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Optimism is a way of seeing the world that means that no matter how bad things are, one can always look forward, accepting reality, knowing that it can be treated and improved. Optimism is about being honest with yourself and the world around you, looking at things objectively, and within that objectivity rescuing the good.


Wand small. Orbs small. I will remain optimistic that some day I will need to stop a pinhole leak in the side of a boat while my hands are busy. Then small wand and orbs will cum in handy.


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I can always resist succubus assaults.

I can always refuse to work and live off the land.

I don't need to pander to normalfag demands.


>I can always refuse to work and live off the land.
I wish that were true so much



I read this a couple of years ago. If you focus on the stats, and keep the past in mind, things are always objectively getting better.


Not in the third world, and certainly not in my life. Every new day brings a new set of problems.


being so behind makes the potential % gains all the more impressive


Jumps right over the line from optimism to absurd delusion faggotry


Nobody stops you, agricultural life is full of sacrifices and risks, but overall it is something truly wonderful.


I live in a country with inflation of 200% annually, with a poverty rate of 40%, crime, and usury. But that never stopped me, there are many opportunities to grow, study, make money, travel, and meet people along the way.


As the saying goes:

"A troubled river, benefit of fishermen."


>tfw you are finishing the penultimate stage of grief



Just think how much AI is going to change the world in just the next few years



True wizards won. AI is nothing but good news.


Nah, most metrics are at an inflection point from the late 10's onward. Club of Rome predicted this all decades ago in the limits to growth. All their predictions basically have come true. Society has already peaked.


Even if its true, its still a win for us wizards who will enjoy humanity's peak prosperity, and only the children of normies will have to suffer.


>i met my succubus 8 months ago and only had the stones to make a move last night
I don't give a shit about your "love" life, filthy normalnigger.
>i have precluded myself from true wizard status
You are born a wizard, contrary to what you believe. All this time you wanted to have sex like an animal and become one with the herd.
>i'll miss you
This imageboard doesn't need normalfaggot scum like you. Every sex haver, larper, faggot, tranny, cliquer, socializer, etc. should leave.


I'm happy you will be banned


Remember, love is about respect, acceptance, and honesty, if either party does not accept the other with their virtues and effects, there will never be love. That's what love is all about, accepting the other person, or yourself, and loving them just as they are.



I knew not to trust those who use the the term truwiz instead of volcel


>Remember love is about respect, acceptance, and honesty, if either party does not accept the
what are you doing on this site?
True wizards don't care about stupid redditor labels like shitcel or lesshitcel.


For 8 years I have not had any contact with someone my age, much less any contact with any female. By spending so much time alone, I learned to accept my mistakes, I learned to forgive myself, and accept both the good and bad things, trying to improve the latter.
Love is about acceptance, respect, and honesty, without this you will never be able to love anyone, much less yourself.


Creating masterpieces of art, is going to be the new emoji reply. its just that easay


I'm naturally an optimistic at heart but sometimes it's difficult then i remember that it's great to be a wizard, it will always be great to be a wizard. I always laugh at normalniggers whenever i go during one of my walks they have to be wagies and simp for who knows what ugly whores and have no time to do much. That's their entire lives, how can I not be optimistic for the future when I will receive buxx thanks to this braindead slaves lmao.

Rejoice virgin brothers. Life is much better as a wizard. All that time for yourself to do whatever you want.


It is good that in your problems you find a way to see the positive side. That is the nature of optimism, of looking at the same thing but from another perspective.


thanks wizbro. Enjoy your life as much as you can and if in the way you can destroy or see a normalfag suffer even better. That is what I live for and it works wonders. Society tells you shit like "you have to be le nice person, contribute, and care about others and le world" only so later people and the system can take advantage of you, abuse you, and treat you like shit. Meanwhile you have those with antisocial traits being the most succesful and rewarded. I say fuck it, I'm literally going to enjoy now the suffering of every normalfag, female, and nigger, who enables this kind of corruption in this world. Their loss my gain I say. I already won as a neet cause I'm comfy everyday.


The concept of "society" is very subjective. For me, society means me and my thoughts, really what an external or normal person thinks about me or about their mass vision of the world is not relevant. Getting a salaried job, watching news that only shows chaos, falling into the hands of consumerism and hedonism are not good. This does not mean that one is not going to be informed, it does not mean that one is going to have a way to earn money, it does not mean that one stops consuming or having pleasure in some things, it means that everything is done my way.


I feel optimistic about consuming prune juice to relieve myself from constipation over the next few weeks or so.


Keep us updated.


AI will be our salvation, FDVR, we will be gods of our own curated realities soon


so what are you optimistic about, OP?


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>knowing that it can be treated and improved.
It can't.

>Optimism is about being honest with yourself and the world around you

Uh? It's the exact opposite.

>looking at things objectively

It's engaging in illusions.

What the hell is this thread lol


Optimism is the belief that existence moves towards global optima. It was formalized in modern discourse by Leibniz, with the statement that "We live in the best of all possible worlds" being his doctrine of faith since in his discovery of calculus he found that reaching a true optimum meant abandoning local optima, which could not be done through naive application of Newton's Method. This shaped his philosophical answer to The Problem of Evil and reaffirming his steadfast faith in God.

It… doesn't work. In the first place, God doesn't real. Once God doesn't real, faith in God's plan having an ultimate optimum falls apart. Once God's Plan involving evil as a path towards ultimate good no longer holds water, the inherent yet invisible goodness of subjection to evil in the local no longer indicates proof of God's ultimate justice. Once subjection to local evil is no longer ultimately good, a possible existence in which one is not beset by evil becomes obviously better than one in which one is beset by evil, and each and every discretely encountered evil becomes a reality which could possibly have been done without. Once a world in which evils no longer beset you becomes possible, we can no longer say that we live in "the best of all possible worlds" as God's perfect justice is no longer moving us along God's perfect plan towards God's perfect conclusions. A man of faith may have many admirable qualities, but an objective view of reality is not among them even by his own declaration, as faith requires the continuous application of the will to overcome the deficiency of observation and experience.

What's interesting is that Pessimism and Pessimist philosophers generally prefer to embrace the Problem of Evil rather than the more obvious nonexistence of maximal greater good. Schopenhauer for instance starts his studies on pessimism by refuting the Boethian doctrine on evil; where the Boethians teach that all evils must be a mere absence of virtue or lack of a fulfilling maximal good (and attribute this lack to man's free will, a greater good established by perfect divine ordinance), Schopenhauer says flatly that evil is obviously a presence, and more, is specifically that which presses, and if present makes its presence felt.


There's something of a problem in modern lay philosophy. People know, quite clearly and quite adamantly, which philosophy was the 'good' one and which is the distasteful one. We can see this in the matter of 'Stoicism' and 'Hedonism.' There's not a modern critic of Hedonism alive today who has read Epicurus. Seneca and the Stoics respected him highly, recommended him to each other in their letters, but he's the 'bad' guy. In case you're wondering, the primary Stoic objection was that Epicurus said competition is normal, healthy and satisfying, which is the exact opposite of Stoic beliefs about morality. The Stoics believed that conflicts are not morally valid on any level, be they economic conflicts or physical contests, and that apparent conflicts only arise out of ignorance. That people do not have truly conflicting interests or needs and that the purpose of life is to trend towards oneness and harmony with the order of the universe. So today, obviously, when you see people engaged in highly competitive fields, harsh alpha male personas talking about building dominance by beating other guys out of their legitimate interests, you see them quotemining… Marcus Aurelius. The opium addict and stoic philosopher. Because he's not a Hedonist, who were the bad guys who said you should just pursue pleasure like athletic competition and weightlifting and and and.

Optimism is clearly the 'good' guy philosophy since it tells you good things about yourself and pessimism is clearly 'defeatist' since it tells you that life requires more out of you than there is inside of you, that you are mortal and that you will still die like a dog even if you fight like a dog all the way down. But the idea of having to actively rescue the good, that without action the good will not survive, that is the hallmark of French Pessimism (German Pessimism was more geared towards sophrosyne and acceptance, probably because the French at that point had a century of revolutionary and counterrevolutionary cycles, where it seemed better was possible, but always fragile). Things are defined by that which makes them different from other things; both optimism and pessimism believe in the existence of a good and a better and a bad and a worse, and both believe in observation of reality, but only pessimism believes that good is not the natural or normal state of reality, that it is delicate and requires care, observation, rescue and vigilance.

It's really quite hard to recommend French Pessimists, since they're mostly unbearably political and most of their politics are unbearably contemporary to their current day, mostly disappointed postrevolutionaries or dismal socialists who never got their revolution. I doubt anyone really wants to read a bunch of French communists making poor predictions and poor life choices while railing about the inherent unfairness of it all. Just start with Schopenhauer and the German Pessimists like everyone else; I think you'll be surprised by what they actually say even if they say it in a cutting manner. Schope never told anyone to avoid activity and spend time crying, he wanted men to subdue boredom and embrace fulfillment through art and if possible leisure-activities like travel and learning, though to be mindful ever of suffering and avoid inflicting it where they might. Don't you dare call Schopenhauer an optimist for saying we should focus on rescuing the good from the mass of reality in which it is entangled.


true evil is when you put two spaces after a period.
otherwise good post

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