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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Do you have any people in your family who you suspect or Can confirm that they are wizards/virgins ?
Can be Because of chronic health Issues or mental Issues that make them too "retarded" to be with succubi. Or just too poor/low statuts or even religieuse to have sex outisde of marriage.


You interest in my family tree, huh?
Why don't I leave my name, address and security number too and save you some time?


No, everyone in my family is extremely conforming, my brother got a gf and they are even planning a child.
It is funny because sometime ago we were visiting some friends of theirs and the couple had a kid. And my brother and his gf mentioned afterward that they visited a very "normie" people.

Then I said that they're not so diferrent from you, that they had basically the identical interests and qualities, so on. Then she said that if you don't want a kid and a family then there is something wrong with you.

It seem kind of idiotic to me, that some people want a kid just because they feel, that they are so to speak missing out on life. Not because they actually want a child. Well, at least that the impression I got.

Anyway, the only wizard in my family is me. I'm 30, so it's official.


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>Muh Data mining
We are Just a bunch of virgins in some niche corner of the internet
I often Hear people here talking about how super rare being a wizard/perma Virgin is but i literally have 4 four other confirmed wizards in my family, most of them are boomers and have long term health Issues or have mental Issues Like down syndrome, and before you Say "they could just pay for a hooker" most of them are very religieuse that it's easier for me to imagine a fat Goblin sitting on Moon eating fries than them paying for fornication.


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I expected so, my family is so Big compared to The average family nowdays, that it's got too Many members so it kinda increases the chances of wizards being there like me.

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