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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Sometimes I am asked about personal things but I ghost the intruders about it, since they did neither told me first about theirs and also it usually serves them as material for lecturing me or mocking me. After going this way, some other normies tell me about how I should be more sociable to achieve something in life.

Is this the only way or do they have more stupid games to gaslight us?


normies lack empathy. they can't put themselves in someone else's shoes and imagine what it would be like. they're also bad at thinking ahead or predicting how they or someone else will feel. when they say "be more sociable" it's because that's what they did and it worked for them, but they can't grasp that your experience is different, nor can they think about why you would have reservations about it. and then if you actually become more sociable and open up, they'll hear your honest thoughts and feelings and use them against you when it's convenient. it wasn't bait or some master manipulation by them, they don't really think that far ahead, it's just action and reaction and they use any tools that are at their disposal to feel better in the moment, usually putting someone else down. one thing normies learn quite young is to build themselves up, a persona that is acceptable to the outside world and then they completely embody it and believe it's really them. succubi are particularly good at this, just creating a narrative around their identity, "her story" and then just doing whatever makes sense within that frame. if you poke holes in their story, they will become very aggressive at first to protect themselves but if you keep going, they end up breaking down completely. a lot of normies end up in looney bin when they loose their job or marriage or something happens where they can no longer patch up the conflict in their story so they change it radically (mid life crisis) or they break down. the idea that normalfags are psychologically stable and well-adjusted is a misconception, they're usually 2 or 3 unfortunate steps away from a total mental breakdown. i think most wizards are a lot more stable and we can tolerate much more, but this world is inherently fucked up and the way society works, under the hood of its official "story", is incompatible with our natures. to survive and thrive within humans, you have to be able to suppress self-awareness and learn to embody a role that's given to you and then compete on your level for resources and needs.


If you care enough about the conversation then simply tell them you don't feel comfortable sharing that when you don't know that much about them. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Keeping this shit inside will just cause you to come off as more weird when you eventually decide to erupt in an unexpected way.


People at work always ask me shit that I don't want to answer. I don't like talking about myself at all, even little things. And the times I do share stuff, they laugh at it.


Same, they never ask about things irrelevant to me. I mean, it's almost like they already know the answers, but want to watch me admit it.


My boss asked me very straight up about My personal Life. I answered because it was The first Time someone did this within few days of knowing me. He then proceeded to "give me advice" how to find a gf. I think he just wanted to feel superior to someone, something he can feel he's an expert in. Its weird how people cant hear what their own "advice" sounds like. I mean he basically told me just to Have fun and give off a vibe that you feel like fun. If I was ever in a position like him, I could never spout off bs like that. Only real advice is something that fixes a broken situation. Like If someone is 5'5 tall and countless Times succubi Have told him he's just too short, The advice is to get Leg lengthening surgery


social situations are not that easy. normalniggers hate honesty in general so if you say you don't feel comfortable sharing something you're already in mocking territory of callous normies for being paranoid or too sensitive when it's not necessary.

my suggestion is making shit up with straight face. if you get caught just say you were joking. best case scenario they laugh. if not and the normalnigger decides to get confrontational hit him with their weapon, act clueless and ask why he is angry when you were just joking.


making shit up will just make you look like you think very low of yourself, which in turn, will make them think very low of you too and will put you in the mocking territory just the same. Its probably better to say that you never had a gf with a straight face than trying to make some shit up.

I think its better to say something "I don't want to talk about this right now" (implying that you could talk later in another situation, even if its not true and you will never do so), it will show some vulnerability, as it can look like some sensitive territory, but it is less damaging, in my opinion. Normies also have tons of past breakups and traumas. Then just ask something else to them, to take the small talk in another direction.


meant to quote >>219523



The past trauma doesnt really matter. What matters is that The normie is most likely in a relationship at The moment. Its The only thing that has value in The normies mind at That moment


That Is Not To Be Feared By A Wizard

This how you can know they seethe. Recover your mental energy by triggering them even more.
>whatever you answered they would mock it
>indirect badmouthin their most loved stuff can shit their souls
>beware of letting social pressure handle you without that receiving punishment

Less regrets.


Absolute crap. Look how females dominate them, that they only have to look whorish for them to start building science tactics to approach and convince them.

This type of privilege is a dishonor and I feel ashamed by mankind due to this sociosexual dynamic of selling your attitude and life away to such whimsical, spoiled creatures just because you cannot have sanity enough to withstand life without sex.

Even if I, in the past, were to eventually get into something by talking to whoever, today it gives a feel of coomer: they got hooked to it so they chase succubi madly. And succubi laugh stupidly and arrogantly about it.




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