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Has anybody ever asked you if you are a virgin? If so, what did you answer? As for the rest, how would you feel in that situation? How would you answer that question?
In my case, a classmate asked me that question some years ago –I think I was 25 years old back then. I thought it would be stupid to lie, so I just told him the true. As expected, he tried to give me some tips on how to stop being shy and stuff. I listened to him and then changed the subject with a few shitty jokes. To be honest, he was kind of a nice guy, so I'm pretty sure he had good intentions.


If this actually upsets you, you're a crab and shouldn't be posting here.
And no, no one has asked me because I'm proactive in signaling that I don't want people talking to me.


Yeah I have been asked. They didn't say shit though. Maybe I appear socially competent enough they figure I just chose not to. Which is true. My only regret is that my parents are starting to realize that they will not be getting grandkids most likely, which I feel bad for them for because I do care about my parents. They gave the best they could to me always. I know many others, plenty on this board who were not as fortunate as me. While I know it may be unfair for them to expect grandchildren I still feel bad even though I do not want children, I just feel bad I am disappointing them. Maybe that is stupid or unwizardly but again I don't want children I just want to make my parents happy and not be as much of a disappointment. Won't ever have them so I will have to live with that. I've been waiting for my dad to ask me if I am still a virgin for years but I assume he knows as I never brought any succubi home. I don't know if he cares. Maybe he thinks I will be a "late bloomer" and get a gf in my early thirties. If so, he is sadly mistaken (and by sadly I mean for him, seeing as I personally could not give less of a fuck).


Are you still in highschool or something?
Because in adult life no one gives a shit unless you are in a situation conductive to "hooking up" or something. It doesn't come up with work, in hobbies, or in consumer interactions.
If I am being totally honest I am not even sure what kind of social situations that such a topic would come up or be acceptable to discuss publicly.
At most I have said that I am anti-marriage and given reasons why during work when the topic of expenses and family budgeting came up when me and a co-worker were talking about savings and retirement plans, which was a purely economic and legalistic conversation that was brought up due to company policy changes (god damn, after typing that out I realize I am a very boring person).


Literally nobody cares as long as you wageslave.


this. No one is going out their way to be that close and familiar with you outside of regular working routine. If they do ask, then you say to them to fuck off, in a very polite way. That being said, I'm not that competent in social situations either, and not to advice. But you you have to be careful though, if they ask you and want you to butthurt, - then I guess better way would be to turn it into a joke and vaguely point out how retarded or silly they are with their question.


no one ever asks me but if they did it would be a proud "yes"


When i was 16, one succubus who was always very loud and obnoxious asked me if i ever had a gf in front of everyone
I told her to mind her business, to which she replied "that means no"
Thankfully it died there, but it was still somewhat embarassing


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>Has anybody ever asked you if you are a virgin?
Of course
>what did you answer?
Iv stated on multiple occasions to a plethora of different acquaintances both short and "long" term that I haven't felt a strong enough desire to act on my reproductive instincts. At the end of the day people participate in wanky panky for mainly a handful of reasons.


"aw bro it feels so good you gotta try it"


The feeling derived from when another human allows you to perform one of the most intimate acts possible with them. This then provides validation in multiple biological areas of the mind. But most importantly is the achievement of performing one of the main underlying goal of our species(the "act" of reproduction. The loss of one's virginity simply to fit in with the social norm also falls under this umbrella.


We are programmed to make more humans. Sex feels "gud" to facilitate this.

>Chemical Attraction (falling in love/honeymoon phase)

A mixture of all 3 of the previous points with the added bonus of some powerful brain chemicals.

Most everyone i've ever encountered outside of bullies in the 6th grade responds very casually to any mention of my virginity.

"hasn't met the right succubus yet"
"late bloomer"
"still needs to come out of his shell"
"hes shy"
etc etc etc blah blah blah blah

I will occasionally run into a MGTOW type who's already run the gamut in terms of coitis that will give me accolades for my "restraint" and or foresight but the reality is that I am incredibly selfish in terms of how I spend my time/money. I simply do not understand how people can be so careless with the idea of mating. It seems like playing with a gun while fucked up on xanax because one wrong move or one intentional setup and all of the sudden you have A FUCKING KID TO TAKE CARE OF.


I forgot to mention one more reason that I normally keep repressed in the back of my mind.

>Underage possibly non-consensual exposure to sex.

Children who are molested or raped sometimes try and dominate those memories by taking sexuality to such extremes it causes past traumas to seem like childs play.
This is simply a coping mechanism and nowhere near as common as all of the other reasons listed above. In cases where its not forced onto them and "it" takes place naturally the side effect is normally an overall mental casualization towards it.

Just to clarify, I know other reasons exist and if you can think of one worth sharing please do. Understanding the human mind is my coping mechanism you could say.


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>Has anybody ever asked you if you are a virgin? I


yeah, me neither.


I been asked at work by a sex addict - all he ever talks about are his sexual achievements (mostly lies) & how many people he have fucked during set period of time. He once asked if i were a virgin and i simply stated that "I'm 27." and looked weird at him. If i even told him the truth, everyone would know within days. He's walking microphone. fuck him!


> My only regret is that my parents are starting to realize that they will not be getting grandkids most likely, which I feel bad for them for because I do care about my parents. They gave the best they could to me always
Nope, they didn't and you should not give a fuck. If your parents wanted grandchildren they, but specially your dad, should've raised you in a different way or take action when they realised you were going in a path different from normgroids


> My only regret is that my parents are starting to realize that they will not be getting grandkids most likely, which I feel bad for them for because I do care about my parents.
Wtf is this shit.


me either, but it's pretty obvious.


Good save, wiz.

What do you mean? Are you saying loving your parents and caring about their interests is not wizardly? I'm not having kids and I don't feel bad about it, I don't want them and I know it would be bad to bring them onto the planet. But my parents probably want grandkids and I feel bad to disappoint them. They could have done a shitty job raising me but they didn't. My failures are my own.


Lol, for me it went like this:

succubus: Can I ask you a personal question?
Me:-_-…Yes, I'm a virgin, and I'm probably going to die one.

Granted this was still 2014: I didn't actually WANT to die one until the end of 2016.


>I'm a virgin, and I'm probably going to die one.
>didn't actually WANT to die one



Meeting expectations like "have grandchildren" is like meeting expectations to amputate your own hand.


About ten years ago I was asked this by a succubus at an anime convention because I was awkward around here.

I replied honestly, and we did not have sexual intercourse following that.




I agree. BUT let's say that your parents amputated their hands on your behalf, and amputating your own hand would bring them happiness. Yes it's all retarded but it still feels kinda bad.


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Never had that question asked but then again, I was never in any social situation where that question would be asked. I have been asked by family if I ever had a girlfriend for years but they are starting to get the memo that I am a genetic dead end.


Yes they have, and they didn't believe me.


It was only ever a thing I was asked in highschool, by some other guy who was also a virgin then too. Just said yes. Nobody else ever asked me about it besides one time a triage nurse asked if I had been recently sexually active. People either assume I am or am not, or know I am celibate, but they don't bring it up or seem to care either way. Works for me.


hey man we choose how we live our life. If we're happy living the type of life we are living then its the best life we could ever live.


One guy who used to be my friend, more likely I was mistaking him as a friend, many years ago wanted to hook me up with some mature slut with big tits as he said. He had fucked her. He said she was great.
-You gotta do it! - he said - It will be a waste if you do not use your instrument.
I declined . Later , maybe an year after that, he asked me if I have done it. I replied with confidence, that I have. He believed me.
He is just a normie guy. Later his father set him on a very well paid job at a foreign embassy because he had very high , top state connections. The normie guy took a loan and bought an apartment. I think he is still paying the mortgage and have even more debt on his back. His second job was at the ministry of finance where his father was working. Guess how he got it.
He took an ugly chubby coworker succubus and had a son from her. Now they can not stand each other. Later his father help him get the job at the foreign embassy.
His entire life was all set from the beginning. When I really needed his help in a lawsuit , he declined .There are no friends in life. Remember that!


wizchan 2019


Yes, someone has asked me if I was a virgin before, simply responding with the phrase "Does it matter?" and "Is it really any of your concern if I had gotten laid or not?". It's simply not their business and it's now awkward, it's just simply rude of the person and maybe their an egotistic or they do not understand that it is a very inappropriate question to ask, questions like these are not to be feared of, because you are simply in the way of saying 1-2 things to shut them up. I don't really talk about it, because of how retarded of a topic getting laid can be, but, if someone had ever asked and I responded, they probably would cut a few laughs, but hey, I'm the one who hasn't spiritually bonded with someone, so I really laugh right with them. Sex is a spiritually bonding in my opinion, so I believe you truly must be prepared and ready to lost your magic abilities with the person you are about to have sex with.

I am also nice, but do not like the usage of questions that are simply unasked and not meant to be asked to others because of its rude nature.

I felt you at one point as a high school student, where every scumbag who got laid used to brag and ask everyone else, well, it's fine.



I have been asked too, I reply that its not the right place to discuss this topic and my feeling was like running away in this moment, loosing your virginity is something you can't do by your own, so you need someone who is respecting your feelings, the most peoples don't care about feelings, exept the own feelings


>Because in adult life no one gives a shit

Usually true but it still happened to me at age 25 when I worked in some blue collar job.
If you work in such a male dominated field, topics about sex and misogynistic jokes are common and I guess the hurdle for invading each other's privacy is also lower, if you've ever worked on construction, in a kitchen or in a car repair shop you know what I mean.
If some guy asks "Are you a virgin?" just answer "Sorry, I'm not gay"


Haven't been in that situation yet. I think I'll answer "Yep" because I've reached the point where I can power through what little remains of my shame emotion. I've gotten by being transparent and jovial so far, may as well go all the way.


A coworker asked because the other coworker, that ended up becoming his gf was curious.
I joked I was pure and they fortunately left it at that.


No, the gay question is much more common though.


Normalfags are literal vermin


I joke about being a virgin sometimes, so people just think it's ironic.


To care about virginity or sex, it's a thing for succubi, not us


This whole website is based on keeping virginity, so I would imagine wizards would care a lot about it.


*didn't actually want to die one UNTIL the end of 2016.

Or am I supposed to be BORN a volcel ya puritan?


I say I am a virgin. They stop laughing and stop trying to give advice when I start to go into detail about my impotence and inability to even masturbate. There is usually a period of dead silence for a few moments before a topic change.


No. I'm an agoraphobic hermit, so that essentially excludes the possibility of the question ever being raised entirely. My mom asked me once if I was gay, though, which I met with a very fatigued, staring at the proverbial camera, expression and a simple no.

I've sometimes wondered though, wouldn't declining to answer this sort of question pretty much translate to most people as a yes? I'm really not sure what I'd say if I were ever asked. You either say yes, ignore the question/refuse to answer it (which is essentially equal to a yes), or you simply lie about it. I can't see why anyone would really care that much either way, but I don't know. Maybe if they're that bored, or something.


One time at college i ended up in a group work with 4 succubi, we sat down, then minutes after they were all looking at me and one of them asked "hey X are you a virgin?" and i just smiled and didnt say anything, they all kinda chuckled and changed subject. i felt like shit but also found it funny


A few times. The most recent was when I was about 26 and had just started a job and some guy (in his late 40s) asked if I had ever been with a succubus, in a way that implied that he thought I hadn't. I think I lied about having had a girlfriend some years before that and things not working out.
It seems like a lot of people can tell just by looking at me, which sort of makes sense because I'm rather timid and look sort of physically immature and unattractive.
The only person who can't tell seems to be my delusional father, who thinks legions of succubi are chasing after me and that I need to settle down and pick one to make grandchildren for him.


>It seems like a lot of people can tell just by looking at me,

Not likely.
I've worked with many normal sexhaving males throughout many different jobs. They may have different personalities, different interests, married or single, and be generations apart, but they will always under any circumstance talk with one another about their sexual activity. They make jokes, tell of past relationships, explain in detail their random fertile female encounters, etc. Even if there are succubi in proximity, where their penis went and how it sometimes feels is their main subject of chatter.

Any male who comes along that does not actively take part in these conversations is assumed either virgin, homosexual, or both. In work environments you're expected to make conversation with every breath you can spare for the greater comfort of the socialite slave heard. Any deviation from the unwritten routine of exhausting every volt of energy from our bodies on telling others about our forbidden virgin penises is seen as a red flag by all who get to know our names.

I'd recommend to any of the braver wizards who may be face scrutiny from coworkers to just fake having a gf. Occasionally mention "her" in passing i.e "Yeah finally Friday, gonna see if the flesh hole wants to do something special for dinner". If they think you have a hetero relationship but don't like to talk about it, they might just pass you off as having a religious-like attitude towards talking about sex.


I've had people ask the "are you gay?" question many times. At some point I just decided to answer "yes" as I thought it would end the stream of inane questions - only to receive backlash from an actual homosexual person, who didn't like the fact that I was using homosexuality as an "excuse". Fuck him, what a dick.


There's something about him calling it an 'excuse' that pisses me off. If someone is trying to beat someone up, and after they ask me if I know where he went I say, "Sorry, I can't hear you." I guess I'm using hearing as an 'excuse,' but I wouldn't guilt someone about it. There's something deeply hypocritical about it too: does he get mad about his faggot friends in lavender marriages or bearding? So it's O.K. for faggots to have an 'excuse,' but not for wizzies?


I am gay and don't understand what you're talking about. They'd just expect you to talk about your relationship nonetheless


I don't understand it either. I gave them an answer that satisfied them as the "no" had not. Why is it their business in the first place - including the gay guy?


In a social environment everything is everyone's business, and if it looks like you don't want to talk about a socially relevant subject (which sex is) you create a barrier and damage trust. This is true even if you have nothing to say on the subject and you honestly admit this.


wow, uh-huh, so it's like that
I didn't know this, interesting. Not even kidding


It might be obvious for you but I only realized it recently. It was an epiphany.


You used typical norman's mindset against them. Huh


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I think it is so blatantly obvious that i am that nobody felt the need to ask.


If they know me, they know the answer, but it takes people a while to realize I haven't had the same experiences as everyone else. Being asocial is more common with white people. As a brown from a culture where people are having sex pretty early and the fact that I don't wear glasses means it takes more observation to figure out my power-level.

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