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if you're a third worlder wizard living in a first world country, you may post here.
>How much do you struggle in life there?


Third wolrder here

Firsties doesn't know how is like to live in a violent and expansive place, is brutal, firsties wizards have it easy with good NEETbux, low crime and cheap stuff.

I want out of this hellhole


do you have european ancestry? if so try getting citizenship by heritage claims most jus sanguinis jurisdictions allow that


I have native ancestry, not full blooded european.


I can't imagine how bad it can be for the third world wizards considering how not pretty the things are in the second world.


im a first worlder i do know because i was homeless for a long time and had no protection. the drunken people did come and threatening violence against me, its very scary laying on the ground very badly injured and they are many of them drunk with a vehicle yelling at you. i didnt do anything only trying to lay down in pain. nobody would help me i begged hospitals social services nothing. i know. i dont have access to resources that first worlders do because i cant access them being extremely disadvantaged and disabled and dont have people that can advocate for me. when you are alone the world will eat you up alive if you arent lucky to have all the normal things. if i had a working body you cannot imagine how much amazing my life would be i wouldnt even care about being homeless i would be in state of bliss everyday it would be so amazing.

i would love to live in a third world with a working body and a family we can suffer together and have nothing together. i suffer alone. my access to resource and material things is lower than third world. i even did live in condemned place taken advantage of, extreme abuse and neglect, police not helping me because they're lied to, no advocates, social and mental health services not helping a disabled autistic man because no advocates and actual criminals doing hard drugs and alcohol are playing the police and doctors lying. then when i film it they dont help me and i end up homeless the next day. i called the police when the people were tryying to kick my door down, they were locked out of the property by a big gate by the people. then they call back and apologise they were locked out. they had a duty of care didnt even respond, they could have easily walked around the gate though, and up to the property but who cares about disabled people that are being attacked.

the place i lived in there was a shed, no building codes, rats piss and shit in the roof and living up there nests., that is my drinking and bathing water. its also all infected with mould. i payed rent there, i was stranded too in remote area injured myself trying to get to doctor appointments to travel physically to the nearest bus.

the people at the very bottom in first world have it a lot worse than many people in the first world, but obviously the people at the very bottom in the third world they have it worse still. being at the very bottom in the third world is different than being at the bottom of the first world though anyway, and the comparisons and things that are made. as in, your relative poverty is not nearly as bad as if you live in first world, unless you're no family and homeless and dying and disabled and that would mean they just die. that was happening to me anyway here.


sorry i meant in last paragraph to say third world sometimes when said first world. my brain is not working great right now. it does better toward end of the day. i also have extreme nausea and hope i dont throw up soon it may be because i havent eaten for several days anything


how did you recover?

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