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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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By now, the field of behavioral genetics has showed that virtually all of human behavior suffer influence of genetics, 50 years of adoptions and twins studies proven beyond the shadows of doubt that genes are important.

Point is, interesting, how can two adults reproduce and create a celibate human? Of course if you think a little genetics are probabilistic, not deterministic, for every 1000 born kids from adults, 1 will be born with a "different", aka: a wizard, but you still need the genes coming from somewhere, in another way: someone in your family was a wizard before you were, probably some weird uncle or grand uncle.

Question: do you have, or know, any wizard in the family beside you?


It's called autism and being sub5.


>subscribing to teenage succubi's numerical system for rating male attractiveness

um,, why??


>Teenage females numeric system

Lmao, that's how you spot a newfag.


The numerical rating is a bit stupid but, you get the point.


it's not succubi's you are really low iq.
do you think the men who called you ugly in school and beat you up did it because you were handsome?


It was made by neurotic crabs, I think succubi rate most men even lower.


everyone on my dad's family is or was married.
there is one uncle at mom's side who is virgin at 40yo but he is also disabled physically (he can't walk).

otherwise, there is no one on my family who is virgin & not disabled.


>someone in your family was a wizard before you were, probably some weird uncle or grand uncle.
"Mental illness" (obligatory quotation marks) runs in the family, yes.
The difference is that decades ago even the "failures" could easily find a partner and reproduce. Today instead there's the whole crab phenomenon, so maybe future generations are going to be more chad-like, I don't know.


I come from a family or ignorant fuckups with troubled upbringings and personality disorders. No one in my family has ever accomplished much, even keeping a simple job was a struggle for majority of them and mostly are surviving old age only thanks to welfare. One thing they are all good at tho is being sociable and good looking. Both my mother and father were model tier at young age. Dad was an absolute chad that fucked extremely beautiful succubi and mom a textbook hot crazy bp.
I inherited their looks but nothing else, since day one i was extremely asocial, narcissistic and obsessive in my interests. No strong traumas or anything, always been a weirdo outcast with a toxic personality that never managed to leverage his good look. Never even cared about succubi, friends and maintaining relationships. So no, no one in my family is like this and I don't have an explanation for it
t. 33 years old virgin neet

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