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We're already in a digital matrix i don't get why people contemplate this as some sort of "possibility". The pre-spatial lattice of reality manifests matter in conjunction/interaction with neural fields or groups of neural fields (hyperfields). When the lattice isn't interacting it has a value of 0 meaning it possesses infinite potential and everything is nowhere and everywhere at the same time (the void), and when there's an interaction with a neural field or observer the wave function of the lattice collapses and it becomes 1, its state is fixed.

That is the very definition of digital.


Ok, call it what you want, but you're just describing the foundation of the material world.
Simplifying quantum mechanics, yes, you kind of have a digital system, it's not really 0s and 1s but it's pretty close.

But you still have to prove that we are a simulation and that there is another world/universe on top of all this, and that is what no one can prove (at least right now).

So you cannot prove that we are in a situation like in the Matrix movies.

You can just say that there are some similarities with computers, but I mean, we made computers, and everything we make is similar to what you find in nature, e.g. airplanes are like birds, etc.

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