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I'm a corporate code monkey and have some saved up money that I'm not using for anything.

Is there anything worthwhile to do with it? Cryptos, stocks, index funds? Is it worth it to go through the boredom of researching with the hopes of someday exiting the rat race?

Any failure/success stories?


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Put it all into ChainLink
Quit your job come summer


Weed stocks, BLOZF and WEED


investing can be done in many ways. Here are the 2 most popular:

>get rich quick gambling

pick your favorite hyped crypto coin of the day and put your cream into it and hope it goes parabolic. High Profit/High Risk and you can lose everything or gain fortunes. The question is also if you can even cash out your millions because even the supposedly "high liquidity" exchanges often have limits of a few grand per week when you cant to get your money back. Most traders on localbitcoins will not do much more than 10K per transaction so this market is super illiquid and you would have to cash out slowly and while riding the train upwards.

>slow and steady

buy some blue chip stocks with your money that will give you dividends of about 3% of the price of the stock and just hold it. This way you get money for just holding the stock every year. After some years you get your initial investment back and you get to keep the stock which is valued higher in best case. Instead of blowing your dividends on toys you can reinvest those earnings in more stocks and get even more dividends each year. Complement this with real estate or real estate bonds to diversify risks. Buy some gold just in case we become weimar republic 2.0 and see inflation rates like zimbabwe or venezuela.

Good luck


Wizcoin when?


>asking a bunch of NEETs about investing

Spend that money on something you like, my dude, rather than likely losing it because you have no idea what you're doing.

You might as well put it all on red in a casino.
Alternatively, read a book.


>asking a bunch of NEETs about investing
Because smart employed people never make stupid investment decisions? Are you smarter than Isaac Newton?


People here are mostly teenagers or people on welfare. The few people that I've seen boasting about their wealth are LARPers or people who bought bitcoin at the start which means they just got lucky (you wouldn't ask a lottery winner for investment advice).

I'm just saying that any actual good investment advice isn't going to be found here. At best it'll be amateur advice and shilling for flavor of the month crypto.

Best thing OP could do is sit on his money and read a few books.


Investing now is a horrible idea. When you invest at the peak of a boom, the only place for your investment to go is down when the economy crashes. Just save until the crash and invest then, everything will be a better investment at the bottom of the crash. The boom and bust cycle caused by finance is the greatest fucking trick ever invented to let the rich get richer and the dumb idiots who don't know any better get played. Most people wait until business is booming and they've got lots of cash then invest it all and then immediately the economy crashes and they take huge losses and have to sell their shit back to the rich just to stay afloat for way less than they paid for it.


Hate that I have great investment opportunities when I have no money, but right when I get money, the price usually jumps in price or the ICO ends.


Step 1. Ignore cryptocurrency suggestions
Step 2. Invest everything in an S&P 500 index fund like SPY or VOO and hold forever
Optional Step 3. Educate yourself and diversify your single index fund with more index funds


horrible advice



>stocks at all time highs
>pumped by easy money from the fed
>easy money time is ending soon
>generally bad outlook on economy
if there is a market crash he can buy the same index for 40% less. I would not buy any stocks until dow jones comes down to 14'000 points.

>buying entire index

this is solid advice. While one single stock might do bad, it is very unlikely that the entire index will be fucked the entire time.

>buying foreign indexes

top advice. Any country with good growth prospects like vietnam should be on your list to research.


Invest in cocaine. Use it as fuel to start your own business. Worst case scenario you die as a junky but at least your not a wagecuck anymore.


>stocks at all time highs
On the other hand, price to earnings are relativly low.

>pumped by easy money from the fed

Low interest rates have been a factor, but currently tax reform and good earnings have been the main cause for the recent boost.

>easy money time is ending soon

If you mean the market won't go up another 20% in 2018, you are probably going to be correct, statistically speaking.

>generally bad outlook on economy

There is some general anxiety of a correction occuring in 2018, but that will hardly come as a shock seeing as how 2017 has been the best year in the history of the stock market, with twelve consecutive months of all time highs. Looking at the facts however, tax reform will increase the earnings of most companies by a nice chunk and expectations for the upcoming quarters remains strong across most sectors.

In the end, time in the market is better than timing the market, as they say. If you put your money in market tomorrow and it immedieatly went down 20%, well as much as it would suck it doesn't really matter in the long term. Just buy more if it goes down. Of course, there may not be a correction for another five years even and you would have missed out on a lot of money.


Everyone get into wanchain, 30x gains


Or end up in prison for decades.


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Can a wizzie help another wizzie out?

Can someone deposit $1 worth of ethereum into my wallet?

I can't withdraw any of my cryptocurrency without any gas.

Wallet address: 0x992f0dD8B1362283f230AF85f587F5465a938BDa

I will refund back $5 to your address after selling my LINK on binance, after I withdraw them from myetherwallet.


I always wondred what this gas stuff was that the ETH fags were talking about.


ok. wait a bit.



I already 4x my investment in 1 month and 15 days from LINK


Cape index is almost where it was before the Great Depression. Maybe I misunderstand but I believe this means the market is overpriced when you examine fundamentals across the
entire market. So this mean you could have been mislead to believe stock are a good value
when the opposite is true. Shiller, a leading
economist says all of this. There are a few Exparta who warn that some key differences make Shiller’s cape ratio an inaccurate measure. There are also many who believe CAPE is a great indicator. So many experts should not agree with your claim that stocks are a good deal right now according to P/E


>So many experts should not agree with your claim that stocks are a good deal right now according to P/E

I actually don't believe that stocks are a good deal right now. They are expensive and overbought in a lot of cases. I pointed out p/e ratios being lowish because it would indicate the price tags on stocks are high because companies are doing really well, and aren't expensive because they have been assigned a ridiculously high p/e (though some have).
As for Shiller's p/e ratio, I wouldn't make any plans based on it. I bet nobody has made money, or even saved money by using it. And anyway, if it is correctly indiciating a crash, like I said, it could still be five years in the future. If you are anxious about going all in, just slowly enter the market, putting away a small bit every month or whatever. If it goes up keep adding, and if it goes down keep adding all the same. You will win in the end.


>believing stocks are a good deal right now

You can literally 10x your investment in cryptocurrency alt coins in 1 months.


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tell me what coin to buy please

i'd like to retire before 70


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Crypto zombies still at it eh?


Buy some DBC at the moment, try to buy the dips.

Once listed on binance, this will easily 10x your investment.


I'm from the autosaging thread >>41206.
I asked for another wizards opinion on DBC and no one replied. What do you think? I have two and a half ETH riding on this shitcoin.


I bought into the Crypterium ICO with the majority of my money ($3000), now I'm having deep regrets on this shitcoin.

I haven't been able to sleep since investing in this shitcoin, I'm FOMOing hard.

I think DBC is a better investment than Crypterium, due to the recent listing and it will be listed on binance, which should give you gains.

I only hae $150 invested in DBC at 13 cents.


Unfortunately, most of the spammers are in your situation, they shill cryptos almost all day just so they can get their money back, basically trying to sucker someone else into carrying the burden.

Crypto zombies. Really shows who the traitorous scum are.


Its a solid looking ICO which will probably sell out. I expected DBC to either go 10x or to crash to almost zero and it hasn't crashed yet.
Best of luck


I've send you 1$, didn't get it back, let alone $5. what happened? you seem to have sold your link on binance, then moved ether to another wallet. seems like some other mage have sent you $1 and didn't get it back too.
my wallet:


When did he sell his link? Its currently at ATH so if he ripped you off at least you know Karma got him.


I am a euuge supporter of crypto and I love the technology. I think it will change every aspect of society. The problem with the current market is that the valuations (*scoff , if you could even call it that…) reflect the total potential of the tech. Realize that nothing else is valued this way, it’s just absurd really. We may be DECADEs away from actual useable cryptos that can scale securely and aren’t just opportunistic money grabs. Some of the devs are trying but progress is slow/ all the upgrades are just compromises which rob Peter to pay Paul. Sacrifice security or decentralization for ease of use, things like this. Not to mention the corporate infrastructure which adds MORE to intermediary instead of less. Basically the current cryptos are a joke. Even good tech like burstcoin is plagued by locusts (Adam fucking guerbezz) and has asshole devs who destroy the coins reputation by being huge assholes in their PR effort (the worst shit excuse for PR I’ve seen in my life. I could go on for so fucking long, but I won’t.

These are the basics, crypto will be a sweet sweet pie when it hits its stride as a TECHNOLOGY, right now the pie is not done cooking, actually it’s pretty much dead raw. The gross motherfuckers stuffing their face with it will get very sick. Lastly crypto isn’t about getting fiat. bitcoin and most cryptos fail as currency. They are continuing to grow because of what they are not what they claim to be. The claim is that this new kind of stuff is currency.

What bitcoin is—far more valuable then currency ,which just transmits property. Bitcoin transmits knowledge. Like a school. Or a poem. Like the other great poems that mankind created as an expression of dissatisfaction with the status quo coupled with a hope for things to one day change. (the kingdom of heaven awaits) actually the idea of bitcoin as a poem is on the same order as the idea of God as a poem, it exists in reality only as an artistic expression of mans vision of a brighter future. It is a corporeal manifestation of mans inbuilt ellipsism.

So bitcoin fails as currency but maybe that’s ok. If enough technical people use bitcoin in this way, sort of how a Christian uses a bible to teach their kids. I can see it very clearly. Bitcoin and cryptos are a model for future society. Optimism says apple made computers art and that made them money. Pessimism says art is worth less and less these days. So perhaps like a clergyman who is focused on converting the currency of their trade to real fiat should be ashamed? So should the bitcoiner who wants more fiat at the expense of the greater organism. Scale this up to current volume and you have this mess we’re in.




What about Ethereum or Raiblox? They are working as expected.


But to get either you must expose yourself to risky intermediaries which completely defeat the point of crypto. Your not cutting out banks your just electing to use banks that give their depositors no assurances. If you are transacting with crypto you already have you have assurances provided by the source code of the coin. But first if you aren’t mining (even so with miners due to pools) you must do business in a DUMB fashion. Very dumb. So dumb that the exchange or whatever your using could easily just take your money and everyone’s money and run. The point is this: we need an infrastructure (for acquiring crypto in the first place ) as smart and trustless as the revolutionary tech in these coins before (the ratio of honest to dishonest businessmen in crypto is very very scary, total coin toss 50 50 odds pretty much) promise of crypto could be realized.


And there is no way to get rai blocks with out converting from fiat. As long as the primary way for getting a crypto is buying with fiat, the whole thing is fucked. When you have a user base trading fiat for crypto you will experience the Newtonian law (forgot which one ,I’m dumb) proportional opposite response— people will negate gains when the coin rises and they inevitably convert back to fiat. The higher the price goes the bigger the risk of this happening. So one solution is to have a crypto which cannot be bought or sold for/with fiat. How this would work anonymously? Who fuckin knows. Hence the unbaked pie analogy. And let’s not lie to our selves. Wallstreet can crush these prices down under 100 on a whim—and don’t they need to crush it if crypto is truly going to the moon? Why would they ride from > 10k to the moon when they can easily painlessly and risklessly dump massive holding and crush the price down to sub 100 then do the opposite and ride up to the moon at early adopters prices. My system of excluding fiat from the process ELIMINATES THISTHREAT. I AM CRYPTO LORD HEED ME OR FACE CERTAIN DOOM


You would also need to exclude traditional (current) cryptos that can be bought for fiat. So all of them, maybe there is some I am not familiar with, who knows? Seriously who knows, who ever you are that knows, do tell!


Chainlink just hit $1. Bought in at 0.14 a few weeks back. Might be good to grab 10 coins or so as it may turn out to be a big thing.


you can't eliminate fiat from the process at this early stage of adoption, it would be like having highways before cars went mainstream.


or a better analogy - like very early cars replacing horses.


>an investing thread turned into another cryptocurrency thread

I highly implore anyone thinking of getting into crypto to do some research on these past bubbles. I am sure you will find many striking similarities to what is happening now.


There is a reason why the big time investors are staying away from this stuff with a mile long stick, though there are a few rich guys throwing around millions in there just because it's pocket change to them. And banks are exploring blockchain technology, but that doesn't mean any of the coins have a future with the banks. Nothing justifies the price of crypto at the moment. Even if everything that people say about the future of crypto turns out to be true; nothing justifies the price of cryoto at the moment. Nothing.

I know I might get a ton of people shouting "no-coiner!" at me, but I really do not want to see my fellow wizzies lose what meager savings they have in this mania.


I am a coiner myself and I have the same oppinion. Cryptos are overheated and they are full of normies trying to make a quick buck.


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I am a complete cryptomaniac. I love this tech more than any to come before it. I think these coins (the good ones) are like fine wine or a work of art. I rub a printed bitcoin white paper on my genitals each and every night because I am MAD for crypto.

Still, this market is way over priced. Bitcoin should be worth a buck or two at most considering the people who understand crypto are so few. The speculators make up 99% of that high btc price. With less users it would be much better for people to trade outside of the current avenues wth banks and payment processors bullshit intermediaries. For nerds only we would have a 1:1 ratio of miners to buyers. Healthy network.>>41260


unlike those crypto already had a major crash(after mt.gox "hack") and it survived it, not saying another crash will never happen, but strong coins will recover.
>nothing justifies the price of cryoto at the moment. Nothing.
supply and demand justifies the price, if crypto is to stay, people will want it now to be ahead of the game.
looking at price of 1 coin is not very smart anyway, look at the entire market cap, it's still tiny, one of the richest people in the world could buy every single bitcoin there is if he really wanted.
while the price of say a single btc may seem like too much, it's only natural considering there are only 16 million of them, which is way too little for global money, but that doesn't matter much becouse you can easily divide it into tiny portions.


>supply and demand justifies the price

Supply and demand creates the price, but by no means does it equate to intrinsic value. Once the euphoria goes and enthusiasm vanishes, there will be no "floor" for these coins to fall on, since there is no possible way to determine their value. And by value I mean things like measureable fundamentals, and not wishy-washy explanations about mining. In the future, whatever you consider a "strong" coin could very well be more worthless than a button. And don't use the past as a prediction of what will happen during a future crash, especially for such a new and popular market. The crypto market is irrational right now, and as soon as speculative mood does a 180 your head will start spinning. I could go on all day explaining this to you, but I think I have already given you my warning.

>while the price of say a single btc may seem like too much, it's only natural considering there are only 16 million of them, which is way too little for global money

The current market cap of Bitcoin is over $280 billion. Just think about that for a second. That is more than the GDP of a number of developed countries. If it were to quadruple again the market cap would be higher than the value of Apple, the most valuable company on Earth. In no way whatsoever can the market cap be considered "tiny".

On a last note of advice, I would remind everyone in this investing thread that the most reliable pace at which to get rich is slowly. More importantly, read some books first, and remember to never get caught up in the hype, even when everyone around you seems to be getting rich.


>If it were to quadruple again the market cap would be higher than the value of Apple, the most valuable company on Earth.
so it's very little then, just as a said. if you'd knew what bitcoin is about you'd think the same.
>In no way whatsoever can the market cap be considered "tiny".
you'd see it's tiny if you'd stop comparing apples to oranges, it's more appropriate to compare bitcoin to gold, oil or currency, or all at the same time.
>And don't use the past as a prediction of what will happen during a future crash
yes, becouse most likely the new crash won't be nearly so severe, back then bitcoin probably seemed like a joke that had gone too far to nearly everyone involved, and yet it still survived.
>whatever you consider a "strong" coin could very well be more worthless than a button
then i guess i'd buy more, i'm very confident in my picks.


Wanchain everyone, follow them on telegram and right when it hits an exchange, buy it with all your money.

This will let you retire.


what exchange will sell wanchain?


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>tells you not to compare apples to oranges
>compares to gold, oil and currency

Thats's crypto speculators for you, everyone.


its still like monopoly money


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>compares to gold, oil and currency
becouse crypto is a little bit of both, depending on what crypto we are talking of course, ethereum = oil + currency, bitcoin = gold + currency etc.


People are speculating Binance, nobody knows though.



what makes you so sure about it fellow wizzie?


because ICO sound out in 5 minutes and everyone is going to buy it, since it solves a legitimate problem


That makes no sense. You have no idea what you are talking about.


how can i get in stocks???? i realize the only way to enjoy life without being a slave to my job is to get rich be help me this is my first time wanting to invest


If you are in a country the robinhood app is available in use that.


it makes sense becouse we are talking about new asset class. bitcoin was programmed to simulate precious metal(hence why there is such low supply and it gets progressively harder to mine) as well as currency, ether is intended to be a fuel for ethereum network(basically web 3.0) as well as currency. you can't say it's overvalued by comparing it to apple, a company that only makes smart devices.


Comparing crypto to those other markets like that is just plain misleading. You are giving the impression that the crypto market goes through similar cycles, and is effected by similar global circumstances, which it is not. In fact, the reasons you given is an incredibly simplistic way of looking at it, and such a comparison provides cryptocurrency with undeserved credibility.
As for your last comment regarding Apple, it is just further proof that you are completely uneducated in all this. I'm not going to waste my energy explaining how a large, well run company, creating products which quickly sell to a massive dedicated customer base for a large proft margin, is a more sensible and valuable purchase than an emerging technology in a highly speculative, unregulated and incredibly violotile market.


1:1 ratio; check yenten, cpu is faster than gpu, asic resistant.


it's riskier than buying apple stock, no shit, but just becouse of that you can't compare it to tulip mania and south sea, i agree there are some comparisons to dot-com, but we are not at those levels of a bubble yet, especially considering that crypto is more accessible and international than stocks.


>it's riskier than buying apple stock, no shit

I wasn't even making the point that crypto is overvalued compared to Apple, I was pointing out how large crypto is. If you don't think $250B, or over $700B all coins combined, is a significant amount then you really need your head examined.

>you can't compare it to tulip mania and south sea

>i agree there are some comparisons to dot-com

Go back and read about them again.

>crypto is more accessible and international than stocks

Absolute bullshit. Purchasing and selling stock from companies all over the world is magnitudes easier.


you don't need an id, tax information or any of that shit to trade crypto. in and out just like that.


I really don't understand how filling in two extra boxes on a sign up page can be considered an obstacle.


some people don't want leaches on their backs. this will be an unpopular opinion on wizchan, buy paying taxes to help people like us sit at home on this forum is bad for people who can appreciate """value""". Clever humans just made their own Government and Bank free economy.


I'd invest in land at this point. Always a chance they'll want to build a mall or something there.


This thread has taken a very wrong turn if the subject of tax evasion is being broached. Pay your taxes people. And yes, you must pay tax on crypto gains.


Fuck paying taxes. We don't owe normie society shit



You really do if you live in it.


It doesn't seem like you plan to actively manage your investments so I'd just suggest ETFs. Your average investor isn't going to outperform a fund that tracks an index like S&P500.

Feel free to dabble in other stuff with small amounts of money. But if you aren't gonna take the time to stay on top of it all don't expect to make a killing.


Avoiding taxes isn't as innocent as pirating a video game. You will get fined hard if you are caught not paying them, and possibly even face time in jail. Woe to you if you have a problem with it.


yes, you're supposed to pay taxes, but not everyone likes what is done with their taxes. Crytpo means any joe smo in the street can commit tax evasion. this means the government must provide people with services they are will to "buy". I believe this a good way to truly give the power back to the people, in that people will no longer have to support foreign wars.


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Well, do you actually know anything about what your coin is used for other than farming it?


So I turned $850 into $8,000 trading crypto over the last 2 months


It's not money till you've cashed out friendo


I can use Crypterium to pay for goods using visa with ethereum or bitcoin.


Can you pay your rent ? No you can buy graphic cards. Great.




Any place that has a visa/debit card terminal.

You download their bank app, sign into your account and pay using your phone.


can't cash out is just a meme. You may run into problems with large amounts but 8k won't give you any problems with just an ACH deposit via a site like coinbase.


Yeah and then you get fucked by the state because you didn't pay taxes


not him, but my landlord takes money orders, which can be bought with a card.


I am using robinhood to invest in income stocks since November. They do not charge any fees which is nice. So far my profit fluctuates from 1 to 20 dollars generally going up, this on my 600$ cause I have no money. Also, it is nice to have dividends even though at this point I just reinvest them right away.


Everyone get into BPT while it is still cheap.


Don't listen to him op, the best weed stock you can buy right now is IIPR and SMG


Doing this right now, got a nice 10% return portfolio and its great to see the money come in every three months. It not much but if I keep doing it, I might actually build a income generator and live a comfortable neet life within the next 10+ years


that, plus yenten is the ultimate wizcoin (succubi and kids are not allowed to mine).


lol hows that working out now


i was recently looking into dividend investing

basically old stable companies (usually) that don't attract a lot of investors offer dividends to their shareholders. dividend is just a % of the money that company makes. so if it's a monthly dividend you get some money each month per stock you own based on their profit.

the amount is pretty small. one stock "O" is like $59 and offers $0.20 dividends each month. that's considered high.

but some stocks like "NYMT" only cost $6-ish but they've been giving the same amount of $0.20 dividend for almost a decade. nymt is probably the highest i've encountered, if anyone knowledgeable can explain how they make payouts like this i'd be interested in learning. basically if you invested $1000 into NYMT, you'd receive $30 worth of dividends each month. over a year that is $360, almost 36% profit in one year. if you just keep investing the amount you get each month as dividends back into buying more of the stock, you receive a proportionately higher dividend payout each month

anyway, dividend investing in general. it seems pretty cool, if you were stupid rich you could probably live the rest of your life off dividend payouts. i have been considering getting a job just so i can start investing in stuff like this in order to get a passive income later on but of course neeting is a difficult comfort zone to leave


crypto is dead m8s.
I am also a code monkey and I have some money on the bank. bank dividends do not give anything national bonds also are not that good.
Is there other options? Stock market looks a bit fishy and designed to the small player lose bit by bit what they put it there.


You are right with dividends and national bonds they simply don't pay off unless you are already rich.

ETF's are an alternative option for example. If you go into the S$P 500 then you should get an average return of approximately 10% per year. Although it is necessary to hold the investment as long as you can (>5years).

Stocks are an option too. If you look at stocks like amazon, microsoft, alphabeth (google), apple, etc. they all made 100%+ course wins in the past 5years.
Again hold the stocks as long as you can.

And if you are an all-in type then options and futures might be an alternative too. I mean you can buy futures on indices. It would work like an ETF but with far higher loss and win chances.

>Stock market looks a bit fishy and designed to the small player lose bit by bit what they put it there.

That is true to some extent. I would say you need about 10k-20k for 1 investment to make reasonable wins. For example: if you go in stocks and you are lucky then course wins of 20%-30% per year are possible. Which would give you about 3k/investment per year before taxes. Which is not so bad. If you should ever succeed to save 100k you might even live by stock market investments.


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>putting all of your money into a SINGLE shitcoin
8 months since this post and cryptocurrencies have tanked. I seriously hope that guy's alright.

Color me unsurprised regarding this outcome, which is something I predicted months ago when I tried to set up a business in crypto. But after meeting some people in the cryptosphere, I quickly became aware of exactly the kind of people involved with it now: crooks and con artists.

See, the people involved with Bitcoin back in 2008 and before were idealists. You had to be, because you practically got laughed at when you told anyone about this. Trust me, I know first hand. Back in 2008, I knew cryptocurrency could work because it was technologically sound and I could evaluate it. What I didn't predict was the kind of people who would be drawn to this shit and the effect they would have on the entire ecosystem. Most people involved with this today don't know the first thing about cryptography let alone economics.

During my business stint, I got wind of some very shady shit going on. If you see any Slavs or Eastern Europeans in crypto? Don't fucking trust them and get out (both you and your money). Those guys are fucking dangerous. I even heard rumors of a staged suicide in connection with all of this. Whether you believe me or not is up to you. (In all honesty, the internet provides safety, but not for your investments.) I really hope you guys believe me, as I'm not about ready to reveal my power level and literally risk my life over some internet posts on here. So instead of trusting me, I urge you to look at just some of the facts:

* (Like I said earlier) There's plenty of shady and dangerous people involved with crypto, whether you see them or not. Go do some leg work and it figure out.
* The experience of the average crypto investor is fucking zero. People routinely throw hundreds of years of good investment advice right out the window like "Hedge your bets and spread your risks", like that one guy did in this thread by literally betting most of his 3k USD net worth on some single shitcoin, or this one guy on 4chan /biz/ asking what to throw his 401k at. (No, 'spreading' your risks over multiple crypto assets doesn't prevent you from completely tanking your networth because the entire crypto market is down because because realize astronomical gains are over.)
* Markets are regulated for a reason. No matter how big your hardon for free market capitalism, you can't deny that capitalism requires perfect information to operate it's invisible hand. EMH get fucked. Cryptospeculators routinely make highly irrational decisions on zero information and then get pumped & dumped hard.
* There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies out there, VERY few generate any value what so ever. Since no value is generated by cryptocurrencies, the only increase in valuation comes from a ever more diminishing supply and increasing demand. And thus, crypto is not an investment but pure speculation on the future popularity of that particular asset.

All this means is: Cryptocurrency are high-risk/low-reward speculation assets with a seemingly bearish future. Looking at prices since the last year, I think people are slowly realizing crypto won't net them reliable 10000x ROI and are slowly pulling out. At this point its hardly a healthy place to put your hard earned cash. Now before someone screencaps this and shows how wrong I am in 2020 because crypto bottomed out and we're up for another ride on the crypto-coaster: I don't know what's going to happen, I don't have a crystal ball. Don't put too much weight in my 'predictions', but do heed my warnings.

I'm personally done with crypto. The people involved are just too retarded to rely on. At least market corrections happen on stock markets because valuation is based on inherent worth and not hot-air. So unless the situation happens like I explained? I'm limiting my crypto exposure to my freely mined fun-coins and this other coin I got my eye on that is my absolute last hope for cryptocurrency.

Here's some closing food for thought:
FINRA/SEC/CFTC or whatever requires broker-dealers that provide off-exchange FOREX transactions to provide a disclaimer (among other requirements) about the basic dangers of off-exchange trading. (Note: idiots don't read the fine print.) Basically: their broker has a direct conflict of interest because they (can, and do) take the opposite side of FOREX transactions in their own private markets. Why? Because there's idiots who fall for the "day trading" meme and decide to use insane amounts of leverage to gamble their money away. By taking the opposite side of their transactions, the idiot's loss is the broker's gain and vice-versa.

A lot of 'day traders' quite literally gamble their entire account away with insane leverage and end up with massive debt directly to their broker. That same broker who gives big comissions to youtubers for referring new suckers to the debt mill. (See: day trading statistics and research from RELIABLE sources, or just take a VERY close look at some channels on youtube. They probably have referral links to trading platforms, if they're not selling bogus courses and books under the guise of a "rich" lifestyle, promises of steady/daily income from 3 minute trades and calling themselves "professional traders". PROTIP: There are legal requirements in the US for calling yourself a "professional trader", one of which is publishing appropriate proof/documentation for it, I can't remember. Most probably side-step this by not saying they're 'pros'.)

But here's the thing: Since cryptocurrency is basically FOREX speculation and exchanges are unregulated, just fucking IMAGINE all the shit they're doing to milk your money.

This is why, without hard regulation, retail crypto speculators will forever be the bitch to big hitters (whether con artists, wallstreet or whales) who pump and dump without mercy. Cryptos are truly the new penny stocks. All ye wizards beware! Hell, even in a heavily controlled controlled stock market wallstreet gouges your eyes out with front running your order to different markets and selling you your stock back at your limit price because you decided to use your broker's routing algorithm and HFT figured it all out, if your broker is not just selling your transaction data in the first place…

tl;dr: Don't fall for the crypto meme. Don't fall for the forex meme. And especially, don't fall for the day trading meme. Investing is fucking risky for reasons you can't even fathom. Don't even think about investing if you have any debt or a liquid net worth less than 5k. Debt repayment is still the best ROI and anyone with more than a quarter of their networth in cryptogarbage deserves everything they get.

I wish I could get licensed for so I can manage wizard neetbux. I guess I can still provide back-of-the-alley investment advice for those who are trading themselves. Consider this thread monitored by your very own bitcoin early investor wizard, which doesn't mean a lot…

pic related


>most people are retarded
>shitcoins are scams
>daytrading is dumb
Everyone reasonable knows this. It doesn't change the fact that an intelligent person can take advantage of the market. Nobody is forcing you to buy Quarkcoin2.0 instead of Bitcoin or Monero. It was extremely predictable that BTC would crash at $20k after an enormous parabolic rise, so it was easy to profit off of this move. The hype cycles will necessarily repeat.

The stupidity of the average crypto "investor" is a great thing for someone with intelligence who can take advantage of them.

If you don't see the obvious uses of Bitcoin that will keep it around, then there's nothing that can help you. Your "early investor" claim is pretty unbelievable considering how obsessed you are with the recent surge of shitcoins

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