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Expired threads: /jp/

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Displaying 4 expired threads from the past 1 month

Post #Snippet 
40503 how do you call this type of houses in japan like the emiya house in fate/stay night for example?[View]
40428lol Most western popular mainstream/tiktok anime 14+ is boring, extremely autistic, or cringe in a bad way. I never liked anime due to thinking it was going to turn me into a retard. eg pokemon, digimon, my hero academia, naruto, spy x family, demonslayer, hunter x hunter you get the idea lol. There are alot that are Watchable, but far from good due to the sheer cringe. Its like the majority of an[View]
36185Post ITT when you finish an anime Post ITT when you finish an anime, and write something about it. Can be anything from brief unrefined feelings to long formal reviews. [View]
34745Aesthetically Pleasing Anime Images (non-lewd) Let's have a thread to post aesthetically pleasing anime-style art. We can post nice character designs, landscapes, cute couples (hetero or otherwise), franchise promo art, wallpapers, etc...[View]