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File: 1683055871981.png (3.68 MB, 1475x1130, 295:226, Emiya_house_exterior.png) ImgOps iqdb


how do you call this type of houses in japan like the emiya house in fate/stay night for example?


love hotels


stop joking around, Im being serious


this ain't google, gramps


stfu just help me


delete this thread



These are villas, usually owned by the rich and powerful. Unlike the ordinary person in an overcrowded town or city, these villas would have their own gardens and yards, all walled of for the protection and privacy of the master. If you are talking about the style, they could be anything up to the Edo period such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukiya-zukuri or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoin-zukuri


thank you for helping me


thank you again.
I found it weird that this kind of villas that are overrepresented in anime/manga aren't fully reviewed by youtuber or names to describe them, impossible to find a wikipedia or video about them


>overrepresented in anime/manga aren't fully reviewed by youtuber or names
Because it's ultimately just a villa.
It's fantasy and idealism.

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