I am bisexual. I am a LGBT+ man from the third world. This is extremely stressing. Imaging all the things that come with being a wizard (unsteady source of income, chronic mistrust, everyone hates you, your family is mentally ill, you are mentally ill, poor, you rely on family for stuff, the list goes on) plus being a faggot in the third world.
My sexual orientation is not the main source or culprit of my frustrations, but it's definitely a needless frustration that exists. I get constant disdain from everyone just because of my orientation. Succubus hate me, LGBT+ men hate me, straight men hate me, colleagues hate me, family hates me, everyone hates me.
Imagine dealing with severe mental illness, you can barely hate a job, your family is constantly threatening you with violence and police, you've faced multiple situations with police, you've been almost homeless multiple times AND you have to deal with people giving you shit because dicks and pussy give you boners. >lol u faggot, fags can't be wizs Your sexual orientation (even if you're straight) is one thing. Not wanting to purpose sexual desire is what make you a wizard. Having sexual desire and not achieving it makes you a crab, not a wizard.
>>266316 >Succubus hate me, LGBT+ men hate me, straight men hate me, colleagues hate me, family hates me, everyone hates me. Then dont go around advertising that youre a fag, retard.
What I don't get is why everyone knows your sexual orientation? Just don't tell anyone about it if you live in a shithole where people will harass you for it.
Hello OP, I too am a virgin. I am a furry. I’m the biggest hugest furry around, I buy naked furry lady posters and dakimakuras and even statues of naked furry succubi. And do you know what? No one ridicules me for it because I’ve never let a single fucking soul know about any of it.
But it’s too late for you, you should’ve never let the cat out of the bag.
Don't listen to them, OP. You did nothing wrong. You don't have to hide anything from others. In fact, do go around and advertise your sexual orientation seeing that it makes others so butthurt where you live.
Hating people or looking down on them based on their sexual habits is bloody Middle Ages tier retardation and if you hate someone for having different sexual tastes then you are suffering from frustration, envy and resentment and you are only a norm in disguise. People are different, fuck, who would have thought???
>>266348 The ideological root of this bigotry lies in platonism, like most cancerous memes that still permeate our culture. Plato cemented the thought that sexuality should only be used for procreation, later on Christianity used this meme too.
When people hate on gays they should also hate on people who masturbate and those who refuse to reproduce. Well, I guess these kind of bigots do hate everyone who is slightly different from them.
>>266357 The funny thing is the people most obsessed with denouncing bigotry almost invariably are the most extreme bigots of all, violently hating and resenting people for having typical attitudes (such as finding people with deviant sexualities odd).
>>266338 > In fact, do go around and advertise your sexual orientation seeing that it makes others so butthurt where you live
This is exactly what I do. The fact that people get genuinely assblassted and angry far outweighs any frustration I have. The frustration is still unnecesary nonetheless.
Two factors here. >#1 I'm from the third world, where I live we have no civil rights. LGBT+ people, specifically LGBT+ men, get the blunt of harsh treatment, insults and violence from society. I see other people exactly like me get treated extremely cruel, people that are exactly like me. If two men hold hands in public or kiss, that's guaranteed aggression from onlookers. If we are more visible, people will stop thinking "fags are not even 1% of the population". Also, more closeted men would be willing to come out.
Should I stay quiet like a pussy? No I shouldn't and I won't. Which leads me to: >#2 I'm a grown ass man. I pay taxes, I got a decent career. I'm a "productive" member of society. I live independently. I won't hide what I do or who I am, I don't give a fuck about other people's opinion. My problem is when they actually talk to me without shutting up.
>>266374 Listen man I'm just saying as an outcast you should know that drawing attention is asking to get your ass whipped. So either take it and shut up or hide.
>>266374 >wahhh wahhh in my third world shithole(almost definitely someplace like switzerland where you get paid to be alive and all your rights are guaranteed) people get angry when two men start french kissing in public and jack eachother off. im so opressed i cant even Have you considered not doing these things? Everybody fucking hates it when hetero couples do it, you're not getting special treatment for wearing a rainbow tshirt. > I won't hide what I do or who I am, I don't give a fuck about other people's opinion. Mr.Tough Special Guy, do you really fucking think everybody else is beeing themselves in public? Everybody and their mother actively conceals their personality, thoughts, and beliefs. This is to prevent needless confrontation, which would harm both the confronter and confronted. I know you have a severe case of autism/inferiority complex but just shut the fuck up and conceal yourself like a sane man would do instead of going around trying your hardest to make people hate you. What the fuck do you even do anyway for everybody including complete bystanders that you see for maybe a second know you're a fag? >Tl:dr man up faggot
>>266360 >be a bigot >you go around talking down to people who are different from you >you are all about holier-than-thou attitude >w-why are people hostile to me? they are more of a bigot than I am
If you shit on others who did nothing to you for being different then don't be surprised when they are hostile to you.
>>266375 >>266376 Oh please, don't be hypocrites. If hetero people do shit like that, I mean holding hands/kissing/hugging in public then that's completely okay for some reason. But the moment you see two men or wymen doing the same thing then you cry crocodile tears and complain about ""degenerates"".
OP is trying to stand up for himself. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact what he is doing is respectable, he isn't hiding like some coward but actively seeks confrontation with normals.
>>266374 >>266373 Continue, OP. You're a hero. Don't let society oppress you. You deserve the same freedom and rights as everyone else.
>>266390 I’m sorry, is OP kissing and holding hands with men on the street? If he’s a wizard then why does anyone know he’s bi/gay/whatever the fuck? I seriously have no sympathy for someone who complains he is targeted when it seems to me he went out of his way to make his orientation everyone’s problem. I have no problem if he wants to be an activist or stand up for himself but the he should actually go do that instead of bitching about it to a bunch of virgins on a shitty dead website.
>>266316 >>266391 >but the he should actually go do that instead of bitching about it to a bunch of virgins on a shitty dead website
I've been on this community for a decade or more. I'm a wizard, I will talk freely if I want to, I'm part of this forum, so all are of you. I'm not breaking any rules, there's no registration, ID or upvotes here, I'm not fishing for sympathy, I'm sharing my despair and frustration with the few "friends" I actually have (all of you).
If you don't like my thread, there's a hide button. >is OP kissing and holding hands with men on the street? You're entirely missing the point. What's next, LGBT+ men should just hide their orientation to not get assaulted? "Hey guys if you just pretend to be straight, no one will bother you". Believe me, even when being invisible, the aggression doesn't magically stop.
Also, you're very likely underestimating the fact that I'm from the third-world. I might be "educated" but I'm not rich, wealthy or well-off in any way, shape or form. Guess who are backwards, violent, mouth-breathing idiots? Pretty much the average person here. Imagine having an IQ of 3 digits like a regular person, but you're surrounded by barely functional idiots with an average IQ of 80, and these idiots are permanently aggressive towards you.
>>266323 Based and I know exactly this feeling. Being surrounded by low IQ retards that correlate homosexuality with muh devil or with some vague idea that gays = bad because their parents told them so is irritating at best and dangerous at worst. It's only a small part of why being around low IQ emotionally unstable retards that are constantly intoxicated and are poor is a similar sort of feeling to being surrounded by Chimpanzees
>>266393 I’m talking freely too and I’m telling you I don’t have sympathy. I don’t care you’re a faggot. I don’t care you get harassed because of it. Everyone who is different gets harassed, especially in your third world shithole.
And if you lived in the 1st world where this shit is pushed you’d probably hate it too. I have been born and raised by gays. My parents are gay, everyone they know is gay. I’ve been hounded by homosexuals my whole life so yes, I have a personal problem with you. Fuck you.
>>266398 > I have been born and raised by gays Ok you're just permanently assblassted then. No point in arguing. Just hide the thread. >And if you lived in the 1st world where this shit is pushed you’d probably hate it too I really would not. If we get treated like regular people we wouldn't have any problems or demands in the first place.
What went wrong with your case? Were you literally raised by two men in the same household or you're just exaggerating shit? I can't imagine how a dysfunctional gay house is worse than a dysfunctional anything else.
>>266391 I genuinely think over the last 10-15 years, there's been some sort of project to tame/corral the last minds capable of revolutionary thought i.e. nerds. And they've basically succeeded; you'll notice the porn-addicted zoomer nerd goes down one of two paths, either they become /pol/tards that are unwittingly useful to the powers that be or tranny degenerate faggots who whore themselves out.
If this thread was about succubi, the thread would have gotten deleted instantly.
>>266390 >If hetero people do shit like that, I mean holding hands/kissing/hugging in public then that's completely okay for some reason. Except it ISN'T. As I said in my post people will tolerate(ignore) it to some level because they don't want to deal with retards, but everybody hates seeing that shit in public, no matter whether the couple is straight or gay. Of course the tolerance people have towards gays doing this is slightly lower, but even then there's only like a 1% chance of pissing somebody off per kilometer walked while holding hands. And that's the case for the third world, in the first world there's no chance of it happening at all. >what he is doing is respectable, he isn't hiding like some coward He's a wizard, he has no boyfriend nor any interest in getting one, so people shouldn't know that he's a fag at all. If even complete randoms hate on him for being a fag then that means he must be going out of his way to tell everybody that he is one. Whether you're gay or not is not at all the business of other people, so you shouldn't tell them without them asking first. Be assured that people would be just as likely to despise you if you followed them around and repeatedly told them you're straight as they are when you tell them you're gay. Also a friendly reminder that nobody will ever actually ask you about your sexual orientation, and personally in my entire life it has not happened even once, not even on the internet. OP won't have to cuck out and silently take the bullshit of society or anything, literally all he has to do is NOT go around telling people he's a fag, which is something that takes actual time and effort and earns nothing at all but unnecessary stress and hatred from others. And no, it doesn't help normalize being a fag or anything either, if you really want to do that then go petition your local government or go attend a gay parade or something instead of telling random people that you prefer willies over vaginas. >>266393 >You're entirely missing the point. What's the point then? >What's next, LGBT+ men should just hide their orientation to not get assaulted? There's no "next", we both know damn well that the only ones who go out of their way to express hatred of fags in real life are muslims and old conservative people. The latter group is literally dying, the former is also dying in another way; like 90% of people born in muslim countries in the last 20 years are muslims, and I say this as someone from a muslim country. With each passing minute the hatred towards fags decreases more and more, what you have to fear is not being assaulted by people who hate you for being a fag but the ones who bizarrely fetishize "people who are discriminated against", they'll probably beg you to fuck them just so they can virtue signal about having their asshole open on twitter. >you're very likely underestimating the fact that I'm from the third-world. I know exactly what you're talking about here, like 95% of the population here are mentally ill good-for-nothing's who do nothing but abuse drugs and kill people in my country, they even constantly pull shittests on you, one that comes to mind off the top off my head is the one where they suddenly shove their face within 5cm of yours and look you dead in the eye. If you reach with a flinch or anything you're fucked, the right reaction is to literally look straight back at them until they pull away. The 5% of the population that is sane has to deal with these freaks everyday all the while having to work and be productive, which explains why this country has remained a shithole for so long… and that's all the more fucking reason for you or I to shut the fuck up! You're throwing yourself to the wolves for the sake of a milisecond of happiness at exposing your wacky orientation to people who really don't care but will probably stab you anyways. Also, if you hate it so bad why not just try to move to the first world?
I hate when someone queues in on my body language and asks me if I'm gay. Is it really that important that you need to know what I'm attracted to? Just this fact that everyone can tell without me doing anything makes me not want to leave the house, I may as well being wearing a tshirt that says "I fap to men!" on it
>>266403 you deserve it for wearing it on your sleeve
when you can tell a man is gay by the way he speaks, his voice, mannerisms and so on… don't pretend it's not done on purpose and very deliberately to fit the stereotype and signal what they are
>>266390 >You deserve the same freedom and rights as everyone else yes, and while were at it, all of us wizards who are pedophiles should let everyone know were pedophiles, not that we rape kids or anything (were wizards), were just attracted to them and other people (who will never engage will us sexually ever) need to know that.
>>266399 Two succubi. And literally every family friend is also a lesbian. And yeah I guess there isn’t much point in arguing but know this, I am a product of homosexuality. My bigotry comes from it. So don’t think “progress” will make people like me go away, it will make more.
>>266407 >>266401 The hell happened to imageboard moderation, even over the last 7 years? It's like they're all zoomer literal transfaggots. Did moot and Lowtax foresee this?
>>266413 >Wow it seems succubi are your problem, not really gay men It's you who are under the LGBT+ banner with them, so their problem is your problem. Do you want a real twist too? My bio father is also gay. I wish I was lying to you.
>>266416 >You do know what the letters other than G are for right? Have you ever met gay and bisexual men? Most of us don't give a fuck or think remotely similar to dykes with rainbow haircuts.
More "radical" faggots like me prefer to just ignore succubi and pretend they don't exist. I genuinely don't even care about their opinions most of the time.
>>266418 >You're the same breed of illness If by illness you mean not being heterosexual, yes, queer people are queer people. But we're not all the same, we don't all think the same and we don't all act the same.
Men get the brunt of anti-LGBT+ violence, specifically LGBT+ men with dicks. I don't give a fuck about anyone else. I could write a big wall of text but that's unnecessary.
Fuck all of them. People are just garbage > My sexual orientation
This is just and excuse people find to abuse other people. If it's not that, it would be something else, like the color of your skin, or your weight or you nationality, etc.
I had weight issues all my life and I got an endless amounts of shit from everybody for it, even fucking strangers on the street would give me shit. People around me, family, friends, co-workers gave me shit pretending to be concerned about my health.
Then 10 years ago I decided to fix it, and I did. Since them, I am fit an on my ideal weight. Do you know what happen? Not a single one of all those people that had pointed at my weight and gave me shit an told me they were "concerned", to make it socially acceptable to shit on me and use harsh words, say a single word of congratulation or even acknowledged what I had done. It was like nothing had happen. I could not believe it after all those years of they talking about my weight none stop, not a single "hey, well done" or "hey, you look healthy". You know what they did do? They started giving me shit for something else. Almost every single one of them.
People just want to put you below them so they can feel better about themselves. How they do it is just an excuse. Fuck those people.
You can see that same kind of garbage people in the insults you are getting on this thread.
Faggotry, mostly in the form of pederasty, and castration have always been used as a form of population control, which is what the globohomo elites that rule america ultimately want. Pharmaceutical profits and undermined nations are just a bonus.
>>266316 If I wake up tomorrow liking men instead of succubi absolutely nothing will change for me. You are just a self victimizing whining crab/normie.
>>266423 You are always going to get dominated by the Jews dude. Gayness is control, hatred is control, political beliefs are control, nearly everyone is just an easily led brain dead machine with 100 drives that the Jews can play like puppets. Judaism is like alien technology.
>>266391 What do you care if he tells people he is gay? Let him. He is free to do it, it is no reason for anyone to have a problem with him.
>>266402 Oh fuck off. You are full of shit. Gay people do get picked on everywhere except for some ultra-liberal western countries and even in those countries it happens from time to time. And there is a double standard. Most people don't mind seeing man and succubus kissing each other but if two men or succubi do the same then all hell breaks loose and they are committing some offense against muh community!!
Go and walk down the street here where I live, Eastern Europe, while holding another man's hand. You will get insulted and beaten in no time by skinheads or just plain old idiots. Discrimination is a thing and still exists. What you see on TV isn't reality. Just because blacks, gays and such people are accepted in western mainstream media it doesn't mean they are safe from bullying and retards.
He said he doesn't hide he is a homosexual and he gets shit for it. Stop white-knighting for the normalfag majority, maybe. It's not like he harasses people like an autist and parrots again and again that he likes cocks. He probably mentions it once because people always talk about gfs and sex and then he gets shit after that. He shouldn't have to hide who he is because some people are morons.
>>266405 In a decent world nobody would have to hide his sexual orientation. It isn't OP's fault that most people can't even comprehend how someone can be different from them in any way. OP wants to change the world and he is fighting for equal rights. I'd say that makes him one cool fella.
>>266444 You are free to do that but that doesn't make you right. What did OP ever do to you? You don't even know him and yet you hate him because he faps to different things. Grow up.
>>266449 Why should we tolerate that you are a hetero? Why do you deserve special treatment?
I'll try to make this simple to you. Having different sexual habits? OK. Bullying people who didn't do anything to you for X reason? Wrong. Maybe spend your hatred on people who actually hurt you and not on others.
>>266450 Did I even say I was hetero? I just said I hate OP and his faggot ways. I could be gay, I could be a tranny, I could be a succubus. And yet you can’t know because unlike OP I made it my business not to let you know.
>>266450 >Why should we tolerate that you are a hetero? You don't have to "tolerate" me because I don't go around yelling at innocent people who do not give a single shit about how I'm the biggest pussy loving motherfucker since Genghis, unlike you and OP who needlessly bother others with your bullshit and then screech in terror about discrimination when they tell you to shut the fuck up.
>>266456 >gay >tranny I doubt these because you'd have no problem with OP if you were any of those.
Wow, hiding your sexuality really makes you special! Upvoted. You really showed us now. Man, you, the complete mystery man who doesn't let anyone know anything about him. I hope you wear a mask in public so that you don't offend anyone who doesn't care about your face!
>>266458 No, instead you go around yelling at innocent people to hide their sexual orientation in order not to offend some angry, frustrated people like yourself.
Nobody said anything about harassing others. OP just hates how he has to hide something he shouldn't feel any shame about. Why can't someone tell others that he masturbates to cocks instead of pussy IF the conversation comes to that? "Hey Op, you have a gf or are you single?" "To tell the truth I'm gay…" I'm sure those conversations went something like that. What is wrong with mentioning that you are gay if others ask about you? You are so desperate to please some normalfag retards. Pat yourself on the back.
>>266456 >Did I even say I was hetero? OP here. If you're not straight that means you're LGBT+. You're one of those fags that hate being fags, that's considerably way worse than anything mentioned ITT and I genuinely pity you.
>>266316 Unless you’re the type of bi that’s basically gay where people can tell just by talking to you for a bit and everyone knew years before you did, how does this even come up?
>>266390 The insanity is in thinking normal human attitudes and preferences just get to be nullified because some perverts or other weirdos feel bad and demand higher status than they're naturally accorded. This same basic process is how we've gotten to the point that 81-IQ blacks think they're entitled to be CEOs of multinationals and programmers at Google, because "me feel bad because me not smart according to whitey!" Sorry, the whole order of social life doesn't change because some people are lower on the desirability hierarchy than others and resentful about it. All we end up with is a worse more dishonest world full of neurotic psychos denying that they have the same instinctual attractions and repulsions to and from certain behaviors, appearances, and personalities that their ancestors had, and going into wild spasms of chimpery whenever someone isn't "sophisticated" enough to play along with the big stupid lie. Fags are weird. They're in some odd little minority and people find their behavior gross, the same way they find acne-scarred fat asymmetrical people gross. The latter can also be dismissed as some "irrational prejudice." Doesn't matter. It's not going away. Shrieking about it just makes people like you less and further reduces everyone's freedom to speak their mind. Faggots' censorious inclinations probably make people hate them more than anything else about them nowadays.
>>266472 I don't want to start blogging in OP's stupid faggot thread so I'll be brief. I don't like shifting blame to my parents,and I lack any comparison to a "normal" family.
I did not enjoy it. I am the only male in my household and have been my entire life. I have a biological father and while I know him, he did not raise me. I did not get any male socialization and I have no perception of how men are "supposed" to act, either with succubi or each other. I don't have any male cousins or family either. I truly believe my disinterest in relationships and succubi stems partly from my upbringing. I have no desire to let a succubus into my life ever again, and even if I did I believe I thoroughly lack the capacity to do so. As a kid I was brought up believing what OP espouses, that gays shouldn't be treated differently nor any other sexual preference. I attended some pride parties. But as I grew up and started to really know these people, my parents and their homo friends, I could see that all were broken shells of people like me. Their sexual preference has been shaped by trauma and hate, not love. And so the people they raise are shaped by it.
>>266474 People are too stupid to get over the myth of "irrational bigotry." Longstanding dislike of certain types of people over huge spans of time and space don't obtain for no reason. Fags are messed up by nature. They mess other people up with their mental illnesses and disordered behavior. Your experience and a million others testify to this. People have evolved dislike of sexual deviants for a reason. Only lib and commie crazies think this shit just pops out of the ground arbitrarily and doesn't have a useful function.
>>266476 I wonder if a lack of positive male role models is the biggest factor in creating robots/wizards/miscellaneous men that are looked down upon by society at large. I would still think mental illness plays a big part (or at least can) if that's the case. It's funny because people complain about toxic masculinity and involuntarily celibates all the time, yet all these discarded men don't seem to know what masculinity even is. I think it's more that people just want to make excuses for punching down and denying themselves any potential to feel shitty for doing so.
>>266479 I'm inclined to believe it is because there's simply too many ways it can impede heterosexual relationships.
However I think a large part is simply the fact we live in the age of disinformation. People don't exist in their local communities anymore, they exist in walled gardens. So there is no common framework, reality is not agreed upon, and there are no shared customs. succubi don't know what to expect from men, men don't know how to handle succubi. And this reinforces homosexual relationships because same gendered pairs have an internal framework that matches, they know implicitly how to interact with their own gender because it's how they interact with themselves.
>>266463 I don't even know what's your point anymore and I doubt that you know either. You are a hetero who is assblasted that someone dares to be different from him. Only hetero people are obsessed with sexual orientations. Crazy people.
>>266473 >The insanity is in thinking normal human attitudes and preferences just get to be nullified because some perverts or other weirdos feel bad and demand higher status than they're naturally accorded. Haha, yeah, "normal" human attitudes and the majority of society should always be respected and worshipped…Do you even know where you are, you little wanna-be pussy-licking bitch? You are on a site for abnormal people, I'm afraid. Don't think for a second that the majority of people thinks any higher of you because you are a hetero. You are an adult male virgin so you are basically in the same category as all fags are, as far as society is concerned you are a freak and they would be all too happy to gas you along with the other "degenerates", "undesirables" and "weird people".
I'm so tired of self-hating retards like you. Either admit that you are a normo or fuck off with this nonsense. Again, I remind you that you are on a site for male adult virgins, NEETs, hermits and socially retarded people. We are on the same level as faggots, retard criminal blacks, drug addicts, pedophiles, rapists, etc in the eyes of your precious society.
>>266486 Lol. You are an emotive and dumb faggot. Guess what the difference between you and me is? I understand and accept I'm a loser. I don't expect the rest of humanity to twist itself into a pretzel to make me feel better about myself. "Normies stop fucking, it makes me angry!" That's the wiz equivalent of your faggotry. "Pretend me having disease-spreading reproductively useless poopdick sex with men is good!"
>>266421 >You know what they did do? They started giving me shit for something else. Almost every single one of them
Normies will viciously bully people and justify it as "motivation to fit in" or blame the victim for being weird but when you actually improve yourself they will just find another way to project their shit and humiliate.
Normies feel sorry if a mentally ill celebrity commits suicide or if there is a netflix documentary about some high status person who went through shit, they will cry on social media about being lonely and then bully loners for being losers because in real life they just prey on anyone who doesn't fit in.
A normies perception is really subjective, they have no values or principals, it's all about popularity and humiliation, that's why they also keep backstabbing each other when the opportunity is given.
I'm gay but never came out because I thought it was irrelevant. I thought "If I don't have sex and don't date then why does it matter?" Years on, I feel less certain that this was the right attitude. Maybe it would have been in a society where gayness was 100% normalized. Or maybe it would have been if I'd felt less insecure about myself. In retrospect, it always felt more like I was concealing an aspect of myself out of fear. It made practical sense to not talk about it. By it was also more comfortable and less anxiety provoking. I think this feeling that I was making excuses plagued me.
If I'd sometimes mentioned it nonchalantly when the topic came up, I'd have felt foolish and tacky. But maybe it also would have given me confidence. Demonstrating to myself that I wasn't afraid for anyone to know.
I would sometimes think it should make no more difference than if you liked any random fetish. But it's just not the same. I think the actual sex you are primarily attracted is a more central part of your sexuality and self than fetishes.
If I lived in a 3rd world country where it was more heavily stigmatized, I don't think I'd decide that whatever emotional stuff I'd be working out would be worth the backlash. But maybe I'd feel differently in those circumstances. Your coming out seems to have been for the same reason I've been contemplating for a while now. It felt like it would be cowardly not to and would then lower your own self respect.
>>266374 >other people exactly like me get treated extremely cruel I can't say I feel solidarity with random gay people. Maybe I get it a bit because it's sometimes alarming to be reminded of how much people despise gays in general. Some of us also get the same feeling from awareness of sex and race-based discrimination. I wouldn't describe any of them as being "exactly like me" though.
>>266447 >What did OP ever do to you? he made a thread solely to talk about how hes a faggot. hes not just existing as a faggot, hes telling other people that hes a faggot and doing so because he knows other people are offended by that, and he wants to change that. he wants to challenge peoples beliefs that being a faggot is wrong, that is an attack, and if people are attacked they fight back. if OP had any respect at all for the feelings that other people have towards his disgusting man-loving brain disease then this thread would have taken a completely different direction. but he doesnt, he gave people 0 respect so he got none back, who couldve seen that one coming.
>>266374 >onlookers. If we are more visible, people will stop thinking "fags are not even 1% of the population". Also, more closeted men would be willing to come out. I hate fanatics and fagtivists And he dares call himself a wizard. You fully deserve it, nigger.
>>266490 >Guess what the difference between you and me is? I understand and accept I'm a loser. >I don't expect the rest of humanity to twist itself into a pretzel to make me feel better about myself You, my sir, are a real Gentleman. You deserve the humanitarian Nobel prize. Bending over backwards before the majority and society and letting them buttfuck you metaphorically is just the greatest human virtue there is!
>>266497 Maybe stop being an emotional caveman and don't hate anyone who is different from you. There is nothing wrong with being gay, bisex, pedo or anything else really. People should be judged based on other things, not on their sexual orientation.
>>266550 > There is nothing wrong with being gay, bisex, pedo Except doing pedo stuff is a crime, being a pedo has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Minors can't consent, pedophilia involves sexual assault and aggression. I agree with all your post except that.
>>266550 >People should be judged based on other things Why? Your sexual orientation is a fine criteria. It can tell me so many things about you, and considering how it's your "identity" then I really should be using it to judge who you are as a person.
>don't like thread >instead of using the "hide" button, proceed to samefag it replying to your own arguments >keep doing it >"shut up retard" >get assblassted >keep doing it >gets ignored >"w-why mods allow this thread to exist?"
>>266550 Apart from how dumb you are, the projection is really funny: I'm sure you think you're worthy of a big humanitarian award for screeching at random people to love gross weird faggots and their disgusting behavior. While you're at it maybe you should advocate for attractive people to fuck ugly people? The efforts to normalize faggotry and make people not instinctively find fags repulsive are equally irrational and unlikely to succeed, so why not? "YOU SHOULDN'T JUDGE ON LOOKS THAT'S DUMB AND I IN MY INFINITE WISDOM HAVE DECIDED THAT'S NOT ALLOWED! YOU MUST HAVE SEX WITH DEFORMED DWARFS OR YOU BIGOT!"
I can guarantee you I've been on this community for longer than you. An autistic crab wants me to leave my own forum. What's next? Succubi coming here and telling us to leave.
>>266550 >Maybe stop being an emotional caveman and don't hate anyone who is different from you. There is nothing wrong with being gay, bisex, pedo or anything else really. People should be judged based on other things, not on their sexual orientation
After reading Den Aardweg's book about them, it's just ridiculous how much projections a sole quote from a sexual deviant can have in it.
Never stop judging them. They know well what rage burns behind their stupid, endless demands to the rest of the world. They never fill the void.
>>266580 OP has been engaging with the criticism in his own thread in his own way. If the OP wanted the posts against him deleted for Rule 5, he could have reported them but instead he chose to entertain the idea of defending himself and counter-criticizing.
>damaged faggots who cant stop talking about how their assholes work attempt to mock someone damaged by fucked up victims of molestation just like themselves lol, lol.
>>266486 >We are on the same level as faggots, retard criminal blacks, drug addicts, pedophiles, rapists, etc in the eyes of your precious society. Why import a sexual identity from that first world society to the third world, in that case?
>>266609 Dep has a more liberal usage of rule 5 because it’s meant to be a chill place for wizzers to commiserate Angry abuse or Norman abuse are often deleted
>>266551 Children can consent, I really find this whole idea about pretending that children are innocent angels so hypocrite and far from reality. It's the same as saying succubi are pure. Laughable.
I'm not talking about babies and toddlers, I mean from around age 4-5 children aren't that stupid. They know perfectly well what feels good to them and what doesn't. I'm not even a pedo, I just don't see why this crusader anti-pedophilia mindset was introduced into western culture. Or rather I do understand: to give parents even more authority over their children.
>>266553 It's not sexual minorities who started this obsession with sexual preferences. It was you bigots who started it. Nobody would give a shit about this otherwise if the bigot memes weren't built into people's lives so much.
It's not homos, zoophiles, pedos, trans people who are obsessed with bigots but you people are obsessed with anyone who is different from you.
What you do in your bedroom or what you masturbate to is everyone's own business. This is just a shitty non-problem people like you always feel the need to discuss.
>>266554 I don't break any rules since there is no rule against gay, bisexual, zoophile, pedo or other kind of wizards. Nothing says you have to be a hetero.
>>266562 The only holier-than-thou moralists here are you and your friends. Why should I think I'm better than others when I simply represent what should be elementary and basic knowledge?
Everyone chooses who they want to have sex with or if they even want to have sex at all. That's not my business and it has no relation to our topic at all.
>>266582 >>266615 You'll have to be more concrete if you want to engage in a discussion.
>i am a fag AND a pedophile AND the resident deranged troll of dep thanks for letting me know two more reasons to wish death via slow torture upon your faggot ass
>>266651 It really doesn't matter what I'm into because I'm a volcel. As far as I'm concerned, I just masturbate when I feel like it and then mind my own business.
And no, I'm completely serious. I don't have a single problem with pedophiles, I have a problem with rapists regardless of their sexual orientation. As long as both party enjoys what they are doing then it's all right and no one has any right to judge them.
>>266656 Children at that age aren't idiots nor they need the guidance of Daddy or Mommy to make all choices for them.
Why couldn't they consent? They choose what they want at that age, they have their own individual will already and personality. As far as I can remember back the other boys when I was 4 were talking about sex and which adult wymen they found attractive in the kindergarten.
>>266659 The age of consent used to be extremely low even in the USA until the 19th century. For most part of history it was completely natural to marry children and in many places it still is.
Western Culture in the 1800s decided for reasons that pedophilia was among the greatest sins and since then this meme has been in our culture. Quite funny how both leftists and rightoids too are so hung up on this meme and both accuse the other side of supporting pedos. Hating on pedos became a virtue signal for people at this point, everyone can justify doing anything to anyone as long as he can prove that his victim is a pedo.
>>266661 I have no problem with pedophilia as an attraction, but 4 year olds are fucking stupid. Does your stupid ass really think that 4 year olds in the 1800s were choosing their partners? They were all arranged marriages by guess who? The parents. And even then the lowest it was was around 10 years old, nearing puberty at least. 4 is a legit fucking toddler.
>>266663 This retard constantly trolls this board by saying the most idiotic things imaginable. Speaking sensibly with them is an abject waste of time.
>mention pedo stuff along with LGBT+ stuff >try equating them >get told pedo stuff is a crime and not the same thing as LGBT+ stuff >get ignored by everyone >"lol why u guys are fags AND pedos too"
This is one of the most pathetic displays of samefaggotry I've ever witnessed on this site.
It's not our fault you have two mommies with bright red pink hair AND a gay biologicla father.
>>266667 >autistic crab raised by two left-wing dykes that fist each other (his mothers) calls someone else a faggot >his biological father is gay too
Mate, you don't have a single ounce of masculinity in your whole body and you dare to call me a faggot lol. You were raised by two dumb succubi lol and your only male role model is gay (and apparently not involved with you at all).
Please keep dragging this thread longer than needed, I cherish any idiotic post or displays of shameful samefagotry you try to perpetuate. Worst thing is you are pretending to be multiple people, replying to your own idiotic comments that everyone is ignoring.
Ask your two pussy licking mommies lol not me. The only reason we have so many made up letters is because of dumb, radical left-wing LGBT+ succubi just like your two mommies.
Believe me, we faggot men do not give a fuck about this idiocy.
It actually does matter. You were raised by two radical dykes. They did not teach you masculine stuff on purpose. Very likely they taught you the opposite. Heck, you very likely do moronic shit like peeing while sitting down and you dare to call me a faggot.
>>266673 When you say some are made up would the corollary of that be some aren't made up? Which ones are those? Also, I'm not that wiz, but I have priced in you ignoring that
>>266681 >why did the mod show up in a faggot thread Because there was an influx of reports >defend a faggot The mod who posted stated clearly that he wasn't going to defend OP from people calling him a faggot >after months of absence? We only post with tags outside of /meta/ when we see a chance to elaborate on the rules
>>266678 If you're only maintaining your thread to provoke anger from other wizards, then it no longer serves a good purpose.