Have any of you guys tried "forcing" yourself to become asexual? People on quora (https://www.quora.com/Can-you-become-asexual-by-trying) say that you're born asexual, just like you're born gay, lesbian, trans etc. and that you can't make yourself change your sexuality by you power of will.they also say that being asexual is a hassle in this oversexualised society, but wizards prefer a solitary lifestyle away from society, so it's not a problem for us, right? The reason I'm asking is because I tried to do just that for the past few years. At first, anything that looked like a succubus or her certain body part would make me hard. But after reading some biology books, watching a few documentaries and through my sheer power of will I successfully managed to make myself not attracted to succubus boobs, 3d and 2d. They don't evoke any kind of response from me anymore, so it's definitely possible to "change" your sexuality and what you're attracted to. I still feel attraction to ass and wide hips and I'm working on that. If any of you guys successfully managed to stop being attracted to ass, please let me know how you did it. Wouldn't it be nice to not feel any sexual attraction to succubi at all?
Read up on corpse meditation and Buddhism in general. Contrary to popular mythos Buddhists aren't trained to be indifferent or sit with their desires for succubi or sex, they train themselves to remind themselves of the disgusting nature of the human body to reduce sexual desire. It is definitely a possible way to become asexual if you have waves of sexual desire that you are trying to stop.
>>156522 I rather share the opinion of the people on quora. I don't think you can change your sexuality by pure power of will. I think you are either born asexual or you become asexual, because you suffer from mental health issues like schizoid personality disorder or depression.
>If any of you guys successfully managed to stop being attracted to ass, please let me know how you did it. Despite what porn, hentai and instagram thots might tell you, 99% of succubi post-puberty, so like 16 and older succubi have cellulite, which is really unattractive not safe for wizzies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulite
>>156522 It's impossible, already tried with no success. And it's really just a no fun way of experiencing life, masturbation is great, and all the things that you can enjoy thanks to your SEXUALITY are wonderful. Simple things such as feet are erogenous to me and that's something I love, besides it gives me the advantage of not having to look for hard stuff that many will find disgusting to have get hard to and fap afterwards. Don't fight against it, rather try not to break a boundary that YOU set and find fitting for yourself.
>>156522 you're already a form of asexual if you aren't interested in having sex with others, even if you masturbate. weirder yet, many asexuals have sex with others.
the buzzword you're looking for is antisexualism, which advocates no sex or masturbation.
>>156528 >>156529 >>156530 >>156532 OP here. Just so we're clear, this thread is about asexuality, i.e. lack of sexual attraction to others(in my case, to succubi), not complete lack of sex drive, libido etc. Like >>156529 said, masturbating is still required to not jizz your pants in your sleep and to clear your mind of sexual distractions, like >>156530 said. >>156532 Yeah, there are all kinds of asexuals. Demisexuals, greysexuals, 2dsexuals. Most of the derivations from the true asexuality is often made up by normgroids and crabs in denial to make their one-dimensional personalities more interesting. >>156524 Corpse meditation sounds morbid, lol. I'll look into it anyway. >>156525 Well, I partly did change my sexuality. Boobs just seem like human udders to me. I don't seem to suffer from any mental illnesses either. >>156526 Thanks, I hate it. Not enough though. >>156527 Egyptians successfully forced slaves to build the pyramides, though. Jokes aside, if you ever used willpower to make yourself do something you didn't want to do, you technically forced yourself.
>>156534 i dont get it. if you dont want sex with anyone, but still want to masturbate… mission complete. aside from crabs, this is basically the starting point. are you saying you dont want to fap to 3d porn?
>>156535 read the OP, he doesn't want to feel sexual desire towards succubi, be able to erase that hardwired part of him. It's something silly I used to desire when I was 16.
>>156537 so succubi in any form, not even 2d? what the hell is he going to masturbate to then? guys? nothing? he said fapping was necessary but i dont see how he's going to do that.
>>156537 >hardwired Except it isn't. Neuroplasticity is a thing, so theoretically you can "rewire" your brain however you want, especially if you're still young. And it isn't just baseless conjecture, there are numerous examples of asexuals by nature and by nurture as well, either from mental illnesses or from complete isolation >>>/wiz/15083/. The example may seem extreme, but it still proves that "hard-wired" sexual desire(anything in our brain, really) can be successfully supressed with no downsides. >>156535 I didn't say that I want to masturbate. I'm forced to because of the reasons in my previous post. And the antisexualism thing - technology haven't progressed far enough to let people stop masturbating with no negative side-effects. I heard you can get prostate cancer from nofap. Basically, I'm willing to minimize my sexual activity until I hit a point where there are any kind of negative impact on my physical and/or mental health. If I'd quit porn cold turkey, of course there would be nasty side-effects. That's why I'm suppressing my libido gradually. >>156538 If you're that interested in how I masturbate, I'll tell you. When it becomes unbearable, I imagine some nice thighs and ass, nothing else. They belong to nobody, neither 3d nor 2d, and have no personality.
There is celibacy and some religions practise temporary asexuality, I don't remember the actual term for it, but they abstain from sexual acts for certain lengths of time.
Sexuality is malleable to an extent. You can develop a fetish so I assume you can do the opposite. Buddha had some monks think about the human body to the point of being completely disgusted.
After becoming disinterested in the physical aspects then look at the other aspects like scenarios or items. I think overexposure could help. You just get used to it and it loses appeal. What keeps people interested is novelty but if you focus on the repetition of things, you get bored. But as with bad habits, it's a good idea to have some replacement and just do something else besides dwell on attraction. For example, gore sites or reading random wikipedia pages
I lived basically most of my life under the belief that I was asexual, until around my late teens when I realized that I was just extremely gay. So, I don't think you can force yourself to be asexual, and I think most people that claim to be asexual just haven't gotten to know themselves well enough. Basically, asexualness is just a phase for females and queers, or it is forced by your own moral/religious code, it's not something real.
I think something just never grew right in my brain and atrophied into nothing. I force myself to masturbate a few times a week for the supposed health benefits but I can never picture anything that helps and porn never did anything for me. I'd different kinds and wait for something to happen but it never did. I need a sex toy to finish at all. It's only a recent habit I picked up in the past few years. I tried it as a teen because I thought I was supposed to but I would get bored halfway through. Overall it's passively convenient but still a bit odd to be this way in a sex-obsessed society.
>>156534 I think you cannot change your sexuality. However I think you can decrease your sexual desires through meditation or through special training like you did it. Maybe you can reach a level where you are almost free from such desires. But I don't think that you can change your sexuality.
>Have any of you guys tried "forcing" yourself to become asexual? No. It is possible to learn how to control your sexuality, and response to sexual simulation. Just as it is possible to learn to completely control your emotions. You still experience emotions in this example. But you don't let them control you or alter your reactions to things. When it comes to sexuality you would still find succubi attractive on a biological/instinctual level, but you could learn to not linger on sexual thoughts and control your reaction to the point where it is nil. That said it is very difficult to make progress and there is always the possibility of backsliding if you don't actively maintain your mental practices.
Personally I rather just jack off to relive the "pressure" and go about my day. But if you want to go hardcore monk mode then more power to you. I would look into meditation and stoicism. Both are good tools for learning to control the mind and build discipline.
>>156522 I thought something similar than you, but my approach is completely different. If you fape every day then after some years you basically lose most of the desire for succubi. So giving in might (or might not) be a better strategy than suppressing your desires.
Try fapping and actively not picturing anybody or anything. Dissociate the image of succubi from pleasure. The body is a golden calf. An idol where there doesn't need to be one. Destroy it in your mind.
First of all, Quora answers are generally terrible, especially regarding any "controversial" topic. So whatever you read there, take with a grain of salt unless it's sourced or something straightforward.
Second, you can become asexual, but it takes time and you can only do so much to force yourself. For me it mostly came with age and getting bored with fapping after the 10000th time or so. Right now my urges have devolved to something so primitive and ugly, and I can't even imagine the idea of actually engaging in any of that disgusting activity with another person (and I've come to loathe humans on such a visceral level that just being around people makes me physically sick, let alone being naked and trusting them with anything). The best advice I can give is to just keep at it, don't fall into mental traps, and learn how to argue against hypersexual ideologies so you don't suffer so much from the (quite massive) amount of propaganda put out to keep people on the hamster wheel. Around 35 or so, I've noticed people can and often do find some sort of happiness, or at least sexualism just doesn't mean as much in their life. Only time can heal some of this horseshit.
As far as any "muh biological imperative" shit, it's nonsense. Sex is the biggest nothing. It's not worth the obsession that mass media tries to tell us to care about, and I don't even think normies care that much. They seem to understand why I'd wind up wizardly without needing to explain, and it's usually just enemies and dishonest people who harp on me about sexualist horseshit.
>>156591 Low can become none given enough time and a structure of something different. There's never going to be an elimination of biological feelings entirely, they're too hard wired into the body and brain to be removed without something very unusual (and no, castration doesn't remove them entirely). There does, however, come a point where humans don't fap any more, don't care about succubi, and get on with their life. That is for all intents and purposes asexual.
And really, sexual behavior in this situation is aberrant and weird. There's nothing for it. It's just a sad feature of our freakishly evolved bodies. If you understand that life is a mistake and a freak accident rather than the purpose of the universe, it makes a lot more sense.
I feel attracted to 3D succubi that I see in movies or photos and 2d succubi. in fact I prefer 2d succubi much more than 3d succubi. When come to real life I feel zero interest in succubi. I don't have the desire to talk to succubi or stay near a one. I have never kissed someone or had sex and I don't want to.I really don't want.
I'm wondering if getting an orchiectomy(castration) for this purpose is completely insane. The surgery is relatively cheap, really safe, quick and you walk out the hospital the same day.
>>156664 Romantic attraction doesn't exist. What people call romantic attraction is really just sexual attraction in disguise. There were literally zero romance books before the middle ages.
Asexuality doesn't exist unless you are a mineral. You can intentionally harm your libido to become hyposexual, but I personally just let it happen naturally.
yeah guys as an actual castrated eunuch let me serenade you with objective facts on how the libido works. sexual desire is caused by the presence of testosterone in the blood, and the body's testosterone starts during puberty, which is where the phrase "balls drop" come from, because the testicles start to produce 95% of the body's testosterone during puberty
the only way to not have a sex drive is by being a castrated eunuch or by being an extremely low test dude. otherwise you will NEVER permanently remove your sex drive, its just chemistry and science here. i dont care how much willpower you have, your brain responds to chemicals in the blood, and when theres testosterone in your blood you will get a fucking sex drive, thats just how your fucking enconcrine system works. NO AMOUNT of muh meditation and muh no fap will be a permanent solution, it will ALWAYS come back, because you will always have testosterone in your blood, unless you are a eunuch
as for myself, ive been a eunuch for over a year now, and my sex drive right now is basically dead. i currently masturbate maybe an average of once a week, and this is down from 4 times a day when i had my testicles, and please note im constantly exposed to sexual imagery through browsing imageboard, i just dont want to sexually stimulate myself. like im not even REMOTELY trying to quit masturbating, i just dont want to. i tried no fap, no PMO for many years, since like 2013. i read all of yourbrainonporn, listened to all of gary wilsons podcasts, tried everything, IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK. if theres test in your blood you will be a horny sex addict, this is fucking neurology. your brain responds to chemicals in the blood, just that simple. no testicles = reduction of 95% of testosterone in your blood = bye bye libido
it does take about 1 year to 2 years to absolutely fully eliminate your sex drive, pic related is a book on castration that i have every picture of the book but holy fuck am i lazy to make a pdf of. you cant even buy this book in PDF but i have the hard copy. anyways, all this asexual talk is all horseshit, NONE of you are asexual unless you dont have hormones on your blood. sex drive = hormones in the blood, this is SCIENCE, nothing more nothing less. for me last time i injected test was like about 8 to 9 months ago ish, and its basically dead. when you remove all testosterone you basically INSTANTLY become super depressed, as testosterone is a powerful anti-depressant. it took me a while to cure my depression
if you want proof theres a link to the original 8ch thread in this wizchan thread
this is the second part that i forgot to link. the only way to actually remove the libido and become asexual is to get a bilateral orchiectomy to remove both the testicles, or to take drugs that permanently remove testosterone and block the testicles ability to make testosterone
personally i had the option to take these drugs, but you have to take them for the rest of your life, and i hate pills and drugs, so i just got the surgery
the scar healed up several months after the surgery and my libido is basically dead. honestly i dont see the point of having a sex drive if im going to die a virgin, which i do intend on doing. for me it was super annoying masturbating an AVERAGE of 3.5 to 4 times a day every day. sometimes as high as 8 was not uncommon. its like always taunting me but i never got any so it just drove me insane
again, have your opinion if whether a sex drive is good or but, but dont talk to me about how you can remove your sex drive with ANYTHING other than surgery or anti-hormonal drugs, because you fucking cant
this btw is my blood test a while ago. notice how the test is rather low, but the luteinizing hormone is high. this is because the pineal gland is releasing a lot of this luteinizing hormone in order to raise the testosterone back up, because it notices its very low
and how the testicles work is when they come in contact with this luteinizing hormones they produce testosterone, but since i dont have any testicles no testosterone is made. also i have very low b12 because im a vegan who doesnt take his supplements, but since my blood test ive been taking b12 on and off every 3 days or so. this blood test was taken maybe 6~ months ago? which was fairly close to when i stopped injecting testosterone, so maybe thats why my luteinizing hormone is so high. after a while your pineal gland stops trying to raise your test levels up and stops secreting luteinizing hormone
>>156735 How are you not locked in a crazy house for being a danger to yourself?
You mutilated yourself out of mental illness that you still haven't properly dealt with.
Let me ask you this. All the shit you have done to yourself, that you are now trying to preach to others, are you actually happy and at peace? Judging by your other post around the site I really doubt it. Stop trying to get other people to hurt themselves and get real professional help.
>>156743 >How are you not locked in a crazy house for being a danger to yourself? because im not a danger to myself? i dont know, is going on a frutalian vegan diet to lose weight constitute as a danger to myself? maybe you could make an argument that my room is so messy that it constitutes a danger to myself? i feel like you're grasping at straws, m8
maybe me not brushing my teeth in over a year is a danger to myself that you can present to court and get me sent in for a government appointed teeth cleaning? i dont know >are you actually happy and at peace? id say so. i dont suffer from depression, i take magic mushrooms for that every 3~ months >Stop trying to get other people to hurt themselves if someone wants to stop their sex drive the only way to do so is by becoming a eunuch, either by physical or chemical castration. but if they like their sex drive then they should keep their testicles, or even inject testosterone. im just stating facts in this thread to better inform people of the objective science, thats it >get real professional help. damn dude! fuck… thats a really great idea! i never thought of that…. *DOH!* , jeez how could i not think of getting help from a professional… because i cant make my own decisions, i need other people to make them for me. thanks for the revelatory insights, m8
>>156744 I strongly suspect you are just trying to troll some poor wizard into mutilating themselves for your own sick amusement. How many characters do you already larp as on this site? Stop trying to push people to harm themselves. It isn't funny and it isn't fun and games. Just stop.
>>156743 I killed my balls too, people at ER didn’t care, first time I tried at 17 they brought some lady in and asked if I was suicidal but the last time they just sent me home with antibiotics and told me to stop hurting myself before I left and I just smiled and said yeah ok, guess you have to be pretty crazy to actually get taken away to a facility
>>156747 im not larping as anyone. im not pushing anyone into harming themselves
guys, if you want your libido and sex drive, DONT BECOME A EUNUCH. if you get your testicles removed, you will not have a sex drive. also i should also probably have said its much better to get a doctor to do it than doing it yourself, but atleast it was a pretty fkn sweet meme thread. doctors who do it are urulogists, and usually you can get the government to pay for ur sugery, or pay out of pocket, its like 3k$. the reason why i didnt pay for one was become i live in poverty, and the reason why i did it myself was it was going to take like a year for a doctor to do it, and i didnt have the patience to wait
I identify as a fluid assexual and I tried to became a full assexual multiple times , but probably it's impossible if you don't get into depression or using pills.
OP here. I guess I should update you guys on how my "conversion" is going. The main reason why wide hips and ass is attractive to hetero males is, grossly oversimplifying, because of evolution. Succubi with "child-bearing" hips successfully bore children without dying and without the child dying with her, so survival of the fittest blah blah blah. That explains the hips, but what about the meaty muscly ass? Well, it's directly related to the hips. In my understanding, the more "open" and wide the hip bone is, the more "meat" congregates "inwards" towards the anus.this was the best i could explain it, sorry. sounded better in my mind In scientific terms, the illium is more flared and the q angle is increased(and some other things, picrelated). The male hip bone, on the other hand, is "narrower", for a lack of a better word, therefore the ass is less meaty, less round-shaped and less attractive to hetero males. Now, I know what you're thinking: "this anatomy shit is obvious, how does it help you become asexual?" Well, first of all, if you know exactly what it is that you're attracted to, you can easily associate the attractive thing with something unattractive, rendering both unattractive. For example, butt cheeks look like saggy tits with no nipples. Saggy tits with no nipples are unattractive, so the butt cheeks become unattractive as well. Also, since humans are bipedal, human legs look like legs of all the other bipedal animals. The most prominent example is chicken legs. Like, if you look at them from the right angle they look exactly like human legs in bone and muscle structure. Secondly, there are some undeniable biology facts about femalesand males that are disgusting. Like how shit comes out of the anus, get stuck on the hair around the anus and then solidifies. Really gross stuff that most people choose to ignore. All in all, I'm not completely asexual yet, but I'm making solid progress.
>>156522 I am just beginning to understand this, so please bear with me.
"Sexual attraction" is, like many things, a manifestation of an energy. Before the desire for succubi, or for stimulation, or for orgasm, there is a kind of energy. When you wander up the chain of causality, you find that things break down into less solid forms. At its most solid form, there is "Straight/Homosexual/Bisexual". At a more liquid form, it becomes a desire for companionship, or stimulation, or pain. Also note that these more liquid forms can also become other things, they aren't exclusive to "sexuality," and this is where the idea of the asexual comes in.
Instead of the energy crystallizing into a material form in the way of sexuality, it finds another means of expression, it becomes creative output, or scientific, or a number of things.
In other words, if you want to become A-Sexual, you have to stem the tide of whatever this energy may be from crystallizing into sexuality. To do this, just turn your brain off whenever a succubus puts pervert shit into your mind, or just rebuke it outright.
I like being able to enjoy sexual stimuli, but I do need to drastically cut down the amount of my sexual thoughts though, porn has really filled my mind with a lot of perverted images.
I've been lurking this board because a lot of you guys seem to have a lot in common with me. I'm sure most people here are on the spectrum or near it. What I don't understand is the repulsion to succubi at all.
>>157383 I have read and posted here for several years, the general atmosphere here is just wanting to be free from succubi and talk with other people who are untouched by the influence.
Some people might hate them, but mental obsession about succubi to the point of not being able to shut up about them isnt looked on well here, that is what the brainlet crabcel websites are for.
My minds vision of wizchan has always been a rare modern version of a medieval male-only monastery, except with some more popular culture, memes and depression.
>>157385 I don't understand what's there to be free from or what influence there is. I also agree that crabcels are idiots for being obsessed with succubi and sex. I assumed this site was for guys who were virgins because they don't fit in the norm or haven't found the right person. I don't understand however why call them succubi at all and the revulsion to sexuality. I'm sure most wizards have their reasons. I sympathize and share many of your sentiments. But I'm curious if any wizards would lose their virginity if by chance they met a witch who was compatible with them.
>>157383 I would say repulsion comes up whenever one has to deal with them. Otherwise I think the majority are quite happy to be indifferent or dismissive of them. Of course it's near impossible to completely escape succubi so being on guard is understandable.
>>157390 I don't see how succubi are worse than men. Both genders have good and bad apples. This whole succubi hate on imageboards is strangly ironic to me. You have guys saying how terrible succubi are in the same breath where they incite violence against them and responding to any argument with ad-hominems.
Succubi does something bad = omg why are ALL SUCCUBI so bad?
Guy does something bad = omg THAT GUY is an idiot!
>>157392 Succubi are thoroughly antithetical to this site due to the fact we are male virgins who reject norp/succubus society as best we can. As I said, indifference and dismissiveness are initially the best ways to deal with them.
When encountering a succubus, a wizard just wants to be left alone and do his own things.
When encountering a succubus, a crab will get desperate and pathetic.
When someone mentions succubi to a wizard, they just want to talk about something else.
When someone mentions succubi to a crab, they will launch into a several page thread rant about how horrible succubi are and how Elliott Rodger is the god of all crabs.
A wizard can be happy living alone in his tower, occasionally contacting his wizard friends through telepathy.
A crab is never happy ever, he is like a soulless wraith because he cant let go and just live his own life without wasting all his time and emotional energy on succubi.
Unique cultures are created when you create an exclusive community where only a certain type of person can come. Parts of wizchan have a comfy monastic feel that you dont get anywhere else. You wouldnt have the atmosphere if wizchan were the typical 4chan cesspit with testosterone-fueled teenagers, crabs and succubi with daddy issues.
I personally dont mind if succubi go and found succubichan for instance, they just arent allowed here.
Also if succubi were allowed on wizchan, the sad truth is that a lot of the recovering crabs who have come to wizchan to heal would be turned back to their old ways. Or alternatively, some more sensitive wizards could be twisted to become crabs by the corrupting aura of succubi.
>>157398 So wizards are just volcels? My natural assumption was this site was made up of guys who couldn't get laid maybe because they were social outcasts because of a different personality type.
>>157399 >a lot of the recovering crabs who have come to wizchan to heal would be turned back to their old ways. Or alternatively, some more sensitive wizards could be twisted to become crabs by the corrupting aura of succubi
We should have a Self-awareness month on wizchan for them.
>>157405 >>157406 Anyone who doesn't take active steps to pursue or attract succubi is volcel. A man can only be crab as long as he tries and fails. Once he relinquishes the attempt, he becomes volcel.
>>157409 what if I'm so ugly that no succubus would ever take me as her bf? Am I still volcel? It seems obvious to me that you just don't want to accept that crabness is something you're born with, rather than a title you get after being rejected by succubi. To be volcel you need to be normal looking.
The reason for this is simple - crab is determined by a succubus' judgement after a man pursues. If a man isn't pursuing, then the power to label himself lies with him.
The most a succubus could say at that point would be something like - well he would be a crab if he approached me, and even then that's not the correct label. The right label would be an ugly volcel, but the point remains - men get first labeling power, succubi only get labeling power after men decide to chase.
You can willfully leave the market, stop being a crab, and be volcel. You're only a crab as long as you keep trying.
But that's not for me oto believe - that's for the guys who make the transition - if they want to make it, but I'm going to shame them for previous failures.
I mean really theres probably some posters here who are crabs on some level but restrain themselves to keep the board comfy (and they would get banned)
>>157413 You can't believe what you just wrote. You simply can't be this deluded. You know the meaning of crab, it stands for involuntary celibate, men who have tried to have sex but couldn't because of their looks, personality, mental health problems, etc., but mostly for their looks, if they tried to be celibate of their own volition, they would still be crabs because their looks won't change. So as long as they exist, they will be crabs. It's incosequential wether or not they approach succubi and get rejected, a crab may not acknoledge his crabbiness, but it's better if he does. Remember the first lesson of Socrabtes: "I'm not volcel, but crab. And in this I'm more volcel than those who think of themselves as volcels when they're actually crabs."
>>157416 The only way for a crab to become a a bit volcel, is not by leaving the market, but by accepting that he is a crab. First lesson of Socrabtes.
>>157398 Why did this thread continue after this post? Everything that needed to be said was said.
>>157415 >if they tried to be celibate of their own volition, they would still be crabs because their looks won't change.
No they wouldn't. What's so hard to understand? It sounds like you are trying to creatre conflict out of nowhere. It doesn't matter if you could get a girlfriend or not. What matters are your current actions. If there are two monks they are equal in my eyes no matter if one came from powerty and the other from wealth.
Your definiton of crab is too technical, in practice everyone uses the term to refer to a particular type of obsessed guy who shits up threads because he cant shut up about succubi.
It is true that there are probably some wizards here who on some level either tried or wanted a succubus at some point in their life. However those that do and stay on wizchan probably didnt want it badly enough to develop the mental obsession actual crabs here, despite the fact that using technical definitions, they were involuntary celibate in some sense.
What made me not have sexual desires toward succubus was realize that I don't want children or have such level of intimacy with anyone. Begin single is safer and comfortable for all men.
>>157850 While I feel the same on not wanting kids or intimacy, I still have biological urges and still fap quite regularly. Reason doesn't change the lizard brain.
>>156735 >>156736 >>156744 The willpower is real. Not we are simple animals that move only by their instincts and the chemicals of their brain.
I been practicing Asceticism for years (NoFap and Fasting), and in my experience is possible to train the brain and our emotions to create habits that go against our nature. If you can train your mind to starving yourself and ignore the hunger that is something we need to live, controls or ignores the libido and the taste for the opposite sex becomes really easy.
OP here. Progress is slow, but steady. I tried experimenting with social factors of sexuality. I used a browser add-on to block wizchan and some other sites to minimize interaction with other people as much as possible. 3 weeks in the "no internet" period I had entered a weird state of mind. I began seeing other people as apes. Not anime villain-style "people are like mindless apes beneath me", but more like "holy shit, I am a monkey and everybody around me is one as well". It's difficult to describe, you have to experience it to get it I think. People using cutlery to eat were just apes who were going the long way to eat food just to look good and "normal". People flaunting their attractiveness were just apes trying to attract a mate. People acting shy were just monkeys afraid of acting "not-normal". Well, the most useful part of it was that humans look really similar to other apes. And I don't know why, maybe it's some evolution bullshit, but, to humans, other monkeys in our biological "family" look really unnattractive. Like, logically, apes would be attractive to us since they look the most like us, right? Well, wrong. It was always strange for me how furries sexualized every single animal imaginable, but there were very few, if not none, gibbon porn or chimpanze porn. And seeing other people and succubi especially as apes really helped me on my path to asexuality. Well, until I unblocked wizchan again. I got out of that state of mind and I'm back in the noosphere again. Still, the experience was eye-opening. I'm pretty sure I can get back in that state of mind if I block wizchan again. as a side note, my "romantic" desires are changing as well. When I finished a vn 2 days ago, I definitely got warm, "feel-good" feelings. But after asking myself if I would like for it to happen to me in real life, I got a firm "No". Not from my conscious, but from the unconscious side of my brain.
Does anyone else get really upset at sexuality? And I mean "for real" sexuality (not porn); like people you know (parents, siblings) having sex or imagining yourself having sex. Whenever I think of that stuff I feel really disgusted and confused and like I want to cry (sometimes I do, a little). I do have sexual attractions but when I think of this stuff in real scenarios it makes me upset and scared, I don't know why, what's wrong with my brain. I want to call myself asexual but I know I'm sexually attracted to men but whatever enjoyment I gain from that stops at fantasies and I'd never want it to be real because it would feel horrible. I don't think asexual is the right word for me, but more like sexually traumatized. Maybe somehow I forced myself into this mindset, but if I did then I don't remember how.
>>157957 I was kinda like this for a while. Search demisexual or graysexual on Google. When I went to school or work, being around succubi all day I had much more libido. I have found that being alone without succubi for months makes me not want sex or even fap. I think it is because I'm not exposed to any of their hormones or smells. Life feels better this way.
Does anyone masturbate daily to prevent their sex drive becoming powerful enough to take you over? I dislike myself when I am horny and I seek amoral fetishes or pornography which in a normal state I consider wrong. I understand that integration and learning to control these is superior but I am failing so repressing this sexual monster inside me is my only option, locking it away and being wary of it waking up. Anyone have good books or works on this aspect of being stuck in the field of repressing?
1. I hate how it's being used in media. It feels cheap to me. Like when in a video game a female character will wear armor that is basically a bikini and have huge breasts. It makes it very hard to take the game seriously. And often these kind of games have a serious tone. Or how movies have to include pointless sex scenes. And if I complain about this I get called gay.
2. I hate how it's a big part of the internet. People on imageboards keep posting borderline pornographic images in threads that discuss a tv show or video game. Posts with images of hot succubi always get a lot of replies. And so does any kind of discussion about how often or rarely someone gets laid.
3. I hate all the suffering it causes. Despite being a short term pleasure that is not necessary for survival.
4. It's just physically disgusting in my opinion and I hate how lonely I seem to be with this opinion. It's obnoxious to me to listen to people obsess over it like it's this great thing and talk about it openly when I find it disgusting and embarassing.
>>158064 Same. Don't perceive this post as cheap or anything, I just don't know what else is there to add, and even if there was, I wouldn't be able to phrase it correctly, I guess.
>>158010 >I have found that being alone without succubi for months makes me not want sex or even fap. I think it is because I'm not exposed to any of their hormones or smells. I just realized that when I used to live with my mother, I'd get almost daily urges to masturbate, now that I live alone, I don't feel that aroused on a daily basis as well. Jesus Christ I hate our monkey brains so much. This is revolting. Fucking hell.
>>156674 Being oblivious to sex is possible if you are a infant or a person who was never taught about it. There has been instance where a monkey who had never socialized continuing to masturbate instead having sex even when he saw another succubus monkey for example.(I could find the source by googling if you want it) Desire for sex is nurture, not nature for mammals like humans.
Why is the asexuality community so embarassing? I went to their forums hoping to find likeminded people who are disgusted by sex and happy they don't crave it but instead I found a lot of whining and wanting to be recognized as a group like the lgbt. Also they talk about how they have sex with their partners.
>>158097 I dunno, I'm happy that asexual normans are fighting for ace rights and recognition. Almost everyone thinks that it is impossible to be asexual (people on wizchan included >>156674). If society doesn't recognize asexuals as an actual group of people that actually exist, they would just lump wizards with crabs: angry/sad virgin males that prefer to spend time alone. Society can't fathom a virgin straight male who does not want to fuck a succubus (i.e. a wizard), so they would just assume that wizards are the same as crabs.
>>157415 How could someone be a crab when he doesn't desire sex anymore regardless of his looks? If one no longer pursuits sex he would no longer be a crab regardless of his looks. How would recognition from others define someone's crab status when the definition of crab is of something related to the individual's mindset?
>>157952 >Well, the most useful part of it was that humans look really similar to other apes. And I don't know why, maybe it's some evolution bullshit, but, to humans, other monkeys in our biological "family" look really unnattractive. Like, logically, apes would be attractive to us since they look the most like us, right? Well, wrong. It was always strange for me how furries sexualized every single animal imaginable, but there were very few, if not none, gibbon porn or chimpanze porn.
>>158126 no, there are too many females that claim to be asexual while having a boyfriend that they have sex with, they're just confusing asexual with lack of sex drive or not being attracted to their partner. Normal males don't just throw around the asexual label like that because they value sex too highly and are afraid of being called gay.
>>158129 It could be true that females are majority of the problems of the asexual community but it would still be irrational to call that females are the only problem and that males are all alright. I get that there could be more females who are causing havoc, but that still doesn't mean that there's normie men who want to look special or something pretending to be asexual for various reasons. Limiting blame to only one gender means to ignore the problems that other group creates also.
>>158133 >Blaming succubi for a problem on little evidence what, have you never visited an asexual forum? tons of them have sexual relationships and claim to be asexual, I don't get how pointing that out makes me a crab, I'm not even attracted to female, it's just objective fact that they are a big problem in asexual communities
>>158132 females are the main problem because there are tons of female posers in the asexual communities, I don't really know about the males but most of them are closet gay but at least they're not having sex while claiming to be asexual
But posing isn't necessarily a problem that is inherently of the female gender. Being a female doesn't automatically mean that her femaleness caused her to become the fake asexual" as males could perfectly fit that requirement and that females could be asexual also. It would be more appropriate to say that posers are the problem than pointing out that entire group that has more percentage of posers are the problem. That would be similar to labeling all of the males for having higher murder rates instead of criticizing the murderers themselves for murder causing/being social ills
>>158137 most of the posers in the asexual community are females, as in I haven't myself seen a male asexual poser so I guess it doesnt exist or it's such a small minority that I haven't seen it, the problem is female posers because there isn't a significant amount of male posers, they're mostly just confused gays, you seem like you have no experience on any asexual forums at all
>>158139 I don't know how anyone can be posing as an asexual, considering that it's neither cool nor trendy to be one. Not just society, even some lgbt+ members don't consider asexuals part of the lgbt+. That's part of the reason why asexuals fight so hard for recognition - despite being a sexual orientation like heterosexuality and homosexuality, asexuality is somehow exempt from the lgbt+ list. About the female asexuals. There are asexuals who still experience other forms of attraction, like romantic, aesthetic etc. And they know how important sex is for their romantic partners, so they satisfy their sexual desires because they love them.
The bottom line is that not every asexual is a failed wizard who hates sex, lol.
>>158140 Pictured : The flag of demiromantic fluid-panromantic asexual lethiroromantic quoiromantic broromantic gender-queer trans twin spirit native american chapter of the wizchan pride festival
>>158140 >There are asexuals who still experience other forms of attraction, like romantic, aesthetic etc. And they know how important sex is for their romantic partners, so they satisfy their sexual desires because they love them if you have sex you are not asexual, period, you can call yourself asexual all you want but it's just like calling yourself an elephant all you want, no matter how much you say it, it's not true
>>158142 "Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity." Nowhere does it say that you can't have sex. You can argue that this is not the right definition, but countless asexuals (that are actually a part of the asexual community, not just nobodies from anonymous imageboards) agree that this is the correct definition. I know that wikipedia is not a valid source, but it explains asexual sex pretty accurately: "some asexual people engage in sexual activity despite lacking sexual attraction or a desire for sex, due to a variety of reasons, such as a desire to pleasure themselves or romantic partners, or a desire to have children."
>>158140 >>158143 >I don't know how anyone can be posing as an asexual, considering that it's neither cool nor trendy to be one and since when have normalfags not thought it was cool to be weird and quirky? low sex drive is not a sexual orientation, morons
>>158144 Being asexual is neither weird nor quirky. It's lonely and alienating. Most people deny that asexual people even exist. They just assume that they're simply late bloomers who'll "grow out of it". >low sex drive is not a sexual orientation Sexual attraction and sex drive are two different things. Basically sexual attraction is who you want to fuck and sex drive is how many times a week you want to fuck. Asexuals do not want to fuck anyone, be it man, succubus or trans. But they still have a sex drive to take care of, at least men do. There are no negative side effects to succubi not masturbating as far as I'm concerned. There are demisexuals who are sexually attracted to the people they love, greysexuals who aren't sure if they are asexual or not and countless other sexual orientations, but they might call themselves asexuals because of how few actual asexuals there are, causing the confusion.
>>158145 >Asexuals do not want to fuck anyone ok, then why did you just say in your last post that some asexuals have sex? >But they still have a sex drive to take care of masturbation???
if you have sex with people you are not asexual, masturbation isn't sex
If you really want do it all you need is some mix of one antipsychotic and one antidepressant. After taking risperidone and clonazepam for 30 days the sexual urges gone to zero, but the side affects are annoying at first. I started taking 3mg of risperidone and 4mg of clonazepam everyday. Now the dosage is really lower, but now I'm 10 kg fatter, my sexual urges are zero and I don't have erections anymore.
I have a condition called obsessive–compulsive personality disorder and because of that I take such medication.
>>158146 Yeah, I phrased it wrong. If we get down to basics, it's something like this: A straight man walks down the street and sees a cute succubus. He imagines himself fucking her and enjoys the mental image. A gay man walks down the street and sees a cute man. He imagines himself fucking him and enjoys the mental image. An asexual man walks down the street and sees a cute succubus. He passes her by without imagining anything. He does not enjoys the mental image of fucking anyone at all. Not even their romantic partner. But he does enjoy seeing his partner happy. Sex makes his partner happy. So despite "not feeling it" and being kinda uncomfortable he bears through it. Tinder and hook-up apps in general do not "exist" in the life of the asexual man, because he is simply not interested in sex. Regarding the masturbation, there is a great video about it I linked.in fact, it explains asexuality much better than I do lol.Basically, for asexuals masturbation becomes a physical thing, not a sexual one.
>>158176 asexual people can easily find an asexual partner, if they are having sex then they aren't asexual, low libido =/= asexual, I don't care what these snowflakes think. In fact the people in that video look really unhealthy(two fatasses and an anorexic), maybe if they fixed their shit then their endocrine system would actually function properly
>>157916 yeah….. i dont know how to respond to this. i guess im wondering… to what degree is asceticism worth doing?
is quitting videogames desireable? is quitting interent desireable? is just meditating all day and living a plain live as a lifelong virgin desireable?
is mindless hedonism bad?
hmmmmm…….. honestly i dont know. and i think its entirely possible that i did make a mistake cutting my balls off, im not above saying i didnt make a mistake. i honestly dont know
is asceticism and restriction of pleasure good? if so, WHY?
i mean, even if a god existed, which i do believe a god does exist, i cant be sure if the god even cares, or if the god is good or evil [/spoiler]ive thought god was a evil demon for a long time already[/spoiler]
like, i just dont know at the end of the day. i feel like im naturally compelled to be ascetic. even 5 years ago i tried doing no fap and no internet and no games, etc etc. i failed miserably, but for some reason i was attracted to it. i honestly dont even know if i had a choice in the matter. i feel like even when i cut my balls off, i didnt have a choice, as ridiculous as that sounds
i think meditation and fasting are great tools, but im horrible at them admitedly, and i have the work ethic and decipline of a mentally ill homeless person without any substance addictions, which is basically what i am mentally
why is asceticism good? why is hedonism bad? i feel like they are but i cant explain why
OP here. I think I hit a roadblock on my path to asexuality. I read on some imageboard about a cool trick to stop being attracted to succubi - masturbating without any stimuli. No porn, no imagination, nothing. Instead of focusing on an image of a succubus, you focus on the pleasure you're getting from stroking your willie. And let me tell you, those faps were the most pleasurable faps I've had in quite a while. I still have to give myself a headstart to get hard, but once I'm there, I focus my attention on my dick and cum buckets. Another thing I noticed is that I feel a lot more neutral towards images of succubi. At the start of my journey I would often stare at 2d succubi in my newsfeed for minutes, but now I just scroll past them. I also stopped going out of my way to find images of succubi to ogle, which I used to do frequently. But one pesky question got on my mind: "When will I be able to call myself asexual?" When I stop getting hard from images of naked succubi? But there are times when I get hard from images of men as well as succubi. When I stop laying my eyes on 3d succubi I see on the street? I barely leave my house, how the fuck am I supposed to test that? When I stop falling in love with 2d succubi? I've never felt "love" towards a succubus, 2d or not.although that's more about being aromantic So yeah, I'm kinda stuck. I think I will call myself asexual, even if I'm not 100% sure I am one. I already function as one(i.e. not interested in sex), so I think it's okay.
>>157952 > It was always strange for me how furries sexualized every single animal imaginable, but there were very few, if not none, gibbon porn or chimpanze porn. That's an interesting observation, Wiz. You're right, it probably has some very specific psicological reason
I kinda am. When you internalize that succubi will never like you, you stop looking at them like potential partners. Of course I masturbate, but to be honest, it's mostly 2D. From time to time, I get lonely, but it's just like wanting some chocolate or a drink.
>>159097 just to add a little bit. Now I can talk to succubi at work without feeling bad or afraid. I know that they don't/won't like me, and that's OK. In the past, I think I would struggle speaking with them, trying to get to get close to them. But now I think I treat them like I treat men. Occasionally, my brain or mind will like how a succubus looks, I may even feel like a "crush" might start to develop. After a masturbation session and talking to them again, you realize that no, you don't "like" this succubus, what you liked was her shape and body, which you can easily find online and probably will get bored after a week. Also, in the weird chance that you do like this succubus, she is probably in a relationship and/or will never objectively like you, so you should stop wasting your time thinking about it.
Sorry it turned out longer than "a little bit", but I think more people could benefit from this. Also, it's nice to finally talk about my "strategy".
I hate how sexual lust transforms me in to a craving beast, as soon as it's over I feel it disappear and hate what I was in the moment. Now I'm less depressed it's even more clear how compared to the state existence I desire sexual arousal is a perversion of everything good in me.
People on quora are idiots and asexuality doesn't real. If you have above-average you're hypersexual and if you have below-average you're hyposexual, and everyone has some kind of subconscious sexual response to everything even if it's so overwhelmed by negative reaction that it can't be consciously processed.
OP it was not your willpower that made you less attracted to tits, you just did exposure therapy. Reading about biology and watching documentaries let you understand them and took away the mystery which confused you into emotional reactions. The only place willpower applies is in making the choice to educate yourself.
You are wrong that boobs no longer evoke response from you though: it's just that the overall response is so small compared to before that you no longer consciously process it. >If any of you guys successfully managed to stop being attracted to ass, please let me know how you did it.
I don't believe absolute stoppage is actually possible for anything, much like cancer, just gradual reduction into non-observable state. I would recommend you watch scat or something so that you will associate the buttox with the whole between them that disgusting feces come out of. The disgust you feel will be remembered and associated with butts, to overwhelm your instinct to covet child-bearing hips.
>>156526 I don't understand why an article on cellulite would be considered unsafe for wizzies. Looking at realistic succubi is a great way to become a stronger wizard because you realize their ugliness better than the idealized glamor photos our media is often flooded with.
>>156527 Forced education can work, just not trying to will something away as if wanting to not feel something worked. Instead: understand that something, dwell upon it in excess until it bores you, disgusts you.
This is exactly the reason I try to limit my reading of TV Tropes and reviews (spoilers) so that I can actually still enjoy my animu, because if I do that too much I'm afraid I will be less delighted with them and have less to live for.
You should only strive to ruin the experience of stuff frought with peril, like IRL succubi, not harmless fiction.
>>156539 neuroplasticity is misunderstood, you can't un-wire your reptile-brain's attraction to attractive females, you simply supplement it with the learned skill of being aware of their disgusting nature to drown it out any time it rears up.
The so-called "asexuals by nature/nurture" (fake: they all lust in their subsconscious, reason dictates) simply have impulses drowned out by other reactions.
>>156566 I've tried that, it can only get me hard, never to finish. I can never finish by hand anyway, only by lying prone and humping the ground pointing the tip towards my feet. Probably giving myself nerve damage, I don't think it's meant to bend that far or bear that much weight. I really ought to buy an onahole so I can aim it up properly and get friction with less crushing pressure.
>>156677 >there is a difference between finding someone hot or beautiful.
No there isn't. There's just different body parts you think are hot. You think it's beauty if it's a face or being slender that gets you hard, and "hot" if it's bulging tits/ass that gets you hard.
There's a desire to fuck someone who you respect/admire most parts of (which you think is love) and a desire to fuck someone you detest most parts of (which you think of as lust) but they are both actually lust.
Where wizards win is our ability to understand flaws (and thus detest them) is heightened, drowning out our lust to the point where we make the wise choice of celibacy. It's not just that roleplaying a crab is against the rules here: in-cels don't even exist. If you can post on wizchan, you can choose to go out and attempt to rape something, the choice not to do so is voluntary celibacy.
>>157377 > I do need to drastically cut down the amount of my sexual thoughts though, porn has really filled my mind with a lot of perverted images.
Wrong approach: try to force yourself to think MORE sexual thoughts, consume porn to the point it is boring. It will eventually tire you, and you will move on to higher forms. You will mostly watch porn for comedy, or try to search our weird niche concepts because standard shit will just be some trope-ridden and artificial.
If you don't put in the work, you will always be drawn back to it and think it is special. If you try to deny it, the "forbidden fruit" appeal will keep you fixated on it.
>>157398 I think a lot of guys fluctuate between wiz/crab status. I don't like this idea that we stereotype celibates as being one or the other. Sometimes you can ignore succubi and other times vye for their attention, depending on mood or discipline or circumstance.
>>157411 >what if I'm so ugly that no succubus would ever take me as her bf? Am I still volcel? Yes because her consent doesn't matter. Men who exclusively obtain sex by raping succubi are not celibates just because they don't get approval, so if you choose not to become a rapist, your choice contributes to why you are celibate.
>>157413 >Crab is a category defined by succubi. Or by jews. It is meant to denigrate men, make it seem like they lack choice, when in fact we all make choices contributing to our celibate lifestyle. We all choose our destiny. Unless you're lost in the woods with nothing to fuck but tree knotholes or locked in a box or a quadriplegic, you always have the capability of attempting to be a rapist, and the choice not to do that (or to try to seduce everything) is voluntary.
>>157415 >men who have tried to have sex but couldn't because of their looks, personality, mental health problems, etc. They didn't 100% commit for the most part, because they could still kidnap someone and rape them if it was their primary aim. As they choose not to do that, their celibacy is still voluntary.
Most men have standards of some sort, both in who interests them and how they conduct themselves, which limits sexual opportunities. Those standards influencing their choices is not involuntary, or else nothing is voluntary so defining anything as involuntary becomes meaningless.
>>157957 often, yes. It's part of why I don't pursue it, I know the reality just wouldn't measure up to the fantasy, and it would probably stain the fantasy.
>>158064 >when in a video game a female character will wear armor that is basically a bikini and have huge breasts. It makes it very hard to take the game seriously You need to learn to compartmentalize, fren. Cope.
Since everyone has magic armor in most games why wouldn't it make sense to wear light shit that lets you sweat, especially with 2 fat-bags on you?
>>158068 Honestly guys, just bite the bullet and try imagining yourself fucking your mom and try fapping to it. You'll experience the socially-conditioned disgust but if you can get past it, you probably will be less subconsciously interested in it, or worried about it.
Albeit, it helps if your mom is a disgusting landwhale like mine, this might not help guys with hot moms, but how often does that happen with wizards? I think ugly moms help create wizards, serving as an example of what succubi will soon become and why they are not a good investment.
>>158097 >I found a lot of whining and wanting to be recognized as a group like the lgbt. because it's all about posturing and trying to find a hobby >they talk about how they have sex with their partners. as they are either whores or hypocrites
The simple matter of fact is if you were only having sex to emotionally validate your partner, you are basically okay either with lying to them about enjoying it, or they know you don't like it but are okay with pressuring you to do it instead of finding a hobby you both enjoy or fucking someone else who enjoys it while having a non-sexual relationship with you.
>>158101 >If society doesn't recognize asexuals as an actual group of people that actually exist, they would just lump wizards with crabs: angry/sad virgin males that prefer to spend time alone.
I disagree: I don't think crabs embrace their solitude as wizards do. We are all volcels to some degree (wizards moreso than crabs) but crabs are in conflict with the results of their own choices and not as zen as us.
>>158127 >If one no longer pursuits sex he would no longer be a crab regardless of his looks
Nobody was ever a true crab to begin with since nobody pursues sex with the whole of their being. What parts they choose to set aside, what standards they set, is a voluntary choice to abstain from pursuing sex.
The choice to put less effort toward it can result from realizing lower opportunity (looks, wealth, height, area, awkwardness, etc.) which is why people logically think you can't easily discern where a choice originates from.
>>158137 >posing isn't necessarily a problem that is inherently of the female gender and lying and trying to ruin society isn't necessarily a problem that is inherently of the jew, and robbery isn't inherently of niggers, but these groups do have observed predispositions towards this that leads to them doing it more, thus why we make the observations even though it's never an absolute rule. They are over-represented.
>>158142 >if you have sex you are not asexual, period Asexuals do not exist: period. But only because everyone has (at least subconsciously) sexual desire.
As for level of desire, that may not correlate with actual sexual behavior. You can have whores/wives who simply open their legs for financial security, for example, because it's easier than other work. Or rape victims.
>>158143 >low or absent interest the prefix "a-" means ABSENT, it should exclude "low", which is the only realistic answer (it is NEVER wholly absent) and which is covered by the term 'hyposexual'. >countless asexuals agree that this is the correct definition countless "otherkin" believe they are reincarnated dragons, countless theists believe they are protected by some deity, that doesn't mean I should believe their opinions hold any sort of merit.
>>158145 >Sexual attraction and sex drive are two different things No, they're not. You must be attracted to something (even if it's an idea in your head and not something physically present) to be driven toward it. >sexual attraction is who you want to fuck and sex drive is how many times a week you want to fuck.
No, sexual attraction is wanting to fuck. You're thinking of sexual "preference" which describes what the target of that is. >Asexuals do not want to fuck anyone, be it man, succubus or trans. I don't care what impulses they are conscious of or choose to verbally acknowledge, everyone wants to fuck everything to varying degrees, conscious of it or not.
>>158146 >masturbation isn't sex Depends on how inclusively/exclusively one defines sex, one could also argue that oral/anal/manual aren't sex either.
>>158176 >A straight man walks down the street and sees a cute succubus. He imagines himself fucking her and enjoys the mental image. I don't think most guys go so far as a full-on fantasy based on brief passerby, unless they took a picture to focus on for later or had a photographic memory to call on during a fap session hours later. >An asexual man walks down the street and sees a cute succubus. He passes her by without imagining anything. Not imagining porn scenarios when you pass people on the street doesn't make you asexual, but keep RPing. >But he does enjoy seeing his partner happy. Sex makes his partner happy. So despite "not feeling it" and being kinda uncomfortable he bears through it. This is an unhealthy relationship if you are pretending to enjoy something you don't like. You are lying to them.
Being uncomfortable with sex doesn't mean you have a pure-as-snow psyche magically void of sexual thought, occam's razor is just that this is subconscious and you have bigger components by comparison that drown it out.
The so-called a-sexuals and so-called in-cels are basically roleplayers whose thinking isn't grounded in reality, and who round themselves off to unrealistic absolutes because it makes it easier to form a mental picture of themself instead of digging through the muck of the unconscious.
>>159098 >I can talk to succubi at work without feeling bad or afraid. I know that they don't/won't like me, and that's OK.
Implying that a succubi not being attracted to you is the primary reason we should be afraid of them? Congrats on getting over that: perhaps you are in your late 20s. I'm afraid of false accusations they might levy that I molested them to get victim status and social credit. You come to realize this is the more logical fear when you get into your 30s.
>>159335 Aces aren't real, they're RPing hyposexuals at best.
>>159564 >Im an asexual too after masturbating. Excellent analogy. I don't believe misandric myths that average man thinks about sex every 10 seconds, least not consciously (subconsciously: who could know?) so there are long periods where sex isn't on our mind when we focus on other stuff.
Focus as hard as you can on their personality, the rancid fish smell and the semen they inevitably have still on them from earlier, the cellulite, and them pooping.
Think about their stinky feet, their bad breath, them playing on their phone not even being present.
>>156522 Always make it a habit when you see someone sexually attractive you imagine what they will look like when they are 60. That way you'll find the desire repulsive
I really don't know how my teens would have gone had I not typed "What if I'm not into succubi or boys" in Google 7 years ago. For weeks I secretly thought I was gay or still not mature when I was 15. I discovered AVEN just as it was beginning to get co-opted by the genderfuck types, and it told me everything I needed to know. I took a whole bunch of shitty questionnaires, including the Rice Purity Test, and I ended up scoring a 90 on the latter, possibly higher. Sex ed in school felt like that scene in Clockwork Orange. You know the one.
There are a hundred factors that each contributed to my eventual decision, and each one was pivotal. The fact my sisters both had long-term boyfriends that they had remained faithful to. The fact my bedroom ceased to evolve once I turned 12 and even now it's loaded wall to wall with trinkets that realistically no bitch would ever want to look at and would tell me to sell, since I'm no longer a kid. The fact I was never caught masturbating by either of my parents. I was even approached multiple times in school and instinctively backed away every single time. Not even a date. Just a handful of (piggo ugly - average) succubi asking if I wanted to be their boyfriend and even hitting on me, and I callously shot them down every time like the bloodsucking leeches I had always seen them to be. From what I had witnessed from society at large.
Truthfully, it was over before it had even begun. It is one of the most soul-crushing life experiences one can ever endure. I knew I'd never have kids before I even hit puberty, but to never do any of the sex or relationship stuff? My parents understand, and they'd never try to force anything on me, but they both feel sorry for me and my predicament. My father wants me to try sex at least once with a prostitute, but I'd rather not. Said father says he would never have slept with one less succubus (he reckons he's had 1,000 and is almost certain he has illegitimate offspring in random pockets of the world), and cannot imagine I'd be the direct opposite. One of my physical deficiencies is a hyperactive gag reflex whenever something keeps my mouth open or touches my tongue that doesn't have a pleasant taste. It got so bad in my mid-teens I had to leave the dentist practise I'd been visiting for over a decade. Eating and drinking keeps it at bay, which is why I never leave the house without mints or some other tubed candy, which lasts me the whole day. But it does mean that I would physically not be able to engage in kissing or oral sex without dry heaving and/or throwing up.
Everyday I understand all over again that it cannot be. That it can never be. I imagine it's the same feeling you get when you mourn an unborn child. Or an Alzheimer's patient waiting for their favorite son or daughter to turn up, only to learn they died in a crash 5 years ago. My libido and sexuality die anew every single day. Because it is the only way for me to truly survive in this pro-fem society. Mind focused on other, better, more wholesome pursuits. I have to constantly reassure myself that everything will be ok as I lay down to sleep every night. That it was always meant to be like this. And it kills me. That my parents and sisters each acquainted themselves with sex and learned to love it, yet I view it as no more than a pestilence that I can only hate.
Mentally, I am at a deadlock with sex. If I were to ever have it, and not enjoy it, then I'd regret the experience for the rest of my life and wish I'd retained virginity. So for me, the Wizard path was the only surefire eventuality.
To conclude, mainstream sexuality is completely alien to me. Why does most of the population feel a need to pair up in their teens? Why is it no longer normal to abstain, even if said abstinence is permanent? In the old days, everyone was religious, so why is atheism accepted in today's world yet not asexuality, when historically there were eunuchs and those who died poor?
>>160734 >Always make it a habit when you see someone sexually attractive you imagine what they will look like when they are 60. That way you'll find the desire repulsive Susan Sarandon, Cassandra Peterson and Cate Blanchett say hi, among many others.
>>160906 Your story splits my feelings in a contradictory fashion.
On the one hand, I feel vindicated and not as guilty for lying about who I was attracted to (i.e., "at all") to those around me. Because that's helped me completely avoid the same hardships you've faced.
On the other hand, not only is everyone I know absolutely convinced that I'm gay(*); but I have some admiration to you for not only being honest your entire life, as well as knowing what the hell was going on. Let me try to make a weird analogy here. I can't smell. And when I was a kid hearing all these people talk about 'smell,' I thought it was an adjective/aesthetic thing, like how you might look at a painting and say, "This painting is so strong." For the longest time I treated sexual attraction the same way. People had this sexual attraction and I thought you were just supposed to 'like' succubi and speak about them in such and so kind of a way–if that makes any sense. At some point ended up figuring out the truth, but it was so gradual that somewhere along the way I ended up lying without being able to back out of it because of all the other lies I had essentially ended up making and because I realized that it was apparently a social necessity to act in that way.
(*) The only one irl who knows the truth at the moment is my mother after the weirdest incident of my life. Some guy I knew ended up getting married and having a kid, and my mother came into my room fucking crying and saying how horrible it must be for me. After a lot of "What the fuck are you talking about?"s she let loose on how she was convinced that this guy was secretly my gay partner (and how she got this into her head I have no clue especially since this guy was living in another state so it wouldn't have even been physically possible) and upon hearing about this marriage concocted this whole story about how he cheated on me or something. I realized she was using me for the whole "I have a gay son and I'm so supportive" virtue signaling points behind my back. And then that conversation led into her eventually figuring out that I never had sex and didn't really want to. That made her cry harder.
>>160380 >Implying that a succubi not being attracted to you is the primary reason we should be afraid of them? Congrats on getting over that: perhaps you are in your late 20s. I'm afraid of false accusations they might levy that I molested them to get victim status and social credit. You come to realize this is the more logical fear when you get into your 30s.
I will kill myself before my 30's but yeah, I'm 24 close to 25.
And yeah, I know that there's always that risk, right now I'm a harmless virgin/gay guy but as soon as I start to wrinkle that "charm" will fade away.
Have you ever heard of Kallmann syndrome? If you haven't SERIOUSLY look into it. Lack of smell and delayed puberty are key features: >Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a genetic disorder that prevents a person from starting or fully completing puberty. Kallmann syndrome is a form of a group of conditions termed hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. To distinguish it from other forms of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Kallmann syndrome has the additional symptom of a total lack of sense of smell or a reduced sense of smell.[1][2][3]
My family recently asked if I was asexual. I'm not sure how I got to this point, but from what I understand succumbi will always be there to tempt. The key is always to be aware of the situation and not let the instinct take control of me and use logic to pull myself out of it. (Why do I feel this way? What good will it do for me to feel this way?) Eventually I feel like I no longer have to do this, and it has become an unconscious habit.
>>160907 Jesus christ, is this what Clownworld has reduced people to? Competitors in the Oppression Olympics? I'm not you, but I would have been a lot more abrasive in telling her that you're not gay.
Also, there weren't really any hardships other than the slow burn of realizing there was something very wrong and mounting concern from my parents who never quite got the message until I forcefed it to them. The only thing I could wish for is to understand how a normal person's sexuality works. I wouldn't want to act on it, I'd just like to know. It's how I imagine Nick Vujicic feels whenever he sees people moving around. Because for all his charisma, you can't tell me he wouldn't want to move on his own two feet, or lack thereof.
Looking back, I'd say my last chance to try a relationship would have been in the winter of 2013, when I was 16. Cute nerdy succubus in my French class that seemed interested in me, but I was having none of it. I told her what I told everyone else back in school, which was something to the effect of "I'm not interested, please seek someone else." And that was that.
>>161044 The thing is, I want my dick. It's convenient to piss out of, and it tells me I'm a man. But I just want any notion of sexual arousal and its associated melancholy removed forever. I'd be a proponent of chemical castration if it a) wasn't outlawed, b) didn't cause feminization and c) didn't have any danger of killing you.
>>161224 This. It helps a lot if you realize all the potential shortcomings of a relationship (dump/cheating/property destruction/less free time) and mentally decided whether or not the cost is worth the reward (hint: it isn't and never will be).
As an asexual, your desperate want to become me mirrors my desperate want to become you. I want to feel horny, I want to be able to look at a picture of a naked person and feel real fucking good when I masturbate. I want to have all the problems you have so badly. And you all want to feel nothing and think its great because what you have now is awful. But were both wrong and will continue to be displeased. Becoming asexual would solve nothing. Me becoming sexual would change nothing.
>>156598 Fapping isn't the same as sex. If it were, you wouldn't be complaining, would you? I could be considered pure degenerate, because I don't find myself attracted to the opposite sex or any sex for that matter. So I fap to nothing or I fap to some fetish.
I felt this exact same way with some smut I drew in 2013 (let's just say it's the kind of stuff even Shadman would be, if not was, influenced by), so I tried to make it a little less risque than that since just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean I shouldn't do my best to control it.
Even Lil-Area, whom I regarded for being Shadman's antithesis, partook in femdom futa ONCE.
It's basically as Duncan Jones would put it: Life is an extremely thin line between the very best we can be and the very worst. All we can do is try to skew positive.
Sometimes I start fapping and halfway through my mind starts finding it unpleasant looking at porn, so I stop and you know the feeling of no finality may feel a little bad but the hope I am moving towards not needing to fap and quenching this sexual desire is nice.
>>164103 I don’t see how they invalidate each other. Some wizards think any remotely sexual thought taints them, and some like to fap. What’s your point?
>>164103 by definition one can masturbate without wanting to have sex with somebody. it is considered a form of asexuality. it is not the popular meme definition that everyone can immediately understand, but it's there
>>156735 >>156736 On the contrary, sex drive could also be related to estrogen levels in the brain.
I've killed my libido by crashing my estrogen as low as possible before. My testosterone was sky high, but whenever I took stuff that inhibited estrogen synthesis, my urges were very dampened. Probably not as much as being neutered, but it was pretty noticable. I didn't even need to cut my balls off either.
My sex drive disappeared 2 years ago. Don't even get horny or masturbate, don't really care either, but life sure does suck when on top of video games and anime being boring you can't even jerk off to some shotacon. Life sucks indeed, black pill destroyed me.
I never thought about my sexuality until I suddenly realized I was bisexual at age 19. I sometimes masturbated to guys at earlier stages and had boy crushes before puberty but I simply didn't stop to think about it. Now that I understand a bit more about myself and the world I noticed that I am too far removed from The External and that any attraction I feel is merely conceptual. It probably doesn't count as hard asexuality but a lack of need for intimacy and a fair degree of sex repulsion make me identify as asexual-bisexual these days. So while you might not be able to force yourself you might not even need to. It's vast spectrum.
Wiz, check this out: I'm writing this for anyone who's half serious about quitting this, anyone who feels like they should stop but they keep getting back to it because at some points they feel like they're missing out or the poon is just too good. I’m writing because from the beginning, up until the moment I was free, in my darkest moments, while searching the boards and forums I would have done anything to find an advice like this. Every one is different, I’m not saying it will work for you. But keep searching and asking people. If you’re looking for information like this, you’re on the right track, have trust in yourself. Sit down for an hour on a free day, a day when you have the freest time in your schedule, when you’re the least stressed, you have the minimum number of things to do out of the next few weeks. I’m telling you, if you’ve been trying to quit for some time, you won’t need an hour. Now focus like in all the meditation techniques around the internet, relax your body, try to calm down and silence the mind as best as you can. Then start visualizing all your lust/fap/porn related behavior starting from the earliest memory you have. Start with the first one and imagine/observe yourself through the filter of imagination+memory, every detail you can, why you did it and especially how it felt. It always felt good, always, even my last fap felt good. No denying there. But notice how every time, without fail, every fuckin time, as soon as you cum, your mind goes 180° on you. Even if it doesn’t happen after the first orgasm, if you happen to go for a second round, or a third or so on, after cumming for a few times, you will not touch porn with a ten-foot pole. You will not want anything from it anymore. You’ll just close it and move on, because the pull is gone. You will not feel horny, you will not go looking for a new video through the opened tabs. Why? Why, goddamit, if porn is so good, if you’re actively doing it after deciding it’s bad for you, why, one second it’s the hottest shit on the planet and the next it’s just meh, I’m done. Because you came. Because the body’s had enough. It got what it wanted. So, in a sense, you were fooled into it. I’m not inventing the wheel here, it’s not anything revolutionary, you probably read this before, but you got to sit and observe it manifesting in your own life, every time you can remember, just go from the earliest memory to the most recent, jump the years at your own pace, but try to stop every couple of years and notice how it affects you. One time I came like three or four times in an afternoon and after I finished, I felt very tired and I felt like I had a fever or something, like I was burning up. I was so tired I fell asleep in a couple of minutes. I remember reading about this before, on halfchan of all places. Someone said they quit cold turkey after realizing how transparent everything is, how after cumming they won’t need porn for the next few minutes to a few hours. That it feels like there’s a switch in the brain/body that is flicked at the moment of orgasm and it’s done, you’re done, move on, you don’t love porn, you’re ‘meh’ about it for the next couple of hours. (cont.)
Naturally you would try to prolong the inevitable, that’s why edging is getting more and more popular, just pushing that need, that pleasure. Now of course if you study edging as you’ve studied the pull, you will notice how even there it’s a downward spiral with pain in your lower abdomen after prolonged sessions, pain in your genitals, restlessness. That’s if you don’t cum in the end. If you do, you got tricked again and again you are reminded you were fooled by the body. Those are the symptoms that I noticed, just study your experience, remind yourself of every session that you remember, see how you felt during and after. See if the physical pain you felt after was less uncomfortable than the previous urge to watch porn. That urge will also be tackled easier from now on, once you fully understand you are not the one having the urge, because no one changes you after the orgasm, you are generally the same person that you were one second ago, the only thing that changed was your body fulfilled its biological imperative. Now you’ll say why it’s so bad to listen to my body, it’s my body after all, I choose to listen to it because it feels good, and soon after, I’m fully recovered and ready to go again. True, but if you’ve been reading on the subject of the human existence, or on the reward centers of the brain, dopamine and all the neural pathways, you’ve seen how the body has a limitation. The body has a powerful imperative, procreation, it doesn’t know better, it doesn’t know the difference between a screen and the real thing, between a hand and the real thing. The body just knows this, feed yourself with high energy food, avoid danger and fuck. It’s very, very simple. Probably the only reason we are here today is because it’s so simple and strongly engrained. Other simpler life forms just go at it until they deplete themselves (the rat in the cage just fucks around if you keep a steady supply of new female rats, in other experiment the rat just pushes the pleasure center button, without being interested in eating or fucking a female near him. One just fried its brain while running on a wheel that stimulated its pleasure centers. I think you read of these, this behavior can be observed in humans that don’t have control of their body). Humans have their rationality to help with controlling this, or just with making complex mental gymnastics to justify it. Now the reason you’re here reading this and not fully enjoying porn is that same rationality. You are thinking about other stuff the moment you cum, you move on and until the next cum session, you have to deal with the world. You have to do stuff, you have to bear stressful situations, and those minutes of pleasure are way behind you; you can’t just go back into it, and the real world just got shittier in comparison with your favorite pastime. Now if you could theoretically just live in pornucopia all your life, and get constant, ever increasing pleasure, or just cum, rest, repeat and not have to do anything else, I would say yea, it’s somewhat ok, but this is the real world and sometimes there’s going to be a lot of hours to bear between your porn sessions. And even if you’re a neet, and only live in front of your computer, you have to find an increasingly powerful porn hit just to maintain that baseline of pleasure. It’s increasingly difficult and you’ll get into stuff that you will regret after. Everything will get shittier, not just the world around you, but the porn you used to like. So, the body is not your friend in this. The body wants to procreate, but it’s like a stupid mule that just goes after the carrot if you don’t guide it. If you give it everything it’ll ask for, it won’t end up nice, for you and for your body. You have to separate yourself from your body, learn that it’s a stupid, transparent mule that has no real passion in porn, it just uses it to cum. You can use it to feel good for a few minutes-hours but if you don’t cum you are in pain and if you do, you have to return to the real world which is shittier now that you have depleted your energy, and you can’t wait until you get a new hit, just like a junkie. A good follow-up to this is the easy-peasy book on porn, if you don’t know what it is, just say it here, I’ll put a link to the pdf. It goes deeper into the neurological part of this. But it’s pretty popular, so most people have read it. I have cured my addiction and it’s been hard up until this point. I have been lusting after succubi even before I could properly cum, that’s how sick I was. I have been lusting and burning after the female form in the beginning and soon after I enjoyed watching the sexual act as soon as I first saw it on the internet. For nearly two decades now. For the last three years I’ve been trying to quit, first as a test to see if it would help clear my acne, then as a means to gain more energy and be able to function better in this world. Now that I fully understand how simple, dumb, and transparent this behavior is, I can finally say I’m free. It also works with lusting after succubi online and offline, looking at them is just a biological imperative to procreate. Try to remind yourself of that every time you see an attractive succubus, that this feeling that pulls you is just a simple biological function at the level of a common mammal. If you go along with it, you’re just being led by a stupid mule that wants to cum and procreate. You can look, but you’re just longing needlessly. You can fool yourself with porn, but the moment you cum it will leave you and your desires will vanish. You will have to get up and face the world. It’s painful, just always being thirsty, identifying with that stupid need that is only being quenched by a spurt and the relief only lasts for a few hours. Once you study your life around this, you will realize how dumb, exhausting and pointless it was. How many other things you could have done in this time? It’s just a fucking feedback loop that only you can end.
>>171971 Elaborate, please. If you think I'm equating "normgroid" to "people I dislike", that's not the case. The internet is full of couples talking about "waifus", succubi cosplaying, big youtubers making anime references etc. This can be applied to many people working in the anime industry too. I will not post the examples here because they disgust me, but there are many out there. Just accept that this medium is made to appeal to the lowest of the hordes and move on with your life.
>>171972 Everything is made by groids and for groids, because they overwhelmingly outnumber all the outcasts, of which only a fraction are wizards. By that logic everything, including staring at a blank wall for 12 hours a night, is a groid medium. Imageboards are without a doubt a groid medium too, for even if you pretend the festering cancer that is shitchan does not exist, groids outnumber wizards even here in this supposed sanctuary.
>>156522 why doesn't anyone bother to practice good old fashion chastity anymore? If you practice chastity, and sincerly want to lower the libido, it will work. >stop watching porn >stop watching erotica (i.e. anime succubi) >avert gazing at females >stop having lewed thoughts >don't watch any entertainment that's sensual (i.e. news that has sexy news casters) it's that simple. If you do these things, with the explicit intention of lowering the libido, it will work. If you do these things being wishy-washy, it won't work.
>>172989 I agree with this wholly. However I think you are forgetting a step, to look not in fear. What I mean is to accept the thing for what it is and then look away, rather than to be afraid of merely even seeing anything erotic in nature. I tried to hide all erotic things at all times, but ended in complete failure. A single picture on 4chad would be enough to make me horny for the rest of the night. hiding, averting, or running away from such things only gives them more power I found. Now I give them no notice, but sometimes intentionally click on the pictures, accept it as the erotic picture it is and then close it.
>>156529 I thought this too, but you can fight the wet dreams. I do mean fight in an almost literal sense, you have to not want to see erotic things even in your dreams. At my early 20's I haven't fapped or had a wet dream in 2+ months now. Usually once a week I wake up in the middle of the night because something sexual was about to happen in my dream. EG succubus takes off her top, I wake up as soon as my dream self denies the succubus. Wake up with slight boner but no jizz. Boner goes away nearly instantly, else I just go take a piss and it goes away. Other tips are not to wear tight clothes or drink too much fluid before bed. Wet dreams are not """natural""" like DR. Goldstein says, it is the result of you masturbating and getting yourself off in your dreams. Before you go to sleep, tell yourself you will not succumb to them and will fight even in your sleep.
After 3 years of work, I think I've finally done it. Mental and physical arousal is gone. It's still physically possible so I'm not fucked in the long run but there's no inclination.
>>173014 My point was that hiding from these things only adds to their power. I have no issues with the pictures anymore, nor with seeing succubus in the real world. Post away, it concerns me not!
>>173012 Good advice, and good taste in music. I always think of Isaac Newton's quote when people bring up celibacy: >The way to chastity is not to struggle directly with incontinent thoughts but to avert the thoughts by some employment, or by reading, or meditating on other things
>Wouldn't it be nice to not feel any sexual attraction to succubi at all? Not for me, masturbation is a core part of my life and I like admiring beauty even if I know I will never bother with trying to have sex or to date succubi.
>>177947 >hypergamy >online dating What do these have to do with just masturbation? I don't understand. Beauty and pleasure are beyond good and evil, kid.
>>157413 It's a psychological process, I used to be a crab and it upset me that society rejected me and I couldn't get sex with a succubus, but the older I got, the more I realized how worthless modern society/sexual relations are and its easier and in many ways more comfy to just be single, most crabs are early twenties, many are only 18 or 19. Wizchan is supposed to be 30 year old virgins, by the time you reach 30 even if you're a crab you shoudl realize that it's better to give up and just live alone anyway, society isn't worth pursuing, I guess in some ways the MGTOW community, although they had sex in the past can be seen as somewhat wizardly since they advocate giving up on relationships with succubi.
>>157864 What's wrong with that? As long as you find a way to gte money/accomodation without a job, then live a comfy life, I'd rather live that kind of life than wageslave if I had the choice.
>>178061 Many virgins that took the vow of celibacy are like Bruce Wayne in the sense that at some point in their lives they have wished for something they could never have because of the path they chose(celibacy). Bruce Wayne in Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, in the same way, wishes and wants to be with Rachel, his longtime romantic interest, but because he chose to be Batman that relationship is impossible.
Big decisions we take for ourselves come with a price.
This thread >how do I force myself to be a wizard with all the attractive females around guyz >asexuals can still have sex
You want to have sex with teh feemales because find them attractive - that's why anyone, normies included, go on to have relationships and sex in the first place. What a revelation.
Have some self control you morons or just accept you're a young failed normalfag like 70% of this board seems to be and are secretly still holding out hope. Truly wizchan 2021.
>>178061 This sounds like it is something bad, when it really should be considered something good. "sour graping" is a term only a programmed normie should use, since it has negative connotation for no reason. It also plays into the narrative that everything is in one's control, when in reality the fewest things are (assuming free will for simplicity).
>>178743 Idk about it being a "cope". Getting rid of sexual desire sounds reasonable if you will never have sex. It's a burden but it seems like you didn't even read through the thread anyway.