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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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I have ascended. I don't care about succubi anymore.
I used to be obsessed with e-succubi from that board /agatha2/ on Endchan. But something (that I don't want to talk about) happened and I've lost interest in them completely. Succubi are stupid and I am not attracted to the same sex, so I'll just focus on improving my intellect from now on. No more simping!


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it's hard to not simp. but when you find out your favorite e-succubus doesn't give you attention anymore, you become a slave of your own desire and become a hungry man for the right dopamine in the brain the e-succubus managed to make you feel. let alone the interaction you had with her by any chance. at the end of the dau, your scare will heal with time but you will never erase the scare she left you. let her go or if you met her online, you'll kill her like the simp who killed bianca because it is a pattern I found inside all simps within: the capacity to kill. people like that can't handle having a normal life with normal relationship so better become a wizard and let alone succubi for normalfags to be their bfs


You're right.
Dating is for normalfags only. Fuck them all.


Liking and giving attention to e-succubi has be the most cvcked thing you could do.


>I don't care about succubi anymore

Welcome here


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>so I'll just focus on improving my intellect from now on.

Which fields are you interested in?



You have just started a minimally basic wizard behaviour.

Are you able to practice edging without dropping semen, neither by temptation nor while asleep?

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