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Hi. What fantasy book series are Wizards into?

I'm looking for people who can talk about these epic sagas, like Malazan the kingkiller the wheel of Time since most haven't read them.


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Hyperion Cantos


I heard praise on it but not sure if i want to read it


Can you summarise wizzo


Game of Thrones


HG Well's sci-fi books.


I finished toll the hounds a while back. I thought the book was stylistically mangled and I found it to be a slog to get through. I've enjoyed all the other books in the series so far though, the world-building is the best part. I kind of lost steam and didn't read the next one yet. Dear God I hope it doesn't have Kruppe randomly being an omniscient narrator for no explicable reason again.


The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb is pretty good.


One of my favorite series too, particularly the first three books. Honestly kinda wished the story ended there, the sequels were just kind of ok in my opinion. I struggled with the liveship traders side stories but my brother prefers them over the main series.

I can't say the same about wheel of time though. I was recommended them by a friend, and remember saying to them that Nyneave was my favourite character when I was reading book one. Boy that didn't last, I think the reason I liked her originally was she was that sure she gave the boys grief, but it was with good intentions and she gave Morraine and Lan the same even though they were stronger than her. She was kicking upwards, sideways, downwards, every direction. Later on it just came to kicking down on people weaker than her constantly. I never actually finished the series, stopped around book ~7 maybe?


The Book of the New Sun quadrilogy by Gene Wolfe. Amazing.

The books in the world of the First Law by Joe Abercrombie if you want something violent and edgy but with much better characterization and world building than some random edgy self-publish shit. The First Law trilogy first, then in order Best Served Cold(stand-alone horror-revenge tale), The Heroes (a book about a three-day battle and my favorite of the stand-alones) and then Red Country (a "western" pioneer kind of story and in my opinion the weakest) to keep everything chronologically making the most sense, although if you end up reading them all in any order you'll make sense of it. I don't know if he's done another book in that universe yet; not something I have followed in recent years. His Shattered Seas trilogy is okay as well but I didn't like it as much.


Just ordered the first book of New Sun. Will take a while to arrive but will give it a read and see what I think.


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The cripple protagonist. Awesome.


Well I got it. Read the first, part way through the second. I'll get the others later to finish the series. It's good but does seem a bit jarring with some characters, maybe they'll make sense on a final reread. I am seeing how it influenced other later series at times though.


I sort of liked the jarring nature, as well as the distinct lack of exposition regarding certain things like animals and weapons; very much adds to the "this is a transcript of something" nature it's kind of meant to have. People familiar with these distant future things would not explain them to themselves besides certain unknown details, but would instead just state their names with a casual description. I like that. The nature of the characters sort of makes sense when you finish the other two volumes and gain a context for the world they live in and why it is how it is. In my opinion, anyway. Many people from such a world would be jarring to us indeed.


I started reading the book just today but oh my god the book is deliberately cryptic.
The use of long forgotten words, technologies deliberately made to sound like something else like how I had to search in the net to figure out that the Matanich Tower is an abandoned rocket.

Should I just go on reading it or Is there a study guide or some blogspot where someone does a chapter-by-chapter discussion?
I found a study guide that came last year but it's not available for piracy.


I think you should go on reading and take the story for how it is, and then find out things like that later. That's what I did anyway. And I came to like it a lot.


¿What happened to the feeling of wonder the science fiction used to have? The plots of Canticle for Leibowitz and Dune were about transcendental themes that were with mankind since the beginning of civilization. The first one is about an abbey of monks of a post apocalyptic new dark age who scavenge the remnants of the civilization before the war. Dune was about the messiah figure and his relation with deserts, ecologies, and wars for oil (Spice in this case) and how it’s possible to the most miserable places to have the most necessary things to the modern world. Those were the kind of books that used to win nebulas and hugos, and the appraise of a famdon who lacked of the social acceptance it’s have today. It ist me, or since the science fiction count’s of the social acceptance of society, the quality of the plots have declined?


I think it was just a different time. All those books were being written when computers were becoming important machines, we had men landing on the moon, we were discovering new things every day. Science has kinda stagnated the past decade. Sure research is still being done but we haven’t really had any new or tantalizing prospects of the caliber people like Asimov witnessed in their life. And also sci-fi was a pretty new and trailblazing genre, whereas now most people just fall to the standard blade runner or Star Wars knock off settings.


I don't think that's the case. Imo that wiz mentioned two of the very best novels the genre has to offer, with Dune maybe being the best one to date. Many Hugo reciptients novels from those days are rather shitty (I'm looking at you Starship Troopers, Way Station and don't think I'll forget all my wasted time on you, Forever War, though that's a more recent one.)


Perhaps its just all bogged down by people wanting allegory for their beliefs so the "themes" are just echoes of their politics, attempts to appeal to a wider inclusive™ market, and a general cynicism everyone feels about the present and future. Like with other media.


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I've read almost entire Black Company series through the last three years. Not bad, but the only books you'd be looking for are the first three (I think they're called "The Books of North"). They're all great and complete in a sense, then it all just takes a downhill.

Not much to tell. Dark fantasy with a slightly moderate take on magic and supernatural. Reasonably violent. I believe the author served in military so that shapes his narration.


Shame that Gene Wolfe Died. The World Lost one of the best writers of fiction.


I've been getting into chinese fantasy novels, and while they're trope y, there's some pretty nice gems.


I haven't read it but from what I've heard it's very fragmented.
>the kingkiller
I really enjoyed them, they seem to be either love or hate books. The author is a lazy idiot who will probably never release the third book so I can't recommend them unless you don't mind being blue balled
>the wheel of Time
I read the first two books in this series about 20 years ago when I was a kid. I don't remember too much except they were boring, I'd like to try them again and see how I feel about them as an adult.

I would recommend The Fionavar Tapestry, Mistborn, The Conan stories, Discworld and anything Lovecraft wrote


Why almost every “critic” wants to turn George RR Martin into the “New Tolkien”. How it’s possible that a guy who writes a story who contains incest, genocide, motherfuckers that always win, maquiavelic machinations, endless fucking ,rape and characters that think with the head on his shoulders only for making miserable other people and thinks with the head of his crotch the rest of the time could be the new Tolkien. The only thing I like about that guy writing is the ways he can make that you feel empathy for despicable characters. I fucking hate Cersei, but I hated that newcomer Margaery. I think he just writes things like incest because that’s shocking, maybe is because his past as a movie and television writer. It’s a lazy example of criticism? Or the critics don’t read Tolkien before compare it with a new writer? He should have stay writing science fiction and horror. Fevre Dream is his best novel, at least for me, and the Haviland Tuff stories were very enjoyable. He could be a good horror and science fiction author, instead of being the new somebody.


Is Orson Scott Card still writing? The last thing I know of he was about some faggots harassing him on twitter when the ender movie came out. I think it was because they were bitching about the lack of homosexual characters in the movie. Before of that, they tried to boycott him for writing Hidden Empire. I still don’t know why they do that.


Critics have always disliked Tolkien for his conservatism and religiousness, he is tolerated because he is a cashcow. GRRM appeals more to the liberal and nihilistic sensibilities of most literary critics.


This is odd if true. Did he even have a say in the matter? It's rare for authors to have some decisive power over movie adaptations, especially when it comes to sensitive political correctness bullshit.
Also, can't really see him hating gays. I haven't read all of him but from my impression Orson was the stereotypical "low-key progressive" writer from the 80s, keeping a conservative/independent stance on certain things (nothing special, the usual "acceptable" babyboomer set) but being a conformist and modern leftism anticipator in most others.
I mean, the Ender's Game features aggressive spacebugs that lose the war on annihilation to humans but are later relegated as poor misunderstood victims that didn't do nothing. The MC ends up some thousand years into the future due to relativism and everyone deems him a monster there because of his role in the conflict, while bugs are martyrs. Some other savage alien race there (the ones that had symbiosis with their planet's flora) crucify a human and treat the rest like shit but also turn out to be merely misunderstood, blergh. Then there was that dysfunctional mother succubi with mental issues who got all her kinds from adultery (simultaneously putting the husband through a lifelong torture as he knew he was infertile), but was obviously portrayed sympathetically and even married the MC by the end.
Long story short, you don't get any more progressive than THIS, hence why the twitter army attacks on the author would be crazy IMO. (Sorry for the uncalled rant, I've started recalling the books and wanted to vent over all that crap.)


I think they hate him because he’s closet homo


I liked the books of the south despite the changes in tone and character focus. It's a wild ride with every character changing roles, some fading and others coming into strong prominence, with a broader generational focus. Adding to the books of the north which are: The Black Company, Shadows Linger, The White Rose and The Silver Spike, the author revisited the series recently with Port of Shadows which has more of a mystery flavor to it. Chronologically it's set between the first and second books. My absolute favorite of the series is Shadows Linger because the character arc of Marron Shed and the classic dark fantasy atmosphere.

Another Glen Cook novel I've enjoyed is The Tower of Fear, very dense with lots of action and machinations taking place within a single city.


I've read the series too, with the exception of the relatively recently Port of Shadows (which I'm in no hurry to pick up, as I've heard nothing but negative things about it).

I second your opinion about only the first three books being worth reading. For those who haven't read it, there are 9 books in the main series comprising a trilogy (Books of the North), a duology (Books of the South) and a quadrilogy (Books of the Glittering Stone). The first three books are relatively self-contained, while the following six are much more closely linked, to the extent that you can really consider them a hexalogy (although for some reason, they are not grouped this way). I kind of fell into the sunk cost fallacy round about the time I was just starting the Books of the Glittering Stone, since I had stopped enjoying the series and was only continuing to read it since I'd invested so much time and wanted to know how it inded. The last book in particular introduces too many new characters and speedruns the rest of the plot.

I think it'll adapt well to a TV show though, if it ever gets made.


Ive only read the first book years ago, so this is entirely a guess. But the way you described the books almost sounds like it was written as satire of how the modern left veiws history. How they go about rejecting previous naratives of how things happened in the attempt to be seen as sophisticated and to be seen as morally superior.


Is Dan Simmons still writing horror and fantasy or he’s just writing detective thrillers?


They hate him because he donated to a ton of anti gay charities and campaigned against gay marriage. Book was pretty good though


>smart and a good writer
Good guy.



I don't read much fiction these days but I used to be way into fantasy fiction. I remember around 8 years ago I bought a copy of The Black Company by Glen Cook.

I made it half way through before dropping it. I absolutely hated his style of writing.

Not judging anyone else, just recalling a relevant experience from a while back.


The Soldier of the mist books are also a good trilogy by Gene Wolfe. The protagonist, a mercenary, lost his memory because of a contusion to his head. Every day he has to write what happened yesterday, just for knowing who’s along him, where he is and what his name. The bruise on his head give him the ability of see ghost and gods from the Greek mythology. The god of the river (whose name I never discovered) give him a magic sword who can cut almost anything, and tell him to go to the Delphos oracle. The first two books take place 10 years after the Persians Greco-Persian wars. The third one takes place in Egypt. Every place the book described is way older than anything the characters know. So you can expect Latro encounters with the Egyptian gods and spirits to be weirder than the other 2 books. If you are gonna read them, you will need books of history and mythology just for knowing the names of the gods and cities. Wolfe uses the names the Greeks give to the cities and their gods. Even the enemies of the Greeks receive the same treatment. I didn’t even know “the great king” was Xerxes until I search him in a history book about Greece.


Shakespeare and some of the writers of the Siglo de Oro in Spain, like Cervantes or Pedro Calderon De La Barca can be considered fantasy? The same question goes for the romanticisms.


Most of literature from its beginning have fantastical elements, down to the very first we know about, Gilgamesh. You could consider most of literature fantasy. That's why we tend to say fantasy as a genre begins with Macdonald or thereabouts, it classifies more the conscious effort of the author to invent fantasy, rather than use it, otherwise so many books would fall under that category the category itself would be rendered virtually meaningless.


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Can someone greentext me the plot of The Books of Glittering Stone? Wanna know how the series ends for main characters. After i read annotation that Bleak Seasons are the same shit but from the perspective of Murgen… i've already read too much sidekicks' full biographies leading fucking nowhere.


Does anyone have any good books that include Mythicals and Angels?


DUNE worth reading?


It’s pretty good. Some stuff gets a little lost cause they don’t take much time to explain everything, but overall it was a fun read. If you thought Star Wars is cool but a bit low brow you’ll like dune.


Seriously late to the party, but I recently discovered an interest in sci-fi/fantasy stories (movies and books especially).
I just started the Hobbit.


Is there anyone into chinese fantasy novels here? All the stuff I like in fantasy novels are present and doubled in all chinese stuff: rich worldbuilding, properly written magic systems, intrigues etc. It took some getting used to when I started reading them (due to cultural difference) but now I wonder how I've never heard of such a good subgenre before.
Currently reading through er gen's works. I started reading from issth, like a dumbass, because it's the 3rd in a series. His novels aren't exactly sequels of each other per se but some side stuff gets carried over book to book and enriches the reading experience.


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The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett


Where do you find them in English? Any recommendations? I have been enjoying some chinese anime but I bet they would be better in novel form.


There's this one based on a chinese novel 「凡人修仙传」Fan Ren Xiu Xian Chuan (A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality).


Trailer that adds more context.


That explains a lot. I watched a books forum where some people where talking shit about A Canticle for Leibowitz for the same reason. They didn’t like it, because it wasn’t against of Christianity. The modern readers want hedonist stories without values like, honesty, charity, chastity, compassion, mercy and normal love, not homo ones. If The Lord of The Rings would be released today, the critics would hate it for the same reasons of 1917.


>If The Lord of The Rings would be released today, the critics would hate it for the same reasons of 1917.
It wouldn't even be allowed to be published by any of the houses these days, it's way too white, male and Christian. Tolkien would have to self-publish in 2020.


Sad but true.


>honesty, charity, chastity, compassion, mercy and normal love,
a story with those would be tone deaf, corny and not relatable at all with the state of the world right now.


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Will these tropes eventually fade from modern fantasy? Are there examples of recent fantasy that doesn't employ this "gritty realism", full of crude references where everybody it turns out is a self-serving scumbag, but still have depth?


Dresden Files maybe, if you count urban fantasy.


>Will these tropes eventually fade from modern fantasy?
it's already declining with self-publishing, it peaked in the 00s and early 2010s

most fantasy now is influenced by isekai and litrpg


it's the only decent fantasy setting since it doesn't focus on pozzed politics and diversity as it's main selling point
having some staple points and some tropes isn't always bad for a genre that's as rich in escapism such as this


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>it's the only decent fantasy setting since it doesn't focus on pozzed politics and diversity as it's main selling point
That's not true at all. Lots of dark fantasy have leftwing political messages in them, I'd say liberals are their main fanbase actually


>That's not true at all. Lots of dark fantasy have leftwing political messages in them
>I'd say liberals are their main fanbase actually
These two statements are independent from each other given the context. Do you have any examples of these dark fantasy novels with left wing political messages in them?


¿Why Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse succubus is not a good as A Canticle for Leibowitz? Walter Miller should have written a book about Leibowitz before the Flame Deluge, or an anthology of stories of the abbey from the very beginning of the simplification to the Quo Peregrinatur


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I personally recomend the Foundation Series by Isaac Azimov, it's a sci-fi classic that is definitly worth reading


I’m reading I, robot. The stories are very good and the solution of some of the paradoxes caused by the laws of robotics is very intelligent. Two things I don’t like are the robots in general. It’s like Asimov preferred robots over humans. The robots are good only because they have the laws installed in their brains. A robot could be truly a good being if they could decide between good and evil, and decided good over evil. I found it more enjoyable after Giskard formulates the 0 law.The other thing I don’t like is his excessive belief in science as a good thing. I don’t say is a bad thing per se, but, he only celebrates it, without thinking in the consequences of robots, interstellar travels, nuclear energy, etc. Maybe is because of the times he lived in.


What a brainlet, bringing your own meaningless moral comfort blanket to the work of a geniis. Sorry it was too clean cut and positive for you


Are the books of David Gemmell enjoyable? I’m trying to find writers with a similar narrative force of a Robert E. Howard, without being a Conan pastiche. The most comparable writer I know is Manly Wade Wellman



I read most of them. The Drenai series is mostly pretty good, so are Rigante and Troy series. The rest are kinda hit or miss.

They are simple but fun - don't expect complex philosophical themes. There's lots of violence. He does the "last stand, heroism in the face of almost certain death" really, really well. Villains tend to meet satisfying ends.

I recommend "Legend" and the Waylander books (Waylander , Waylander II, Hero in the Shadows). These are all from the Drenai series. If you don't like these, he's probably not for you.


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>I really enjoyed them, they seem to be either love or hate books. The author is a lazy idiot who will probably never release the third book so I can't recommend them unless you don't mind being blue balled

The Kingkiller Chronicles read almost like poetry and there's so much embedded in the meter that goes over the head of most readers. For example, the protagonist once states there's rumored to be a magical seven words that when spoken make a succubus fall in love. Then far later when he falls for this succubus he only ever speaks to her in seven word sentences. The Name of the Wind (and the following book) is overwhelmingly the best fiction I've ever encountered in my life

The author spent about eight years working on the third book and then he didn't like how it was going and so he literally destroyed the entire thing and started over again. That's why it's taking him so long

You can't rush perfection. I'd rather an artist take 20 years to produce a 10/10 rather than just churn out trash on a speedy basis

I quit reading fiction years ago. All I read now pertains directly to improving my life, however whenever he releases the third book I will read that


Dying of the Light has to be the most pathetic novel I ever read. Is basically “that fell when no gf” the novel. The protagonist is whining about how his girlfriend left him for two guys who treat her like shit, but she like being treated that way. So, he invites her to a desolated planet where a carnival took place a couple of years ago. But, he didn’t count the two other guys come with her


lol you should read Martin's short story "Meathouse Man" it's an even more pathetic crab story, really really pathetic self-pitying drivel


I was interested in reading the The Sword of Shannara books because it has those traditional fantasy characters in a setting where traces of more recent technology exists. I liked that idea but then read some people doing a point by point comparison of the series with Lord Of The Rings and it was pretty disappointing. Apparently it's the exact same thing with some cosmetical changes.

Are there any interesting books with traditional fantasy races with more up to date technology than bows and arrows?


I read in Wikipedia about a sequel of Labyrinth who is going to be made by Marvel Studios. I wonder if they will use puppets or if Brian Froud is going to do the designs, and who is gonna write it. I really hope Trevor Jones will do the ost again. Jareth will not be the same without David Bowie, is really a shame he died without acting the character again. Neil Gaiman in The View from the Cheap Seats says, there’s a version of Labyrinth of 3 hours of length, I wonder if the Jim Henson Company will release that version for the 40 anniversary in 2026.


Is the Epic Pooh Essay by Michael Moorcock, a valid criticism of the Lord of the Rings? What are the real flaws of the books? I remember reading the first one in the scene when they are fighting against the orcs in Moria. The fight scene is not as great like the ones described by Robert E. Howard. I can’t imagine how the songs should sound, and most of the time I don’t understand them, maybe is because something is lost in the Spanish translation.


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Why Clark Ashton Smith doesn’t get the admiration he deserves? Most of his stories are like the hallucinations of the people of the worlds he created. He had that weird talent of write something that will make you think he actually see that kind of things. Sometimes I think is better this way, I don’t really want something like the cthulhu toys or worse, a mediocre writer like King, became the “new Clark Ashton Smith”. This are just a few of the drawings he used to make. Lovecraft used to say something about his sculptures, he say don’t seen made by human hands.


L.E. Modesitt is extremely good, but he's written so many books that you can end up getting bored. I recommend the Saga of Recluse or his Imager series.


I just finished the The Annotated Hobbit for the first time. I like it most of the time, the few parts I couldn’t enjoy are the ones were Bilbo is crying for his dinner and tea. The book is written in a style that reminds me of those boring Victorian fairy tales, but, when Tolkien is not writing about food, he can create images of such beauty that is so lacking in almost all of the child books of today. He used to see his stories like something that actually happened or something that should happen and not like a future script for a movie, like most of the modern writers do.


Try finding something of Ken Liu. I think he was born in Usa, but sometimes he translated Chinese fantasy and science fiction novels. He’s also the editor of an anthology of Chinese science fiction called Broken Stars. Also try reading everything by Cordwainer Smith. He was born in china, and he lived there a couple of years before going to work for the U.S Army, so his writing something reminds Chinese novels. I highly recommend “The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal”, the most anti “tumblr” story I ever read, at least saying it in a way without spoilers. It would be even a hate crime trying to publish it today.

You can also try with Barry Hughart. Since 1956 to 1965 he lived in the border between north and south Korea, where he develop an interest for the Chinese culture. Thanks to that he publish “Bridge of Birds” in 1984, winning the world fantasy award of 1985 and the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award of 1986. I know he has to more novels called “the legend of the stone” and “8 honorable mages”. He had problems with the editors after the last novel, the plan was writing 4 novels more, and he never wrote anything again.


Try with The goblin reservation, the shadowrun novels, Memory. Sorrow and Thorn books, the Artemis Fowl saga, the books written by Diana Wynne Jones and Neil Gaiman, mostly if you like fairies .


I remember reading that story. The Spanish anthology of his works where I found it says it was sad but beautiful. Like if a story where a guy fucks dead bodies while he’s crying for a succubus can be beautiful. Clark Ashton Smith does something similar in the story “The Death of Ilalotha” but that story not contain a pathetic guy crying “that fell when no gf”, it was about a widow queen who is jealous of the beauty of a corpse. Better written than anything Martin could ever do.


Is China Miéville still writing fiction? I remember reading the Bas- Lag Trilogy a couple of years ago. It was likePlanescape written for 2000AD. His last book was an essay about how good was living in the USSR, compared to the previous regime, at least in Russia. I don’t know if he actually believes that.


If you like the post apocalyptic stories, I highly recommend the Wastelands anthology by John Joseph Adams. The authors include: Orson Scott Card,George R. R. Martin,JackMcDevitt,Catherine Wells, and Gene Wolfe along with other writers.


What Happened in Dune after the last book written by Frank Herbert? I don’t know if I should read the sequels written by Brian Herbert just for knowing what happens next.


What´s the difference between dark and edgy in fantasy? Every dark novel is edgy by definition, or a novel can be dark without being edgy?


darkness is the atmosphere and tone, edge is more specifically about the characters, how they develop and what the writer does to them


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Reading Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archives book 4, Rhythm of War.


Why almost every modern fantasy book tries to copy other books that are popular? Some years ago I saw a huge increment of books that were about noble houses fighting each other. Something similar occurs with science fiction. Almost every book is a star wars rip-off that includes lesbians and gays with no absolute plot at all. Every work of fiction should be the most original thing possible because there’s no limit for the imagination. I think there’s is no merit in selling million of books just because they are like other books who are more popular with their own TV shows and movies. Maybe is because of the editors, who only wants to make money instead of caring about the quality of the things they sell.


Record of Lodoss War. The novel which spawned the anime, to be specific.

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