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 No.142349[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone else didn't learn to drive until your late 20s or even later in life? I haven't because I never had friends or family willing to help teach me or pay for lessons, and the costs of actually owning a car were, and are still, cost prohibitive.

But what changed my mind is realizing how helpless I am not even being able to drive, and it will only get harder the older I get. I want to be able to just rent a van, load up my belongings and move if need be, get jobs that require driving a company vehicle, and just to be able to rent a car to get somewhere instead of taking the bus filled with disgusting smelly people.

My fears are that since I have no one to practice with, just taking a 2 hour lesson every week, it will take a long time and be expensive to get my license in the first place, and afterwards not having a car I might get rusty, forget stuff and fuck up when I do drive.

Had a few lessons so far, and learned quickly how to drive on the road, but still oversteer and having lots of fuck-ups when trying to park.


i learned how to drive auto when i was 18, still dont know hwo to drive manual


get a driving license? job? i don't even get out of the house.


I managed to get my license but can't really drive because I have too much anxiety. Back when I was learning I'd start shaking and wasn't able to do stuff right and the instructor would just look annoyed. My dad also didn't understand how come I wasn't able to drive, because it seems that norms are born with this instinct. Now I'm 27 and I can't drive.


I'd never want to drive manual, less stuff I have to do, the better. In fact, I imagine one day I'll get to use self-driving cars where all I have to do is input directions and prepare to brake in an emergency. Kinda like the driving instructor does, hahaha.

I have to go outside for at least 2 hours a day, since I get depressed if I stay inside all day. Being outside alone without much people around is pretty blissful.

I don't want a job, and I'm sure I'd rather die than be a full time wagecuck, but I've missed so many opportunities to acquire currency due to not being able to drive. Could see myself delivering small packages locally a few times a week- more people ordering food and goods online for same day delivery, more demand for that sort of thing.

I was like that my first lesson, then took a few weeks off, watched many hours of youtube videos on driving, then next time I got behind the wheel it felt natural and I was totally relaxed. I also 30 minutes of breathwork and meditation before to calm my nerves and sharpen my focus.


I'm driving since almost 10 years now. learned it when I was 18 and from then on everyone in the family started asking me for favors.
>have to drive mother to grandparents
>have to drive with grandpa shopping
>have to bring parents to the airport
>have to pick up parents from work
>have to pick up dad when he is drunk again
>have to be the chosen driver to visit relatives who live hundreds of miles away
and so on

and some of this stupid shit every fucking day. driving itself never really felt hard for me but enduring stupid normalfshits in traffic is really boiling my blood.


I still can't drive. Instead I use my bicycle(s) to get around. If I need to carry something a long distance, I rent a van + driver. Everything but moving house I can do on my bike.
Almost everything, anyway.


I got my license 6 months ago and I haven't drove since because I just ride my bike to work.

However, I will be moving and I will have to drive my car, but I'm afraid because I never drove a vehicle in 6 months and this will be my first time driving my car.


Never learned and don't wish to learn. Fuck normiemobiles. I hate those goddamn things with every fiber of my being.

35 now and recently mom pointed out my inability in one of her rants. I haven't laughed so hard since the time she ranted about my not having friends.


Why would you learn something? What's the point in driving if you have to communicate with others? Maybe I'm getting senile, but there's definitely no point in living anymore, let alone learning something new, so I sincerely hope you could learn how to drive and die in a car crash.


Fuck waiting for and riding buses even worse. Also fuck having to ask people to drive you places, and fuck the normie cab drivers trying to make conversation with you.



I'm 29 and still don't know how to drive
who cares


nice projection

I don't do any of those things




I do, which is why quality of life improves if I am at least able to drive if I need/want to.

Not everyone is able to be a shut-in, or get their mom to drive them places on demand.


Kudos to you for starting the lessons. It is definitely a right step, as having a driving license makes you less dependent on others and that's always a good thing.

As for driving, do not worry, it gets easier, after a while operating a vehicle becomes so ingrained in you and so mundane, that you don't think about it anymore.

As for lessons: can you do some more hours per week? Do you understand the traffic regulations? Do you have any options in your vicinity to practice?



Don't want don't need. I never go anywhere anyway. Cars also sound expensive and annoying. If i need to go somewhere i pay $3 for.bus and just use gps on my phone. Luckily i live in the city


>as having a driving license makes you less dependent on others and that's always a good thing.
except for developing dependencies on traffic, gas prices and insurance, of course


Pretty much, for the advantages of being able to go anywhere without depending on shitty public transit, having a car is also a ball and chain around your ankle that forces you to wageslave so you can have gas, insurance, maintenance, if you slip up just a little the police will drain even more of your money or take away your license (and they take joy in it) Unless you use someone else's car, I guess.


No friends or family to practice with, and weekends sessions always filled with teenagers. So best I can do is take 1 or 2 weekly lessons, review what I did wrong and study youtube videos, and apply what I learned next session. Studying to get the permit, and mentally preparing to actually drive a car are totally different.


should add that after my first lesson I paid extra to just work with the instructor, no driving teenagers home or being driven back by teenagers after my session, makes me lot less anxious and they can take their time helping me improve my skills.


I'm starting the process of getting a licence now, only for wagecuck purposes. I will have to do like ~25 hours worth of driving lessons now before taking the exam, sitting alone in the car with some random normgroid for all that time. Fuck that man, wish I just had a driving simulator and could sit by myself and practice.


mid 20's here i dont have a driving licence and it will never happen.

that fucking sucks because i love cars since im a kid, but i have the incredible luck to live in a country where to have a driving licence you have to :

- spend 2 to 4k of € to subscribe a a shitty driving school

- COMPLETLY memorise some 300+ page book of rule that make no fucking sense whatsoever to pass a rigged test that you will have to fail a dozen time and take 1 to 2 year to finally pass

- then the real fun begin, you have to take hundred hours of driving lesson with some of the worst normshit ""teacher"" that will only insult an humilliate you for no reason, and this last for 2 years… MINIMUM

- and last you have to take the final test, with a state driving inspector, that can make you fail the test just because he doesnt like your face or just pull fault out his ass.

and of couse if you fuck up THREE time you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

all that for what ? driving overpriced shitheaps with a REDUCED driving licence for three year where two or three fault will can your licence.

oh and you if you nice cars ? the insurance can and will refuse to insure car that are "too powerfull" that mean ANYTHING that is not a shitheap.

for my part i was subscibed to a driving school without wanting it and i TLDR the second step and quitted one month in and i will never ever try this shit again.



learned to drive at age 15,

choice was get my ass kicked at the ghetto bus stop to and from school, or ride an old beat up car to and from school and then got stuck doing errands like the other guy.

i really dont like driving in traffic, but driving at night when the road is empty is almost relaxing.


I just got my license and dad's old car. Wow, what freedom. Fuck waiting for the bus. Fuck being crammed in a bus with smelly, ugly poor people. Fuck waking up one hour ealier to do anything because the bus is ten times slower. Took me three tries to pass and a truck almost killed me yesterday but I'm so grateful that I can just drive to wherever anytime I want food instead of relying delivery.

>get jobs that require driving a company vehicle

Trucking's getting automated. Getting qualifications to be a professional driver in any vehicle means a career change ten years down the road.



everything is getting automated in 10 years


parents were yelling about my not knowing how to drive (no desire to), presumably because then I could be running their errands or some shit, and called me a contrarian

had to teach those tards contrarian doesn't mean what they thought it does then went for a bicycle ride and laughed about the whole deal

dumb fucking normies and their dumb cars


Too scared to drive. Might fuck up and become a cripple.


That's more likely to happen just crossing the street on foot than operating a vehicle.


fucking up and crippling someone crossing the street is also pretty bad


I'm 21 and started driving lessons this year (auto). I've had a couple lessons but I'm a slow learner and do a lot of stupid shit, awkward turns, not keeping in the middle of my lane, accidentally going too over or under the speed limit, etc. and other weird things too. I think I might have undiagnosed ADHD or something, or I'm just retarded. I only need to drive so I can go to the supermarket and for when I'm eventually forced to get a job.


I'm a NEET with no friends and never leave my room so I never had a chance touch a car let alone learn how to drive
The last month though my brother wanted to teach me something and he asked if I would like to drive his car he teach me the basic skills to drive a car but he get bored easily because I was too stupid and too afraid to continue learning how to drive on the road among the other cars and now I'm back into my room again


Damn, clever comeback


I never got my license since I was always too worried I'd fuck up and hurt someone (or kill them) somehow.

Basically >>142454 said it


>then the real fun begin, you have to take hundred hours
This doesn't seem plausible. Where do you live?


i live in the filth republic of france.

It may seem inplausible but the thing is you have to do 30 hours of lessons minium to qualify for the final exam, the only problem is that the ammount of hours you have to really do is up to the "teacher" and they can and will make sure you have to do a shitload of them even if it's not justified.

for exemple the number of hours that i would have done was "estimated" at 70 to 100 hours minimum by some bullshit test and that asswipe of a "teacher"

with that shit system either you are a total normscum and in that case you can have your licence in a bit less than one year or you dont and have to get humilliated for years and years, until they decide you give you the licence.


19 here, yes young, but the ultimatum is that Everyone asks why you can't drive yet do not spare time teaching you just berate you. So I had to buy a car and insurance to learn, don't have a full license but drive anywhere. I intentionally try to crash and smile at the possibility of it as i watch what'll happen, very suprised im not dead yet


damn i'm old.


Leave this place while you still can.


Also 19 here.
What are you implying? That he should just leave for the sake of becoming normal again? In all likelihood he will, but why suggest that?


if you believe normalcattle are happy, you probably don't belong here either


I'm also a wizkid. The moment I turned eighteen, I used my savings to purchase a van to drive around with for the same reason as what was aforementioned by the nineteen year old wizkid since I live alone. I guess my reasons were born out of necessity which might have sped up things, but you should do the same friend - driving is not that difficult once you get the hang of it.

If you live close to me then I could even drive down and tutor you.


my brother just became a vegetable from a car crash. luckily my mom isn't a christian life cultist and she's pulling the feeding tube from him.
but this is just yet another very close and personal reminder of why i have no interest in driving and never will. speed kills. anything that goes over 30 MPH is a death trap.


I learned to drive, it took me some years but I can do it now.


In my 3rd world country you can just buy a driver's license for like $20,they make you do a written exam that everyone passes because it asks about extremely basic shit,you don't even have to take an exam,also they have mobile modules that give licenses,the other day there was one of those modules outside a Burguer King and I decided to get my license because "why the fuck not",I just paid the $20 took the retarded exam and one week later I received my license.

The bad thing is that being a shitty 3rd world country everyone drives like a fucking animal but at least you can bribe the police officers if you do something wrong…unless you kill someone,but I'm sure you can even escape from that if the bribe is high enough.


*you don't even have to take a proper driving exam


I don't think that's true. Normies have more uncertainty in their life and and more dependencies on externalities, more responsibilities and a greater probability of accidents. The largest portion of their lives is spent simply on sustaining their baseline.

But more importantly, depression, anxiety, suicide, cognitive functions declining, do not necessarily flow from a wizardly lifestyle. If you're predisposed to them, and become a normie, you're just going to be a depressed, anxious and suicidal normie. You'll have series of bad relationships, shitty jobs, broken dreams and will die OD'ing on opiates or something.

"and be happier in the end." is more of a reassurance to ourselves than a prediction.


Had my first driving lesson today at 23 y/o, we just drove on a parking lot and practiced starting and gearing for an hour. This is really demoralizing, I need to do like 30 hours worth of driving lessons with this teacher before being able to take the exam. One of the things was a 5 hour drive, LOL. 5 hours in a car with some normgroid stranger. He also asked me what my hobbies were and I could barely answer since I don't do anything. What a FUCKED up process. Why the fuck don't they just develop driving simulators so that you can go there and practice it like a game, you don't just start flying an airplane do you? Fucking hell man, I'm only getting it since I need it for wagecucking. But it seems like this will take forever to complete.


>Anyone else didn't learn to drive until your late 20s or even later in life?
Yes, I became a wiz 10 days ago and I have been learning how to drive since January.

>I have no one to practice with, just taking a 2 hour lesson every week, it will take a long time and be expensive to get my license in the first place

Exact my case. I don't know how many money my parents have already wasted (2 hours here are 50€). I guess that around 1k€ so far only in driving lessons.

The good: I can somewhat drive now
The bad: I constantly fear running over someone. Where I live is not like in USA: people walk a lot, streets are narrow, most of intersections are without semaphores, and peasants cross the streets at any place.
The ugly: I am expected to pass the exam driving a car with 3 other people inside: the teacher (ok, at least I'm not to blame if I kill someone), the examinator (not ok), another student I have never seen (not ok).

The first examen din't last more than 5 minutes. I got nervous and tried to pass when there were other cars coming. Although I don't clearly remember, it was dangerous situation. Hopefully, the teacher took control of the car, so we didn't crash, but I automatically got eliminated.
I was so fucking nervous since I start driving that I wasn't there - you know when you are nervous, you've got sweaty hands, you hear your blood flowing nosily on your hears, you see but you don't read what you're seeing…

I don't know how many times I will fail before giving up, before my parents gave up or before I get used to driver with 3 strangers in the car. If I could do the examen only with my teacher, I would say I've got 50% chances to pass.

Finally, it depends a lot of the day. Some days I can drive and it doesn't seem horrible, while other days I do something wrong every two or three minutes.

Good luck all.


Happier than you, wizard.


Why are you here?


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i honestly doubt it, unless you're currently on meth.


That's too fucking cumbersome. My father taught me I was 12 because he tought I was tall enogh to reach the pedals, but got my licence when I was 23. Here is the full process: I paid 20.5 usd, did an exam with less than 30 common sense questions, a fat doctor asked me whether I wanted to be organ donor (obviusly my answer was "no", as is a very common practice among doctors to kill people involved in a car accident and then sell their organs) and finally, the driving test: a shitty simulator with early 90s 3D like graphics; I forgot to put on my seatbelt and the old succubus in charge just told me "next time don't forget to put on your seatbelt" and then gave me my licence.

Nowadays, there is no more simulator, the driving test is using a real car… Fun fact: you must go with your own car ir order to do your test, so you must infringe the law to do it.


I have lots of practice but I still suck at driving, I get so nervous and flustered when there's a lot of traffic. I hate how driving the limit is too slow for a lot of other drivers, like I want to risk a ticket or accident so you can get to applebees 5 minutes faster you fuckers.

Mostly I'm scared, I'm just so fucking scared of everything and driving is one more thing to be scared of. So now I'm 30 and my mom has to drop me off at work (technically I drive there but she has to be in the car because I only have my learners) because I'm scared and embarrassed about going for lessons and a test that braindead 16 year olds pass regularly. What a fucking mess.


Learned to drive when I was 26 having my dad teach me using his own car. A manual diesel 6 speed Ford Mondeo station wagon.

We first started on an abandoned parking lot and later moved on just driving normally. Took me maybe 7-8 months with 6 hours a week to get confident enough to take the exams. Bought a book along with a CD to train to the theoretical exams. Passed the theoretical in one go and the practical/driving exams took me 2 attempts. First attempt I failed because I was super stressed and basically almost cried when the instructor ever slightly had to correct me. For my second attempt I had been driving for long enough that it already felt like second nature. Lucky that my country does not require a driving instructor to teach you or to take exams.

I'm soon 30 and have around 3 years of experience now. Mostly city and rural (we don't have many highways here). I guess in the end I am glad that I go finally it. I never imagined myself ever getting it though. Now I bring/pick up my dad to/from work every day and drive together with my mom to do shopping/chores. Sometimes I drive my cousin and her mother to school/work as well. Being able to drive has made me a lot more happier and closer with my family. I also don't feel like a burden on them anymore.

Don't have my own car yet. So right now I am considering becoming a part-time delivery driver tp save up for a shitbox of my own. I hope I have enough experience and that it is as comfy as regular driving is.


The norms get past this by having their friends or family members drive them. Just another barrier society puts in place to sweep away wizards.


I'm 30 and I don't know how to drive. A fun fact is nobody in my family owns and/or drives a car, there was never a "car culture" in my family. And I'm talking about 3 generations not giving a fuck about cars, me being the third (and the last). I'm not planning to ever own a car or learn to drive. I can get everywhere in my city on public transport if I need to.


That's literally never going to happen unless you're stupidly tired, drunk or on drugs. I'm sober, drug free, and if I don't get enough sleep, literally take a 5 hr energy shot before getting int he car. You can quickly take evasive action to avoid fucktarded drivers on the road, and other drivers ahead and to the sides clearly see your vehicle. Its far scarier when you're walking across the street as a pedestrian and someone runs a red light right past you, or turns without signaling right in front of you.


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>you must go with your own car in order to do your test, so you must infringe the law to do it.
Driving schools provide it for you for about $100. On the one hand it sucks not having friends/family to teach me to drive and get my license with their car, but on the other hand, it feels like a real burdensome imposition on someone, to take time out of their day to help you learn what for most is a basic life skill they were taught by their parents as teenagers. During my first driving lesson I once accidentally accelerated towards a parked car instead of braking, and forgot to shift back to reverse & jumped up the curb instead of backing out of a parking spot. Cant imagine how freaked out and pissed off someone would get if I did that with their personal vehicle.

I learnt quickly to avoid the left lanes, since cars will constantly honk and pass me even if I'm going 5 over the speed limit.


>Cant imagine how freaked out and pissed off someone would get if I did that with their personal vehicle.
Yes, I can imagine that, and that's why I always paid attention to my father's instructions and did everything slowly at the beginning because I was pretty sure he would beat me black and blue if I had done a single scratch to his car.


You’re massively exaggerating. The written test is not that difficult, most people pass on their first or second attempt. Your driving school - as shitty as it is - won’t willingly send you to fail as they need high success rates. If you’re half decent at the DVD tests you should have no problem, perhaps the laws have changed recently though I don’t know, if that’s the case disregard what I’ve said.
But yeah it’s a pain in the ass and having to deal with shitty instructors is the worst… if you’re not a wageslave it’s not worth the trouble, unlike you I hate automobiles so I don’t regret not having a license one bit.

>and of couse if you fuck up THREE time you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

I thought it was five. At least it was five as of 2015-16…


if you can drive, you cant be a wizard


Can confirm. I knew a 60 year old virgin, and the instant he bought his first car a succubus popped out of the trunk and blew him.


i go long periods of time not driving because i never leave the house. when i do drive, i forget how to drive, and have to basically relearn. i still have my instruction permit. i had it since i was 21. i am 31 now. i had it for a decade


Where I live public transportation is so good and cheap I don't need a car. I also enjoy doing my grocery shopping with a bicycle. It's not like I want to go outside anyway.


I've been driving for more than 10 years and I don't agree with your dismissal of danger of driving. I always drive expecting others to do the most damaging thing because they are all human, who text during driving, are sleep deprived, negligent or just overall bad drivers. It's impossible to adjust to every situation that other drivers throw at you. You can be driving on a narrow road where you have no option to avoid the clash, and a sleep deprived truck driver comes at you, falls into microsleep and shifts his wheel into your direction. You don't have anywhere to turn, and just like that, you are dead.

That said, there are so many benefits of having a drivings license, just the fact that you have the skill to operate a vehicle and not be dependent on people to drive you around, or public transport. Yes, owning a car is costly, but you can take steps to minimize the cost so it outweighs the bad sides.



>You’re massively exaggerating. The written test is not that difficult

well hard enough to make me quit one month in, i was avreaging 10 to 15 fault back then, and there were no way in hell i was wasting one second more on this shit.

>Your driving school - as shitty as it is - won’t willingly send you to fail as they need high success rates

then they were making sure to make it hard as they could by putting these """lessons""" on a busted CRT with incorrect colors and a glitched aspect ratio.

> If you’re half decent at the DVD tests you should have no problem

ahh yes the totaly not rigged dvd test where you can be wrong by missing the two pixels that are fucking in the extreme corner of the images or the test where the awnser on THE SAME FUCKING QUESTION change from serie to serie and that just two exemple of this fucking purge.


>if you can drive, you cant be a wizard
This is obviously false, since why wouldn't a wizard simply learn how to drive if he is able to invest the time and money to do so?

In the USA is a multiple choice test of 36 or so questions. Very easy to pass that just by reading the DMV booklet a few times, and watching youtube videos on anything I'm unsure about. Am as I reiterate, preparing to pass the driving theory test is completely different for preparing mentally to get in the drivers seat, and learning actual driving skills. I make sure to take notes after every driving lesson, and watch lots of youtube videos on driving skills/safety in between.

>always drive expecting others to do the most damaging thing
Every instructor has told me exactly this.


I never learned to drive and I'm in my mid-30s so good luck. It at least opens you up to being able to move around and if you ever become homeless, you can stay in your car.


I hate seeing this thread because that's something hanging over my head. I want to ignore it. I don't want to start.
I did my theory exam like half a year ago, now I'm already starting to forget stuff.


I'm driving with my father now, this is so fucking ridiculous.

>Me: Can we practice gearing and starting the car on a parking lot first? I need to get good at that first, and I'm not really comfortable with driving on the road.

>Father: No, let's drive on the road. The parking lot is too boring.
>Jump straight on a 1,5 hour drive when I feel like I don't even have control over the basic functions of the car. Have only practiced a couple of times on parking lots.
>Stressed to death
>Father constantly yelling at me: Gear down!! Slow down!!
>Me: I don't have enough control over the gears to react that fast
>Father: We can't drive out on the road when you don't have control over the gears.
>Me: …
>No real dangerous situations, the yelling is completely unnecessary and stresses me out even more
>Go for another drive today
>Don't want to at all, but somehow I have to learn this shit
>Even more yelling

I don't understand how someone can be such a shitty teacher. Not letting me play tutorial mode on a parking lot and just jump straight into the game, on top of that yelling at me and having completely unrealistic expectations. Sure I'm "lucky" to even have breeders to practice with, but I mean FUCK. Breeders be breeding I guess.


I'm going to be 27 soon and still haven't learned. I think my brother will teach me but I keep putting it off.


I think driving is actually really fun, but I have no interest in ever learning. I'm not willing to memorize some book about street signs, lanes, obscure laws specific to my state that will be outdated in like 3 years max, and right of way. That last one isn't even properly explained in the book, I had to ask my parents how it works and even they don't know the finer points. I'm not willing to spend enough time with either of my parents, or some normo driving instructor just to learn the basics. I'm definitely not willing to pay for insurance, or to even go through the trouble of renewing the license and getting new tags or whatever. I'll stick to walking. Maybe acquire some inline skates or a bicycle. The skates seem like they'd be more fun to me, but an e-bike would be pleasantly low effort. Skates also have the convenience of their small size. If I want to go to a grocery store I can just take the skates off when I get there, tie them to a backpack and take some house shoes out of the bag. Whereas with a bike even assuming there's a good place to chain it up or whatever it could still be stolen in no time at all, and a folding bike is still too big to comfortably carry around. I guess it'd be hard to bring anything with me if I ever need to move, but all that really matters to me is my PC. I should probably switch to using a laptop since that would be easy to transport. Failing that I could just take the hard drive and worry about getting a new PC later.


i didn't really have an interest to drive until i thought about living in a van. i want to live in a van like this guy



Two normies talk about one guy living in a van.

No thanks.


Your dad wants to kill himself and kill you. He wil be very disapointed if you survive.


Wow, you're really patient. I only lasted a couple of minutes when my neurotic father attempted to teach me to drive.
That was around ten years ago, never touched a steering wheel since then. I'm 29 now.



Same. I take it you live in the US? The manual transmission is nearly extinct here so there is no reason to learn. Well, unless you want to steal cars or something like that.


>manual transmission is nearly extinct here so there is no reason to learn
There is every reason to learn, you can easily go to automatic transmission if you know how to drive manual, but not the other way around. Plenty of cars still have manual transmission and it's a skill you might as well learn.

>letting your father discourage you from learning such a basic skill as driving because he's an incompetent teacher
Try again, this time with an instructor who knows how to teach.

Persevere. The more you'll drive, the better you'll get. I recommend watching instructional Youtube videos, there's tons out there. Perhaps equipped with some tips, you'll have an easier time next time you're with your father in the car.


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I love cars but the idea of driving scares me because you can't see your whole car and surroundings like in a video game.

I find driving in a city scary because there are so many people in a hurry and you might have to navigate tight spaces making sure not to scratch other cars or your own. The thought of getting stuck somewhere while everyone around me is honking and screaming at me is making me anxious. Then there are all these stories about people running in front of their cars.

And lastly cars are so expensive. New cars are expensive because they are new and old cars are expensive because they have low fuel efficiency and rarer parts. Then you also need to pay for insurance.

I feel like such a manchild when I watch a youtube video of a car I like and the owner is several years younger than me.



>Plenty of cars still have manual transmission and it's a skill you might as well learn.

The only vehicles I've seen with a manual transmission were industrial vehicles, or cars where people insist that manual is better. There are some older cars out there that are manual, but something like 3% of all cars made in the US use a manual transmission. Which seems about right if they are only making manual to cater to those enthusiasts.



They teach you in driving school to check all your mirrors like once every three minutes and to always look over your shoulder when merging. These rules of course do noot need to be followed 100%, and the point is to develop some sort of situational awareness.

You need to be aware of your surroundings. How likely is it for people to run out in the street in the area you are? What cars are around you and are they aggressive or clueless drivers? That type of awareness is only something you develop through experience. Everyone is nervous as fuck when they first drive, just take it slow at first and ignore all the idiots honking at you because you are taking your time. It is better to go slow and piss people off than getting in an accident, or hitting a person because you do not want to make anyone upset. Just be sure to stay in the right lane on the highway.


true, when you first drive you are super aware but super stressed, but over time you build subroutines for every little thing so you can focus on situational awareness.


It's a good thing you don't need to learn how to drive because I am a poor fellow from a third-world shithole and a car is something luxurious - something I will never ever be able to afford. Feels good man.


I live in a city and I drive, I always have constant anxiety of getting in a wreck or scraping against someones car.

I have an old car and I don't have insurance, I just fabricated fake insurance in case I get pulled over by police.


I rely on my gps to tell me where to go and how to get there.

Sometimes there is construction and I need to take a detour and my gps doesn't know that there is construction, so it wants me to take a non-existent road.

I have to keep driving until it suggests a different route.


Took me about 4 years of driving for it to feel ok.


32 here, too poor to get a car anyway


35 here, to hell with the normiemobiles


35+ and only tried driving once for like 45 seconds on a deserted street when I was younger.

No drivers license naturally


>lvl 29
>mom tried to encourage me to learn driving years ago
>drove a car twice
>never ever drove again
>she points out lack of it every rant she burns into

I just gave up. I know I am not able to learn how to drive and I have too shitty reflex, so I would have some accident very soon when I start.


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Fuck it. I will lost my 18 years old Honda car because of the fucked up transmission will be dead soon.


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Went to a track event last Wednesday. Even though I had a 170hp n/a 4 cylinder I was still able to put some pressure on big v8 cars and even passed a few coming out of the corners.

I believe more people would be into cars if they got to experience driving a sportscar. There is a much different sensation between driving some economical tin box and a car that is engineered to be fun but culture and technology has changed quite a bit so most people never get the chance.


I never learned to drive and now at 36 I don't see myself ever even trying to learn. I was always belittled by my parents so I have zero self-confidence in myself and would be way too afraid of driving.


never learned to drive, never wanted to, 35 now and learned to hate everything cars represent

I fantasize about having magneto's power and crushing to death every fucking wigger, redneck, pig and motorcyclist with their wretched shitmobile


Never learned to drive, going to get a lisence and learning seems like a lot of work, all for what? I barely even leave my room let alone my house, what would driving do for me? Just added responsibility because my breeders would send me out on errands, more cost and more risk of an accident. Never learned to drive and never will


My only experience is driving in simulators, but I think I'd agree with you, had I been given the chance to drive a sportscar on a track.
I didn't give a single fuck about cars until Initial-D and trying Assetto Corsa, to be honest. Always makes me laugh when norpers are discussing cars, because to me all of them are the same and they won't even acknowledge cars like MX-5 to exist.
>muh trunk
>muh family needs seats
>muh space because I'm a fat fuck


Yeah, nah, there were cases of succubi playing a game of chicken recently here, and the only choice people had was to literally drive into a ditch. Shit, I make plenty dumb mistakes, but usually during parking or city traffic, both of which I hate with a passion.
Basically car is a death trap and traffic is a game of deathmatch, watch yourselves constantly.


Age 25, my family's got their own shit to do the majority of the time and I'm completely apathetic to it. I don't mind walking and taking the bus, I can't afford my own car, and I'm not in a stable line of work where I could sustain the costs. The times I drove I did fine.


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OP, did you make it?



if i were a millionaire, i would have no need to drive because i would never leave the house(except for food)
i need to learn to drive to commute to work(wage slavery)


I'm 26 and I'm working on my driver's license but the progress is really slow. Now I have my dad as my guide, but man, I don't know, I doubt I will learn it totally perfect just with him.

I already had a bad incident, where I didn't see a few kids on their bikes when I was riding backwards. Luckily I didn't hit them, but that really affected me.

Fuck D R I V I N G.


It took me 6 months to get my license.


situational awareness is key, look before moving, and when you move move slow.

eventually you can get up to drifting like a pro

start playing driving or flying sims to build up reflexes, then reattempt. driving school is usually a waste unless it is specifically for evasive driving techniques, its overpriced, get a few 2 litre bottles and place them in a shape in a department store parking lot at night, and then drive around them or set up driving scenarios with a family member.

Certain aspects of driving are nice, like going fast and finding new creative routes, but wageslavery necessitates driving on the same public roads which necessitates following the law unless you don't mind the long dick of a bored traffic cop fucking your rights with hundreds of dollars in fines

in my area they literally drive around in circles to catch people doing 5 miles/8km over the posted limit, they get praised for the hundreds or thousands of "criminals" they stopped every year. driving becomes a chore instead of something desirable, and drivers are all hyperagressive and poorly skilled and the lack of public transportation sucks too.

>muh trunk
>muh family needs seats
>muh space because I'm a fat fuck

exactly why driving sucks in America


I'm 33 and currently taking lessons to learn to drive. I bought a mini van with money I saved and pay $50 per hour lesson, I find it very hard to go fast but I'm taking the test in the next few days after having seven lessons and illegally driving around by myself every day. I'm mostly doing it because I want to move to the countryside and you need a car for that. But I quite enjoy driving, it makes me feel less trapped since I can drive to nice places to sit and walk rather than having to walk for hours to escape the town.


What pisses me off about getting a drivers license is that I could learn it within a few days if I just could sit down and practice it like a video game. Instead it will take me many months because my driving teacher is barely even available, and when he is it doesen't always fit my schedule. This process is so fucking shitty and retarded, only this crappy society could make something so easy become so diffficult.


i failed my driver's license today

i hit the curb when doing a parallel park. That's an automatic fail. i didn't know that.


Parallel parking sucks. I've been driving for 15 years and still can't do it properly.



why don't you get a parent to teach you so you have to pay 50 dollars? your parents must suck


I can do it fine, I am just really slow at it and foget to signal thst I am parking so I have had occasions where someone who is in a rush gotten too close preventing me from actually parking, then getting absurdly mad for not getting out of their way.
I have also had people get extremely mad because I was going the speed limit, including while I was in the middle of my test and can not speed at all if I want to pass.
People need to chill the fuck out. One of the reasons I don't miss not driving. While it is convenient at times all the bullshit is stressful.


which part of the world is your shitty country in i.e. which shithole is it


How the hell do normfags drive?
You have to
>watch your speed
>watch your lane
>remember to blink and look at the mirrors AND behind your shoulder every time you do something
>see, process and react to hundreds of different signs
>watch for pedestrians
>react to everything in a span of 2 seconds at most
>predict everything five seconds ahead

Messing up even once (1) could mean losing thousands of dollars and perhaps even going to jail.
how the fuck do normfags do all of this with a phone in their left hand and a large soda in their right hand



Driving is like flying. You need a certain amount of hours on the road before you become proficient and confident enough that you aren't going to kill yourself or others.

It took me about 3 years to be comfortable enough with driving to do things such as eat or occasionally check my phone, but that is mainly because I rarely drove anywhere. I would say 100 hours on the road, 20 hours of them being city driving, is enough to make anyone confident enough to not have anxiety when driving.


mid thirties and have never driven a car


Eh, you get used to it. After a while it becomes second nature. Like walking, you don't trip or bump into others.

I had horrible anxiety the first 2-3 years. Took me almost a year and countless hours of driving with my parents to get my license.


Phones and sodas kill them and others all the time.


it's just a process. it becomes instinctive, with practice.

"now i will shift into the left lane" which is a process that requires a flurry of actions: i check rearview, sideview mirror, rotate neck to check blind, signal, pause, merge lanes, deactivate signal, return wheel to neutral centered position. whole process takes 3 seconds or so but i don't think about any of the inbetween steps anymore.

if you give it some practice, you will likely achieve a baseline capability at it. at first though, it is very nervewracking especially if you are a nervous person by nature.


your job opportunity is restricted if you can't drive

i think that's why many of us are neets


Fuck off idiot. What a stupid pointless comment.

Also, to follow up on >>147234 I am now a confident driver and have been on a few long drives into the countryside, my biggest was 400 mile round trip. It's strange how second-nature it becomes after a short while, I definitely built it up in my head too much. I guess humans are just designed to use tools, I feel like part of my car while driving now.


the hardest part of the driving for me is backing out of a parking lot


i got the left turn thing down


Just a setback. Do not quit now when you're so close.

Try again. Good luck.


>>142352 here
I'll try to learn drive a (my brother's) motorcycle first. I think they're easier since you're basically right on top of it so it's easier to locate yourself spatially, the steering feels much more natural plus it's easier for me to die and not have to deal with it if I make a mistake. My plan is to load myself with phenibut and try to drive around. If I get that far and get used to the road maybe I can try with a car eventually.


23 y/o here, started taking driving lessons about 5 months ago, drove maybe once every 1-2 weeks in the beginning. Started driving more frequently the last 2 months, and drove a lot with my father the last 2 weeks. According to my teacher I could take the exam next month. Thank fuck it's soon over, I really underestimated how much of a pain in the ass this process would be. It's like having to learn a game, but rarely having the opportunity to play it, + there's a high risk involved. It especially sucks because I'm working now, so I have to get transported by my father to work or one of my co-workers, or worst case bike to work (50 min ride each way, and it rains almost every day and I'm already destroyed by the work). I don't really give a fuck about driving, but I need it for work purposes, + I'm aiming to move away from my breeders within the next few years. Probably wouldn't bother otherwise.



so in south korea, you can take the driver's text the next day after you fail it. in the US you have to wait like a month in order to take it again



driver's test*


>it was the written test, not the driving skill and road tests, that she failed so many times.
How the fuck you can fail the same test for 959 times, she must've just gotten lucky.


>Anyone else didn't learn to drive until your late 20s or even later in life?
Got my license at 31


i got my license today despite making a bunch of driving mistakes.
my aunt knows the female driving instructor. i think that's why i passed. that's favoritism for you


parents made me get my license at 16. i never ended up driving, and i haven't lived in that state for over 10 years. so i just renew it online before it expires, i think i've renewed it online twice now already. it's funny because it's a license from another state, but i still have my current address on it… why that's allowed i dont know


I did a few lessons and wouldn't say I'm the worst driver but make a lot of stupid mistakes still, then got stuck on parallel parking, had to do it twice in a row but would keep fucking up the second time, given I only did it once, just afraid to waste money on more unproductive lessons where I don't get things ticked off, its so expensive, but nobody in my family will drive me for the practice. Driving is kind of fun when you get the hang of it though.


One of the good things about being a 3rd worlder is that is extremely easy to get your driving license here,you just pay $25 for 1 year license or $60 for a 4 years one and you do an extremely basic written test about driving rules.

Pretty much everyone gets the license,and if you fail the exam you can just bribe the guy to give you a pass,there's no need to get driving lessons or a complicated test like in the US.

of course the bad thing is that everyone drives horribly as you can imagine,people that would never approve a personal driving test in the US drive vans full of people here.


>Try to get my license at 23
>Fail my driving test once before passing
>If I go anywhere still let my mom drive because it's too exhausting and stressful
>some things about driving still confuse me



you feel kind of liberated when you drive on your own. you don't have to listen to your mother complain about your driving

yesterday was the first time driving on my own after getting my license. it felt great


I thought driving was fine until i had an accident. There was snow on the side of the road so maybe it was black ice or something, i dont fucking know. But I dont know what i did wrong. Every time i drive now i am hypervigilent and too stressed


I'm approaching my mid 20s and honestly I just don't see myself driving anymore.

I got my learners at 18, did shit all driving then tried again at 20. That completely fell apart when I suffered a psychotic episode and became debilitated for several months.

On top of that I now live close to work so I just don't give a fuck anymore. The people at work who do drive do nothing but bitch about how expensive fuel is. I don't feel any envy whatsoever.


I got my license at 26 and it was a waste of money. I am scared of driving anywhere where I haven't been before and while I am extremely stressed while I drive. If it was a long drive then I feel exhausted for the rest of the day. I dont understand how most people are so casual about it.


I still can't drive. My mother let me try in an empty parking lot a few times in my teens, but it just feels risky to me to operate such a dangerous thing. One mistake (not even yours) and you are injured or dead and have thousands of dollars of damages to the vehicle. Just too much pressure. I haven't even mentioned insurance or gas money.

Besides, being able to drive would mean my breeders would constantly asking me to go places or run errands or get a job. Much simpler to stay home and careless.


I quit driving school halfway through my driving lessons, realized I couldn't afford a car for several years at that point

Now I can just walk or take the bus


if you don't already understand - watch head on dashcam collisions. It's basically worth it to find a way to live within walking distance of stores and pick a job that doesn't ever ever require driving…


i would recommend getting your license because then you will never have to take the permit test again. every year you have to go to the dmv to renew your permit;otherwise, your permit will expire and you will have to take the instruction permit test again.


getting killed in a car crash driving 25 mph is virtually impossible unless a drunk driver who is speeding runs into you

most fatal crashes happen on freeways and highways


Am mid 20s. Do not have a license, can't see why I would need it.


Learning to drive about 4 years ago changed my whole outlook on life. The freedom is awesome. For the cost of a tank of gas you can have an adventure.


But when walking or cycling, that adventure lasts longer :^)


I'm not expert, but don't you have to pay for the car and license too?


Sure, but those are very rarely problems. Day to day you don't really think about that stuff.


Not thinking about the costs doesn't make you free of them. I hope that when you can't make the lease payment, insurance, gas, maintenance, and repair bills, you will at least have another method of getting around.

Advice to all: If your only means of being out and about is a car, then no matter how far you may be able to drive, you are by all means a prisoner in your own home if you can't get around without it. Many unhealthy normalfags need to work 8 hours each day just to afford the privilege of leaving the house at their leisure because they refuse or are unable to walk or cycle. You are becoming less free by depending on something that requires your time and money. Take a walk every now and then so that you can at least continue working or whatever it is you do once the thing breaks.


don't fall the for driving propaganda, cars suuuck!


nice cope lol


It got worse. Dont know where you live but here it got ridiculous when you need driving license for job of sweeping a shop. Guess the HR succubi were complaining they have too much work filtering job applications


And WHAT might I be coping for? I'm just trying to give some advice so that wizards don't end up potentially trapped.


I'm 31, no driving license, never planning to have one. Why bother with a car if all places I need to get to are 5 — 10 min. walks away. City transport rides are free (disability privileges lol). There's no "car culture" in my family and never was. For at least 3 generations my family gives 0 fucks about cars. And on top of all that cars are expensive and I am poor. Even if I had that kind of money I'd never spend it on a stupid useless car.


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Have some basic self respect and do it just because you should baka


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why this guy should learn to drive if doesnt want it ?

also any person with basic self respect would not put up with the utter bullshit that is passing a driving licence, just saying.


I'm not sure wizzie, but the funny dog smiling pic makes me think that wiz was being sarcastic.


It isn't even hard if you have a family member with a car and some spare time.
But if you don't even have access to a car and live in the city then fuck getting a DL.

I have one because my dad insisted I get one and overall it was a really easy process. It has come in handy a few times but it is super rare for me to actually drive since I don't have a car of my own.


I need a DL but how to pass it when im just nervous by being next to another person, also there is this unbelievable fear of causing car accident/dying in one in a rust bucket not because I Would not drive properly but because of dicks and roasties on their SUVs driving aggressively because when they crash you they survive but you dont


I have a severe love-hate relationship with driving and owning a car. I love the general "mechanics" of driving (especially on empty roads) yet absolutely despise driving in traffic due to constant feeling that any accident is just a potential split second away (and usually not even because of my mistakes) to the point where I only drive once a month to do big monthly shopping usually really early when the roads are empty.
Also every year when the time comes to pay for insurance and other shit that comes with the car I get close to not doing it and selling it and spending it on things I actually use constantly (like a new computer and furniture), yet I always end up bailing out because I think that as soon as I got rid of it some big emergency or issue would occur that would require me having a vehicle ready to go.

>also there is this unbelievable fear of causing car accident/dying in one in a rust bucket not because I Would not drive properly but because of dicks and roasties on their SUVs driving aggressively because when they crash you they survive but you dont
It was always like a catch-22 for me, my mom is constantly telling me this feeling would go away if I started driving every day instead of once a month, yet at the same time driving every day instead of once a month would drastically increase the chance of being in an accident, so fuck that.


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>driving every day instead of once a month would drastically increase the chance of being in an accident, so fuck that.

> causing car accident/dying in one in a rust bucket

Damn, that's some overthinking. You can also choke to death pretty easily if you mess up which hole your food goes into. Are you gonna fear that too?


Did my drivers license in the late 20ies, because my parents bugged me about it and were willing to pay for it.

I still refused owning a car. It's such a useless money sink. There are no parking spaces, you aren't faster than public transport or bicycle in the city and if you need to move between cities there are very cheap bus services.

Imagine paying all the insurances, taxes, petrol on top of the quickly diminishing value of your car. What a joke.

Besides I only leave my apartment for wörk and don't even use my bicycle to get there. I enjoy the long walk in the gloomy early morning darkness.


>Damn, that's some overthinking. You can also choke to death pretty easily if you mess up which hole your food goes into. Are you gonna fear that too?
Except that in that case, it's both 100% your fault, and completely under your control.
Being in traffic you're literally risking your life hoping that a guy that's driving towards you in the opposite lane isn't completely drunk or sleep deprived and will decide to swerve into you, there are too many factors outside of your control.
Yes of course it's overthinking, but I wouldn't call it irrational.




> I guess humans are just designed to use tools, I feel like part of my car while driving now.
This motivates me, thank you. 27yo no drivers licence but I'm seriously thinking about it when/if I get my uni problems out of the gutter.


Im 22, too fat to drive


AOD here, took my 1st lesson @ 16 years old.
I have been driving for 52 years.
I trained worked as a mechanic for a dealer in competition motorcycles and custom racing machinery in the late 60's early 70's.
I drove for several employers & still drive whenever i can; and cannot imagine being unable to.
Get your license, and do whatever it takes to keep it.
YES, it can be confusing and intimidating at first.
BUT… the actions and patterns of thought relating to driving will become automatic with time.
i have several older friends who are in their 70's-80's and still drive.
It is something that can change your whole way of life.
i have driven all over in the USA/Canada.
Up to 70K miles a year.
Please keep on with your attempts.


Wizgrandad, tell us your wizstory and why do you type like an idiot?


>>153433 explain re: idiot?
As for my story it has already been posted on this site.


Lol, I'm talking
About the
You type
Do it again,wizgrandad! Tell us the wizstory. I didn't saw your story btw.


Not him, but many people here prefer posts to have correct grammar, punctuation and paragraphing. It's the website culture.


>>153438 somebody gets it !


I have 32 yo and have a car is almost impossible if you don't have a job that pay at least 1000 USD. Normal wages are about 200 USD, so, have a car is impossible for sane people that don't want 4 years of debt.


Consider a motorcycle.
You can drive/ride it solo on a L plate, meaning you could spend the rest of your life renewing an L plate for about $30 a year, you could let it expire and get it again in 10min. You aren't relying on another person at all. You just need to past a practical test in most countries to become full licenced.
A motorcycle is considerably less expensive to buy, own, and use. You can always let it expire for some months at a time without incurring additional costs.
While you can't carry furniture, you can load up a bike and backpack with a surprising amount
As a bonus, you can keep it inside. I have 2 motorcycles in my house and one in the carport.


Motorcycles are cheap and convenient but require a normal level of proprioception that a sedentary shut in like me lacks. If you just want a transportation and not some chad who collects motorcycles you might want to get one of those small 125 cc mopeds. They're as good as large motorcycles in busy city streets. I could never ride them as good as a normalfag despite having used them for a few years. I am still too unbalanced and unaware of my surroundings. I am worse than a housewife and piss off other motorists all the time but fuck them. Driving is just first person danmaku on easy, you'll be alright.


>>153568 if you have ever thought that drivers were out to kill you, 5 minutes on a MC will convince you they are. i have logged maybe 350,000+ miles on MC's. you have to have your wits about you every second… you have to be able to 'read' the road and be aware of threats around you. i nearly hambugered a shitton of cattle that had gotten loose on my favorite mountain road going balls to the wall. it is a wonderful way to get around but the world is filled bloody ef'n idiots with DL's.



In China they use electric bicycles where mopeds were previously. Many rent them. One is lighter and needs less energy, if you care about that sort of thing. The downside is that people use them on bicycle lanes, more accidents happen since these motors let one move pretty fast.


22 and licenseless here. I'm going to try driving again next weekend.


I'm 32 and still don't know how to drive because cars here in Brazil are overpriced and the license is absurdly expensive. There is also some cartel in my city that don't let people get their license on the first exam so the driving schools can make extra profits.
I know I will never leave Brazil and I know that I will never have a driving license.


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What's a good bike for someone who lives in a big city but doesn't want to own some ugly looking scooter? Has to be affordable though in price and maintenance cost.


(I guess we google now)
5 AMAZING Motorcycles That Are DIRT CHEAP


Just take a look on craigslist and get whatever you like.


125cc scooter. You can get some that don't look too bad.

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