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 No.9876[Last 50 Posts]

Fitness is a hobby, right?

Does anyone here do running, weight-lifting, and so on? What's your motivation? How often do you do it? Does it make you feel better? Has it improved your life?

I was thinking of taking up running since I've heard cardio is supposed to boost your mood, and I think it would also give me some of confidence which I so desperately need to finally move onto being a wageslave (my family's financial situation is going from bad to worse so I don't think I can keep up the NEET life much longer). I did some running for a short while about 5 years ago, and I remember it making me feel much better about life, but after failing to meet one of the goals I set myself I became very disheartened and gave up.


I've always wanted to do this, too bad I'm hikki and afraid of getting seen by others when I go outside.


This is my problem too. Fortunately there are places within walking distance of my house where I think I'll be able to run unseen.


When I had to move to a new school, it was small. My graduating class was 30 people. High school was composed of less than 120 kids. Everyone knew everybody, and they quickly knew of me, the weird fat kid.

That was my drive. To not get tripped in the hallways. To not get laughed at because my hip fat sagged over the side of my jeans. To not have people gawk at my taco stains under my arms. I followed that guide as soon as my sophomore year ended, the year that I transferred to the new school, and spent all summer doing push-ups, sit-ups, and running.

I cried when I finally did my first sit-up in my entire life. I hooped and hollered when I completed 90 push-ups in 1 minute at the end of the summer. When my dad would look at the clock and ask me where I've been, I could proudly tell him I was out finishing my third 10K this week. I lost almost 60 pounds.

When I went back to school, no one recognized me until I spoke. They tried to be friends with me, and scoffed when I would shrug them off. I was still being whispered about behind my back, but because I was finally healthy, I had enough self-confidence – and arrogance – to ignore everything they said, and to laugh at them. When the cross-country team asked me join up, I could boldly tell them no.

You probably already have a fucked-up sleep schedule. Start running at night, or use that dusty treadmill downstairs, just find SOMETHING, because once you prove to yourself that you can control your body, you're going to be able to make improvements in your life that will finally let you live as the ascetic you want to be, in complete control of your personal domain.


I just couldn't give a shit tbh


OP, do you have an infographic on warm-up or some tips?

>I did some running for a short while about 5 years ago.
For how long did you run? How did you keep yourself motivated? What was your goal?

I see some people running in the morning, and I wonder is it necessary to have a special sport outfit, or a simple jean+t-shirt is good enough?


I'm trying to get into it, and trying to fix my diet too.

One of the reasons is because I'm so paranoid about being stupid, and I feel like my mind will be in a better place if I'm fit and have a decent diet.

Dieting is and nutrition seems so complicated though; every time I read about it I just forget everything. So many little details.


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All I really know about warm-ups is that you should never do static stretching as a warm-up (that should always be done after exercising, if you do it at all). Dynamic stretching is fine for warming-up though.

The Couch to 5K website recommends 5 minutes of brisk walking as a warm-up:

Here's a video I found some time ago of a simple dynamic stretching routine, but I think it's more for a gym-style work out than running:

>For how long did you run? How did you keep yourself motivated? What was your goal?

I think it was only a few weeks. Maybe a month or so, I can't really remember. My goal was weight loss - I was about 200lbs when I started and managed to lose 30lbs or so. I was also eating healthily (after a lifetime of having pizza for every other meal and never eating vegetables, unless you count fries) and at a calorie deficit.

I'm not sure if all the weight loss came from the period when I was running, or if some of it came after I stopped due to continuing my healthy, calorie-deficit diet. It's too long ago for me to remember, but 30lbs does sound like a huge loss of weight even for the short time that I did running for.

As for motivation, I'm not really sure. I had an initial burst of motivation in the beginning, as I have with almost everything I take an interest in, and the change in performance I was witnessing (going from being out of breath after 1 minute of running to being able to run 10 minutes straight in a matter of weeks) helped me to keep that motivation going a while longer than it would usually last (about a week with most things). It all came to an abrupt halt though at the first sign of failure, as is the case with basically everything I do.

>I wonder is it necessary to have a special sport outfit, or a simple jean+t-shirt is good enough?

A t-shirt is fine, but I wouldn't run in jeans. Wear something comfortable. Cargo pants or tracksuit bottoms are fine.

I wouldn't buy a special running outfit unless you're really into it. They're basically for people who are trying to shave every possible second off your minute/mile time by minimising their clothing weight and air resistance. You probably have to pay a lot of money for a quality one too.


There's a guy on YouTube called Scooby who explains a lot of diet and exercise stuff in a way which is simple for beginners to understand:

With regards to 'dieting', I'd advise you not to think of it as a diet. Diets tend to be something people do only temporarily to lose some weight, but if you actually want to keep that weight off then you need to make a lifestyle change.

Nutrition has a lot of areas for people to go full autism over, but it's really quite simple. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less calories than you expend, and vice versa if you want to gain weight. If you want your weight loss to come from fat instead of muscle, or your weight gain to be muscle instead of fat, then you need to eat a lot of protein (when I was into this stuff, I remember 1g per pound of bodyweight being the ideal amount of protein to consume - e.g. if you weigh 170lbs, eat 170g of protein) and exercise. If you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode and start burning your muscles for energy, so don't go overboard with your calorie deficit or you'll just end up being skinnyfat. Likewise, if you eat too many calories, it is inevitable that you will put on a lot of fat. If your muscles are covered in a layer of fat, it doesn't matter how big they are, nobody will be able to see them and you'll just look fat (thus, having a six pack is more about bodyfat percentage than your muscle mass).

As for what to eat and what not to eat, this is pretty common sense stuff. You should strive for a diet of meat (avoiding processed stuff where possible) and plenty of green vegetables. One thing which is hard to get enough of in your diet is magnesium, which is really only found in high amounts in nuts, so consider eating those (be aware that nuts are extremely high in calories though, so be careful how much of them you eat). Fruits, beans (e.g. kidney beans) and mushrooms are also good to eat.

Also, beware liquid calories. They don't give you the sensation of being full and it's easy to consume a ridiculous amount of them without even realising it.

Unless you're into bodybuilding or something, you don't really need to complicate your diet and nutrition any more than this.


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Thanks for the advices anon. I'm going to start this night.

So just walking a a fine for warm up? Well I guess it's good if you're not going into high level athleticism.

I don't know much in diet, but I will try to help you.

A lot of diet are confusing and sometimes contradictory. All you need to know is this infographic. You don't need to go into fancy and over complex diet, and calculate every calories in your food.

It's about all you need to know.

Try not to eat between meal, eat on regular basis, try not to skip meal and over eat on the next one.

Eat enough, not too much, no need to feel full at the end of you meal, it takes some time before your brain realize you're already full.

I don't think you need vitamins, unless you've got some health problem.

I'm not advocating for veganism of vegetarianism, but try to reduce your meat consumption, for example, add meat in your meal like in 2 or 3 meals in a week (with the money you save from buying lots of crappy meat, you could buy higher quality meat).

For the vegetables and fruit, buy them depending of the season, they will generally have higher nutrition value, and they would be often cheaper.

Whole grains is good, just remember that you have to cook them longer, for example regular pasta need 5-6 minutes to cook, whole grain need around 10-11.

All seeds and nuts are good. If you want to eat between lunch why don't just eat nuts? They are also a good alternative to animals protein, choose for example lentils, chickpea, soybean or tofu (they also have the advantage to be extra cheap).

I've read that spices are really good for your health, so if you're meal is a bit to bland to your taste, instead of adding more salt, put black pepper, curry spices, chili pepper, garlic to add some flavor.

To put it simple :
-More seasonal vegetables and fruit
-Less meat, buy better quality
-Eat regularly
-Don't over eat


>I'm not advocating for veganism of vegetarianism, but try to reduce your meat consumption, for example, add meat in your meal like in 2 or 3 meals in a week (with the money you save from buying lots of crappy meat, you could buy higher quality meat).
It's very difficult to meet your protein needs without eating meat, unless you're eating eggs, drinking milk or using protein powder instead.

As I said in >>9895 , if you don't get enough protein, your body will start cannibalising your muscles for energy, which is the absolute last thing you want to happen.

>Protein is formed by a linked chain of amino acids, which are necessary for your body to maintain and repair damage to its muscles. Most people get enough protein, though an intense exercise program may call for eating more for optimal results. Protein helps you lose fat[1][2], build muscle, fills you up so you're less hungry[1][2][3], supports lean body mass (muscle) over flabby and unhealthy body mass (fat)[1][2], helps you recover better from all kinds of exercise, decreases soreness, and helps to keep off weight loss (combating the yoyo effect).



I made a general rule when it comes to eating: Avoid foods with a low nutrition:calorie ratio.
Soda, for example, has zero nutrition but many calories. Shouldn't even be considered. I do recommend carbonated water (Sparkling water) instead, because it's just fizzy water.
Peanut butter has a huge calorie count, but it's also nutritious.

You body gets hungry when it's low on nutrients.

Lettuce, and vegetables are low on calories but high on nutrition, so should make up a large part of diet. Same with lean meats, lentils, and high protein-low fat foods like cottage cheese. Nutrition in the case is protein, minerals and vitamins and fibre.
Fruit juices should be avoided though, eat the fruit instead. Although they're not exactly the devil or anything.

Devil foods include cheese, ice cream, cake, soda, deep fried foods, fast food, and so on.
You can eat pizza, but you have to make it yourself to minimise the collosal amount of cheese, fat and salt that fast food pizzas have on them to cover how bad they really are.

Combine high nutrition:calorie foods with a more calorie out than calorie in attitude and you will lose weight and not even feel particularly hungry.

Processed food reduces the calorie:nutrition ratio by removing nutrition and increasing calories.

Bread is actually a tricky one- I eat bread all the time, but it's wholewheat and I bake it myself. White bread, white flour is completely worthless. (industrially baked bread) The baking process used in modern industrial processes is called the Chorleywood method. It shortens rising time by adding fucktons of yeast and mixing rapidly. The result is a tasteless spongey sticky bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth. The nutrition that yeast would add to the bread by their fermentation is reduced, and so it is a bread that is worse for you and harder to digest. Bakeries will tend to bake bread the traditional way, so that's where you should get bread.
As for the type of wheat- wholewheat is good for you. Lots of fibre and nutrients. Modern milling methods are much better at removing the bran and non-white bits of the grain, but the non white bits are where 80% of the nutrition is. So white bread you get at a supermarket mixes nutritionless flour with industrial gak production and it's no wonder that carbohydrates are seen as the devil in modern dieting circles.


Boxing weight-loss diets are basically protein and vegetables.

Anyway, foods with high ratios:

Yeast extract.
Fish and to a lesser extent oily fish
Lean meats- not so much industrial meats.
Lentils and other pulses
Soya products like quorn and soya mince. (I really like these). They don't contain estrogens, that's a myth. Beef does though.
Fermented foods
Cottage cheese (different from solid cheeses)

Whole grains
Nuts (high calorie, but also high nutrition)
Fruit (high nutrition, but the sugars in them bring it down to a medium ratio)

The ratios aren't mathematically calculated, they're just a rough idea.

Another piece of food advice is to avoid processed food. I said earlier that it reduces the nutrition and increases the calorie, but it also takes less energy to digest. Machines and factories do half the work your body is supposed to.
For example; cane sugar. Unprocessed cane sugar is brown, sticky and thick. Delicious too. But when processed it's pure bleached crystals. They separate out all the lovely organic molecules that make it brown sticky and tasty and just leave you with the simple carbohydrates.

Wheat gets a bad rap, and it's because of modern industrial processes that it does. A book about bread that I recommend is 'Bread Matters' By Andrew Whitely. It goes through the details about modern bread making and flour milling (as well as the additives they add to bread) and you start to realise why carbohydrates are portrayed as the devil, when really, bread can be a perfectly fine staple. Modern industrial bread isn't really bread at all. It's not the bread your ancestors ate to stay alive.


Just wanted to say that paleo was one of the best decisions I ever made for my diet. My poops don't hurt, my face isn't riddled with (as much) acne, and I get to devour delicious beef jerky in my hidey-hole.


I've thought about getting a bike so I could introduce some form of fitness in my life. I think I'd find it enjoyable. The only problem is getting the money for one.


The amount of protein you need is vastly overexaggerated, and the protein you get from other foods are vastly underexaggerated.
For example; meat is 40% protein. The rest is water and other bollocks.
Bread wheat is 14% protein.
Lentils are 22% protein.
Beans such as kidney beans are around 20%.

Stop imagining that protein comes from nothing but meat. Protein is in most things you eat.



It is, but mixing proteins from grains and proteins from beans will give you a full protein profile.


The paleo diet is a 'right thing for wrong reasons' kind of deal. Avoiding food made in the past 100 years is generally what you want to do. You don't want to go back to caveman times, we really have evolved since then.
The paleo diet has in it the avoidance of processed foods, foods with added salts and fats, modern industrial made foods and such.
Even the whole 'eat like a caveman' thing is wrong because cavemen ate lots of carbohydrates. You think they ate nothing but meat and fruit?
They ate carbohydrates from wild plants all the time. Hunter gatherer doesn't mean fruit and meat it means everything edible that they could get their hands on, which includes starchy roots and grains.


I still get my 20% protein 15% fat 65% carb macros. I prefer not eating grains because I'm actually FULL now, instead of feeling full by eating whole-wheat or cracked grain and having that stuff expand in my stomach. One of the hardest problems I had before dropping starchy foods was not wanting to eat anything on the one day I week I take to do absolutely nothing, and then feeling completely drained the next day because I only ate maybe 1/6th of my necessary caloric intake.




fuck those normies


Tried Couch to 5K today. I only managed to do the routine 5 times instead of the proper 8 times, and I had to jog really slowly on the last two times too, which was pretty disheartening.

I'll give it another go tomorrow and see how I fare.


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I started weight lifting recently, but squatting makes my outer, upper thighs really sore, yet not my inner thighs whatsoever. I think I'm doing something wrong. Would any fellow wizards happen to know why this is happening?


I tried doing something similar and managed to run for half an hour without stopping. I did this for two weeks before I couldn't go on because every time half into the run I didn't really have any stamina anymore so I had to force myself to finish the run. It was very painful. I thought it would get easier but it didn't so I stopped. Plus I didn't feel any positive effects from running but to be fair I only did it for a total of 2 months.


Been doing jump rope.

Sets of 50.

Trying to get to 6-10 sets, but can only do three. I get so tired after my third set.

Using a leather rope. It's already broken a bit since I land on the rope. It's easily fixed.

Any tips?

Been doing this for maybe a little over one week.

Pretty fat too. Don't like being outside where people could see me.


It didnt just improve my life it is my life. Cycling is why i havent killed myself yet. Get started as soon as you can. After 20 days of a routine your brain develops a dependency on that routine.


couch to 5k in a nutshell is:
Go to a running track, walk, then run until it hurts too much, then walk, then run again, repeat for an hour.


Just keep at it. Don't worry so much about doing it right, or doing everything perfect. So long as your heart rate is going up and you're getting tired and sweaty you're doing great.

Progress on your actual mass will be slow, you won't notice anything for a long while, but then you'll start to notice that walking around becomes easier.

Don't forget to rest your muscles. If they're sore, don't stress them. Let them heal then start again, they get MUCH more durable after healing. With regular exercise your muscles rarely get sore after exercise.

My problem is I have trouble actually making my muscles sore anymore. I can't push my body hard enough.


I don't like going out during the day, afraid to go out at night. I want to eventually try something at least though, maybe some push-ups.


The absolute least you could do is:

10 regular push-ups
10 regular sit-ups
10 wide push-ups
10 leg lifts
10 triangle push-ups
10 double crunches
Wall-sit for as long as you can

And repeat until you can do five sets. You won't look muscular by any means but at least you won't have droopy armfat.


I'll start the next month maybe. I'm moving to a place nobody knows me. I hope this will make my anxiety more bearable.
Escapism no longer works for me, so I need to fill a lot of hours. I'd like to swim, but I don't know if I'd have the balls to get a gym membership (hopefully is a small village, so I hope the gym is only filled with old people during the weekdays' morning). If not I'm planning on following something like startbodyweight training in my house.

The thing is in the last three months the two times I walked for more than twenty minutes, and the next day I got cramps like if I were run a marathon. Hopefully depression don't allow me to put weight on, but my joints are weak, and every now an then the necks pains.


I can do this routine on my treadmill without going outside. (Thank god for treadmills)


I do push-ups, sit-ups, squats regularly. (normally 30-40 each) I wish I could do more cardio but it makes me feel quite uncomfortable running outside and doing noisy activity (like using a leg-stepper or a jumping rope) is problematic because I live in apartment and received complains about the noise in the past.
Motivation is simple: having a lifestyle where you don't go outside very often for several years damaged my health in a lot of ways. Every doctor I visited told me that it would be worse unless I start doing exercises and stuff.
I'm thinking of getting xbox with kinect and some fitness games with it. It seems like a good cardio routine with some motivation aids for those who have troubles going outside.


Do I need to warm up/stretch before jumping rope? Does jumping rope substitute running or is it good to do both?


What I just noticed is that it seems that exercise is my hobby.
It's something I do every day, and I get pretty obsessive about it.
My routines are pretty intense too.
Fuck it I'll share my routine:
Sunday, tuesday and thursday are my high intensity days. I do a routine that consists of:
3x25 diamond pushups
20 minutes of ducking and weaving
2x120 weighted straight punches per arm
2x60 weighted uppercuts per arm
2x50 weighted hooks per arm
3x20 full leg raises
Then 30 squats at the end after I get out of the shower.
The weights are 700g socks full of coins. Coins are double wrapped in plastic since socks kinda fall apart- I hold the coin bag and use the sock to tie it to my hand and wrist.
Monday and wednesday are my low intensity days;
Just an hour of light shadow boxing.

Friday I do weight lifting using a backpack I filled with books and 2L water bottles. I think it weighs 15kg at the moment.
4x10 weighted pushups
4x10 kind of deadlift things where I incorporate a squat before lifting.
4x5 weighted each arm jerks. IE I lift the bag up from the ground so my hand is at my shoulder, then push again so it's lifted above my head.
4x9 each arm 'sky punches'. I lay on my back on my bed and lift the bag from ground to as high as I can, using a strap tied to the other side of the bed in my other hand to stabilise myself.
4x10 weighted squats.
4x20 weighted (700g per leg) leg raises. I don't use the 15kg bag here. That'd be nuts.

Then on the 7th day I go for a 20 minute run. The goal is to run as far as possible in 20 minutes. I'm at around 2 miles on very hilly road. It's up and down up and down the entire route.

And every morning I start with 10 minutes of jumprope. Apart from the run day.

This seems like a pretty extreme amount of exercise when I reflect on it. I've been doing this for almost 2 years, gradually building up set counts and intensity.



You must be good at moving light to moderate weights very quickly by now. That will come in handy. I wished I could go back in time and instead of having fun, moved my hands and legs back and forth a bunch like you did.


I listen to audiobooks and podcasts when exercising. Helps pass the time.

And to me, exercise is fun. Gives me a sense of progression, and productivity that gets feelgood chemicals rolling around inside my brain. Not to mention the physical benefits of being fit. I also get to eat more food.

My motivation is actually so I can beat up normies. That's what pulls me through the harder parts.
Of course it's very unlikely to ever happen, but if a normie ever gives me shit it would be good to know that I have years of punching hard and fast, foot speed and stamina to wreck them.

My inspiration was a combination of the holyland manga, and Hajime no Ippo. Both about losers who train their asses off and beat up normies.


Stretch always only after exercise. As for warm up, basic jumping with the jumping rope seems like a pretty basic warm up to me.


That sounds very intense. I assume you didn't start with this routine, but gradually upgraded it, adding specific exercises and such?


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Yeah. I started with that basic pattern, but from much much lower numbers. I tried to mix 'convict conditioning' with some form of boxing training.
This image shows the basics of 'convict conditioning', it's pulled from the book.
I can't remember what the numbers were when I started but if someone wanted to try them they should just start with something that sounds okay and just work upwards.


I was severely underweight when I started lifting weights, and ridiculously, ridiculously weak. At the gym, no one cared at all.

I also finally got my BMI up to a healthy range recently, and it's almost all been muscle. Slowly I'm starting to look like a normal person, and the confidence boost is doing wonders for my depression.


I have weights in my room, I was following a 5x5 program but have had an extreme lack of motivation as of late.


I followed it consistently for about 5 months


I did SS, switched to Texas Method some time ago, it's a good feeling to break your personal records. Probably one of the things that keep me sane. My motivation was Big Boss, now I'm not sure, I'm just addicted.
Three times a week, usually with some minor exercises or bike trips in between. Much better. Yes.


Maintaining proper posture is so difficult for me. I have postural scoliosis (not hereditary, it's entirely affected) from slouching at the computer so much; forward head, uneven shoulders, kyphosis, sway back, it's all fucked up. I don't even have a proper conception of what standing up straight feels like at this point, since maintaining any sort of corrective adjustment gives me pain in my middle back. Maybe with enough effort and some kind of stretches I could hope to get better, but I don't know where to start.


Is a stationary bike enough to train the whole of the legs? I've begun doing bodyweight exercises and some people say it's hard to train the legs with them. Would some time on the bike compensate for that?


Are your legs getting stronger, do you have more endurance or whatever is your aim of exercise? If yes, there's no problem. You can maybe add one legged squats, for diversity of exercises.


My aim is just "feeling better", so I think exercising the whole body will have a more general and enduring effect. I can't one legged squat yet, but thanks for the answer, I'll keep on cycling and add them when I'm able.


One legged squats are hard. You should be doing squats no matter what your exercise routine is, it's one of the only exercises that should always be done no matter your goal.


You can try doing one legged squats standing on bed or something higher than floor level, so you don't have to bother with lifting other leg upwards. I don't exercise but I do occasionaly just one or two one legged squat for both legs to be sure I won't descend even deeper in strength level.


I do basic exercise every two days because it keeps up my motivation so that I at least play videogames and do other things I enjoy instead of lying in bed all day. I don't care if I don't build any muscle mass because just not feeling as miserable all the time is enough.


Yes, I go on hikes nearly every weekday in the early mornings (4 a.m - 5 a.m, as you'll rarely pass another hiker doing so). It is a good way to get out of the house, as well as the only times I do so.
The enjoyable scenery + relaxing music &/or sitting on a log to read, the occasional spotting of wildlife (i.e deer, rabbits, coyotes, ducks, snakes) which I find to be interesting, the feel-good endorphins released through exercise- they all evoke a sense of serenity, which is quite rare for me, thus I enjoy going very much.
Running and jogging are never better than they are when doing so in the outlands.


I would do almost anything to be in a location where I could do that. I almost kind of hate you for it but I guess you should just enjoy it for me


No matter where you live, the 4-5am timeslot is very sparsely populated. Try 4-5am on a saturday or sunday.



Do you live in a mountainous area? I am an avid "hiker" myself but I live in Florida so what I do is more walking three or four miles into the woods until I can't hear civilization and back than the rocky vistas I'm imagining you passing. I don't have the discipline to wake up at 4am, so I do see people while jogging or walking occasionally, but most people aren't out in the woods to talk with you so a friendly wave and "Hi" is all you need if you are anxious.

In fact I see animals all the time, just today I saw a white-tail, gopher tortoise, and a wild hog. I heartily suggest going on a long day-hike to anyone who is feeling down, you get to see nature and getting away from the nonstop cacophony of modern life for a bit is very important in my opinion.


Aren't you a bit afraid of wildlife?
I'm always scared something bad's gonna happen to me, like bear attack, runaway dog attack or 'insert anything dangerous living in forest' attack. Even if the chances are low.



Well the one thing to actually be worried about is snakes, and that is only a problem if you are off the trail generally. Most animals are very anxious and run away from all social activity even with their kind, unless they are direct family, so as soon as they hear you they will generally split.

I have been surprised by wild hogs very close though, probably was as surprised to see me as I was to see it. Generally a loud and aggressive motion such as picking up a big stick and roaring while opening up your arms will scare the hog away. There are only black bears in my area and they are very skittish contrary to public opinion, they can get scared by housecats. However, if I'm walking off-trail it's very important to be conscious of where you are stepping, especially if you are in a transitional zone and aren't wearing boots. Generally snakes will leave you alone like other animals, but if you step directly on one and get bitten by a rattlesnake you will have a very unpleasant walk back to the road.

Luckily I've never been bitten by a rattlesnake but the dog I usually bring with me has been bitten twice… she is a slow learner apparently. Both times I had to rush her to the vet for a quite expensive bill, that antivenom is not cheap at all. Artificially expensive, I should say.

Probably the wildest thing I've seen out in the woods is a wild Emu. In the 80s and 90s there was a big boom for Ostriches and Emus in my area in the southeast US for some reason, and when it busted the idiots just let their giant birds go, so there are Emus roaming the woods of dixie. I was night-walking on a full mooned yet cloudy night, and came upon a dried up clay pit where mining had stopped but it hadn't filled with water. After the moon came out from behind the clouds I couldn't believe my eyes, as there was an Emu right there in the bottom. I watched it walk away and everything so I can positively identify it, it never noticed me, but nobody ever believes me.

Basically my point is that animals are as scared of you as you are of them, if not moreso.


Those are really interesting sights. You should have taken a picture of the emu just to have evidence. On the other hand, I'm surprised those bird. The south, and generally Florida, seems like a good dumping ground by idiots with wild-life who thought it'd be like having a dog so there's a good chance it's not uncommon. s can survive in something like the U.S. south wilderness as I thought they were mostly from tropical climates.


I recently used to work out pretty intensely like you with body weight and cardio type stuff. While I did gain extreme levels of endurance and running ability my body didn't look so good. I had lost huge amounts of weight and was far skinnier than I would have liked. Do you experience excessive muscle and fat loss when doing these kind of exercises? Maybe it was just a matter of eating too little for me. I plan to invest in some weight equipment though and fully cut out cardio.



Workout A
5x5 squat
1x5 deadlift
5x5 military press
5x5 bent over row
3x8 close grip bench press
3x8 barbell curls
3x10 decline sit ups

Workout B
5x5 squat
5x5 bench press
5x5 row
3x8 barbell shrugs
3x8 tricep extensions
3x8 barbell curls
2x10 hyper extensions
3x10 decline sit ups


Sunnuva gun, I deleted my post.

How do you weight lift? I have questions if anyone's really willing to answer. I get different answers when I google them.

What muscle groups do I exercise on what day?

How do I stretch / what do I stretch for?

How do I run without normies seeing me?

How many reps should I do, and how many times per rep?

I need to get money to even get to a gym though.

I used to jump rope, but I never got better. I no longer have the rope with me though. I would rather lift weights then run to be honest. Jump rope might hurt muscles that I've trained through weight training.

I need the wizard's opinions. I cannot face chad and do so.


I look fine. If anything I'm still a little fatter than I'd like.
My routine involves heavy weights once a week to keep muscle density up.

When bodyweighting it's best to increase intensity of the exercises, transitioning to one armed pushups and one legged squats, for example.
I've been gaining muscle and losing fat but slowly.
I wouldn't recommend cutting out cardio, it's good for your cardiovascular system. You lose muscle from not doing exercise, not from doing the wrong exercise. If you do only cardio then you're not doing weight lifting and so the muscle type required to lift heavy things gets recycled.


I use a treadmill. Feels good being able to run without going outside.


I've stopped doing exercises because I've grown to care less and less about the physical world.


>What muscle groups do I exercise on what day?
For this it really is all about what you want out of it, if you're looking for some general full-body exercise, then you should just alternate some general upper body workouts with lower body. If you'd like to focus on some particular area just work it more frequently (although never push a sore muscle hard, thats how you get hurt.)

>How do I stretch / what do I stretch for?

Stretching is only really important if you're either really inflexible or you're feeling quite stiff that day, and it's generally just pulling muscles tight by, say for example, pulling your arm across your chest and holding it there for a few seconds. I usually only stretch by doing a little running in place before going on runs.

>How do I run without normies seeing me?

I'm not sure about where you live, but I live in a pretty safe area where I can just run at like 10:00, but if that's not feasible for you, then you can get a treadmill.

>How many reps should I do, and how many times per rep?

Just to get this part clear on terminology, a rep is a single action, for example 1 squat. A set is the number of reps you do before resting/moving on to another workout. I would say do as many of that workout as you can for your first set, and do about 3 sets of each workout, reducing the number of reps a little each time (although you may not always have to reduce reps, just play it by ear.) I would also recommend alternating the workout you're doing between each set. So, for example, do one set of bicep curls, then one set of push-ups, then back to curls and repeat until you have 3 sets of both, then go to a different pair, this gives your muscles more time to rest without requiring you to just sit around for a while mid-workout.

>I need to get money to even get to a gym though.

There are many workout that can be done using household items and your own body weight.

My biggest piece of advice I can give you is once you can get form generally right on lifts, don't agonize over it, just get out there and do it, you're progressing infinity faster when you're lifting just a little wrong, then looking at tutorials and examples on the internet instead of doing the workouts (just make sure you're not doing them REALLY wrong, basically if it hurts a lot in a joint, you're probably not doing it right, the pain should be in the muscles.). Thats the trap I fell into the first time I tried to get into fitness.


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>For example; meat is 40% protein.

what meat?




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bullshit. meat is 25% protein, plant products 3% usually.


and the protein quality is much inferior.


No bullshit. Look it up.
Meat is like 35% protein though.
Depends on the cut.
What helps is that plant material has less water in it than meat, so you can't really compare 'per 100g' since it's not per 100g of biomass.




I don't get it. Does your american hormone pumped livestock have higher protein meat or what? Even fried moose meat (which has lost most of it's water) has only 30% of it's weight being protein and that's the highest figure I have seen, uncooked livestock meat should be around 20%.


Well to be honest I'm probably wrong about the protein content of meat, I never eat any anyway.


I'm guessing you have seen figures about meat, which has somehow had all, or almost all, of it's water removed, but anyways it's usually best to just take into account the "raw stats" of foods, since the total amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats shouldn't change much from cooking.

Good place to look for food statistics is your own countrys national dataspace, this seems to be USA's:


http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ ("Can't post links whithout having atleast one post"…).


>deffated soymeal
>51% of protein



>Science journalism
It's all false crap.
I can't emphasise how inaccurate or wrong media journalism of 'scientific findings' are.
Long story short: Everything written by a journalist about science is a lie.


It's not only in journals, there's a lot more evidence, I just posted first better link from google as an example


.5 mile run

100 pushups

.7 mile run

100 squats

1.0 mile run

100 situps


>It's not only in journals
Only being in academic journals would be a good thing.
I'm talking about journalism- IE news outlets.
Load of crap.


If you want real data, google for research, there's loads of it out there


You seem to have missed the link to the original study published on ScienceDirect.

>High protein intake is linked to increased cancer, diabetes, and overall mortality

>High IGF-1 levels increased the relationship between mortality and high protein
>Higher protein consumption may be protective for older adults
>Plant-derived proteins are associated with lower mortality than animal-derived proteins


I can't actually access the forbes article since it's behind walls and walls of javascript from 20 different sites


I went for a run the other day, after almost 4 months since I quit my running (every 2nd day) habit. It wasn't as bad as I feared it would be - sure, I had extra 5 minutes added to the time of my route (around 6km), but I didn't have to stop in the middle, and I got to try 2 amazing new techniques. The first one which made the biggest difference was the breathing one - I now coordinate my breathing with the tempo of my running (my legs movement), and I inhale 2 times, and exhale 2 times. Like so:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRd_0wQYcWY&index=1&list=LLnIQt2lpztVgpdg5QNMLYUQ

The second technique was keeping my posture and upper body relaxed, by touching the thumbs on both of my hands with the index finger gently, as if holding a coin between the fingers. It supposedly makes your shoulders, arms and partly back muscles more relaxed.


How to get over the boredom?


I listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Stuff you can get into are the most effective.


Tired of being a skelly and weaker than a child so I'm starting the long road to redemption.


Eat lots of high protein food and work out and you'll gain mass.
The equation of what you need to do is simple (but missed by so many, strangely).
The hard part is the motivation. Something quick that might help is that you will never want to exercise when it's actually time to exercise.
You'll be like "I want to exercise, boy can't wait until exercise time" then it appears and you still have to force yourself.
Your brain tries to rebel even against something you actually end up enjoying.


>You'll be like "I want to exercise, boy can't wait until exercise time" then it appears and you still have to force yourself.


heavy things don't lift themselves bruh


Going to do pushups, situps (crunches to start I guess), pull ups (if I can find somewhere to do them), and run.

Going to train as if I'm in the military. I've been doing this for a while, and I've gotten to to minutes of running, then walking for a minute.

Not doing so good with pushups and situps though.

3 sets of 10 reps.

Was doing 5, but it was too much.

Will start weight training after I get the chance. I need 100 pushups in a minute. Don't remember the situps though.

3 miles in 18 minutes too.

Then, I'm military ready.


Who here likes to run in the middle of the night?

It's worth it even when you get pulled over by police for being suspicious.


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I have decided to do exercises again today after a long hiatus.
Been rotting away for too long in my room, i am a NEET. There is no excuse.
I have exercised before this year and my body could be considered ottermode but when you get into depression all that hard work is lost.

I have given some thought while meditating today with incenses and decided that i will go back to exercising doing push-ups, some lifting and abs, the basic stuff. I am happy with my current body but i will push a little further. I have heard that doing some exercises in a daily/week basis can increase our testosterone levels and i do not want to do roids or supplements. I want my body to be natural.

I have also realized normalfags will always be like this, there is no point in being depressed because of what other people did or do to you. For us, just existing is enough to put them in their place. To show them they are wrong and they will see this when they are much, much older as it always happens with regret. But it will be far too late for them to apologize.

Do things for yourself and for those you love, forget about the rest it is not important or worthy thinking about.
I am doing this for my Mother, Mai and for my Maids. As silly as it may sound, these are my current strengths. I have seen some videos from japanese NEETs and some of them are perfectly happy with just with their waifus, they do not throw themselves into depression everyday, instead they seek new hobbies, just like the NEET movement in Comikes, learning how to draw, make some MAD videos, some Vocaloid songs, anything. Do not rot away in depression as bad as your life may have been up to now.

Suicide is still an option for me and i do not believe i will live much and that is exactly why i cannot afford to waste more time. Maybe this is just a sudden confidence burst from fapping to Maids and it will fade next week or month but i will try to make it last until then.
Perhaps this is the true power of Maids. I can feel it. Amazing.
Let us do this wizards.


How do I bring myself to use my waifu as a source of inspiration for doing things like that? I feel like I'd need to force it instead of letting it come naturally. Part of the reason is because she's dominant in the relationship, part of the reason is because I'm only a few steps away from falling into self hatred and wondering why she'd have any feelings for me at all. I hope I cam accomplish this though.


*I hope I can


Getting out of self-loathing is hard. Impossible even. We all hate ourselves, i do hate myself.
I am basically using them as scapegoats, or so i thought but sometimes i honestly feel like they are giving me strength to go on. Just like you are reading this post and feeling something.
It is hard to explain. I am in the middle of a confidence burst but Mai has helped me a lot of times since the early 00's. It has got to the point where i feel genuinely happy just thinking about her. I feel the same when i see Maids. Perhaps i am insane but it does feel good being insane in this crazy world.
Things make much more sense this way. It is pure insanity.


Today I've decided I'll do pushups and situps right before every meal, starting with 25 pushups and 10 situps. It certainly won't make me look stronger, but it'll keep me from entering lethargy again.


For me, thinking about how happy she'd be to see me go through with something helped me stay on schedule for exercise.

And the fact that I catch up on my backlog while I walk/run on the treadmill.



>We all hate ourselves

I don't know, I'm pretty all right with myself.


You don't get out of self-loathing. That's your soul telling you that you're fucking up bigtime. It's like putting black tape over your "check engine" light.

Make yourself into someone you like.


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>That's your soul telling you-

>Make yourself into someone you like.

>just get motivated and have positive self-esteem, your spritual chi center knows what to do.

normalshit detected. meaningless advice. exterminatus protocol engaged.


>Just be yourself!
>Okay, don't be yourself. Try to be someone you would like! Physical fitness is-

This isn't /dep/. If you hate your flabby/skeleton/obese body, you can change it.

Count your calories and eat at a deficit (and do calisthenics if you feel like it). No energy from depression? Run an EC stack like a champ.

Wizardry =! inaction.


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Alright, not everyone here hates themselves.
I do like my current body but i feel like i could be doing something else and yet i am not.
I started doing exercises again to feel like i am doing something. I do not know how to put it, it is just me. I need to do something or i will go more insane.

I am trying to force myself, picturing Mai or a Maid cheering me, i do not care if my mother catches me doing the exercises. If anything, she would encourage me too and be happy i am taking care of myself.

Just a little bit of exercise and i feel better already, i am finding vanila more appeasing and arousing again.
But my body hurts, including my penis.


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>Just a little bit of exercise and i feel better already, i am finding vanila more appeasing and arousing again

I did exercises yesterday and I could tell it made it a lot more easy to get off to things. I came really hard to my waifu, that made me proud. The more mana sacrifices I give to her, the better, but I try not to bother unless I haven't fapped in at least a few days so that my cum ends up shooting up to my chest or my neck or higher.


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It is strange. Mai has been a crush of mine for more than 10 years now.
Of course i have fapped to her, yet i cannot seem to get lustful for her. She is something delicate, that i am genuinely afraid to hurt, how can i imagine bondage and kinky sex with her? How can i imagine myself destroying her pussy? Sometimes i really want to do some… things.. to her but very rarely i get this lust for sex with her. Maybe i am a broken man, after all.

I would rather spend a lifetime cuddling and being happy with her than fucking like wild animals every day.


My waifu is the one who would be initiating the extreme lewdness with me because she could kill me in an instant if she wished. Despite how often I have lewd thoughts about her, I know I really love her for more than her sex appeal because I want to cuddle her afterwards and I originally fell in love with her for non-sexual reasons. I know that most consider love for your waifu that's devoid of lewd thoughts to be more pure and true, but I'm certain my love for her is strong despite being impure compared to others. I have experienced a totally non-sexual love for a different fiction character in the past, so I know what that's like.


I kinda want to start exercising now.

Kosuzu is your waifu?


Exercise is where it's at. I recommend going to the pool for swimming too. There's tons of different ways to swim and you can work out just about every muscle group with different strokes. It's also a wonderful way to build cardiovascular strength and there's almost 0 impact, so it's nice and easy on the joints. I recommend swimming at least 2 days a week. Try to spend 2 hours in the pool, and do some underwater training (warning: do this with a lifeguard / friend around, shallow water blackout is a thing and you could potentially drown if you exert yourself too much under the water) to help build your breath holding ability and become more confident in the water.


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Seems like my confidence burst has ran out.
4 days without a single exercise.
The desire to live is completely gone.
I will try to force myself to do some tomorrow.
For now, I want to rest my body and mind with some sad and relaxing music.
Mai. Maid.
Your healing is not working this time…


I have forced myself and here it is.
I feel like a new wizard today.
Just doing the basic everyday is enough to make our blood flowing at the right pace.
Hope this motivation will not fade.


I'm into powerlifting.
Getting big and functional, I guess.
3 days/week.

When I'm doing it, yeah, when I'm not, well… I can't feel jack anymore. Sure did. I was a sedentary slob with no goal in life, now I'm thinking about moving to some south european country and me new life in the countryside, with a simple life, you know, growing and hunting me own food and so on. I mean, isn't much, but sure is better than watching anime every day, crying at night and poisoning meself with "modern things", such as tech, processed food, bad habits et cetera. This kind of thing has ruined our lives, the best thing to do is to stay away from them.

It'll be a good life, you know. Living far from everything and everyone, with meself and meself only. Maybe I'll die, maybe I'll starve to death… But who fuckin knows? I've got nothing to lose, and I'm excited to do this.


I walked around a lot last week and my legs were absolutely destroyed. Took 4 days for them to heal

Is there anything I can do at home to stop this happening on the rare occasion I have to walk around a lot again? I only really go outside once a month at most.

It rains too much for me to just go out every day or two and treadmills are way too loud.


Squats. Great exercise that is useful in every day life.


I've been working out for a bit and god damn does it suck. I've been doing some negative pull ups, push ups, squats, and planks. I feel like lifting when I'm so weak would just injure me, so I'm trying to build at least some sort of base to go off of.

The negative pull ups especially are just destroying my arms. They're sore afterwards, but that's not what's killing me. What's killing me is the odd aches and pains I'll get when I'm in the middle of doing them. I guess my body just isn't used to doing shit like that.

Also gonna try to sneak in some occasional running as well and see if I can shed some of my body fat. My diet isn't too great so I don't know how much good it'll do me, but I think it's worth doing regardless. I'm skinnyfat and it sucks to have a bit of a double chin.


Your muscles tear themselves apart when not used for fairly short periods of time. The pain you feel is your unused muscles repairing themselves after the strenuous use.
The only solution is to use them regularly. Although this can just be once a week so long as the use is intense enough. Try jogging early in the morning (5am or earlier). Depends where you live though.
Try and be creative, simply running up and down a hallway can count as jogging.


Keep at it. The soreness is your muscles rebuilding themselves. Once rebuilt they'll become more durable.

Other things that happen with regular exercise is that joints and bones strengthen too.

It's difficult to underestimate the value of regular exercise.


Motivation burst gone.
Same old me.
I need healing.


Oh christ, I haven't even done any of my faggot weakling-tier exercises in months. I remember that when I was trying to keep it up, I felt kind of weak even though I only did them every two days, so I skipped a day, or many days, until I just stopped doing them altogether. Fuck.


Started doing them again today, hopefully making this post will keep me from slumping back into inactivity. I hope that thinking of my waifu cheering me on will keep me going.


I feel you, mate. The hardest thing is consistency. No matter what it is, I find it almost impossible to stick with something for longer than a month. I have been trying to exercise on and off for years, but I have never fully committed.

It's 6 in the morning right now and I say that tomorrow that will change, but I know that doing it after I wake up is the true test. Good luck, anon. I hope that we can both stick with it this time.


I just did day 3 of week 6 of the couch to 5k plan (25 minute run). Its really a motivation/mind games thing after you've been running for 10+ minutes. Thinking about it in 5 minute chunks seemed to help.

Luckily I have access to a treadmill. I get pretty uncomfortable when people see me run. I can't believe its been 6 weeks.


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In my experience, around 2-4am(sunday-thursday) are the best times for running. early/late enough to deter most commutes.


Cardio: 3-5 miles each day of walking or jogging
Weight lifting
Studying a martial art


Started doing squats because can do them in my room

Did 3 groups of 10, and then 1 final group until exhaustion (24 I think)

Was a lot more strain on my legs than I thought. Still recovering 3 days later.

Be fun to see what my exhaustion count is after a couple more sessions though

Should do push ups as well. Literally cannot do more than 1


Were you wearing a backpack or carrying any sort of weight while doing squats?


Nah. I'm just weak as hell and haven't exercised in nearly 30 years.


I dislike how stuff like weightlifting or running is considered a boring hobby or at least one you can't really use as conversation fuel.



How old are you, wizard? You must be at least 40-50 years old.

That being said, I will be starting a new regime by the 17th. It's not that I can't do it now, but I went and did this before, lost some weight, then had a lot of work to do. These days, I'm failing a class, so I got to pass the class (which I probably can, I just have to turn some things in) and go for next semester. We have about 3-4 hours of homework a day, and the class is about 6 hours long. I can barely even function at that time.

I have a jump rope and I can actually do some push ups and maybe 1/3 of a pull up. I actually have a pull up bar though.

If I can make it, I want to become a strongman later in life. Will have to actually train a bit though with actual weights first.


Got back into basic exercises again today.
After one day without fapping.
My testosterone levels seems to have stabilized.
The gage will reach 0 again today however.
Eroges will deplete my mana.


A few weeks ago I ran a marathon my fellow wizards, I did it to say that I could, it was kind of nice getting cheered on by people on either side of the track.


What kind of marathon (length)? How much did you walk between? What kind of shape were you before the marathon? How much did you prepare for it?

Also, congratz, I have a wish to run a marathon at least once as well, but right now, I'm totally stagnant, and out of shape.


Starting to reduce my caloric intake and exercise more. I dislike being muscular so I'm mostly doing cardio, but I can't run outside because of fucking asthma, so I have to go to the local park district fitness center. Works out well because I'm not outside getting seen by people and the only people in there are old people and those who generally don't care about what I do. Steadily losing a pound a week for the past 2 months but it's going to take a while to get to where I want (started at 228 lbs, now down to 218 but would like to eventually get down to 160-170).


Any of you done boxing? I'm really interested in joining a class.


A full 26.2 mile Marathon, I've always had a decent level of aerobic fitness but spent about three months training for the marathon, I did it just under four hours and I only walked for about 30 m total to adjust my shoes.


Are you a virgin


I go on a treadmill 3 times a week for an hour. full incline, jogging speed. It's more to calm my mind rather than anything else, I feel like I'm going completely insane otherwise, I was 16stone at one point, then I lost 2 stone.

This year I couldn't walk hardly at all because I had a infection in my toe and now I'm back again at 16st. That was basically my only achievement for the past 15 years. Fuck my life.


Yes, how does that relate to being able to run a marathon though?


I used to do boxing and it's really great if you learn the basics then train on your own. Don't take classes, boxing instructors are nothing but patronizing, I can take constructive criticism but they're just rude. I learn more watching videos online and then practicing at home, I go out to the boxing gym a few times a week for some heftier training and no one really bothers me, good luck.


The only thing I've ever been good at is exercise

I wasted my entire youth to exercise only to lose it all

Now I'm starting again and I've been gaining a steady 10kg on my squat & deadlift for the past 2 weeks and I've put on 5kg/week on my overhead press


This is terrible advice

Not only will it probably not get people anywhere, there's a good chance that it will lead someone to begin with shitty form and the worst part is that by only training the front (abs, chest, anterior delts) any muscle you put on will cause an imbalance and you'll quickly find yourself having shoulder pain.

If you want to exercise at home then focus on cardio and buy some dumbbells (5kg). Use a routine that has you working your back as well as your front as best as you can. Also try to work your legs

If you're interest in weight lose then start walking and eating less.

Sorry, but the best option is to go to a gym, put out some cash for a personal trainer to show you a few exercises, how to do them safely and properly then use the equipment there to effectively workout.

One thing I've realized is that the key to going places in exercise is to set goals and accomplish them. A set plan with progression every session and later every week is a must.

DOMS goes away with constant practice. i.e. if you do an exercise on a frequent basis then the soreness decreases each time

Stretching/foam rolling before and after exercise greatly decreases soreness and increases mobility/flexibility


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Have not made any since that post.
Routines are not for me as i thought.
The dead should not worry about worm food.
I can almost taste time again.
Forgive me Mai. Maid.
Games and solitude it is.
Yet again.


There's a good program called Couch to 5k, which is a 6 or 7 week program of running 3x a week that gets you from running for 10 minutes to running full 5ks. There's a whole bunch of generic apps you can find for your phone to track your runs.


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My current routine is kind of like this, 2 times per day.

>50-60 squats

>set of 40 push ups
>set of 20 push ups
>basic plank (hold for a little over a minute)
>20 back extensions
>yoga pose cobra, for 30 seconds (google it, it's for my back)
>leg lifts while laying on my back, a little over a minute
>20 reverse push ups

Everything takes about 20 minutes or so. What I need to do next, is get into some kind of cardio shape. I used to have a running routine, but then stopped doing it.

In general, I'm not interested in building mass, I just want to be fit, and have some kind of endurance.


why would you do that twice a dag? You should do it 2/3 times a week. You know that working out breaks down your muscle tissues right? The recovery stadium is really important.


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I used to do more exercise than any of you could fathom.
Literally 200 repetitions of situps and 200 repetitions of pushups every single day, without a single day missed or a single repetition missed, for over 4 months, even when I had joint pain, had not slept in two days, was extremely stressed, and so on.
Eventually it worsened my condition and made me more psychotic than before, but psychosis was what allowed me to repeat the same things over and over and over in the first place without feeling much.

Imagine the hell of exercising in a warm apartment when you are fatigued, every single day, and noting down every single exercise you've done in a journal.

Did I lose weight or gain a lot of muscle mass, or had a hormonal improvement?
No, no and no.
I didn't lose weight. My muscle gains were minimal and I could probably have gained more if I used heavy weights but only did it every 2-3 days with good rest. And my testosterone was evidently depleted from the overexercising.


Mind you, I'm extremely tall (over 2 meters) and I weigh near 120kg.


I don't know…I thought it would be good for me. Do you think once per day is enough with such a routine?


Morning/noon sunlight is extremely disturbing


I think you should consider doing it every other day. If you really want to work out that much, atleast conecentrate on specific muscle groups: monday; chest/triceps, tuesday; back/biceps wed; day-off, thrusday; shoulders, legs, (minor muscles), fri; legs sat/sun; day-off


Aren't you at least quite strong from lifting 120kg from the ground 200 times? I'm around 80kg and can't do 5 properly.


Been training for about a month now. Started at 50kg Squat and 60kg Deadlift

Now at 90kg Squat and 115kg Deadlift, both for 5 reps.

I just want to stop thinking about killing myself every time I go to the gym. I wish I had someone to talk to but I hate everyone there. I just listen to music loudly to try and drown out having to listen to them all.



Train too often and you won't gain shit… no matter how much effort you put in. I've wasted a lot of time doing that. Thats why most poular routines have you train every bodypart once a week, which might not sound much but you are sure to be recovered every time and can keep progressing until you reach your potential.


This makes me feel so inadequate. I have been working out for 6 months and squatting 50kg still feels heavy and I just worked up to 90kg deadlift for 5 reps.


I failed to hit 95kg today. I got stuck with the shitty, bent bar in the shitty rack because a bunch of chads were laughing and having fun and squatting in the other ones.

I was so mad. I was so sad. I sat in the bathroom and cried for 5 minutes. I just wish everyone else was miserable. I hate people laughing. I hate people talking.

Don't worry

From the ages 12-17 I spent just about every day exercising so it's not very surprising that I'm getting back into it quickly

In other words, you've spent 6 months. I've spent almost 6 years


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You'd think so but no, I probably am not. I'm lanky and though I can lift somewhat heavy weights due to my size, so can someone who's smaller than myself and weighs less. I probably am a marfanoid.
The key here is that I was unusually psychotic and didn't feel physical pain from exercising at all apart from joint pain which I had often–I literally couldn't feel that I was tired or that my muscles were aching for more than 4 whole months, until I finally came out of my unusually psychotic stage.
I was anhedonic, extremely determined, and obsessed with repeating things.
Everyday the same obsessive dialog would go in my head about how awful succubi are and how I should punish them for what they've done against me. I also had constant obsessive perverse sexual thoughts - not unusual for someone living in the West except I acted on them when I shouldn't (Masturbation, obviously.).

The warning here is that if you're prone to things such as not feeling how tired you really are, having obsessive thoughts, and so on, you shouldn't stress yourself like I do - otherwise you'll end up in the hell I was in which I only came out of by accident.

That is unless you buy growth hormone injections (and you can do it legally) to speed recovery, and eat a lot of food.
I haven't done that but I know of people doing it. I might try it but everytime I try things like these I always end up doing something stupid that puts me in a life-threatening situation.


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I began with just weight lifting, my father had a barbell and some dumbells in the basement and I decided I would give it a try. Did scoobys advanced program, I did not have a bench press so I pressed off the floor with 2 wooden blocks to hold the bar up. I could only do front squats, and I could only squat what I could power clean. Fast forward 2 months and my bench was up 50 pounds, and I decided to purchase a power rack. Fast foreward 4 months and I got tired of deadlifting onto piles of rags and built an onlympic lifting platform. Fast foreward 6 months, and I have a new goal in life, one that requires a much greater array of ability.

Each day, I run 2 runs, 5km each.
I lift 5x per week, and I do 3x5 bench row OHP clean. I no longer squat or deadlift because running tires my legs and that causes the lower back to take over. Because of injury risk, I train upper for strength and lower for endurance. Each day I also do a calisthenics program. I set up a timer for tempo, and do 5 sets of 50 push ups, on a tempo of 1 per second. Then I do 5 sets 50 sit ups, without tempo, and 5 sets 20 pull ups, without tempo. Before going to bed, I do one hour of yin yoga, It has helped my flexibility, and it is also very relaxing.
Good luck to all of you


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you cannot make sizable gains from doing extremely high repetitions.

If you are aiming for physical strength, do 3-6 repitions with a very heavy weight. If you are aiming for muscular size, do up to 30 reps overall, with set sizes from 5-10. If you can do 200 reps overall of something, it will only give you endurance and pain tolerance, you will make no strength or size gains from it.
If you want to make strength or size gains, you need a barbell and rack. You cannot make sizable gains with bodyweight.
Protein synthesis takes 24-72 hours, but unless if you are eating shoes it will always be in the 24 hour range. Programs that work a body part once a week (bro splits) give way too much rest and not enough work. The best possible program is something that works the full body, done with a 24 hour rest between sessions. Look to starting strength or stronglifts. Anything you see in a fitness magazine is bullshit.
I would not use growth hormone, it is too expensive. To anybody, I would recommend test, tren, mast, and anavar for a first cycle. HGH is extremely expensive and is not effective enough to be worth it.

Tldr; push ups will get you nowhere. Look up starting strength, stronglifts, push pull legs for a good program. Stay away from brosplits, do not do steroids until you have lifted heavy for at least a year (the rapid growth as a noob will break your tendons and skin), and rock on, were all gonna make it.


>Want to go running

>Too scared to go outside.


>try to do pushups
>it feels as if a needle is piecing through my arm
>could only do 3
I wonder how I should go about this.


Do you live in a safe area? Maybe you could go at night, I enjoy night walks.


I started with running in middle school, then slowly switched to some light cardio and weighlifting, then I switched to SS and right now I'm doing texas method.
It makes me feel better, but other than that I don't think it improved my life. Well, I fit my clothes better and my mood is better.
I recently lack motivation, but it's nice to see I can lift more than I did some time ago and I appreciate the feeling of extra mobility.


No, I do not live in a safe area.


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Fitness and nutrition is so unbelievably confusing. I genuinely think it's got to be one of the hardest things to get in to. For every conceivable aspect of every exercise or diet, there's so many fucking ways to approach it, and once you find something to stick to, there's someone that tells you to do something completely different.

Stretching's good, stretching's bad. Don't eat fat, eat protein and carbs. Actually, don't eat carbs, eat protein and fat. Actually, none of that shit matters, calories in calories out brah! This routine is shit, you want to be doing this. Don't lift that, lift this. Don't lift at all, do bodyweight exercises instead. Do cardio, it's really good for you. Don't do cardio, it kills gains. It's all so fucking bewildering.

I mean, for example, I've wanted to get into running for years. Just recently, I tried OP's guide for about a month, and I could barely handle the 2nd week after all that time. Every time I try running, after about a minute my lower legs feel like they're about to explode, then after a minute of walking they're fine again, then if I try to run again the cycle repeats. I guess they're just so fucking tight and weak from being a dumb NEET. It's not even like I end up out of breath, my legs just hurt so bad.

Well, obvious solution is to stretch more, right? Well, sure, lots of people agree. Some say before, some say after, some say during, some say a combination thereof. A ton of other people say static stretching is bad, though, and to only do dynamic stretching. Others say static stretching is fine so long as it's after a workout and your muscles are warm. Some people say to use foam rollers. Some people say that all of that shit is just a temporary fix, and you should focus on nothing but building strength to gain flexibility. Some people will say that your biomechanics are all fucked up, and you should go spend a ton of money having custom shoes fit to you (oh yeah, and everyone has a different opinion about what constitutes a good running shoe). Others will say to go to a massage therapist to fix them. I mean, fuck. Sorry for ranting. I know I'm probably overthinking shit, but still.


It's almost as if it doesn't matter how you approach it. One thing you need to learn about humans is that they're very unscientific. They'll sample some gimmicks, and if it works for them they'll champion them as the one true gimmick, regardless if it did anything or not. Think lucky underwear, or lucky socks. Or religious rituals. Ritualistic stretching, every religion has a different stretching routine and claims theirs is the best.
Ignore gimmicks.

The only important thing is that you keep at it. Slowing down is perfectly acceptable. Don't feel as if you HAVE to stick to a progress plan. Your legs are killing you, that's normal. Give them time to heal then try running again at the same intensity you did before.
For very unfit people this might have to be repeated, with no progress for months. This is completely fine. Your body should determine the pace of progress. It's okay to lower the intensity too. The OP guide is good in that it's a gradual progression but the timeline is completely fucked.
Take one tier until your body can handle it, then the next. Then slowly build on your own timeline.

This advice comes from my own experience. I started running 4 years ago and I could barely handle 2 minutes running then 2 minutes walking for 20 minutes. Took me like 2-3 years before I could run a full 20 minutes without stopping- I was gradually upping the run time and decreasing the walk time. Before I went to full running I was 10 minutes running, 2 minute walk, 10 minutes running.
This was running once a week, so you'd see faster progress if you run faster but like I said earlier you should let your legs heal before running again. Like just go for a walk and skip the running if you want to keep a schedule.

Extra advice:
Diet: Eat whatever. For weight loss it's calories in - calories used, but for health in general it's eat a balanced diet. Don't go with gimmicks like skipping an entire food group, or 'paleo diets' which are atkins 2 pseudoscience boogaloo. That said, avoid processed food, like refined sugars.
Complex carbohydrates are an energy source and should be treated as such. Eat enough for energy. Vegetables are what should bulk out most of your meals, since they fill your stomach and they're nutritious. Meat and fish are good energy and protein sources, although bread is 13% protein.
Overall, eat a balanced diet, but weigh heavily on vegetables.
Don't eat cakes, soda, cookies and things like that.
More important than specific things is to pay attention to portion size. All the balance and health in the world doesn't matter if you eat massive piles of it. Anything can make you fat if you eat massive platefuls, and then have seconds.
Just look at the calorie count on foods to see how much you should allocate for yourself. Peanut butter is like 800 calories per 100g, so you shouldn't eat very much of that, but cabbage is like 50 calories per 100g so you can have a big pile of cabbage no problem.
I would call this common sense but people don't have common sense when it comes to food.
You can even have buttery flakey pastry but since that's calorie dense as fuck all you'll be able to eat is a tiny little bit, but if you replace that with mashed potato (with no butter) you can eat more.

As for equipment, just run in whatever is comfortable. Gimmicky shoes don't matter. What matters is that your legs are building muscle and that's a slow process.


I appreciate the thorough reply, man, thanks. I think I would certainly agree that the most important thing is probably just doing it and sticking to it. I guess all of the shit out there is just terribly overwhelming.

As far as my running problems go, I appreciate the advice on that subject as well. It's just so fucking frustrating to subject myself to that every day or every other day, and not see any progress whatsoever. The worst part is, I know my legs are the huge limiting factor. I can run for quite a while without losing my breath so long as I ignore the pain. I know I'll probably end up with an injury or some shit doing that, so I've only done it a few times to prove to myself I can.

What do you do as far as strength-building is concerned? I tried doing starting strength in the past, and I don't know what I was doing wrong, but I didn't see any gains whatsoever. I've recently tried doing a bodyweight routine at home (which is nice because I don't have to go to a gym), but I feel like that's even less fruitful. Shit, I can't even do a fucking pushup.

And yeah, I've been trying to watch my portions really attentively, I do need to lose weight. I recently got a food scale and I've really been trying to calorie count.


Do you have any corridors or hallways or even long rooms you could just run back and forth in?
It's not quite the same as real running, it's a little more intense and it makes your calves bigger and springier.
It's also more boring since you aren't going anywhere.


glad to see this thread is still up and running, i was the first dude to make a /fit/ tier thread back in 2014 as i remember.

anyway, last year i decided to bulk and choose a specific date to check my lean body mass and bodyfat%, was around 70kg (154lbs) and 16% bf

and the time to check again was yesterday, both my lbm and bf% went up to 75kg (165lbs) and 22%

that's basically 5kg (11lbs) of muscle along with a ton of fat, but it's pretty much worth it.

all i did was eat whatever i wanted from pizzas to chocolate cakes and lift in an intense powerlifting fashion.

so that's pretty much it, just eat lift and sleep, do it as a hobby along with whatever else you like.
after a year or two you'll get the results you desire.

going to keep on bulking for the upcoming 4 months then start cutting, there's nothing complicated about fitness and diets unless you go around listening to the know it all 'fitness' models.



You are just regurgitating the same pseudoscience you find everywhere on the net. You don't need weights to build muscle, you can build just as much with bodyweight training and high reps. The only reason people have this idea that you need to go to the gym and lift heavy weights is because of steroid users like schwarzenegger popularizing the whole gym culture. Essentially the gym is a scam industry.

Doing low reps will fuck up most peoples joints in the long run, regardless of form. INB4 I don't lift, I have probably lifted way heavier than you ever have. I have been into all that starting strength shit, now I just train at home. Im just so tired of seeing people regurgitating this misinformation you just quoted, without even actually TRYING out things. Because I have actually tried everything out there, instead of blindly following some retarded pseudoscience.


i think mixing the two is the best way to go.

but yeah fuck the industry, it's rotten to the core.
just get yourself a set of weights or build them yourself.

homegyms are the best srs


It depends what you want to achieve. It's a fact that sometimes the usefulness of one method of exercise could mean the negating of your goal - for example, if you want to go for, I don't know, a big muscle body, running can be detrimental to your gains.

You need to find a balance between a comfortable pace of progress, and pushing yourself when it's time to do so. As much as I hate the cliché normie phrases like "No pain, no gain", there is some truth in it, because it's a fact that going from a sedentary lifestyle to getting in shape is HARD, and very uncomfortable, and there's a big possibility you'll wage a battle within yourself whether you want to exercise or stay at home under a blanket, EVERY single time.


I have a weird body shape (shit genetics) and don't want anyone to see me running. I live in a big city and there are normies around at all times of the day/night


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Can someone evaluate my current routine, please?

Once every two days:
- set of 40 regular pushups without handles
- 30 sec break
- 6 sets x 10 pushups with handlebars, with 30 second break between each set
- 1 minute straight hands planking exercise
- 30 body extension (lay on stomach and lift arms and legs for 5 seconds x30)
- 1 minute elbow planking exercise
- 1 minute leg lift (lay on back and lift legs and hold)
- set of 30 reverse pushups
- 70 squats (wanna get it to 100)

What do you think? I'm not going for anything in particular, I just want to be fit, with not much mass.


Exercise and healthy eating is a wizards best friend.
I used to run, bike, and swim regularly until I hurt my back at my job and couldn't do anything for a month.

I've been trying to slowly get back into it again but it is difficult when you just start. As soon as you do it consistently for a week or two, it will become habitual and you don't need to rely on motivation.

It absolutely makes you feel better, but don't take my word for it, please go and try for yourself. (give it at least two weeks, and make sure you stretch, and if you are really out of shape don't push yourself too hard at first, the last thing you want to do is injure yourself)

I don't know much about weight lifting as I've never been to a gym or owned any equipment, but I would like to start getting into that as well.


That's pretty good.But you might want to do some cardio it helps me keep the weight in check.

>Once every 2 days

Maybe you could do it in a 2 week program.
Day 1,2 & 3 you do those, day 4 you could skip rope(or do jumping jacks).
Being that day 1 & 2 are in week 1 and day 3 & 4 are in week 2.
And remember eat plenty!


Thanks for reply.

I used to have a pretty consistent running habit developed months ago where I would go run a neighborhood route (about 6km) every 2 or 3 days, but then I hurt my ankle, the winter started, and now I'm basically back at square one. The cold is making it harder to start again. I like the rope idea, and will definitely try it out.


I do running every now and then, pushups when I feel like it and I have a dumbbell and my body's weight (not a lot of that one, I'm more in the skinny side) that I don't use often. I don't do any of those regularly but I will, mainly because I've been diagnosed a slight arrythmia so my heart might like some exercise. If someone recommended me a routine for those activities I'd be grateful.

I'll also improve my eating habits by learning to cook better.

It'd be better to go to a place where people go to run and blend in.

I don't know a lot about which exercise corresponds to wich muscle group but that's what I would look up if I wanted to evaluate a routine.
This site has some info https://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/deadlifts.html


I lift weights although like everything else in life I have failed at it miserably. 1/2/2/3 after 2 years, I've never heard of anyone else failing as bad as me. Oh well, it's still a fun hobby and I would recommend anyone try it.


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As for strength building you should take the same approach as you did to running.
I recommend bodyweight exercises. Try and find the book 'convict conditioning' (libgen will help). It is almost the ideal book for a wizard since it assumes your 'equipment' is the shit you'd find in a jail cell.
It's a big focus on compound, hard exercises.
The only things I ended up doing regularly were pushups, leg raises and squats, missing out bridges (I do these sometimes), and handstands. I do pullups in the warmer months because the only pullup bar I can find is outside.

The book contains gentle progression from not being able to do a single pushup to doing a one-handed handstand pushup. It emphasises not worrying about progress too much- the progress will come if you keep exercising. Progress is very slow if you're not roiding and juicing up, and that's good, because bones and joints get built too.
It starts with high numbers of reps of easy exercises to get your body parts used to moving, all the way to low reps of very hard exercises. The included image is a summary of the exercises talked about. I'd recommend the book since it fleshes out the reasoning and other things better.

Don't expect fast progress, but there will be progress.

Mix in running and other exercises (shadow boxing perhaps, take some pages from boxer's training) and you have solid workouts. You could even throw in lifting a bag full of water bottles or books as a workout session.

>calorie count.

Calorie counting is a good rough guide. Calories in - calories out is a golden rule, but calories in is NOT what is written on the packaging. Keep in mind that the calories on packaging can legally vary 20% up or down from the reported value, and the value itself is gained from BURNING the food material. IE calorie counts from fruit and vegetables and other high-fiber content foods are grossly exaggerated as the test also burns indigestible material, but the counts from cakes and other processed foods is about right since there's little to no undigestable material.

Changing how much you eat is the most important thing, but changing what you eat helps with this.
A simple example is bread: (numbers from the bread I looked at)
White bread is 232kCal/100g. 3.1% fibre. ~12% protein.
Brown bread (at least the stuff I make (bread machines are great)):
222kCal/100g, 6.4% fibre, 11% protein.
The point here is that an extra 3% is indigestible, and so the actual digestable calories are more like 210kCal/100g, but for white bread it's more like 226 kCal/100g.
Less digestable material means the calorie counts your body can intake is lower than what is reported.
This is a nice simple example because the factors that change how much of x you can digest are the bacteria in your gut, that vary greatly from person to person.
but the general point is that changing what you eat makes eating less calories much easier since you can eat greater quantities and still be at an energy deficit. A kilogram of carrots is roughly equivalent to a single chocolate bar. You'll be getting a lot more nutrition out of a kilo of carrots in terms of vitamins and minerals too, so your body will crave these substances less, reducing hunger overall.
Maybe, the whole 'hunger' thing is broscience to be honest but it's not hard to believe that a kilo of carrots is better than a chocolate bar, and the carrots will fill your stomach. Or the idea that your body reacts to nutrient deficits by making you hungry.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to what your body thinks though, since it is greedy. It will lie to you, saying it's okay to eat things.

You will probably end up spending more on food overall since a kilo of carrots costs about as much as 4 chocolate bars. Not too much, so long as you stop buying processed foods you'll not be spending much more money. You save enough by not buying shitty foods.

General advice includes using the logic shown earlier and applying it to all foods: Wholegrain instead of white; rice, wheat, pasta, bread, etc.
Use vegetable protein sources more and meat less: beans, chickpeas, lentils, soya-based 'vegetarian meat alternatives' (quorn is one branded one but it's usually more expensive than a store-brand version).
Eat more fish, too. Avoid battered fish, try and go for fillets and/or tuna.
Tomato-based sauces.
Dairy is good, apart from cheese and cream. Cottage cheese is a FANTASTIC source of protein. Buy whole milk. It's fine, you have to drink tonnes to worry about it, and most of the nutrients in milk are fat soluble so buying skimmed milk is just wasting money.
Natural yoghurt is good.
Don't waste money on 'low fat' versions of the dairy. It's a gimmick. Just aim for dairy products that are naturally low in fat. Like whole milk (seriously, compare it to cheese one day and see what I mean).
Potatoes are yummy- they get a bad rap because people eat them deep fried, or mashed with piles of cream and butter. Boil, bake, and mash them without butter or cream. Cut them into wedges and bake them, then serve with fish.
Frozen vegetables are great. Really. Fairly inexpensive, they're great for just adding with things to bulk out a meal for little calorie addition.
Fruits are great, they're tasty. I just recommend buying the cheapest fruit. Unless you want to buy something special anyway- mangos can be absolutely fantastic.
Don't fall for the olive oil craze- just eat less oil.
As for nuts- nuts are healthy and tasty, but high in calories. Like whole milk, they're worth eating but go easy on them if you're after weight loss.
Yeast extract/vegemite/marmite: I like it and it's 35% protein and B12 fortified but it has a VERY strong flavor that many people don't like.
Man I love bananas. Eat bananas.
Hot sauce. I like hot sauce. But one thing you can say about eating hot food is that it slows your eating down big time, so you end up eating less. That's not why I like hot food though.

I should get around to writing a cookbook of the things I make.

Anyway: Keep at it. The only wrong thing you can do is stop trying when it comes to exercise.

Diet wise, avoid processed food, since it makes a higher proportion of the food be digestible, so you eat less but get more energy. Avoid gimmick, or diets that end. If you want to lose weight and keep it off any diet change has to be permanent. Fasting is stupid, fad diets are stupid, avoiding 'carbs' or 'fats' or 'whatever' is stupid. 'vegetable smoothie' diets are retarded since they make you stupidly hungry. General rule is that the less work your body has to do to the food to get energy out of it, the less time it'll keep you from being hungry.


I want to ask my fellow wizzies for advice.

I want to gain weight. Not muscle really, I'm just a 50 kg skeleton. I will start counting my calories and I can do bodyweight exercises.

My question is, do I need to lift weights or will push-ups, pull-ups and squats be enough?


If you're skeleton don't bother counting calories, just start eating more high-protein foods.
Exercise will naturally make you hungrier so don't worry about motivation.

Try the exercises in the picture of post >>19680

If you're having trouble doing them then that's good, just keep doing them and eating.
Also go running since cardio is good for you no matter what you're doing.

Avoid gimmicks like x or y killing gains. If you stress your muscles and eat they will grow. Or at least get stronger.


saging because /fit/ is a chad thing, but my therapist kept pestering me about it saying it would reduce my depression. I just get my 30 minutes in and get out.

If your lucky you can go to a nearly empty free gym where you work, but I understand the aversion wizards have to entering a gym the first time, but if your so old and your already paying for it you shouldn't give a fuck


Shit advice, do count your calories and make sure they are always over a certain amount.


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I've been eating healthier for the past couple weeks and I haven't seen much of a difference in my gains or my health in general. How long will it take for me to see the benefits?

Also, I've been lifting 20lb dumbbells for a little over a month since I'm too scared to go to a gym, and decided to switch my old routine to pic related. Thoughts?


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I came up with this, three days a week. Still to see how many reps/sets I can manage.

Body extension
Punch a bag (I have to DIY the bag)
Squats (bodyweight or pic related with a dumbbell, that's all I have)
Pullups (have to find what to hang from)

And running the days in between.


itt chads


Ever look into Charles Atlas Dynamic tension and isometric exercises?


That sounds good to me. I would take one day to rest, though. Maybe Sunday.


I started lifting for the first time in my life around four weeks ago and I've gained maybe half a kilogram of muscle at most. I don't worry about it though, not yet anyways. Expecting any tangible results in just a few weeks after going from full time couch potato to lifting weights is a little impatient, right?

As for general health and well-being, a few weeks should be enough to notice a difference IMO. I went vegan for a month last october and then vegetarian until the rest of the year. As soon as I started lifting this year, I reintroduced meat to my diet to optimize my gains and I've already noticed I feel stronger and nimbler, moving is easier and takes a little less effort.

I've been following the Practical Programming Novice Program but I think I'm going to modify it a bit further and do three sets of squats and one set of deadlifts every workout, then press and chin-ups on A-days and bench and pull-ups on B-days.


I recently picked up cycling. I didn't know how to ride a bike at all, so I had to teach myself from the beginning. At first it felt like it was going to take months, but it only took me a week before I was able to ride without falling on my ass half the time.

Now my only problem is not getting tired so easily. I have no idea how the gears work, so I'm probably extremely inefficient right now. I need to read up more on it but I'm retarded so I'm finding all of the terminology confusing.


I'm looking for a calisthenics book posted somewhere around this site, or can anyone recommend a good one?
I just need one that gives me a good scheduel from the very begining


Could someone please comment on the effectiveness of exercise in alleviating depression? I ask because I don't give a fuck about physical fitness or anything, I just want to feel more awake and stuff. Any ideas on the best kinds of exercise for depression (e.g. would aerobic exercise on a bike alone be good?).


>Could someone please comment on the effectiveness of exercise in alleviating depression?
The hardest part about that is continuing to exercise. My longest period of exercise might've been something like four weeks. I haven't tried exercising in almost 3 years. I don't remember how effective it actually was at alleviating depression, but the effectiveness most likely depends on the severity of your depression. I'm probably worse off now than I was at the time when I was more able to push myself to exercise so it probably wouldn't do much to help me currently.

>Any ideas on the best kinds of exercise for depression (e.g. would aerobic exercise on a bike alone be good?).

Maybe? I just did walking/biking at late night or early morning and push-ups.


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I've been filling my time with exercising since december, as I was experiencing constant anhedonia regarding watching anime and playing video games. As I've grinded thousands of hours doing repetitive things in games, this has mentally prepared me for doing repetitive physical tasks.

Even though I've only become a bit stronger, I've lost most of my pot belly which feels good. My dietary supplements are spirulina, chlorella, fish oil, acetyl l-carnitine, and whey protein. I've been eating a lot of bananas, yogurt, and chicken.

I don't have any goal, it just feel good for now to do something better than the day before, and my brain actually letting me feel good about doing so.


I started working out in 2014 too and after nearly two years I couldn't even get near 1/2/2/3.
I have just given up. I don't have the mental strength to even look at a weight anymore, let alone try to pick one up. I never even felt anything 'good' when doing it like everyone always describes.

That feel when even on wizchan you're a fucking loser.


Exercise is more effective than nothing. Generally any kind of positive intervention to your current lifestyle will have a positive effect on depression, so long as it is sustained.
As for what exercise to start, I recommend running. It has a good feeling of progress to it, as well as lot of chemical reward pathways.
Weight lifting requires weights, but you can throw in callisthenics and body-weight exercises.

Your bones and joints are just as alive and dynamic as your muscles so keep this in mind. They strengthen with strain, but one thing you should do is learn to distinguish pain from strain. Strain is fine. Pain is damage.

As for the mindset with exercise, there's stuff in this thread you can read but the short of it is keep at it. Even if there's no progress, or even backwards progress, the worst thing you can do is nothing. Even if you're injured you replace it with very light exercise, just enough to get you moving about.

Building an exercise habit takes months. Don't just exercise when you feel like it, because the only time you will feel like it is when you have a good excuse not to exercise, like you're in bed thinking "gonna exercise up a storm tomorrow". But then never do.
It's gotta be x amount of exercise at x time, at least to start. Once you get the habit you can be more flexible.

I have a rule that if I skip exercise I make it up another time. This is okay for me since skipping is very rare, but if you're starting out there's a risk that it spirals out of control. Build the habit.


But it is true. You need to lift heavy weights to cause a sufficient increase in muscle size. Muscle sizes depend upon the tearing of the muscle fibers and that in turn depends upon the stress applied to the muscle. Higher weights, the more tearing. The more tearing, the bigger the eventual increase. Obviously, the more tearing also means the more recovery time needed.


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I modified my exercise routine. Every 2 days I do:
- 2 minutes shadow boxing.
- set of 40 regular pushups.
- 6 sets of 12 pushups with handlebars.
- 1 minute regular straight arms plank.
- 2 minutes of stomach crunches.
- 1 minute of leg lift.
- 1 minute elbow plank.
- 2 minutes of stomach crunches.
- 1 minute of leg lift.
- set of 15 leg lifts on pull up bar, rest, another set of 10 leg lifts.
- 5 pull ups.
- 2x 50 squats.

I have to get in cardio shape as well, and I plan to develop a regular running routine when it gets a bit warmer outside.


I get foot cramps a lot when I'm laying down. What can I do to stretch or work out my feet?


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This looks like a horrible exercise for the back.

Anyway, my exercising routine nowadays is as follows. Every 2 days running for about 20 minutes (will keep raising that time).
Every second day the routine is this:
>2 minutes shadowboxing
>40 regular pushups.
>6x 10 handlebar pushups.
>1 minute straight arm plank.
>2 minutes of crunches.
>2x15 leg lifts.
>1 minute elbow plank.
>2 minutes of crunches.
>2x15 leg lifts.
>20x5 second arm spread with elastic.
>2x 50 squats
>8 pullups.

Then I stretch at the end. Whole routine takes about 40-45 minutes.

So here's the question: how can I optimize my routine to make it more productive? My goal is general fitness, not mass.


Has this thread reach the bump limit yet?


Has this thread reached the bump limit already?


I finally picked up exercise. I intend on doing 30 minutes of running every day as that's what's recommended for heart disease prevention, but i also want to do acrobatic stuff. One of my dreams is to one day be able to do the Hopak dance, but i'm still a wimp.

What acrobatics exercises do you know that can be done by a shut in in an 1x2 meter space? How do i get better strength to jump higher and move my legs while in air?


>I intend on doing 30 minutes of running every day
Please, take it easy and start slow. If your initial goal is to run 30 minutes every day, starting from couch-potato sedentary lifestyle form, then you will surely fail, because running for 30 minutes is definitely not a small feat for a guy in horrible shape who probably never ran before. Reserve yourself a few weeks to ease into the habit slowly, with running-walking combination routine, then move on from there when you see your form improving.

I don't know about acrobatics in a tight space, but you definitely can't go wrong with ordinary regular squats as an initial exercise to get your legs into shape. Bonus point is that you can do squats pretty much every day or every other day, because leg regeneration is supposed to be faster (citation needed, but I think I'm right).


I'm already doing it. I put on some Red Army Choir songs and imagine i'm doing it for the motherland. I think i've got a decent share of stamina, don't know if i'm running well but i don't feel any tiredness from it unless i sprint as fast as i can for 10-15 seconds. Because i can't leave home, i run in one of those elliptic strider things.

I guess i'll push myself with those squats then, i'd really like to be able to jump and spread my legs in air, but get very tired from jumping alone and i feel i'm either moving too slow or am not flexible enough from the sides. Do you know any technique to build up strength on aductors and abductors?


I have to add that running in reverse in one of those things is great fun and betters your coordination. You should really try it. It's like learning to walk all over again.


Oh neat, this thread exists. I've been weightlifting for maybe 2 months, sleeping and eating well, and I'm feeling better. Haven't gained a lot of muscle mass but lost a lot of weight and got a lot stronger. Yesterday I was finally able to squat 60kg for reps on a 5x5 routine. Not too impressive but I still feel proud.


Is physical fitness a sign of a working society? I was thinking a ton about this, and I started to think that if we were out in the wild, a lot of the muscles we don't use to survive would waste away, thus making gaining them useless.

Like, if you don't do X exercise (maybe pushups or sit ups), then it'll degenerate. I would say the most important muscles would be the leg and arm muscles for lifting. Leg muscles are used to lift with the legs and arm muscles used for carrying the object.

Also back muscles would be important too for back breaking jobs. Though, if you're getting something, you don't just bend to pick it up because that wouldn't be good lifting. You would have to rely on your legs. I never understood sit ups or push ups. I will never need that stuff, but I would need my legs, arms, and back definitely.

Anyone got any reasons to train these muscles? Maybe we use our abdominal muscles for something else? What of the chest? There's got to be something useful for that.

What I'm trying to imply is that if we were beefcakes, muscles not used in the wild would degenerate, our metabolism would make it a lot more difficult (higher metabolism = eat more), and we wouldn't have any real weights to train on. We could use trees, but it's an imperfect measurement to be honest. Same with rocks.

Of course, though, there will be a muscular chad who will try to dominate, but I think tools are really what's needed. If you have the endurance and speed to use spears, bows, etc. Plus the surprise factor, then it's over before it's started. War's probably just getting someone before they notice you rather than quick thinking. Especially with guns.

With everything like that, I see the only reason to exercise is to maintain your fitness, to express your genes in its best light, and to to maintain your health.

If you need more clarification, especially on the war part, then I'll be around. In the meantime, it'd be nice to see why (again) you guys exercise. So far, I've seen exercise for health, for intimidation, for fun, and for solving personal problems like depression.


Just started again a few weeks ago and I need some of you experienced guys to review my routine:

>2x cycling for 2kms

>3x rope jumping ~150 jumps
>1x running/jogging for ~1km
>3x sprinting for 20m
>3 sets of 8 pushups (the normal ones)
>3 sets of 7 stomach vacuum exercises
>3 sets of 20 back exercises from the video
>3x1 set of different leg techniques from karate (just for flexibility)
>stretching after each exercise

Did I miss any muscles so far? Any tips on improving the routine? I do this once every 2 days and I got fitter and a little stronger so far. I started at 4 pushups now 8 is no problem. My goal is 12 reps.


All the muscles get used and you need back muscles and abdominals for anything that involves both the upper and lower body, including when an upper body movement is made while standing. They are used in throwing, pulling, climbing, carrying, running, etc.



You are looking at the exercises for their utility, is it useful to train? Yes, for general health and many other reasons.
And you also have to train those muscles you have mentioned because otherwise there would be a structural imbalance that will cause pain. There isn't such thing as 'the most important muscles'. All work together in some very common movements. When you do push ups, you train your 'pushing' and the muscles that are involved in that movement, the same with every other compound exercise, which of course, are the best, like pull-ups.

I will confess to you that I have never trained to have 'big muscles' like many people do, I train for the feel that you get when you work out. WHen you start with a program, you will feel like a whore after being fucked in an orgy, but then with the time you will get the 'feeling'. It's a good hobbie.


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Stalling on squats for the first time at 82kg 5x5, at least it's already considerably more than I weight.


> but then with the time you will get the 'feeling'.
How many years does that take?


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Everybody should get one of these or an equivalent. I recommend getting one with a 1.5 litre capacity. It allows you to consume ridiculous amounts of veg very easily.
Soak seeds for the appropriate length of time (it varies from seed to seed, see https://greenfieldfitnesssystems.com/soak-time/). Soaking and sprouting make these foods more digestible, and sprouting converts some of the carbs to protein in many of them. Seeds contain a lot of fibre and higher micro to macro nutrient ratios than nuts and are cheaper calorie for calorie.
Ratios of fats (omega 3:6 in particular) are very important. Modern diets have waaaay too much 6. It should be a ratio of 4 parts 6 to 1 part 3. There#s a lot of evidence that having the incorrect ratio of 3:6 is the cause of heart disease. The cheapest way to up omega 3 intake is with flax. I soak mine then blitz them with mainly green veg, particularly leafy greens.
Dark, leafy greens contain fantastic amounts of calcium and magnesium in a highly absorbable form - though some, like spinach, do contain oxylates - which inhibit calcium absorption, so do get clued up. Most people these days are very deficient in these minerals, partly due to soil depletion - so the veg we eat contains far less of them. The calcium from dairy is absorbed very poorly by humans.
I also put a lot of ginger and turmeric in, both having excellent anti inflammatory properties, with ginger lowering blood pressure - it's as good as warfarin. The seeds mellow the flavour. Some coconut or olive oil (and black pepper) - though any fat wil do - will massively enhance the absorption of turmeric, and also improve flavour. Ginger is an insane anti fungal - a good chunk in a smoothie everyday will eradicate any smell from your feet.
I'm not in a great state at the moment and not doing this most days, but when I was last working, I was bingeing on junk everyday (meat, refined carbs inc. confectionery) but doing a smoothie like this every morning (with some fish oils on top for more omega 3s) and cycling 10 miles in total. I had better erections than I had ever had in my life. My feet - despite of being wrapped up all day in the shoes I also cycled in - didn't smell at all; rare for me. I made sure to only eat low calorie fruit for lunch, so the only insulin release induced was during the evenings when I was bingeing on junk. I was working at the time (hence the cycling for the commute) in an office job, and the stress provoked worse bingeing than usual.
You cannot beat this smoothie for health benefits.
Obviously it's better not to eat the junk and instead eat b vitamin rich grains like rice and oats instead to round out the micro nutrient intake, but hey…



It's measured against calories, by which measure lots of veg is higher protein content than meat.

Vegan, if done properly, probably is the healthiest way to eat.


> It's measured against calories
> Beans such as kidney beans are around 20%.
Beans more than double in weight and size when cooked. To get 20g of protein from beans the actual weight you have to eat is more like 250g, and they take up about 0.4L.

If you measure against calories the amounts you have to eat to match meat get very silly. You can get 100kcal from 55g of raw meat, or from 300g of raw broccoli. 55g of meat has 11g of protein, 300g of broccoli has 8g of protein. To get 20g of protein you have to eat 0.85kg of broccoli.

2000kcal a day = 6kg of broccoli, or 3kg of broccoli and 300g dry (750g cooked) beans, etc


It's good. But don't just jump in headfirst, even if you're a healthy weight. Start with walking, body weight fitness, and work yourself up to running.


I actually found this out the hard way from hiking that it is much better to measure macro nutrition in foods by weight ratio, and micro nutrition by calorie ratio.

Had a trip where I packed way too much weight in food and still ended up starving and gassed out halfway into the trail. Thank the gods there were cat tails and other wild eatables that season.


Anyone have tips for calorie counting, especially for someone who cooks food? I tried to use a fitness app to do the counting for me, but adding every ingredient was a massive pain in the ass, and I think the final result was way off since it came out to 300 calories per serving. I would have thought it would have at least 500, since that would mean that I'm eating something like ~1000 calories every day even though I'm overweight.


I just started following the OP image, I don't have access to a gym though. What comes to mind is Travis Bickel's workout routine at home. Is such a thing possible IRL for building strength and burning fat?


Were you using myfitnesstrainer? It is a pain in the ass to use when you cook for yourself. The easiest way that I've found to do it is to use a notetaking app, and then just write down what I'm eating for the day and tally it up at the end of the day, or when I've got some extra time. Counting calories kind of is a bitch, but over time, you'll start to work out how many calories are in specific things. Especially if you tend to eat the same shit over and over.
I think myfitnesstrainer is mostly for people who eat out all the time, and need a way to look up what's on the menu.


I had a bodyweight exercise routine for 2 years and later I had trained with gym machines doing isolation exercises for 6 months. My routines had lasted for 1-1.5 hours. I started to train with barbells 4 months ago and honestly i have made much better progress comparing to my previous routines. The routine (Stronglifts 5*5) only lasts for 30-45 minutes (3 times a week) so it was less taxing and boring. In addition lifting free weights have a much better "sensation" in my body (especially happens with Deadlifts).


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I'm following this routine, it's a blessing since I don't have to go to a gym


You should read the book that goes with it (convict conditioning) since it explains the exercises.


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How do i know if i am doing too much volume? (Volume = sets x reps)

If this book is correct, shouldn't i be able to deadlift 14 times per week heavy with no problems as long as i take a week off every now and then?


I tried that for a while but then got weights instead.


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I assume posting my body will only bring accusations of being a norman but this is where my lifts are.


>How do i know if i am doing too much volume?
Listen to your body. In my experience it lets you know when you are doing too much and need to cut back or rest.


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I let myself go. I used to do >>17050 then regressed to >>19649, then >>23156 and finally to not doing anything anymore regarding muscle exercise.

I do run on average every two to three days, 30 minutes, 6km (route is not flat, contains some ascents and descents). I want to return slowly daily routine of at least 50 squats, 50 pushups, 50 crunches and 20 leg lifts, or something like that. Maybe a few pullups as well.



My brother gave me this book last week. I'm a fatass. Picked up to read just now without much interest and the beginning sounds really puerile and aimed at teenagers, all that ex-con nonsense and ridiculous prose. Almost quit right the way. BUT the actual content beyond those marketing ploys really fascinated me. Training using your own weight and coaching yourself. It's pretty much the only way I could try to exercise really. Ended up reading cover to cover and I'm confident I'll be able incorporate into my routine. I mean, using my own weight, I have a lot of that. We'll see.

If anyone has any experience with this system, please let me know, even if it's negative, I would like to know.


I've begun training my arms last week because I had learned a while ago that I can't even hold a 50kg bar anymore. Basically I'm a weakling who wants to at least be functional. I used to have considerable arm strength but I lost a lot of muscle mass during a few months of starvation and only earned back the fat that I also lost during that time.

Currently only have two dumbbells at 10kg each doing a beginner 7 day routine
1. 30 seated curl, 10 lat deltoid raise, 30 shoulder press
2. Nap
3. 10 seated curl, 30 shrugs
4. Nap
5. 10 seated curl, 15 lying fly, max lat deltoid raise (about 12)
6. Nap
7. Nap

Will add Arnold presses sometime. Also passively curling my stomach in bed and at the PC while doing lung exercises. I've only just started and while I may not do much, my limits have doubled since I've started a weak ago actually couldn't even do one delt raise. Taking L-arginine, magnesium, caffeine daily.


I only have an old 6kg dumbell that I use to train a little bit five or six times a week. I've been telling myself that it would be enough in conjunction with pushups to get a decent upper body (I used to be fat) but now I'm not so sure. I don't do any complicated exercises and don't follow any routine because I don't have a bench and very limited room to work with, and it all sounds so boring… I've been wondering about getting a couple 10kg dumbbells to train both arms at the same time more intensively, but I'm not sure, and I'm pretty nervous about buying something like that on the internet or worse: in an actual store…

What do you guys think?


I'll start this 10k routine about 8 and a half hours later. Let's see if it works.


My calves hurt so much. I'll take a one day rest. But I wonder whether it's wise to run one day, and do push-up and pull-up the day after.


Let your calves heal before running again. It can easily take a week. If you run on legs that are still sore you just make things worse. When you get up tomorrow you'll probably be shocked at how little you can move. Happened to me fairly recently- I ran WAY too far one day (12 miles) and I had to over a week before I could run again.

As for pacing your exercises- running one day then upper body the next is perfectly fine.


All the things you say has happened this morning. I feel like obese, even though I'm 59 kilos. But I can feel my breath thanks to running yesterday.

>12 miles

It's too much for me at the moment. It shows you've been jogging for a very long time. I ran 2 and a half mins, then took a one minute walk. I did it 5 times yesterday. I'll increase this routine gradually.

>As for pacing your exercises- running one day then upper body the next is perfectly fine.

Thank you very much.


Yeah, my aim was to let you know that even though I've been running regularly for a long time, pushing myself still breaks my legs. I could barely walk for a week.
I was pretty damn surprised since I was doing jumproping at the time too.
I thought my legs could take it, but obviously not.

The important thing is to not give up, not to be continuously making progress. It's fine to not progress, or even progress backwards a bit so long as you keep at it.


I've recently been running two miles everyday at the track. Between that and being too scared to eat any food around my house because my breeders will undoubtedly pester me about getting a job, I've lost more than 10 pounds in two weeks. Just invested in a pair of Bluetooth earbuds. Hopefully they will take my mind off my heart being on the verge of exploding due to over exertion.


It's spring, I'm starting to think I'll start doing cardio again, like everyday - running and what not. I'm more or less in shape because I lift three times a week, but I got close to my limits and would either have to think about it seriously or wreck my knees trying to squat/deadlift more than I can manage. I've never really wanted to be much more than an ottermode, I'm starting to think I'd be happier way below my current weight, even if I was weaker, but more nimble.

I'm apparently average height, but I feel like a manlet, kids in primary school are already my height, I blend in crowds of underage way too well, so it's not like I have any reason to pursue strength.

It's also easier to do cardio than weightlifting on a ship, and I work on them for a good portion of a year.

What do you think Wizards? I've noticed my depression loses an edge if I do manage to get my ass up in the morning and walk the dog, I think it may have to do with fresh air or being alone in a forest.

I'd probably do HIIT, or at least solid running/not jogging so I could work up a sweat.

To be honest I regret I fell for the the whole weightlifting thing this hard. I waste an entire day mentally prepping for gym, then I waste the other day because "you should rest brah", I lost my drive to wander around the forest because of it and set my life on track of boredom. Fast forward a couple of years, and I want to die.

I'd like to think backpacking and stuff is my ultimate hobby, just wandering and walking the forest for weeks at a time, but then I remember I'm supposed to lift three times a week and I end up with a sort of dissonance.

So maybe I should pick up running first thing in the morning, skipping gym days to ride my bike to some faraway place, just make it a goal not to rot in my fucking room the way I did for most of my 20's.

My dog stopped at crossroads yesterday, signalling that she wants to go further, and I felt a spark, we ended up walking to an abandoned military site, climbing up and down the mountains, just enjoying ourselves for a couple of hours, and I didn't lose any time I wouldn't have spent midnlessly browsing the web anyway.

I need to wake up the druid within I ruthlessly killed with SS+GOMAD


I've started doing some exercise shit. Yes it makes me feel better. My motivation is to avoid injury in the future and to improve my general health. I figure there's a limited time for me to get started before it becomes much more difficult.

I do weightlifting, cardio, and yoga.


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Please, check my routine.

>calf raises


I do it in circuit style and 3 times. Also, rest between each exercise is 30 seconds and between each cycle is 3 minutes.

I'm doing it in order to get into a good shape and have strong arms and upper-body. Lifting seems unreal to me. Btw, my weight is 59 kilos and height is 176cm.

What do you think about it?


agh, I havent' done any of this for a while already. Even this morning, I said I was going to skip rope but I feel too tired due to lack of sleep and the fucking sun out there.
I do a little bit though, I am trying to spread some calisthenic/isometric excercises throughout my day. I recently learned about the plank and it's a passive enough excercise that doesn't really require much motivation to do. I also try to do pushups, bridges, good mornings, wall handstands (because I can't yet do a real handstand), horse stance, and some basic stretches.

I wonder, how do you guys do it? I can keep a simple routine for a month or two, but some day my motivation just drops altogether, I can't even get myself to get up from my chair to do it. Or maybe I do it but my body feels too stiff and without energy to go through the whole routine.
Does this happen to anyone else?


Hm I don't think you should circuit, if you let a muscle group rest too long between sets then it doesn't sustain enough tension to build up in either strength or growth.
I have another tip: keep an eye on quality over quantity. Perhaps you already have good form, else, go into youtube and watch some videos on the proper way to do each excercise.


Where do you guys go to do running and stuff?
I want to start getting in shape again and I can do pushups/no equipment required stuff in the basement but thinking about running in public makes me incredibly anxious. I guess I could use my backyard but I don't know if that would make pacing any worse or something, it's pretty big, like 1/4 acre.


I don't run anymore, but if it is safe in your area you can run in the early morning. Usually by 5:30 or 6 all the homeless are asleep at parks.
But using your backyard could work too. Just avoid running machines.



I used to run on a trail that was usually empty. It was almost guaranteed to be empty if I got there before 8am, even on the weekends. If you don't live in a big city, chances are there is a park with a trail that is good for running near you. Most of the population seems to go to the parks on the weekend, between the hours of 9 and dusk. If you go at dawn you will probably have the place to yourself.


There is a place I can drive to but it usually pretty crowded on the main path and all the less populated paths there might be a little much for me coming from couch potato status because they have tricky footing and lots of hills etc.

I guess I could try going there really early but I have trouble even getting up by 10am now.


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I must say, one of the really comfy things about wizchan is how long these threads stick around. It's interesting going back and seeing what I typed up a year ago.

Just figured I'd share my experience, because I think it may help other wizzies–I spent a lot of time trying out different shit and getting discouraged before I finally found something that seems to work, and it's pretty simple. Like the anon that replied to me said, for weight loss, it really is just calories in, calories out. Even though it's not really "healthy", you don't need to stress too much about the types of food you eat (although, in my case, I didn't really eat a lot of junk food or drink soda in the first place, so it wasn't a huge problem). My mom would bring me relatively unhealthy food from her workplace, but I paid very close attention to my portions using a food scale and the myfitnesspal app.

I tried to always overestimate how many calories were in any meal (so if it was 635 calories, I would often round up to 700), as well as assuming the absolute lowest activity limit in the app (even though I was actively exercising) so that my calorie limit was as low as possible. The end result was that I had a "buffer" in case I happened to have a meal that was more calories than I thought–if all of my measurements were actually accurate, that "buffer" just meant I had a larger deficit, and thus lost more weight. At first I was always hungry, but I adjusted pretty quickly to the smaller meals. Apart from that, I just tried to do 30 minutes of cardio every day, and I eventually worked in a bodyweight routine.

Anyway, not long after I made that post, I lost about 20-30 pounds or so over the course of about 1-2 months. I've actually found that measuring your waist is a much more consistent and encouraging method of tracking your progress than weighing yourself (check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05c5ljvIP8c). Presumably as a result of losing weight, I actually was able to run for the first time without my lower legs feeling like they were going to detonate, and I was also able to do my first push-up.

Unfortunately, I'm no longer a NEET, and wageslavery brought with it a lot of bad habits. I stopped working out, I started drinking pretty heavily, and I've started eating a lot of really cheap shitty food because I don't ever have the energy, time, or know-how to cook (and, quite frankly, I'm a dumb manchild that has no idea what to buy from the grocery store), so I've pretty much gained all of that weight back and then some. I did get back into working out and watching my portions for a couple weeks a month or so ago, and I lost 10 pounds, but then I fell out of that, too.

Anyway, I'm at least confident now that I have a strategy that I know works 100%, so it's just a matter of starting up again. Just watch your portions and make sure you track everything with a food scale and an app like MFP, try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day (50-60 minutes if you can), and track your progress using a tape measure (it's far more encouraging to see a steady drop of an inch or so per week than the random bullshit of a weight scale). Don't overthink things like I did.

Oh, and as a side note, I recommend a bodyweight routine for your strength-building side of things. You can do it at home so you don't have to worry about leaving to go to a gym and being around other people (although, just be careful that you don't get too distracted by your computer while exercising), you don't have to worry about fucking up and hurting yourself with heavy weights, all you really need for a full range of exercises is a pull-up bar of some sort and a pair of gymnastic rings, and in my opinion, the exercises are a lot more interesting and rewarding than doing the same repetitive weightlifting shit over and over. Here's the routine I used: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine (forgive the reddit link, but it's a pretty good, simple routine)


Is it normal for small increases in weight to feel disproportionately heavier? I am only adding 1-2kg each time and the last few times it has felt really heavy and on a few exercises the reps I could manage dropped way down just with that tiny increase. Feels like my body didn't even get stronger but probably just reached the limit of what it could do anyway.


Small increases? Do you honestly think the weight you can just barely manage to lift 6 times isn't your current limit? 2kg past that limit is a lot relatively and you will get far less reps. If you are doing significantly more than six reps 2kg is an enormous increase


So how are you supposed to get stronger?


On top of my upper body routine, I've also begun walking 15-18 kilometres every other day. It's a lot of fun because most of the distance is calm country road. Ironically the walks started as a way to contribute to my Inactive lifestyle, because the initial objective was to download manga from the uncapped networks in town. I might begin using the OP image as a guide because I can't jog for more than a few seconds. I also started no carb last week to lose my gut and I'm already down two belt notches.


I recommend not falling for the atkins memes, just restrict your calorific intake.
If you don't weigh it, don't eat it. Your brain will actively delete memories of how much you ate so you do need to keep track.


I enjoy fitness. I've been an endurance athlete since I was a kid. Running is like meditation for me, and I think long runs everyday at a young age were intrinsic to the development of deeper though processes at a young age. I like calisthenics too. It is nice to practice doing cool movements at home, and watching my body change. The thought of becoming as healthy as I possibly can become gives me a goal to constantly strive toward. If you do it for the right reasons, working out can become like very prolonged meditation.


Getting stronger is a meme.


Deload and build back up or increase volume or both. Sometimes your program has become "exhausted" and a restructuring may just be required. Focus on the weak parts of a lift and even going so far as to add other lifts to compliment a main lift.


I'm waiting for nutrition science to get its shit together before I invest any time in the Sisyphean task of "fitness". There have been too many flip-flops in the last decades about what is and isn't healthy to eat.

Another thing I'm looking forward to is genetic testing that can determine if someone will respond to exercise at all, and if so, to what type of exercise.

There are too many unknowns about the human body to start lifting weights like a moron.


Nutrition science is pretty flipfloppy, but the science on exercise is consistent and just keeps getting more and more solid.
Exercise has a serious positive effect on cognition, memory, ability to focus, not to mention general health and wellbeing.
'Lifting' isn't really necessary, but you need to be doing some form of exercise, even if it's just some walking.


This is pretty discouraging actually, because it basically implies that even though I am very weak, and basically weaker than other people are when they start programs with a much faster rate of strength increase which they keep up for months and months, I am already at my limit and can only really have a ridiculously slow rate of increase if I resort to a heap of tricks.


Slow is fine.
What's important is not progress, but that you're doing the exercises.
Hell, progress should be seen as a side-effect that you're not even really interested in.


sorry but what is the point of doing it without getting stronger?


Because it makes you smarter, faster, and happier. It improves your quality of life and makes moving around easier, it also means that your body feels better to live in.
Cognitive function, memory, brain function is improved.



There are many more benefits to excercising than just strenght.


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I had a damn good day. I discovered something a couple weeks ago. Walking is very effective. If you walk just 3 or 4 miles and you're fat then you'll use about 500 calories. If you do this every day then after a week that is 3500 calories and that's a pound.

Today I walked 3.8 miles (6 km) along a river on trails and through a great long park. It took me 3.5 hours as I was enjoying the sights the whole way and also my feet haven't fully toughened up for traveling barefoot. That's barely more than 1mph and that's over 900(!) calories.

After I napped at the park I went on and walked 1.5 miles (2.5 km) more.

I'm still not where I've been wanting to be. I want to be walking 4 hours every day walking at about 3 mph. I'll go downtown on foot every day. That's around 1500 calories at 225 lbs.

I want to lose more than the 2 pounds a week that most that doctors usually recommend. I'll probably be losing at least 3 pounds a week. I doubt this world will last another year.
I looked up the why and it seems the problems are people gaining the weight back and losing muscle mass. I'm going to look more into this but right now my plan is to do stuff to measure my strength every week and if I get weaker I'll eat more. I don't give a damn about loose skin.

I used to think eating less was the best way to lose weight. Wrong.

There was a point where I was walking through a beautiful field (where I took pic) and I realized not walking in nature every day for my whole life means the whole rest of my life was a mistake.

Every day from now on I am blessed. I am ready to die any day.

Some days especially after a good day I get complacent with my degeneracy and lay down all day eating ice cream and watching anime. Never again will I ever be complacent with that!

I'll post some more pics from today in the photography thread.


>traveling barefoot

What the fuck?


I want to be robust. I did it last year before I got sick for a week in winter from sleeping on the floor with my window open. I walked half a mile on gravel a couple weeks ago but my feet still aren't back at that level. I did put my flip flops on sometimes, and you definitely should to walk on hot roads.


I try to do the same
when I go camping I keep my boots off 80% of the time and recently did a 10k with no shoes
I really underestimated how hard roads are without anything to absorb shock
keep up the good fight, man


I just did the first part of my trek out. 3.8 miles in 2 hours and 20 minutes. That's 1.6 mph. I'll have to work up to 3mph and trekking home.


I failed to walk Monday so I'm going to up to 10 miles today.


how do i get over anxiety about going to a gym? tired of being a fat piece of shit


I'm losing weight. I'll hopefully be down to 220 very soon. I plan to lose about 100 pounds overall. After that, I'll be skinny. I work a job where it's making me lose weight (supposedly), but in the future, I might work an office job. If I were fit already and had a job that tired me out for the day and made it hard to walk, how would I gain muscle, knowing that I couldn't run or walk properly? Even standing hurts a lot afterwards. I'm on my feet for hours.


Don't worry about the gym meme. You don't need to go to one to exercise, it's just a place to do it.
Weight loss is about eating less. Exercise is about increasing the amount of energy your body uses.


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I've been rotting alive for way too long now.

My weight is below average, so are my physical capabilities, although I'm not fat, climbing up and going down the stairs from the fourth floor makes my heart race and dyspnea kick in. The other day, when I was reading a book aloud I noticed that I'm often short for breath and have to do long inhales to keep myself talking. Tried holding my breath and seeing for how long will I be able to endure it - 43 Seconds in I already wanted to take another breath, gave up at 55 Seconds, trying to breathe in as much air as I could afterwards. I can barely do 20 Push-ups, and once I'm done, my heart is always pounding, and I end up feeling sort of dizzy. My posture is absolute shit, and muscles that are supposed to be holding your spinal cord just feel like cotton, I can't sit straight-up in my chair, I constantly have to slouch or lean at the chair's spine to relax the muscles that get tired very easily.

I don't smoke, drink at sundays, healthy food is not something I can really afford, the last time I exercised nearly on a daily basis was in high school - just to reach that ten pull-ups mark for the PE teacher to fuck off - I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to pull out even half of that 10 pull-ups mark in the state that I am in right now.

I've been thinking about starting exercising for more than half a year now, but that's all I've done so far. I can't muster my will and energy to start off, and even if I did, I would stop exercising the very next day and forget about my plans altogether. There's no point in spending money on the gym either, not only would it serve as a very shit motivation, what's more: it wouldn't break my fear of interacting with other people, so I'll end up just wasting my precious savings. Not to mention that gym is some advanced-level stuff that I'm not fit for as of now.

So the question is: how does a lanky, skinny wizard with noodle arms, leaden legs of wood, muscles made of jelly and will so fragile it cracks from a gust of wind start exercising for his body to function like one of a fit human being?


Anything, really. You're in the position that any exercise you do will be of benefit.
Convict Conditioning might be a good place to start, since it's exercises for free, by yourself, in a private place.
But whatever exercise you do, it needs to be paired with food. Long story short; lots of protein and vegetables, and use the carbohydrates to pad out the rest for required calories.


By actually going to the gym a few times to get used to it and see for yourself that no one gives a shit about you as long as you follow basic gym etiquette.
You will not be judged for being fat, since you are in the place that one works to do something about it.


I've been doing Starting Strength for a while. Haven't made great progress which I think is due to a mix of diet, motivation, form, and maybe low test. I'm still working at it though, and slowly improving all the aforementioned factors. I've cut all the junk out of my diet and am slowly upping my calorie intake in the hopes that I will start to not stall as much as I have in the past. At this point I crave a 3 pl8 squat and 4 pl8 deadlift more than almost anything in life.


>maybe low test
No it isn't.


you could start with some ginseng


Glad you're able to make an accurate medical assessment based on a paragraph.


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Picking up my running habit a bit again. Starting slow, with stopping along the way. Running is great - it's very primal, very healthy. It basically alleviates symptoms of mental issues immediately and makes on feel better.


I did make an assumption; and that was that he had at least one working testicle.
It's never low test.


I exercise but I do it all in my house since I'm a hiki. If I don't do it I get health anxiety from sitting all day

So yea, you don't have to go outside to keep in shape. Just look up exercises and walk through your house or if you have stairs they are a great workout


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Is this legit?


I thought I was iron man for doing 6 pushups 6 leg raises and 60 squats lmao

who has time for that shit


all 60



Maybe if you weighed 400 pounds.


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Looks like some retarded fad workout for succubi.
Spend more time at the gym.


This is legitimately retarded.


Can you explain why it is bad?


>Running for 60 minutes at eight miles per hour will burn 1,074 calories in a 200-pound person.
Seems like something designed for succubi who are on a diet. I'd try HIIT if I wanted cardio/endurance, this is overly complicated and probably boring as hell after some time, same like those ab exercises that were popular some years ago.
If you want to burn calories, I advise swimming/riding a bike.


I might give it a go between rest days then. I wake up late so I guess I have the time to spare.


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Bought a jump rope the other day. It's supposed to be good tool for cardio exercise without having to leave home.

I tried it and felt retarded - like I was doing something wrong. I also got winded very fast, my heart rate beating strongly.

Anyone exercising with the jump rope?

Pic related is the jump rope that I bought - Avento.


I did jump roping for a few months. It takes a while to get used to it. A long while. And then after you think you got it, you still hit yourself in the back of the head or ankles, and then a bit of rope whips around and hits you in the hand.

I stopped because there was no good place inside to do it, and it was cold and dark in the morning. I would start again if I lived somewhere I could jumprope inside. I'd put on some music and just jumprope in time to the music, was pretty good.

As for the physical strain, I didn't get that since I was fit to begin with. Although my calves took a beating.


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>>38631 Wiz Reporting Back

2 Months after I started trying to do at least some sort of exercise (almost) every day. Usually these were a standard set of ten push ups and the light morning workout, with some other exercises mixed in here and there. Things have gotten somewhat better in regards to my body. Feeling like you've got something except skin on your bones feels really nice. I still can't really adjust myself to a healthy eating diet, primarily due to my meager budget and general disregard of what I eat since my early childhood. Not sure if I should have started with a more mild exercise routine to give a wake up call to my body and treat all sorts of groups of muscles at least preparing them for something more serious - If anyone can confirm, do so, please. I still get short for breath when running short distances and exerting myself too much. I guess that's related to cardio? Does this mean I should start going outside to jog? Or buy myself a skiprope like the other wizard did?


Fitness takes a long time. It took me years to be able to run 20 minutes without having to stop. Just build up slowly and the fitness will stick.


Honestly not that intense, this is good workout for someone looking to not leave house/be a hobbyist. I got into lifting a few years ago and spend over 2hrs lifting a day now :/


Sounds pointless


Any fit wizards have any experience with the EC stack?

How long did you take it? Were there any side-effects?


Fuck that fitness shit big boy, I've made my peace, I'm ready to die. The closer I get to my heart giving the closer I am to that sweet, sweet necropussy lesser men call "death".


1 year into CC (training AxxBxxAxxB cycle) ,only gained like 4.5 kg and I was already skinny but I gained a ton of strength and look pretty good already and feel much better physically. Can't wait for the results one year from now.


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Started jogging late nights and early mornings. The empty streets are very relaxing. Anyone serious about improving mental health should exercise regularly.


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>Anyone serious about improving mental health should exercise regularly.
This is very true.

It's been getting very cold and dark soon where I live, so I fell into the rut of not exercising yet again, as I do every year, and it's already starting to show on my psyche. I'm more irritable, I feel less energized, and overall physically weaker.

I wish I had an indoor gym or something, or at least some cardio devices, like a treadmill, an elliptical or a stationary bicycle.


What type of running shoes does the wizard recommend for the begginer?


for those of you that don't like leaving the home for cardio, just go to Pirate Bay and download Tae-Bo, Insanity, etc.. You get your hard cardio without having to deal with people and easier on the joints than running.


>start running
>legs get fucked immediately due to overexercise
>have to walk now until they're healed
I hate this so much about exercise, I get too into it and kill my body. Then after waiting for myself to heal I lose my will and quit until a few months later I start again and repeat the same mistake. Also I suppose walking at 5am isn't early enough since it's spring and people are out and about walking their dogs. 4am it is from now on.


I fucked my knees with piss poor dumbbell lunge form, and the weight was just 30KG.

Don't ever do exercises without having researched proper form.

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