open up all of your listed files in a vim buffer, and rename them all at once (Emacs can do something similar in dired), or a 'flatten-directory' feature that allows you to view several nested directories as one single directory.

In either case, I think hardware efficiency is just a side-benefit (although, it can be a very meaningful benefit if you're using older or underpowered hardware). It's fair to argue that you pass a point where these micro-optimizations give diminishing returns, but I think it's absolutely worth it to learn how to use the CLI even if you still intend to primarily use a regular desktop with graphical applications. There are naturally some applications where a graphical interface makes more sense (like a video or image editor), but even then, you'd genuinely be surprised at how useful CLI tools (like ffmpeg or imagemagick) can be for certain tasks, particularly where automation is concerned. Emacs is kind of its own beast if you go deep enough down the rabbit hole, or just want a super extensible editor that you can do everything in. And lastly, as >>57120 hinted at, it's just plain fun to tinker around with.


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My life is much better after I found out how to rotate my screen. Makes using my computer at night when I'm laying on my side way better. It's like I have a super tall monitor. Tall images are way better this way also.

>xrandr –output [your output] –rotate [normal, invert, left, right]

>find your output device with just xrandr


Keyboard-only is much more efficient if you know what you're doing, but GUIs can have advantages; it's important not to be religious about it. I use an IDE because some of its features are useful, but have a vi plugin so that I can write and edit code more quickly. Another thing to consider is that you often encounter headless servers, so there is no GUI available. While you might think that a light DE doesn't cost much on modern hardware, it really does add up at scale.


I can't think of anything I want to customize or control on my computer that I can't do on windows.
I just browse the internet, watch things I've downloaded and play games.


YEESS! I've never seen somebody also tracking time with ledger. I personally use it to track the time I spend on social media (mostly YouTbe). Per hour I convert the time spent to like 1$ liabilities. Those I have to donate (for example to foss-projects).
If somebody wants to try it:
= /FreeTime:SocialMedia/
(Allocation:Harm)1 ;Value: (1/3600 USD)
= tag("allocation") == "Harm"
Just tag the donation transaction with "allocation: Harm" to pay the liabilities. Track the time in the account FreeTime:SocialMedia:Whatever


The post was directed to >>55840


How about the telemetry that is actively sending all sorts of data about you to various groups that you cannot turn off?


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youtube-dl currently doesn't work downloading age restricted videos from youtube, even with log in and cookies. The way I download such videos for now is by changing this setting in about:config then right clicking the video and saving it. You need an add-on that allows you to right click anywhere (I just have to hold shift and then no site can stop me from right clicking like on any other site). Without changing this option, on youtube the download video option will be greyed out. The option disables something that allows them to load videos in chunks vs altogether. Supposedly you cannot download high quality vids this way though.


i use invidio.us usually it works


Made a script to copy my ebooks to my ereader. Probably kinda bloated cause I was impressed with what I learned making it and I wanted to make it robust. Obscured my UUID in this.


ereader_uuid='****-****' #this is my kobo ereader

# error: e-reader not found
blk=$(lsblk -o +UUID | grep "$ereader_uuid")
if [ -z "$blk" ]; then
	echo 'e-reader not found; exiting';
	exit 1;

# makes the mount point directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -e "$ereader_mount_point" ];
	mkdir "$ereader_mount_point" &amp;&amp; echo "created '${ereader_mount_point}' mount point..."; || echo "Cannot create '${ereader_mount_point}' probably because of permissions; exiting" &amp;&amp; exit 1 # error: cannot create mount point directory, probably because of permissions

# mounts, copies files into and then unmounts the e-reader
echo 'e-reader found...';
mount "/dev/disk/by-uuid/${ereader_uuid}" "$ereader_mount_point" &amp;&amp; echo 'mounted e-reader'
cp -n *.{pdf,epub} "$ereader_mount_point" &amp;&amp; echo 'copied files...';
umount "$ereader_mount_point" &amp;&amp; echo 'unmounted e-reader...'
rmdir "$ereader_mount_point" &amp;&amp; echo "removed '${ereader_mount_point}' mount point..."


>Linux can make much more of old hardware performance wise.

This isn't always true especially now that AGP has been depreciated. In the case of PPC hardware, I know of at least one project that gutted Altivec code because it had been unmaintained.

One thing Linux does have going for it is running modern software on old hardware. You get important security updates. The push to put HTTPS everywhere and depreciation of SHA1 cuts off a large portion of the WWW on old Windows and Mac browsers.


Speaking of which, I saw this nugget on Hacker News and Lobste.rs. It's impressive, but I'd probably put Windows 95 on there if I still had a 486 machine.



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Debian with DWM?
You have my respect.

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