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<s>only 50 tickets left!</s>


1d100[ 1d100 = 38 ]






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<s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s><s>Only 50 tickets left!</s>

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It's dumb that I keep forgetting this.



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An English imageboard otaku










–nigger pussy–

–nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy—-nigger pussy–


This is what I saw in my Ayahuasca trip. What I saw changed nothing.



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test test test
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tes[p]t tes[o]t[/][/]


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hmm tedststs





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I have conducted a thorough analysis of anime from the year 2016. The primary purpose of this analysis is to identify works which have artistic merit, and to classify the nature of that artistic merit. Secondarily, my intent here is to rank the works in terms of their superiority in various categories. This will allow for comparison with other surveys of 2016 anime. This analysis is an expression of my own personal opinions and did not involve input from anyone else. I did this for my own intellectual and personal satisfaction, but I also hope that others may find it interesting or useful. At the very least, maybe this will generate some interesting discussion. Additionally, if you're looking for anime to watch, you can peruse through the specific categories I've provided to identify works that are likely to suit your tastes. 

Only anime which started airing in 2016 are considered here. Meaning that anime for which the first season aired before 2016 are not considered (ex. neither Hibike Euphonium nor Love Live are candidates here). The considered anime are evaluated on the basis of all seasons that have aired (not just the first season in 2016). Movies are not included unless they are related to a TV anime (ex. Bungou Stray Dogs). I am conducting reviews for other years using this same system. Annual reviews are typically done as soon as the year ends, but I believe my methodology here is superior for conducting reviews of years retrospectively. Furthermore, classifying the year's best works only by season/genre I find is an ineffective method for identifying meritorious works, so I've included more-specific categories. 

Categories and their results are listed below. Winning titles for each category are separated by commas, with the superior titles being listed first. For the genre categories I've provided two answers (the winning title followed by the runner up). However, polls for anime of the season and anime of the year typically list many top candidates in their results, so I've followed a similar procedure with my results here. For the anime of the season and year results, I've listed the top 5 candidates in order of superiority, with the winning title listed first and the progressively lesser titles listed afterwards.

Regarding the genre results, there are a couple important details:
Note: titles are classified by their superiority with respect to the stated genre alone, not overall quality (for example: x anime is a Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Tekkon Kinkreet, a movie with a great artstyle, interesting soundtrack, and even better background work. Based on a manga with the same name from the person who made Ping Pong. If you're looking for a excellent looking show with a somewhat mature vibe and a bit of obscurity to chew on; I would say this is certainly worth a watch. Spoilers will be in spoiler text below.

To begin lets touch on animation, its fluid and almost always happening with little key frame senaniganes. There is CGI used in some panning shots, driving segments, and camera angle changes, but its so well done I can't hate it for that. Its not very often so don't worry about it. One note I do have here - is that the artstyle is in a Ping Pong the animation design, meaning that it not only looks pretty unique, but far more importantly is easier to animate. There is less detail and strict form needed to be taken into account in this style; not that its a bad thing, its just means that extra animation should be expected and I'm glad to see it did indeed do so. A negative I do have in regards to animation is the abuse of motion blur effects, it is very noticable and lets be honest here, it's just a way to save budget by avoiding animating properly. That being said in addition to the extra animation the artstyle allows for, the background artists of this movie really put in a massive amount of work, its spectacular how intricate and full of detail the city is. From the moving signs, the endless expanse of buildings, the las vegas style advertisements, street vendors, theres too much to see without pausing the film, and god do I think that is a good thing. Some might say its a waste of effort, I suppose they might also say the intricate details hidden away in the ceiling corners of a gothic church was a waste of effort. For those who are willing to take the time needed to view them, I can say for myself there was no wasted effort. Its nice to see "too much effort" than too little, such is the standard these days.

Moving of to the soundtrack, it is exceptionally well done and rather unusual which is not something I say too often. Just listen to the first 4 minutes of the first track from the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WixQfMABnFA containing a rhythmic beat, some tambourines, synths,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Tekkon Kinkreet, a movie with a great artstyle, interesting soundtrack, and even better background work. Based on a manga with the same name from the person who made Ping Pong. If you're looking for a excellent looking show with a somewhat mature vibe and a bit of obscurity to chew on; I would say this is certainly worth a watch. Spoilers will be in spoiler text below.

To begin lets touch on animation, its fluid and almost always happening with little key frame senaniganes. There is CGI used in some panning shots, driving segments, and camera angle changes, but its so well done I can't hate it for that. Its not very often so don't worry about it. One note I do have here - is that the artstyle is in a Ping Pong the animation design, meaning that it not only looks pretty unique, but far more importantly is easier to animate. There is less detail and strict form needed to be taken into account in this style; not that its a bad thing, its just means that extra animation should be expected and I'm glad to see it did indeed do so. A negative I do have in regards to animation is the abuse of motion blur effects, it is very noticable and lets be honest here, it's just a way to save budget by avoiding animating properly. That being said in addition to the extra animation the artstyle allows for, the background artists of this movie really put in a massive amount of work, its spectacular how intricate and full of detail the city is. From the moving signs, the endless expanse of buildings, the las vegas style advertisements, street vendors, theres too much to see without pausing the film, and god do I think that is a good thing. Some might say its a waste of effort, I suppose they might also say the intricate details hidden away in the ceiling corners of a gothic church was a waste of effort. For those who are willing to take the time needed to view them, I can say for myself there was no wasted effort. Its nice to see "too much effort" than too little, such is the standard these days.

Moving of to the soundtrack, it is exceptionally well done and rather unusual which is not something I say too often. Just listen to the first 4 minutes of the first track from the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WixQfMABnFA containing a rhythmic beat, some tambourines, synths,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Tekkon Kinkreet, a movie with a great artstyle, interesting soundtrack, and even better background work. Based on a manga with the same name from the person who made Ping Pong. If you're seeking an excellent looking show with a somewhat mature vibe and a bit of obscurity to chew on; I would say this is certainly worth a watch. Spoilers will be in spoiler text below.

To begin lets touch on animation, its fluid and almost always happening with little key frame senaniganes. There is CGI used in some panning shots, driving segments, and camera angle changes, but its so well done I can't hate it for that. Its not very often so don't worry about it. One note I do have here - is that the artstyle is in a Ping Pong the animation design, meaning that it not only looks pretty unique, but far more importantly is easier to animate. There is less detail and strict form needed to be taken into account in this style; not that its a bad thing, its just means that extra animation should be expected and I'm glad to see it did indeed do so. A negative I do have in regards to animation is the abuse of motion blur effects, it is very noticable and lets be honest here, it's just a way to save budget by avoiding animating properly. That being said in addition to the extra animation the artstyle allows for, the background artists of this movie really put in a massive amount of work, its spectacular how intricate and full of detail the city is. From the moving signs, the endless expanse of buildings, the las vegas style advertisements, street vendors, theres too much to see without pausing the film, and god do I think that is a good thing. Some might say its a waste of effort, I suppose they might also say the intricate details hidden away in the ceiling corners of a gothic church was a waste of effort. For those who are willing to take the time needed to view them, I can say for myself there was no wasted effort. Its nice to see "too much effort" than too little, such is the standard these days.

Moving on to the soundtrack, it is exceptionally well done and rather unusual which is not something I say too often. Just listen to the first 4 minutes of the first track from the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WixQfMABnFA containing a rhythmic beat, some tambourines, synths, biPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Lol, I usually only check this board like once a year.

I just wanted to test the character limit and make sure the formatting of my write-up came out okay before posting on the listed boards. I wasn't sure how best to break it down to separate posts.

Tekkon Kinkreet looks interesting.


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I literally just use this place as my own personal proofreading test centre to see how my posts look and read. Although normally I delete my posts after, for some reason the password changed on me this time so I couldn't do that this time lol.

Pretty nutty write up you have here though, looking forward to reading the full thing.

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