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Since like 2016-2017, memes and meme culture have rose to the mainstream and it got really fucking unbearable. Your average person today thinks of themselves as some pure comedy genius and that whatever fucking trash they come up with is considered so funny to the world. I fail to see how any of them are funny because they don't really tell us anything and the "funny" factor doesn't exist or make any sense. Are they considered funny because they're random and we have to figure that out on our own? Or pretend that they're funny and laugh like we're eight years old?

What bothers me about is that these current meme formats has been adopted by everyone on the internet and they're forced down your throat no matter what site you are on. Whether that would be forums, social media, video games, video streaming platforms, you have this shit spammed everywhere in many different variations and it's inevitable. Including on image-boards like 4trash. It's like they exist to piss you off.

And that's not it but every month or so, a new "meme" pops up out of the blue that I've literally never heard of and people are already posting about it and expect that you know about it already. Then people start dropping it for the next pile of shit that starts trending and the cycle repeats. This is a plague and I'm so sick of it. The whole internet is fucking cancer.


You're just getting old, wiz


I carefully choose my sites and YouTube subscriptions.


I find 'meme culture' quite scary to be honest. Not the meme garbage itself but how people use memes now to replace actual thinking. It began as a joke but then people kept taking it more and more seriously to the point we have brainwashed nitwits now that can only see the world in terms of 'pills' and bro science. It's particularly terrifying because I've witnessed the entire process unfolding, it's like watching an eldritch entity devouring people's brains.

I understand this is not at all a new phenomenon, we have religion brainwashing people since the dawn of time but holy shit, the internet really makes the whole process of contagion super fast to the point you can see all the stages of mental decay of a population in a relative short period of 15 to 20 years.


Normies have no Soul, no Nous, how could their memes be anything but soulless and trite?


Memes have always been cringe but it's the first time I have noticed young normies speaking in tiktok memes


When i was in high school in 2009-2010 everyone was speaking in 4chan memes like "lol u mad?". This is nothing new.


Did you go to the school of reddit and 9gag, little timmy?


We all thought at the time that television was particularly what made us all so stupid and the internet would free us from this crippling limitation of perspective. Oh, how wrong we were. People are never stupider than when they must interact in the crowd setting. The internet is one enormous crowd.



Normalniggers are social media addicts who can't help themselves but repeat what they see as "funny" on the internet.
From the words they use to the posts they make, normalfag scum is anything but original or funny.
Same with the movies, music, or games they play, everything has to be "trending" so the normalnigger mind can think it's part of something and that it belongs


All memes today are created over a layer of post-irony and most are meant to be short-term. Ironically, you can thank imageboards for that, for it was the mockery of long-standing memes at that time, like rage comics (e.g. "coaxed into a snafu"), that ushered in this era. And to be honest, I prefer it.


I actually miss the old rage comics, yes they were dumb and sometimes not funny at all but they were not literal weaponized imagery, there not even real “memes” anymore after Trump, it’s all just propaganda trying to push some kind of fucked up agenda, that won’t even benefit you at all.


its crazy how stills from hardcore sadistic porn becomes mainstream memes these days. although i guess the 1st of it was 2 brazil succubi eating shit from a cup back in 2007


it was real weird seeing blacked porn become a meme even corporations felt comfortable using.


TikTok is the only social media I browse these days and it is pretty rampant with people posting vague bullshit that doesn't make sense. It is like they are trying their hardest to be as vague as possible to encourage engagement in the comments. It isn't funny and is just a waste of time. Is that what you are talking about?


tiktok alternates between being genuinely enjoyable memes and insufferable political/social faggotry that makes me want to kill someone.


The 1st time I saw it mentioned I honestly thought it was a whole community based around lip syncing to Kesha's Tik Tok


I'm a pornsick coomer, but it is jarring now that you mention it.




why are you on tiktok?


It's the primary source of most memes now.


>TikTok is the only social media I browse these days
Go back.


File: 1704738420620.webm (1.09 MB, 300x415, 60:83, benis clown.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Make me.


File: 1704740657156.jpeg (21.95 KB, 556x551, 556:551, images.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Holy fuck, it's TRICKY!
Those days felt like another life altogether.


it's shit now because of reddit and brownoids being 99% of the Internet userbase
look at Usenet or old forums from 90s or early 2000s
you can clearly see white people communicating with each other and making fun references to nerd culture while discussing their hobbies, memes were born naturally from people having discussions
you can't do that now without shitskins, fags, and trannies being offended at everything and trying to cancel you


Even Alt-Right Twitter has been taken over by Hindus who hate Muslims


At least Muzzies don't wipe their asses with their bare hands like Hindufilth.


>usenet memes
LOL what are you on about, there was only one or two "memes" in the Usenet days. References aren't "meme culture".
Way before that you had goatse and last measure, grotesque pornography is a subgenre of shock content that's plagued the WWW since its inception, that's nothing new.
You're like that old dude yelling at the clouds. See, this is a reference to Simpsons, a "meme" according to >>214371, just like the good olden pre Eternal September Usenet days!!!


Memes are the lowest form of human communication - pure eugenics as ideology. They will be burned to the ground soon, because humanity is sick of the rot shoved in their face and will insist on holding something of substance. It won't stop the venal from trying, and from the proliferation of bots and MKULTRA'd people to test the theory, but this will settle into a circle of machines and people who are trapped in the beast, where it will be worse and worse and the mind will be visibly rotten. We already see the effects of that - that's why Trump has a movement still, and sure enough, it's dominated by shills and people who want to plunder every country they get their hands on.

I just continue writing and communicating in the fashion I consider useful for my purposes, even if that makes me the last human in America. I'm not the last human, though. The greater chilling effect comes from two people - living in the middle of a mass die-off that you're not allowed to mention because it's too horrible, and threats from employers if anyone writes anything "bad" and against company policy, no matter how ridiculous. The Nazis have gone ham on this country for 40 years and imposed it on the world as much as they can.


Memes where always shit and dumb.
They were shit and dumb 20 years ago;
they were shit and dumb 15 years ago;
they were shit and dumb 10 years ago;
They were shit and dumb 5 years ago;
They are shit and dumb now;
They will be shit and dumb in the future

You are talking the internet and worse of all, memes far to seriously.
It's like being mad at people laughing at fart jokes.


injokes and references literally form memes you retard


exactly, "memes" are created when inside jokes and references die, but people play with the corpse making templates and pumping the same shit with minor variations like a factory

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