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I haven't been to wizchan for a good while, I remember there being a thread about psychedelics and drugs but it seems to have gone so… I will just create this thread to ask this question. Please excuse me for any spelling mistakes or anything, I'm sleepy af right now.

Anyways I want to use psychedelics to treat my OCD. I've always had a very mild and ignorable case of OCD that I think I inherited from my father. It consisted of very rare intrusive thoughts and some compulsions. But since 2022, shit's gone to hell. It all became extremely frequent and intense, and has take a toll on me. My life has been drastically affected and I'm feeling like crap due to it.

I have heard that psychedelics are extremely effective at treating OCD so I'd like to hear insights from anyone who has used those drugs before. I'd like to try this before going to therapy or whatever. Btw have a good year, wizards, peace.

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