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Expired threads: /games/

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Displaying 5 expired threads from the past 1 month

Post #Snippet 
60208 2000s Bioware made the best RPGs in the history of the genre. No, they're not crunchy. No, they're not infinitely replayable. But they were memorable, meaningful, evocative, and fun. [View]
60122Dark/Weird Games Not jumpscare horror, but actually well-written dark or weird games. What are some you like?[View]
59700GameCube or no. I have been debating if I should get a GameCube or not. I have seen a few good gems on the system but a friend of mine told me not to bother because it's extremely expensive to get the system and some games he said. Is that true or not. [View]
58457MAFIA 4 Do you think it will be good or a ruin like 3?[View]
53688will this game be trash like BF5 does anyone think that this game is going to be a garbage fire like battle field 5[View]