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any shy wizzie? It's a real struggle and I don't know how to overcome this. I'll stay shy all my life I think because it's too hard to talk to people freely.
It's hard for shy people to get some respec from others. I always think people are making fun of me and telling bad things about me. I can't handle being mocked or put in the lightspot around people or , worse, strangers.
I created a bunch of tricks to avoid being weird and getting attention from other people outside and hide my shyness too.


You're not a succubus. Stop being so self conscious. There is absolutely no reason to care how other people perceive you to the point where you need to whimper around and devise tricks just to exist among others.


You just have to look people in the eye, laugh and say hello. It's not that complicated.

>I always think people are making fun of me

Nobody cares about your shitty life.


>Just be confident, bro


pointless thread


A person can say hello, smile and look you in the eye without having self-confidence.


I used to be extremely shy and only overcame it at a very late age, so I believe I can offer you some helpful advice. Everyone says that shyness is just a lack of confidence, but they rarely explain what that truly means. You may recognize what confidence looks like, but it can be challenging to understand exactly how to embody it. Well, I'm here to shed some light on that. People also often advise not to care about what others think, and while there is some truth to that, it's not as simple as flipping a switch, especially if you're a shy and anxious person. You're not a psychopath; you absolutely do care about others' opinions. What you need to work on is understanding why you care so much.

For now, set aside the word "confidence." Instead, focus on the lack of insecurity, which is what confidence should mean to you at this point. Ask yourself: What are you insecure about? You mentioned that you think people are making fun of you. Why do you feel this way? Did you have negative experiences in the past? Who were the people involved? Did these incidents occur during your childhood? Children often say foolish things, and as an adult, you would likely brush off such comments. However, since you experienced these things during your formative years, your emotions are still tied to that child-like self. It's essential to communicate with that part of you as if it were a child because, in a sense, it still is. This is why identifying the specific memories behind these feelings is crucial. If you're having trouble pinpointing these memories, that's okay too. In that case, you can simply remind yourself that while being anxious about social interactions may have served a purpose in the past, it is no longer helpful. Express gratitude to your younger self for providing that defense mechanism, but acknowledge that you no longer need it and that it's time to let it go. You can rationally explain to your inner child that those were just children who didn't know any better. Don't attempt to use your adult mind to rationalize the feelings away, as that rarely works. Instead, reassure your child-like self that it's okay to feel this way, but the people who made you feel bad were simply being immature.

The second part of the process is to put yourself out there more, allowing your brain to become accustomed to interacting with people and realizing that they can be friendly. Support groups are an excellent way to achieve this. Look for a social anxiety support group to join. If you have any form of addiction, research S.M.A.R.T. groups and attend their meetings. The goal is to participate in something where people are focused on helping each other, which will help your brain adjust to a supportive atmosphere. It's also important to be mindful of the environments you expose yourself to. Spaces filled with negativity and trolls, like most anonymous imageboards (wizchan isnt as bad as say, 4chan, but it is still pretty negative, imo), feed the negative thoughts that keep your insecurities alive. Distancing yourself from these environments will help you cultivate a more positive mindset. You dont have to abandon them completely but it is a good idea to take a break while your brain builds up some resilience.


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Shut up retard. The "lack of accountability" you're advocating for would have OP squirming on the floor in the face of utter hopelessness forever. Hopeless to improve himself, to become stronger, to overcome his fears - because he doesn't have the "free will" to change :^). He'll just have to accept his current state (which is just a phase that many young men go through) because he's not accountable for it! Sit in silent suffering until the Gods of fate decide to magically make OP less anxious.

"No free will" cunts are a plague on any place where men gather to discuss their feelings. You are bad actors.


yeah bad thigs happened in my childhood that made me shy and also when I was young I was ashamed about myself because we were poor [poor family] and feared of being mocked for that, so I tried to go unnoticed as much as possible.


thank you intresting


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one of the reason I'm shy it's because my family always put me in a ambarassing situation in public, it led me to be shy, fuck them I fucking hate them


Don't let them win. Defeat them by stopping being shy.


>find someone willing to do human activities
nta, but how do you find someone like that? I'm always alone and people are repulsed by me


Seek discomfort or the vines will slowly wrap around you and consume you


The way is to accept that chats must not take place for the sake of merely chatting, and getting ready to use overwhelming violence after you successfully lightspot back those normalfags in the face. An ability that also requires training, like the strength/martial training you are probably missing and you are in still unconscious yet intense need of.

Some mockeries, if not most of them, are just the way normalfags hide their seething against you. We are just not hardwired to realize it in time.


True. Normies don't rage when they seethe, they try to mock and belittle.

But what really trips them off is if you mock and belittle them back and thus make their status ridiculed.

Then they resort to violence and physical anger because their status has been challenged.


I sort of overcame it by working retail. I was a poorfag so my options were either overcoming it or starving. I say "sort of" because I'm still shy, but I managed to trick myself by creating a new character that's not shy and everyday when I went to work I "played" that character instead of being myself. It worked well enough to do the job, but it was dreadful. Does that make sense?


It makes perfect sense.

All the good things I have now in life come from larping as a character that isn't me at all.
As my own authentic weird autistic self I'd be in an institution or some 1 bedroom slum apartment scraping to get food money.

My main life tip for wizards: HONESTY DOESN'T PAY OFF.


but normalfags are smart, usually, they can figure your lies out
what then? what do you do when they find out that youre lying?


Yeah, being dishonest only works when you are very young and no one knows any better. Like younger than 25. The worst thing is that no one will even call you out, they will just distance themselves from you, allowing you to remain delusional.


The trick is completely disappearing from their vicinity once they figure out how much you've stolen or embezzled. You don't stick around to explain stuff once you get caught. You just move onto another normie circle or company to farm.


I am shy and I hate it. I feel so uncomfortable literally any time I'm interacting with people. This feeling kills any chance to react spontaneously based on the emotions I feel because the only emotion I feel is fear which is inappropriate to express in most situations. This makes me incredibly dull and boring to be around. I see other people just randomly making small talk and bursting out in laughter with some stranger in a store and I just wish I could do that. I literally don't know what to say. If I tried to say something it would be lame and inappropriate and forced so I just stick to stuff that needs to be said. I feel like a robot without a real human soul.

I wish I knew where I could go to get over this. I know I need to practice just chatting with people to get better at it but I don't even know where I would go.


I have the same thing.
Tbh, I think it can only be fixed if your environment provides you with positive reinforcement.

In my case, I developped fear of socializing due to the negative reinforcement I bathed in since I was a teen.
And yes, i'm a boring and dull person.


>I wish I knew where I could go to get over this. I know I need to practice just chatting with people to get better at it but I don't even know where I would go.

social anxiety support groups

Don't think about it, find one near you and just go.


I've been a shyfag my whole life and I still have social anxiety. It used to be a lot worse; at least now it's not so overwhelming that I feel like passing out when I'm out in public. I also work outside every day with my relatives, because I was forced to quit NEETing earlier this year. But now the fuckers are firing me because the economy's shit and they can't afford to keep me around. I'm currently looking for a new job and it's so hard. They never contact you no matter who you apply for, so you're forced to call them and I hate using my faggoty voice. I haven't called one store I applied for yet, because the anxiousness is killing me and I don't know how to sound professional.


not OP but thanks wiz, especially the second part, since my retarded brain is still stuck in "people are hostile" mode, which makes me introverted but not shy


This. Hidden harm is the worse.
Remember that many times they do this out of conventionalism. It is not sincere, such laughters or smiles


I still think that these anxiety issues are downplayed by counterpressuring normie tactics against ours. Shit their status with the most outrageous reactions available

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