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I'm a wageslave, but I'm starting to get real tired of whole wagie life, unfortunately I can't claim NEETbux. Well, how life under NEETbux? Just tell how's life as not being a wagie.


damn dat dawg is tuff


His solution to an unfastened belt being spreading his legs apart instead of fastening the damn belt make the image quite comical.


It's a different type of hell, it's why people try to delay retirement because they realize that NEETdom does lead to entropy and decay. You inevitably become addicted to something, whether it is TV, video games, porn, alcohol or junk food.

I still personally think it's an improvement on wagecucking, but not by much, and for most people it isn't.

t. worked for 6 years and NEETed for 6 years


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Just get it together and wagecuck more successfully. It's not THAT hard to pick up a few skills that are in demand and make a decent paycheck that will give you a quality of life far beyond any NEET.

If you're not blessed to have rich parents and not motivated to make enough money to invest and live off dividends, get some slacker reactionary WFH job. When work appears, you do it. The other 7 hours you sleep, fap, whatever. It's not THAT difficult to find.


It's not as great as it sounds. You are not given enough to live, so you have to live with parents or room-mates. No money also limits what you can do with your free time, you will often get bored and depressed. I suggest rather than neeting, find a job more suitable for yourself, wfh, part-time, night-shift, stuff like that.


It slowly wears away at you mentally and spiritually. Try to make waging work for you and use bux as a last resort.


I see very subjective replies (which is fine): depending on the kind of mental illness (or "weird personality", if you don't like the term) that you have, some of these answers do not apply.

>I still personally think it's an improvement on wagecucking, but not by much, and for most people it isn't.
I mentally cannot work, it makes me suicidal. I know because I've tried various times.
My life on NEETbux is still shit, but it's not like it's just "better than" wageslaving: I simply couldn't possibly physically hold a job, there is no alternative. If I hadn't NEETbux or didn't live with my parents, I would still not work, and I'll end up homeless.

> You are not given enough to live, so you have to live with parents
Better than working, in my case, but I understand that some have a terrible family, sadly.

> No money also limits what you can do with your free time, you will often get bored and depressed.

It's the opposite for me: since when I have NEETbux, I've been finally able to buy me whatever I want, but it turns out it doesn't do anything for me, so I'm not bored and depressed because I lack money, but because there is nothing that I can buy that could make me happier.

>It slowly wears away at you mentally and spiritually.
Sounds like that is because that's not the life you want. I prefer a NEET/LDAR life rather than any kind of workplace.

It sounds like some here still have a reason to live, hobbies, etc., and that's great, and that's why they can probably hold on to a job.


>Sounds like that is because that's not the life you want. I prefer a NEET/LDAR life rather than any kind of workplace.

I can't work and this is the only life for me. You just gotta find some creative hobbies or exercise or something. Too much passive consumption and not enough active creation drives me crazy. My greatest wish is to become independently wealthy from my art and stack that with my bux

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