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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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After browsing no-fap threads across teh cyberverse, found that many struggles comes from those who are horny and also focused into normie behaviours, while rarely such topic (the struggle for no-fap) is given amongst those who spend their lives (mostly failed normies) feeling this dreadful thirst for sex or company without ever being able to do anything about it. Indeed, the last thing they are is horny, there is this horrible pull from inside them that leaves them drained already without spilling mana, curiously as they not even horny enough to fall into dangerous fap.

I wonder, since they lack this energy in such levels and form, could it be that deliberately going for solitary tantra (edging + redirection of energy) could slowly improve hidden corners of their soul? Since usual fapping gets people down and even ashamed of facing the public even if these know nothing about such acts, could it be that dominating the art of mana harvesting were to be a hidden, unspoken source of renewed energy and a way of combat against their miserable mood? To fall into the pit of shame, never touch its depths, collect the diamonds scarce as they were and come back up untouched by the trap inside it (given that this energetic flaw of theirs provides also advantage against bothersome levels of horniness).

When I had my phase of being a failed normie, tortured by this want, I never even thought about cooming to consolate myself. Even less about using anything like edging or treating myself into cultivating this type of manhood… not even after my face-heel turn into a redpill schizo.


another schizo rambling about fapping


just be careful 'cause you'll attract parasitic female entities (and i don't mean 3dpd). if some kind of female entity appears to you emanating pure love, don't believe her lies.


Of course. May you be blessed.


Another normalcuck whining about schizos

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