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 No.4656[Last 50 Posts]

I'll start

>God tier


>High tier

Musical instruments
Urban exploration

>Ok tier


>Low tier

Video games
Air sports
Metal detecting
Martial arts
Graffiti (unless you're good)

>Shit tier

Any collecting-based hobby (maybe a few expections)

>Normie tier

NFL, rugby, soccer, handball, etc

>Weird tier

Listening to music
Candle making
Amateur radio
Flower arranging
Ghost hunting


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Trash list you fat retard

>God tier:

Video Games
Martial Arts
Olympic Weightlifting

>High tier

Urban Exploration
>Ok tier
Musical Instruments

>Low tier

>Shit tier
Ghost hunting
flower arranging
Candle making
>Normie tier


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Where would anime fit in?
Probably pretty low, considering it's my number-one hobby


My short list of great hobbies, in no particular order.
- running.
- home exercises (especially pushups, pullups).
- playing an instrument.
- Vidya.
- watching TV series and movies.
- punching a boxing bag.
- Math (different difficulty levels).

Most of these affect different parts of your whole being, and keeping the body and mind healthy.


God tier obviously.
I forgot to add it in mine here >>4674


Why is bodybuilding not god tier?


I think OP is angry at video games taking up most of /hob/. It's the only reason why he put it in the low tier.


OP put video games there because he doesn't like letting them take up his time. I myself always use cheats and trainers so I can lose interest faster.


Because while it is a great medium for art, it just doesn't compare to the hobbies listed in the God tier. Weightlifting is the perfect combination of raw strength, technique, gracefulness, beauty, and power. Powerlifting shows the raw strength and determination an individual can achieve. Mathematics and technology are the ultimate tests of logic and reasoning. Sports/martial arts, like wrestling(the real kind) for example, show the traits of technique, determination, strength, power, quick wits, and pure willpower that the human body can exhibit.
Video games and anime are some of the best form of escapism out there, some have meanings, and some are purely for fun, but they are all beautiful works of art.


>good things, tier
modding games
reading hf & sf
computer science


Whats wrong with gunsmithing?


>hobbies I put no effort to but I do it all the time tier (read addictions)
browsing imageboards, wikipedia, hoarding idiotic pictures online, porn

>hobbies I do sometimes but it takes some effort and the right mood to do it tear

Books, drawing, cooking, mangos, games

>hobbies I would like to have but I can't do it

learning languages, programming, tinkering in electronics, animus, math, entomology…

Reading the thread I realized I have another hobby; gardening. I keep a small number of plants outside, mostly for making the spices; basil, spearmints, banana pepper and a tiny brassica that keeps getting attacked by pests.



Nothing. Look at the TruWiz list >>4674


Of all things, I would belive the highest tier would involve some sort of skill and involves improvement to increase interest in hobbies. So…

High tier would involve:

Bodybuilding (and any workout)
Any sport
Any art
Any outdoor (because increase in muscular mass and stamina along with skills like fishing, knapping, camping, etc.)

Good tier would be things you just enjoy.


Although, reading involves problem solving skills, that's not the primary goal.

Also, media. Like Television.

There really aren't any bad hobbies because someone enjoys them. Otherwise, they would not be hobbies.


How come listening to music is weird, but beekeeping and mycology are not?


I could'nt agree more that collecting-based hobby are shit-tier.

I never fully understood why people would spend so much time, effort and money into a collection.


>God tier
Video games

>Shit tier

anything I don't do, which is everything else.



I think collection is more of a history type hobby. I collect music videos. It costs me 0 dollars, and I find it very, very, interesting, especially when the videos capture a moment in time that is lost completely, like Saddam's Iraq, or the Soviet Union. The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was a particularly beloved source of videos for me, for a while.

Stamp and Militaria collection is similar in nature. Even cigarette collection can be interesting, from a historical and anthropological perspective.

I think most collectors are basically just archivers.


I stream, play the guitar(and want to play the viola), listen to music (while skateboarding), read, write, learn how to code in vb.net and C# and finally play video games (hence streaming).


Because OP loves projecting his prejudices.


>let's create a "my hobbies are better than yours" list

No. This contributes nothing but to divide and insult the community simply because they don't do what you do. Fuck off.


I kinda understand colliction in a hystory view point. I personnaly collect old book, but chinese cartoon firgurine, or collectiong everything that is pink, or every statue of pinguin is beyond my personnal understanding.


>i'm a collector of things i like
>i don't understand collectors who collect stuff i don't like


>I collect things that I think have a greater value to make me look smart in front of normalfags


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>god tier
Whatever I do

>shit tier

Whatever you do that's not something I do


>tier list



A hobby is a quality hobby if it is constructive (ie. leveling yourself instead of some korean mmo). This includes learning anything or being practiced at anything.

High examples:

- Music (playing and composition)
- Academics
- Bodybuilding

Low examples:

- Korean mmo
- Anime
- Collecting most things

When referring to video games, one has to play something which actually builds some kind of useful skill (ie WC3 for the macro/micromanagement, SF for general fighting game reflexes/muscle memory)


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Electronics is the closest I can get to real wizard powers, but there's a lot of study in between.


What can you even realistically do with electronics?


Not the guy you responded to, but you can seriously do a lot with electronics. Just look around you, there are probably electronic devices everywhere (even appliances like toasters are electronics).

Even if you don't have the ability to design that stuff, you can still hack things with an intermediate level of knowledge. I personally attach sensors to all sorts of things and have them report into my computer. It's fun.


Video games are shit-tier though. They're a complete waste of time and you can't tell me that it's possible to create a single game that isn't repetitive as fuck when the medium itself is so limited. The problem is that compared to other hobbies, video gaming offers a very low level of engagement with the physical world. The interfaces we use to play games pretty much haven't changed since we started and this is including more recent innovations like the oculus rift. Face it, without drastically new interfaces and futuristic technology, saying that your hobby is "playing video games" is a bit like saying your hobby is watching TV - empty and mind-numbing.


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>god tier
Hobbies that expand your mind/thinking
>good tier
Hobbies that are productive
>meh tier
Hobbies that only exist for entertainment
>normie tier
Sports, bodybuilding/weight lifting


Nice opinion :^)


Physical activity/hobbies are now normie-tier? You might want to reconsider your deluded thinking because not every wizard is completely physically dormant. There's nothing normie about being physically competent at a sport or optimizing the individual physique.


It's just a butthurt failed norm ie.


I like to inject a cocktail fluids in the heads of newborns to induce hydrocephalus in them…


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As >>5172 said there are many things to be done, but there's a long process before you can start designing and making something useful. It's mostly trial and error using predesigned circuits and learning how they work, after two years of practice you can start joining things up intuitively, but even after years of learning I still bump into new and difficult things.

Now I've been making high voltage circuits with scrap from old monitors and some radio emitters and detectors. It can be cheap as a hobby as you know where to search for components, I don't spend more than $20-30 a month, but the tool can be very expensive, I'm still dumpster diving at the nearest uni hoping someday I'll find those old oscilloscopes they are still using, I got some monitors though.
If you know how to overcome frustration is a good way to spend time.

You can also make synthesizers, signal jammers, amplifiers… and many other things that are not very useful, but they're nice to build and watch.


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There is no escape, why is every place on the internet infested with the goddamned meatheads


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Nice. I'm personally a big fan of Assad's Syria.


.I don't personally understand it
>It's shit

This is how normies think, buddy.


this list was really good until the last thing.

no hobby can be considered "normie-teir" unless it involves interaction and cooperation with other normies. playing basketball is intrinsically a normie thing, practicing dribbling and shooting isn't.


because lifting is fun


>implying the real reason you're lifting isn't to impress succubi and hang out with the chads

Fuck you and every other lifting normie in this thread.


Normie list? Show me a normie that reads books instead of playing video games. Your list sucks, man.


Was going to say something like this


Get a load of this silly, projecting anon. Believe it or not but people do actually improve their own physical condition with the sole purpose of improving themselves in yet another aspect. It is no different in essence, to improving their mental capacity and knowledge.



Agreed, writing and reading being "normie" while various varations of the no.1 chad hobby are God / high tier, what a joke.


Manga is ok tier, keeping up with seasonal anime is shit tier.


Normies always read so that they can seem like Le epic intellectual. Fuck you.


This is the worst post I've ever read on /hob/


its like im on fucking 4chad


>faggot tier

putting things into tier lists


Drugs is a good hobby.


Since at least 99% of the world have had sex or ever socialized almost everyone who reads is a normalfag. You can't serious believe that all normalfags are the same in that way when almost everyone in the world is a normalfag.


>good tier
making drugs (gardening/chemistry/brewing)
>faggot tier
taking drugs


>things I like
*martial arts
*video games
*walking in the woods
*consuming drugs

>things I dislike

*mostly everything else

>things I hate

*sports revolving around chasing an object
*lifting in public areas
*fake martial arts

Only tier list that matters.


>tier list for hobbies
I'm going to have to disagree with both your list and the entire idea of it.
A hobby is just something that somebody likes to do. It's usually sacred and special to that person. It shouldn't matter if your are "better" or "worse" than someone else's. I'm just thankful that I even have a hobby because for a long I didn't and lot of time ended up getting wasted. This comparing is just another perverse normie pissing contest!


Here's my half assed list, I might come back and add something If I think of more or have something to clarify.

God tier:
Any hobby of high creation (any art, building, tinkering, clock making, smithing etc)
Any hobby which involves high amounts of reasoning and thinking (mathematics, logical puzzles, philosophical arguments, games like go or chess against significantly skilled opponents)

High tier:
Hobbies of low creation (candle making, knitting, homebrewing, cheesemaking, etc)
Hobbies which do not directly create objects, but still have some act of creation or tending built into them (farming, bee keeping, animal keeping/training etc)
Hobbies that demonstrate high degrees of training and or physical dexterity (Playing musical instruments, singing, speed crafting, etc)

Middle tier:
Physical activities which are impressive on some technical level (juggling, acrobatics, trick shooting, etc)
Physical activities that actually require some actual degree of serious skill and dedication as well as thought (Mountain rock climbing, survivalist bow hunting, sailing old fashioned boats)
Assembling objects one did not design themselves (model cars/planes/mechs, electronic devices, mechanical devices etc)

Low tier:
Passive media consumption (reading, tv, movies, anime)
Games which do not require significant amounts of thought and understanding (many video games, most board games, all party games)
Consuming drugs
Activities which aren't really hobbies but are for some reason sometimes considered hobbies (walking, jogging, sight seeing etc)
Collecting items as a hobby in and of itself and not as part of another hobby
Physical activities which are either passive, normal tier. or too common and run of the mill, having a low barrier of entry (sports, riding a bike in the park, skydiving, hiking, lifting, driving too fast on public roads etc)
Any hobby which is the use of another prebuilt object for entertainment, that is not tied into the hobby of building, maintaining or altering such objects, and does not require much out of the owner of the object (Driving cars, Talking to people over radio, water skiing, ect)


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God tier:

>studying a subject intensively on ones own time

>learning or practicing a language
>learning or practicing an instrument
>learning or practicing an art/craft/trade
>playing sports and/or exercising with the intention of perfecting one's body

Decent tier:


>listening to music
>playing sports and/or exercising because it's fun or an opportunity to bond with a team
>hunting/fishing/wildlife exploration
>experiencing art (going to concerts/museums etc)

Absolute and utter shit tier:

>jerking off to gook cartoons

>playing video games
>watching sports



Me too. I've been following the Syrian civil war for probably over a year now. Things haven't been going well for the regime for the past couple of months so I've been haven't trouble reading the latest updates. I just can't bear the thought of the Baathists losing to the Islamist extremists :(


that music's pretty ebin.


God Tier:

Things you like to do

SHIT tier:

Things you don't like to do


this. we might as well have a "what's your hobby?" thread on /hob/.



God tier:

Anything I like to do

Shot tier:

Anything you say is better


God tier: something profitable or very enjoyable to you.

Whatever tier: all the rest.


I don't know why mods keep this thread in /hob/, but it has nothing to do with /hob/.

Why don't we can let it die?

Every time I read "God tier" I want to close the tab. The only purpose of this thread is barging and trolling.


>God Tier
Things I like most

>High tier

Things I like a lot

>OK tier

Things I like or am indifferent towards

>Low tier

Things I kinda dislike but would still be friend with someone who likes it

>Shit tier

Things I dislike.

That's what I see.


this is a better list. its broad and applicable.


I can completely understand collecting but it seems kind of shit honestly.

It's a hobby that can be completely fulfilled with money and nothing else.


Pro tip: you can hide threads you don't like.


I'm retard. I had some threads hidden, but I didn't think about for this one. I don't know why.

Thanks I'm not kidding


>Passive media consumption (reading, tv, movies, anime)

yeah theres truth to this, I spend all day reading a lot of highfalutin academic books, but since I'm just a passive consumer, I can still feel my brain rotting away


> god tier
coming up with advanced scientific theories
advanced meditation where you learn the secrets of the universe
real magic(k)
questioning the foundations of the universe and doing something to find answers
basically being Newton or Descartes

> wiz tier

reading technical, non-fiction books
writing novels and screenplays
drawing (good, non-porn) comics
watching documentaries

> high tier

playing and practicing individual sports
reading imaginative fiction or high literature
playing RPGs, strategy and simulation games
watching scifi or drama shows and movies
playing strategic board games
writing jokes
collecting artwork and rarities
fapping to imagination

> okay tier

reading news articles
playing and practicing team sports
fake magic (tricks and illusions)
playing action and adventure games
collecting stamps
fapping to illustrated porn
actually drawing that porn yourself
watching wrestling before 2005
watching anime and western cartoons
watching sitcoms and comedy movies

> low tier

playing puzzle games, party games and social games
reading fluff magazines
collecting cards
eating junk food
fapping to filmed porn
watching current wrestling (past 10 years)
cosplay and dressup (especially as furries and mlp)
watching soap operas and daytime talk shows

> sewer tier - fedora wing

reading Dawkins on non-science issues
pc "building" (just spending a shitload of money and assembling connecting parts) to brag about your gamer status
being euphoric
trolling religious sites and videos and having shitty philosophical debates
exaggerating your IQ to at least 150
thinking you are twice as old as you really are and pretending to be that age online
spending the majority of your online time on reddit
writing fanfics
watching only japanese "puroresu" and indy wrestling while being a "smark"

> sewer tier - dudebra normie/failed normie wing

watching sports
auto repair and modification
jewjitsu & MMA in general
pickup "artistry"
exaggerating your cock size online to over 9"
spending the majority of your online time on facebook
watching action movies or shows
becoming the canvas for a tattoo "artist"
having a "mancave" to escape your nagging wife



> pc "building"

> auto "building"

I think the key difference between these two is that you can't have sex in your pc case. This makes the latter more attractive to dudebra tatted-up normies.


Seinen->Beyond Gond Tier


>Talking to people over radio
You seen to terribly underestimate the technical aspects of amateur radio.

Now C-Bers on the other hand, I would have agreed on that a few years ago, but it has become so esoteric now that it goes straight into the weird tear, really.

What about DX:ing, which is basically "oh wow, I can tune into the carrier of this very distant transmitter, better write a post card."

Well, the hobbytier electronics have stagnated to maybe mid 90s state of the art, with double sided boards and maybe 5025 packaging. The one's who do better are the very few.


How can sports be in ok tier while soccer nfl rugby handball eat are in normie tier?



Please leave.



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>putting nfl and sports in high tier or god tier

get the fuck out, normie jock fags

>god tier

internet(youtube, learning)

>high tier

suicidal ideation
video games
>shit tier/normie tier

sports (nfl, nba, ect)
music(with a few exceptions)


Well I am afraid I am not too well acquainted with the particulars. If it really does require mastery of technical aspects then by all means classify it as a higher tier hobby.


passive hobbies are not creative


An integral part of films is the score. How is music a shit/normie tier hobby when you hold film in such high regard?


I think they should be categorised by the outcomes they produce.

>Creative productive (Tier 1)

Art (Painting, illust, CGI, etc)
Film Making

>Productive (Tier 2)

Gardening/Flower Arranging
Metal Detecting
Candle Making
Soap Making
Amateur Radio

>Productive Knowledge (Can contribute to a product) (Tier 3)

Musical Instruments

>Knowledge (Enlightenment, histories) (Tier 4)


>Consumerist Productive (Collection building) (Tier 5)

Art collecting

>Consumerist Passive (No product collected) (Tier 6)

Video Games
Following Sports

>Social Competitive (Tier 7)

Air Sports
Online Games
Martial Arts

>Self-Image (Tier 8)


>Destructive (Tier 9)

Voting Conservative
Voting Liberal
Wizchan Avataring

>It Is A Mystery (Tier X)

Ghost Hunting
Hiking (in search of bones of course)
Visitor Watch
Wizchan Hidden Paranormal Board
Perpetual Cyclic Siphon Alternators
Discovering Tier 11

>Primordial instinctive (Tier 12)

Human Worship


This is a pretty entertaining list


idk, i just do what i do, man


are there any posters here who are honest in terms of rating their hobbies?


I always thought photography was an art.


>Video Games

I play videogames day in and day out, but I recognize it's a poor hobby because it's not actually productive.


Fapping is either Low Tier or Shit Tier. Eventually also Weird Tier.


Guess it's not anymore since photography became available to any peasant.



>God tier (anything creative)
Mathematics & Science

>High tier (anything difficult that builds something but isn't creative)

Reading literature

>Low tier (anything that's pure entertainment)

Reading genre/pop books
Movies/Animation/TV Shows
Visual novels/Manga/Comics
Watching (e)sports & let's plays
Video Games

>Crap tier (anything that costs a lot of money)

Marriage & Children

>Degenerate tier (hobbies whose primary function is to socialize)

Anonymous imageboards


>Shit tier
Making tier lists


Why grade the hobbies? It's not like most of us here don't have any other hobbies than one or two.


>Shit tier
Making ironic shitposts…

…oh wait.


How is jogging and lifting not a hobby?


Is posting on Wizchan a form of writing?


This is the only decent list ITT


My hobbies are awful.



I recall a person collecting pins, at first glance it might seem somewhat useless. But this person had a story to nearly all her pins, she knew the background to why it was produced, the historical event it was to commemorate, materials and manufacturing techniques etc., and I think nomatter what one collects, if one goes far enough indepth there's a lot of knowledge to gain that may be useful in many other situations as well.


Generally its creation based hobbies > experience hobbies > consumption hobbies.

Neutral is enjoying experiences. Sure things like hiking and sky diving could technically be considered consumption because you are paying for gear and the plane ride, and some go overboard with the latest brand namebhiking boots and whatnot for the purposes of this tier list consider them neutral.


rather not


i agree with you on this. therefore i don't see reading as godtier because you are just consuming and rate making art above it, unlike OP.


But that seems to be implying that normies have better hobbies than Wizard shut-ins. They definitely have more opportunity to experience.


Where is drawing?



If you notice this is inversely proportional with normies, as Consumption hobbies>experience hobbies>creation hobbies

it is even more tricky because consumption is limited to what society approves at the moment.

Basically, Normies don't like to make stuff themselves, and experience stuff? well lately "YOLO" popularized them SPECIALLY if they are status enhancers.


>High Tier
-Pretending to be a bird
-Sending thousands of pictures of babies crying everyday to politicians
-Creating replicas of existing social media accounts but change their bios and descriptions to call for help and say someone took over their other account and are intending to kill off their friendslist one by one
>Good Tier
>Medium Tier
-Taking a shit on the chests of your family when they sleep
-Human vivisection
-Recording your laundry machine with a brick inside of it and selling it as lo-fi pretentiousness
>Shit Tier
-Taking a shit on your own chest while you sleep
-Playing bass


>music is High Tier
>singing is shit tier
How is regularly practicing and constantly trying to sound good on an instrument that much less respectable than regularly practicing and trying to sound good while singing in your eyes? Not mad, I just want you to explain your reasoning.


I agree that it is an art, since photos taken by pro artists usually look great, and you have to carefully consider things like light and how they'll effect the photo. Also whenever I take a photo it turns out like shit, so like any other art form, it's easy to be shit at but hard to be good at.


Exceptionally well written!
I will immediately grab your rss feed as I can’t find your
e-mail subscription hyperlink or newsletter service.
Do you have any? Kindly allow me recognise in order that I could subscribe.


high tier tier list


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Why does this thread even exist? Why is it still getting posts? Why did it get any posts at all?

Shouldn't this board be for constructive discussion about hobbies and not stupid bullshit like opinionated lists? Are we not above piddly, divisive "My taste is great and your taste is shit" garbage?

I just realized this thread is almost exactly a year old, fuck. Stop posting in it, please.


It may be helpful for those who are looking for new hobbies.


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Boring, un-interactive and lame.


OC level faggotry.

Even skateboarding can be harder.



This. You guys are both fucking gay.


I like you a lot.


The only good posts in this thread, the first one made me laugh, and the second speaks the truth.


Since these lists are based on people's personal interests I'll just put mine.
martial arts
Go (aka weiqi, baduk)


Is there any hobby you would really like to get into but can't?


This is not a place for shitposting, kid.


I used to be a long distance runner but got injured. My life has been going downhill ever since. Other than that I would be happy to have any hobby. Something I can mindlessly enjoy. The only thing I find interesting is studying (psychology).


I collect flowers and other plant life, press and index them and then keep them in folders. I just wanted to collect something without spending money. It's pretty cool and peaceful to walk aroumd the woods to look for something you haven't got. Ultimate collection imo.


Syrian regime music is pretty top tier


here is another one, I find this one particularly catchy


Here's one last one



2:01 is what Syria use to look like before the western backed rebels divided and ruined the country.



Iraqi militia music is real good too.


Immensely astute post. I struggle to find words to describe my agreement and approval. I'm very impressed, and I implore everyone reading to take this Anon's insight to heart.



Collecting and listening to music is a deep and rewarding hobby. Music is a powerful art form, basically poetry on steroids. It's worth collecting because there are gems and it's fun to be able to play your favorites whenever you want. Music is a great way to escape.


What are some active hobbies anyone can just jump into?


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Necromancy can be pretty fun I hear


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Agate hunting, or rock hunting in general


fitness, observing animals/nature, yoga, cooking, obsessive information collection (note taking/data collection), exercise-oriented meditation.


Improving your ability to attract succubi


Bodybuilding is shit tier, below normie tier even. Powerlifting or Olympic Weightlifting is a high tier hobby though. If you disagree, you are a normie.


History, bird watching, anime and manga.
Highly recommend bird watching, especially if you're a NEET. It can be quite enjoyable.


Looks like "hunting physical objects" is perfect for wizards who aren't too attached to sitting in their tower.

It's a lonely hobby that cannot be outsourced (if said material is only more or less common in your area). You could make some money on the side and combine it with bicycling, hiking and camping.

I'd be interested to do some meteor hunting as it cannot be grown by multinational corporations, nor can richfag geologists x-ray search for it from their faggy planes. Does anyone know other such materials one could look for that big companeis cannot efficiently find with high tech?

(Truffles for example can be cultivated and is thus not a good hobby).


>hobby relativism


Creating any form of art
Collecting historical items
Watching arthouse films
Anything related to nature
>ok tier
Video games that actually require skill or dedication
Non-normie sports like biking or taking walks
listening to music
Creating things that wouldn't be classified as art by most people (clothes, food)
>shit tier
Collecting useless, non-historical items like bottle caps or something
Anything related to normie sports like rugby, football or basketball, just to name a few examples
Lifting for the purpose of impressing others
Online games/normie games
Watching movies spefically targeted towards normies (like over-the-top-action movies or romcoms)
Studying abrahamic religions (judaism, christianity, islam)
Anything related to cars



>shit tier

>Studying abrahamic religions

Well congratulations, you got your (you) for the day. I hope it's as delicious as you always imagined it would be.


>shit "no brain required" tier
video games
children's cartoons
>high tier
everything else


I really don't see how hoarding historical items instead of studying history is really god tier, and I also don't believe having a propensity to be sexually attracted to trees and jacking off on them is either.
Bottlecaps are historical? I really don't see the difference between artifacts from the rise and fall of some failed nation and the rise and fall from some soda company. They're both equally arbitrary in the eyes of "history".


I suppose there is more activity in collecting historical items than just reading text on a screen.

Even something as mundane as stamp-collecting shows more activity than just passively reading.


>God tier
Things I like

>Shit tier

Things I don't like


Every time this thread gets bumped I think to myself
>we've got to be near autosage by now

Not even halfway there.

Hey, no reason to bring my bottlecaps into this


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Camping in the backcountry should be at the top.
No social interaction required.
On a weekend, I bike into the mountains. I take a light kit, no tent or bag, just a serape and tarp, chain the bike a few hundred yards into the woods, hop a few fences as the lang changes from county to federal to private, hike for about 3 hours into the forest, post up on the edge of the mountain, hide the campsite to the point where nobody but me could find it, dig a 3 foot deep pit so people cant see the flames from my fire, start the fire at dusk so people cant see the smoke, and relax.
In life, I generally like stimulation at all times. I constantly read and listen to music if im outside, and in my room I obviously post.
Being out in the wild is different, as I no longer require constant entertainment. Out there I can be absolutely delighted with staring into the trees, staring at the flames, observing animals, and listening to the sounds of the forest.
Of course, my weekend trips are babby shit compared to actual excursions into the southern rockies where im 50 miles away from other humans, but that cant exactly be done on a weekend.
It also opens up new places to read write, play music, hunt, fish, etc.
On those little weekend trips, this is my view going to bed. I am usually very averse to people, but the way the plains separate the mountains from the city puts me at a comfortable distance from humanity.
Seeing the city from such a distance does not remind me of normies. At that point they dont exist to me. The city does not remind me of people. Its just pretty lights in the distance.


what was your injury?
If you cant run, try swimming. It puts less stress on the body, and though it is not as enjoyable as running in nature, its still a good time.


Hes replying to a guy who called caps shit


Oh I see that now, the replyer worded it incorrectly so I read the wrong thing.
It's just odd to see brought up, I know I've mentioned that I hoard them before, but it's not like I said it was a hobby, just something I do.


That whole scenario seems extremely beautiful, if only I lived in a country with extremely scenic places to camp, oh well, have fun doing what you're doing anon.


Great post…I would love to do something like this. Very inspirational


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Its not something extremely hard to do.
I kinda grew up out there because my parents would take me a lot. As I grew up and became more introverted, I would rarely go. Hiking on trails puts you into contact with too many normies, and its too fake. Everything, from the trail, to the woods, to the entire area is fabricated (I worked on a trail crew for a year, half the job is making it look more wild while pruning the entire mountain.)
When I was 15 or 16, I started going into the actual, non meme wilderness. I could only make it out there maybe 2x per year, but It was amazing.
By trying to replicate the feeling, I go on private or federal land and camp incognito. You may think there is no place to camp, but there always is, its just not on a map.
Normies camp where its legal, where they have a trail nearby and a ton of regulations to follow. A wizard can hop a fence and move off into the woods, camping wherever there is ground and a little windshield to hide him, and be alone for a few days with 0 contact with people.
Point is, hop on google earth, and look for an area with no development. Even if its illegal, sneak on out there.
Brush up on your cardio and outdoorsmans skills, and you can be out in the actual boonies in no time.
And if anything out there spooks you, I wouldent worry about it.
>Pic related, the boonies.


> repetitive as fuck
such as music, academics, bodybuilding or learning and practicing some subject.
> compared to other hobbies, video gaming offers a very low level of engagement with the physical world.
such as programming, mathematics, philosophy, reading etc.
> empty and mind-numbing.
such as fishing, camping, hiking or any other outside activity.


Looks quite amazing, I wish I had that sort of opportunity.
But I'm just surrounded by normie life. No place to get away and leave. Even though I'm not in a large city, its absolutely surrounded by farmland.
I can at least look at your pictures and find some enjoyment in it.


l generalize a bit

>god tier

light sports
>good tier
listening to music
feeding an addiction
light exercise
>meh tier
watching videos
making music
group sports
>bad tier
making videos
heavy exercise
>shit tier


where would making lists go?


>making lists is inherently fun to some people
>this allows us to opine on subjects we're relatively inexperienced on, and declare that people we don't like are inferior by virtue of their pastimes
>ideally the introspection and inspection of other lists would lead us to new hobbies we might enjoy

We'd probably be better off making a thread where people would research and introduce a hobby, write a paragraph or two on it then leave links where you can find out more. Maybe also a "if you liked X, Y or Z then you may like this too." That way we'd have a proper catalogue of hobbies that bored wizzies could peruse.


i like this idea!

imagine like a tree that branches out. one branch could hold 'active' hobbies, like playing music, and the other could hold 'passive' ones, like listening to music. or like reading vs writing. say if they enjoyed reading it could branch to different genres/manga/comic books/light novels. in between things we could also put similar things, like visual novels between videogames and reading…


>Weird tier
Listening to music

I never understood the apparent normie obsession with music. A lot of people appear to be extremely obsessed with music, but I never was able to share that passion. My depression during my teenage years probably played a role in that, though. However, even now as an adult who got over his depression I only listen to music to add some noise to a silent enviornment. I do have my preferences, but I am not passionate about what I listen to. The main thing is just to have some enjoyable noise fill my environment while I work.



I like it. Make it so.


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>S+ Tier
Painting (Not Drawing)
Treasure Hunting

>S Tier

Primitive Fishing

>A+ Tier:

Wildlife exploration
Acclaimed Manga
Making Instruments

>A Tier:

Art (excluding Painting)
Normal fishing
Average Manga
Learning languages
Practicing grammar
Metal Detecting
Acclaimed Anime

>B Tier:

Urban Exploring
Astral Projection
True Homebrewing
Martial Arts

>B- Tier:

Candle Making
Lucid Dreaming
Collecting Film
Seasonal Anime

>C Tier:

Collecting Manga

>C- Tier:

Video Games
Collecting video games
Collecting comics
Collecting Anime
Ghost Hunting
flower arranging

>D Tier:

Making Youtube Videos

:: To note, making music/singing is not added, as that entirely depends on what genre someone is aiming for (or aiming to create)


Making the thread now!


Worldbuilding is quickly becoming one of my favorite hobbies. It was what I loved to do as a kid back when it was simply make-believe and doodling and I was young enough for people not to judge me, the purest form of escapism.


>bodybuilding in high tier


Bodybuilding is a meme. It's one of the worst sports and practically impossible to make much progress without a lot of drugs. But hey, at least the supplement industry is making billions.


>God tier
Hobbies that expand your mind/thinking
>Very good tier
Hobbies that expand your body/abilities
>Good tier
Hobbies that are productive
>Okay tier
Watching anime/movies/playing games for the stories, reading books - basically every passive hobby still involving some sort of artistic value
>Shit tier
Sports, online videogames, watching YouTube
>No hope tier


I always thought that backyard astronomy is high master of the arcane arts tier.
Amateurs can actually grind their own precise mirrors and build big, high quality telescopes with little outside help. I used to read about it but it's an expensive hobby that requires a lot of learning and effort, and access to a dark sky.


Surely there is a difference between writing an incredibly articulate philosophical study and a shitty fanfiction smut pairing.

You cannot relegate any hobby to some nebulous "tier", as the important thing is what you do with that hobby; even the simplest task or activity can be elevated to showcasing the majesty of life and existence when done for the right reasons. I would say this: do not be so quick to offer judgement on a person's enjoyment, as it would seem that is the business of the fools and intolerant tribalism that permeates our world. We're Wizards. We know first hand what this kind of behavior leads to.


>God tier
masturbating to my waifu
assassinating people who also attempt to masturbate to my waifu

>SHIT tier

anything anyone else has ever fucking done including breathing


I completely disagree with Martial Arts being low tier.
Maybe Tae Kwon Do and Karate which are pretty basic.
But when it comes to Tai Chi, Qi Gong (not really a martial art but closely linked) and Kung Fu, it's absolute Be Water Tier.
Otherwise I agree with the list for the most part. I'd add Math to God Tier though.


Tai Chi is a martial art.
Qi Gong is not, but as you said their are some links in some Chinese martial arts.
I also wonder what you mean by TKD and Karate being "pretty basic", but Chinese martial arts not basic for some unknown reason.


I didn't mean to say Tai Chi isn't, I meant Qi Gong isn't.
I guess I'm just biased based on what I see in society, I really don't know either of TKD or Karate.
What I meant here is that TKD has a culture in the west for being all about stunts. Too much showoff, no essence.
As for karate… I don't have a case.
KF and Tai Chi are all about the essence. They are deeply philosophical in nature.
I also believe KF is much more complete than TKD which mostly focuses on kicks, and also japanese martial arts look much too rigid to me. KF seems to me way more fluid and complete.
I do believe that Tai Chi is the essence of martial arts.
In sum, I am thinking OP mentioned martial arts from the viewpoint of an outsider who only sees people fighting or doing stunts, in which case I merely took the most popular martial arts in the west as a sort of strawman.
I'd swap bodybuilding for martial arts in his hierarchy.


So basically just your uninformed opinions on a topic you know nothing about.

I don't give a flying fart about the tier list thing, but I do care about uninformed misinformation and stupid opinions on martial arts basted on some couch potato watching a few movies.


don't be a dumbass
I cannot possibly know all the martial arts, and I already acknowledge being wrong
Why do you complain about uninformation if you don't even know if I know any martial arts at all.
I actually practice Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong but you just assumed I don't either.
I stand by what I said in my last post.


>high tier


>Amateur radio
This sounds like the real shit you dumb faggot. How i wish i could know the technical aspects of this hobby, have the equipment and fool around talking shit with anonymous people over the radio. I guess it's more or less like posting here, but the fact that not everyone does it makes it extremely fun. Too bad i'm too dumb for that.



It wouldn't.


>you fat retard
This is unacceptable behavior on wizchan. People never posted like this. Wizchan is becoming more and more normie and 4chad everyday.


>caring about whether your hobby "productive" or not
>even considering it a judgemental criteria
Wow. Just wow. Do you wish to be "acknowledged" that badly?


My father is an amateur radio operator and when he calls me down to fix something on his computer I get to listen to the broadcast he's connected with and it's pretty much locals talking about what they've done this day/diseases (most of them are elderly, I'd say 40+ at least)/mountains path to walk (I live among mountains).

It's sounds comfy tho because you don't have to talk, you can just listen like you were reading a thread or you can talk like you were replying.

Also no succubi and being a niche thing it's free from intruders.

One day I guess I start to learn more about it.


Productive hobbies give you the opportunity to look over what you've done at the end of the project, and say, "That was cool, I like what I've made here overall, I have spent my time well". You can't really do that when your hobby is playing VNs and watching SoL and ecchi animes.
Where people tend to get lost, is in the fact that everyone can have multiple hobbies. Playing VNs and watching SoL/Ecchi animes isn't bad, and I do both of those things regularly. The issue is that if it's all you do, it's easy to feel like you're wasting away and accomplishing nothing. If you've got a productive little hobby in addition to the meaningless fun stuff, you'll be much better off from an internal standpoint. Even if you spend 80% of your time doing the fun stuff, like I do.


>That was cool, I like what I've made here overall, I have spent my time well
How is making something material fundamentally better than making memories of having watched or played something and dwelling on it?
>You can't really do that when your hobby is playing VNs and watching SoL and ecchi animes.
Bullshit, you can have a list of what you've played/watched. You can use services like MAL or Steam, fill in achievements, even write reviews.
>like you're wasting away and accomplishing nothing
You're wasting away and accomplishing nothing regardless of what you do since everything will eventually turn to nothingness.


I don't understand your logic. Productive hobbies are ultimately more worthwhile than consumerist ones because they not only fuel the creator with entertainment, but also provide a product which other people may enjoy. If everyone had your attitude and didn't regard productive hobbies as superior to consumerist, then there would be no media to consume and everyone would have to get by with just nature and relationships. If you're going to question the futility of productivity out of the fact that all will eventually turn to nothingness, then why don't you regard posting as equally or less futile (which it is)?

>You can use services like MAL or Steam, fill in achievements, even write reviews.
Wow. Just wow. Do you wish to be "acknowledged" that badly?


>also provide a product which other people may enjoy
Why should I care about that?
Also, I doubt handcrafting something in your cave provides someone else with enjoyment.
>there would be no media to consume
Ok. In that case I would meditate more.
Or wouldn't even be here anymore, being no longer chained down by interests, hobbies and other attachments.
>why don't you regard posting as equally or less futile
But I do, anon.
>Wow. Just wow.
I said "can", not "should".


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>God tier
All the things I enjoy doing

>Shit tier

All the things OP enjoys doing



How do you even make a list of what hobbies are good and what hobbies are bad like this? Based on what premises do you consider a hobby to shit tier or god tier? Maybe because of the people who keep that hobby, but then, you're reffering to people, not an activity itself.


you're thinking too much about it; there's no real thought involved, it's just narcissism.


No. Fuck you. It's not narcissm. It's retardness. Guy you replied to is right. Even kids can read(God tier hobby) .
I can argue with Op but there is no point. Since mods haven't deleted this thread I'm just gonna ignore it, Not shit in it.


Maybe we could use this thread to discuss general hobbies that don't merit their own thread


Bumping to save the thread.


There are no "good" or "bad" hobbies, but you can certainly rank hobbies based on different factors like profitability, mental & health benefits, escapism, etc.

Something like stamp collecting can be considered a shit tier hobby because it's not profitable, has no mental or health benefits, and terrible for escapism.


two years and a half and this shit thread is still up somehow


Escapism has a negative nuance. Replace it with immersion.


anti necro sage


Hobbies are supposed to make you feel better but I've studied multiple languages (considered high tier) to where I'm fairly well read (C1 according to CEFR scale). Still I dont feel accomplished in it.

I want to do something classed as high such as programming, making VNs/manga/any digital art I dont even obsess over anime but still i would like to create it, play an instrument like piano or violin, etc. I can do things normies can't but that doesnt help this void.

Are hobbies just escapism?


In a sense they are, what good hobbies really should be are areas where you can dump your creative energies into. That's why things that are artistic are always rated so highly in these types of threads.

However, there is still the personal preference factor which is just too complex to really tackle.

> I can do things normies can't but that doesnt help this void.

Whatever, your hubris won't save you. Learn some humility and find your own thing or suffer a life of where your emotions are forever bottled up until you rot.


>God Tier
Everything I like or wish I could do.
>Shit Tier
Everything else.

These entire threads summed up.


Thanks for bumping the thread with that original thought.


Hobbies are just coping mechanisms.


Life is a coping mechanism.


It's true.
For most people hobbies are coping mechanisms for wageslavery which is a coping mechanism for not being able to live freely which is a coping mechanism for inevitable death.


Any coping mechanisms for being shit at my hobbies?




But one could argue that doing anything after work during your liesure time is a coping mechanism? Why single out hobbies?


For those listing Mathematics as a hobby:
I enrolled for a Mathematics degree at my high, almost wizardly, age of 27.

How would mathematics as a hobby look like? Where can I find mathematical puzzles? Pls no list of grand problems, I'm not a genius. Just the casual type.


Stop bumping this thread you dumbfuck



I don't know but they do sell big book of problems for algebra and geometry on amazon but i highly doubt you need a math degree for that.


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You could try some of George Polya's books for improving general problem solving skills. Outside of that libgen has shitloads of math textbooks so maybe try the exercises in those. If you know some basic programming Project Euler might be good too.


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Why hiking, singing, pottery and acting are not among high tier?

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