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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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I don't want to see any kind of a female being in my entire life, i dont have much friends and i have assburger syndrome, i cant even talk well infront of people it just feel uncomfortable to have a friend in real life, i can deal with online friends but i always be afraid when some of these friends says
>Im in your city anon
Its just feels wrong to me, also i cant call my self ugly because i see myself beautiful mybe aswel i feel ugly. The worst feeling is when i see someone mybe uglier than me and have bitches and friends that treating him so well. I just stop atm and asking my self
>Is my face wrong?
>Is my talking way?


what are your hobbies?


as a guy, you're just treated as dirt by default unless you have something that other people want, it's that simple. being ugly and awkward is just a sign that you're also low status, so the only thing you can offer to others is maybe entertainment from bullying you. if you don't look tough or crazy, then they think they can get away with it.

to wymen you're basically just a potential resource in the form of status, money, fun, simping, etc. a fucking store where everything is priced in pussy and attention if they can get away with it. to other guys, you're either competition or someone lower than them on food chain they can shit on to blow off steam. don't take personally, we're simply in the hell dimension and the only game is minimizing suffering. good luck!


>The worst feeling is when i see someone mybe uglier than me and have bitches and friends that treating him so well


there is no fixing autism, anon. Unless you're female then you're seeing as quirky.


Most based shitpill. So based it is disempowering.



Remember that they have such company out being social, and social in terms of normalcy always had bootlickery in it. Observe that person closely, listen to their words, they will say time to time things you wouldnt want in your mouth.

When I stopped being a failed normo in high school, I started caring about my looks only to spit on any female attention I would receive about them.

31 years old and I still have this sadism on me, in spite of how much times normos told me "you will regret not going for this blah blah". Had I gone for whatever they would have played with me like a toy:
>Do you want to come here?
>Why so quiet?
>Etc, etc…

That constant anxiety for getting female attention was killing me, yet the truth is, that this attention easily drops no matter how deep or long, nor the type of the relationship be. They do not want men, they want their power, their status, their vis comica, their whatever…

They are like that quote about the world: "when you laugh, the world laughs with you, when you cry you cry alone". This disgust I feel is what somehow keeps shame away when faced with these "harem guys" with so many succubi on them around me. It has this scent of coercion, subtle and stingy… but I decided long ago: if succubi go after some man we do not estimate much, that should not be taken as an error from our judgement, but rather as succubi being at his level and therefore despicable. Such was amongst my motivations towards wizardry when I started this path


You could imitate that person in character, only to be even more rejected by normals, making you even deeper down about yourself.

But when these normals are questioned about their hatred, they do not give clear answers. They be mere animals attracted by something entertaining or appeealing that little has to do with the heart of a person or even worse, disregarding how much vile such person is as long they have from him this required feedback they love so much.

A little bit sold, we are, when these pressures hit us from inside.
Hatred is not healthy… most of times.

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