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 No.42399[Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for any movie you watched recently, not just movies you would like to recommend for wizards. I think it's distinct enough to not break rule 7.

I just watched a film I didn't even know it existed until today. Drunken Master 2. I really like the first one and had no idea there's a sequel. Turns out this one is almost as good as the first, if only they had Beggar So in it it would be perfect. It's not exactly a sequel now that I think about it because in this story Wong learns the drunken fist from his dad and the first one is framed in another time period but whatever, really liked it. The only problem is the shitty subtitles that I'm sure is not outright misguiding but it's shitty regardless.


I watched it dubbed so I didn't know the subs had problems, but yeah it is pretty damn good.


saw last jedi in my room last night

does anyone else think the flick focused oddly on random space animals with human-like sad faces??? it's like they reallllly wanted us to sympathize with the random space animals for some reason


you know, now that you mention it, i think you're onto something. i see this in tons of other movies/shows as well…. hmm what could it mean


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Welp I had to go back and watch the first one. Definitely still the better Drunken Master, Beggar So is a very colorful character as well as Thunderleg, the main villain. The story is simple but better told. I read Drunken Master 2 had the first director dropping ship in mid production because of disagreements with Jackie Chan. You can definitely see that on screen where the plot keeps going on tangents and characters keep coming and going with no development whatsoever.


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i watched circle, 50 normalfaggots get abducted by aliens and every 2 minutes they have to vote for someone to die until just one remains in a last man standing battle royale type situation. pretty entertaining imo.


Last movie I watched was Innkeepers, it wasn't all that great even though I heard good things about it. And it's a bit weird because I REALLY enjoyed this director's other horror movie, House of the Devil, but Innkeepers was just meh all the way through. Maybe it was because I heard that there's all this buildup and at the end the movie gets really crazy, but really almost nothing happens in the ending. House of the Devil was far better as far as that aspect goes - wonderful buildup through 3/4ths of the movie, and just a completely batshit crazy finale.


Watched "Running on empty" from 1991 today. It is a HK movie about a group of people who plan and do a robbery. It seems to be based on a real life story.


I watched Trolls and unironically greatly enjoyed it. I don't know how to deal with the fact that a movie that was just pretty colors, happyness, and music, made for toddlers made me feel so good. I had a smile on my face 90% of the run time.
For goodness sake I am a grown ass man. I am as far from the target demographic as you can get, yet I found it positively delightful.
I fear that I may have shit taste or something wrong with me or something.
*breaks out into dance*


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>*breaks out into dance*


watched rogue one
movie is bland, i thought it's gonna be a small scale story, but just like all hollywood shit it had to end with a massive battle. in fact the scale feels even bigger than in force awakens(which was far more enjoyable)
cgi actors were a bad idea
there are no likable characters aside from a robot and a monk


Let a wizza have some joy in life


Just finished watching Coco.
Was pretty good but I can't help but compare it to Book of Life, which I enjoyed a bit more.
Coco was just a bit too sappy and predictable for me. Nothing in the film was a surprise, but it looked good and was heartwarming I guess. But like I said, I prefer the similar but in my opinion more enjoyable film Book of Life.


>but I can't help but compare it to Book of Life
You kinda should. Jorge Gutierrez went to Disney for years pitching the idea, got rejected, went to make Book of Life and then heard Disney attempting to do what was almost the same idea.
It's basically Kimba the White Lion/The Lion King all over again.


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Was it good really? Sometimes I feel like watching a Pixar film but every fucking time they have a character with this hideous, crooked smartass smile on their face and it's always the protagonist which makes me not wanting to watch it anymore.

I know it's probably a shallow reason not to watch it but god damned.


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Watched Seul contre tous. Very good film.


This film is repugnant.


all Gaspar Noe's movies are repugnant, check out Love by him.


>sappy and predictable

You described pretty much every Disney/Pixar animated movie.


>this film is repugnant

Why? Just because of the end?

I think it was very predictable tho.


It's a self-masturbatory inside meme among 3DCG Hollywood studios.



Yeah but even by those standards it was really sappy and predictable. I don't even mind the sappy part all that much, but the fact that I could see every major plot point and "twist" coming a full hour before it is revealed. At some points it was almost painful waiting for the characters to catch up. And of course there was no suspense or tension because of this ether, despite most of the story being a race against time. It isn't like "oh it's a Disney Pixar film so you know things are going to turn out well in the end". No it is more "I can correctly guess every part of the characters arc, most of the details of the story, and literally every twist of the movie without even trying".


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watched last jedi
it's good, too good even. best star wars movie by far, i was never a big fan of originals though, but this captured all the good things about it. i might even see the next one in the theater, even rogue one would be enjoyable in a theater.


>i might even see the next one in the theater

I read somewhere they're not making another one

also, what do you think of >>42402 ?


Why wouldn't they do another one when it makes big bucks.


they ran outta fanfics to base another one on or something


afaik they gonna make a new one every year. this year's is movie is supposed to be about young Han Solo, another "star wars story", but dunno if i'll to go see that one in a theater, because rogue one kinda sucked. pretty sure in 2019 we'll see another main plot entry.
>also, what do you think of
i think nothing of it. it's just some cutesy animals for comedy's sake. the ice foxes were used in a plot though.
lol i bet they have it all planned 20 years ahead.


Last Jedi was much better than TFA. Like I agreed with all the criticisms of TFA that it was just a remake of New Hope. But then LJ did the opposite and everyone still bitched. But I liked it.


I meant a new one that continues where LJ left off


pretty sure that's planned for 2019, then another side story in 2020 and so on.


best street fighter adaptation


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split is a very good thriller, but something felt wrong about the ending, it's like there is no climax. i checked wikipedia and turns out the movie is second in a trilogy, first one was Unbreakable, last one will come out in 2019. Even people who watched the first one wouldn't know it's a sequel until the very end, because each movie is supposed to be a standalone, but in practice it doesn't work because there is no climax, not in this one at least.

and i don't know if it's intentional, but the movie portrays mentally ill in a very bad light, but at the same time, as someone who has a relative with severe personality disorder, it is true that they are nasty to be around.
also, is Unbreakable worth watching?


Unbreakable is fucking amazing.
Split is a bit strange, i guess all of it will make sense in the third part.


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Good film.


what's good about it?


Good zombie film.


Yeah I enjoyed this too, I liked the claustrophobic feel, ignore the sequels.


I watched that old movie "Taxi Driver" with De Niro as Travis Bickle. Lonely guy takes a job as a taxi driver and comments on how he wants a real rain to wash away all the scumbag normies. He talks about how he has to wash off all the shit normies leave on his taxi seat like blood or even cum. He lives alone in some shitty apartment and even helps a young hooker get away from her abusive pimp while refusing sex from her while he's helping her escape. It seemed pretty wizardly to me but maybe I'm wrong or missed the point.


Rec 2 is alright.


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I always get a surreal vibe from the end of Taxi Driver. Travis rightly feels disgust and contempt for a world that shoves degeneracy and predation into a corner, ignoring it, but he would never be hailed as a hero for committing an act of violence like that. He would be condemned as crazy then shoved into the same corner where are kept the child prostitutes and pornographers.

Another good Scorsese / de Niro movie is The King of Comedy. Not so wizardly, it's about a failed normie with no self-awareness who believes himself a comedy star waiting to happen, then lets his delusions of grandeur turn into a vindictive victim complex when he discovers he has no fast track to the top. Actually, most of Scorsese's older stuff was kino. After Hours is another little known gem.

I watched a straight to TV 70s horror movie called Ants! with my dad tonight. It was silly and comfy. I also watched American Psycho 2 just for the hell of it, but it was not horrible enough to be entertaining.

Pic related was my favorite movie of 2016. Thinking of giving it a rewatch.


iirc he had a girlfriend and they went to a porn theater and i highly doubt he is a virgin.
not that it matters, wizardly un-wizardly shouldn't really be a criteria to watch, it's all just fiction in the end.


>Unbreakable is fucking amazing.
just watched it, it's good, but i liked split more, unbreakable is just way too slow paced, most of the interesting stuff happens near the very end, it's a 1:40 long movie, but it would fit better into an hour. and i do like slow movies, but in this case it felt slow without purpose, like everyone just walks and moves and does everything slow as fuck.


Anything by scorcese is fucking great


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The actions-sequences gave me headaches. Now I get it why people call Bella Tarr "The Hungarian Michael bay".


Somrtimes i think “hey that horse movie gave me some ‘un homme qui dort’ vibes, i should totally rewatch it”.
But then i remember its all about eating potatoes.


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Just watched killing ground. It sounded cool enough from the description, some multi-perspective jumbled-chronology stuff which I tend to like, and the first half of the movie was pretty okay as far as that goes. Second half is pretty much your standard retarded pseudo-horror movie shit with the obligatory stronk indepentent wymyn taking down the bad guy and the bad guys themselves acting like limbless, brainless toddlers. I'm so goddamn tired of this shit in every other fucking horror movie. Overall it wasn't very good, would not recommend.


It means that the animals are fucking sad. If you think that you have it bad, the animals have it worse, much worse. They are the only ones still doing actual work.

If the bee had to quit all of humanity would perish.


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It is a whole class of normies that does bully with a guy. Yes, the whole class. One of his bullies feels sorry for him and starts defending him, so he starts to be harassed as well.

The movie is very good, worth watching.


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Oh shit, sorry.


Just rewatched The Shining again. I always wondered how wizzies like us would fare isolated for three months or so in some abandoned hotel in the snow? Assume you had Internet access that didn't go down and all the food/supplies (and no plumbing problems) you needed. Would you be content or do you think the isolation would get to you like it did Jack?

Midnight…with the stars and you…


Watched this again. The original version with endika's music is much more emotional that the uberected one, though the latter has a much creepier/weirder atmosphere.


Gee I wonder, literally having everything I need AND solitude for 3 solid months.
The only thing that would make me snap is that such a perfect paradise would come to a end so soon.


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paul - two british nerds go on an alien-themed road trip in america, find an alien and have to flee the government. it's a pretty funny road movie, though i kinda wish the alien wasn't cgi, a doll would look more fitting considering the movie heavily references old sci-fi films and literature.


Is it good? I plan on watching Satantango soon but it's a big commitment.


It's about the misery of existence. Of lives that have nothin to live for, and simply exist. It's a repetitive, boring and slow movie.

Idk if I can say "it's good" or "it's bad", but is definetely a experience.

I recommend.


>but is definitely a experience.*


You should give a disclaimer that it could be really hard to watch for some people.


>it could be really hard to watch for some people.


It technically does have a climax, just not one that satisfyingly wraps up the story of the antagonist.
The story arc of the protagonist was fully wrapped up and concluded decisively.


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i've watched a similar battle royale movie, it was okay, better than hunger games 2.


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The Voices is pretty good, really loved the cat in it too.


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rewatched four rooms
back in 1995 I thought it was the funniest movie ever, at least the "rooms" involving the married couple, and the other with the mexican brats,…still is

the crazy bellhop limey really tops it off, I can't imagine this flick being 1/10th as fun with an american accent

I laugh until I pee every time


I thought it was kind of meh but also pretty fun in some parts.
The pacing was good and it never got too far up its own ass. So it is easy to sit through.


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just fucking why would you make a movie like this, it's just so fucking miserable and everyone is so pathetic and it only gets worse to the point you stop caring about characters. some kind of meaning would've been nice, i don't mind lack of meaning in realistic movies, but this one is about a curse for fuck's sake.


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i just finished this.
Was the whole movie a dream?
i don't know.
I liked the second story a lot more than the first one.
Faye Wong was adorable.
I-I think i fell in love with her.

I wouldn't reccomend it to other wizzies because of the all no gf feels i felt during this film.
Still a good watch tho.

I'll rewatch it soon.


i liked that movie a lot, very relaxed


the ending and the Bach's - Herr, unser Herrscher music was nice


Saw Death of Stalin recently. I found it enjoyable but only in a context where you decouple it from history and facts entirely. Otherwise it just feels exploitative towards the people who actually went through that period and their suffering.

Maybe that's bound to happen when you portray something like this as a comedy but it still didn't sit too well with me.


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Finished watching Memento recently, as someone with aphantasia and piss poor working memory it was quite funny and relatable.
It's based around a protagonist with anterior grade memory loss (so no ability to retain short term memories), his last memory before he develops his condition is his wife getting murdered and raped.
The story then revolves around him trying to find the killer while dealing with no short term memory. The only thing reminding him are the polaroid photos he takes and shoves in his pocket with short notes scribbled on the back. As ever few moments he forgets where he is and what he is doing its only natural people start to fuck with him and use him for their own gain leading you to wonder who is really on his side.


Great movie. You should give Fallen Angels a watch too if you haven't already.


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Very good film.


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Yeah, I certainly enjoyed it. Cool concepts throughout.

If you haven't watched Pi, please do, I feel most users here would find it entertaining, interesting in subject and at times relatable. Love this film, recommend to all wizards/apprentices


that Worth guy seemed like a wizard character.

the protag also wizard af


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For the past couple of weeks I've been watching a whole bunch of these comedy horror films based on the Jiangshi, vampire-zombies from Chinese Folklore. I knew about them for a long time but the idea of comedy horror never appealed to me until recently. I began with this one, Mr. Vampire from 1985.

The plot is fairly simple. It's about a family wanting to do a reburial from a recently deceased family member. They ask for the assistance from the local Taoist priest, who upon opening the casket realizes the corpse has turned into a Jiangshi. Things go awry, the monster gets loose and shenanigans ensue. I know it sounds like you've watched this a million times before and in fact you probably did but the charm of this movie and subsequent installments is not the plot. It's the characters, in particular the Tao priest played by the late Lam Ching-ying.

I got to say, I came for the Jiangshi and stayed for uncle Lam. I think most people did it too because he played this part in dozens of other films. He's wise, funny, prudent. It's nice to watch him dealing with his assistants' shenanigans. Another major aspect helping this movie is all the Taoist parafernalia and magic the characters use to fight the Jiangshi. Swords made of coins, magical umbrellas, charms, red strings, sticky rice, chicken blood, bile from snakes, you name it. There's a lot of Taoist magic going on here, along with kung fu, of course. Most of the actors are highly trained in it and there's a lot of fighting along with the magic spells and crazy weapons.

It has the perfect balance, in my opinion, of comedy, folklore and mythological references, action scenes and horror. Never would thought such combination to be this entertaining. To the point I've watched a dozen of these so far. In fact I'll be posting here to help me not losing track of the stuff I've seen already.

If you're feeling bored and had even a passing interest in the stuff I talked about I highly recommend watching at least this one. I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy.


Fuck off.


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Thanks to the huge success of the first Mr. Vampire >>42868, Ricky Lau released another one a year later, Mr. Vampire II. One thing important to notice about the Mr. Vampire franchise is that they're not sequels plotwise. Some happen in the past, some in present time. The full cast sometimes comes back, sometimes only a few actors do and their characters change with the exception of uncle Lam who always play the Tao priest.

This one is not as good as the first one. In fact it's my least favorite of the franchise but still enjoyable. The plot here revolves around a group of archaeologists who find a family of jiangshi (a couple of a child) while looking for treasure and end up unwittingly releasing them in modern day Hong Kong. The film jumps around between the archaeologists and uncle Lim tracking down the two adult jiangshi and a little succubus befriending the little jiangshi.

Like with the previous film, there's fighting, losts of crazy Tao magic, spells and shenanigans. This one is a bit more violent than the first one with all the guns and the police.


A great movie. While the first sequel is awful and unwatchable, I just *love* the third movie, Cube Zero. It's not as "good" as the first one, but it has a great atmosphere, and if I'd have to choose my favourite in the series, it would definitely be Cube Zero.

Great movie, +1 as a recommendation to anyone. I saw it like 8 years ago, but I believe I'd still like it, if not even more. Great soundtrack also, I listened to it in the car fairly recently.


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i've watched the Grey, it's a movie about plane crash survivors being chased by wolfes and it's full of bullshit. From the very first few minutes of a movie where a wolf triest to attack three people for no good reason i got very sceptical. Then 50 minutes in, this whole Alpha wolf shit came up, which doesn't hapen in nature, only in captivity, this is why the researcher who came up with this whole thing dismissed his own theory. The most hilarious shit is that they try to put this Alpha shit into relationships behind survivors, ironically it comes off as a perfect illustration of why this theory is wrong, the conflict for Alpha position(between protag and unresonable uncooperative and disgruntled survivor) doesn't make sense in the life threatening situation and it really, really shows. But i bet the norks who will be watching will be all like "oh yeah brah it's like all this alpha wolf shit they told us about 2 minutes ago it's just nature bruh".
I've stopped watching right there, but apparently there is even more of this alpha omega bullshit thorought the movie.
The whole notion that a coordinated pack of wolves will be chasing them down is total bullshit too, but i get that without it they wouldn't have a survival movie that can appeal to braindead norks, but at the very least they could've been more realistic in other aspects. Furthermore none of the survivers are interesting characters, even protag's whole personality is "i'm a tough guy, but my girlfirend left me and now i have no sense of self-preservation which makes me even tougher".
links explaining why this movie is horseshit


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Then in 1987, again just one year after the release of the last Mr. Vampire >>42874, Ricky Lau releases another one, Mr. Vampire III, a much better film than Mr. Vampire II. This time however, uncle Lam is out fighting a powerful sorceress well versed in black magic instead of Jiangshi. There's also lots of ghosts in this film, including a couple of friendly ones that another Tao priest who goes by the name of Ming, keeps to make some money. He does that by sending his ghosts to hunt a place then charge the owners to exorcise it. Of course things don't go as planned.

Despite having no Jiangshi here, the sorceress and the ghosts are interesting enough that I almost didn't miss the hopping vampires on this one. There's lots of crazy ideas about how to vanquish ghosts that I had never seen it before. The sorceress black magic is also quite funny sometimes. All the characters are interesting to watch, unlike with Mr. Vampire II, it's a joy to follow all of them for the first act before they end up meeting each other.


How can I watch these movies? They sound great


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Mr. Vampire IV aka Mr. Vampire Saga came out in 1988 and this time, unfortunately, uncle Lam is not in it. It's a pity because this is a really solid Jiangshi film and if we had the original Tao priest in it, it might have been as good as the first one. Don't worry though, he comes back for the dozens of others films.

This time we have a cultural clash between a Buddhist monk and a Tao priest living next door to each other. The monk is called Yat-Yau, a peaceful old man (guess how long he can go without punching someone in this movie, however) and the quarrelsome Four-eyes Tao priest. They will fight over anything and use tricks and magic against one another. Sometimes quite dangerous stuff too.

One day a small caravan passes by carrying a corpse to be buried in another town. And you guessed it, it's a Jiangshi, a very powerful one, kept inside the casket only by some powerful Tao magic. Things go wrong of course and the monk and the priest must join forces to stop the Jiangshi from turning everybody into hopping zombies.

There's lot of fighting in this one and we get to see some Buddha magic as well, in addition to the usual Tao stuff. Overall a decent film.

You can find the first and second one on tpb. The others you can either get it here https://monova.to/4A7D10229351D393E821D4CF7A0B401353582A6C (you'll have to get the subs yourself in subtitle websites) or you get them separately going through Torrentz2 results. Some I had to wait over a week to find a seed, one I could only find with Russian voice overs and I had to pair it with the original sound I found on YT. Others I could only find in private trackers. There's a couple I had to watch it on Youtube in very shitty 360p quality. And there's a few others I couldn't find it yet but if there's a copy online I will eventually get it. I could upload it somewhere if you absolutely can't find it.


A movie doen't have to be realistic to be good.

I am not saying The Gray is good, I have never seen it and honestly it looks kind of mediocre (although I kind of want to watch Liam Neeson get in a fist fight with a wolf like they implied in the trailer), but complaining exclusively about the realism in a work of fiction is not really all that useful or informative, especially to people who LIKE unrealistic escapism in their media.


of course i wouldn't complain about realism in some ridiculous movie.
the problem is that the movie play it all with a straight face, it wants you to think it's realistic, i'm sure that whoever liked this movie does so because they were fooled into thinking it's realistic, it's not really a horror movie like say jaws or other such movies that feature an animal as a killer.


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Mr. Vampire V aka Magic Cop is released in 1990. Now, if you're following these posts (>>42868, >>42874, >>42888, >>42890) beware, from here on things start to get a little complicated. By the second half of the 80s there were tons of Jiangshi movies getting released, lots of them with uncle Lam playing as the Tao priest, lots of them without. Ricky Lau was no longer the only guy writing and directing hopping zombie movies. Jiangshi films had become an actual genre in Hong Kong cinema (by the time the second biggest movie industry behind Hollywood). Sometimes they're called Mr. Vampire but nobody from the original Mr. Vampires films is involved in it. As with anything getting hyped and released in quick succession, the quality of those films vary wildly. There's also the problem with the titles. It's like with those exploitation zombie films where every distributor comes up with their own titles and you might end up getting the same film twice because it came out with 2 or 3 different names.

My method from here on is simple though. If uncle Lam is in it, I'll watch it (with a couple exceptions besides Mr. Vampire IV which I'll address later, it's important).

Back to Magic Cop. A personal favorite. This time uncle Lam is Uncle Feng, a policeman from a small town and an accomplished Taoist priest and expert in sorcery and sorcery parafernalia. He gets a call from his old friend in Hong Kong when they find a drug ring using living corpses to transport and sell drugs.

The guys at the police department are incredulous that Uncle Feng can do anything useful with his charms and weird magic until he can actually do everything he says he can, like tracking some guy using fengshui, incense and some sand (very funny scene btw). Like with all the other films, you have lots of fighting, magic and a big baddie behind everything. There's also many scenes where uncle Feng can't figure it out modern technology and has to resort to unusual methods to mend things up.

This is probably my favorite along with the first one.

Hey wiz, any luck finding anything?


What are some good movies about losers?


There's a recommendation thread, you might find something there >>39294


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Very good action film.


Oh, I forgot.

The name is "Hard-boiled". Directed by John woo.


I saw this like 5 years ago and the only thing I remember is that there's a hospital scene that's like more than half the movie and everyone keeps shooting at each other and it gave me a headache



i've watched the first captain america movie, the start was good, but everything else is meh. the movie looks bad because it's 60fps and everything looks like cheap cgi because it's made for 3d.
also, aside from a usual extra footage after credits to tease a new movie, there is also a fucking trailer for avengers lol.


when is the "evil nazis with supernatural powers" theme ever gonna die


i haven't heard about such movies in years.
anyway baddie in this movie doesn't obey nazis.


Why, it is pretty fun?
Cool uniforms and conventional weapons, a clear motivation most of the time, can be written as nice or evil as your setting allows, and they did dabble in the occult so it is somewhat believable for them to find super- powers and magic in settings that have such elements.
Pre-made bad guys that are better the then the vast majority of poorly thought out fantasy goons.
What's not to like, it is not even like they are being over used ether.


Because it's nearly 100 year old ridiculous war victor propaganda and overplayed as shit. Why are we still fighting fictional nazis with cringy fake accents in 2018? It's boring. We need believable supervillains whose only power is their criminal genius, not infinity gems or magic. Like the joker in dark knight.


>Because it's nearly 100 year old ridiculous war victor propaganda
you are overthinking it. nazis had style, that alone is a good reason to use them.
>Why are we still fighting fictional nazis with cringy fake accents in 2018?
captain america is a 2011 movie, more recent marvel movies have him fighting a russian supervillain(talk about overused tropes) and other superheroes.


so it is just a personal taste thing rather then any rational complaint.
>its current year
1. you are complaining about a movie made close to 10 years ago and based on a comic that was made almost 100 years ago
2. I don't see how it is overplayed at all as I don't see all that many movies that use supernatural nazis compared to other way more common goons


He's just a butthurt /pol/tard. Ignore him.


>captain america is a 2011 movie
>a movie made close to 10 years ago
As if 7 years makes a freaking difference.
>I don't see how it is overplayed at all
Well how many shitflicks do they make with demon-powered confederate soldiers? Or vampire kamikaze pilots? The battle of the alamo with santa anna riding a UFO? nope

Even if the sheer number of flicks with magic "nazis" is low, the theme is overplayed by the fact that no other historical bad guys get cast as supernatural monsters. It's hackneyed and dumb and – yeah – politically motivated.

It needs to die.


All your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.


chronos(spanish vampire movie. del toro's first film)
the driver(baby driver of the 70s)


this chase scene is great


I really need to watch these.


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just watched a quiet place. absolutely have no idea how it got a 97% on rotten tomatoes. it was very well-made but broke too many of its own rules it set up for itself thus falling apart


the ones you made up don't have any basis in reality. stereotype of nazis being high-tech mythologists has at least some basis in reality.
>politically motivated.
i could see it being true if the movie was made after trump winning or something, but in 2011 nobody cared about smearing your beloved nazis.


kinda ironic how these guys get triggered easier than sjws.


The most recent movie i watched through to the end was American Made with Tom Cruise. It was very enjoyable. Recommended.


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Michael Kohlhaas, directed by Arnaud des Pallières based on Heinrich von Kleist's novella Michael Kohlhaas

This is a movie i can't get my mind off. If someone were to ask me what my favorite movie is i'd immediately think of this one, why i might hesitate to name it is because i understand that it's not something everyone will love and i feel like it's a shame that what i love isn't as appreciated by others. The movie itself isn't extraordinary, what captivate me are the atmosphere, the century in which it takes place, the lead actor Mads Mikkelson, and perhaps the language.

Now about the movie. Like i said it doesn't take place in our modern day, but in the late 15th century, and althought the original short-story from which the story is based on, and the character and events that inspired the novel are entirely German, the film is in French and it takes place in that country; this, thankfully, doesn't take away anything vital from the story. The story is that of an honest man in a dishonest world, and said man is driven to take matters into his own hands when, having fruitlessly consulted the proper channels, his voice wasn't heard. Despite its tragic subject matter, i'd definitely call it a comfy movie.


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You Were Never Really Here (2017)

Just finished watching, basically a movie about a wiz, Zogbot war veteran that lives with his mother, is really traumatized and violent, talks to himself and goes around fucking shit up as hired gun.


>in 2011 nobody cared about smearing your beloved nazis
I don't love "nazis," I hate propaganda movies. But keep assuming shit.
>ironic how these guys get triggered easier than sjws.
Ironic how you accuse me of irony when you're the one getting triggered.

Remember to check under your bed tonight for "nazis" you dumb oaf.


Watched it yesterday and really liked it. Recommended x2


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The Killer

Very good action film.

I enjoyed more than Hard-Boiled tho. And it is comfier too.


my mom randomly came in and said
that there was a movie she wnted to see that started in ten minutes
went with her. it was a new one called A Quiet Place. i highly recommend it, that was art.
it was a post apocalypse movie about these monsters thats only sense is hearing. their entire head is an ear and they use super sonar like bats. they can run at like 340km/h.
so, survivors had to live their lives in complete silence or those monsters will show up at the slightest sound within seconds
there was only maybe 30 words spoken in the whole film. mostly hand sign language. telling a story with so little dialogue takes true talent. the soundtrack was mostly ambiance and white noise. i usually never appreciate movie OST's because other things distract from it, but since sound was the explicit focus of the film, it's at the forefront and i loved it.
they had some interesting concepts too, like people walked barefoot and laid out paths of sand everywhere they went so they could move quietly.
80 IQ dumb dumbs walking out of the theater were going "that movie sucked!" indicative of how good it was to me


forgot to mention how beautiful the lighting was, it was a really pretty movie. there was a tense chase scene and a character was holding a flashlight as they sprinted and it was flashing directly into the camera lighting up the whole screen like a strobe effect and something about it just made me go damn this is art. same with a candlelit scene.

and just a trigger warning, there is a cringey romance scene that goes on for way too long of two normalshits embracing each other while shitty country music plays right in the beginning. i almost told my mom to leave but it's worth sticking around through. don't worry about the deaf succubus either, i expected her to be feminist empowerment shit but she actually is useless the whole film, dont worry.

the dad is a stoic badass and i really appreciate his writing


It's not really what I watched, but it's movie related. So, I have four movies you maybe can't find on public torrents on my seedbox, so if you want you can download them.

The Weekend It Lives [1992, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0349113/reference] - https://a.pomf.cat/xwssxf.torrent

Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying [1999, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0192701/reference] - https://a.pomf.cat/ddocez.torrent

Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal [2001, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251448/reference] - https://a.pomf.cat/kgnssf.torrent

HauntedWeen [1991, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0150855/reference] - https://a.pomf.cat/xijdth.torrent


Eeriefag, i'm onto you.


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Very good film.

When I was a teen i used to fantasize I would kidnap little kids to fulfill dirty desires, therapy helped me with that.



I also love Béla Tarr's works. Sátántangó was a must watch film in our class in secondary school. I don't know if it has english subtitles or anything but it's really worth to watch.
I also recommend Zoltán Huszárik's Szindbád (1971)


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this is a seriously gross movie, there is a guy jerking off and his dick is in front of camera, there is an elderly succubus swimming naked and a succubus washing her menstrual pad. that's not mentioning all the sexual nudity and dead bodies. despite gritty details, the plot is full of typical post-appocalyptic movie tropes. still, down-to-earth post-appoc films are uncommon, so probably worth watching if you liked The Road.


Haven't watched The Road, but this movie was alright.
Wasn't all that grossed out, but I did kinda grow bored in the latter half. Not because of the lack of dialogue, mind you, but because I really didn't care for the characters.


finally watched blade runner 2048, it was actually really good one of my favourite movies that has recently came out. nice to see it wasnt cucked with the usual progressive shit


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Very good comedy.

The only bad thing is Ben Affleck.


i want to add something, this film portrays a true survivalist in the most primal meaning of the word, perhaps unintentionally.
the guy betrays his own brother to survive, yet redeems himself by sacrificing himself for a succubus that's pregnant with his child.
but is it really redemption or just natural selection? i mean the guy acted like a total piece of shit unless it was to spread his genes. so true to life, heh.


Gomorra, 2008 year.
it is about Italian mafia in Italy.

90'ies in exSoviet. it is the same in this movie but happen in Italy. but we did not have drugs bullshit.
same young uneducated teenagers.

US guys will see the similar with so called ghetto.


will see similar/will notice similarity.


I think you may have missed the point of the movie.



i think i am the only one hated that movie. i saw it awhile back. i thought it was boring



one who hated*


what should i add to my asian collection?


Man of Tai Chi was pretty good.
I also would recommend the once upon a time in china series. Jet lee in his prime. Very enjoyable.


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You probably already watched it.


any of Lav Diaz's films


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Nice! The end is unexpected.


I rewatched Starwars EP:I and the last Jedi back to back.
Turns out that the last Jedi really is the worst main starwars movie in my subjective opinion. I had though it might be better then a few of the prequels but after rewatching them and comparing the story and what they did to starwars lore and my over all enjoyment of them on their own, well it is pretty clear that the last jedi story and lore wise is the worst thing to ever happen to starwars and is the worst starwars movie to ever get wide release.
I was in denial for so long. It took me some time to process fully how bad it was. I mean it is pretty and sounds nice but it is just polish on a turd. The heart of the film is rotten.


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Just finished A Dark Song. God damn, what a shitfest. It's a barely decent slow-burn about a reasonably portrayed occult ritual for the first 2/3rds, and then it just takes a massive shit on itself. All subtlety is lost, suddenly there are generic tribal-looking zombie-type dudes, weak jumpscares up the ass and a thoroughly retarded ending overall. I can't say the ending ruined the movie though, because it wasn't anything special to begin with. It seems to be one of those movies for art students who look for symbolism and meaning in every crack on the wall, for everyone else it's just lame. Only good thing about it is the somewhat realistic portrayal of the occult ritual, but it's not exactly something that makes this movie worth watching. A Dark Song, more like A Dark Turd.


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Watched this recently. Very wizard related



The Grey is just a shitty ripoff of "The Edge" starring Anthony Hopkins and I think Alec Baldwin.

The Edge is a far superior movie which I highly recommend to every Wizzie here.


the edge was nothing more than another lame excuse for 90's hollywood to gas moviegoers with the "black man always dies first" trope


That movie was very dumb art shit where they only ever talked about relationships. How is it wizard related, I can't begin to grasp.


it sure didn't make a lot of sense.



The nigger was so inconsequential to the film and it's overall plot I literally forgot a nigger was even in this movie until you brought him up.

Perhaps you are right and some Jew was having a "lets do a kill off the nigger first" gag once again as the reasoning no doubt went: "The goyim love it!"

Yet Harold Perrineau is such a good black actor (blacktor) ie HBO's Oz ie Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet that I suspect he just wanted a spot next to the greatest actor of all time (Anthony Hopkins) so chose the first movie role that would allow him such an honor and of course in such a movie the coon is going to be the main course.

Coons simply don't survive in the European wilderness.

Only in the jungle do they thrive which is their evolutionary home turf, likewise we white boys often succumb to malaria, get eaten by lions or a thousand different nasty deaths when we venture forward into the African nigger bush/veldt, etc.


You do know you have to be over 18 to post here right?


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i can't decide if i like this movie or not


last jedi is the best star wars for me, but i'm not really a fan, i don't care much about the lore and such. rogue one was the worst one, just non-stop fanservice.


the movie is so mediocre that some deeper meaning(i really doubt there is any) is not important.
if you want a good movie about heroic suffering watch as far as my feet will carry me, it's about a german who escapes from a prison camp and walks on foot through siberia.


My point was that complaining about the realism of the behavor of the wolves is kind of missing the point of the movie.

Even if you don't care about the lore, just the writing and characterization was comically bad with plot holes and "because movie" shit all over the place. The only thing the movie had going for it was visuals and sound design.


I felt very detached from The Force Awakens. It was a weird feeling of not knowing whats going on in this new world, while also feeling like its just a remake of New Hope.

I feel like The Last Jedi solved all this, but with a butcher knife, by cutting away all the fat, and reducing it down to its simplest. Which actually made it much more relatable to me.

I also liked how it played with my expectations, when I was expecting another TFA replay of the originals, but instead they subverted it at every turn.

Also I relate much more to volcel depressed Luke, than Anakin-tier breaking his Jedi vows and marrying ex-stripper Mara Jade Expanded Universe Luke that all the fanboys want. I even see comments that Disney "cockblocked" Luke from tapping Mara Jade. Anyway Mara Jade prison raped Leia in Jabba's palace.


Maybe. I like artsy movies, sorry. I felt like the community in the woods was pretty wizardly. Obviously the main character wasn't. I felt like the idea of the society actively hunting and torturing people who aren't in relationships was accurate.


>I also liked how it played with my expectations, when I was expecting another TFA replay of the originals, but instead they subverted it at every turn.
Even at this the movie was shit.


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Ironically enough the villan is an anti natalist


I can't wait to see thanos in action.


funny how never wearing masks became the new superhero thing, since the studio didnt want to waste all those millions on their prettyboy celeb faces for nothing


After TLJ I'm not going to be watching anymore Disney stuff.
Haven't seen Ragnarok, Panther, or this one. It's just the same movie every time. No point.


How is that ironic, Thanos has always had the main goal of the extinguishing of life across the galaxy. Even his name means death. It is his singular obsession.
The thing is why he is so obsessed with death is partially because the personification of death in the marvel universe gives him a boner. Like he was so jealous of deadpool hooking up with death(as in romantically) that he cursed deadpool with life.
Not very wizardly if you ask me.


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Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003)

I love this movie so much, because of the nice style. The story is non-serious, but style of this movie is great for me. That colors, that cozy small town, that charismatic characters… Probably, a lot of people think this characters are dumb, but (in my opinion) we all live in a non-so-much-serious world, so - I don't take this movie as something that's serious.


It is not a bad dumb movie as long as you don't compare it to the original. That is the main reason why it got such harsh criticism. Not that it was a low brow movie that wasn't serious, but that it was a shitty cash grab that was worse then what came before. That said if you can separate them and you enjoy silly low brow movies it is still pretty fun. I enjoyed both.


I re-watched it a while ago and it's not as funny as I thought I remembered, but there's genuine lmao moments like the short bus scen


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Recently watched pic related. Pretty standard horror movie about a group of normies who will stop at nothing to preserve their inane lives


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A dumb yet kind of funny movie.


Your Name., watched it online a couple of times and went out to see it in a theater (OV, Subs) as soon as it came out here. Also bought the BluRay. Literal favourite movie right now


What is it actually about, because it looks like a well animated but generic romance/emotional kind of story that doesn't really appeal to me.


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Watched Annihilation last night.

I thought it was a cool movie, some concepts in it I feel I can identify the source inspiration perhaps, that or it's coincidence of similarity (crystal structures identical to those found in FFXIII at one point, a certain beast that shares vocalization and some concept characteristics with the alzabo beast from Gene Wolfe, stood out the most for examples).

I was entertained and enjoyed the ideas and presentation a whole lot. I'm glad I watched it, I recommend it unless you are a total faggot who instantly hates it because of the protagonists being female. This ain't no Ghostbusters bullshit folks.



It would've been a lot better if the characters weren't there or they focused more on the world like some sort of world exploration rather than the cheap drama that goes on about who doesn't like who and who had sex with who.


- Borat
- In Bruges
- The shape of water
- Thor: Ragnarok


i feel bad for liking this movie now, it's just objectively poorly written, yet i've still enjoyed it a lot.


i'm talking about last jedi btw, just in case someone doesn't click on a video and gets confused by a thumbnail. i haven't watched the prequels.


>who doesn't like who and who had sex with who

Is that how it is in the movie? I read the book and the conflict between characters came from Biologist knowing the "truth" and not tipping off Psychologist (and Surveyor to a degree) while trying to figure out what her goals were. I have the movie on my external anyway, might watch it tonight.


he's exaggerating, sex is there just to make natalie portman hate herself even more. conflict between characters is due to paranoia and everyone having their own views on the situation.


That's what I was thinking. The only sex in the book I remember was Biologist having sex with her husband in one flashback.


I recently watched In Bruges and Thor: Ragnarok also. What did you think?
I liked In Bruges, because I tend to like movies with that kind of atmosphere, and I thought Thor was ok and fun enough, but really just the same generic marvel/disney movie that has been made for years.


It was shot well with nice visual effects and the sound design was good. So maybe you are just the kind of person that is won over by spectacle rather then substance.
I personally didn't like it but I can see reasons why people who are only casually into starwars could enjoy it.
Still can't force myself to sit through Rouge One and I will probably skip Solo too though.


i don't like to think of myself as such person, but holy fuck how was i ignoring all the stupid shit in this movie.


I sorta enjoyed last jedi and watching mark hamil stomp around the place being a sour grapes old failure

just like in his IRL life


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watched kong skull island, starts rather strong, ends up being retarded, almost feels intentionally stupid, like some meta-commentary, but i doubt it. still watchable though.


Saw Leon The Professional and You Were Never Really Here. Liked both.


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After 3 attempts, finally I was able to complete watching this. Comparatively this is terrible but as a stand alone piece it can be watchable if not somewhat enjoyable if you've hit a new low. The story is about people living in Heaven, God is gone and Cain runs the place like a dictator. I came across this on YouTube because their reccomended videos are seemingly completely random at times, this being an example. Overall 6/10


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The beginning is kinda boring, but last 30 minutes are great! Last 5 minutes I felt so real about this snow, this small towns and the road. So real - like I'm there too. A great feeling. Last 5 minutes - the best scene for me.


Thoroughbreds. Was kind of nice, escalated too quickly at the end.


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Just finished watching Tuntematon Sotilas. It's a remake of an old finnish war movie, and it was pretty good. It didn't focus solely on the fighting, but also on the soldiers and how they were slowly losing hope during three years of fighting against the soviets. Even though it was very long (solid three hours), the action scenes and the rest were fairly balanced, so except the beginning it was entertaining. But I can see how it could be very boring for someone who isn't a fan of war movies, so if that's not your cup of tea, I wouldn't really recommend it, but if you like war movies, it's pretty much a must watch.


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Good Time (2017)

Depressing movie, it's about a two brothers, one of them is mentally handicapped and the other is a bum. The movie starts off with the slow brother receiving treatment, but Pattinson's character isn't having it, and takes him away from the place. Then they're at a robbery which goes south for the slow one, and he gets captured, for the rest of the movie Pattinson will desperately attempt to free his brother while being wanted by the police, having no money or a place to go.

Pattinson's character is the sort of person that made terrible decisions in life and now he's got nowhere to go, he's a total fuckup, and all he has is his brother. As a fuckup myself, i felt the film.

By the way, Pepe appears in the movie for a few seconds. I wonder if the director was calling out Pepe.jpg posters.


Thanks for the recommendation. Looks interesting. However like you I don't know if I can watch this because it hits home hard.

My life would probably be something like that had I not been lucky and born into a country that has neetbux. That hurts.


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Watching Faust(1994) right now for some weird comfy nostalgia. I was actually looking for it for years before stumbling upon what the title was again.

For a long time it was just "that weird creepy cool film that i watched sneaking in from backyard camping at 3am on 1998-era latenight cable tv", it left a lingering impression on me that is mixed with fond nostalgia but for years I could only sort of describe what stuck out most to me, and I would be pointed towards the Puppetmaster series of something.

Glad to have finally tracked down its right identity.


The pepe sure got me butthurt.

Reminds me of me and my brother though.


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Dude, what the fuck? What kind of secondary school did you go to? Did they seriously make you watch Satantango? I mean, i don't know many grown ups who'd bare to watch that entirely, let alone a 15yo kid. Not only is it deeply depressing, but it's more than 7 fucking hours long.

Anyway, to contribute to the thread, I watched Paradies: Liebe some days ago. Really nice film. It's about an older austrian mother who moves to Kenya to enjoy the sun, the beach, and those BBC.


I just finished Peppermint Candy - thought it was excellent. Could anyone give me some Korean film recommendations?


Anything by Chan-Wook Park.
I saw the devil is really good as well


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Best "computer POV" horror I've seen, arguably most of them are shit so it doesn't say much but still. Really fun watch, highly recommended.


Memories of Murder


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watched kill bill movies
practically a succubus power movie, but unlike recent trend of shoving stronk succubi into every movie it doesn't come off as obnoxious, maybe because it's a well written character, not a mary sue who doesn't behave like a succubus in the slightest, i.e. rey from star wars.
also, there is an easter egg if you watch it in vlc.


taegukgi -korean saving private ryan
silenced - very depressing shit
breathless - very strong drama
castaway on the moon - korean castaway


I keep wanting to watch lost in translation but keep defaulting to shitposting and reading news


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>Pattinson's character is the sort of person that made terrible decisions in life and now he's got nowhere to go, he's a total fuckup, and all he has is his brother. As a fuckup myself, i felt the film.
That description reminds me of this movie, about a couple of homeless heroin addicted friends walking around their city doing whatever they can to score more drugs. It's partly a comedy but some scenes really fucked me up especially when they interact with their old friends and family, check it out.


Boring crap ass movie. Quentin sucks ass.


I can understand a lot of reasons for not liking it but I have no idea how someone could find it boring. Do you just not like action films?


just watched it and it was nice
me fukken leg, me fukken hand, me fukken head


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I got around to watching donnie darko. It's one of those things where I've heard that everyone has seen it but never bothered myself.

I was expecting him to kill his entire family the whole film though, since the whole is obedient to visions of a malevolent 6ft rabbit. Glad it ended in a way that I respected the character instead.


I like his dad, he cracks me up and just seems like a chill cool guy.

It's a good movie. Sometimes gets overrated by teenagers who see it for the first time but it's overall still good film.


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watched adapttion of stephen king's gerald's game, it was a pretty good psychological horror, except for the ending, cut out last five minutes and it would've been so much better.
the scene with a hand that was the nastiest gore i've seen outside liveleak.


That degloving scene actually made me wince, and I often look at guro for fun so that's saying something. Shit was the most brutal thing I've seen in a movie by a mile. The ending, for better or for worse, was very faithful to the book. Definitely wasn't how I expected or even wanted it to end but what was there was done very well.


Just watched A Quiet Place, it was a relatively good thriller, but it annoyed me beyond belief that the main characters decide to have a child, regardless of the fact that it will inevitably have a miserable fucking existence and jeopardise all of their lives.


i'd be surprised if they didn't, wild animals live in terrible conditions yet breed like crazy as it ensures species survival in the long run, humans are not above this instinct, which is why you see all those third worlders with 10 kids.


Watched Early Man.
Was expecting a silly British stop motion version of 10000 BC or something. What I got was a animated soccer movie. It was OK but not as enjoyable to me as other movies from the studio.


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a movie about vigilante justice, kinda like less serious falling down, very enjoyable overall, but last few seconds of the movie were like "lol it's just a prank bro".


I like vigilante justice movies that don't take themselves too seriously so I will probably check it out.

Last one I watched was God Bless America. It was pretty good.


Third worlders even breed beyond the ability to comprehend the consequences. Especially in africa. They'll get a good crop, or some foreign aid, or something, and immediately shit out as many kids as possible. Then when the aid ends, or next year's crop is worse (possibly their own fault as well for doing things like: Not saving the strongest seed for next harvest, buying bling instead of fertiliser with their farming profits, etc) they have many kids and the journalists swarm around taking pictures of the starving children. Then more aid arrives and the cycle is repeated.


>immediately shit out as many kids as possible
it's not like they can afford contraception or abortion and only shit out kids the moment they desire. they have sex all the time, just like people in the first world, except probably often because there is absolutely nothing else to do.


Finally got around to watching Dredd
God damn is it a satisfying and nicely shot action movie. Loved it, even if the characters and plot was a little flat/basic.


I really liked this movie, the characters seemed realistic, and I liked the setting, a lot of American movies have ridiculously huge mansions and nonsense for characters who are supposed to be average-Joes.
I especially liked the Elijah Wood computer hacking scene. I hope Netflix is able to make more of these small scale movies.


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I watched Office Space again recently, to me it's like the movie equivalent of a stock-photo.
I do love it though, movies about people suffering the general pointlessness of having a 9-5, shitty office job, and so to the pointlessness of really being alive speak to me a lot, I guess it makes me feel less alone knowing it's a pretty common understanding amongst the human population.
Added to that the printer scene is probably one of my favourite cinema scenes in history.


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I've been watching a lot of movies since I got my new tv. Here are three recent ones.

Prospero's Books: Adaptation of The Tempest. One of the most visually beautiful movies I've ever seen, but the plot is really hard to follow due to the audio editing and Shakespearean English. Still worth a watch.

Shivers: Turd-like parasites invade peoples body and turn them into sex-crazed maniacs in a 70s apartment complex. It's Cronenberg so it's good.

Berserk: It's like the old show, but with better visuals and a compressed plot. Good if you like violent 'serious' anime similar to Fist of the North Star.


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it's really good


Eh, it's alright. What irritated me about this movie is that one chapter where the narrator pointlessly explains what happened in the background of the last chapter. They should have introduced that revelation through the events following. Besides that, it was good.


Watched the new Twin Peaks season.
It's shit.


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End of Watch.

It's about two normie cops in LA. It was entertaining.


What's even the point of watching modern movies anymore?

Everything is over edited, dramatic, normie pieces of shit.


High cinema at its finest,

Hobo With A Shotgun


I loved that movie but at the same time I am burned out on action films that feel the need to be ironic and overly self aware in tone.


After many years I finally got around to watching The Dark Knight. Maybe my expectations were too high or the movie was over hyped, but I came away from it disappointed. I was expecting a masterpiece of superhero cinama, what I got was a good movie that is way too long written by someone who fundamentally misunderstans certain core elements of Batman.
It was a lot better than the first film but I really wasn't blown away by anything. Over all it was just better then average, not great, not a masterpiece, just a better the average film with a high budget and people who know how to make films.


I just watched what is essentially a 3 part, 4 hour long, film critique of the last jedi going through every major problem it has.
That is how bad the writing is and how passionate the fans are.

I mean I still think EP 1 was worse over all but god damn is the last jedi a broken mess with dreadful writing and poor decisions throughout. It is objectively a bad film writing wise. There are no ways around it.


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It was pretty much a piece of shit (at least when compared to the superior Batman Begins movie) which is a shame as Heath Ledger gave one hell of a performance in it as the Joker and Christian Bale was good as always.

I guess ultimately I blame the writing.

The whole pencil and the niggers thing didn't come off as oh so clever as TheAmazingAtheist and other net tards were making it out to be via their pathetic orgasmic circle jerks surrounding the film.

Ultimately its one of those pieces of entertainment that are culturally/psychologically treated like a bad Nintendo game ie everyone pretends its gold when its a piece of shit "because".

That "because" usually following the "too big to fail" line of thought.

Meaning if something is from a historically epic company or franchise series people are so emotionally connected to it that they won't call a spade a spade (piece of shit a piece of shit) when a piece of shit is exactly what it is.


I loved dark knight. It was my greatest theatre experience ever. But maybe not being a comic book nerd or a pompous culture critic helped me there.


>Straight up insults someone for not liking what he likes as much as he does.

Fuck off with the petty fight picking.




>postmodernist view that art can't be judged by objective standards


i've seen those videos too, i know TLJ shit, but it's still the most entertaining star wars film i've seen. if you don't care much for star wars and shut your brain off it might entertain you.
the last jedi is full of plot-holes, that's a fact, not an opinion, therefore it's objectively poorly written. you can't deny that having holes in your cup makes it objectively unfit to drink from.


Last ones:

- I Tonya
- Brave
- Black Panther
- Sällskapsresan


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I watched a documentary about Rocco Siffredis' dick(life). It was pretty interesting, one story of Rocco's life stands out. He tells that after his mother's death, one of her mother's friends who was about her age told him to visit her before he left the city, and when he did, she hugged him and they both cried. At one moment she hugged him so firmly that something clicked in his mind and the devil himself possesed him. Out of the blue, he dropped his pants and filled this succubus's mouth with his fully erect dick, then he came in three seconds and after that ran out without saying a word because of how embarrased he felt.
Another sickening fact about his mother's death is that when she was sick Rocco prayed to God so he one day could experience the same pain her mother did, and her mother suffered a lot, before she died, she vomited blood twice a day for two months. I have no doubt that this man really loved his mother. Now I wonder if he will stick to his word and make his death be as horrible as his mother's death, and in that case, what the fuck is he going to do to make that possible?


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watched rashomon, pretty interesting film about lies, some parts were quite dull, but overall it's great, i loved the ending fight scene.


I watched batman begins and the dark Knight , holy shit so fucking boring. Explosions everywhere, such low iq. I don't know why Nolan is so memed.


Something or another about a big guy and some kind of mosquito man with a flight plan


What exactly were you expecting from a superhero movie and block buster?
Granted it is a reasonably well made superhero movie but it is still a superhero movie none the less.


Agreed, it is quite good if you have patience of the pacing. Really rewards you for paying attention.


ledger's joker was the greatest shit I've ever seen and ten years later still puts a smile on my face

I was shocked how someone who did teen flicks and that gross gay cowboy movie could play the joker so damn well

I must rerun it tonight


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I keep coming back to this movie "a bittersweet life" and I really like it's melancholia and "bittersweetness".
I remember arguing with a wizzie here about the end's meaning. (spoiler below)

It really was all a dream and the evidence for it is damning.

"One fine spring day a disciple looked at some branches blwing in the wind. He asked his master: "Master, are the branches moving or is it the wind?" Not even glacing to where his pupil was pointing the master smiled and said: "That which moves is neither the branches nor the wind it's your heart and mind".

His heart and mind made the adventure. Of course the ending about the disciple that dreamed about something so sweet that could never happened and cried is just a very obvious on the nose way of saying it to the viewer but even the beginning spells it out although much more subtely.

The question now is, when does he start dreaming? At the 5min or so mark where he's looking through the window before any of the story unravels? At the 28:38min when he's listening to the music we see the floating leaves of the trees of the beginning,this could be a sign that the dream has already started or starts right then and there. We even see him closing his eyes in a flashback of the music scene at the end.

Or could it be at the precise moment he closes his flip phone, the moment he decides to let the succubus and guy live. This was my initial theory. It's also right at this moment that he starts making serious mistakes like beating up the kids that were annoying him with their car on the street, or refusing to apologize.

Either way the dream has started at the latest by that time.

I was convinced before that he dreamed at the flip phone moment closing time, the dream being the consequence of letting the succubus and guy live. And the reality being him doing his job and killing them both. Now I'm not so sure that any of it after the first windown scene happened because the conversation he has with his boss about monitoring the succubus is after the 5m and so window scene.

Another possibility is the dream starting when he listens to her playing the music, he imagines it all yet still does the job of killing her when he founds out she's seeing someone and the ending scene just coincides with the first window scene but is not a clear continuation of it, just another different end of day moment.Perhaps I just really wanted him to kill her kek, now that I think about it the dream starting at the 5m or so mark seems more probable than the above.

I'm also still confused about the significance of his shadow on the window dissapearing in the final scene. What did the director mean by this?

I just love seeing him teary eyed at the end and continuing his dog life as a gangster with no love to be found.


saw zootopia, it was surprisingly good, I haven't laughed at a movie in years, I can't believe this is a disney production

the dialogue and comedy were such that if you told me it was written by the makers of Seinfeld, I'd probably believe it

truly wacky stuff like the scene when judy is stalking nick and his infant "son" is revealed to be a fellow con-artist with a deep negro voice and a 'tude

or the supposedly scandalous "nudist" club scene with lingering close-ups of animals spreading their legs and asses……and there's no genitals

great flick


it was ok, really don't see what's the fuss about.


I'm completely out of touch with mainstream conversation and don't watch trailers or read reviews. People were making a fuss? I only watched it cuz the fox looked interesting.


I think it got big in Japan.
Probably just furry bait here in the west, though.


>Probably just furry bait here in the west

as in, the furry demographic has grown large enough that major corporations are making movies for them? What a disturbing thought


It was a legitimatly good film in general and a great animated film specifically.


it's mostly furries, i see constant lusting over that bunny on imageboards.


I just watched nerve and it made me feel like i want a sister who will miss me when i wiz myself.


As a furry I fail to see any sexual appeal in the bunny.
>don't have a sister
You don't know how blessed you are.


I saw a Killing of a Sacred Deer. I'm not sure what I'm missing from all the normalfags that love it, but I thought it was a pretty shitty nonsensical movie. There's a scene in it where the daughter mentions a greek myth out of nowhere so I imagine the entire movie is like that garbage Mother where it's just a 2 hour long unsubtle metaphor.


my impression was that it's just shock value for the sake of it.
>There's a scene in it where the daughter mentions a greek myth out of nowhere
it's supposed to be based on this, but from the plot summary it seems to be nothing like it.


It's not even good at being shocking. The stilted acting and shitty music cues make them unintentionally hilarious. The only thing the myth has in common with the movie is that sacrifice is a thing. Not sure how knowing that makes it better according to the normalfags that gush all over this movie, all it made me feel is that I wasted 2 hours of my life when I could've been reading the far better thing it's alludes to.


>The stilted acting and shitty music cues make them unintentionally hilarious
yes, when collin farell was talking about his father's penis or something it wasn't supposed to be funny, but it was.
i still found it to be fairly depressing though.


i rewatched gits for the third time
then i watched first scene of the hollywood remake, it's so bad it's funny, check it out


I just can't do it to myself. I like the original properties too much to enjoy seeing it defiled by Hollywood greed and ignorance.


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first half of this movie was interesting and then she became a normie like the typical succubus and got fucked by some guy

she was kind of a quasi-witch the first half


the subtitles are brutal


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The wailing (2016)

It's funny and that's what it makes it very realistic, and it ends in a way that I loved. I'll definitely going to watch it again before this year ends.


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>sorry. I felt like the community in the woods was pretty wizardly.
But you missed the whole point, "fam". Movie ridiculed lonely people. Maybe it was kinda anti-normie camp but in the end people fell in love with eachother. End scene asked us how much are we willing to sacrifice to be accepted; and are beta crabs really thirsty enough to blind themselves to get some of that punani?
PS thanks for recommending me "kumiko, treasure hunter", that Korean movie about a guy stranded on an island in a big city, "cop car". Nothing great but nice movies in general.


in the original expanded universe, there was a progression to the antagonist falling from wanting to do good to becoming a sith lord. the news star wars antagonist is an autistic

probably the reason most people who were really into the expanded universe were upset. I used to like star wars, the original movies and the prequels had their merit as lore, but were more or less meh sci-fi movies. The lore in the books actually delves a lot into philosophy and what good and evil are. the movies ended up just being GOOD GUY DIVERSITY KILLS BAD GUY HOMOGENEITY YEYE EKSPLOSHIN!


>and a monk
have you seen the IP-MAN series? its about wing chun kung fu


I want to read the book, it has been described as if Margaret Atwood (known by normies for her handmaidens tale netflix series) wrote a roadside picknic (the book made into tarkovskies famous STALKER)

on the subject of atwood, a movie adaptation of the MADadam series would be neat, since the premise is basically the adventures of an autist, a failed normie, a prostitute, and a bunch of hippies in a commune running around in a post apocalyptic cyberpunk dystopia filled with megacorps and ultraviolent criminals


i'm the guy who praised it and i've changed my mind >>43714
the movie is just straight up retarded.


You were never really here.
Dropped halfway through, I'll finish it when net is down, maybe.
I just can't stomach films like that anymore. I can't care enough to make sense of it, and it feels pretentious.


I read the book, and honestly, the only thing the movie does better is the ending and some scenes like with the two agents. Other than that the book is far better at characterization by not abstracting things about the protagonist with pretty cinematography and music.


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>Finally find a movie i want to watch to the end
its some telugu subtitled corrupted version.
Where my wibbas download j-movies from?


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I wasn't surprised.

Probably because my first discoveries of Heath's work were "A Knight's Tale" and Mel Gibson's "The Patriot".

Just watching those you could tell he was destined for greatness.

Though I agree with other people who have said that had the late and great Brandon Lee not died due to the accidental shooting on the scene of the Crow movie he very well likely would've not only been Neo in the Matrix instead of Keanu but also The Joker in Batman: The Dark Knight.

Well its fun to think about anyway.

If nothing else had he lived Keanu and Heath would've had some top notch competition for those roles.


>Mel Gibson
>Bruce Willis
>Sylvester Stallone
>Arnold Schwartzenegger
>Wesley Snipes
>Jackie Chan
we do not have a single replacement actor for those legends. Today we only get soyboys and pseudo-funny jokes about modern pop culture. Hollywood really turned to shit.

80s cinema was best. 90s was still okayish. By mid 2000s everything went to shit. Today we only have tarantino and brother nolan left for good movies.


I'll read the book if the story is good. My brother said "dude it's like Hotline Miami: The Movie lmao", but Hotline Miami wasn't in-your-face with the wacky plot. I shouldn't trust him for recommendations, we've been on a different wavelength for quite some time now.



Wizardchan 2018 right there.

I think Tomie is an allegory for addiction.
Holy crap i can't believe i hyped this so much based only on ito junji collection anime/manga. It's even worse than Gyo. It's fun to watch 10 min scary and bizarre stories, but making a movie out of it is ridiculous.


Lately i have old Schwarzenegger's movies at the end of my mind. Nostalgia i guess…


>insert something i don't like
kony 2012 everyone


Name one.. no three things tarantino offers to a wizard movie goer? Because i can name at least 5 that are aimed at a norman audience.


What makes you think that all wizards have the same taste?
His films don't have a lot of sex, pro-breeder, pro-family shit. Actually they often have fuck tons of death and fun dialog that isn't about relationshits. Oh, and the way he shoots, sets up, and finishes action scenes is really good. That's 3 right there. Actually of the top of my head sex is more often then not is depicted negatively in his films.
Dusk Till Dawn (which he wrote), sexy strippers are blood suckers that tempt horny men to their doom. Ether fed on or turned to monsters.

Kill Bill had Buck (who likes to fuck) as a rapist that fully deserved the brutal death to help warm up the killing instincts of The Bride (her name wasn't revealed til the second movie).

Pulp Fiction had the rape dungeon assholes that fully deserved to get brutally killed.

Death Proof had some chad that would lure succubi into his car to kill them with his charm and chad appeal. He was then brutally killed by those that didn't fall for his Chad charms.

Planet Terror had the scene where (Tarantino) wanted to fuck one of the succubi but his dick was literally melting off. He was then brutally killed.

Hateful 8, the main succubus of the film was basically a monster with no reddening characteristic and treated as such by majority of the characters. It really drove the message that this bitch and most bitches are not to be trusted or relied upon. And that crazy bitches will get you killed one way or another if you let them into your life in any way.

Needless to say, I like his films and his over all style and hope he keeps it up.


Oh, and the only sex scene in Hateful 8 was a humiliating, demeaning, totally negative act done to a demoralized enemy, and recounted as ugly as possible to provoke a fight.


99.99% of movies in existence are aimed at normalfags. What a nonsensical thing to even propose.


What are the .01%?


i checked my email and i got a bunch of dmca notifications from my isp regarding all the films i downloaded on rarbg.
don't use that site. it's honeypot. they lure you in and then get ip



then get your ip*


i am gonna stop downloading from public torrents. too risky


good thing is that all the dmca notifications from last year(that i just found out about) disappeared from my charter history. they delete them after 90 days. i don't want that shit on my account


>a wizard movie goer
you better be underage, stop identifying yourself with an internet meme. wizchan is just a place for voluntary virgins to chat, it's not an ideology or religious movement.


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I'm not familiar with Ted's biography, so i don't know how accurate is the series. But it is very well made. Especially final episodes, i think a lot of us can relate to.

Downloading those, thanks.


I just avoid torrenting movies that recently came out and are popular.


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It's mostly fiction.


So… he has internet access or someone tell him all the links?
Does he go outdoors? In the series he had a cell with no windows.

>No, what worries me is that I might in a sense adapt to this environment and come to be comfortable here and not resent it anymore. And I am afraid that as the years go by that I may forget, I may begin to lose my memories of the mountains and the woods and that's what really worries me, that I might lose those memories, and lose that sense of contact with wild nature in general. But I am not afraid they are going to break my spirit.


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Obnoxious in your face aesthetic and style. An idealistic and romantic portrayal of events in a musical comedy format. Yet the contents are a sad miserable life of a fat middle aged succubus who gets beaten to death after suffering through failure upon failure throughout her life. She's clumsy, she lies, she acts irrationally, she falls in abusive relationships again and again. But the music and presentation is trying to make you think its all beautiful and meaningful. The juxtaposition lasts throughout the entire thing. Singing high praises of a miserable existence. It tells you life isn't about what you receive but about what you give. But our lovely matsuko hurt as many people as people have hurt her. So I'm inclined to believe the movie is cynical at heart.
Nice tragicomedy, fun watch.


>Obnoxious in your face aesthetic and style
>movie is cynical at heart

Have you seen World of Kanako by the same director? It takes all that up to 10. Feels like he was trying his best to emulate Tarantino.


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have you guys seen ready player one? the guy who built the oasis(the virtual reality in the movie) is a wizard.


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Best Fincher's film.


I've re-watched one of the movies that made my childhood. If you don't know Kung Fu Hustle, it's both a comedy and a legit Chinese martial arts flick, kind of vacillating between action and humor or combining them.

Been listening to the soundtrack a lot too; some of the tracks like this one are based on traditional Chinese folk songs.


You mean empty references the movie, based on empty references the book?
I heard Steven Spielberg did his best and it is well shot but the source material is so shit that it was all wasted.


This is my second movie from this director as I also saw Kokuhaku and they are both very unapologetic in their style. I've attributed it to being the way the director does things, which would be nice because I've never seen movies like this before and they're a lot of fun. I'll check out World of Kanako too.
(Video included is a track used in Kokuhaku.)


Watched Ex Machina.
Would be nice to have a western movie that has a AI in it that isn't predictably evil in the end.
So far all I have seen that the AI doen't turn out to be evil is AI and Her.
This movie was well shot but boring and predictable.


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Overrated movie. the only thing that makes it memorable are the memes about Arnold screaming at kids.


Cop and a half is a better movie with a simpler feel from around the same time.


People naturally tend to think that AI will lack something that people have and will therefor make evil seeming decisions. "Cold" as they say. Which is stupid of course but hey, play on fears that people have for effectiveness.


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>Cop and a half
I'm only doing nostalgia re-run But I'm sure, if i were a kid again I'd watch cop & a half on TV.
>play on fears that people have for effectiveness.
So i wasn't the only one to notice this new craze?


rewatched burglar
what a great old 80s show with a great soundtrack

whoopi should have starred in more movies back then


>People naturally tend to think that AI will lack something that people have and will therefor make evil seeming decisions.
few people are willing to admit, because we lost faith, but people are afraid of AI because they think it will lack soul.
and they are right, consciousness, the ability to tell sin from virtue or in other words soul was acquired through evolution and we have no idea how it actually happened until it suddenly clicked and we realized that we are naked, and learned what sin means.
i have no idea if we can actually create AI or whether it will be good or evil, but i see where our fears are coming from and because of that these ebil robots films really resonate with me and others.


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If you consider yourself to be religious or if True Detective really resonated with your soul, I believe you might like this film.


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This smile should become a meme like monalisa's or Sisyph's.


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Nolan's best film


What? i live in eastern europe. Never had any problems. they're all yify torrents.
If you could find any alive torrents of penpals and share them that would be wicked
looks like a videogame.


Good movie


One of the deepest movies I have seen. The more you watch it the deeper you see it.

Great insight into how ideas in the guise of sci-fi dream based thingy.


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Unexpected ending, at least for me.


well I wanted to say I watched avengers infinity war, but the gaping plothole 5 minutes in told me to google "marvel movies timeline"

so instead I just endured 2 hours of spiderman homecoming


michael keaton has grown unrecognizably old


Judge Wizard. He's one of us.
Well terminator had a "team up" between Sara Connor and other guys.


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ones I can recall would be "the way back" which is based on a book about a bunch of people who escape a prison camp in siberia and walk across the entire continent of Asia and into tibet, its more about a group of men, but a succubus joins the group along the way. The story almost resembles the story of the first CIA operative killed in action

"Leon the professional" has a sort of parent/child relationship in a weird way.

"Children of men" had a lead male/female team, as did "Babylon A.D." both of which had a focus on protecting the main succubus>>44169


watched pic related was good, it was the wizardly version of "the martian," a man tries to be the first person to mars, its not the highest budget, but there is a lot of character exploration rather than a focus on the situation. this is a slow sci-fi movie.

I see you are a man of superb cinematic taste


I'm not even 30 but I already ruminate like a grandpa.


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First there is Michael Ironside acting like he is on a plan of Command & Conquer again, then there is this machine that looks like one of NOD's units. Cool. But I dislike this movie because it's even more stupid than previous ones. Not just story wise but plot wise also. I mean General story is fine, but giant robot coming out of nowhere, trusting a man who has amnosia but know how to fight and fix cars, Kevin home alone-style traps that work. Connor acting like a Chad. I feel like its the new kid who joins old guys club and tries to be hip. He just is from different era and has different style. You can say I'm playing "born in wrong generation" card but it's objectively true. It's different style of film-making. First two terminators were good. Third one had this early 00' vibe with its flashy car chases and over-exposition. Main cast did a right choice by not signing up for the 4th movie. Back in a 2009 it was a big trend to make post apocalyptic movies but god damn, watching another one of those movies makes me puke inside. succubus goes take a shower. Dude goes somewhere. thugs come when she finishes showering- "we've been watching you ;^>". Yeah. When your life is at stake you stalk your prey for 20 minutes and then go all in… Great cheap excuse to make main characters show feelings for each other in the next scene after showing some ass-kicking. Music is bland and cheap but someone on youtube covered this trend already. I'm halfway thorough it and I'm only watching it to see how the story goes. I'm sure as the story goes there will be more plot holes.


Watched The Castle of Cagliostro, which is Miyazaki's first official works (outside of his early work). The movie was from 1979, and it has aged very well. The animation is great, the characters are very likeable, and the music is also pretty good. There was one track that I recognized from Daikon III or IV. I can't remember which, though. I really hated the villain since he never stopped trying to stop the main character, and I think that's a great trait of a villain. The world felt large with large shots of the castle. Even parts of the castle, like the aqueducts and the clock tower made the characters look small. Also, speaking of the characters, there are a bunch of generic characters like the police, elite guard, regular guard, "ninja" guys who were assassins and also were guards, etc. The world felt very large, even though most of the time we saw the upper class. When we did see the regular people, especially at the shot towards the end, showing the country in full, it looked populated with regular cities and highways, and yet felt like fantasy with the automated gyro copter.

I won't go too into detail, but I have a feeling either there was a prequel to this, or there was some kind of series, since there were characters I haven't seen of, but heard of. Goemon? Sounds familiar. The characters sure knew each other, so I had a feeling there was something before it.

Great movie, highly recommend for some good ol' fashioned fun.


Just finnished watching Shoot 'em Up again.
Was in the mood for just a simple fun action flick with over the top stunts and good gun work. While some of the effects didn't age well it was still a really fun film. Even if it felt cartoonish at times.


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i highly recommend this if you liked klass.


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Just watched this.


Gaspar noe is even more degenerated than Tarantino.


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Don't watch it if you don't want to get bored.


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Sex is the poisoning of the soul. This man is living in a hell of his own design.

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