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>30 years old
>live with folk
>No perspective of attaining a high paying job

How can I find peace with that fact and my life situation? What should I do?


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find a well paying job without a high degree or no degree at all


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You could start by not identifying as a loser.

Quit assuming that being unemployed and living at home at 30 makes you a loser, it doesn't.

The people who would call you a loser would still find a reason to give you shit even if you got a job and moved out, I would know.


Living with your family doesn't make you a loser. Just get a job, or learn some basic skill that will allow you to have one.


My normie brother was a penniless neet until like 30 (but not a virgin), then he found a wealthy succubus, who also got him a job. They have 2 kids together.
And to top it off he got a substantial 6 digit win (almost half a million) from a raffle ticket.

It just seems like the universe sets up certain people to never fail no matter how much they laze around or do nothing.
While others who work their asses off stay in shit all their lives.

Life isn't a just place nor does it have justice. It's chaos.


Have you tried being proud of being a loser? Who tf said you're a loser anyway? Soyciety? You? Fuck society and change your mindset. You have all the free time in the world & you don't have to pay (((property taxes))). Take some pride in your (lack of) work.


He is 6'3 and the type of face that attracts succubi I guess. Has also gone to the gym all his life.

I just hate life


tall and attractive men are cursed to never achieve wizardhood. They are too weak to withstand our trials.


why are you here ? sex haver.


I used to care and feel bad about how I'm a Loser in this Society and how I didnt accomplish anything but around 2020 that changed entirely.
If I wasnt a Loser I would have lined up for these vaccines like all the normalfaggots and would probably have to deal with cancer or some shit.
But even worse the covid scam also massively exposed that all these degrees and normalfag experts arent worth shit, none of these supposedly smart normalfags could figure out that they were pushing a made up disease.
So how can you feel bad about not "succeeding" in a society like that?
The true Losers of this Society arent the Wizards, crabs and whatnot, no its the normalfaggots that never question anything and line up for mysterious injections that are pushed to them by the usual (((suspects))).


Your worth shouldn't be determined by your ability to wage.


Well said.


Only through God can you achieve real peace of heart. Gf or money wont give you peace because those are temporary situations of this world. Seek God's guidance


this. God doesn't care how old you are, what your job or net worth is (which you cant bring to the next life anyway), and neither does he care if you live with your parents. All that matters is how close you are to him, because while this world is fleeting, the next is forever


There is no God but you. No entity will save you but you. No poster on Wizchan will save you. YOU.ONLY.YOU.


I wish I was 30 again


Bro leave this place and find something to dedicate your life to.


You can bypass poverty if you are extremely good looking by seducing the rich daughter of a CEO or businessman, then siphoning off gifts and cash (and ensuring your kids are set for life the moment they're born)

You can't be a wizard if you do it. Being a wizard by definition means NO SEX.


How do I cope with my brother already on a path to success, even wealth if things go lucky his way.
I feel extreme depression and uneasiness with this thought, it's consuming me and I can't think properly anymore. On one hand we're on good terms but there's this feeling of extreme inadequacy in me that makes me feel awful.

How do I combat these thoughts? That success does not actually correlate with happiness? That some people are just not destined to it no matter how much they try because of their generic makeup? I find these solutions somewhat Cathartic but I don't know.

Whenever I see a random person succeed I don't feel anything but now that I've realized my brother might become successful I'm filled with envy and panic, Why?


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>How do I cope with my brother already on a path to success
>How do I combat these thoughts?
You don't cope or combat at all. You correct.

Feelings of lesser self-worth when comparing to other men are human feelings and conditional of maledom. It's these feelings that drive a man to become better than others as a goal so that he may have a rung to reach for on the climb to improving himself for his own sake. If you feel inadequate, either work to become adequate or learn to appreciate your current 'dequate as adequate enough. Feeling "left behind" by your peers, especially your brother who you were grown to see as an equal, is also normal and typically just a phase. In the ancient times (before 1892 A.D), these feelings would have you walking out the door with a rucksack to start life anew and become a man of your own creation.

>Whenever I see a random person succeed I don't feel anything but now that I've realized my brother might become successful I'm filled with envy and panic, Why?

You're connected to your brother by blood, memory, and culture. Should he travel up the path of 'success' while you stay behind or follow a different route, you will lose the strong cultural connection. His successful direction will expose him to more experiences and soon the memories you both share will fade in to the background. This is endemic to growing up and apart, but know that the path of success, while long and winding, intersects all other paths of life. No matter where you're going, you'll always have the chance to hop on to the path to success and follow in your brother's footsteps. Or meet him on it. Or pass him on it! And while his idea of success may differ from yours, a man who is content, self-fulfilling, independent, and true to himself is a success in the most classical of senses, regardless of how much money he has or what kind of succubus he can pull with his job title.

What is your idea of success? There's no better time than now to walk toward it, even if it's just one step.


an old (40 + years ago) cartoon character said it best: "be just what you is, not what you is not; folks what does this has the happiest lot"…


I recall all my friends that are/were successful and the outcomes of their existence's…
Almost to a man they died / are dyeing slow and hard.
its a caution to those who would half kill themselves trying to be "SUCCESSFUL" …
it isn't worth it; never was, never will be…



We're all dying


Not fast enough


Some people would say that "to work is to lose", by their definition you would be a winner. Of course I know what you mean, in the eyes of the broader society anyone who hasn't met that specific set of milestones is judged as a "loser". It takes real balls and backbone to stand up to that and live your own life as you please. Perhaps reflecting on the fact that you will die, perhaps much sooner than you'd anticipated could help. I have health anxiety that gets pretty bad at times and whenever that hits and I get convinced that this time I will die for sure, the last thing on my mind is how others see me. The only thing I care about is spending more time reading my novels at home, enjoying a rainstorm while in bed, playing some game etc.
You have to claim this life as your own and follow your own path wizzie.


>You could start by not identifying as a loser.
A dog shouldn't identify as anything but a dog otherwise he will be called crazy.

It doesn't matter what you identify as, people can always tell and you don't even need to speak with the truth for that.


focus on what you have, unlike most people your age, you actually have TIME!
most people are bugged down with responsibilities from job, families and etc.
You on the other hand have enough time to teach and indulge yourself with creative hobbies, programming, fitness, enjoying the great outdoors or whatever. if you just spend 1 or 2 years studying programming or drawing you will have better skill than most uni-graduates in these subjects. You will also be fitter than most hit the gym for this amount of time. of course the endeavor isn't going to be a walk in the park but the end results will be worth it. think of all the things you can do afterwards!
Give in some thought, think about what you could do with this abundance of time!


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From a totally reputable source without any sort of pro-establishment bias, of course.


what is the truth?


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>I get all my news from the most reputable, scholarly, and unbiased source of all, /pol/


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It's over for vaxxnigger subhumans


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I strongly suggest you calm down, vaxxie, or you will have a heart attack.


You guys still on this vaccine bullshit? Its been like 3 years. People arent dropping dead.


Just wait 2 more week until vaxx apocalypse, any moment now.


Everybody around me is constantly getting sick, getting cancers, blood clots strokes, going to hospitals. I'm the only guy I know that didn't take, only one I know as healthy as horse, how very strange. I will let you people die in ignorance, just bored and felt like sharing this for the enjoyment of other awakened souls.


But I never agreed with that red deer retard. Maybe your vaxxie brain can't process that different anons might make different predictions about current events? Did you go to a neurologist to check for brain damage already? Poor vaxxie…


You retarded to think that your experience means that the entire world is suffering the same, go read a book about bias, dumb nig.


The older you get the more you learn the inescapable truth: cash rules everything around me, cream, get the money, dollar dollar bills y'all.

Acquire skills and use them to make yourself wealthy without wage cucking. It's possible. The best plan is something you can start small with just one man and then expand to a business where you are exploiting others rather than being the one exploited. For many years I resisted that because I found it morally repugnant. But if the world gives you a choice between the exploited or the exploiter, it's not your fault if you want to choose the latter because it is clearly much better. It's odd that most people only dream of being a high tier wagecuck, but ultimately they are still being exploited even if they have a job that pays 6 figures. The one exploiting them is a millionaire, maybe even billionaire.


I've been seeing hundreds of people that report the same exact shit. The fycking ironing get out of your liberal whacko bubble shit for brains


Your predictions are the equivalent of the "red deer retard" and have been force-fed to you by the online places you frequent while you ironically fancy yourself a free-thinker. Do heed my prior advice, most other people have the capacity to discuss other things as well but as this is all you're capable of, that place is much better suited for the likes the red deer fellow and you.

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