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 No.46012[Last 50 Posts]

Remember, anything from novels to lyrics are allowed to be posted and discussed.

Last Thread:

As usual, discussion starters:
>What are you currently writing?

>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?

>How do you feel about your characters? What are they like?

>What are you fond of writing and why?

>How do you get ideas when you can't think of any?

>What common writing advice do you disagree with?


I decided to write down my personal history. Mainly because I have so much brainfog and holes in my memory. I would like to read my own consistent timeline. Actually it is a very insightful excersize. My depression makes it difficult to keep the writing up though. I write for an hour, then weeks/months go by before I add some new writing. I will probably never finish this project as I will be dead earlier.


>What are you currently writing?
poem a day, fantasy story about druids(procrastinating)
>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?
Stuff about how something needs to respect the cliches of stories in the market and pull a twist on them, rather than writing whatever you want. That something as small as the wrong author name or a bad cover can kill a book. Who is going to read my stuff, and why am I writing it in the first place?
Also, the question "why dragons?" I think elevated me the most. In other words 'why' did you do it like you did it, why is a dragon there, what is cool about dragons, this all needs to be personal and explained. I think bad writing and cliche writing aren't the same thing anymore, cliche writing sells because everyone is expecting everyone else to be reading it, they want to be in on the group activity.
I don't like how I focus so much on 'how I'm going to get people to read this book/how am I going to make money' over 'I need to finish the damn book'
>How do you feel about your characters? What are they like?
All of my characters read like an elementary school scribble to me. I've gotten comments that people actually liked my characters once and I don't believe them. I don't believe I have a good sense of what real people are like, so when I write my characters I often write them how I'd realistically respond instead of making the dialogue show feeling and intent.
>What are you fond of writing and why?
I wanted to write as a kid because I read harry potter/redwall series and I wanted to write a book that made lots of money and people read and enjoyed reading. Always had fantasies in my head, never wrote until I was 29(creatively) and then I spent the first day from waking up to sleep writing, it's gotten better or worse since then and poems are more manageable so I'm stuck with those for now because I can't commit to any longer projects I've started.
>How do you get ideas when you can't think of any?
I always have too many. Environment is enough inspiration, I can write about anything because in order for it to be something there has to be a whole lot of context and experience around that something in order for it to draw attention. Not that that means the writing is worth reading, but it's still there.
>What common writing advice do you disagree with?
I think that most writing advice sounds like something that worked for that writer personally and has nothing to do with developing personal style and taste. If anything, developing taste is the primary work of an artist, and there's really no point in disagreeing with someone's taste. Like music, some things just click with people and some simply don't, I think the thing that really matters is enthusiasm and trying new formats/ideas.
Oh, and I wish someone told me about the trust/performance thing too. When doing writing, treat it as a performance like you're on stage and trust yourself to get words on the page. The more you distrust yourself or waffle over what's going on page the more worthless I feel the end product is, even if it's carefully thought out it has no life to it.
Editing is a special kind of hell though. Reading my own work is something I haven't been able to do much, and I know it's weakening my writing.


>I'm journalling my life and thoughts now if it can turn into a book great but I'm not counting on it. It's like one long shitpost.
>Grammar and structure I'm stream of consciousness all my writing is like that it's hard to make it coherent
>Welcome to the NHK but there's no magic succubus coming to save me and they all die in the end
>Conspiracy and sci fi.
>The world is a big joke it's all subjective it all has deeper meaning i dance with madness for arts sake if i want inspiration i plug into the worldly prison matrix called life
>All of it just write shitpost let it all come out and pick the gold nuggets out of the shit


Anyone participating in NaNoWriMo?


Just finished my first draft of my first short story. It suddenly feels like this might actually happen.


Care to post a couple of paragraphs? I'm curious.


I'm close to finishing a short story. It's probably the longest one I've written and feels a bit too similar to another short story I wrote. Editing is going to be annoying. After it, I'm just going to focus on writing snippets for novels/novellas.


On second thought, I'll probably skip editing it once it's done and focus on writing the other thing I'm planned. When I'm done with that then I'll edit the short story. Feels like I notice more mistakes when my eyes haven't seen the story in a while.


Can you share one of your poems? What kind of poems are they? Do you think they help you write?


Finished my short story. Will edit it tomorrow, later today I'll start writing the beginning chapters for the novels.


Been using this site for about three months, doing a poem each day. It's helped my writing a ton. I think persistence, feedback from other users, and practicing gratitude for decent poetry among the filth gave me much more confidence and understanding of what art is and how to do it.

I used it over a year ago and did like 126 poems and deleted it. They were pretty bad, almost illegible.
I eventually came back to the allpoetry site because I recognized the potential of the format, you have to comment on two poems for every poem you post. So being extremely perfectionist(didn't start writing until 29) and negative about everything I wrote, I focused on appreciating what I liked just a little bit, giving an encouraging comment. Faking it, really, I skip past most of the poems because I get a reaction of disgust immediately on reading them. Over time I've seen some poetry that I actually ended up liking, even though I've never taken writing poetry seriously at all.

I think that's why I was able to get up each day and say to myself 'whatever I write is fine, this is exercise to increase my gratitude and creativity.' Trusted myself that 'it would be good', and kept it up, and I think I've gained a great deal of satisfaction this 2nd time on the site. Won it from myself, more like, through struggle, and it wasn't that painful either just a few minutes a day and I usually post the first draft too.

>What kind.

I experiment with a new form everyday. Usually I get enough information from the internet that my head is bursting with ideas of 'how about a poem about that?" then I try to make it interesting and include my thoughts/feelings/observations. I've never studied rhyme or counted syllables even once, mostly because I'm lazy and am doing this as an exercise.
Some of my poems are more like ideas that I wanted to remember that I tried to put into poetry format, like the poem "Humbition" is about an email newsletter called Morning Brew I read where they said that they hoped that word wouldn't become popular, reacting to another article from another news site. Naturally I wanted to make the word popular after that, so I tried.
I ended up being proud of some of my poems in spite of myself. This one below is a recent rewrite of one poem that got picked for the front page of the site by someone.

Formation of the Gordian Knot:re

Sand shores of bleached blonde vines
cross ample pores passing desert's fickle time,
winds uproar deadly yellow sparkly vines
marking their way marrying wind stranding into
coils of clouds stretched across the thin divine blue.

Each thread wound red and red around red,
each strand spaghetti bred curly hairs on heads,
winding winding winding winding windy winding
scarlet crimson thin and loud.

Poking around, then
round balling up, smashing down,
scattering golden particle conical explosion
a heavenly crown rising to meet the diamond blue.

Beam lights, heat and time
sundered knots bound still in a golden hue
sand-washed, it's color stained.

In time, people came.
From distant lands, carrying mysteries in minds.
They marveled at it's strands.
Puzzled at it's passive demand.
They called to other lands.
Desperate yet interested, fearful yet hopeful.
"Can anyone unravel this?" They asked.
And many came, but to no one's blame, they failed.

But then a boy, deluded by his mother
into thinking himself a demigod, grew.
His teacher, "The First Teacher" to some,
and to others they called him "The Philosopher"

This boy grew great. His humble home, his hearty comrades,
his will and strength unparalleled and his youth brimming
with delight and demigodlike strength,
as if his mother's lies were turned to truth,
he conquered the world, and heard of some silly knot.

That no one could unravel.
His belief shining through,
the lies that could never be true
didn't stop his sword a bit
as it chewed right on thrusting through

strand by strand the wound as so
to never be unhinged from their
complexity, were cleared in seconds
with great clarity.

The grown great demigod and world conqueror watched
with eyes filled with white
as the red revealed itself
as the golden sand hue shook off
sparkling as it fell
as if sounding a death knell.

As the crowd of lesser men cheered in delight,
the demigod stooped, squatting down
his battleworn fingers guiding the sanguine threads
his face contorted with curiosity
as he brought the threads close to his nose
and sniffed.

And what the demigod learned
that day, is a secret to many, but not to all,
that his brave lie faith alone won't win the day
but brave faith clutched together with a swinging blade
will bring about a glorious aubade.


Do you know of a website for general short stories? I think what you said about reading others bad writing being good motivation is true.


https://chyoa.com/(erotic fiction choose your own adventure)
Medium(articles, self improvement stuff, good for quick reads)
I like charles chu myself, he's got some writing and he's how I found out about the benfranklin writing advice:
Commaful(hybrid platform with more focus on images, precursor to instagram stories or whatever the fuck instagram stories is)

Wattpad(lots of female targeted fiction, lots of short fiction. Slick UI)
Royalroad(sci-fi, lit-rpg, anime inspired western stuff, regular western pulp novels)

There's also https://archiveofourown.com/ and fanfiction.net of course for trashier stuff.
For some feedback bases sites I suggest checking out Scibophile(you edit others work and comment on it and get points to post your own work) and the /r/DestructiveReaders subreddit as well.
I know the general sentiment against reddit and blogs on imageboards is hostile, but over the years I've found that I prefer getting value wherever I can find it rather than trying to seek out only things that suit my tastes.


And after jumping between which novel idea to start with I've finally decided on two 6 days later. At least I outlined another short story in that time.


Posted an anime fanfic I wrote to get feedback on it. After someone gave me honest and accurate feedback that it had tone all over the place, I realized I'm more committed to bringing imagination to the page rather than writing something that someone else can read. I regret writing it by about ~70%.
Very frustrating when I have to compromise ideas I think are fun and try to write something I think people will understand and relate to. I'm about half thinking I should just ctrl+c all of the hunger games books and just edit it to make it just enough to avoid getting banned and publish it to feel like my work matters.
Everything I think of sounds like some esoteric genre that doesn't even exist yet, or some cool idea like "and then there's ten toxic people based off a robert greene article who are all have someone in the group they want to kill, friend, or love and I'm going to make the interactions fun to read!"
and then I remember I can't write dialogue for shit because I don't talk to people. What story can you even make if it's just a bunch of people trying to kill each other? Battle Royale? So annoying.


Organized crime story with three rival hierarchies, each with conflicts at the top, and one or two investigators. Getting ten people to conspire on setting each other up is pretty easy. It's more of a question how to plan a hidden marketplace evolving, being maintained, and falling down realistically; and what the consequences involve for people they shouldn't have affected but inevitably did, maybe other users of the marketplace.


He could not save others,
That is, there is no room to breathe,
Sleep is under eaves,
The picture is very painful,
With the advent of things,
Life is a quarrel,
Scared borthers hide beneath,
In order to eliminate reason,
I think, I feel,
Evil dreams draw near,
Hope shall soon run dry,
Built of death,
On the verge of lies,
There is nothing to fear,
I did not breathe,
My head is so much
In the life of hell,
And so drunk in the dark,
Very sweet praise,
Nothing can be kept,
Near my opinion,
The dreams are nearing me,
Hope was composed,
Like God, he can not wait,
Very sweet praise


>Very frustrating when I have to compromise ideas I think are fun and try to write something I think people will understand and relate to
Don't compromise on your idead for popularity. These days the books that get popular with normalniggers are trash like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey. Instead of writing popular stories, write good and original stories. Legendary authors like HP Lovecraft and Cordwainer Smith never gained wide audiences in their lifetimes, but their stories were enjoyed by quality people who have carried appreciation for their works into the present day. That's not to say that your writing is perfect as it is and you don't need to practice, mind you, but if a story is poorly written it's very rarely due to the idea behind it.


The ideas for my short stupid are pretty stupid. One is where a succubus loops back to the same day when she dies, except that's been done to death and it isn't exciting when the main conflict can essentially be brute forced. So I made it so that the force causing her deaths is something she could never comprehend on top of her being an already weak willed and depressive individual, and I didn't realize it's just someone being murdered over and over with nonsense in between the deaths until it finally ends on nonsense. I don't really have aspirations to have my stuff read outside of posting them here whenever I manage to finish something, so it's whatever.


Iron coins
trickle down
The jester, the joker
The queen, and the clown

The salts of the earth
Disintegrate quick
Timely mementos
Make me feel sick

Insects and mammals
Roaming the earth
Spread upon sunlight
Lost in rebirth

The feeble old king
Never shall die
The strong peasant sits
And rests his red eyes


Well mementos'd my friend.


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I wonder if anyone is interested in helping me to dispose this? It's kind of a classic, and I'd like to give it a new home. The book in almost pristine condition.

Anyone interested in receiving this in the general delivery (poste restante for those living in the UK/Europe) in a nearby post office?


Where abouts do you live?

I'll consider it, but only if you accept one of my books in return.



Northern Europe. And I don't mind getting a book in return. As long as the book is not soaked in cocaine, that is.


Wrote that post two months ago. I ended up giving myself so much stress from writing it that I fainted for the first time in my life from a cut opening a pumpkin can. Fainted a second time and hit my head, called an ambulance shaking. It was fun.
Working on a Light Novel-esque thing on royalroad now. I've done lots of stuff on there, I started with "I'm just going to do 500 words a day" and it turned into this sort of anti-harem rural small town fantasy where the succubi are the main enemies. Reminds me of high school. It's satisfying to write, at least.
Just going with whatever is fine I think. Planning doesn't seem to work well, what does is asking questions about what you're trying to describe. Saying things like "I want a giant robot in this" are fine, but a good story eventually loops back to human elements anyways, so you can't really write about giant robots, you have to write about what the people feel about giant robots and why the giant robots make them feel things.

Price of Smiles this anime season is a good example. The show is about political realities and how they impact the characters. You have one character who's sheltered, always has people around, doesn't even know her kingdom is in a war, and then you have the other main character who never had any of that and the war is where she found her family. Then they throw in the giant robots on the side.
It's actually a story about two succubi, one who's always been happy and then she gets sad, and one who's always been sad but then she gets happy. As of ep 3. you see the succubus happy because of war get called 'crazy' by Man Mann McMann standing in for the audience's reaction. The rest of the show is going to walk that back, no, the war was great for the sad succubus, and war is horrible for the happy succubus because she lost her hotblooded shounen protagonist and now she has to carry the show herself.


I relate strongly to this facing similar problems and have made my own attempts. It would be nice to share such a thing but obvious reasons why you wouldn't.
Is it painful for you sometimes, too? Dredging up memories of a happier time is a tough one for me. I like having it recorded for me to look back on and better remember but it's hard to appreciate now when there's no hope.

Wizchan is the only place I can come and see people similar to myself, if not for this place I'd feel completely alone in this world.


not that guy but journaling daily I already dredged up all the painful memories. See the demon, name it, and swallow it whole to gain it's power.
I have a job I got through a mental health center thats a couple hours a week and I play vanilla WoW with a tight guild. Can't relate to wizchan much anymore but still come here to post.


Do any of you guys have a pdf on grammar and the basics of writing? I feel like I'll just be wasting my time unless I read a book on grammar first, since my grammar is horrible. My plan is to learn grammar through reading and practice, then proceed to learn how to write clearly. I want some sources that will help me master the fundamentals of writing.


There are a few jumbo how-to collections in torrent form floating around, and you can check out libgen for countless more. It's hard to recommend any single book because it's usefulness is dependent upon the reader's pre-existing skill level (that's why so many of the fucking books are written and, worse still, sold). For true beginner level pick up any English study aid for GCSE/A-Level or whatever your nation's equivalents are. Books on grammar really aren't the way to go, for the reason being that you cannot fill a book with USEFUL grammatical information. Nobody is going to appreciate an anacoluthon unless it's a writing competition at the highest of levels. This is why you should go to revision materials for school exams and the like - less, but far more pertinent information.

For learning how to actually write well, it doesn't matter your prose (to a degree), because it is exclusively a matter of content, enhanced by how it is that you deliver it. What I'm saying is that you can write a dogshit story in the Queen's English, but it won't sell like Ian Flemming's actual dogshit or George R. R. Martin's slightly better dogshit. This is because it is a question of CONTENT, not of how you write. I can't tell you how to come up with a good story, or even how to tell the story, but how to ascribe the story to the written word can be discussed in both general and specific terms.

The holy grail of the writing world, which flat-out doesn't exist, is a book in which every single sentence is poignant, allowing for reflection on the story, its characters and even the readers themselves. "John opened the door" loses outright. It's dogshit. "John's nose led his eye to the crack in the door that she had carelessly left ajar.", tells you about the situation, it being sneaky, John's character, and perhaps it can serve as a callback to a description of John's large nose if you mentioned it. "His sister was masturbating" is a pretty dull thing to present to a reader. Try again. "John followed the path from shoe to sock to panties, falling onto his sister's legs bent double like triangles, as she peered over her blouse with a nervous, exploratory stare". No… not stare, we need a better word. It's like she's craning her neck. You could just say 'craning over her chest'. Let's check the thesaurus and see if we can't find another way. Staring, peeking, glancing, inspecting, surveying, scrutinising, leering.

Well, staring is a bit bland; it isn't descriptive. Peeking is good, but that's what John's doing at the door. No way would a succubus masturbating for the first time be doing something as lackadaisical as 'glancing' at her vegana. Inspecting sounds like a medical examination, and she isn't an architect, nor is she looking across vista, so surveying is out of the question. (I hope you're seeing how the writing process works thus far). Leering is what John's doing at the door so that's out. Scrutinising - like she is in thinking mode about herself. I really like that, but can I explain why? It could imply that there's something she is worried about. Maybe she wishes she could get some help with this scrutinising. Could it be the possibility that you could… help her with the task? Saucy. But no, that's not what I'm looking for here. I'm gonna go with peeking, even though it mirrors what John's doing in a repetitive sense. We can always review it later! So let's review, and I'm gonna adlib a bit, adding anything that feels right, like I'm dictating to someone:

… "John's nose led his eye to the crack in the door which she had carelessly left ajar. He followed the path from shoe to sock to panties, rising up to her bed. Illuminated in sunlight, his sister's legs were bent double like triangles, as she peered over her blouse with a nervous, exploratory stare. The sunlight darkened her periphery, letting John look upon her from that shadowy viewpoint. The sunlight outlined her legs with a film of gold leaf. She was like an angel, taking her first bite from the proverbial Apple, about to explore a world that only the sinners called home. John knew that he could show her the way, but was frozen stiff, petrified of being caught and unable to move. She brought her hand over her bobs and down to her vegana" … etc. etc.

This is the PROCESS of writing. You have to visualise what it is that you want to write to the point where you can tap into the meaning, the feelings, the fear, the excitement… whatever emotions and poignant observations or environmental limits or concerns that are worth mentioning in your particular story. If these descriptions can move the story along at the same time, then you're gonna make a lot of money from writing and make a lot of people happy to read your work. I did a number of little changes on the fly there - I altered the tense here and there as I wrote and corrected, I changed terrified to petrified (because the scene describes literally that), I juggled where to describe the Apple, until I ordered it Sunlight -> Angel -> Apple -> Sinner -> John. Don't expect to do these kinds of subtleties right away, but just be aware that they can be used. You'll find that they creep in very naturally as you keep writing.


… "John's nose led his eye to the crack in the door which she had carelessly left ajar. He followed the path from shoe to sock to panties, rising up to her bed. Illuminated in sunlight, his sister's legs were bent double like triangles, as she peered over her blouse with a nervous, exploratory peek. The sunlight darkened her periphery, allowing John to look upon her safely from that shadowy viewpoint. The sunlight outlined her cream-coloured legs with a film of gold leaf. She was like an angel, seduced by an inquisitive spirit into taking her first bite from the proverbial Apple, on the cusp of exploring a world that only sinners called home. John knew that he could show her the way, yet petrified of being caught taking a mere glimpse, and was frozen in his position. She brought her hand over her bobs and down to her vegana" … etc. etc.

There's another edit on top. You can see how you can change just little words and the odd error to improve over and over. (I forgot to actually change stare to peek) Why not try and continue the story?


… "John's nose led his eye to the crack in the door which she had carelessly left ajar. He followed her path from shoe to sock to panties, rising up to the bed. Illuminated in sunlight, his sister's legs were bent double like triangles, as she peered over her blouse with a nervous, exploratory peek. The falling afternoon light darkened her periphery, allowing John to look upon her safely from that shadowy viewpoint. The beaming rays outlined her cream-coloured legs with a film of gold leaf. She was like an angel, seduced by an inquisitive spirit into taking her first bite from the proverbial Apple, on the cusp of exploring a world that only sinners called home. John knew that he could show her the way, yet petrified of being caught stealing just this mere glimpse of this vision, was frozen in his position, clenching the door frame with a sweaty grip. She brought her flared fingers down, stroking over her chest. The seconds felt like minutes as she hesitated with her hand, inches away from its destination. John took a deep chested breath, stretching his lungs and holding the breath in anticipation. As if the gods were looking over John's shoulder, she opened her legs a little wider, display everything as clearly as could be. Finally after the agonising pause she folded all but her index and middle finger, resting them each side of her vegana. She bit her lip and let out an unconscious wince in fear of this electrifying sensation, almost tickling in the most unusual way." …

Or try editing this/continuing from here.


Mods, wake up.


These posts break no rules whatsoever, are pertinent to the hobby of writing, and are correctly contained within the writing thread on the /hob/ board. If you take offense to the content, that is as regrettable as your inability to tolerate other preferences over content.


Regrettable is the bad advice where your examples how not to write are the better ones, straight to the point and lacking pretense. Post your porn in the fap thread if you want but leave this thread please.


To your statement, you're wrong, and to your request, no.



Nowhere up there it says this has to be a thread full of magnificently enjoyable high quality prose which matches your individual preferences perfectly.


Those posts are very informative and interesting.


This hasn't to be a thread full of crap porn masked as writing advice.

Same paragraph with minor changes reposted three times to get more attention is very informative and interesting indeed.


quit being a dickhead

appreciate the effort, quality post


Quit defending bad advice mixed with questionably ironic sex worship. Just because the post is long doesn't make it quality, if anything it's the opposite when it comes to writing. If you can say the same thing in ten times fewer words, you're doing something wrong.


I enjoyed the posts. I thought it was really entertaining to see somebody's thought processes while writing. I can understand not liking the style but its not like its weird or anything. Writing styles in modern and old published books are incredibly diverse and individual readers like different things, plenty of very successful authors write much like that, and plenty of very successful authors write like how you seem to want this guy to write.
If you don't his advice then go ahead write out your own post instructing sombody how to write in the way you like it. Even if he is wrong there is no need to be an asshole to someone who probably spent a lot of time writing those posts with honest intentions to help a fellow wizard out.


Book I came across recently that sounded like really good, really clear advice is Eugene M Schwartz's The Brilliance Breakthrough.

He was a copywriter who sold through mail-order, so he only had a few words to work with and moved people to buy. I figure if someone can get people to spend money, they can get people to feel things too. Very technical from what I've read so far, but it's an interesting view on how to english.

I also really liked Ursual K Le Guin's Steering the Craft. I did most of the exercises and actually read the damn book for once.

Got inspired by Ryan Holiday's Ego as an Enemy to release all my journals I do everyday when I die, full of all my darkest secrets. I emailed him telling him that I pirated his book and he actually responded saying "thanks, what's important is that you read it"
Swell guy. Good book too. It's more like an article collection and he writes it like a children book, so it kept my attention. Felt like a complete neo-stoic philosophy, not anything revolutionary but definitely a good book.

I was surprised to learn he spent two years on such a simple looking book. I churn out lots of words everyday but they never go anywhere, so to think of what I might end up with if I could actually stay on one project for two fucking years boggles my mind. I might become a happy person, how disgusting.


Some weird chunk of text I wrote years ago. I found it organizing files on my new computer:

The poet Sad Sax was Mad Max's Prader-Willy cousin who lived in a liminal space. Max never brought him along on his adventures and kept him locked in a Faraday cage somewhere in the Australian outback. This text was discovered scrawled in excrement on the ceiling of his cage along with a dark puddle.

Mrs. Lardswobble has a gobble.
Her girth is intense, grav field circling.
Hair flame red. Her glasses thin. Her skull thick.
I hate her. I hate succubi.
She hates me. Disgusting. I kick her down the stairs.

The fatass lies where she died.
The moss grows over and the vines entwine.
He who moves her bulk shall be king of the Britons.

Tom John Jim sucked eggs and chewed tobacky
he wore brand hat and brand pants and brand shirt and brand socks
Tom John Jim was a fan of sports team
his wife had block hair
their phone had their kid
they were fans of TV

Tom John Jim son of Jim Tom John

Jim Tom John sucked eggs and chewed tobacky
he wore brand hat and brand pants and brand shirt and brand socks
Jim Tom John was a fan of sports team
his wife had block hair
they had three kids together
they were fans of TV

Jim Tom John son of Ioannes Timtom

Ioannes Timtom pickled eggs and grew tobacco
he wore green hat and brown pants and red shirt and black socks
Ioannes Timtom liked reading
his wife was known for her loveliness
they loved their eight children
they kept a farm

Enough enough enough enough enough

Talentless hack! Nothing! No ability!
Doomed to a spiral of obscurity.
I'm the one on all fours; my head is bald, my body sick. I grasp crumb with two fingers and put it to my mouth.
Sad sack. I am dressed in a sad sack. You kick me and slap me, laugh and jeer.
I scuttle away to the dark place that reeks of my oils and pleasure myself furiously.

Such is the life of a broken man who never asked for it.


Hours to outline a story, hours to write a rough draft, to edit and revise. All that in between nonsense in life. I doubt I'm ever going to improve.


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Try to write a book called "Interpreter" about some 40yo person which woke up on a shore of a Russian town without memories of the past. Every time when the person tries to escape from the town - he just gets into troubles (car crash, stroke, ect.) The town is a mix-tape of the past, the present and the future, and represents our reality in general.

Almost finished the first chapter from five (will translate into English and post here if all will be fine). It's not just an ordinary story, it contains a lot of new stuff and deep nuances. I just want to create some book which will be interesting for me too.

The most close stuff: Gorod Zero (Soviet movie), The Matrix (without action), The Truman Show, The Master and Margarita. Man vs Reality, Man vs the Creator of him, Man which understands that there is no escape, Man vs Fate.


Can I have it? Right away, this version. I want to change something.


In .md if you don't mind. That would be a text file, UTF-8 encoded, with an empty line between paragraphs. Word likely has an export feature at least for .txt which is enough as a fallback if that one's missing.


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That's a small details if compare to all work. I have txt anyway.


23 pages are actually shorter than I expected. Can start translating if you send the text files. I want a certain degree of freedom in wording, so sorry if you'd prefer a


…precise match for every original choice rather than an interpretation. Post an e-mail address if you want to keep the text private for now.


I have an idea for a story and I might try writing it. If it's too hard I will probably give up though.



Thanks! It still needs a time to finish the preliminary version.


Solitude my shadow I take it everywhere
I am nowhere my mind's everywhere
Empty are the walls dust on the shelves
Been a lot of decades since I've seen myself
Hyper sonic tongues future is the clock
Limitless at hand it never stops it
Work's for the self but I forgot
I forged an old path bitch that's what you want
They live on the waves I stay on the shore
Get wet like a bitch exist like a snitch
Be fucked in a ditch your life in the grave my date on the stone
Don't lose your place else get dethroned

Including myself in this life I don't
But a cunt like you can't and won't
Shut the fuck up about that spotlight
My shadow spoils your
Light lit the darkest
Reason I don't care
Is fuck
I'm everywhere

Solitude my shadow it takes me nowhere
Be nowhere no way no deal can break i take and make what's not that's not
The goal live life without
One blow it like snow
Show don't say trip don't flip flee means stray
Dog them like a bitch
Wet them in the hole
Take it like a dick
Fuck it 'cuz it's sick
Pull it out my sleeve fuck it
All I don't is where have I been
Fuck it I all I care
Is I'm everywhere


>Be fucked in a ditch your life in the grave my date on the stone
>Show don't say trip don't flip flee means stray
Good developments here.
Wish you used more complex patterns and metaphors in place of bitch snitch and sick dick.


i can tell you're really into death grips


I've been writing/outlining snippets. One I've been working off and on for a few weeks now should be done by the end of this week. The next sometime near the end of next week or after that. Still debating on what I'll write last.


Reminded me of one of my first poems. I only got into poetry because of wizchan, I thought it would be fun to write one as a joke about Wizards, now I write one everyday just to flex my brainparts.

Thunderous Witch

Thunderous Witch! You bitch! I'll snap you twitch!
bitty bit as a tick bit by a bitch such as a bit tick like you!
cry thunder loud and whine sonorous sound!

Thunderous Witch! You come to me?! You speak?!
Your wiles are wicked as a child's charm and not as sweet or swaying!
Want I to slap you and make you become a prayin'!

Thunderous Witch. I love you. Your boobs, they are mounds of the plains
of heaven so high above my chest high heart ticking tough
I ask you for your pale shaded sheen hand to hold fast
tight against my tick as I lick and lie with my bed and die and cry

Thunderous Witch. So great, that sound, in my ear. I love you dear.
Do not leave me again, you hear!

Reading it again I hate myself BUT that's about everything I write anyways so whats the difference?
Keep it up wiz. I do 500 words a day, been thinking lately I need an outline myself. Some of the best parts occur after I've written the damn thing and taken a break.
I read today that the ideal schedule is about 50mins on 17 mins break, even if you aren't tired. I think I'll do that from now on.


Yeah, outlines are pretty helpful. At least for me. I can't write anything on the moment, excluding spur of the moments where I deviate. My attention span when writing is awful. On a good, rare, day I might be able to write consistently no problem. Most days I'll go 200-300 words and start screwing around with music or browsing the internet until several minutes later where I realize what I was originally doing. It really makes me question whether I want to write or not. It feels like I'm just writing because I had a few ideas and pounding at a keyboard is more accessible than being able to draw, program, or film something. I try to read more, but my reading schedule is inconsistent. I'm too stupid to really like at stories thematically, analyze prose, or look at books anyway else other than "Plot interesting, characters good." And I'm not even sure why I'm writing in the first place, other than thinking of something and wanting it to be a story. And I likely won't get anywhere close to any actual story with frequent days of feeling like shit and little discipline. Even if I was consistent with putting things out I wouldn't have anyone to show it to for criticism and I'm not well-versed enough to criticize it for myself. Just another way to pass time. I hate myself, didn't plan to go on a dumb tangent.


How difficult can it be to write a female character?, a mother, to give an example.


idk, for unimportant characters I just use tropes and short hand character templates that get the general idea across. Then again I am not all that good of a writer. Still, I see most writers use that approach in a lot of media I consume so I don't think it really matters that much. As much as some people complain about tropes and cliches they work and get the job done.


The difficulty depends on your intentions with their character. Writing a side character who's a mother won't be as difficult compared to writing a coming of age story from the perspective of a mother. In short, I'd say the more the character demands an "authentic" (I put authentic in quotes because what is or isn't in this context is up for debate) perspective from a succubus the more difficult it'd become. I'd recommend reading female protagonists by succubi and contrasting them with those written by men to highlight pitfalls and the such. If you care that is.



I should have specified that it was from a third point of view, and having the mother as the protagonist of a short story. I think I'll play ignorant to the character throughout the whole tale and just be more of a factual narrator who from time to time gives a guess to what's going inside the mind of the mom. Thanks.


I coulda written this. Writing is sort of something you end up at after being frustrated with everything else. The net pretty much made me an anime fan and drenched in porn, there isn't much else to my life.
I find myself on wizchan and ask why I'm even here.


Remember that females rarely think, and in lieu feel. Feelings depend upon emotional response, and unable to comprehend this, henceforth act upon emotion alone. And to follow with the wisdom held within Planescape Torment, 'those who feel instead of think have little room for choice'. This should always be your guide to writing a female.


Going through editing right now and I feel like I'm making everything worse. Hell.



Normally I write male characters and change them to female later if the impulse strikes. I think it's worked well for me. Stick with what you're comfortable with, then take the training wheels off when you're ready.


Spent more time reading and wasting time than finishing the draft. I plan to have it done by tonight at best and by the afternoon at the latest. Could've had this done within a week at least if I worked consistently.


>>What are you currently writingp?
Two things I'm procrastinating. One is a story about a customer service man who falls maddeningly in love with a customer to the point of obsession. The other is my large fantasy story that will incorporate many elements. My dream is to write a fantasy drama, not fantasy action. This story would be leading up to that.
>>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?
Have an outline and stick with it. Sometimes your characters can derail a story and take it a weird direction. Don't do that if your writing is story based. Too dissociative. Get them figured out before an outline.
>>How do you feel about your characters? What are they like?
Love them, even the ones I don't agree with or sometimes like. It's difficult for me to sometimes let them be themselves but writing is all about letting go. My favorite is a lore figure. He's a mage-king in charge of the exiled souls in the afterlife, totally apart from the rest of the plane. He's also a total diva.
>>What are you fond of writing and why?
Used to be poems because they were easy for me. Like pop poems. Stuff that rhymed and could be easily digested but without much else. I liked it because it was easy. I enjoy fantasy and fiction and really want to marry the two seemlessly.
>>How do you get ideas when you can't think of any?
Listening to almost anything creative. H.P. Lovecraft audiobooks, D&D campaign diaries or instructional videos. Mostly, though, it's from some truth I'm struggling to grapple and the story is a way for me to explore the issue and see where I stand.
>>What common writing advice do you disagree with?
"When you have writer's block, just write!" That just distracts me


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I've been journalling all kinds of stuff for a year now. I would like to write a book at some point but I can't think of any good ideas and get frustrated easily. Journalling is loads of fun though. Hope everyone is doing well


What is it of the process that rouses feelings of frustration for you? You should go into writing a large body of work with the full understanding of the inevitably slow pace of progression, or you'll drop it after a couple of thousand words at best. If you haven't tried this already, I would recommend you write down an extremely simplified version of a chapter and rewrite it with incresing precision and detail to build it up iteratively.



After several weeks of working off and on, I finally powered through it and finished something without letting shitty feelings overwhelm me. It's rough even after three drafts and editing, but I can go to bed now at least.


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>Little succubus in the bath
>The pink void
>her body jolted
>Maybe she didn’t want to be touched
>"Plausible Deniability"


>Little succubus
She's 19. I should've included that when she was getting made fun of for still watching cartoons.


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Can everyone who posts their writing please upload plain text to some paste service? It's much easier to open and read than Pdf or docs, simply a tab that I can keep next to other things I'm reading, browser has a mode to format it nicely regardless of window size and of what heavy scripts try to do.



Are there better alternatives to pastebin? I really hate how it messes with formatting.



I started writing in a new diary for the last couple of days. On a whim I bought some candles to light and write in the dark with. I have perfectly fine light and have absolutely no need for candles, but it kind of makes it more fun to write. I tried writing diary's in the past, but for some reason I always wrote in them like I was writing for some kind of audience. It was like I expected somebody to read it and judge me. For this one I am just writing what I think in an almost stream of consciousness on different topics. I am pretty sure I could get arrested or have my life ruined in my country if somebody read it and exposed. Its kind of exciting. This all sounds dumb when I type it out, but it is pretty enjoyable.


Thanks, read both. Alice's bath description in the intro was pleasant, sort of meditative. Her name repetitively stood out everywhere too much though, try to do something with that. Also the small talk with secondary characters is somewhat out of place in this story. The model of one character, one internal monologue could fit more naturally. Demiurge manifest has a popular science wording style and perfectionist grammar, which I appreciate, but won't pretend I understood anything you meant about that whole resistance through reproduction thing. What did Pastebin format incorrectly? In raw mode, could read without any issues.


How could you have your life ruined just because of a diary? Do you live in some dictatorship? Do you criticize the regime or something in the diary?


It was in first person for the first two drafts, but I changed it to third because I felt first wasn't really necessary. Another rewrite probably could've fixed those issues, but I didn't want to get caught in revision hell. Also could you elaborate more on your third point? I feel I get the gist of what you're saying, but I'm not really sure.

>What did Pastebin format incorrectly?

When pasting stuff (at least from word) new lines and stuff get screwed with so I have to manually go through it all and fix it.


I kind of exaggerated about that. Its more like I could get in trouble if I posted it publicly on the internet. Its mostly just edgy writing that if taken seriously would be bad for me.


Not him but my parents freaked the fuck out over a slightly edgy joke today outta my diary and blew it way outta proportion. Can't share anything "controversial" with a normal God forbid we all don't think the exact same prepackaged NWO thoughts… And that was just an off-color joke imagine if I expressed my love for Ted Kaczynski or verbalized a critique of the system.

>Do you live in a dictatorship or something? Criticize the regime?

Yeah it's called America and I hope this country fucking burns


well tell us what the fucking joke is, that's the whole reason anyone read through this whole post, to find out what the fuck it was that got you in trouble


that sounds fun, but i do mine on a laptop so i can encrypt stuff, keep it secure
though i understand this opens up other potential threat avenues, like if the computer is compromised

pretty simple, by admitting to crimes in it, talking about drug use, illegal urges, pedophilia etc.


I've just read (listened) to On Writing by Stephen King. Anyone else here read it? Or any other books on writing that you liked?
Really enjoyed it, inspiring.
Like the guy a lot, started watching interviews and talks with him now too.


I saw something on youtube the other day with him, he said "if you don't write real people then why don't you just go play with paper dolls."
I had a good laugh at that. I enjoy my anime paper people very much, thank you.
Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guinn is good because she is good. I also stumbled on The Brilliance Breakthrough: How to Talk and Write So That People Will Never Forget You
by Eugene M. Schwartz through an email subscription to Learning How to Learn Coursera course.
Really important lessons in both. 2nd is a textbook with language math basically but it's trying to make you into someone who can get paid to write for a living. I picked it up mostly so I could be more aware of the technical parts of my writing.


I really like On Writing by Sol Stein. He provides many examples of writing from published authors and workshop students to show what he is talking about. It is a book for fiction writing mostly, but it has advice for nonfiction as well.


Cauldrons lets stand for a while and think about the dastardly ways we have gone under the waters and flew away from temptation. Have us saying isnt it so pretty to be in something and have that to fall back on due to the struggles of forgetting the place we come from which didnt always have it out for us this bad in refusing us of inconjunctions we can at least point to and blame our problems on saying “See! There, I told you so. That’s why we cant find our beginning!” And we’ll keep toilling the fields as halflings saving up for a chance to leave the very universe we serve.

“So thats more like it. Finally something I can get my flows on to” Shelly the alien said.

“The Stars dont have to like you just because you see them. They have their place and so do we” Gerald said.

“Oh but they do.”

“How do you know?”

“Well for one they always shine bright at the most oppurtune times, like when I’m feeling down about the part of myself that conveinently seems to escape me just when I need it most. If that be so then put me on to something else and that’ll do just fine.”

“But Shel-” Gerald held up his hand to salvage what was left of the dissolving psychic barrier between them. For now he could only listen.

“No im not here to choose and thats exactly why Im not afraid to go where you can’t.”

“Okay whatever” Gerald paused and rolled the horizon through his scaly fingertips. “Keep calling on the unknown and you might get lost because it’s been there forever and sometimes Look, Shelly, no offense, you know I love you, but your awareness has no filter on what representation it can cling onto like danger isnt a reality to you. Me and Dazel always had to look out for you and thats just in this world what makes you think you can take on things you cant even see?

“But do you believe in me? Anyone can say they love me. I’ve been hearing that my whole life. So much that it holds the same meaning as “um” does in conversation. Is that really the final conclusion we have at the end of the day? That you love me? Besides, I dont think you really meant that.”

The beach of Temofose was out of walking distance from the orange cottage they grew up in with there Mom. When they were young it was somewhere theyd go when they had nothing else to do. Euweu Sister Beach was the brighter of the two, but now too populated for their liking. Temofose is less frequented by other families and polluted by cargo ships and a lack of open views but as they stood there a semblence of twilight through the holographic cages offered closure to the purpose of them arguing in the elements about a timeline Shelly was going to step into And no matter what argument he could put forth, Gerald thought of it fruitless unless he spoke from his heart, a heart of which Shelly was currently taking the place of, so that he could not use it against her.

“Shelly, Not for once did I think you we’re good for here and that you’d find another calling. I just hope you can understand how I dont want to let you go.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way. But it’s my choice. Have a good njght Gerald. I love you” She said as she went into darkness.


I am fond of reading and writing some own writing stuff. I think to create own characters, idea and fictional world are cool things, because you can show your fantasy in own stories. But in college I used help of Paperell service with writing essays


How stupid would it be if a person who hasn't written anything creative in his life, barely reads any fiction books, has troubles with remembering words and then stringing them together decided to start writing?


Not very, if you want to be serious about it then I suggest you begin reading books. Otherwise if it's just for fun then knock yourself out.


Would anyone be interested in reading a fan fiction of the rugrats with DBZ elements? I've been spinning the wheels on this idea since about January but I've got bad writers block. I want it to be a massive story where is have to keep track of all of the events, maybe even write out of plan out some things in advance. Would you guys be interested and maybe give me some ideas?


If you enjoy it then it is still a fine hobby. It will just take you a little longer then average to get good is all.


I'm the guy writing the Rugrats DBZ story, thoughts so far? I'm thinking this is gonna take longer than I expected.

Chapter 1: Amidst the dust and smoke, who is this mysterious person?
It was a fine morning, the sun had risen in Los Angeles, and for many people, their long and busy day was about to begin. This day, however, was about to make a turn for the bizarre. The wind began to whirl, the trees began to shake, the sky turned a hideous grey, suddenly! A wonderful machine appeared from out of nowhere, it had a manufacturing company logo on its side, Capsule Corp. This futuristic machine had such tremendous power that it caused the people to stop and stare at it; "There's someone inside!" yells a stranger, then the door pops open, and out steps a muscular , lavender haired young man. "I hope mom sent me to the right universe this time." The young man says to himself , as he was fiddling with something in the machine, a large group of people gather around him. "A-Alien!" Screams a succubus, " He's come to kill us all! " yells a large burly man, " Huh, w-wait no, this is a misunderstanding, I'm from the fu-" the lavender haired man tries to explain to the terrified people, but before he can finish they all ran away in fear. The lavender haired man shakes his head in confusion and disbelief, but goes back to tinker with his machine; "It says this is the correct location, but I should have been transported right in front of their house. Looks like I'm gonna have to find my way around , if only I had brought Goku with me, he could have sensed his energy and used instant transmission." As that is transpiring, across the massive city, in a suburban neighborhood, a small child's birthday party is going on. "Happy birthday sweetie! I still can't believe mommy's little man is already a year old." Says a succubus wearing a red dress and sporting a bizarre orange hairstyle. She is tending to her now one year old son, he is wearing a yellow onesie and has a strangely shaped head. A large succubus with a purple sweater comes up to the succubus in red, "This is some shindig, eh Didi?" She turns to the baby, " Hey there sport! Happy birthday Dil, this is from your Aunt Betty and Uncle Howard. " Betty gives Dil a stuffed horse, Dil coos in excitement and puts the horse's head in his mouth and drools on it. "Oh Betty, I think he likes it, don't you honey?" Says Didi as she playfully serenades her son. As Didi continues talking to Betty, Tommy, Dil's older brother, is playing with a shovel and a pail in the sandbox. "Lotsa people here for my baby brother." Says Tommy , "Yeah, they're celebrating his arrival." Replied Tommy's best friend Chuckie. The grey skies from earlier in the day were starting to return, "Uh Oh." Chuckie says with a nervous tone in his voice. " What's wrong Chuckaroo? " Tommy replies back, "Something bad is gonna happen Tommy, I can, FEEL it." Suddenly, it starts to rain , it rains so hard that it's actually painful to feel. "Ow! Yeow! Didi! Get everyone inside NOW!" Screams Stu, Tommy and Dil's father. The guests gather their children inside the large, expensive house. The rain is destroying all the decor and patio outside, and everyone is starting to panic because not all their friends are safe inside. "Stu! Pop, Drew and Angelica are still at the bakery getting Dil's cake!" Yells Didi. "Hey! My Howie is still out there too!" Screams Betty. As panic and chaos ensues, the door bell rings, Stu, who is closest to the door opens it, in walks the lavender haired man. "Um, are you the pickles residence?" Timidly asks the muscular , lavender haired man; he looks around, surprised by all the people inside the house. "Yes, this is the pickles residence, who are you and what do you want?" Says Stu with a confused and suspicious tone in his voice. "O-Oh, please excuse my interruption, my name is Trunks and I come from another universe, I was sent here to warn you all about an impending soon in your future, I was told that this universe has a great young warrior who just needs to be trained and have his ki unlocked and I believe that-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa crazy pants, look pal, don't insult me with your crazy story and your awful fashion sense, you can stay in here from the rain, but don't try to make anyone uncomfortable, ok?" Says Stu who couldn't believe what he was hearing and thought this stranger was just ribbing him. "Understood mister Pickles, may I come in to your home? Just until the rain stops?" Trunks politely asks. Stu leads Trunks inside and introduces him to the people, "Everyone, this is Trunks, he says he's from the future." All the adults greet Trunks, just as he is introducing himself, Stu pulls Didi aside and whispers in her ear " honey, that guy is a total nutjob, we need to get him out of here, pronto! " "Oh Stu, sure, he's a bit eccentric, but just look outside, oh everyone's house is gonna have water damage if this awful rain won't let up. Come on, we have to make sure everyone is ok and calm, we only have so much in our diaper reserve." Tommy and his friends, Phil, Lil, Kimi, Susie and Chuckie are all playing together, "this rain is scary" says Lil nervously, "Ah, don't be a baby, Lillian, we're two years old now, can't be scared of no water stuff anymore!" Says Phil. "C'mon you guys, we're all in this together. Our mommies and daddies don't want us fighting, they want us all to be good little babies!" Reassures Tommy. " You're right Tommy. " Says Phil, "We gots to do this for our mom, Lil, and for our daddy too!" All the other kids join in with a resounding " Yeah! ". Just as the babies are talking amongst themselves, Trunks senses something, he can feel this deep, intense power, it's close to him, he scans the room, the person he is looking for is within his reach! He turns to the adults, nothing, no power here, he looks towards the babies, he feels it again, there he is! The one he is looking for, it's….. Tommy!?


The formatting makes this hard to read, but I gave it a shot. Your writing isn't good, but that hasn't dampened my enjoyment of the concept of a DBZ/Rugrats crossover. What did make it harder to read is the formatting.

Also, considering the audience for this story, you'd be better off just using the names of the characters instead of describing how they look. DBZ and Rugrats fans will generally know who is who.

You also had a typo, "an impending soon". It was supposed to be "an impending doom".

Keep writing if you're having fun with it, just make sure it's got paragraphs and line breaks to make it easier to read.


What about my writing could be improved?


I tried writing for the 1st time since my teens. I never had confidence since I figured I was too autistic to write realistic characters. But I figure fuck it if they come across as cardboard mouthpieces for philosophical ideas, thats what sold for Ayn Rand.

I wont say I'm proud of what I wrote, but I figure with practice, it showed me its not un-doable.

But then I posted it online and got some views but almost no feedback. And I just don't have the drive and motivation to write for its own sake, without reactions.


Guess you got to do the pain in the butt part of learning to promote and advertise your stuff to get people to read it and give feedback.


The big thing is telling us everything instead of letting the story, characters, and their actions show us what's happening, how they think and feel. Like when you describe the rain as painful, that's telling. When Stu yells in pain, that's showing. And when you do both, it's wasting time.

Don't get hung up about always showing because it isn't worth the trouble sometimes. But you do need to tell less and show more. That's where I would start practicing.


Is there any good writing website out there that isn't for fanfiction? Fictionpress has all the same problems Fanfiction.net does, and I don't think I need to explain Wattpad's problems. It just seems websites for posing writing are half-baked or catering to very specific audiences. I guess I'll just learn how to be more critical so I can properly critique my stuff on my own.


This is why I started posting on allpoetry. People will read the stuff on there because it's short, and you have to read and comment on others stuff everytime you post so you get that sense of what amateurs look like.
This was after a few years of posting stories on royalroad and getting 'u suck lol' comments again and again. I've gotten one positive comment and one positive review in about three years of writing and posting with no advertisement at all.
After reading about how you're supposed to go about getting attention every jeff goins type out there suggests posting reviews of other peoples work using social media and writer aggregation sites like royalroad. There's also Scribophile, which is where you edit someone elses work for points to post your own work to be edited. I didn't find it useful because the 'feedback' is incredibly low quality. If you want something that will actually improve your writing I suggest /r/DestructiveReaders, it is reddit, but I haven't seen another site that has such high standards of critique/editing.
In my experience 'more critical' isn't how you grow as a writer. You edit, and you listen to your awareness of what you think about your work in ever more excruciating detail, 'what do I really think about these words like this? am I just inserting the giant robots and maids because all I do all day is watch anime?'
The only 'successful' writers out there have a blog and an email list, then they advertise products/patreon on their blog. They usually are speakers, hold online webinars/get themselves interviewed on some lame youtube podcast, etc.
I've rarely seen someone make money as a writer with just a royalroad/wattpad/etc. They have the email signup thing, then they give you the free book about how to be a writer or whatever, then they send you offers to give them money.
I've avoided making a blog because I don't want to build an email list. However, it seems that making a blog first before you start posting on the aggregation sites is a better idea, posting the link here and there to get a small trickle of people, then if the work is good enough you can dump it on the bigger sites.


Drop this like 1998
Gonna drop it like led on the floor
Uhhh Ugh
Bloody mass murderer on the hall
Way pushed far beyond I reload my gun aint it fun
Oh no bullying to you is so fun oh no
Bullying to you is funny oh no
But damnn it oh no
Dont praise me when I make you a tragedy like oh no
The five o creeps up behinnd me like oh no
Pick up your ass and run from me like oh yes
I might make it alive I feel when I smoke caps and break you like a cavity oh no
Your mommy and daddy will dig holes make none to me oh no
In klink the thought of you will erect me
A status on the web like oh yes
Your body will be the front page on internet
When you check LiveLeaks when life licks my death is there to wipe you
These bullets are now rotting inside you
Your existence is such a mess your funeral make up is a nail in a lid
Lividity your corpse my being cannot feel any remorse
Devoid of sympathy are these victims that are running from me
You forgot yesterday to tell me how much you despise me
You forgot to push and kick to laugh to make a mockery out of me
Is funny how so much is done with a shotgun few pipe bombs im sure having fun
These screams never left
They paint the hallways in which your life left
Oh no bullyinng is funny like oh no
Do praise me when i make you a tragedy like oh no…

Im blacking out my windows
Too much noise out there think I will stay indoors
My life is reverse the cross that you wear
But dont look at me and ask if I care
Too much there not enough fucks
Cant remember the last time when I crossed
From the road of a care in a life that gets me nowhere
Nowhere I am nowhere I stay cant say that is worse this way
This way for death that way to be born in a life of dog eat dog
Suicide is illegal they wear this badge for they are life's disicples
Will decieve you telling you how to wear your flag and not be you
Be you for you are nothing
Maybe just some scum that is rotting
An eyeless face a stringless puppet left in the dirt by your prophet
Bend your knee and pray to nothing
Keep staring at me as if im somethinng
Tell you something i know nothing of
The stone that you roll is only for you
In life you own you or i own you
Be a headless nothing and with my hooves ill stomp you to nothing

Black teeth witching hours
These storms that shred you to splinters are ours
I shed my skin for its too tight
With my serpent swirls im ending your bloodline
We have been enemies since the cave time
Satanic screams in my throat
My howl will let you abandoned
Abhorrent life question your breath
I am the one that moves you from the dead bed
Digging graves thee unnamed
On my back i take you out in space
Can percieve me for im too disgusting
Yet is your life that youre trusting
Thrusting i admire
Let them throw my corpse in the fire
Trust me call me a liar
For the next time we meet ill poison your body with fire
Can't conspire made me an empire
On sharp winds got me higher
My fangs on white bite
I bide my time like there's no tomorrow
Like bathing your conscience with too little sorrow


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My behavior is beyond control. I shouldn't even call it mine, it's a bad habit. The body wakes up, lingers around, chew on a piece of stale bread, take a shower, sit on a chair and I can see through its eyes. Now it reads a book, now it looks at pictures… It won't move beyond the house, it doesn't seem to care we're getting dragged to abject poverty. I try to think "I should be doing this", "I should be solving this and that and that". It's useless. The body stretches over the carpet and stares at the ceiling for hours on end. I wait. I wait, there's nothing else to do. I sense the hand that senses the carpet, it's all. Its intelligence is not mine, nor its movements my own. I'm inside an aquarium and the whole day I have my face pressed against the glass, staring the outside. Some times the glass is in one position, another times is in another place entirely different. I never know how big or small space is going to be. A constant guess, a game. I don't mind.

People might say "Yes of course, you're a person, a human being. Human Being." They make the same mistake I would make at first. I might have started as a person and the exterior can fool even the most observant but at this point I know better. I am the period at the end of this sentence. Not the sentence, not the words, not the voice reading it or the mind feeling it, but the very signal of an ending. I am an impulse that uses a pair of eyes to look beyond the glass and the thoughts aligning inside the mind are also obviously not mine. I have never invented a single word, nor a language, not even an emotion, nor gesture. I don't know who invented all this things but I'm sure many people will be ready to claim all of it for themselves. They never get exhausted, it's intriguing.

No no, it wasn't me at all, I barely just arrived you see? I just use whatever comes floating by. The language, the feelings and everything else. I'm so close to being nothing I can almost taste it. It tastes like it's no big deal at all. This strange configuration of life, almost tempted to say it's a dream. I'm dreaming I'm a man though even that dream is not mine. It just happened that I was standing exactly where the dream flew by and my sleeve got caught in some part of its surface. That's all it is, really, it can happen to anyone. It's a little odd however, that I don't remember why I was standing like that, so unaware to the point of getting caught in such an accident. I try to remember it, but I just can't figure it out. If, maybe, I just stay very put and very still I'll be able to figure this out, I'll figure everything out.

Another day, it's what I tell myself. I just need one more day to figure things out and I'll be right on my way, wherever that is. I'm sure it must exist somewhere. Maybe I can piece it together with a little more time. Maybe if I have one more day I'll find it. Then I'll know at least where to turn my head to and I'll be able to say "West! East! North! That's where I should turn my head to. Come on, neck, do your job dear friend, we have a direction to face!" I find that very funny. That's how I amuse myself all day long and then it's time to sleep again. How many more days will I have my face pressed against this ocean, how many more thoughts will visit me and go away again? We'll see.


That's so Kafkaesque


Do any depressed wizards here journal their psychological experiences? How do you feel while/after doing it?
I tried writing down my thoughts, thought patterns, memories and whatnot, but it was so difficult because of the sheer shame and disgust I felt writing about this particular topic. I felt like a hack and a fraud, a touchy underage succubus writing about her self-diagnosis in her online blog, despite the fact that I'm a complete opposite of all that; nevertheless, reading through it only further reinforced these feelings, and I ended up erasing everything and never touching a word processor to write about this ever again.
Still, the urge of self-expression and articulating these otherwise intuitive ideas and sentiments in spite of my own prejudice which turned against me is rather strong.


hey guys where is the cool threads?


Here, >>48814.


Are any of you doing NaNoWriMo?

For those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's a challenge to try and write a 50,000 page draft of a novel in one month,the month of November. They have a website that helps track your progress and stuff and you "win" if you submit 500000 pages of original writing by the end of the month. I have never written anything but I thought about it today because it's November 1st and now I'm considering it because I have a whole lot of spare time, being a hiki and all.


50k pages? Not words by chance? A longer (fictional) book is around 600-1k pages.

I mean exegenesis from Philips K Dick was said to be 8k pages.


If we count 250 words per page, that would be 12500000 words for 50k pages. A month has roughly 30 days, 720 hours, and 44k minutes. To fill 50k pages, you'd have to write close to 300 words per minute for a month nonstop.


oh yeah I meant words


Hello. Firstly hope you are having a good weekend.

I am also starting to write, on Royalroad. I am horrible at it but I feel like I more frequently write a good passage or two now then when I started.

I have not published anything yet since I want around 30,000 words, edited before I begin to release.

It would be very fun to have someone to talk to about what we write and our ideas. I am new to these writing threads. Looking forward to getting to know you.

What are you working on right now? I am working on a LITRPG story since they seem popular there.


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…Should I make a sequel to my 11 year old fanfiction about Linus's daughter finding the corspe of her cousin, Lucy's son, who was murdered by Charlie Brown?

No, right?


I'm going to self publish a book of poems and you guys will be the first to get the link


No, person, you do not. That story is fine as a standalone :)


Can anyone recommend a good guide to creating a storyline?


write something and then look back on it 10 years from now and you'll know what needs fixed


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More than half of the advice in this book can apply to almost any other form of storytelling (including the 3 act structure).


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what about stories that don't fit the formula?


>stories that don't fit the formula.
You're going to have to be more specific.


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I guess I need to start writing poetry since it's the only thing I love reading. Do you have any suggestions about how to start?
>inb4 pick your pen and start


When I had to write poetry for class, I would listen to music with a nice beat and write to that. Artists like Blockhead and Nujabes were my favorites to write to. I'd write about whatever first popped into my head and followed that for as long as I could.


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was digging through folders on my computer and found this from 2015. i think it was an idea for a game.

when you speak to someone, they will say one of two things, which alternate, if they don't have anything important to say. this is the standard way dialogue will work. the first time you speak to someone, there might be a special message for introductory purposes.
example regular: hello, again.
example regular: nice weather today.
example introductory: hello, my name is fen.

you can pick up plants, flowers, bugs, stones, and other small objects to use as consumable tools.
some flowers might increase your attractiveness for the enxt conversation that you hold.
some stones might increase your luck for the next 100 steps.
some bugs might cause distactions, or react with other animals, characters.
twigs can be used to start a fire.
plant bulbs can be eaten to recover health, while others will poison you.

plants/herbs will be described with key words:
spiky, lobed, long-leafed, soft, sleek, hairy, squishy, firm, scaled, green, blue, red, pale, bright, etc
when picking an herb it will give you three words:
you pick a long-leafed, scaled, blue herb.
but if you continue examining it, you will obtain more descriptive words:
you have a long-leafed, hairy, firm, scaled, blue herb.
depending on your examination, intuition, (OBSERVATION skill), you are able to obtain more descriptions of herbs and other things through fewer examinations.
you can examine your immediate environment to find lost coins, small stones, or other objects and trinkets.
stones may be polished to increase their value, but also cutting or breaking the open to see if they contain minerals is commonly done.

when you perform an action, be it speaking, using an object, using a skill, etc, your effectiveness depends on your familiarity with the target or the action you are performing and also the level of your stats that affect such an action.

you can perform certain actions only through the use of tools.
tools are objects that are either around you, equipped, or in your inventory.
example (around you): the sun or moon. you can determine the time using either of these.
example (equipped): shovel. you can use an equipped shovel for digging holes and moving piles of things.
example (inventory): compass. you can quickly check a compass in your inventory to determine your orientation.
some tools have a certain number of uses, but this may or may not be refreshed through other actions.
example (limited uses): paper. you can write only so much information on a sheet of paper.
example (refreshed use): paper + cleaner. you can erase a sheet of paper by using cleaner and then you may re-use the sheet.

some abilities or skills may have special hidden capabilities that are only discovered or unlocked through high-leveling, or an event.
example (high level): cooking + sword. when you are a proficient cook, you will be able to cook something over a fire using your sword, when typically it would require a pot/pan.
example (event): observation + forging + event. you witness someone holding a strange weapon pass you by. you are then able to forge it later.

when you light a fire on the ground, it will remain for a little while. attempting to light another fire will extinguish your previous one. this is to prevent fire abuse.

small animals and other creatures will exist as non-characters that you may hunt and perform other interactions with.

if your athletic, or somethig physical skill, is high enough, you may climb a tree to gain a higher elevation and see things farther.
this will allow you to observe things that are farther away and potentially obscured by your immediate surroundings, such as trees/houses/fences.
you can also climb trees to gain elevation and make use of the height, like dropping something from high above to injure someone, to break a chest, to open a coconut, etc.

exploding fruit: are limited use tools that are obtained by harvesting certain trees, and they behave as nondestructive grenades, distractions, and they stain whatever they explode on. they are edible, but require careful preparation because of thei explosive tendency.
needleleafs: are plantsthat grow extremely sharp and pointed tips direct out from the ground. people make an effort to destroy the tip, or the entire plant, when they are discovered. this is done to prevent people from being accidentally stabbed. oddly enough, the plants inside pulp juice is effective in treating stab wounds and similarly other abrasions and even lacerations
woolynuts: also known as hairy nuts, are coconut-like tubers found growing underground, with a hard shell that muct first be cracked open to reveal a tasty nut filling around a dense spiriling mass of fiber. you scoop the interior out and soak it in boiling water for a while, then once more, then it is dried and spun into yarn.

flying or gliding is something possible through a variety of means.
you may decrease your weight to float.
you may have wings, either crafted, or found mysteriously, attached to your body to enable flight or gliding.
you may be carried by a creature or some fantastical wingslike growths.
you may accelerate fast or be propelled into the air.
you may utilize magic that performs one of these to achieve lift/flight/gliding.

an attractive body may be obtained through a variety of means.
magic, which alters the body in fantastic ways, or simply offers an illusion for anyone viewing you.
surgery, which physically alters the body through.
chemicals, drugs, potions, drinks, foods, which produce physically altering effects, either permanently, or temporary.
exercise, which sculpts the body through natural means, reduces fat, and builds muscular strength.
make up, the application of powders and other pastes upon the body to change appearance.
wigs, clothing, posture, etc all influence how others view you.
in general, if someone's body type isn't unattractive, showing more of their skin will increase their attractiveness.

hair color and type is determined as a child, through it may change as you age, and will certainly fade with very old age, it can be modified:
magical means, through spells or tablets, enchantments, curses, to produce more hair, inhibit future growth, cause bald spots, cure balding, change colors, etc.
chemical, dye, potion means, which can produce a variety of effects.
physical means, such as straightening, curling, and all kinds of other treatments to change the texture/shape/style of hair.

skin coloration may be altered, but is typically fixed at birth:
tattoos can be applied.
magical curses or enchantments can behave much like tattoos or other area effecting colorations.
exposure to certain crystals can produce green/blue/red/etc coloration. too much exposure can cause crystal growths, or weird patterning to occur.
exposure to sunlight darkens skintone. too uch exposure can cause freckles, moles, or other small specks of pigment to occur.
exposure to darkness lightens skintone. too much exposure can deteriorate the immune system as well as increase vulnerability to sunlight.

physical characteristics such as breast size, penis/vagina types, height, eye coloration, body proportions/ratios, body architecture, etc are all determined at birth.
they can be modified through:
magical means
chemical, potions, food, drugs, drinks.

age is something that increases with time.
some people mature slower than others.
some people might live longer than others.
some people might only have one of these two age modifiers, as in they mature slowly, but still only live to 70, while others might mature fast and live to 200, thus maturity/rate of maturing isn't an indication for longevity.
age can be modified:
chemicals potions, food, drugs, drinks.
the appearance of age can be modified to be more youthful through surgery.

clothes that are effective for specific tasks may appear ugly or unattractive, while inefficient clothing for everyday use might appear pretty, thus a balance must be struck, one between aesthetics and utilitarian benefits.
recent fashion trends tend to be more attractive.
certain colors and groups of colors and patterns and such will have varying attractiveness throughout the year and as time goes on, their attractiveness may change.

flexibility, athletic ability.
people are born with this, but you can modify it through deliberate actions.
stretching increases flexibility.
exercise increases athleticism.


>>51402 continued

energy can be tranfered the following ways:
mechanical, klinkenthings, these are linkages spanning the entire world, transmitting physical power. the companies/countries/groups in charge of them will 'tie' you into the link and you'll have power at your home, if you are interested in having power.
electrical, though this is very crude and mostly limited to batteries, there is electrical power.
chemical: explosions, reactions, regents, potions and such can all produce or release power or energy for all kinds of things.
magical: you can make use of magic to power or energize things.

there are many races, all of which contain certain attributes (of the six):
black - hate HATE
grey - undesirable, unpleasant INHIBITION
white - PURE
red - HUMAN
blue - spirit SPIRIT
green - altruism ALTRUISM
yellow - intellectual MIND
brown - greed GREED

whie, cream, light yellow, orange, light green - SANE
black, brown, deep red - CRIMINAL

exposure to darkness for too long will darken your aura, tinge it with black, brings about feelings of gloom and grief.
exposure to light for will purify your aura, clear it with white.
exposure to red is exciting to the mind and emotion, anger, passion, physical love.
exposure to blue is calming, soothing, spirituality, religious emotions.
exposure to yellow is inspiring, elevating, intellectually stimulating.
exposure to green is the ideal for rest and recuperation, followed by stimulation and new ambition. relaxation, repose, quietness.
exposure to grey will inhibit your ambitions, bring about restraint, fear, cause a general unpleasant feeling.
exposure to brown will increase your desires, allow selfish thinking

black is for underground monsters or night-monsters.
grey is for cave-dwellers, goblins and such, typically.

the are largely dependent on your race, which is basically the term for species, since the races in this world are so diverse and unrelated.
the humanoid races, termed as such by the humans as a measure of respect, are six:
humans: the strongest race of the humanoids. they cannot use magic, so their greediness and ambition is what they bring to battle.
-demihumans: it should be noted that demihumans aren't a single race, but a broad term denoting human half-breeds. humans are able to procreate with every other race and the offsping is always thought of as demihuman. the human conquest and assimilation of all the other races was largely dependent on this ability of theirs. their abilities are essentially human + whatever race they are, it's an averaging of their skills when they are born, so all demihumans are able to use magic, though it's not as strong as full-blooded other races.
demihuman (demon): they appear as pale blue and grey colored humans, sometimes with horns, and their eye color is always black. they live longer than humans, but mature at about the same rate as humans do. they have small magic capability for the same abilities as demons. there is currently an official breeding program to produce demidemons in most major human cities, and many demons/demidemons exist through the funds they acquire from being bred by the humans for research.
-demihuman (beast): they appear as beastly humans, often with fur or bits of hair, feather in strange places, though never full animal body parts. some have tails or ears, claws, maybe tails, but that's the extent for demibeasts. they have slight magic ability of the beasts. they are far stronger than humans, and far smarter than the beasts, but they don't live as long as the humans on average. they mature very fast and reproduce large litters. they are born warriors and fighters and many breeding programs exist to produce perfect demibeast supersoldiers.
-demihuman (elf): an average between the features of the elves and humans, some say they are the most attractive. they have slight magic capability. they have the same lifespan as humans.
-demihuman (fairy):demifairies are, in all appearances, regular humans, though they live four times longer than usual, and take eight times longer to mature into adults. they have very weak magic capability. it should be noted that only a few female fairies can reproduce with humans, the males are all sterile. many efforts have been developed, fairy breeding programs, to develop humans with longer lifespans, some are still officially underway, but they simply take longer than the lifespan of a human to mature, and so far all offspring have been only single demifairies, so this slowness has prevented such a thing from being undertaken seriously.
-demons: horned humanoids, with blue, grey, purple skin colorations. they are the smartest race of all, but are remarkably lazy. a majority of their inventions and things dealing with magic have come to them through their dreams, since they often sleep the day away, waking up with divine inspiration. they live twice as long as humans, and take four times as long to mature into adults. they are skilled alchemists and conjurers.
-beasts: physically, the most diverse of the humanoids, discounting the demihumans, they are a race of animal beasts. some are part bird, some oxen, some wolf, some a multitude of animals. all beasts can reproduce with one another, and this has formed tribes that harbour specific animal characteristics, like rabbit ears and scales, bullhorns and venom, etc. they have the strongest physical strength of all humanoids and live fairly primitive away from the humanoid establishments, which often earns them rude remakrs and the like, but some tribes are within cities, and many are without tribes.
-elves: the long-eared race of pale-skinned feminine humanoids. they are very flexible and have a beautiful androgynous appearance, which led to their enslavement long ago before their alliance with the demons. they are healers and users of restorative magic, prayers, and are taught from birth through a series of schools how to use their racial magic effectively. they aren't tall, but they are thin and fragile. there is a disturbing (to the humans) trend of some male elves having breasts and completely resembling the females elves, which led to a joke about confirming the elf you are speaking to is in fact female. they sleep in trees and use bow and arrows, historically waging guerilla warfare from above, at night, with their bows and arrows. they are immortal if they are surrounded by nature, if they never leave the forest, but their lifespan is no different than a human's once they are removed, this leads to many elves limiting their visits to other civilizations.
-fairies: the child-like humanoid race of tricksters, their lifespan is unmatched, being completely resistant to aging. they are incapable of procreation, instead they are created by nature itself, they are spirits in physical form. they never mature, despite their long life, so this led to their nickname of tricksters. they are endowed with illusion magic, the ability to manifest their delusions and other fantasies in reality, but it's all simply an illusion, though even the fairy believes it, this is why some make fun of them, calling their magic 'delusion' magic. they have no cities of their own, no families, and instead just reside with other races. if a fairy sits still for too long, a layer of dirt, sand, or other powder will encase around them, but they are always covered in dirt as a result of sleeping. the commonly accepted explanation for this is what a fairy will die if they sit still for too long, and they will return as a spirit to the earth, or be reincarnated.


>>51403 continued

these are any nonhumanoid creatures, and many are as intelligent as humans, and some even resemble humans, which only shows how arbitrary and political the humanoid status is nowaday. their protection and rights aren't officially guaranteed by the empire, but many are granted rights on an individual basis.
-goblins: these are monsters that are actually more numerous than humans, but they live underground. they grow gigantic mushrooms in the darkness and maintain their order through a caste system. there is a goblin king, which fertilizes all other goblins, priests, who revere dead ancestors, soldiers, who war with and guard against other goblin tribes, miners, who mine stone and expand their territory, and farmers, who cultivate mushrooms. they are rarely encountered on the surface, but some exist as exiles on the surface and even learn the imperial language. goblins are mostly migrant workers, the goblins who offend the king will be banished and so they migrate to the empire aboveground, taking on labor jobs and such. they aren't bad, but their situation forces many to steal and commit crimes.
-kobolds: these are primitive kangaroo-goblin-like creatures that exist in small tribes in caves. they come out during the night and forage and hunt. they often attack humans, which always leads to kobold exterminations hunts
-gnomes: these are small underground woodland creatures that live in sprawling burrows. they often abduct humans and elves for sexual purposes and they have slave chambers underground. they also eat the flesh of humans and elves, in particular they favor young children. they have large heads, hunchbacks, tiny beady eyes, and wrinkled bumpy flesh. they resist civilization and their language and customs are completely misunderstood. they are the historical enemies of the elves and forestdwelling humans. their waste chambers produce a noxious gas which renders people who enter their burrows unconscious, this is what keeps their captives from escaping or overpowering them.
-dwarves: these are short and stout humanoids that dwell in the mountains. they are master artisans and metalworkers. they know the imperial language, but resist joining the empire. they have secret techniques for refining all kinds of materials, and the empire has many deals with the dwarves and they do business with one another in this way. they aren't good for fighting or traveling, they are too slow and their proportions are too awkward, but they have stamina and strength, so they can travel very slowly with enormous loads on their backs as merchants or hawkers. they are fond of drink and their greed only rivals that of the humans. like humans, they can't use magic.
-fauns and satyrs: nomadic intelligent herdsmen, there is a rumor they were created from a humans having sex with deer and goats, since they appear as such a combination, and, well, they also have sex with their flock to produce more of their kind. they have hooves, horns, tails, and fur, but the rest is human. many consider them demihumans or beasts, but they resist this, claiming a nomadic heritage that extends back further than humans or beasts. they have large carts pulled by their flocks when they migrate. these carts contain scrolls and other historical information as well as function as their houses. their language is difficult to learn, but many know the imperial language, as well as other languages which they use for trading wool and bartering. they can use magic, most of which controls their flocks, but they can also inflict a wide range of curses. because they have sex with their flocks, they are thought of as barbarians and most other races avoid associating with them, but the fact is that their flocks are the same species as them, they are simply cursed. their knowledge of curses stems from researching curses to revert their flocks back into fauns and satyrs.
-minotaurs: bear-like creatures with enormous size and a pair of cattle horns atop his head and the lower body of an oxen. they roam the world in solitude, without language, without much intelligence, but they live for a very long time and give birth to large litters. they are a primitive race, though very dangerous.
-centaurs: tribes of nomadic half-horse, half-men. fauns and satyrs are their natural enemies. centaurs use spears and raid people in stampedes, trampling over their targets. they can have sex with horses to produce more centaurs. they have no language, but communicate in some primitive way between all the individuals.

etc creatures,
rock sprites: these magical creatures take the form of rocks when they rest. stepping on them or disturbing their sleep will cause them to attack, sending a spiny protrusion into your body. their true form is soft and jelly-like, during the night.
sprites: these are magical jelly creatures that transform when exposed to sunlight. their names are based on what they transform into, like rocks, trees, furniture, even other creatures.

imperial religion: humans are taught that they are the closest form to god, as evidenced by their ability to reproduce with every other race, and that they are special. the emperor is a descendent of god, descended from the heavens, and the imperial family also. they see magic as a corruption of god. their race has the ability to pray to god and sometimes god will answer them or their prayers in the form of divine intervention and all sorts of things, but this depends on your devotion.
hero worship: heros who die are worshipped ong after their death by humans and special prayers are often chanted in honor of their sacrifice. special holidays exist for worshipping heros.
family worship: family members are worshipped and often sought for advice, through the use of mediums, divinations, or just personal interpretations while visiting their graves. special holidays exist for family worship.
devotion: the act of devoting one's life to god. praying, behaving altruistically, and obeying the seven commands are
the four pillars of god are as follows:

bearers of the imperial standard that uphold the four pillars of god are admitted into the empire and administrated by imperial politicians. this is the eventual step for many places. places that refuse the imperial standard are isolated and contact with them is forbidden, they eventually disappear literally off maps and cease to exist.


definitely read a lot. lots of shitty poets don't read that much, and that's how their poetry ends up sucking. they usually follow their peers and what their peers like instead of pursuing a style of their own, that's how lots of contemporary poetry end up so awful.

i follow a general guideline for poetry.

1) always have a striking first line. a poem without that is a dead poem
2) the main body of your poem should employ at least two of the following, ideally all but this is admittedly difficult:
-musicality. this is a skill that can be honed by reading a lot and a lot of different types of poems or even good dialogue in movies or lyrics in music. you should try to take in aurally as much as you can if you want to improve your sound library.
-interesting and unique turns of phrase. you can come up with better lines if you expand your vocabulary and read a lot of poetry, good and bad. bad poetry will teach you what cliches to avoid, and good poetry will give you inspiration for atypical and interesting constructions.
-a really good idea. this one seems to be more about latent creativity than a practiced skill. poems in general need to explore an idea, be it a theme, narrative, image, or sound, but good poems tend to be very specific. good examples are rilke's "archaic torso of apollo" and stevens's "thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird"
3) a turn at the end. this is kind of vague, the best way i can explain this is by explaining why i use the word "turn" instead of "twist." a twist would imply that you shock the reader or subvert their expectations, which i don't think you need to do. what i mean as "turn" is that you need to transform the progression or theme into something interesting and new. in a way a twist may be more accurate for what i mean, but your conclusion shouldn't necessarily be so dramatic.

some extra rules of thumbs can be gleaned by guidebooks, like rules to avoid awkward enjambment or don't rely on 1 word lines

obviously following this or any guideline won't automatically churn out a good poem, nor does every good poem abide by this guideline, but i think it does help to give you structure instead of cramming whatever comes into your head into a poem without any form and hoping it sticks. i think you'd be more likely to create something you're happy with than without a guideline. lots of people think poetry is just whatever you want and creative freedom means anything is poetry, but those people are retards and don't have the integrity and dedication required to really hone a craft like poetry.


Wallow, wallow
In the dark depths of despair
Wait for tomorrow
That today's torment may no longer impair

Recounting errors
Pondering paths not taken


March onwards, shirk not endeavour
From inane inertia, awaken


Now that I have some time off wageslave I began writing a horror novella about a man looking for his son after a bloody prison riot. I'm keeping a daily word count in order to establish some sort of routine here. I'll be trying to keep 500 words minimum a day. I've read several writers do that and it seems a very good idea.


Anyone here read those how to write manuals? Is any of those any good?


I like Sol Stein's "Stein On Writing" because he includes many examples for the advice he gives to show how it looks when done well. It's an easy read too.


Lots of people online recommend Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell. Are you familiar with that one? Thanks for the response, I'll look into Stein.


I'm not, no. Sol Stein is the only one I've read enough to recommend. I can't read for shit most of the time. But I was able to read his book because it was very concrete. I guess that makes me a bad writer because I don't read much. But people online seem happy with my fan fiction, so whatever. It's a hobby.


Is anyone here currently working on a writing project of any sort? I'm >>51483 and currently writing 500 to 1k words a day, I have already a few impressions I would like to share about the process of writing. It would be nice to have another wiz on the same path here so I wouldn't turn this thread into my personal shitty blog.


I write, although I don't know how useful my insight into my own writing process will be to you, or vice-versa, as I suffer from severe ADHD. I do like talking about the stuff, though, so go ahead and fire away.


Hey wiz. It was really odd. I was lying on bed last night and had this incredible feeling I was finally doing something concrete "I'm writing a novella" I kept thinking, and the idea I was accomplishing something gave me such peace and joy, it was really nice. I really struggled to write anything for the first couple of days but then when I decided to just fill a 500 words quota no matter how shitty, things began to flow a lot better. It felt like you need to take the rust away by moving on no matter what and then the ideas really began coming around after 2k words.
I'm currently writing a more or less detailed outline of the story and it's been quite fun. I don't know, just wanted to say I'm having a decent time in for the first time in years.
What are you working on wiz?


I agree with your ideas about writing and rust. I've been writing on and off during the week and it's been keeping me occupied with something I find productive. It's much easier to write a lot when you write a little every day. I don't do outlines, but I do brainstorm an ending and keep that in mind while writing.

>I don't know, just wanted to say I'm having a decent time in for the first time in years.

That's great! Hold on to that feeling and remember it when writing gets frustrating.

>What are you working on wiz?

The fandom is too embarrassing to say, but I'm working on multiple stories concurrently and have twice as many floating around in my head. I like to write about characters with mental troubles and/or relationship troubles, and how everything interacts with each other. I seem to always write sad things, which makes writing lighter things difficult (and I do want to write lighter things). Depression, suicide, guilt, injustice, and similar topics.

I also use my writing to explore and test my own thoughts, so it's also a vehicle for understanding myself. From what I understand, I am a very negative person and am schizoid or schizotypal or the like.

Has your writing given you any insight to yourself? Regardless of whether it has or not, are you comfortable sharing more details about your story? I understand that it's about a man looking for his son after a bloody prison riot, but is he looking for his son at the prison? Did he escape? Things like that.


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Yes, I still write. Have finished already 60 pages of 120 pages.

>>47378 >>47382 wiz


It's an investigator looking for his son inside a prison after a riot. The matter takes a spin when it seems his disappearance is related to supernatural events. It's a classic turn of the screw story where you're suppose to keep guessing if it's just the protagonist going insane or there really is supernatural things going on.


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Today was a good day. The more crap you write down the more crap you can come up with. Let's just hope there's something decent to be chiseled out of this.


Does anyone else find it easy to write when slightly drunk?


How do you balance out how much description to insert in a scene. I never know how much is good enough. A single sentence seems to be the difference between bogging down the narrative or not having enough to establish what's going on outside the dialogue.


In editing I tend to try to keep less is more in mind so I can keep a eye out for stuff that is totally unnecessary but when writing I really push myself to add in as much vivid descriptions as I can think of at the time to properly flavor the text.
If the descriptions are intresting, have good prose/flow for the section, and invoke a vivid mental image that preferably includes several senses then it is a excellent addition.
If it bricks the flow of what is going on then it needs to be reworked.
How much or how little is relative to the flow of the scene and quality of the description. If you are making the description interesting then it is part of the story and the reader will enjoy when you include lots of it.
When it is just utilitarian in nature to give proper context and set up for other stuff going on that is more interesting then it is best to keep it short and minimal so you can get back quickly to the good part.


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Reread a fanfiction I made in 2008 for inspiration on a current one.

My heart and ideas were in the right place.
My grammar was not.


Interestingly, I also read an original piece I wrote in 2008. I've got to say that younger me really had a knack for writing good action and choreography, but I'll never live down the melodrama I used as filler. The grammar was fine but the sentence structure was very formulaic and dry.



He does a bunch of videos on youtube and his Anatomy of Storytelling is pretty in-depth.
Probably one of the best I've seen so far.
Working on this right now:

Back then in Jan '19 I was doing 500+ words a day(for a chapter a day, since royalroad needs a minimum of 500)

It was painful to get such bad reviews on Stupid Cat. I didn't like the story much either, but I did my best. It took a long time to pull all the pieces together, and Autist Isekai is some of my best work yet.

I still have that "I don't know if I like this…" feeling all the time. I'm editing these days. Which is good. I couldn't read my own work, so it would always be awful.

Now that I have a week to do a chapter I can write it, then ponder if it's any good or not. I've slipped into doing it last minute, and that made my last chapter a bit rushed.

I'm not that happy with my own work, but I am happy that it got done, no matter how weird it gets.

I don't post on wizchan anymore because I'm spending time on sites that don't have such a negative attitude. I learned if I pay attention to poor material I'll get poor thinking. I'm done with that.

Happened to come back today out of curiosity. There's a PM system on royalroad, use it to contact me if you want a review/help.


Does anyone else have the problem where they can think of all sorts of themes and interesting things but can't synthesize them into a coherent or non-cliche plot? Maybe I really should just take the advice to just "start writing" just so I can get something down. I'm far too perfectionist. If every sentence isn't perfect I get blocked up


I'd be lying if I said I've never been there as well.

No really: I wrote a 60k fanfiction with everything you described in 2012: action, choreography, and I even flat out admitted that melodramatic Sean Penn movies inspired some of the more word heavy dialogue (specifically Mystic River, The Game, and At Close Range).


Finishing up stories is something a lot of writers cant even do. The fact that you can put out a finished product automatically puts you above many of the scrubs, college professors even, who just never pushed themselves all the way.

just wanted to throw that out there.


Yeah that's why you get the ideas down as fast as possible into the words so you can remember them. This is another reason why a journal is helpful. As I kept writing I realized there's no way to turn out the 20k words needed to build up the dramatic tension of the image I had in my head. I got excited at something that would normally be an action scene or a climax, but without the setup to that climax/action scene the payoff isn't there for the reader.

So as a writer it's more about understanding what you are doing on the page, what you are trying for, what the words are building towards. But that can't happen unless you have writing down first.

I suggest bringing your expectations for your writing into your writing. That way you'll be more emotionally involved. You want your writing to be perfect? Write a character that wants writing to be perfect.

I had the same feeling of wanting every sentence to be perfect, then I understood that the feeling of 'perfection' is just a feeling that this sentence couldn't be anywhere else. You already read and enjoyed the book, so you're upset that when you go to write that your favorite novel+ awesomeness isn't spilling onto the page.

You're not writing a book. Before you write a book, you write to think about what a book may be about, write to test your own reactions to scenes, write to expose yourself to new patterns of sentences and combinations of language.

Without that consistent process of writing, and trying to express while writing, there is no progression. You can remain perfect, just never write and keep reading. Readers are perfect because they get to enjoy someone else's work, and if they get bored or tired of it they get to move on to someone else's writing with little fuss.

Thanks. I usually don't visit wizchan anymore because the majority of posts are draining pessimism but I came today out of some sordid interest. I'm still writing, still disliking my writing, still making long posts like these talking to anon expecting no answers in return.

Well, even if they answered I'd still keep typing anyways. Writing for me is mostly talking to myself, hoping that others are pleasantly listening.


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I wrote a book of poetry



I read it. I have Amazon Kindle Unlimited so I didn't have to pay, but I'm hoping it pays you something.

Read the first 2-3 pages normally, then I was flipping through the pages after that and looking through bits and pieces.
Anyway, none of your stuff had any form to it. Some of it sounded cool, some stuff was funny, but much of it seemed more like the rambling I'd hear from a schizophrenic hobo outside a public library.

Lastly, I hope you lay off the hard drugs and put your money/time into things that will raise your experience
Congrats on your publishing on something that is yours. It is an accomplishment.


Thanks for reading it. I'm sober btw… Yeah it's all stream of consciousness i'm going for that

>schizophrenic hobo outside a public library

kinda vibe. Working on a 2nd one now that is more direct, sparing of words, and edited down more. Learned a lot about how to write from this first one believe it or not. What to do, what not to do, etc. Next one i'm trying to go Quality over quantity. Thanks for reading it and thank you for your comment!!!


I wrote a second book if anyone cares



Congratulations on releasing your second title.


Thank you


Woah, this thread is almost 2 years old!

Anyway, is anyone doing NaNoWriMo? It kind of attracts normies, but shitting out 50K words in a month sounds pretty cool. The trick seems to be just not caring about quality, with the excuse that you'll "edit" it after you finish the first draft.


Are you? You have to write over 1600 a day for a full month to get to 50k. My average is 500 words a day and even that is quite difficult for me.


I've read half so far it's brilliant

And also terrible. Really bad. But funny as fuck.


I remember you from a /lit/ thread a long time ago.


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I had plans for writing this elaborate fanfiction, or fancomic, after being inspired by Paper Mario: The Origami King. Alas, the same uncontrollably convoluted anxiety that probably killed Livecorpse (and me too if I hadn't fled the country sooner) has once again bested me, even if it was by a fraction and less dramatic.

I leave the entire finished plot here for anyone's interests, be they to genuinely adapt it, be inspired by it, or do what "great artists" do (for good or bad, it's nothing but deja vu to me anymore).



Hey man thanks for reading


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Writezards. Can we discuss writing for others briefly? I was watching an interview with Al Snow on wrassling. He said performs today don't wrestle for the crowd but for themselves. They're not interested in the audience being there or not, they just want to play act their pre-planned match and get their friends in the back to watch. He says wrestlers jobs aren't to perform but to attract an audience to watch them. The guy spending 20 minutes wrestling while adding no new customers is worth less than the guy who has his name on the poster, wrestles for 10 seconds and draws 1,000 people based on the name alone.

How do you manage this while writing? I'm interested in writing articles for websites and magazines. I'm considering what I should be writing, should it be passion pieces or should I be putting butts in seats and suck up that it doesn't interest me as much?


Why can't you do both?
Work on making stuff that has mass appeal while also working on your passion projects on the side, and taking the things you learn from one side to the other until they are one in the same in the very best way?


Was there a roll back in the night? There was a reply to my writing post and it disappeared.


which post is yours?


It's reappeared now, how strange.

What interests me in writing takes a lot of hobby time outside of writing.


With the death of Xorn, the sacred laws binding that land had been broken, and the God Mountain awakened from its slumber,
And opened its mouth for the first time in countless millennia, revealing those ancient gnarled teeth that, until then, existed only in the fever-addled dreams of madmen and soothsayers.
And it let forth a great and terrible shriek that reverberated throughout the material and celestial plane.
In that singular moment, past and future were forgotten, and time seem to stand still,
It was then, as the last reverberation faded, and the world stared up in absolute silence,
That a bright red haze permeated from the mouth of the Mountain, and spread like wildfire,
Afflicting the peaceable denizens with a madness wholly alien to them.
Their minds, at once, became saturated with violent tendencies, overtaken by a primal rush of hate.
Neighbor turned against neighbor, brother turned against brother.
Sun and sky had vanished from sight, made invisible by that peculiar crimson haze
The vast stone city of Guar had devolved into a hellish landscape of animalistic brutality,
Men were pulled from their chariots and torn to pieces, infants were tossed from windows and splattered on the walkways below.
Frenzied screams and the clash of steel echoed through the reddened cobbled streets.
For seven days the haze lingered,
And on that seventh day, the haze receded, and the sky broke through.
A lone figure stands on a hill, he is battered and bloodied, his right arm reduced to a meaty stump, and as he stares up at the Mountain, he feels his true self surface, and with it a flood of emotions he does not understand, the memories of past deeds crash all around him.
He is Crete, son of Madrigal, heir of the new world
But he is not the same as he was before, born again from blood and butchery, the taste of madness still lingers on his tongue.
This embittered man, he will never be at peace.
Slavering for vengeance, the power to move mountains is what he covets the most.


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I posted my 3rd (and final, i'm burnt out on this hobby) one the day or two before the site went down. Not gonna shill links just wanted to say I'm glad you thought it was funny most people just shit on it… I'm trying to go for laughs. Something something Poe's Law. It's on amazon called "Craic Overdose"


I write a man and remove reason and accountability.


Here is a free copy of the book it expires in 2 days. Grab a copy if you like and pretend I saged this post



getting emails about kindle vella

seems to be an episodic platform for distributing content. short stories one chapter at a time. this is interesting because a lot of online fiction is done this way, same with tranlations for light novels… i dont use kindle however. maybe someone would be interested in this


Had a little go at writing something short trying to depict a scene.
I never write stories but have some ideas I want to explore I envy those of you who write stories

>The wind bites you it feels as if a thousand frozen ants crawl over your uncovered limbs

>where is she you wonder!
>a raggedy cat with a torn ear slinks across the road
>its head turns eyes lit up by the faint streetlight
>its fierce yet fearful gaze reminds you of her
>as you pull out a cigarette form your pencil case you think:
>"I probably would have thought of Reiki if some newspaper blew across the street"
>She is just always on my mind
>a wave of anxiety washes over your soul the terror of no longer having Reiki doesn't just cross your mind it confronts your soul like homocidal maniac kicking the door down!
>you fumble around in your school bag for your lighter in hopes that this cigarette will calm your tattered nerves
>shutting your eyes as you breath the smoke deeply into you lungs your mind conjures up the memory of Reki sharing her cigarette with you the first time you met a month prior
>you giggle at the fact you didn't even smoke but couldn't help pass up the opportunity to steal an indirect kiss from the succubus you loved
>faintly you cough and ask yourself if you are crazy!
>can a succubus love a succubus? I must be mental
>you wonder just how long Reiki is going to take and quickly take another glance at your cell phone trying to analyze the last message she sent again
>"Emiko meet me where we first met I will tell you what I think about all this"
>you wonder why you even sent her that message in the first place astonished with the out of character courage it took
>just how did a shy succubus like me muster up the will to tell Reiki how I felt?
>you pace in a circle ruminating over the reality of the situation anxious and elated over the realization of your dream as you take another draw of your cigarette ash it and proceed to sit down on the curb
>tears well up as you convince yourself you really are unlovable and just lost your one and only friend you love
>"im so stupid" you faintly squeak as you hide your face in your schoolbag
>you look up and see Reiki standing in front of you
>her beauty laden angelic face you fell in love with
>her gorgeous long dark hair sways as she kneels closer to you
>as her cold fingers caress your neck she kisses you on the lips
>nothing is said there is a moment of silence
>nothing needs to be said
>you feel as if the storm inside your core has been vanquished by the warm sun
>"I love you as well Emiko" Reiki says with a tear streaming down her cheek
>you stand up and hold Reki tightly and feel as if you could just die in this moment because you have never felt happier

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