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This is the music board. It is intended to host everything related to music as a hobby, including but not limited to music sharing, production and/or discussion. Given the specific nature of this board, you are free to create threads that would otherwise be redirect to a "general" thread on /hob/, such as threads about a single genre, band or topic.

 No.8728[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just a random general where you can post and discus whatever music stuff that doesn't quite fit into another existing thread, but you don't feel like making whole thread for it.
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>wish it could stay like this forever

>but someday; ill have to start working…
>but that time isn't right now, so i can keep living my unemployed life

Made me think of this website. I like pretty much everything this artist makes too



Wiz only music


[Last 50 Posts]

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mine is All Eyez On Me (pls dont say racist things just say your fucking favorite music pls) - Tupac Shakur
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fuck tupac this is reall nigger rap


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amazing nigga rap


proper low down dirty cotton picking nigger rap


Leonard Cohen and Tom Waits


Any dungeon synth listener? Can you share some good/gems dungeon synth musics. here's a playlist I've made about dungeon synth musics I like: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbniq6ShcFR7JtGH4qglzfc6v82nw3yrW&si=w4FnOStPTsEYy_kV
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their succubi!

I actually like Elric more, but Conan has a narrative strength that elric lack off

Artist : Jim Kirkwood
Album : Tales from a Melnibone Tavern
Year : 1991
Country : Germany
Genre : Electronic Fantasy Ambient, Dungeon Synth

00:00 Gypsy Nation
20:18 Emerging Chaos
26:01 Riding The Dragon


not quite ds, but has the same attitude.



This sounds like one of those old slasher movies. Pretty cool.

Artist : Cimitir
Album : Bonechiller [EP]
Year : 2016
Genre : Eerie, Spooky Dark Ambient, Horror Ambient, Dungeon Synth
Country : USA


1. Dark Book Invocation 00:00
2. The Crypt-Lurker's Curse 03:52
3. La Llegada a las Puertas Blasfemas 08:19
4. Ofrendas Mórbidas sobre el Altar de lo Grotesco 09:51
5. Rising from Unconsecrated Ground 15:28
6. Witching Hour Wanderings 18:39


1303 visualizaciones 10 ene 2020 #Ambient #ComfySynth
Artist: Wholesome Family Farm
Album: Wholesome Family Farm Pt. I
Year: January 10, 2020
Style: Comfy Synth
Country: USA

01. 4 Am - 00:00
02. Raw Milk - 02:00
03. Pigsty - 05:51
04. Fields of Joy - 08:32
05. Tractor - 11:06


I am not from Argentina, but I have always thought that Argentina used to make the best music in Spanish. Now they have trap sung by femboys and whores who earn 1 million dollars per concert, all this without any talent or artistic sensibility.

This song is called ruta perdedora. Loser Route. A very sad song about people who don't like their life and try to find a glimmer of hope in it.
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Just found this. I really like this kind feeric music. Does anybody known more of this kind of music


Viper deserve more recognition beyond this galaxy


>Size was a Mexican punk rock band from Mexico City active between 1979 and 1985. Its members were Illy Bleeding (Jaime Keller), Dennis Sanborns (Walter Schmidt), This Grace (Carlos Robledo) and Dean Stylette (Alfonso Moctezuma).Size's songs featured the use of synthesizers, and lyrics were written and sung in either Spanish or English A compilation of their singles and previously unreleased songs was released in 1991 on the Rock'n'Roll Circus label,and in 2018 their unreleased 1984 album Nadie Puede Vivir con un Monstruo was released by Cleopatra Records.


Obscure and forgotten mexican band. Almost a lost media.

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what did you think of Bôa's new album: Whiplash? I give it a 5/10


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Why doesn't wizchan have a bm thread? Well, that changes now. Post trve kvlt black metal and nothing less
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Khors «Непохитності суть (Навічно 25)» ["Perseverance Is the Essence (Forever 25)"]


there was a metal thread that lasted a few years a while back.
i enjoy melancholic black metal mostly


listen to absurd!!




I've always related to this song, but I haven't until recently realized how it's a very poignant expression of an autistic person's experience dealing with normgroids. It should be an anthem of autism, but people tend to interpret it more literally, which is very fitting and adds a kind of metafictional element or however you might call it. The normies misunderstand the meaning of the song in their superficial way just like how they misunderstand autistic people and see them as creepy or annoying weirdos. I don't think any of this was exactly intentional by David Byrne, either, since he wasn't aware of ASD when he wrote this tune.

[Verse 1]
I can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax
I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me, I'm a real live wire
>social anxiety, sensitivity to stimuli, sleep problems, dislike of being touched — all symptoms of autism
Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is it?)
Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, fa, better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away
>spoken now from the normie perspective here, seeing the autistic person as a "psycho killer" just because they're "weird" or socially awkward. Personally I have been accused and insulted like this many times in my life by all kinds of people both in my family and in school, sometimes having literally been called a "psycho" seemingly for no reason. Normalfags are insane like this.
>asks "what is it" because he can't understand the behaviour
>better run away
>speaking literally another language because normies and spergs speak different languages in a more metaphorical way
[Verse 2]
You start a conversation, you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


as someone who would be diagnosed with autism, autism is fake.


Basically the title. Share what you think is the best or your favorites from all time.
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winkles twinkle - 虹原いんく(田村ゆかり)
feels good to be a winner


How fucked my life that is I once listen on this about an hour so I can sleep




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Searched in the board, didn't find a thread for /dep/-suited type of music unless I am terminally retarded.

So I figure out, let's make some thread about cool music you like to listen to when you feel like a human, like things are going like shit for you. Personally, I sometimes listen darkwave, sometimes russian post-punk, sometimes death or black metal, sometimes maidcore (ew, troons, good music though) also but not sure if it still fits the depression theme that much so i'll limit myself to darkwave unless given approval. Since I data-hoard a lot of shit on an usual basis, i'll post files directly, that way you won't have to use normietube either, i'll limit myself to one file per message for the sake of it being more convenient.

Hopefully it makes you feel better, to the Anon reading.

Also I got fucking attacked by a mosquito, fuck summer, lul.
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As one comment stated:

>This song and video are everything I love about black metal🖤 If someone asked me to define black metal with one song I would just show this. It's harsh, raw, bleak, but also melodic, atmospheric and emotional. No other genre of music can be all this at once.



I also love those bittersweet piano ditties Aphex Twin used to be obsessed with making



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