314075 | vermis vermis a book about a video game that never exist but it's comfy. don't worry you don't have to buy the books because the volume 1 and 2 are available in pdf format: | [View] |
313561 | Tropes that you like I don't know whether this has to do with me being a virgin bro, but I've always loved the trope in shows where a serious, angry female fighter, attacker, villain, or any upset and belligerent succubus blushes after being randomly kissed by the guy she is trying to physically hurt, or after receiving some form of affectionate treatment, whether by accident or on purpose. | [View] |
313101 | spell of healing wizards itt i try to channel a spell. since i am a legit health wizard, my focused attention can manifest physically. there is surprisingly few magical activity happening in here but i am not willing to take example of that. | [View] |
312484 | I finally cracked the code - autists can't win It's not about how hard you work. Or how much you study. | [View] |
310210 | People will come across this site and be disparaging to the posters on it to cause harm Some seriously evil people in this world, what do you gain out of purposefully shitting on people's lives? Your life is not better than ours, quite the opposite if you're going to harass wizards... | [View] |
305077 | Succubi by themselves aren't interesting I'm a 34-old permanent virgin and my future looks bleak. Strangely enough I'm not really bothered by all that. | [View] |
296675 | exercising wizards love exercising they love feeling powered out from a hot workout session | [View] |