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The only ppl that can't integrate into society: wizards, the mentally ill and criminals.

What are your thoughts and views on why we can't integrate? I think it's mental illness, undiagnosed schizophrenia. I have noticed from my years here a lot seem to have some psychotic disorder, which might explain why criminals fail to integrate also.


Because we've evaluated societal norms and have decided that rejecting them can lead to a more fulfilling life.


think it's a bit rich saying you've evaluated anything, just a case of some of us being hated while alive and taking a measured response against that


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So why even have a thread asking for other wizard's reasoning when the only one you'll accept is "It's because we're the victim of those evil hateful gnomies"? Denying the validity of even the suggestion that some male virgin hermits are living such a lifestyle because of their own informed decision is antithetical to the concept of wizardry entirely.

Pic unrelated is necessary because OP didn't even care about his own thread enough to post an image.


There is no such thing as society. No one can get along with this beast they've called "society" for the past 100 years - it's designed to weed out and reject people, and encourage the venal and disgusting to rise. Those who engineered this and rose in a society and institutions which favored wickedness and low cunning don't want anyone to disrupt their latest scam, like the vast majority of people who have no reason to buy into any of it. So, they sell the idea that if you just keep kicking down, you'll get on an imagined lifeboat. Why anyone would want to live in such a world, you're never supposed to ask. That is unmentionable and they will threaten anyone suggesting that if such a society is normal, it is the obligation of anyone to destroy it and disallow such a beast to continue. That is not really what society "is" or "ought to be", but the institutions set out to engineer such a society and have come a long way. Humanity did not start from a position that was ever much better, but all of their designs have made it much worse, intended beforehand. If we wanted a society worth living in, that is a very simple problem to solve - if only there weren't people who are religiously dedicated to assuring that never happens, and if only there were people with sufficient resolve to do anything else, which there aren't really. The argument against this society never really was made, because it would never be able to win by the values humanity inherited. It could win if humans wanted to be something different - and most people would have chosen something different if that were possible - but in the end, there are enough humans who only ever had to keep kicking down and ruling through shame. The moment those people had effectively world peace and a one-world government, the only thing they could think about is turning their malice towards the ruled.


Well Darwin's cousin Francis Galton has a theory that Catholic Europe was backward, because there best IQ men became Priests who dont reproduce. So EP theories dont have to imply that volcels are the worst men.

That early Social Darwinist felt the best men being volcel set Latin Europe back.


how do you not understand that people's actions have consequences on others?


I don't think its mental illness i think society as a whole is mentally ill and toxic scattered with nefarious people that poison every social atmosphere.

if you can fit into this society you are also mentally ill.
Being a good person in this world is like being a not obese person in Wall-E. People act astounded that you are not obese or think you are weird when in reality you are how a person should be.


Nothing in my post could possibly suggest that I do not understanding the concept of outward influence. I'm critiquing and denying that guy's claims that there exist no wizards who found their own way in to wizardry without being "pushed" in to it by bullies and such. Please try to read at least most of the posts in a conversation before engaging.


i'll be honest to you where most others might not be, you type like a prized dumb ass


Eat your fucking broccoli


For some people it might be bad luck in the sense of having shit parents to begin with and then inheriting the shittier genes of each and in such a combination that enhances bad outcomes. Evolution relies on creating diversity and not all change is positive.
For others it might simply be "maladaptation". They inherited a set of characteristics that were succesful in past times but that do not work out in the current environment.

He's not wrong. Although you have to bear in mind priests marrying wasn't banned until the 10th century and not too strictly enforced until the 14th when the protestants split. Maybe not that much time to cause a noticeable amount of disgenics.


> not too strictly enforced until the 14th when the protestants split.

well he's talking about the gap between Latin and Nordic Europe, so that enforcement is perfectly timed for the comparison he is making


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>Well Darwin's cousin Francis Galton has a theory that Catholic Europe was backward, because there best IQ men became Priests who dont reproduce
Not really because depends, but it's half true based on "creations", adaptations or resuscitation made my priests and education since the church had access to all the manuscripts from the old world and how an average priest is more versed than most people before and today, but that's an utilitarian view and relative, besides being really sad that a great man has no descendants. In reality, they got the trash from common folk, mostly from church orphanages, or fags, nobles without heritage, etc but since they got education, there's the view of having high IQ besides even nobles being illiterate, but you still can make the argument that the average blue haired college student is the superior breed and is sad they aren't reproducing aside molesting children and propaganda, in comparison to the average redneck


It's a cultural thing or genetic, if you will. Protestants at the time just removed the judeo part and adapted to fit their culture. The main different being the catholic rewarding the poor and misfit while the protestants rewarding the work and good behavior, isn't rocket science they do better. In fact, the catholicism predates the communism/socialism in the monopoly of the poor to self gains and obviously not a surprise the Pope being a commie. Just look the Iberian and Franco colonies, mixing was good, encouraged and being against was punished because helped to assimilate the locals and force them to be catholic and pay, of course



> Protestants at the time just removed the judeo part

Mitchel Heisman on the contrary believes that English Puritanism was a convergent evolution with Judaism with many of the same traits.


For sure, but Anglicanism is not real, Anglicanism and Pentecostalism are subversion

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