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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Nearly every spiritual current in history describes resisting temptation as the main trait that distinguishes a good person from a bad person, high spiritual value compared to animalistic mediocrity. It is a struggle that every single human must deal with and, ultimately, it is what ends up defining a person – on Earth and beyond.

While this struggle is as old as time, we are living in a time of “weaponized” temptation, scientifically crafted to make us weak, unhealthy, unstable, and demoralized.

Some are constantly tempted by garbage processed foods that are purposely addictive yet destructive to their health. Others cannot help but ogle succubi on social media and porn sites, to the point that they’ve become debilitated. Others are obsessed with social media likes, comments, and online validation and cannot help but constantly check on them. Others spend enormous amounts of time winning video games while losing in life. Others need to consume opioids, cocaine, and other narcotics just to make life bearable.

All of these temptations have one thing in common: They were purposely engineered to activate the reward center of the brain and to release “feel good” hormones such as dopamine. Over and over again.

None of these things are natural and all of them trick our brains into thinking we are doing something good while it’s the exact opposite. Instead of achieving great objectives through hard work, sacrifice, and delayed gratification, society trains us to seek quick and easy dopamine hits that provide temporary pleasure … followed by a nasty down … followed by the urge to seek more dopamine.This nefarious cycle is turning us into weak individuals. And that’s what they want.


It is very hard to be a Christian in this day of age.



I don't know what to say, but good post.
I want to try to read books more to escape exactly this media addiction which is only hurting me in the end.


the only thing that has ever helped me escape that is God's grace through the scaraments of his holy church. time spent in adoration of the blessed sacrament where it's avalable and disciplined prayer at home. we have to ask for the Lord's mercy


Self discipline equals freedom in someways, because with self discipline you actually have true will to choose what you want.


If I were a mod I would ban all religious idiot braindeads like you.



Then perhaps it is best that you are not a mod


thank you captain obvious for this enlightening sermon on modern life

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