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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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So, ex-NEETbros, how did you do it? I need to work ASAP, but I don't know how to do it, I'm almost 2 years out of workforce, need advice on how to proceed to reenter and became a wagie again, I will miss my NEET free time, but life come fast at me and need working, so, any successful ex-NEET that become a well off wagie can help me here?


How old are you and where you at? Just those two factors can help on giving advice.


(close to, next month)30 and let's say USA.


>successful ex-NEET that become a well off wagie

has that *ever* happened before?


>I'm almost 2 years out of workforce
Then how did you do it the first time around?
What did she do to you? If anything she probably helped you through these ordeals of yours. Fucking monster.


why would you want to go back?
it's like going back to being a peasant after 2 years of being a king



Yes, look at the wagie thread on DEP, some wiz did in fact become a well off wagie, not rich by any means, but not poor either.


Also being forced to slave again soon. I haven't held a traditional job in ages, IDK what to even put on a resume at this point. That is my main fear holding me back. They will ask for references, who the fuck do I give them? What do I tell them when they ask what I've been doing for the past 15 years? I suppose I will lie and embellish and hope it works but I hate having to be faced with such a prospect.

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