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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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After many years of waiting, I will finally become a wizard in two days, August 24th

It will be a time of celebration. I will have made 30 years of being a celibate.


Congrats, wizard. I'll drink tea **** for your well-being.


congrats :)


You're now a boomer wiz


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u think soÇ?


Happy wizardhood, OP


two more hours until it's official..


I am now a wizard



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You'e a Wizard, Anon!

Happy Birthday Wizzie!


Happy Birthday, wiz. I hope be to able to became as well.


How are you still living?


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op said 30, not 65, retard


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Congratulations OP. I'll be a wizard too in two weeks



very good, and thank you


ill probably end it all before i even turn 30 . Happy b day, are you NEETing it out or no?


>thinking anyone gives this much of a shit about you


>having no sense of humor


This was a funny post. Funny wiz.


>I will have made 30 years of being a celibate.
No. Celibacy is abstinence from all sexual activity. You will be a virgin but not celibate.


Okay, I am 30 as well, but why the fuck would you celebrate that? Don't you feel like you have failed at life?


>never performed hanky panky
>wow you failed at life
Crab wiz detected


Not him, but from a societal perspective we are definitely failures.
The game wasn't just put your benis in a bagina, it was: be socially well-adjusted enough for another human to select you as an intimate partner.
Losing ones virginity to a willing person would mean you finally finished the socialization process.

Of course, just paying for it is not a solution, because having sex is just the consequence of being well-adjusted.
The difference between growing tomatoes in your garden and buying them. You get the tomatoes either way.
But, in the first case it means you have fertile soil and a garden, the real fruits.

That's why being an older virgin is such an uncomfortable state.
It's not about missing out on pleasure, it's that it signals to others that you're either immature or fundamentally unacceptable as a human being somehow.
Even if you can hide the fact that you're a virgin, people can and will infer it from your personality/behavior.

That's what male virginity actually is.
It's not a biological thing, it's psychological and behavioral change which isn't the consequence of having sex but the required process through which you can attain sex.


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Feels good being a volcel wiz then


>Losing ones virginity to a willing person would mean you finally finished the socialization process

lol succubi have wanted to have sex with me when I was much younger but that means nothing. Quit the internet for fuck's sake, being a virgin has nothing to do with being a failure.


Things you are describing are the reason virginity is stigmatized.
Plenty of teens fucked a hooker just to say they are not a virgin, while in reality nothing about them changed. Same goes for kids born with good looks who get seduced by older succubi.
Plenty of Japanese males are virgins despite holding high paying jobs, in all likely hood they were just shy around succubi as teens and with time they just stopped caring, a lot of them will fuck a hooker just to see how it feels, but according to you they are still failures.
>Even if you can hide the fact that you're a virgin, people can and will infer it from your personality/behavior.
If you don't get intimate enough with people they will never ask, last time I was asked if I'm a virgin I was around 16. And if some of them can infer it, why should I care?
In any case, you can stop behaving like a stereotypical virgin(like the one from virgin vs chad) and improve your appearance through decent clothing, hygiene, haircut and gym, then few if any people will find out.


>people can and will infer it from your personality/behavior
I have never been stigmatised for holding onto my V-card anywhere outside of the 8th grade.

You simply tell people who ask that you think it's gross on a physical level(ruling out hookers and one night stands) and that the costs of a relationship both mentally and financially are not something you are interested in dealing with at the moment(ruling out long term trulove relationships)

Assuming you are not somehow in a conversation with a complete mongoloid this will work every time as its based entirely in truth.

If your response is EW succubi are evil then buckle up for some stigmatization.


>You simply tell people who ask that you think it's gross
if you tell anyone that you think sex is gross they will just think you're gay


buy a hooker and get laid. The long wait and then regret will fill you with more emotions than waking up and going "Oh I'm a wizard now" and realizing nothing changed.

Or buy a pack of pokemon cards. That'll do it too.


but gay smex is even more digusting?


Are you implying a sense of dissatisfaction because you wake up on your 30th birthday and can't literally perform magic?
The magic doesn't start out of nowhere at 30, the magic is gained on your journey to becoming 30. It's literally the journey not the destination.


What normals mean when they talk about sex to another male is "sex (with a female)", so if you say sex (with a female) is gross then they'll just assume that you're closet gay, and if they are real trublooded normalshit they'll probably start avoiding you after that too.


I never said you should add the quantifier of just with succubi


the (with a female) is implied by the normalshit, no one says it outright but that's what they hear


So why didn't you go through with it?
If you're a heterosexual male, there's no real reason you would actively avoid it unless you're dysfunctional.
Hence, proving my point.

With the Japanese, it's a different culture.
Not having a job is probably a bigger stigma than not getting laid or being socially withdrawn.

>In any case, you can stop behaving like a stereotypical virgin

Yeah, let me just rewire my entire personality and nervous system.


>If you're a heterosexual male, there's no real reason you would actively avoid it unless you're dysfunctional.
Some guys just aren't interested in succubi like that, they go home and fap and get on with their hobbies and the thought of a girlfriend never even crosses their mind.


>With the Japanese, it's a different culture.
It's thoroughly westernized at this point and not having a job is not such a big stigmy, otherwise there wouldn't be so many neets and hikkis.
>Yeah, let me just rewire my entire personality and nervous system.
Dunno about you, but it's possible for many here, I'd say most, people with serious mental issues like autism are few.


What kind of mental gymnastics is this?
Instead of eating food you go home and watch the cooking channel.

If you're playing with your dick while watching a succubi get fucked, you are "interested in succubi like that".

I'm pretty sure Eastern culture has a different stance towards being shy and withdrawn.
They're more worried about being polite and submissive towards authority.
Someone with a high paying job or a university student with high grades is valued more than someone that gets laid a lot.


>If you're playing with your dick while watching a succubi get fucked, you are "interested in succubi like that".
You can get a boner to generic porn or even fap without porn and not be interested in succubi outside of that, your lust has no bearing on your romantic interests.


>If you're playing with your dick while watching a succubi get fucked, you are "interested in succubi like that".
And if you are playing violent videogames you are interested in violence, right?
>Someone with a high paying job or a university student with high grades is valued more than someone that gets laid a lot.
It's the same thing everywhere. No one is going to hire a sex-obsessed nigger highschool dropout over an educated virgin.


>And if you are playing violent videogames you are interested in violence, right?
To a certain extent, yes. Something about violence is attractive on some level, otherwise it wouldn't sell / wouldn't be popular.


>So why didn't you go through with it?

It'd have been dishonest.


Seems like it's you the one who feels frustrated for being a virgin and its social stigma

We don't give a fuck here


so videogames cause violence then? if we follow your porn logic.


Mental gymnastics is equating an actual basic need, such as food, with sticking it to someone. Still, following your analogy, one can easily be interested in watching a channel, thus unilaterally observing somebody else at an activity captured selectively in an artistic way, devoid of smells, noises, personal reactions and with lowered fidelity masking the visual defects, and have zero interest in being around the performers or physically performing that activity yourself.


If you watch someone eat shit, you'll feel disgusted because your mind automatically creates the smell in your mind.
Even though you're just watching something, you still get the full sensory experience to a degree.
So, it would be completely dishonest to say that you find sex disgusting and yet actively watch it on a daily basis.
While also not only observing it, but actually simulating the act itself.

Can't imagine the cognitive dissonance on some these "wizzies" that say they're not interested in sex and succubi and whack it three times a day with an onahole and a VR headset.


Not necessarily, with shit it's the same, one can enjoy the fetish of watching and not want to eat it himself. I enjoyed shooting enemies in a VR headset, but would I like to be my character or shoot them IRL, hell no, I don't even like the character and shooting actual guns feels completely different.


>If you watch someone eat shit, you'll feel disgusted because your mind automatically creates the smell in your mind.
If I saw someone eating shit I would keep watching because I find it funny, doesn't mean I would find it funny to eat shit myself.


Explain the entirety of slapstick comedy then.


That looks absolutely disgusting.


You could just search for it online if you want to learn what it is.


That's not what he was asking.


I became a wizard the past week too and I feel like I wasted my life and every second that passes gets worse. I had such feelings before but somehow I feel worse now

Is this the "30s crisis" so many people talk about?


It's just your upbringing (and social conditioning in general) speaking. Meanwhile in truth you didn't waste anything because there was nothing to waste to begin with.
If you are so keen on flagellating yourself then at least make up your own reasons, not the ones society pushed onto you.
t. 29yo


Nice try nihilist. You cant play chess and pretend nothing really happened when you lost because you dont accept its definition. Have fun getting by.


I agree. Sometimes I used to feel like I was wasting my life, but in reality there no way to NOT waste your life. Life is something to tolerate so I am glad as it passes


>You cant play chess and pretend nothing really happened when you lost

Actually, you can. The game is made up, nothing happens when you lose other than you beating yourself up.
The only game that matters is survival, because any other game you can play again and again.
But if you die, then you lose the set of all possible games.


Nihilistic ignorance is funny.

When you lose in a competitive event your body reacts to it. Your hormone levels change depending on if you win or lose. This is something you cannot control and directly effects your reality.


Which is why you can always choose to not engage in competitive interactions.


This is still in line with nihilism in case you aren't aware.


Fine, just for you I can formulate it differently: everyone is "wasting their lives". Just because your way of wasting does not coincide with what is considered the "proper" way of wasting doesn't mean you have to feel bad about it. Basically what >>149761 already said. In other words, your chess allegory is wrong if by it you meant life itself.
But whatever, if you like beating yourself over made-up bullshit so much, go on.
>Have fun
That I do indeed.

>competitive event
Ah, I see what kind of "chess" you meant. Well then, keep competing with normans and feeling salty afterwards. I'm sorry that you think everyone who doesn't care for such masochistic delights is a "nihilist" (although there is nothing wrong with being one, especially in context of this chan, so throwing it around as an insult just shows you aren't a local).


The only way to win is not to play.


But isn't it good practise to play games of skill if you master not beating yourself up or being overly prideful about it?


If it brings you genuine joy then it's fine. But if it only irritates you yet you keep playing then the joke's on you.


The thing about this perspective that I find flawed is that losing your virginity to any random low-tier succubus is not equivalent to losing it to an equivalently "well-adjusted" succubus. There is such a thing as a hierarchy of female worth, even if the bottom of the ladder isn't being denied sex. What is as worse as losing your virginity to a hooker is losing it to a fat, ugly, uneducated, trashy, third-worldly succubus, who just like you, can't attract quality mates. Many wizards are so because they are in the bottom percentiles but aren't willing to lower their standards.


>Even if you can hide the fact that you're a virgin, people can and will infer it from your personality/behavior.
That's not true. Or other it's true only for some of us, and even in their case it's not virginity the normans feel but rather others things that they stereotypically connect with virginity.
I personally enjoyed shocking normans by casually revealing my power level back when I still had to interact with society. And shock is literally what it was for them.

>If you're a heterosexual male, there's no real reason you would actively avoid it unless you're dysfunctional.
Lol, crab mentality in its distilled form. Thanks for the laugh.


Being a heterosexual male implies by definition that you are attracted to succubi.

So what's a wizard?
(a) asexual person
(b) sexual person that dislikes human contact and closeness
(c) sexual person that willingly abstains from sex because of "values"
(d) sexual person that can't attain sex

Everything except (c) implies dysfunction.
So what's the value of abstaining?
(a) preoccupation with sex is a waste of time
(b) sex is sinful
(c) sex is "unsafe"
(d) sex is wrong because anti-natalism

(a) and (b) are contradicted by fapping so they can't be ral values, (c) is an irrational fear and (d) is irrelevant if you use contraception.

Therefore, the only real reason why someone would avoid the sex they desire is because of dysfunction. There is no rational value in abstaining from sex.


>(b) sexual person that dislikes human contact and closeness
>(c) sexual person that willingly abstains from sex because of "values"
Those are the same thing. What you understand by "dysfunction" is actually called "having a personality".

>(a) and (b) are contradicted by fapping so they can't be ral values, (c) is an irrational fear and (d) is irrelevant if you use contraception.

All wrong and they aren't mutually exclusive. For (a), sex is a much bigger waste of time than masturbation for everyone other than perhaps people addicted to masturbation. For (b), someone might believe that masturbation isn't a sin or is a lesser sin than sex. For (c), sex really is much less safer than masturbation. For (d), there's always the chance of something happening and you only need to see the sheer number of men who accidentally knock some slut up for the evidence.



>(a) and (b) are contradicted by fapping so they can't be ral values, (c) is an irrational fear and (d) is irrelevant if you use contraception.

(a) is not contradicted by fapping. If you don't fap for long periods, you will start feeling more horny. For a clear mind you need to fap. Even ignoring this fact, fapping takes about 10 minutes. A wet bed & pants can take about an hour to clean up. Fapping is more time-efficient not not doing it at all.

(a) is the correct answer for many of us. Many Wizard would have to try very hard to find a partner, and some would never find one no matter what they did. So instead of wasting time with chasing that, we recognize that we need to find value in abstaining. And there is value, as a mind away from sex can focus on other things.

PS: When I saw "we", I don't mean Wizards in general. I mean Wizards who think like me.


Friend, no need to get mad on the internet. There is a new meme where the older millennial are called boomers. I too was frustrated by this at first.


Our brain goes in full override control mode to get us to do and care it and it doesn't do that for no reason. Sex is intimacy and pleasure at best. It's not a real need. You don't need a rational value to abstain from something that's already irrational. I am definitely not asexual, but I know what arousal is and I don't put it on a fucking pedestal.


>Losing ones virginity to a willing person would mean you finally finished the socialization process.
Haha no. The world is filled with non-virgins who are even more unfit for society than some of the people on here. A lot of the time they've lost their virginity BECAUSE they're degenerates. Even if we only look exclusively at married couples (which is in theory is where your "social acceptance" argument applies) one only has to look at the number of abusive relationships out there to know that's not the case.



why are you people even here? go back to crab.me


When you reach 30, you'll receive a sense of satisfaction as you've defied normalcattle and made a stand against them


i still have 5 years to go …


I have a week


happy birthday and congrats in advance wiz

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