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I'm sure many of you have struggled with various forms of fear and anxiety. How have you coped with it? I'm especially interested in situations where you have a GREAT opportunity if you can fight through fear, or situations where doing what you're afraid of is the moral move.

Have any of you used alcohol to help, and what was your experience? Would you recommend it?

I have a difficult social interaction I have to get through soon and I've deeply considered drinking for weeks, but I've decided to just do it sober, fear and all. But there's a problem - just because you've chosen to do something, it doesn't always guarantee that you'll muster the courage to do it. Fear can paralyze you.


Just don't hold any expectations of yourself.


>going outside
>taking sunlight
>quitting any anxiety-inducing: pornography, fapping, drugs
>sleep deprivation (this is dangerous, but will degrade your overthink, at least for me)
>cold shower
I'm "immune" to alcohol, always lucid and being control myself, but still get some degree of disinhibition. However, I don't like the slip knot which is alcohol.


Alcohol is an absolute shit tier cope, don't do it. People will know you are drunk but will be to polite to say anything about it. You will think the alcohol helps but really all it does is make you the drunken fool. People tend to be entertained by fools at the fool's expense.


I can power through but only if it is a one-off. I have learned that it is much harder for me to experience the fear then go back home and know it's going to happen over again and again and again. That knowledge just completely deflates me and makes it impossible to move on. For me part of the problem is that the anxiety about whatever I'm going to have to do never goes away if I know I am going to do it. I can feel it for days before the actual event at varying levels of intensity. All of them unpleasant. So if I have to live in a way that requires me to power through many incidents that cause fear I quickly become suicidal and end up failing at whatever it is I was trying to do. It affects my physically too, I lose my appetite and start losing weight so it can't be sustained physically even if I could find a way to power through mentally.


Self-improovers should be banned the second they mention "cold showers".
Piss off retarded cultist.


Being isolated and locked in your room induce yourself to overthinking, that's an overdose of introspection. Just go outside and walk. This fear/anxiety is normal because you got unused to anything except your room and computer.


I've a better way: get a shotgun and take a lead shower. This crazy life hack solves any problem in an instantly way.
Stop overreacting.


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The problem with you tards is that you don't offer actual solutions to practical problems.
All your bullshit is a bunch of stupid distractions from actual problems.
You're unproductive.
You're not improving.
You're just retarded.


I'm only afraid of people. And there are 7 billion of them on this planet.


8 billion :)


I successfully managed to overcome my severe social anxiety through medication.


Do you really not like cold showers that much?


Not him but I hate cold showers. What's the appeal?


My geyser broke earlier this and had to wait about 2 weeks before I had hot water again. By day 3 I didn't even feel the cold water anymore. It was completely normal and even somewhat pleasant. Cold showers don't hurt, it's all mental.


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wake up you, mostly when not feeling motivated and sleepy, but still need to do something. The cold water throws away the laziness and you feel "ready". I prefer hot shower at night for relaxing and helping to sleep.


Are you in a hot country? In a hot country it is fine. If you're in a cold country it is fucked and physically hurts


Cold showers don't actually clean dirt off your body. Ever tried washing dishes with cold water instead of hot? Very hot water will almost instantly clean the plate while cold water will leave a dirt strain. You're only inviting diseases in by taking cold showers.


ascetic monk larp


Just smack yourself in the back of the head or stub your toe on something. Same shit.


i take like 1 shower MAYBE per month

no fucking way im going to absolutely ruin it with cold water

that is beyond lame. we dont have to bathe in the fucking river anymore, we have heated water. even then you know why we used saunas, hot water springs, geothermal, heating bathtubs with a fire… bevause cold water is lame as hell

fuck off with this bullshit it isnt comfy


>i take like 1 shower MAYBE per month
not taking ablution advice from you lol


OP here. I did what had to be done, and I did it sober.

I'm glad it's in the past now, and I feel happy woth myself that I was able to conquer my fear. A normie could have probably done it in their sleep, but knowing how much anxiety and fear I had to fighg through has taught me that I am capable of being brave. I am not weak at all if I'm fighting fpr someyhing I believe in.


Proud of you, magician!

I have a strange thing. When I feel stressed I use a lighter for 10 seconds and just gaze at the flame, then do whatever I have to do. Sometimes I feel like a swamp pyromancer…


you don't need to wash much when you don't go outside. wash face whenever, hands before eating and after using the bathroom, and your asshole after a shit… and you're golden


The truth is that I can barely cope with it. I sweat, mumble, look at the ground, etc, and no matter how hard I try not to, or how indifferent I actually feel, it still happens. It's like a deeper part of me that I can't control.
This is the worst part. I can cope with it each time, but knowing that it'll happen again just sucks.


some problems are unsolvable or just solve themselves in 10 years and severe social phobia is one of them. I've never seen a quiet person with real social anxiety get rid of it and any stories i hear about it is just hearsay.

my prevailing theory which can be applied to all psychology is that a person's psychology is totally subjective but here's the catch. i think 20% of your 'mind' is subjective and controlled by you directly but the other 80% is also subjective BUT it's totally fixed and can't be changed. It's a deeper illusion that can't be influenced by logic or reason. It's like a totally autonomous, unconscious part of you, as a fixed thing not something you can just notice and budge with willpower. It can be suppressed, it can even change itself one day but you as the person who inhabits that psyche can't do anything about it. If you've ever felt like a prisoner of your mind and that you can't act like your true self because of restrictions its because you are.

like two people can get attacked by a dog. one can end up afraid of all dogs and the other can still be fine around dogs and just understand that that was one dog. But it doesn't happen the same. I claim that its a deeper subjectivity. This would explain how people can be so psychologically varied.


>Have any of you used alcohol to help, and what was your experience? Would you recommend it?
Alcohol is poison. Stay away from it. I've never been happier since I stopped drinking alcohol. Straight edge is the way, my wizcel brother

>I'm sure many of you have struggled with various forms of fear and anxiety. How have you coped with it?

I endure the pain and fear and anxiety. Exercise, eat healthy, study, get enough sleep, etc. live a good life so you develop a backbone strong enough so that you don't have to feel insecure and less than others.


>i think 20% of your 'mind' is subjective and controlled by you directly
>yourself controlling yourself
This makes no sense to me


because it's just blabbering from someone who doesn't understand determinism


there are various levels of drinking
also what poeple
i'm a hikki no one is there to judge me



No, alcohol is shit. I had this problem with checking my (physical) mail. Like, an overwhelming fear of bad news being delivered or people being mad at me. It was like running into a physical wall of fear the closer I got to my mailbox.
Tried alcohol, it did not help with this, it turned out to just be another way of escapism/avoidance. Only thing that worked was repeated, regular exposure - getting used to it. I check my mail when I go out for grocery shopping now.


>also what poeple
Did you even bother to read the OP?

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