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Why the Media focuses solely on objectifying succubi as the center of attention, Why having relationship something that is necessary for Society nowadays to be labelled as a person who's not a "failure", Have our principles in life been so lowered to just satisfying our instincts? Normalfags and niggers who wear the same fucking attires and have zero intellectual creativity are now praised as the "Normal" of the society meanwhile a person that lurks in 4chan or Wizchan unironically possesses more wisdom but sadly are doomed to being "failures" of society for not doing the same as "Chads".
Are we doomed?


I don't know, wizzie.


Society is sick, mostly. But, humans will relate to each other eventually. No one is an island. I wouldn't be writing here if I didn't feel or think that doing so would promote something good, however hopeless it may be.

I really see the old "sexual relationship" going away. Sex is for making babies and relationships are really for raising those babies. The latter is always depreciated because they don't want us to raise babies. This isn't just about discouraging us from making babies, but specifically about making sure life cannot grow if it exists, and we cannot have anything ever again if the bastards have their way.

From what I see, there's an increasing acceptance, even praise, of "wizarding", and more men will just say their relationships are lies and more lies, not worth pursuing and nothing but a burden on them. If they find something worthwhile, that's great for them, but that is becoming the exception rather than the rule. As for me, my rule has always been that I won't bother with succubi until I have some reason to believe such a relationship would result in anything but immediate suffering, and since that will never happen, it's over. At my age and in my condition, I would be no use even if that did happen, and I can't say I ever really wanted that. It's the reasons why I was forced to be alone that were the problem, rather than the affections of females. I don't even see most succubi being happy with this, especially when "the lifestyle" is starting to cannibalize them just as it cannibalized men in the preceding decades. The main objective was to destroy all of the outlets men had to escape the ideology, to make it illegal to even "be a man", or be at all human in the older sense - to make it illegal to speak of what was being done to us. This goes for everyone, not just an oppressed group of males who were singled out. A society dominated by ritual sacrifice needs many scapegoats, and we live in a Nazified world.


What you describe is not a modern phenomenon. Just the way humanity has always been, the world has always revolved around sex.

Personally, I don't hate normies but I also don't give a shit about what they might think of me for not pursuing a relationship or being a virgin. Really, just stop caring about them, and you will be free.


The world didn't. Some humans did, and insisted others had to respect their stupidity. The whole thing relies on terminating any thought that there is a world outside of the orgy, the party, the moment of "pleasure", and that this is the only purpose of existence. It's always been an aristocratic view of society, and the great victory was to proclaim that it was actually the lowest class that "bred out of control" and "couldn't control themselves". The lowest class has always had to restrain their reproduction, and does so entirely because of the threat of torture. Aristocracy and its enablers glorify every rot and mastered the art of projection, scapegoating, and all of their tricks to keep pushing humanity's failure onto hated groups.


It's also only the lowest class that really restrains its reproduction out of a sense of goodness, or a sense that humanity and the world could be different. Only the lowest class ever truly wanted anything to be different. Everyone else would, in the end, have the option of kicking down, and insists that is the way we all must be because it is "natural", even though this way of life turns on itself and produces nothing. The only class desperate enough to believe in something like "the good" beyond their self-interest are the lowest class. Everyone else, when they speak of "helping society", only really think of perpetuating a machine that feeds them. They might themselves have aims outside of ruling, and usually do if they're of the middling classes and have something to do. The better rulers in history - and there are very few rulers in history who can claim they accomplished anything we could call good, and they only did so because human society would have collapsed into total ruin if they didn't get over themselves - understood that this sort of mentality turns on itself. It's always the failures and the inheritors who didn't have to build the empire that run it into the ground, only to start the cycle again. This is always the mentality of aristocracy and aristocracy alone. Every other class in human society sees that this is obviously ruinous, pointless, and against their interests, but they are compelled to go along with it because of constant insinuations that "this is nature", "this is good", and every malevolent tactic aristocracy ever developed.


Above all, the aims of the human race have been to ensure the lowest class stays oppressed forever. If this ever changed, an existential horror grips the human, who knows that their entire existence was premised on inflicting torture. They've always known, and laughed about it. It's a joke to them. None of this is mandated by any natural law or the world. The world goes out of its way to remind humans to stop doing this, and has given thousands of years of warnings, as have the better souls of humanity who see that this not only works against them, but creates total abomination.

The mentality of excessive sexualism is part of this habit of regressing to a primordial condition, stripping out anything good in the human soul. That is the point of mandating the orgies and insisting this is "pleasure" - to mark who is in and who is out, and heighten the terror of human existence. If this is what humanity is, why would anyone WANT to reproduce? This, of course, is the heart and soul of aristocracy from the beginning. It's what they are, and what they will always be, forever. They are a Satanic race, a failed race. Yet, because of the curse of humanity - not just its stupidity and obvious failure to do even basic things with its intelligence, but a malevolence which insists that the torture IS the point - any effort to work against this, or outside of it, is eventually co-opted for another cull. The explanation of why humanity is cursed to this - IF it continues to follow "the state of nature" - is a long one, which I am presently writing. It is not the sole explanation and it would be difficult to look at that alone as the problem, for aristocracy is highly adaptive, and I implore anyone who reads about this matter to never cease assimilating new information about the enemy. In the end, intellectual superiority or inferiority will not change what humans always were, and there is no way out by thinking it will be different, no master key that will solve the problem. Humans will eventually have to do some good, but it won't happen for a very long time, and humans will find a way to resume their typical habits. The humanity that is better than this will emerge exhausted, battered, and far diminished from their present condition, which is already terrible. Yet, there are small signs of a world to come other than eugenics, that were allowed to exist for a brief time - just before the decency of us will be snuffed out by the beast, which only ever saw our existence as a test to see how they can cull and cajole us to the slaughter in the future. All of our "freedom" was only ever an effort to see how humans can be herded by lying habitually to them about everything, starting from the very idea of a "republic" which existed to co-opt the nascent democratic idea that early civilization was starting to grasp.


The ability to manipulate and connect with people with different skills is more important - from a strategic perspective - than having said high skills.

Sexual success is a secondary and external signifier of this , not a 1:1 mapping but closer than any other indicator, such as wealth. It's also something that's subconsciously acknowledged by most folks, or consciously in our case.

If you can convince people who are smarter than you, or arrange circumstances so that the highly skilled follow your objectives somehow, you have all the benefit of said savants and technicians without having to actually be one.

The grand con of the modern age is to get those starting from a winning position to focus *entirely* on the signifier instead of building their clan to compete with other long established or simply more powerful clans and generate sexual success by accident. Degeneracy as a road to success means that when there is a stress moment, all the time and motion invested in chasing the signifier evaporates to the power and action of those who have the signifier incidentally.

That said, there are revolution moments where - for a while - this is no longer the case. Skilled gold diggers, steam engineers, and dot-com boomers for example, but eventually the skilled give way to the well connected.

AI _may_ be the turning point, because it can both be "infinitely" skilled and manipulate and connect the highly skilled as a function.


I agree with you even tho it kinda was a very extreme view on life but honestly, I mean i'm 20 (next week will be 21) but i gave up on getting a succubus, because i totally know i have no material status or a Physical build or even social status that will grant me at least a "friend" succubus, i'm completely non human i ceased to become a human, My only physical appearance that humans see me in College or in streets is something which is illusionary because i don't hold any speciability or presence, I literally only go out at morning instead of afternoon, All this just to show you that life fucked me up at a young age i completely know that when i'm in this state which i don't care i'm still thankful to God for, i'm completely aware that i'll never ever and will never be able to compromise for a succubus or make her feel safe or pay for what she wants or even entertain her with my so called friends, I literally have nothing but only some personal stuff to give her, i could be a good talker or something else but what else than non material stuff ? Society forced me to become this person i am and i'm not ashamed of that, but in that regard i can't sadly give anything for a succubus and i already show that to them when someone is interested to me that's why they always leave after 1 week, i don't want to torture a succubus with me, i get tortured in exchange when they leave me and it's all superficial relationships. I'm a person who's disqualified from being a human being


I really don't care but the it's just a debate, but this shit has fucking grossed to Insta, Reddit every fucking website has been plagiarized with forced relationships


I think the problem could be viewed from another perspective, Because if we actually scramble the reality we'll see that ranks don't matter and that nor aristocrary nor poverty will prevail against the unfathomable Death which rules our World, but this not to escape from this (might be a sort of escapism) but just a more relaxed perspective that is actually true but still, I believe Aristocrary are tortured by their ideas they can't live the life the rest of people live, they will always leave their sane side only to chase for something immaculate that is beyond their reach, while the poor class that are diminished still manage to find a way to live in such a complex World, Because that's what I actually hinted at, some portions of the Poor class can actually manage to realize that Poor class has to be always obliterated therefore there are websited "as such this", that are completely aware of that fact, but as you said that even if all Humans after realizing this fact will still be too late since the ruined world will already be in shambles, but still I believe the obliteration of the poor class is better since becoming the conscious of what's happening and witnessing the horrors of the society still atleast puts you in an alarming state even tho we don't have the power to fight against Society we still can atleast live in a way that we should not submit to their absurd rules, but the problem which you stated is that they're forcing on us which is a dilemma but to ignore that. The real problem which this thread was on is the Sex problem which i kinda think some of you response makes sense even tho some went far out of context.

but still I guess life revolves around the objective of sex but since Society is keen on making small numbers of population for better economics that's why the Sex market has risen into an infinite rate which all this shit I already presumably know but the problem is actually more bigger than that, I know that many Social Media platforms push their contents and force them on the masses to ensure they follow what they want but still man i fucking hate how life has came to be for real i kinda came into a full circle, I already knew the answer before posting the thread but i wanted more insight which is more useful even thought i already know but still it's like the problem is meh man whatver


succubi becoming the central focus of online media is a natural outcome originating from instinctive impulses, it is the most prevalent paradigm throughout human history that succubi are the object of men's sexual aim—this pattern recurs infinitely without need of recourse. All of the fashionable trends proliferating in modernity are no more unique, complex, or rich in diverse sentimentality than those that emerged and dissipated epochs ago. Our posterity may look backwards at his ancestors with curious fondness of their culture, or, more likely, with imperious scrutiny of their outlandish vogues.

If succubi were to unanimously conclude on their sexual preferences, and galvanize some ambiguous movement through media, then we would observe the inexorable capitulation by men—all of whom endlessly lurch toward the cusps of succubi's affection. In this society, unlike every other society before it, the right to fundamental human dignity is enforced and preserved by the state.


Eh, if you can keep something of the world, you'll find that the approval of succubi isn't worth all that much, and can count yourself happy if you hear the tales of divorced men. Being ashamed of womens' eugenic decisions is not worthwhile for anyone, and it doesn't make the succubi any happier. I never understood the succubus who gets off on rejecting others and makes a point of grandstanding about how many men she treats like shit. Most succubi just do the thing that's obligated of them and keep those out of the know, well, out of the know. It used to be that succubi were ashamed of riding the cock carousel or hated doing it and saw it as the new normal, and otherwise understood that whatever an ugly man was to her, it didn't warrant the sort of shrieking that we see from certain succubi. It only became standard behavior when society became much worse and such nastiness and desire to kick down became an institutional objective. They teach succubi and men in seminars to do this, teach it in management, teach it in colleges, in a way that was still uncouth when I was your age. It was just starting to be a thing - think the Hitler Youth on steroids except it was everywhere and given a liberal technocrat veneer. Even with that, a lot of succubi find whatever they're going to get early, make the baby, and then it's off to the horrors of motherhood and far less partying. It's only when eugenics went turbo after 2008 and the segregation of society became a total lockout rather than "The Secret" that you started to see it get really, really bad, and the most disgusting behavior of people would be not just rewarded but given extreme praise, while anyone suggesting that there was any decency was shamed until they knew what was good for them.

It was never "good" for people, but it wasn't always like "this", and now it's gotten so bad that fewer people can pretend that it's totally normal. But, soon enough, it won't matter. The bastards won and already killed and purged enough millions to make their mark, and we've just started the death spiral in Burgerland. Maybe because you're younger, you have a better chance of surviving, especially if you're doing college and have something going for you there.


Relationships are not as big a deal as you think. You simple feel attacked when they are brought up because it’s something you lack. Most people do not have good relationships.



I don't like life revolving around revolving around relationships because there are better things in life to revolve around that's what i'm hinting at


People are most likely to spend money when in relationships than when not.


Assume all behavioral traits are at least somewhat heritable. What do you think happens to those people who are less interested in sexual relationships? They reproduce less often and their genetic makeup occurs at a lower frequency in the next generation. Do you see how overwhelming interest in reproductive matters might be maintained in the population? Yay! Ronald Fischer would be proud,


I don’t think succubi ever hated being able to have consequence free sex - both in terms of social status ie risk of being labeled a slut - and being free of pregnancy/resource acquisition issues due to abortion, contraception and welfare state to support the child if it’s actually brought to term. It’s just that they couldn’t get away with it I’m earlier, patriarchal, conservative times, when men would check female sexuality for the good of society. Now things are matriarchal, with leftism, decay, chaos and disintegration having taken hold to such an extent that succubi can have their cake and eat it too - fuck all they want and shame men into “manning up” and marrying them despite their lack of purity.

They don’t need to be taught this strategy, as it’s really just naked female self interest and unchecked power. If men ever stop simping and cucking, it will return to a more pro civilizational state, but given how pathetic and feminized modern men are, I wouldn’t count on it.


zoomergirls are even more powerful than millennials


Depends on who you ask, and when. succubi will sell themselves, but there are limits when they are forced to do so to have any job, and the boss demands they conform to worse and worse things. But, there are succubi who are either exempted from the worst of it, or who enjoy seeing other succubi suffer, or enjoy the power trip. The succubi who don't like it are run down by being made to comply with that, if not from the start than as time wears them down, their bodies start falling apart from being treated like that, and they are left with nothing and none of the "power" that the great game promises.

You don't find many succubi who are "principled and moral" in the sense you might presume is desirable - you should probably know patriarchy wasn't an ideal situation at any point, and the reality of relationships never conformed to this idea that men had untrammeled personal rights and privacy regarding any succubus. All of that was upheld by an obligation to the state and other men, usually powerful men, and so patriarchy also meant harems and orgies for the powerful, and men would be expected to uphold that. There was no promise that you were entitled to a succubus, and in practice you couldn't do literally whatever you wanted. For one, upholding the morals of those rich men was an obligation, and any man who refused or asked for leniency - say his wife was taken forcibly and couldn't realistically refuse - was punished by other men. This of course would be exploited both by powerful men and conniving succubi. In any society, the great orgy finds a way. That shit happened all over Greek and Roman society, where orgies were everywhere and taken for granted. And if you think something like Islam is better, hoo boy, you should see what that part of the world has been like up to recent times. Of course now it's a warzone in the middle of an imperial war / social engineering project to make it really really shitty, and that emboldened the Muslims to get their act together out of dire necessity, but they were the original Sodomites lol.

Sex always has consequences in the end. The game wouldn't be played if it didn't. More and more I see succubi just not taking part in it, or only doing what they're obligated to do. Nothing about that shitshow is actually worth doing. As much as possible, the people doing this want "pleasure" to be associated with backstabbing and humiliation. That's what they want the world to be. It's become more evident, and anyone with a brain was warning that this would be the result, but there was no defending against the psychological assault we endured growing up.

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