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Anyone into game development here? I'm wondering about trying my luck with BOLT. It's 50% off now and programming is my Achilles' heel


I was for a time but lost interest as things became overly complicated as my plans grew. Thought about going back to it the other week, but didn't.


I was very interested in programming and game dev from 14 to about 20 years old. I ended up realizing that if I wanted to make an actual good game I would need a team. what I was doing was I would create game engines over and over again and build simple games off of them with programmer art and stock sounds and stuff as if they were just tech demos to display my skill in programming. Since I have debilitating social anxiety and will never have a team of friends or just people to help me work on art and story and what-not I figured what I was doing is completely pointless. Haven't touched programming in 4 years now, it's a waste of time, you have no prospects as a solo programmer with little imagination or art skills.


I either get stuck in the autism of programming or the depression of making shitty graphics. Actually making a game, like in all art forms, is about compromising and following through.


I can't program but I would enjoy working on the creative process of creating a game especially world creation. I have tried to create maps on engines but my attention span runs out and I can never figure out how to. Plus you need to pay for objects, materials, etc to build your world with.


The way I started to learn was to watch tutorials and literally copy out in real-time what was being done in the video. Once I felt like I understood some aspect I'd modify it a little to make it my own. Then I'd build a bit more original stuff, adding in another sprite that did something else, continue on with the tutorial more and more. You learn so much that way without really feeling like you're putting that much effort in. It makes it a very creative process, even in the coding side of things. Highly recommend anynoe starting out do this, really.


So what fields of programming are more suitable for loners? There is nothing?


no idea, I remember I’d just go to Wikipedia and look up formulas to implement, stuff like A* path finding, ray casting rendering, random environment generation, etc. Game dev is fun as hell on the tech level, most fun I ever had programming anything.


I love working on game code and technical problems, but I don't have the patience for the creative part, like working on a sprite animation for 5-6 hours or spending the entire day experimenting and designing levels. Meanwhile, tinkering with code all day to draw a triangle on the screen feels super rewarding for some reason.

Someone who is an artist primarily is in a much better boat considering there's hundreds of game engines that make it dead simple to build stuff on your own.

There's people that can do everything, but as a one man team their productivity is still significantly lower and they can only ship "retro" games with a gimmicky mechanic or really artsy abstract puzzle games.


i can make simple stuff with unity, it's a fun game engine and you can learn c# and all the features of unity on your own to surprising competency in a few weeks just by playing around and reading the documentation

i used visual scripting bullshit in the past, for YEARS, before i actually learned a programming language, so i get where op is coming from wanting to use something like bolt but really i wouldnt recommend it

one of my goals is to make money through simple games but the potential income but i have shit for motivation


That's why you hire commission artists, fag.


>just have money bro



Wish I could learn to program but even after a four year degree and graduating I still cant. i think i have a disability or something


It just seems it's one of those things you have to understand, and it's hard to learn if your instinct never kicks in, like grammar or riding a bike.


I think the illusion that has to be broken in order to really break into (most) programming is that you are rarely asking for more complexity than printing data or graphics drawn to screen, performing rudimentary calculations on a dataset or actioning user inputs in some shape or form. That being said, there is something very special that comes from dedication and creativity/ingenuity to create something really impressive to view or use. From a user's perspective, a video game seems like it's doing incredibly complex things; in reality much of its content is a series of conditional actions that follow one after the other. Visuals/animations play into this illusion as they improve realism. Engine builders and those on the cutting-edge of technology would be where to look for the most incredible coding abilities, but the vast majority of content you come across could be understood and recreated by most who gave it serious effort. Apps and indie games being the most viable areas to start out with.


i want to try using godot but i never know what to do with it and making sprites or 3d models seems like a real pain
unity sees too much like a clusterfuck that needs countless hours of usage to be able to do anything with it


the problem i'm facing with unity is coming up with game ideas that are both suitable for me and interesting to create. it is extremely easy to learn and make examples for anything in unity, but putting it all together, having everything structured and organized, code that doesnt turn into a mess after a month… thats the hardest fucking part and it pisses me off because i dont think ill ever improve at that. im thinking game jams are the way to force yourself to make simple dumb stuff


some times when your project gets to be a mess it can be therapeutic to start from scratch. It may seem gone, but all the work you did in the original project has taught you better how to build it, and starting from scratch will give you the freedom to build away from your original failures.

But I do get you. The most frustrating time I have in 3DCG programs is trying to reverse an operation I did like 200 events ago. Being able to reverse simple edits without just hitting ctrl-z is hard.


Its really just not possible. I cant program at all


bump. It's one of my dreams to make my own game but I can't even get pass the character control coding. I have so many game concepts but I'm afraid the longer I wait with beginning eventually someone will have done my original ideas.


There are no original ideas left son. Everything's been done.


It's very likely that you don't see games with your "original ideas" being made because they're not profitable


So take your time


artists are so flaky even normgroids hate working with them


If you're having trouble with coming up with an idea for a game, my advice is just copy one and use placeholder graphics. I struggled to get a project off the ground for a long time and really didn't help me learn how to use my engine of choice. Learning the ropes to actually being able to create a game is very important as anyone knows. So I just picked a game from my childhood and began a remake. This took away the burden of having to come up with plot, dialogue, events, etc. All I'm focusing on is to be able to remake the game with placeholder graphics. In 3 months I'm doing this I learned more about programming a making a game then a whole year fucking around with my own ideas.

You don't even need to remake the whole game of course. It can be just a building, a stage or the first 20 minutes of gameplay. It's also very rewarding because there's a clear goal to it.


Also if you're decent at drawing or modeling you can do the whole graphics yourself, which is nice.


I would if i didnt have to worry about working and making money. Hope you guys realise working on your own games is just for fun


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reinstalled unity today so i could try out bolt but it was too complicated and i removed it, but i decided i might as well make something simple for fun


Not sure if I should make a game for an actual 8-bit system or make a game for modern computers that simply emulates the style of 8-bit games. I think it might be interesting to learn the limitations of old systems and how to achieve various demo effects so that I can incorporate these features and limitations into a modern game. For instance, I know that games run in either a 320 x 200 or 160 x 200 mode with double-wide pixels on the C64. The latter mode places fewer restrictions on use of color. The system is capable of being "hacked" to run in modes with fewer restrictions but games are essentially never made using these modes. There are only three channels of audio so developers have to choose between having sound effects of background music for the most part. It seems to me C64 graphics and sound are "worse" than the NES but the limited hardware is utilized in more interesting ways by programmers and that there are more layers of graphics onscreen and smoother animations/higher framerates.

Maybe making a game for an old system that looks good and actually works would shake me out of this funk that I'm in where I believe I am a mediocre programmer. Like, I could slap something together in Unity but that would do nothing for my self-esteem. Whatever I make is not going to make me any money so I might as well do the thing that makes me feel more accomplished.


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I've been working on this crocodile game for awhile now. I recently redid the character controller so it's more physics based and that's what I'm testing out here.



here is something i made for fun. it's free. just created the itch.io page and added the files within the last hour. maybe another wiz might enjoy it or something, i don't know if linux or mac builds work so that would be nice to know


Nice IK on the tail, even modern AAA FPS can't do this for guys prone on slopes


hi wiz, i have played your game a few minutes after you made that post and enjoyed it very much. It was very relaxing and the atmosphere was great. i really enjoyed the soundscapes. I played for two hours but i failed to beat it. Is there any victory screen?


thanks for playing and for recording it as well, it was funny to watch you die in the beginning without knowing why. there is a victory screen, it just says "you win" instead of "you lose", nothing worthwhile. no one has tested it aside from me and i always just started myself at like 59/61 so you've managed to collect more than i ever could. i'll have to watch the whole video later today to find out exactly what you missed and verify nothing went wrong


My linux PC failed recently so I can't test it for you.
Watched some of it, the aesthetic is really nice actually. The atmosphere is really well done too. It looks like it could be morphed into something interesting if it had more gameplay or the addition of some mysterious lore, probably without dialogue boxes or menus.


it runs on linux but the mouse doesnt function properly for the camera, you can look 180 degrees to the left or right and then it just stops letting you turn any more


thanks for letting me know. if i can ask more from you though, did it completely break turning, like you can't turn left or right at all? or is it just preventing you from going beyond +/- 180 degrees from the starting view angle?

there seems to be a bug on linux with GetAxis returning 0 when the cursor reaches the edge of the screen. it is a single line of code for turning, so i can try different stuff out. i will post it later if you can etst that out for me


>or is it just preventing you from going beyond +/- 180 degrees from the starting view angle?


i replaced the linux build with something that can test cursor lockstates. ingame you can press "O" once to show an overlay, then cycle through three different lockstates using "L". it also shows mouse x/y values, these should always be either negative or positive when moving the mouse, never 0. if any lockstate fixes it i'd like to know. thanks again


lockstate 1 works, 0 and 2 dont, thanks


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It's active ragdoll. It uses forces to rotate colliders so that they align with the armature pose. Since they're forces though the colliders can still be pushed around by other forces in the environment, like the hill slope.

Here's another video of something I was working on today. I'm trying to get the fighting between the player (Crocodile) and the enemy (Hippo) to feel more intuitive, like a tug of war.


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Hey I played your a game a bit too. I recorded a little portion from when I first started. I was very bad. I kept restarting at the beginning because I was trying to see if the position of the birds in the sky was affected by it.

It took me awhile to figure out what the ghosts were. I was very perplexed and thought there was a graphical error at first, but eventually I did realize they were ghosts. I wanted a jump ability but couldn't find a key for it. I was fascinated by the world and wanted to explore it but kept getting killed by ghosts.


thanks for trying it. it was funny watching both you and the other guy die without knowing why, and it feels strange to receive feedback. since you wanted to jump i added something quick that uses spacebar

are you the wiz doing the crocodile physics game? i have avoided stuff with imported models/armatures/animations since i got a headache trying to make an rpg last year, but seeing what you did it looks cool and makes me want to try again


I will try out the new version of the game. I've gotten up to 17 so far. I saw the other person who posted a video got up to 60.

Yes that's me. I import my models from Blender. It is a headache because they use different coordinate systems, so the rotations get messed up. I have an add on though that makes Unity .fbx files which have the correct rotations and I don't have to do any of that weird stuff like rotating the models to 90 degrees before export.

If you decide to work on your RPG again and post a demo of it here I'll play it.


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sketched an idea today for a tower defense sort of game where you fight a wall and try to keep from getting squished. made a little prototype just now to see if it is fun. it seems cool enough so i think ill expand it into a small game


please share a build of this


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here's where it's at right now

there are two turrets, laser and flame. they consume energy so you need to build solar panels to generate energy to keep them operating. there are batteries to bank up the excess energy. everything costs money, but you can build bitcoin miners to increase your income, they also require energy. there is a little starter power/money generation so, for example if you dont build any solar panels at the beginning, you can eventually recover

i like it


Post download link?


sorry, i go into periods of depression and stuff where i cant really do much. ill post it when its over and i get back to working on it


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Yeah I know what you mean. I have chronic migraines and they have basically ruined my entire life.

I'm still working on this. I was trying to get a limb hacker in, but I gave up on that for now. Instead I ended up making a prefab painter so I can make levels faster. Then I worked on the AI some more. This is just me messing around with the enemy physics while he's trying to climb a mountain.


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… i was bored lol
imma gonna use hitreru-chan in VRchat


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base building game ive been working on this past week


it really is incredible how quickly a game becomes complicated. the amount of code grows exponentially for every new mechanic or feature




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still working on the base building game. no rush because i dont want to burn out like before on previous attempts to make a game

here is an upgrade tree. there are 5 tiers of upgrades and there are unlockable units between them that become available when you have all the lines they connect with unlocked. each higher tier costs more upgrade points than before. you earn upgrade points from completing levels and they persist throughout a campaign (10 maps with 10 waves of enemies each). also had the idea of making gods you can choose. the 'zeal' upgrade would unlock the specific god's passive ability, and the 'divinity' unlocks the god's active ability. so without much effort there is suddenly many more combinations and playstyle possible. got to reuse a lot of old pixel art stuff and just quickly placeholder everything. everything is prefabbed and i can reconfigure it somewhat without much effort. the buttons do nothing however yet


anyone wanna make a hobby 3d game dev project with C++ and SDL and openGL


Sure idk any coding stuff though


can you write or draw or make music?


what engine, unreal?


he said with SDL


UE isn't OpenGL


i'd wanna make something without using a real time development environment like unity or unreal engine
just source code and source code editors and a bunch of libraries
for example, there are physics libraries out there


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Yeah sure


Wait I can write yeah


can u write us a project idea


all i know about unreal is that you code in c++, for unity though you can change the graphics api to opengl or directx, i assumed it was the same


opengl is a language in which you communicate with ur graphics card
unity can speak to ur graphics card in opengl
our wiz project can also talk to our graphics cards in opengl
without there being unity between us


I know c++ and I've used sdl briefly there but that was 10 years ago


ur hired


Hmm, we could make a game where you play as a wizard, maybe there could be different kinds of spells you can switch between. There could be levels like venturing out to the grocery store, mailing a letter, picking up a book from the library etc.. General daily life stuff that is hard for hikki NEETs. But in this game you’re a literal wizard and there are literal enemies. The different spells could do different things, like push enemies away or throw fireballs at them, and maybe some utility stuff like a light spell for dark environments or an invisibility spell for passing through areas with lots of normans undetected.

What do you think?


sounds good
who are the enemies?
i like the concept of evading normans through invisibility instead of having the wizard kill them or something
maybe the enemies could be literal crabs?


Some enemies could be literal crabs yeah. I was thinking the enemies could be abstract representations of people we see outside. Like, rather than having random civilians to kill (that would be kind of crabbish), there could be all these weird cartoonish monsters and stuff to represent how scary the world feels when you’re an anxious NEET. I know whenever I go outside somewhere, it feels like I’m on some kind of mission, trying to dodge all the distorted faces etc. I think it would be really cool to have lots of different spells to switch between. Maybe there could be some special spells that could be unlocked, like ultra powerful or novelty ones.


do the different tasks that the wizard has to do represent levels? like level 1: get groceries
level 2: mail letter
or is it like a open world game type thing where these are quests
or something else


Know that it doesn't take much to make it big with cheap Unity games. Look at how simple the graphics, sounds, etc are in a game like Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion. Yet it's revered universally and has thousands of hours of screentime on all the gayest Twitch streamer's gay Twitch streams. You don't need to break your wrists making an enthralling story, visual spectacle, audio masterpiece, or anything beyond just a functional game that's fun in a way the currently popular games aren't. Phasmaphobia still uses default Unity assets post-beta. Gameplay first. Make many functional prototypes before even starting on any textures or choosing a setting. If you're trying new things and you make a little game that you enjoy playing the prototype of regardless of how simple the assets are, then you've made the most crucial step towards making something that others will enjoy.


it doesn't take much, perhaps, but knowing the exact minimum necessary is difficult. it is harder to simply finish something small and complete than it is to just keep adding features and content. so knowing when to stop. and you must make good design choices, and knowing which to make is also hard. and on top of all this, the success of the game depends on other human beings, completely unpredictable forces. i really need to work on just finishing things and making games small scale. that is so difficult because what you have before you never seems good enough, or not enough content. so in a way you must know beforehand exactly all you need to build, and then you build exactly that, nothing more… i dont know how to explain it all but it's way more difficult than you make it out to be


Hmm, I think it would be good if they were like quests. Maybe you have to try to get 5/5 stars or something?


Oh sorry, I realise I was unclear here. I think creating an entire open world might be a little too ambitious, so just levels would be good. But maybe you can play any level in any order, and you have to try to get all 5 stars or something.


does the wizard have a tidy home? chaotic?
is the wizard clean? takes drugs?
what book does the wizard pick up
does the wizard live in a big neet appartment block? or in a rural area in a small house?
where is the wizard when the game starts? whats he doin?
does he live alone?
are there any enemies or characters in his immediate surrounding?


Wow, good questions wiz!
I’d say:
- His home should be fairly chaotic
- He isn’t particularly clean or tidy, but he looks like a typical wizard with a big bushy beard
- I’m not sure how him taking drugs would play into the game, so I’d say no
- He lives in a small house just outside the big city (probably easier to design than a big apartment block)
- He lives alone
- The book he picks up could be randomised from a list of a few wizchan favourites (conspiracy against the human race, book of disquiet, etc)
- At the start of each quest/level/mission, the wizard wakes up and gets out of bed
- There could be the odd wild animal near his house, maybe feral dogs or something, but generally not too many enemies near his house
- More enemies as you get into more urban and populated areas
- Maybe sometimes the landlord/the wizard’s mother or something could be patrolling around outside the house and you have to figure out a way to sneak past (since you can’t use violence against them cuz they’re not enemies)


how is his room decorated?
does he have posters hanging around?
does he have wizard robes in his closet?
what food does he get from the grocery store? what does he usually eat?
how does he learn new spells?
if npcs and enemies had things to say (maybe to themselves or the wizard), what would the landlord say? what would the mother say?
does the wizard have things to say to people?


i can do simple 3d modeling, but i have never found it fun uv mapping textures and rigging skeletons and doing animations. when the wizgame needs 3d assets in the future


we're gonna need a 3d modeler wizzie


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there already are a few wizards that can make stuff, look at the 3d modeling thread


I'm good at 3D modelling but I've been struggling to learn C# on Unity for a while.

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