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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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You are walking through a garbage dump and you find a time machine, which allows you to send a message to your 10-year-old self.

-what would you say?



thats too easy. usually these are…. BUT can only be 10 words!

my favorite day dream is to be able to warp back into myself, ala hot tub time machine around grade 6/7. Id immediately scramble to scrape every penny i can find. invest in about 5 key stocks and be worth around 30 mill at age 25. and relax if i want to relax, work on a PhD or watever else,


“Hey, kid. Please stay away from Roblox. It may seem like a fun game where you can build worlds and destroy things but the great memories you make there will eventually will be your last because the game will turn into an abomination and you will no longer experience it the way it is right now. Everything you have is temporary. You will lose it and you will miss it like it was a dear friend of yours.”


Do pushups and squats every day
Invest in this thing called cryto when you first hear of it then sell when the government starts shutting things down due to this thing called covid and normal people start buying into it.
Don't get that surgery on your ding ding, mom is just over reacting.
It's fine to put your money in banks in savings and checking accounts, they are insured so even if their is a bank run you still will get your money.
Go to trade school after high school and get a job as soon as possible to earn enough money and skills to start your own business instead of working for someone else. You can do the other cool stuff you will want to do as hobbies in your free time when you are the boss of yourself.
Don't save naughty pictures and videos, and if you ignore this then encrypt them.


you can't change the past


I don't think there's a single message that would have saved him, unless I can send a whole book for him to read to explain what this is, was, and what would happen to the world. I would not tell him about his future self, since that is really irrelevant, and me sending this message would make a difference and end that timeline. I think he would be able to understand, as I did, what this turned into, for he had already foreseen parts of where things like this society lead, and would be told that.

The greatest regret is that I lacked any standards for comparison or grounding in what humans really thought, and believed naively that humans had a level of decency in them because that would make life easier. I didn't understand that so many humans really are evil, and they have everything available to them but do exactly what they were programmed and raised to do, because no one will ever tell them no. Even when they face consequences, they just recapitulate the same ideas, because those are the values they were raised with and they worked to get them where they are. Honesty and kindness are for the fools who allowed society to be anything other than the constant struggle that is their faith. Of course, they don't ever face struggle themselves. They always exempt themselves from the consequences as much as they can, and this is the only way in which their way of life continues. If they faced any of the struggle that is put onto even their favored grunts, they would never allow this beast to exist again and would seek to circumvent everything they've done for the past 100 years or so.


This too. Time travel is not just impossible, but a non-sequitur. There isn't a physical or metaphysical place where "the past" is still happening, or where the past means anything at all. We construct history and recognize there was a way we got to the present, and something will be different tomorrow, but there isn't really "time" as such. There isn't even really "causality". That is something we read into existence because our life-functions and everything that constitutes our thought was causal events, and that is the only way we could have been constituted in any way like we are. So, we see a world as causal events, but the reality of the world is that it does whatever it will do, not what we believe it "should" do. If our expectations are violated, we have to edit our concept of what the world and history is to conform to that, since we lack a really useful language to describe a world without causality as the main force that allows us to understand it. None of our knowledge or sense of the world is necessary for the world, but the only window we have to speak of the world is our knowledge and consciousness. We don't have any other connection to this world as "us". We have a body, but even this body has been made an alien to "us", and has to be so. Even the brain and consciousness that constitutes "us" is an alien to us, albeit an alien far closer to our "real self" than the body, which is far closer to us than society, which is closer to us than the world in general.

But, there's a twist - 10 year old me can be thinking and waiting for a message from the future, and look forward. He was not locked onto any preferred course of action, or the victim of history. He thought about the future often because his present was fucking awful, surrounded by stupid kids and authority figures who either willfully abandoned any concept of worthwhile authority, or who were so shattered by what society became that they couldn't stop what had been set in motion. So too was the decency of other kids, what little of it he could contact, stripped out of them, by the design of the school and what it was doing to us. What younger me really needed was not information or knowledge but something substantive, that was always going to be denied to him. Even then, there were certain things that either could not change, or that no one alive then and now would know how to fix. Humanity is still in the dark ages when understanding the brain and knowledge, and what was happening to me neurologically. Even when I was attempting to repair myself though, the cycle of authorities shouting "die, die, die" in the demonic cult that is American society made clear that no recovery would last long. A Satanic country does not allow that, and I have no cure for the Satan, even if I could somehow repair the neurological damage. Since I still think about that, I know something about what might work. At my age, and with the lifestyle I've lived, there is something going on with me internally that isn't fixable by tweaking the brain. Too much went wrong and the system churns with sins I shouldn't have had to take on, but did. The greatest victory of the Satan is to make us internalize their value system, and that's what they structure society around as much as they can. But, I can't blame the Satan for everything, and I can only blame ignorance so much. There was always something foul in me, or at least there was something from a very young age. The tragedy isn't that I was made impure, but that anything good in me and anything good in the world has been systematically destroyed, because these people think they're going to become gods and command nature like an abused dog. I keep trying to say that this doesn't work, and I'm not the only one, nor is that position the position of fools and losers. But, it's the way we set for ourselves in this cursed country.


One more thing - a lot of kids are asked what they will be when they grow up, but not me. They did not allow me to "grow up" no matter what I did. Infantilization is inherent to the Satanic cycle, the way of life we have been cursed to live under, and so nothing I did would ever "be right". That's the past they never want to change, even though it's a manufactured past and a lie. There were good things in my life and in me back then, but none of them counted. I was just "retarded" no matter what. There is no ending the Satanic cycle once it starts, and that's not a rule of any historical period, but inherent in what human society is and what politics is. A different race might not have upheld the Satan or anything like it, but humans were always given over to ritual sacrifice. It's what made humans into humans. That is one part, but hardly the entirety, of the Satan.

I never saw the future as "what I do when I grow up", but "what I do when I'm not in this particular Hell". When I'm 20, I'm not a "man", and I never will be, but I didn't see myself as a "child". I actually never really internalize the concept that I was a "child", since the years that actually constituted childhood were a drugged and torturous haze, intended beforehand to lock in what they drilled into me. Normally, childhood ends around the age of 8 or 9, and young boys or succubi take on more obligations and social participation that marks their promotion into adulthood. By 12 or so, most people have enough sense about what humans and society are to sense their place in it. Part of the Satanic cycle is the habitual lying and the thrill of rejection, which the eugenic creed exemplifies more than any past Satanic religion. By that age, I was so tortured and put through the wringer of humiliation that I should not have lived. 10 year old me was already wishing he were dead, but not many children have it in them to do the right thing. I probably should have killed myself at 13. I had every reason to know it wasn't going to get better, and that my existence would make everyone I cared about worse - and that's what the Satanic cycle ensured. Once they were done with me, they go on to the next sacrifice, and they were already working on the rest of my family, and using me as an excuse for collective punishment, an example of a living abortion so that the thrill of torture at the heart of the eugenic creed would be maximized. Eugenics knows no other way, and these people really are fucking Satanics.

Anyway, they're assholes, but the experience taught me that human development doesn't actually conform to these ideas of what we "ought" to do or "ought" to be, and if people understood basic things about philosophy, this question has been a problem for centuries, with solutions and more questions. In my heart, I just see myself proceeding through a world, and while developmental milestones are helpful as a standard to compare yourself with other people and the situation generally, the true growth is between us and the world. Societies that are healthy understand this and would work on that basis, and understand that we are people with native sense and every reason to reject what was going on when I was young. There is already movement to repair some of the damage, while the people who did this to us back then are doubling down and finding new ways to make humanity suffer. It won't work the way they think. They thought they could plan the world to move in lockstep with what they did in 2020, but the world is fighting back. All they did was make more people suffer, in line with a failed system and their failed religion.


So, 10 year old me didn't think "I'm just a kid" most of the time. The only thing he could do was find a way to survive the Hell of being a legal minor, and then try to live his life for the first time. When I was 20, I started to have a few things like "friends", or at least some life other than being a humiliation target. Then I broke down and cried in my bed because I knew I was never going to have much in this life, and the one thing I wanted to do was escape that somehow and have a small piece of the world to say "I'm a human, too". And, it's not like other people saw that or really cared, or were hostile to me. Most people have lives, and even during the Hell years, it wasn't "everyone is against you", but the organization of the assholes which was sacrosanct that pushed this by conspiracy and being encouraged in the institutions, which select for that behavior and glorify all depravities. I wasn't just crying for myself. That's what so many others didn't understand. They thought I was being self-indulgent and only thought "me me me", because that is what a Satanic society like America drills into people. I cared very little about myself, and so far as I was "self-indulgent", it's because I wasn't allowed to have any friends or any positive social contact. If I did, the assholes, who pass names and conduct this torture to "blood" themselves in their secret societies, make sure to "correct history" and destroy what I create. I already knew long before I left school that this is what they'd always do if I started believing I could have any normal things. Eugenics knows no other way. Satanic race. Failed race. The horrible thing for me wasn't that I was picked out to suffer, but that this was a machine. It tore me apart to live with the guilt that my existence, my crime of Being, destroyed everyone around me, and that the assholes who weaponized this would keep doing it. I saw them do worse to others who I didn't know too well, and knew they were weaponizing it. A Satanic race will never be anything else. That is what horrified me - that the only answer they had was to pray to the Luciferian Christians who had a large hand in making the world into this, and they are really a Satanic religion. All of them are.


If there is any silver lining to this, the lie that is Christianity is being dismantled, and I haven't seen a religion more designed to create a death cult. I don't put much more faith in Islam, since they just tell you in the name of the religion they're here to rape and enslave everyone, but they've lived through hell while resisting the Satanic invasion of their countries and maintain far more of themselves than these pissant Christians ever did. Don't even get me started on neopagan faggotry!


Nothing. Me as 10 year old is retarded and barely not a vegetable. It's a miracle I can develop the self awareness and mental clarity I have now.


Nothing because nothing matters.
And even if I say some advice for social situations or stuff, I will just suggest my past self to put on a mask, so what's the point. And I didn't, it's because I didn't want to.
I don't know, I just want to die, I believe that it's not like in movie where the character that goes back could really change things, I think that in reality, even if you could take a different path, it would still be shit because our brain / dna / whatever is just fucked.


always read the math books to learn how to interpret them and redo the examples on your own, yes you know the answer but you don't learn how to reach a place by hearing someone giving you directions, you have also to go there. this is a skill that will prove important once you get in university

become a programmer, pickup the programming books your dad has and start hacking, forget electronics because that profession will be gone in the future and everything will be done through computers anyway. focus on algorithms and database applications first. in the future the cellphones will function like a palm top, it will be a huge success and will result in a massive boom in the programming career for decades; COBOL is also relevant to work in banks, you can focus in that language and be set for life earning as much as a doctor

learn to speak english and go be a codemonkey in the US, forget this stupid country and forget your family, they aren't as good as you think, the entire society will all be obsessed with laws, yes, even that small town

don't play games online, people are assholes and better than you, all of them will do drugs in the future, only play for fun and never to compete

people in that small town are assholes too, that is the case everywhere so don't listen to your father, move out of the country

always trim the corners of your toenails, please don't listen to your mother

stop caring about old hardware, linux is too trashy to be a solution. no, forget it

please don't try to be 'social', you will hate it, although being well spoken will be useful for interviews

yes feminism is pure retardation and your guts is right, so look away, those people are beyond rendemption

don't drink coffee and please do pushups and go for a run, forget bikes because they will be stolen

video-games are drugs, although you are an autistic hermit who will always hate anything social so you can have that, but please LISTEN TO YOUR FATHER when it comes to online games, never ever touch those

the internet is also a drug

chatting online is also a drug and it is a terrible way to learn anything of worth

don't ever fap, avoiding it won't give you cancer like retarded nurses and doctors will claim

always sleep properly dumbass, sleep deprivation damages your brain and it will also be the reason behind your low mood


>To my 20 year old self
It's never going to get any better kid, get used to it. This is your life now.


I would tell him to start a diary, there will be no better days and I would like to be able to read them at least.

Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to say because there would nothing to do, since that time I already knew that the only thing I could hope for was decay, everything was already determined before I was born.


if what you're asking is, what advice would you have liked to receive as a 10 year old

probably to learn programming. i learned in my 20s and it has been fun, but i really feel like my brain missed out on some critical development and so some concepts i just cannot grasp


Hello little buddy!


I didn’t think it was possible to answer this banal drivel of a question wrong but you’ve blown me away


"You're not annoying. You're not a burden on the family. you like airplanes right? Chase it. Don't listen to the kids at school, you wont know them in ten years anyway. Focus on your work and learn to fly. You can fly much further than i ever did. Mom and dads issues aren't your burdens to bear so dont worry about it. Life is harsh when you get to my age, No one will care and you will have to learn how to handle life on your own so start now. It gets easier. I know right now you blame yourself for a lot but it really isn't your fault. Be cautious but learn to explore a little. Don't end up like me.


Apply for bux earlier
Get away from family earlier


How is it wrong anon? Thirdies like me didn't have easy access to exchanges


hi! i am from the past!

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