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I live close to a gun store. I'm thinking my easiest option is to buy a gun and shoot through from my mouth to my brainstem. Does anyone know the details of how to get a gun legally here? Any advice on what type of gun, bullets, etc. I can probably get at a store that will reliably do the job?


If you're just going to KYS yourself, why do you need to get a firearm legally? You could even go to a pay-to-shoot range where you use their guns. "I just want to shoot some to see if shooting sports are right for me before I commit and purchase my own gun" type scenario.

Any pistol calibre to the brainstem shot through the back of the mouth or through the skull is going to kill you. ANy size shotgun hunting shot or slug can blow your entire brain out.


Stream it for us brother


>why do you need to get a firearm legally
In a certain sense it doesn't matter but knowing me anything that is not done as legitimately as possible will lead to some big problem. Like I somehow get in trouble for the illegal purchase before I can shoot myself. Or I try to shoot myself with a gun range gun and don't do it right because I'm rushing and end up as a vegetable.
Any recommendations on specific shotguns or rifles? Does basically every gun store have them?
That's the last thing I'd want to do. I'm not interested in attention-seeking suicide. I want to not have to keep repeating the same garbage every day as the shitty weirdo fuckup I am. That's it.


>That's the last thing I'd want to do. I'm not interested in attention-seeking
If that were true you wouldn't have even made the thread.
>whawhawhawhat if I g-get in twouble?
You're not going to kill yourself.


Just fuck off retard. Every time someone is looking for practical advice on how to off themselves you're here with your cuntery "you won't do it" faggotry, probably envious because you're too much of a pussy to do it and will be stuck being a sadsack wizchan poster for 50 for years rather than doing the only thing that makes sense. I am going to be extra certain to kill myself just to spite you and your cunt shitposts.


Just do it faggot. Any gun will do.
There's a suicide thread btw. https://wizchan.org/dep/res/271167.html
Next time you say you're gonna kill yourself, check the catalog first.


I'm going to the gun store tomorrow.


Why do you want to die, wizbro?


Buy a hunting rifle, load it, put it in your mouth facing near the back of your mouth and top of your head, then pull the trigger. You should livestream it for us.


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A shotgun will also work, just make sure you get the right angle


Just don't harm anyone else…


Yes, please dont kill gun toting boomers and normalfags that make your life a living hell, please wizzie donnnnnnttttttttttt


There's zero chance of me doing that. I completely hate the glow patsy retards who chimp out and murder people, feeding the further demonization of the weird fucks who still have to live their shitty lives. I don't want to kill anyone but myself.


Who cares? I only opened this thread for advice on how to do it, not pointlessly whine about shit.


Oh look, an intel asset trying to encourage mass murder online. Guess the ADL really needs another "white crab killer" story to further shakedown retarded boomers and hysterical succubi.


take your meds schizo


Yeah, no way the feds do shit like that. Only a crazy person would believe such a thing.
>The FBI also appears to have entrapped people into a ridiculous plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, by inserting agents into their social group who presented the plan and got them to appear to go along, at least on FBI recordings.


Get off my board queer.


>social group
If only wizards could protect themselves from this kind of vagaries


if you fall for a FBI entrapment plot and you are older than 16 you might be retarded.


Yeah, they prey specifically on retards. Who do you think is dumb enough to be mindfucked into publicly chimping out and murdering random nobodies, while thinking this will do anything but give ADL and co. more power to fuck up the world? This board is full of retards dumb enough to be duped into this patsy shit btw.


You may die soon anyway, why not let me hear your story? You'll entertain a wiz before you die. Don't kill yourself until you've satisfied my curiosity.


Hoping to get a little schadenfreude boner over how my life sucks more than yours? Fuck off.


Went to gunstore. NY is a niggerhole. It'll take 6, maybe 8 months to be allowed to own a gun because the commie faggots who run everything have illegally made it an absurd ordeal to acquire a firearm. I'm so enraged I may try slitting my throat tonight.


What were you expecting? If you voluntarily live in a predominantly black area, how are you surprised when you're treated similarly? Are you sure you're smart enough to pull off a suicide? If those "commie faggots" let everyone have a gun, the niggers in the hole would have shot you long ago, whether you wanted it or not.

$24.95, elevator ride, top of the new WTC building. Jump off, make history, die. If you're still alive by Thursday then you're not at all serious about suicide.


>gun control reduces crime
Which is why gun ownership and gun crime rates are inversely correlated. Choke on shit retard.


No, I just want to know. Maybe you can help other wizards.


Why were you, as an adult American male, not enrolled in firearm licensee since you turned 18? Don't hate they game if you never bothered to even play it lmao


well you are buying the gun to commit a crime. so this is exactly why they have these laws. not that i think suicide should be a crime, but it is, and its something the state works to prevent, and will involuntarily commit you if they have evidence of it.

but suicide is the biggest and most important decision of your life, so there's no point of being cheap or lazy about it. You might as well move to whatever location best serves your needs.


Suicide definitely isn't a crime in NY. It is something our shit weasel leaders try very hard to prevent, that's true. Have to wonder if they're worried how many slaves they'd lose if pleasant suicide were available on demand.


its not a crime, but it has the same consequence, instead of jail, you will be involuntarily committed to prevent you from doing the act.

you will lose you freedom if you attempt to do it. So it is like a crime in that sense. You wont be "punished" but you will be restrained for your own good.



I doubt the thread would be considered illegal. You have to be giving people concrete help to sui or basically harassing pthem into it.


Giving specific advice would meet this definition

> The issue of suicide is emotional and the topic of helping someone to commit suicide is controversial. Many believe that aiding, encouraging, or advising someone to commit suicide is morally wrong. Others believe it is a difficult, yet personal issue. Regardless of whether you consider it to be morally right or wrong, under New York law it is illegal.


You'd be surprised by how complicated those seemingly straightforward terms end up being after all the lawyer-fagging is applied.


Visit CT


look how wide "material support" has been interpreted


And aid is a much looser, wide ranging term.


I'm not a lawyer, but considering that's a totally different law I'm not sure of the relevance


Just don't do it wiz. Life sucks, but you should try to hang on a little longer. What can I say? I would be sad if you died, random stranger. I mean it.


I don't quite see how it's sad since life is donkey shit and I'm miserable day in and out


Because it will seem as though this evil world has prevailed against you. Fight wizbro.


How can anyone win against the world? We all die friend. Why prolong the agony.


Sometimes you just need a little extra time to figure things out. Either way, I bet I've loled with you across the globe, or if you've posted funny images here or on other chans I bet you've made me or many others laugh.
Life is really painful, sometimes it will be like that forever. I guess there's no stopping you if you want to go, but do we need one more light, however dim, to go out in this dark world? I think you can make it. Maybe try, just a bit longer. Call a hotline or something. It isn't perfect, but it's a possibility. I really hope that, if it's possible, you can become more at peace.


People have lol'd at my posts, it's true. I think the only thing that would give me reasons to go on is friendship. How do I find friends being a socially anxious weirdo? I wish I could have wiz friends.


I wish I had advice for you there. I have no friends irl, of course, and online 'friends' aren't real.
I would recommend something like 'go make friends wiz,' but I'm sure we both know that chances are, something bad will happen and it will traumatize you (because you don't have the social skills and experience to manage social blunders).
Maybe the first step is discovering a hobby you enjoy, and you can go on short walks to do it. If your social skills are really in the shitter you might want to get some exposure and go to cafés or restaurants to start, and maybe move on to non-social outings like hiking or reading at libraries.

The hobby thing is important… You need a hobby that isn't 'atomized.' Atomized hobbies are things like gaming, TV, etc. Maybe the process of finding a true hobby will awaken you.


A friend is not the same thing than a contact.
Wishing that is unwizardly and I unironically state that there is quite much to do`without noisy normies around us telling us how much quiet or grimy we are.

By the way, what do you exactly mean with "social skills"? Do you people really mean social skills or just the ability to blend with normies? Name 10 social skills you'd value to have, let's see…

After some time I start to feel that there is no maybe for us. When things are correctly carried out, the master, the media or the device or the place appears and we know we wish it, that it's for us. I have rarely found my joys in "maybes" and if you recapitulate a bit you might find similar issue biographically.


threw the mouth to the brain stem is the best method when i researched it years ago. and you need to use either buck or bird shot i think buckshot.


Hey NYC wiz, what's up today?


Contradiction. Also, anxiety comes from fear, fear of whatever will happen to you if you show, fear that can be overcome if you were just willing to backlash that whatever will instead of running away or trying to be a normie or to have any compliment from normies.


I am actually playing some chinese-level starter super mario version and I wouldn't change this for anything else in my head.

To pass the days away while waiting death and disaster, that's what life is mostly about.


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If you live with your parents or otherwise need to hide it, you could get a single shot folding shotgun like pic related. Guns like this can fit in a backpack.


>Y-you're too pussy to kys!
Retard, you forget that you only need ONE MOMENT of bravery to successfully kys. Even if you're too pussy to do it 99% of the time, that 1% of the time when you manage to get the balls to do it is all it takes. If you have a gun but are too pussy to shoot yourself, literally all you have to do it wait and eventually you'll get the balls to do it.


Shotgun to the head, my guy.

You're in NYC, right? Just go to Harlem and scream "Nigger" really loud, tell those apes you hate the Knicks too.


its funny I gave myself that exact same pep talk. But you'd be surprised how fast the years and decades melt away, with that attitude.

tbh its probably the best non-normy case against suicide I've found in my life. Life isn't good, but it goes surprisingly fast. The K-12 years of each grade feeling like a chapter of life, makes life seem much slower and grueling then it actually is.

life isnt good, but once you're done with college, you reach middle age much faster than you realize. idk how it is for wagies, but you can sleep years away as a neet.

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