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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I used to lurk here fairly often,because I feel a certain connection with other people who suffer from social anxiety and a complete lack of motivation to achieve goals in life.

However, for the people who feel like they don't belong here and want to have the things normies have in life, go for it ! There's nothing wrong with being a wizard or a NEEt, but don't let people convcince you that's your only option in life .

Sincerly, a full-blown normie who probably had more troubles with social anxiety than a lot of people on this site. You can work on everything, it's not easy, but it's doable.

I know eveyone is going to scold me for this, but I felt it was worth saying


Go fuck yourself.


lol mods ban him


>jus pee urself man :^)
Fuck off.


Go ahead, it's completely true though




It's also completely true that you are breaking Rule 1 - 3.


lmao :^)


Really don't care about a ban, just wanted to say this, I do think some of the younger people can relate to this


Thanks OP

I mean it


Agreed, thank you OP.


>Sincerly, a full-blown normie

Oh you're not just a normie, you're a "full-blown" normie.

> who probably had more troubles with social anxiety than a lot of people on this site


You're an imbecile who never had social anxiety. Now go off to your MDMA dance party.


Believe me, I know how it feels to wait in the bathroom at school during breaks and having your heart rate skyrocket when a doorbell or phone rings.

But I also know you can overcome that and I hope some young people on this site realise that. Again, I'm not bashing wizards or neet, since I was the latter for 2,5 years.

Ps: I'm not a fan of parties or MDMA, so will probably pass on that party, have fun though


Nice vague, condescending post, normie.

Enjoy shit mountain.


It's amazing how offended you are. I have absolutely no judgement for the members of this site, as I considered myself one for the several years. I just know that there are a lot of young people who feel like being a NEET is something to strive for.

If you want to be a Neet, have fun, nothing wrong with it. But if you feel like you something else in life, don't let social anxiety or a lack of certain abilties stop you.


Did you even read the rules, dipshit? We really don't need nor care about bullshit "advice" like this. Please, fuck off to wherever you came from and never come back here.


i realize now op ive been a shut in for 8 years now and left the house 6 times in the last three years, all but one to go to the doctor, and all of them with my mother, and in the end i jus had to b myself!


Thank you OP.


I bet my fucking ass that it's all OP samefagging.

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