After 2 long years as a NEET, things has come to a problematic conclusion, my folks some financial problems and can't support me any longer, I don't know what to do, I'm 30 years old NEET, 31 next years and things has finally reached a conclusion, it's over for me, I don't know what to do, the street are coming for me.
How expensive is having a NEET son anyway? I assume your needs are minimal: one room, 3 meals and an internet connection. It's not like they're paying for your rent and schooling in another city or something. It's crazy that Americans just kick out their kids at 18 despite having giant houses.
>>219362 >It's crazy that Americans just kick out their kids at 18 despite having giant houses. they do this in western countries in europe. I don't understand why, it looks heartless to me
>>219367 I need money ASAP, no time to wait to explode in YouTube, my situation is dire, no NEETbux, I'm going to this street on this rate, it's bleaks as fuck,
>>219372 Maybe grocery stores and things like this? Construction? Fast food joints?
You are not going to get anything fancy, of course, but it should be possible. Your parents can't help you with that? Have you talked to them about getting a job?
Get a trade or get a GED and then finish a college that isn't fucking liberal arts. I was a total NEET until my parents gave me the ultimatum of me making money or kicking me out. You have to accept that life is full of suffering if you want to keep living. The ultimate wagecuckpill. >>219362 >>219364 It's tough love. Who the hell wants to spend the rest of their life like this, anyways? A man has to provide, even if he doesn't want to or is hated.
It come time to turn yourself in for Remus reasons if you're in the USA. You need paperwork or income. Cucks or work. Fuck the shelter and the lot by snagging a bed for it all by going emergency room, the explanation is simply that being in the shelter and soup kitchens is overly cumbersome so you are suicidal and self harm. Explain that your going to starve and hang. They give cucks and picks but you end up in a home with internet. Remember that this is just a transitional burden, soon you'll be on medication and thriving.
>>219392 >A man has to provide, even if he doesn't want to or is hated Where do you think you are to be spouting this kind of retarded normie ideology? The reason 'men' provided in the past was because they expected something in return.