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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Are the foids really starting this tirade or is it just a joke to annoy the male crabs? I'm a new fag.


it's probably just a moid posting that as insel wish fulfillment, but i wish wymen were more honest about this shit. if they just said, be chad or we won't fuck you, then that's fair. but instead they gaslight you into hating yourself because you're not trying hard enough, oh you just need a better personality and it will somehow compensate for being unsexy. and you're not even allowed to give up on the game. imagine if every short person was mocked for not playing in the NBA like they're not trying hard enough or something lol. i hate how i'm treated as a subhuman because wymen aren't interested in fucking me, even though i stopped caring about this in my teens. i'm not going to grow up to compete with michael jordan but everyone around me is looking at me weird for not practicing hoops in my backyard lol


I'm relieved this tirade wasn't started by a succubus. It would have been worse if they were honest. It would have been better if they at least tried not to show it.




even wizexecutives have 10 minutes in their busy day to take a dump and shitpost on wizchan


It's an obnoxious terf slut who fell for the transmaxxing meme and now salty about it


While "Chads" could be more appealing to succubi than us, succubi are inferior creatures whose opinion shouldn't matter a lot.


succubi aren't a universal hivemind. Overgeneralizing people like that just creates undue stress because thinking like this trains to think of the doomer fantasy as a reality.

I am sure you had bad experiences that makes you validate that view, but it is best single out the behavior specific to that person. That is how you stay focused in reality and not think yourself into depression and low self-esteem.


so i shouldn't trust my direct experience and observations and instead substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else? yeah, no thanks. i'll change my mind about this shit when i get information that contradicts it. go gaslight someone else with your fake concern.


No, what I am saying is to associate your experiences with what actually happened. If someone treated you poorly then that person treated you poorly. That is the objective truth here. Call that person a piece of shit and hate them all you want. The dangerous part comes in when you take that experience to craft some fake person to hate and then project that fake person on every female you see.

>substitute it with some idealized notion handed to me by someone else

All notions of other people are handed to you by someone else. That tends to be how this type of overgeneralization works.

I am asking you to take the wizardly route and transend all this bullshit. Just abandon any notion, good or bad. Don't make up some hypothetical succubus to get mad at. Literally wasting your energy on fantasies that just piss you off. Like I said earlier, use that energy to call the very real people who involved with your very real experiences a piece of shit, get over it and then be at peace with your wizardly self.


Moved to >>>/b/999100.

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