217250 | How to disregard females ones and for all? I try not to think about them. I don't know what's inside of me, that keeps kicking me. Like I have to go out everyday, cause I can't be a NEET, so lot of my time is sadly spent out of my house, and I like nature and seeing things. | [View] |
215597 | HAPPINESS MAXXING AS A WIZ? Yeah, we all know that we aren't the most happy go lucky bunch, like is rough and tough, so the point of this thread is gather aways of maximizing happiness even as wiz, not I'm not saying become a normies or arrange a female, what I'm saying is seeking happiness even as wiz and inside the wiz context. | [View] |
215072 | Imageboards are dead. Old internet is dead. I don't even bother anymore but when I do I just end up wasting time on the same old sites which aren't even fun to begin with. I tried to quit and go out instead and for a while I think I became a normalfag and even sorta enjoyed it for a while. But then I got disillusioned with it all and realized that it's not for me, so now I am back here again but e | [View] |
214837 | Scumabomber Why is pic related so popular among wizards? He was anti-tech and most of us derive our only enjoyment in life from technology (vidya etc). | [View] |
214571 | Fetishes How do you cope with fetishes you cant control? A lot of failed normalfags couldnt even start sex lives if they wanted to, because their fetishes are so repugnant. Aside from that, having a weird fetish personally fills me with tons of anxiety, mostly because I'm always wasting my free time scouring the net for any type of new material that fulfills my needs. It's uncontrollable; even wors | [View] |
214569 | WELFAREMAXXING Does anyone here did a welfaremaxxing and now are living the good life away from being a wagie? | [View] |
214069 | TIME TO SEPARATE FAKE WIZ FROM TRUE WIZ https://arfer.net/games/robot-test | [View] |
213611 | Christmas Discussion Thread The holidays are coming up, it can be the worst period of the year, or just another day for some. I'd like to put up a thread for those to vent, and for those to possible commune via penpals if necessary to get us over some of the torment of the holiday period. It doesn't have to be a sordid, crushingly lonely holiday. | [View] |
213585 | WINNERS DON’T CARE ABOUT LOSERS, THEY SEE YOU AS ACESSORIES-DO NOT BE A SLAVE This is something I'd like other young apprentices and wizards alike to know so they don't fall into the same trap as normalfags | [View] |
213387 | wizardry in your own words let's discuss the elephant-familiar in the room. what does wizardry personally mean to you in your own words? of course i'm sure everyone here knows of the baseline definition from the front page: | [View] |
212770 | What kind of man would you like to be? Regardless of your current situation, what kind of man would you like to be in this world? | [View] |
212486 | Why do depressed people think that things like exercise, studying, finding a hobby, going for a walk, among others, are not good treatments for their problem? | [View] |
212360 | wizards are always anti cultural during my true wiz night walk like I saw a lot of normalfags outside partying and doing drugs to loud music. They did look happier and some even extremely healthy which got me thinking this people probably have some serious diet and go to the gym or exercise. The guys looked bigger than me and I've been going to the gym for 10 years by now and take protein supplemen | [View] |
211617 | Did your social anxiety ever get better? | [View] |
211512 | The true wizard celibate Wizardcel or Wizcel for short is neither a volcel nor crab | [View] |
211469 | Normie males and every single female are entangled with the devil. They protect each other and benefit from one another. | [View] |
211001 | I'm 21 years old and I've never been out with friends. Is anyone else going through this? I feel like Elliot Rodger. I look on Instagram and all of my friends on their freshman years have gone to parties, had sex, walked around with friends and have been to clubs. etc... | [View] |
210938 | Trannies I hate trannies. I hate the society we live in that enables them. I hate them for ruining my comfy communities, while feeling sorry for the losses of strangers transitioning had they not become ill with this psychological epidemic. Friends I won't be able to make now that they either become completely lunatics and/or kill themselves. | [View] |
210713 | fat vs. skinny do you think it's worse to be fat or skinny? I think being fat is worse. Being fat is being addicted to food like a heroin addict and you get instant cravings and withdrawals when you stop eating for a few hours so losing weight becomes literal torture. People who naturally lean to the skinny side don't have to worry about overeating. And it's not because of their will or they're sta | [View] |
209696 | THE LEGENDARY NEETBUX How the hell can one live on NEETbux?????? Breakdown your expanses or you are bullshitting, I'm jealous because I'm a wagie. | [View] |
209386 | PERMANEET Any permaNEET here? Any tips and advices for someone going the permaNEET route? | [View] |
209348 | >Dietary guidelines recommend a maximum of 455g cooked (600–700g raw weight) lean red meat per week, in order to meet iron and zinc recommendations. That's about one small portion (65g cooked/100g raw) if you're eating it every night of the week, or one larger portion (130g cooked/200g raw) every second day. | [View] |
209260 | Psychiatry What's your experience with the psychiatric institutions? | [View] |
209176 | Driving and Cars The old thread died and I'd like to discuss driving and cars more. | [View] |
208482 | What is your most unpopular opinion among the majority of people that you defend with all your soul? | [View] |
208280 | What do you think of nofap, does it make sense or is it all a lie, is it worth abstaining from pornography, or is it not worth the effort? | [View] |
208169 | young wizards thread I made this thread to bring together young people, so we can talk about young things. For example, I am 20 years old, and about 6 years ago I visited wizchan and the rest of the popular image boards (8chan, 4chan, ylilauta, kc, hispachan, lolcow, crystal cafe, 2ch, 55chan, voxed, etc). A bit boring life in front of the screen for so long, so I would like to do some hobby in the | [View] |
208116 | I'm in my mid-20s, have failed two college degrees, may flunk a third, am underweight, , have no friends, am mentally ill (ADHD), never had a job, and am generally a loser. | [View] |
208086 | How many of you are true NEET and Hikki? Is the majority of the users of this site wageslaves? | [View] |
207930 | Am I the oldest male virgin here? 66 years old. Retired. Comfortable because I know how to live frugally (by first world standards). Anyone here older than me? | [View] |
207195 | SzPD Thread We had a schizoid thread some time ago. I thought I'd continue it again because some of the conversation there was pretty interesting. | [View] |
206965 | Do you owe your parents anything? Many aging parents are complaining about how they feel neglected by their offspring but in most cases they brought this to themselves because they lived self-centered lives or were emotionally neglecting their kids etc. and essentially their offspring had to figure everything in life out themselves and doesn't owe them anything for that matter. | [View] |
206899 | Do you believe in evolution? Please state your reasons. | [View] |
206648 | I know a guy in his 30s that only had sex with 1 succubi and kissed like 3 succubi in his life, can he be considered a "honorary" wizard or wizard "adjacent"? I think that are a lot of man out there with little sexual experience, not actual virgin like us, but borderline like us in behavior and all, how can we go to treat those fellas? I'm very sympathetic to those guys, I think there are almost l | [View] |
206575 | Why 30? | [View] |
206507 | Wikipedia Articles Let's start with this interesting one I just found: | [View] |
206298 | Being evil online How do you feel about trolls, effortposters,ironic shitposters, schizoposters, and faithless actors online? Are you one of them? | [View] |
206207 | Assertiveness How many of you Anons are assertive? I have great trouble offending, being rude, or upsetting others. It's terrible because I wind up in situations I really hate. | [View] |
205782 | When did your sex drive disappear wizards ? Nearly 30 still have it way more than I’d like not on any anti depressants or drugs keep that in mind. | [View] |
205727 | Are you fat and ugly? What is the correlation between being a fat ugly neckbeard and being a wizard, how that stereotype came to be? It's funny that "popular" idea of the older recluse virgin is a fat ugly neckbeard and not a fit somewhat good looking dude. | [View] |
205693 | it's boring being a NEET when you have 0 hobby or when the only hobbies you have are boring. at least hikikomori spend their days playing games all day. I don't play games anymore, I don't read anymore… I wish I was working but I know I don't like working (already tried) so I'm here ,browsing wizchan and watching videos on youtube and not knowing what to do with my life | [View] |
205430 | The NPC meme is real, its not just a meme. | [View] |
205264 | THE ENDGAME OF A WIZARD LIFE So, it all fun and game when you're a 20s something recluse NEET apprentice, even better when you are on NEETbux, anime, games and some side hobbies is what keeping you afloat, but then, you're in your 30s, and still thing are fun, but a little less so, and then again you're late 30 and early 40s, life is gone by, but the question is: what can keep you afloat? Anime, ga | [View] |
205221 | NEETbuxx How much do you earn from the NEETbuxx? and besides de NEETbuxx, what are other benefits do you earn? I wonder how many wizards are on the dole here, forever NEET sound good. | [View] |
204943 | So uhm, how do we stop this, hypothetically, if it's at all possible at this point? | [View] |
204925 | Do you guys suffer from maladaptive daydreaming? Being born in a turd world country where my house is on the "street" like picrel, all I do is watch YouTube Channels like Nomadic Ambience in the free time pretending that I live in the first world. Being poorcel poojeet cashier who lives on 112 USD a month, and suffers from malnourishment due to lack of proper food and sometimes the lack of food ent | [View] |
203957 | Wizard Survival Guide You don't have to be miserable to be a wizard. What are your wiz opinions on this pic and what would you add? I've read the Alone Forever books and they weren't bad but I could use more tips. Depression and anhedonia have made it impossible to enjoy anything anymore | [View] |
203951 | Addiction I kicked a lifelong vidya addiction, then replaced it with TV. I stopped smoking weed, now I just chug stupid amounts of kratom and coffee. When I quit an addiction, I always wonder why I bothered quitting. | [View] |
203890 | MENTALLY ILL How may of you are ACTUAL OFFICIALLY diagnosed with a mental illness? Not "I think I have mental illness", but a doctor officially told you that you mind doesn't work well. | [View] |
203554 | What is the probably porcentage of true older virgins on this site? let the cut off be 25 and above, I do still think that people below 25 has a good shoot of becoming a normans or borderline normans, but people above 25 become rough. Anyway, what is percentage of true older virgins on this site? Like 95%? Don't seem likely, maybe 65%-80% are tru older virgins, the rest are wannabe wizzkiddo. Why | [View] |
203515 | Mindbreaking revelation I just thought about it: we are the ones who are social and not normalfags. Think about it. Most people here from what I gather are rather polite, quiet, kind, tolerant and have more empathy than normalfags. It's normals who are rude, aggressive, paranoid, overly-defensive, overly-private and who don't give a fuck about anyone else except for themselves. In a crazy world the | [View] |
203425 | HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH ENRAGING OPINIONS IN THE INTERNET When i come across with some opinion which i strongly disagree with or that i know is incorrect, and is written in a condescending way, i usually stay ruminating about that information in anger. Whatever im doing, the intrusive thought of someone saying that and getting away with it comes back to my head and ruins my moment. | [View] |
203113 | WIZARDS PERSONALITIES https://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/ | [View] |
202970 | Forbiden knowledge Itt we talk about forbidden knowledge and how one can aquire dark secrets and wield them effectively. | [View] |
202591 | About 18-29 -> 63% Normie internet is so fucking dumb. Let me explain why 63% of young men are single. The raw disparity in men/succubi who consider themselves single is 4%, so its not due to polygamy or differences in reporting between the genders. Even now exclusive gays are like ~3% of men and ~1-2% of succubi, so it's unlikely that is a substantial contributing factor. | [View] |
201732 | HIGH QUALITY THREAD ABOUT PHILOSOPHY What are the wizards view about determinism and free will? Do you believe in fate? As it meant to be or do we have a saying in the way our lifes unfold? | [View] |
201612 | Why is the average magician against the use of psychiatric drugs? I know many have pretty bad side effects, but between being crazy and depressed, low libido, increased appetite, migraines, or the like, I'd pick the latter. They look good, of course it takes time to find one that really does you good, but it's worth the risk. | [View] |
201501 | Marriage of Convenience Just that, sometimes it's more financially prudent to do it... right? It kinda is preferred. | [View] |
201493 | Which is worse in your experience. work or school? | [View] |
201101 | semen retention is saving my life I live a very simple and minimalist life as a wiz. I do not have a job due to my autism, nor do I have any friends. I do not leave my house or speak to people. I spend most of my time in my house by myself. And I love it this way. This is my dream life sort to speak. For the first time in my life, I finally feel at peace. I feel free from the burdens of the world. | [View] |
201060 | Why some people get anoyed with NEETs? I just don't get it, if I'm 'wasting' my life and it's fine for me, why some people care so much? | [View] |
201032 | how to keep em out of the company herro rizzards, | [View] |
200540 | Take the outdoor freelance pill A lot of you Wizzies need to follow in the steps of Alfie here, and get yourselves on the Odd Job Freelancer Style, riding a tandem bike around and offering your services. You'd be a benefit to your community and feel like your life has meaning then. | [View] |
200386 | Happy new year! My fellow wizniggas! | [View] |
200036 | UGLY Ok, bros, just a simple question: are you ugly? | [View] |
199844 | Chronic masturbators can't be wizards masturbation and porn addicts are like normalfaggot alcoholics who critizice and look down on everyone who doesn't drink alcohol and partake in their vice because it's disgusting. Sex is disgusting and you're the crazy people for having sex and masturbating, not us. | [View] |
199477 | We're the last generation of autistic loner virgin men that are not bitter about it. In 20 years, most of us will be dead, either because of poor health habits or suicide. | [View] |
199438 | I was forced to dance for some niggers | [View] |
199219 | Are we just destructive or toxic people? Any community I visit on the internet or I'm forced to be a part of in real life ends up telling me subtly or not so subtly that I'm an unpleasant person. In the case of internet communities I get banned very soon usually because I come into some kind of conflict with others. In real life too I can't avoid confrontations and conflicts with others and I reali | [View] |
199166 | ChatGPT General How will you use the newly released ChatGPT from OpenAI to make a lot of money? | [View] |
199092 | BAD INFLUENCE IN LIFE What was your bad influence in life, bros? Like, what was something that mess you up? Bad parents? Bully? Rough childhood? What was it? Do you consider that they are a strong factor that lead you to your today's life? | [View] |
199034 | What happened at 30? 40? Hey all, | [View] |
198662 | What does wizchan think about Crystal Cafe? I just discovered this place exists. | [View] |
198043 | Are adult virgins THAT rare? Sometimes I feel like there's no adult virgins out there. No matter where I go, be it discord, various chans, forums and social media, I have yet to find someone around my age(28) that's a virgin. | [View] |
197827 | International legion, wizards at war Well wizards, this might be it for me. | [View] |
197553 | Since when did the idea of being a wizard got related with a the idea of being a NEET, shut-in and in general a not well functioning person? Why the idea of a do well wizard is not well seen here? What happened? | [View] |
197445 | Fetishes I know there are a lot of wizards that identify as asexual, and that got me curious. Do asexual wizards indulge in their own unique fetishes? Not to be confused with sexual kinks, fetishes are an uncontrollable turn-on that you didn't ask for. Of course, it's incredibly taboo, so much so that I don't think I've ever seen a thread on the topic. So, now that the ice is broken, what are your | [View] |
197296 | clearing antipsychotic brainfog Any misters here have experience or knowledge of tapering off antipsychotics? | [View] |
197240 | NPC theory There was a thread about NPCs that was censored, but this is an interesting topic. | [View] |
197017 | Trying drugs (as a Wizard) Most would agree the biggest societal peer pressure is to lose your virginity, and have offspring. But what about the pressure of losing your drug virginity? | [View] |
196851 | https://dulm.blue/normie/index.php | [View] |
196633 | What are your guys thoughts on the "manosphere" idiots like pic related gaining huge popularity among normalfag psychopaths and kids/zoomers. Every comment seems to praise them as some sort of god or father figure. I didn't expect normalfags to like this sort of figures that much. | [View] |
196178 | Making sense of wizardry Okay, so you're a wizard. What does that say about you? | [View] |
196015 | The literary movement of our time will be a backlash against tech induced alienation, but it will be so incohate and immature it will be the most cringy shit fr fr. It will be a Kaczynski tier hysterical backlash of retards and LARPers going to live in the woods, whipping themselves and avoiding stimulation as much as possible like John the Savage from Brave New World. | [View] |
196010 | Do you have friends? Do you have friends or are you all alone? of course beside your family. What happened? Be honest, you're anonymous here. | [View] |
195803 | Are you spiritual or religious in any sense? | [View] |
195641 | Your current opinions We have these threads every once in a while. What is your current worldview, philosophy, religion, opinions in general about life, etc? I think I'm not the only one around here who changes his worldviews or modifies them quite often. | [View] |
195493 | NEET THREAD Well, I'm a NEET, again... I'm 28 years old with little employment history, what's stored for me, wizbros? | [View] |
195392 | The dog menace A lot of wizards will likely get dogs to fight the loneliness. Please do not. Dogs are terrible creatures that regularly maul children. They are also noisy and disease-ridden. "A dog is a man's best friend" is just marketing from yhe pet industry to get you to waste money on an animal that only sees you as a food source. | [View] |
194775 | There's more succubi here than on 4chan. wth. | [View] |
194387 | Wizard internet communities I've been using english speaking internet sites since 11 years already, im 29. My main language is spanish, and to navigate english based internet was certainly an advantage. The problem is that i've became disappointed and tired with the english speaking crowd, its really difficult to find communities that are not conditioned by anglo culture, and all the things that en | [View] |
194214 | Why are you a wizard? Not asking about free will or other philosophical stuff, just plain simple reason of why are you a wizard. Me? I just can't deal well with succubi in general, maybe a little autismo, who knows. I'm 28. | [View] |
194054 | Any wizzies that used to be atheists but stopped? If you are willing to share, what made you change? | [View] |
194001 | Driving Do you have driver's license? What car do you drive? I got my driver's license 2 years ago, it was a terrible struggle to get it during a the Covid-shutdown, but it was one of the best decesions of my life. It really improved my situation and helped a lot with my depression, gave me massive freedom to be able to drive wherever/whenever I wanted to go, without my parents. | [View] |
193859 | The revelation of modernity is that nature has no inherent values. All the sacred precepts and eternal truths that the masses cling to, all of their lies, are revealed to be nothing more than delusions. And while the majority find this too much to bear, there are a few who are able to find liberation from the realization that "everything is permitted". | [View] |
193784 | OF INC*LS AND WIZARDS Why the hate against inc*ls? Never truly understood why wizchan has a hate policy against inc*ls, why can't we get along? From my point of view wizards are inc*ls, for they don't have any sexual experience just like an inc*l, so why create a fake dichotomy for basically the same thing? | [View] |
193709 | Saying Yes to existence Let's face it, no one here will commit suicide most likely so might as well embrace life with all its bad stuff, illnesses, poverty, horrors, pains, sufferings, humiliations. Can any of you say with 100% confidence that you managed to say Yes to existence? I admit I'm still struggling with it but slowly making progress. This is the only life we have for certain so I'm trying | [View] |
193658 | COPE What are some of the biggest copes that goes around here? | [View] |
193381 | Never gonna work I'm 35 and have never worked a day in my life. Nor do I intend to, despite being overly qualified. Spend my whole day playing old vidya and reading manga. | [View] |
193302 | Enlightenment Here we shall discuss how to severe our attachments to this world and existence. Plus asceticism techniques, how to be enlightened in various ways and how to achieve inner peace. Stoicism, epicureanism and Buddhism or eastern religion experts are welcome, generally everyone whose aim is achieving ataraxia in some way. | [View] |
193122 | What's your age and your country? Simple as, no hiding question or anything, just what's your age and country? My? I'm 28 years old from Brazil. | [View] |
192987 | Do you think it's a blessing or a curse to be a wizard? Do you wish you could be "normal"? What has made you accept your fate? | [View] |
192836 | Wikipedia Articles (continuation of >>170540) | [View] |
192653 | This board is fucking dying, what happened to half of the user base here? killed themselves??? | [View] |
192487 | Jobs that are well suited for shut-ins? What are some jobs shut-ins can do from their basements? I feel bad for contributing nothing to my family's net worth. | [View] |
192116 | I don't think you're that dumb. I wanted to spend some time here to point out an elephant in the room: there is an EXTREME disparity between people here calling themselves low IQ or very dumb, and the quality of the posts in explaining how dumb they are. Like, I get the whole "muh Dunning-Kruger" thing, but what I've seen here over the years is a whole different level that I don't feel is suffici | [View] |
191906 | What are some essential books related to wizardry? Any charts? Need some books recommendations | [View] |
191857 | Older wizard's wisdom Older wizards(+30), can you give some wisdom for newer wizards? I'm 28 years old now, what happen when you turn 30? How is life? Work? Things in general? Share with us, wizbros! | [View] |
191696 | If you could go back in time to your early 20s what advice would you give yourself? | [View] |
190795 | becoming older and friendless As we become older do we get to become friendless? Having friends as we become older is harder and harder, why? | [View] |
190449 | >Unlawfully arrested for refusing to wear a mask | [View] |
190245 | Are you ashamed of your nationality ? I am a slav from eastern europe so yes i hate being a 'slav', why couldn't i be born in a country with actual achievements like france, america, spain, italy or even korea | [View] |
189951 | Monk Life There is one place on this earth where our chastity is still valued. Roman Catholic and Orthodox religions still have monks. Mount Athos in Greece, an orthodox monastery, succubi are not allowed by law. I’m thinking of joining a monastery myself. I have always believed in god in some form or another but it has become clear to me now Christ and his holy mother Theokotos are the way. | [View] |
189868 | Anti-Ambition After hanging out around here for probably too long, and continuing to watch anime, etc., there are a number of pieces of cultural media, fora, and movements that appear to be coalescing together into the same idea that I wanted to point out. In particular, I've been looking at: | [View] |
189541 | IN THE PRAISE OF RECLUSE LIFE Post the good side of being a recluse mage, let's look a the bright said of things? | [View] |
189482 | The earth is a prison trap The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Theory states that life on earth is inherent suffering, and this suffering is harvested by beings called archons that trick souls into reincarnating on earth through different brainwashing tactics as well as a white light tunnel that lures souls into reincarnating, and wipes their memory., which makes the life experience a person gains m | [View] |
189276 | Wizardry and the black pill | [View] |
188748 | Older NEET NEET above 30, even above 40, do they exist? How is your life? What are some main concerns that you have? | [View] |
188500 | I don't know how strict rule 3 is and I don't know if this thread will be deleted, but I will give it a shot. What is your approach to and opinion on friendship? When I was in my teens I used to lie to myself and tell myself I was fine with having no friends, but as I got older I began to admit to myself that I was very lonely and that was what was causing my depression. What followed was a crab p | [View] |
188302 | Questions on buddhism: does buddhism strives for veganism? I tried to ask a monk whether having a vegetarian diet (like true buddhists should aim for) would be somewhat hypocritical, but he only gave ad hominen arguments. | [View] |
188055 | the psychology of wizards and NEETs Does anyone here have studies or books about...well.. us, research about our personalities and psychology in general, like what psychology phenotype lead a person to become a NEET or a wizard? Why and how? It's a fascinating topic to dissect. | [View] |
188002 | what do you think about artificial wombs? | [View] |
187807 | How to win fights against chads twice your size I don't know if any other wizards have ever had to fight. I've been in several, 2 because my rage meter boiled over and once because I got baited into it. I have never won a fight and at this point I'm willing to use any dirty tactic possible. | [View] |
187464 | Positiwizm Thread Wizardly Optimism, positive thinking, good vibes, etc all that here. What gives you strength wizards? What helps you through the dark times? How did you overcome your most horrible despairs? Share all that positive energy with fellow wizards. | [View] |
187137 | wiz mask = good Wizzies, I have intense social anxiety and going outside makes me highly uncomfortable. I feel exposed, like everyone is looking at me (sometimes people do look at me just part of their own curiosity.) But since the covid pandemic people have been wearing masks everywhere. Since then I have noticed something amazing: | [View] |
186982 | In a search of wizard's wisdom There was a spectacular thread not so far ago. Some wizard shared his wisdom. I saved a lot but not everything. Here is a couple of threadshots. | [View] |
186716 | Hitting the Reset Button Do you feel like things would go any differently for you if you were allowed to re-try your life? | [View] |
186583 | Life Philosophies of Wizards & Other Such Things What is your life philosophy in as few words as possible? What is your primary rule for life, your compass and lantern to guide you when times are foggy and dark? | [View] |
186565 | Would you advise wizkids to become normalfags, do you regret your path wizards? | [View] |
186464 | Philosophy Any1 here feels bad about how much time they wasted on philosophy, religions, or generally on seeking the "ultimate truth"? I can't take it seriously anymore. It seems to me like meaningless word-plays, all of it, politics, philosophy, everything. So much shit that doesn't have anything to do with my life, you know what I mean? Should have just read 07th expansion VNs or watched cartoons | [View] |
186429 | any NEETs from the third world? I'm from a small brazilian town and I'm still a NEET at 32yo, I wonder how uncommon my situation is since most people in poor countries have to work ASAP and can't afford being a NEET. | [View] |
186356 | We are all suffering from cultural malfunction We are not depressed. We are not autistic. We are not ugly crabs. We are individuals caught in a malfunctioning culture. The "mental illness" we are all suffering from is cultural malfunction. In the past, people who suffered from this disease died quickly and were thus hardly visible. Today, there are enough crumbs falling from the system to let us li | [View] |
186269 | Can you even picture yourself as a normalfag? Can you imagine yourself having a girlfriend or even wife and kids? | [View] |
186140 | What counts in the end? As the days pass, I'm sure all of us find some conclusions. | [View] |
185955 | any wizards with schizoid personality disorder? after recently discovering that this disorder existed and just so happened to exactly describe the hell I've been living in. I began to wonder if any other wizards are suffering from this as well. | [View] |
185790 | Crab hate thread Do many wizards here think that its not the normies/chads who are the problem? I find most well-adjusted people actually pleasant to talk to, however its always the crabs who judge people based on their sex/private life. Most of these crabs were crabs for many years and they just lucked out on some average succubus, so they now feel entitled to judge everyone on the basis whether t | [View] |
185727 | any tips on how to stop browsing 4chan? the pain is actually affecting me physically at this point, not just mentally | [View] |
185443 | Hi wizards hows your life going right now? Hi wizards I wanted to ask how life is going for you right now.Did you do anything fun recently,are you happy or sad with your life.How are you feeling about your life right now? | [View] |
185405 | Street camping I'm a 26 year old male from western Canada. It seems that reality has finally caught up with me, and I'm 2 weeks away from being officially homeless. | [View] |
185314 | Fellow neet wizzies what is your day to day life like? How is a typical day to you what do you do all day.Im probably going back to a work life soon so im trying so im trying to be more active.Right now I wake up whenever eat poptarts, browse the internet, YouTube. I have been going on long walks to lose weight and trying to be more active in general.My life isn't too interesting though.Just intern | [View] |
184681 | Why do normal people want to have sex/ relationship with the opposite sex I don't understand this mindset, I've never looked at anyone and thought "I want to have sex with that person", neither have I thought that I want to be around some person just because they look attractive. I've always seen "crab" types talking about how they want some certain GF and I am just perplexed as to why? Like they w | [View] |
184589 | Not worth it Winning or losing on social conflicts, it doesn't matter, it doesn't feel good either way. | [View] |
184113 | /veganwiz/ Reminder that if you eat animal products, you are the same as the unthinking, low-sentience, base, pleasure-seeking NPC normgroid masses and you deserve to die. Veganism is the wizard's diet of choice. All famous wizards were vegans/vegetarians for a reason. | [View] |
184024 | how often do you come here? wizchan is my favorite imageboard but it's kind of slow, so I only come here about once a week and spend about 1-2 hours reading everything I missed or maybe reading some old threads. Sometimes I even forget it for a month or so, then come back and spend like 4 hours reading everything and it's very comfy. | [View] |
183999 | Hermit Pill How do I go about becoming a hermit? I want to live in a forest far away from everyone. The lockdown in my country has taught me that I am the happiest when isolated. I am aware that survival in nature is no small thing but it beats the shit out of having to be a waggie and being around normies. Also what are some comfy places I can live in without having to worry about taxes, socializi | [View] |
183894 | Has any other of you a wizard because is too childish for their age, I am 25 and for the most i almost think as i am 10, also i spend most of the time thinking about when i was a child and freaking out cause i dont know how i will end up! | [View] |
183574 | The over-importance of sex in the West Why do normalfaggot simps put so much damn effort on finding a succubus to have sex with, wasting a bulk of their lives (and in most cases, even their money) on dipping their dicks inside of some wet hole? It's astronomically sad how Western society has pedestalized casual, non-propagative sex to the point of people thinking it's a completely harmless activity | [View] |
182671 | Alright guys. I've worked at a homeless shelter for like the past year and I swear to fucking god I've seen nearly just about every crime against humanity and nature performed by these people. This is coming from someone who used to consider themselves someone pretty progressive in terms of homelessness but now. Eh. I've witnessed death, drugs, beastiality, shit, piss, cum, piss in the shit, shit | [View] |
182472 | Have any /wiz/ards gotten fit? Have any /wiz/ards spent time and effort and gotten fit? Has it changed your mental outlook at all? | [View] |
182307 | What do you guys think of reddit? Why does 4chan hates reddit so much? Sure 99% of the site is garbage but there's some good stuff in there once in a while (just like 4chan come to think of it). You can't even mention reddit without 5 posters telling you to "go back", it's really annoying. | [View] |
182165 | Do you feel like a degenerate? I'm not religious, but I frequently see myself pondering about it. Every time I'm around (truly) religious people I feel at ease. I don't call myself Christian because I find the Christian theology hard to believe, as many other religions, but following Christian morals seems to lead to a truly happy life. (Truly following, not using as a pretext for prejudice and agg | [View] |
182092 | School education and real intelligence It's horrible to see how everyone fawns over-educated academics and their titles, thinking education means one is intelligent, mature and wise.I got to know a professor of literature on /lit/ and he was just your basic, entitled, tantruming 4chan poster with little insight on human life beyond his own experience. This opened my eyes.Doctors are the worst. Th | [View] |
181878 | Normalfag hypocrisy regarding leeching Leeching is a big part of life and life is mostly about stealing energy. In fact, parasitism is one of the most common and successful Darwinian strategies among living organisms on Earth. But it has a considerable bad reputation and is usually used as an insult by normalfags. It is somehow ironic that among so-called social Darwinists there is a special hatred | [View] |
181677 | Side Hustle thread Post ideas for side hustling, or anything you're doing that makes money on the side. I am interested in this for various reasons. | [View] |
181173 | Getting a job as a long-term NEET Has anyone of you been able to find a job after a long period of being a NEET? Personally, I'm ashamed to say I haven't had a job in my life, so that's around 12 years. | [View] |
180730 | Have you felt superior to normalfags cause of your interests? I always thought of myself as an intellectual better than everyone else cause of my interests, my tastes, and my ideas. For example, the fact that I listen to somewhat obscure music artists like David Thomas Broughton, The Midnight, and Sweet Trip made my value as an intelligence greater than anyone who just listens to top 40 radio stat | [View] |
180574 | Parents being a cause of your hikikomorism or severe intovertness As a kid my family NEVER allowed me to go outside besides school which I used a school bus to go to. my dad thought if I go outside and hang out in the streets I would deal with and befriend kids who are into drugs and smoking. so he thought me staying inside in front of the TV would be far better for me. my life was basically going | [View] |
180390 | What do you think about going back to college at 24 (or older)? It seems silly and I doubt I'll be motivated, but I have no other plans in my life. | [View] |
179809 | robowaifus wizzaies i want a robowaifu. Will you wizzies get a robowaifu when they're advanced aenough? Robowaifus will be perfect from what i read, like a human that's a computer aso you can program to be a friend | [View] |
179709 | I don't understand incel rage How much is resentment a driving impulse in your life? | [View] |
179640 | WAAAAAAH WAAAAH WAAAAAAAH Anyone else absolutely HATE toddlers and children? My parents decided after 16 years of me being an only child (4 years ago) to have another one, and I genuinely think this ruined my life. We lived in a tiny apartment, so no sleep, no time to relax, not being able to study in peace, never enjoying myself. I was a bit messed up before but now I had no comfort zone whatsoeve | [View] |
179488 | At the very core of normie societies' moral fiber lies a tension between participation and toleration. Many many normies base their morality off of the participation side. I've come to realize this when i watched videos of NEETs getting yelled at by their parents in 2017 (all of which have mysteriously been shoah'd off the internet except NEET louis) where NEETs were being 'talked to' (interrogate | [View] |
179416 | Bullied At Work I recently started a new job, and I was invited out drinking by my normalfag colleagues. Normally, I'm pretty shy and asocial, but I've been trying to turn over a new leaf, so I accepted their invitation and went to the bar with them after work. | [View] |
179328 | Covid vaccinations. What are your opinions, Wizards? I'm not looking to start a fight between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, but I'm interested if you're planning to get it, got it, only get it when they force you? | [View] |
179184 | Are we just weak? I don't mean physical weakness, although that can be a part of it. I mean being unsuited for life. A weakness of spirit, or will, or a deficiency of the life-force or whatever, beyond apparent factors like looks, means, intelligence and social aptitude (secondary factors engendered by a primary weakness) seems to me to be the essence of wizardhood. | [View] |
178941 | Too many incels in the alt right? What's the appeal of the far right to loser men? | [View] |
178842 | Wizards and lookism First about let me make this clear, this thread ain't against wizardry or any improvecuck shit, it's about groid behaviour and avoiding them | [View] |
178442 | Yet another anti-natalism thread. What do you do when someone asks you (e.g., your mother), "When are you going to have children, anon?" Have you ever wanted to have kids? Why? Have you ever thought about how fucked up your life would be right now if you had kids? About how fucked up your kids would be? | [View] |
178395 | Were you always isolated whats your story? Have you embraced solitude and how did you come about this choice if it was one and what is your story do you think your childhood lead to you being ok with being alone? | [View] |
178229 | Animals How do wizards feel about animals? | [View] |
177868 | Ugly people Are ugly people the most opressed group in the world? No one chose to be ugly yet people will treat you like shit. They can be the butt of a joke in every media from movies to comedy and no one will bat an eye yet when it’s about something such as obesity or race people get riled up. Why is this? Do people just enjoy making fun of anyone other than them because it makes them feel bet | [View] |
177693 | Do you believe YOU have a soul? [i]If so, why do you believe you have a soul and what is this soul you have according to you? | [View] |
177575 | I am planning my life to be a "wizard". I realized that I am making my life revolve around loneliness, having to interact as little as possible, being isolated from the rest of the world literally speaking. | [View] |
177335 | Christ help us all The only thing that brings me true contentment is my faith in God and his son Jesus Christ. The only hope or joy I have in my life comes from God. I implore you all to read the gospel, to take upon yourselves the yoke of Christ and receive the free gift of salvation. | [View] |
177280 | Are all philosophers charlatans and hypocrites? Have there been any philosophers who had a sound ideology which they actually practised? Many here (including me) think that a lot Schopenhauer wrote was true, but despite preaching "abolition of the will" he was an impulsive normalfag who caught syphilis in a brothel and beat up an old lady because she pissed him off. Nietzsche was basically a crab w | [View] |
176828 | Official Homeless Thread: Try Not to Die Edition (previous thread) https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/168642.html | [View] |
176637 | Why do people care about political ideologies? I used to care a lot about politics. I specially enjoyed studying political ideologies and geopolitics. It all changed some years ago when I was going through a hard but enlightening time. I realized emotions are the only true guiders of morality (and ethics as well. Ethics being the tentative of rationalization of morality). When you think this way po | [View] |
176526 | Avoid urges to socialize How do you stop socializing? To me it has been nothing but misery but I can't change my human nature. Is there any way to stop interacting with people online and embrace full isolation without much pain? | [View] |
176315 | Living location Do you think wizards are more suited to living in a medium/big city or the countryside? | [View] |
176168 | Smartphones for the asocial My mom forced a smartphone on me, even though i told her i didnt need it. | [View] |
176108 | Giving up on reading/watching the news At the beginning of this year, I started to make a concerted effort to avoid all news I possibly can. The moment I see a thread or post that has an inkling of currents events, I fly to the 'hide' button before I can finish it. The moment I see a word or two of an article, I actively throw my eyes away and close the article. I started it just as an experimen | [View] |
176076 | Is it weird that I never felt attached to my parents? Does anyone else relate? They were never absent in my life, at least not physically but I feel like I never developed a true emotional bond with them. I don't feel more intimate with them than I do with acquaintances from school. The only time when my dad and I talked (not that much) was when he took me to school and it was hardly about my devel | [View] |
176012 | Hermitary Any wizzard living the hermit life? I know of the thread about a cabin in the woods but I'm considering buying a small house and I wonder if any wizzards that live like that have any tips. The house has electricity, is in one piece. It's a bit dusty but that can be cleaned. Because it's on the outskirts of a small town it's both completely secluded but close enough to get to town to buy t | [View] |
175749 | Final year of wizardry Any advice from wizards who have passed the trial? Did you do or feel anything different months before turning 30? Did you celebrate? What magic powers did you acquire in the end? Has anything changed for you since turning 30? | [View] |
175634 | Predetermined life? Is everything predetermined in the life? | [View] |
175105 | Is having wizard friend in real life any fun Hi guys | [View] |
174695 | Were you born unattractive or are you just unattractive because of lack of effort? | [View] |
174658 | The notion of ''failed normalfag'' I feel this is one of the most broadly interpreted notions in the chan communities. What is the most accurate definition of a failed normalfag? Am I a failed normalfag If I have once been somewhat happy and content at some periods in my life? I have had close friends but lost them due to ''life circumstances'' so to say, I've lost passion for my hobbies and studie | [View] |
174461 | The lustful wizard Why do lusty people tend to be kinder and loving, whereas puritrons tend to be bitter and hateful? | [View] |
174305 | People knowing you're a wizard Can normies detect if you're a wizard or a neet? If I ever need to go out in public, I always make sure to hide my power level: shower, brush, comb hair, deodorant, somewhat nice clothes ect. | [View] |
174241 | how are you in real life anon? do you come off as a normal person? | [View] |
173920 | "Deradicalization" of young men and apprentices by society at large. What do you think of this? Do you believe there exists a plot centered around preventing supposed outcasts from causing havok in a social sense? | [View] |
173775 | Ejaculation and Magic Mana loss. I'm doing a scientific survey on the count of ejaculations an average /wiz/ard performs in a week. | [View] |
173422 | Anti-pessimism Thread I'm sick of all that /dep/ negativity leaking everywhere. Only post-pessimism wizards are allowed here. | [View] |
172996 | Let’s discuss The Musclewiz Life What is The Musclewiz Life? | [View] |
172993 | NEET World Order How do you feel about the current re-education of the gerneral population into isolated social retards? Clubs and bars will all die and human connection is on the verge of basically being criminalized. When this conmtinues for year, which many "experts" are predicting, what you are left with is a complete numb population who is even less likely to repoduce and more likely to be man | [View] |
172718 | The NEET Village 13 Japanese NEETs decided to pool their resources, with the help of an NGO, they were able to find an abandoned elementary school to move into in a rural mountain town. | [View] |
172180 | Don’t know where to post this so it’s going here | [View] |
171810 | is consuming media the single biggest waste of one's time? watching tv shows, movies and anime, playing video games VN, listening to music, reading books and manga, is it all worthless junk? should not the one focus instead on creating things and learning skills instead of mindlessly consuming media and escapism? | [View] |
171777 | The travelling meme So we all know about the travelling meme. | [View] |
171428 | Creation of wizard's happiest life moments I was reading The Giver and there’s this chapter where the elder, the giver, decides to finally transmit his favorite memory to the young boy who was preparing himself to be his replacement. This memory turns out to be a memory of an idyllic Christmas family celebration, and when I read that it got me thinking about what were my happiest memories, and im | [View] |
171226 | concern about growing old I recently become convinced i'll live to be very old,like 80+ and im scared or starled about it. | [View] |
171160 | minimalist life-style Anyone else want to get rid of material possesions,reject them in principle and not only in fact,and live as frugally as possible? | [View] |
171053 | books about people who overcome suicide/society (I know tyler didnt want to die but stil relevant.holyland is very well written) | [View] |
171018 | Carnivorism / Meat eating / Paleo https://frankiesfreerangemeat.com | [View] |
170982 | Suppose a hypothetical scenario where you were to inherit a significant amount of money. Somewhere between a million and upwards. | [View] |
170540 | Wikipedia Articles (continuation of >>158200) | [View] |
170475 | Veganism Any vegan wizzies? | [View] |
170218 | Any low IQ or middling IQ wizards out there? How is your life going? Do you believe you are worth less than those with greater intelligence? Does the way a high IQ wizard spend his time and live his life differ drastically from that of a lower IQ? | [View] |
170006 | Cabin in the Forest Many of us here inspire to live the hermit life in nature. I thought I would make a thread to discuss this worthy cause. This is a thread not to discuss the mere desire to live alone in a cabin in the woods, but to seriously discuss the possibilities, logistics, pros and cons, and the reality that would be living as such. | [View] |
169907 | Is anyone else here completely okay with being a loser at life? | [View] |
169355 | going to the looney bin Im quite afraid I might have to spend a season in the looney bin once corona is gone. | [View] |
168935 | Best Wizchan Threads What are your favourite wizchan threads of all time? | [View] |
168849 | Celibacy Before I begin, I want to mention that I’m using the word celibacy to mean NO SEX, NO PORN, and NO MASTURBATION. | [View] |
168642 | New homeless thread (previous thread) https://wizchan.org/wiz/res/162985.html | [View] |
168572 | Do you like being a wizard? I imagine this would be a point of contention but I think its worth bringing up anyway. I've seen many wizards on this site (sometimes implicitly) describe their wizardhood as being some sort of curse, yet simultaneously proclaim their superiority to norps and how they could never stand to live that sort of life (which on its own is fair enough). However it still strikes | [View] |
168170 | eternal wizardy Anyone else here seriously considering that big world/quantum/many-worlds immortality might be true? | [View] |
168068 | doubting the afterlife Im having doubts regarding the existence of an afterlife,id like some help and insight. | [View] |
168046 | 30 and can not ride anything I live in Indonesia where everyone can drive a vehicle such as a motorcycle or car. I am 30 years old and can't drive anything. I once learned to ride a motorcycle when I was a teenager but it seems like I am too scared and sometimes I like to daydream so it never works. Is there anyone here who has the same problem? | [View] |
167941 | Going down a rabbit hole of sad While i dont embrace pessimistic anti-natalism,since im still christian,I have gone from being anti-succubi to slowly becoming anti-human contact. | [View] |
167936 | International wizard thread The last thread died so opening a new one | [View] |
167819 | Resistance to effort I have this huge resistance to anything that takes any effort, like school or exercise. I've been a NEET for 4 years now and I just can't make myself do anything meaningful or effortful. I see all these normies getting a degree and being active and just putting in lots of effort in everything and I don't understand how they can do it. My day consists of laying in bed or playing | [View] |
167228 | Brain chemicals, is that all there is? Is that all i am doing anything for? | [View] |
167199 | That which is not wizardly This thread is to state what you think is not wizardly. It will serve as a guide for the newcomers and those who are already acquainted with what's antiethical to wizard morality. By naming what is not wizardly we can get closer to know what is wizardly. It's an exercise in itself for those who want to take the wizard path more seriously. | [View] |
166673 | Sister died, still raising her child. Hi, I don't know if any long-term users of this site still exist, but back when I was 20 (four years ago) I posted a thread about raising my sisters child as she died. | [View] |
166311 | Is wizardhood a good thing? Do you think being a wizard is a good thing or a bad thing? Ignore your own tendencies. Let's say a child was about to be born. You could choose for it to be a NEET or hikki and volcel. Basically archetypal wiz. Or you could choose for it to be a mildly successful average normie who eventually settles with a succubus and wagecucks and has kids. | [View] |
166260 | Why can't i figure out how to make money online? Am i retarded? Seriously, i dont get it. | [View] |
166176 | How old are wizzes here? Anybody 35+? 40+? 50+? I feel like a lot of wizzes don't make it to that age. Apparently wizzes are 2% of the population so I feel like there would have to be some older tones posting here. | [View] |
165864 | Sex Drive Is it possible overcome your sex drive? I'm 32 years old and I just can't seem to stop thinking about succubi all the time. I understand the pointlessness of erotica but I really can't help it. | [View] |
165624 | Wizchan was mentioned in a new CBS News documentary about far-right extremism. | [View] |
165422 | Things normies do that piss you off >People who shame you for being a wizard/neet | [View] |
165302 | What do you miss the most about early computing/early internet? What do you remember the general feel of the internet and the experience of booting a computer to discover something new? | [View] |
165196 | So long, space cowboys. Time has changed, and so has the internet and myself. Last week, I realized | [View] |
164448 | Pyrrhonism is ruining my life I used to be a skeptical scientific liberal atheist materialist determinist utilitarian but over time I've started to develop doubts. | [View] |
164379 | Overcoming lack of drive from being alone You know the drill | [View] |
163800 | You guys are all in favour of antinatalism, right? I mean, do any of you actually find it offensive or counterfactual? | [View] |
163769 | Anyone here play the lottery? Well... I didn't win it, again. Nobody has won it tho, and third time is the charm. | [View] |
163518 | What kind of life do you dream of? What kind of life would be perfect for you? What do you want? | [View] |
163517 | No interests in life, gaming used to be but isn't anymore Ever since I was a kid, I liked nothing else but games. Really, no other interests or passions. | [View] |
163477 | Long Term NEETs jolted out of that position This is a thread dedicated to a queer position I rarely see discussed even here: are there any 5+ year long NEETs who have been jolted out of that position? I'm currently a 25 year old undergraduate because my parents wanted me to do *something*, thankfully I'm studying a cushy humanities degree, but are there any other early to mid twenties people who we | [View] |
163278 | Does anyone else use any other communities? Has anyone ever used communities that have either died/or they moved on from them? I was wondering the other day while using another imageboard if any of the anons I was talking to could possibly be from here, or if the rest of you guys are interent hermits that only lurk here. | [View] |
163085 | 2020 Resolutions Yes it's that time again when I post this beautiful picture and we talk about what are we going to try and achieve for the next year. It doesn't need to be any specific goal, sometimes you just want to change your behavior in general. | [View] |
162985 | Homeless thread This thread is for the wizards who are already homeless or are about to be. Please be sure to give useful and relevant tips and information for survival and safety. | [View] |
162674 | Is anyone else totally crippled by social phobia both offline and online? I can't even enjoy vidya or the internet completely because of my social phobia. | [View] |
162554 | Do people find you suspicious? I'm not sure which section to be posting this in, and I wasn't even sure if I should post it at all. But I can't help but notice that, over the last few years especially (but even in my life in general), anytime I'm in a store (which | [View] |
162131 | The Famous Awkward Question Has anybody ever asked you if you are a virgin? If so, what did you answer? As for the rest, how would you feel in that situation? How would you answer that question? | [View] |
162056 | Science is religion for the current age. | [View] |
161128 | "Anon, are you gay?" How many here have had the "Anon, are you gay?" talk or just people in general being convinced you're gay? | [View] |
160912 | Worldviews What does your world look like? How do you live your life? Is your world a nice place? | [View] |
160797 | Society Would society be better if becoming a wizard were encouraged? If virginity were socially accepted and encouraged, and sex were seen by everyone as gross and animalistic, would our world become better, more free of desire? | [View] |
160735 | Free Will Do you believe that free will exists? I personally suspect that the answer is no, but I believe that the definitive answer must lie in the unsolved problem of consciousness. | [View] |
160486 | Your thoughts on the 2010s? I can't believe it's about to be 2020 in less than 4 months. It went by too fast. Still feels like 2009 was barely 4 years ago. | [View] |
159851 | Is it possible to be happy without social contact of any kind(including posting on 4chan or wizardchan) as a human being (social animal)? | [View] |
159731 | The Demiurge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge | [View] |
159386 | Psychiatry Hi, I'm a 27yo french neet wizard who've been put in mental asylum by his father two years ago. | [View] |
159196 | Ordering things online Does anyone on here order things online? Does anyone use amazon? I always wanted to try an Amazon gift card online but never got around to it. | [View] |
158798 | Exercise Any wizzies here exercise? Whether calisthenics, weightlifting, cardiovascular, or other. Share the reasons why you do/don't exercise, what you do, etc.. | [View] |
158524 | School What was your school life like? Was it hell? I came close to dropping out like four times. | [View] |
158364 | Decisions to make These are the three likely choices for most wizards if they can no longer be wizards or neets due to whatever circumstances brought upon them, which one do you choose and why? There are exceptions like inheritance, welfare and being rich though. | [View] |
158200 | Wikipedia Articles Let's have another one of these. Share interesting Wikipedia articles you've come across. Let's keep reading everything about the world to keep the world (and boredom) at bay. A small description about what you're posting is nice but not necessary. | [View] |
157691 | Leaving the Internet Internet browsing has been an enormously important part of my life. From my young teenage years through to my late 20s. I have spent a tremendous amount of time browsing all kinds of forums and archives. For me it was a great way to learn about the world, and these creatures called humans that inhabit it, from the safety of my room. Especially as someone with autism, reading co | [View] |
157303 | Parents and personal responsibility I've been thinking about how I blame my parents for my lot in life. And yet at the same time the normie answer would be "you're a grown adult man, stop being a crying snowflake, and take responsibility for your own life". | [View] |
157013 | If any wizard here wishes to obtain independency one day (as in moving away from your parents home and having enough steady income to live a decent life), I urge you not to enter college or uni and pursue a degree. The job market for these types of jobs is very oversaturated and extremely competetive, since the whole "go to college and become something"-meme has gone way, way overboard in mainstre | [View] |
156522 | Forced Asexuality Have any of you guys tried "forcing" yourself to become asexual? People on quora (https://www.quora.com/Can-you-become-asexual-by-trying) say that you're born asexual, just like you're born gay, lesbian, trans etc. and that you can't make yourself change your sexuality by you power of will.**they also say that being asexual is a hassle in this oversexualised society, but wizards p | [View] |
156410 | Sobriety General Anyone up for a wizard sobriety support thread? | [View] |
156295 | Genetics I'm wondering how much of our condition is genetic. | [View] |
156173 | article about (males) not having sex becoming more common | [View] |
155841 | people over 20, how do you still manage to enjoy imageboards when more than 90% of the population is obviously underage or just slightly above the threshold? do you even realize that you're trying to have a discourse about life with people who never had to deal with anything more complicated than math homework? are there actually any people here over 20 who enjoy staying here because you can relat | [View] |
155668 | Nootropics, marketing hype or life changing drugs? So recently I've been looking into nootropics, I've never held a job and I'm a HS drop out, so I really hope this is my saving grace. I am hoping they help me study something productive like programming so I can actually achieve something. | [View] |
155467 | Post your current worldview... | [View] |
155301 | Hellfire is a comin' Many of you despair at the state of the world and modern consumerism society, but I am here to tell you not to fear because the world that you hate so much is about to end. | [View] |
155246 | Talking to Yourself I'm not the only one who talks to himself right? I used to laugh at the idea of conversing with oneself because its like being one step away from being a schizo weirdo but lately I've been having full blown conversations with myself. Twice within the past week my parents have almost caught me going on a ramble but I managed to catch myself before seeming suspicious. I have to to | [View] |
154924 | so what do you do all day? are you like me? i get up in the morning and get on the computer until sun down. i have been doing this for more than a decade. i spent my entire 20s on the internet | [View] |
154904 | Wiztown Wiz Neighborhood I don't think the Wiz Commune will ever happen as it involves a social community-building and pooling of resources and living in close proximity that most Wizs probably aren't suited for. | [View] |
154715 | My psychiatrist has told me I should limit time spent with my hobbies to 2 hours per day. The rest of the time should be spent doing things I don’t like, like work, study and socializing. | [View] |
154412 | Legal ways to get energy? I feel so tired all the time. No matter how much sleep I get or how regular my sleep schedule is. Yes I checked for sleep apnea and any kind of deficiencies. | [View] |
154401 | An Interesting Podcast Hello wizzies, | [View] |
154117 | why are we wizards? socializing is generally a positive stimulus on people, what makes us different? what had to happen during the development of a crab or wizard for him to become this way? | [View] |
153858 | Would you say it is a good idea for a wizzard to get /fit/? | [View] |
153846 | How do you stay mentally healthy while having no friends or really anyone to talk to? Solitary confinement is a punishment for a reason. Yet do not advise me to talk to people, I won't do it. I can't decide which is worse, becoming mentally ill or enduring another's company. Of course, if I could be alone and retain my sanity it would be great. But is it possible? If so, how? | [View] |
153552 | Wizards or apprentices still living with your parents, this is our thread. | [View] |
153448 | Long term wizardry I don't think most people here are above 40,we seem to be relatively young people,but there's something that worries me,What's the plan when you're 60-70 and you're still a wizard? If you're a NEET what will you do when your parents die? You think you can get neetbux forever? what will happen when you're old and alone and probably too depressed to enjoy your hobbies? | [View] |
153208 | If the universe has a creator, then he deliberately made it impossible to determine his existence with certainty. The most reasonable motive for doing this is because the creator does not want the occupants of his universe to be concerned about his existence. Instead, the occupants of the universe should be concerned about the universe itself. | [View] |
153066 | High reliability Autism test Anyone else never officially diagnosed with autism? Your RMET score is supposedly a strong predictor of autism. I thought most questions felt impossible but still didn't do as bad as I thought. | [View] |
152863 | Have you ever thought about becoming a lolcow cringe comedy character? I know most people would ask why would anyone want to be a laughing stock town fool of the internet? But way back to childhood days, the only options I ever had were to be an ignored quiet mouse or a loud wacky cartoonish entertainment monkey. Mouse or Monkey thats it. And so I became a local celebrity of my school days. Sometim | [View] |
152782 | What does Nofap and Super AI have in common? A lot of Wizards hold to an EvoPsych, Sociobiological, Darwinian worldview. But then where does that leave us as Wizard virgins? The whole goal and point of this viewpoint is sexual reproduction. | [View] |
151937 | Wizardly Hygiene Just wondering how other wizards/apprentices feel in regards to hygiene. I'm NEET and my bathing is inconsistent, nowadays I'll sometimes go 2-3 days without a bath for every bath I take, but this used to be much worse. I would go a week plus without one consistently, and I think my worst stint was 2 months without bathing. I also used to have unkempt long hair and it was matted an | [View] |
151735 | On Men and Manhood I think there is great potential for simulating discussion on the subject of masculinity in relation to wizardom. | [View] |
151569 | Did anyone else here get baptized at the same age as Jesus Christ, at about 30 years old? | [View] |
151527 | Alpha wizards Do "alpha" wizards exist? I dont mean all wizards all wizards are involuntary, but i also dont think they would be total "chads" if they were normies. But, are there Chadwizzies out there which sacrificed a life full of lust to become a wizard? If yes, you guys earned all my respect. | [View] |
151454 | My fantasy dreamlife as a Medieval Scholastic theologian We've had a lot of discussions about Monks, and I certainly understand the appeal of being physically separated from the normie world in an isolated group-hermit community of fellow volcel men. But I'm not sure if I'm suited for the laboring aspects of it, picking potatoes. And so while I started out with monks as my ideal community, I starte | [View] |
151041 | Magicchan rip/mourning thread Magicchan is deleted. | [View] |
150776 | NEETbux, Autismbux, Gibs etc. Does anyone here in the USA have food, housing and money provided to them by the government due to a successful disability claim? | [View] |
150550 | Countdown to Wizardry November 7th 1988 The big 3-0 is rapidly approaching. When I can call myself a Wizard in the full definition and not just in spirit.I used to be the baby of the internet. Thinking I was so kool for trying to make a homestead.com for my megalomaniac micronation of Brainania, inspired by Pinky and the Brain back in 1999. Here I'm now one of the oldest greybeards in a site thats | [View] |
150538 | are there any fellow neets who are thinking about becoming criminal? who wants to become powerful, self-sufficient, and self-controlling? Sadly, I'm too weak to go down thsi road by myself, and would like to have someone I can lean on, but im friendless. | [View] |
150093 | wizard's life at 30-40-50+ How do you see yourselves at the age of 30-40 and onwards? Will we still be like big kids? | [View] |
149957 | Religon, Belives and the causality Do you have any "religious" belives or believe in an deeper/higher meaning of the world and the stuff around you? | [View] |
149951 | Mid life crisis in Wizards The anime don't work no more. | [View] |
149704 | Hello Wizzies, minwage 3rd worlder with europassport here. | [View] |
149625 | Life without wageslaving So let me get this straight. These are our options: | [View] |
149270 | Female Wizards? Why this community doesn't recognise virgin females capable of having magical powers? | [View] |
149154 | DADS - can wizards parent adopted kids? I'm not interested in the trap of trying to procreate with succubi. While it's a shame I can't pass on my genes (well, unless companies still buy sperm, doubt they'd pay for mine) I could still pass on my memes and those are the most important, right? | [View] |
149034 | "cool autism" as a fashion statement one of the things i find truly disturbing on the internet lately (past four years maybe) is something akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing constantly lurking in every corner. | [View] |
149009 | van living What's your opinion on living in a van/car to escape the paying rent scam? It's something that I've been considering doing for a long time and it definitely seems feasible. I want to be able to escape society and to live more freely. I've lived in small rooms before and I'm naturally frugal so I don't think the transition would bother me too much. I also live in the US so something like | [View] |
148755 | Do you have real life friends? I'm a 24 year old neet, and I have this desperate need for friendship with another neet, somebody who "gets" my autistic thinking and would play vidya games or watch anime with me. | [View] |
148722 | Do you have any weird traits, perspectives, habits or convictions? | [View] |
148634 | Experiencing Time after death Hey wizards, I have been thinking about this concept, obviously its most likely not new and im not a special snowflake for figuring it out. However, when I sleep, or actually fall asleep time goes really quickly like instantly basically. I guess i will have a dream or two but if i don't have a dream i'll basically wake up like i slept for five minutes. And im assuming | [View] |
148120 | Celibacy used to be meritorious, self-controlling and good. | [View] |
148054 | Seriously, do you think that self diagnosis can be done? Because I do and I will never pay for a psychologist. But normies of course just say the line "seek help" | [View] |
147909 | What are the occult/mystical arts or skills that a wizard should cultivate, in your opinion? | [View] |
147819 | After many years of waiting, I will finally become a wizard in two days, August 24th | [View] |
147750 | How do you look back at the early 2000s now? Specifically the years 2001-2006? | [View] |
147696 | what are some suitable jobs for wizards? pizza delivery man? | [View] |
147180 | What is your personal definition of a true wizard? What are the criteria that you think are needed to become one? I ask because there is a lot of talk about what is a True Wizard and I'd like to see the general consensus about it. | [View] |
146685 | is living out in the woods a viable option? there are stretches of woodlands where no one will ever find you if you decided to live out in the woods | [View] |
146515 | Have any of you lost one of your parents? It's breaking my heart and I've no one to talk to. | [View] |
146413 | How many of you don't have friends even on the internet? And have you tried to make friends in real life or on the internet? If you have, why do you think it didn't work out? | [View] |
146343 | Can you think of any reasons that you currently are the way that you are, or were you like this from birth? | [View] |
146043 | To save money, i thought about just showering without soap. i read articles that say you only need water to clean yourself and soap is unnecessary | [View] |
145968 | Any fellow wizards from Argentina? How do you cope with living in this hellhole? | [View] |
145692 | The future is bright >Robots replacing human labor | [View] |
145558 | Jordan Burling - The current state of young men in 2018 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-44724668 | [View] |
145443 | internet has become my primary need. it's a form of escapism for me. if i haven't had internet, i would have killed myself along time ago | [View] |
145195 | Afraid of haircut Is any other wiz here afraid of getting haircuts? | [View] |
144991 | does your physicial apearance bother you at any point? | [View] |
144817 | Who else here really enjoy going for long walks alone outside? | [View] |
144452 | Why do people watch sports? What do people get out of it? | [View] |
144352 | Homelessness Survival General Inspired by the long popular and useful Absolute Homelessness Survival thread (archive link here - http://archive.is/FSyGj) and thriving interest and ongoing utility of the topic, a general thread about homelessness and survival in the harsh, sometimes cruel world is in order. | [View] |
144097 | Anracho-Primitivism What are wizards thoughts on it? It has some good points imo. | [View] |
144059 | Military thread What's your opinion on serving in the military? I know there's been some military wizards on here before, so I guess I was curious about your experiences if you have had any. Though there's a lot of 3rd world wizards who browse here, I guess this is obviously geared towards experiences in the western militaries. Or we could just have a general /mil/ thread for discussing topics and | [View] |
143694 | When you think about it, it all boils down to the lack of a "user's manual". Life has no instruction booklet. That explains the popularity of Abrahamic religions, the religions of the "book"; these religions tell you: "Here it is, your user's manual. Just follow the guidebook, and you'll be fine. Stick to the rules, and I promise you eternal happiness in a sketchy, far-away place called Heaven". | [View] |
143406 | Home Ownership Does anyone here own a home or apartment? | [View] |
143226 | my ideal life would be just to stay in a room and live in it until i die.anyone have this dream? | [View] |
143206 | nofap Here are my honest opinions on it | [View] |
142741 | So you've probably seen this viral news story about a 30 year old NEET who'se parents actually took him to court to have him kicked out of the home. Have any of your parents threatened to have you removed as well. What would you do if it actually happened. Anyone else would literally kill themselves rather than be homeless or wageslave & rentslave, and remind your parents if they don't want to com | [View] |
142725 | Normalfags are absolute fuckscum who do not deserve to live. Self-explanatory title. | [View] |
142480 | Laptops or Desktops Do you Wizzies prefer laptops or desktops? I've used a desktop for a very long time but then I thought about how comfy a laptop in bed would be while wrapped in a blanket so of course I had to autistically think about it and then post it here. | [View] |
142455 | Real-Time Wizard Environment Why have all attempts at real-time wizard environment failed or decayed into unchecked normalfaggotry? | [View] |
142440 | Neet and Hikikomori General Thread This thread is for people who are Neets and Hikikomori (No wagecucks or university students allowed). | [View] |
142349 | Anyone else didn't learn to drive until your late 20s or even later in life? I haven't because I never had friends or family willing to help teach me or pay for lessons, and the costs of actually owning a car were, and are still, cost prohibitive. | [View] |
142141 | Homeless Japan Wiz I made a couple threads about a year ago on homelessness, drifting, and vagabond traveling. A wiz that homeless traveled through Japan recounted his travels in those threads. | [View] |
141986 | Huge push coming to put terms like "wizard" and "vocel" and "crab" into the mainstream vocabulary. The mainstream media is going to make us out to be the new white terrorists. Just thought you guys would want to be aware. We're going to be turned into political pawns. | [View] |
141770 | blaming parents at what point did you stop blaming your parents for things that went wrong with you, was it age or rationality, are there any old wizards who still blame their parents ? | [View] |
141642 | Let's talk about ways to get a money again. | [View] |
140985 | Exhaustion How do you get rid of exhaustion? I'm tired everyday, every single day, and even when I know it is due to my lack of sleep, when I try to get to sleep I simply cannot do so. Taking sleeping pills is not an option (no money since neet). I't seems drinking something sweet works for me, but as some members of my family suffer diabetes, that's no longer an option. | [View] |
140953 | Don't look for solace in the forests, wizzies Every year, people disappear under unexplainable circumstances in the national parks. This has been happening for generations. They just vanish. | [View] |
140945 | Castration Have any wizards here castrated themselves? I've been ruminating about it and it seems like an effective method to destroy sexual urges and unnecessary anger and edge. What are your thoughts about it? | [View] |
140713 | incel v volcel I think most so-called "crabs" are just fellow volcels who cannot acknowledge their own agency in maintaining their celibacy. I don't buy that you're actually "involuntarily" celibate unless you're in jail for attempted rape. I don't think raping a succubus would be hard at all. Getting away with it would be harder, but once rape is completed the person is no longer celibate so "miss | [View] |
140563 | Wizchan in the news Holy shit The Guardian is linking wizchan to the Incel community and associating wizards with Alek Minassian. | [View] |
139532 | God, the creation of the universe, and the akashic records Is there a god? How was the world created? If god is real, what is he like? Why was the universe created? What started it all? Well, I believe it's very simple. You see, the universe is something of a paradox. Yes, many beings exist already that could be considered gods, but the one "true" demiurge is a rather special case. The prime creato | [View] |
139405 | I absolutely despise eating. It's a horrible chore that I wish I could replace with a tank of liquid nutrients and calories to be directly poured into my stomach. I hate it so fucking much, it's like shredding paper by hand and then choking on it. | [View] |
139264 | Wizard Monastery Indulge me if you will, dear Wizards. | [View] |
138992 | Criminal Life Anyone thinking of just starting a profesional criminal career just provide for yourself if so where would you start or what would do. | [View] |
138926 | Views on death I've been depressed for as long as i can remember. I have tried to kill myself multiple times now, but lately i can seem to muster up the | [View] |
138870 | Why do you make being a virgin/loser/your brand of wizardry here your identity? | [View] |
138824 | a purpose? the alternative to suicide that is constantly raised is finding a purpose to live for, to make all the suffering worthwhile. so i ask, what is a good purpose? something to live for? | [View] |
138273 | Breaking Point I just read a pretty long, but absolutely brutal article from 2006 about the "exhaustion epidemic" in Western nations. | [View] |
138005 | Has anyone here ever lived in the woods / in the middle of nowhere for an extended period? | [View] |
137903 | Advice Can I get some advice please? | [View] |
137834 | Just how bad is it teaching? For a while I've kind of regretted not being an education major and at least trying out teaching. I don't know if I have the discipline and endurance to become a Professor and publish or flourish. But high school teacher seems at my level. My interests are all academic. And getting to talk about my favorite subjects all day seems perfect. To me its like getting to talk | [View] |
137669 | Becoming a Trappist Monk has never been so easy. Non-Catholics welcome! My dad came running down the stairs with a newspaper saying all my problems are solved. I had thought about becoming a Monk before, but ended up not following through. The journey seemed too long. | [View] |
137516 | I think I found the safe haven of wizards. | [View] |
137463 | How do I get rid of sexual urges ? I am tired of fapping , tired of desiring things that I cannot and will not get ever. I would like to be like Buddha and just give up on sexual desires | [View] |
137415 | /wiz/ slice of life Take a picture from where you are right now. Pic of a window, a wall, a bus stop, etc. It's fine to have objects in the shot, just take a picture without changing your position. | [View] |
137205 | Detachment I am 22 years of age, and yet already, I feel as though I am an old man who fundamentally does not understand people as little as 3 or 4 years my younger. As a wizard shut-in, especially growing up with siblings far older than myself, I already felt disconnected from my peers back in high school. But as the post-high school years have crept up on me, that gap has only widened significan | [View] |
136876 | Schizoid disorder I know schizoid disorder has been discussed on Wizchan before. I remember reading the wikipedia link and nodding along and thinking yeah I do have a lot of these symptoms. But I'm mentally fucked up so its not shocking to me, that I'd be described in almost every disorder in the DSM IV. | [View] |
136495 | I just learned about what the acronym MGTOW means and the more I read into it the more it reminds me of the reputation that this website has. How many of you describe yourselves as "Men Going Their Own Way"? | [View] |
135731 | Dreams I really think dreams sometimes are not just brain hallucinations during sleep, sometimes it's your soul trying to communicate with you. It's really hard to explain how, but it's mostly about the feeling, and how hard it is to imagine everything in details all at once, the human brain is not capable of doing this at such complexity, sometimes the words that are said are so different than any | [View] |
135722 | NEET boredom What do you do all day? I often find myself staring at the ceiling for hours waiting for new posts on slow imageboards to read, drifting in and out of consciousness | [View] |
135666 | Wizard mischief What ways can we retaliate against the normalshitters to cause them massive butthurt that you guys know? Like gluing razors to monkey bars and shitting all over public toilets. | [View] |
135559 | Integrating the workforce as a long time NEET I feel like this topic is of interest to enough of us to warrant it's own separate thread from the wageslave general. To those of you who have remained NEET for extended periods of time (5 years+), how have you managed to find work? What lie did you tell the employer when you were asked about your gap or straight up lack of work history? Is there anyone | [View] |
135352 | Wizards Diet What do you eat in a normal day? It just occurred to me that I have eaten almost no fruits or vegetables or anything actually healthy for years. Do any of you try to eat healthy? Do you feel any better physically eating better? | [View] |
135112 | Free will does not exist. | [View] |
134898 | Wizards Living Together Would you move in with a fellow wizard? | [View] |
134665 | Whenever I was among other normies I got bullied or disrepected. I was treated like a second class citizen | [View] |
134593 | I did the math and it fucking terrifies me There are approximately 2,000,000 fresh college graduates in my country every year but there are at any given time only <200,000 jobs openings in the private and public sector combined. These jobs are only available at specific times in the year: but mainly during the first or fourth financial quarters for business reasons. Assuming 50% are fake openings s | [View] |
134482 | Dysfunctional family thread Do your parents hated you and treated you terribly when you was a child? Are they still doing that till that day? If the answer is yes do you think all this stuff had destructive impact on you? For me this events drastically reduced quality of my life | [View] |
134414 | The creator's duty to provide for the created On the matter of an obligation to provide for others, it's generally assumed by most people (out of self-interest, as they are breeders) that a parent only ought to provide for their children until some arbitrary age such as the legal age of majority, and that as soon as that age is reached then the teen or young adult has no right to demand anything fr | [View] |
134135 | Erection&Orgasming problems I know it may sound a bit weird and normally I hate dick talk, but maybe wizards here have the same problem. I've been a shut-in for a bit over 3 years now and as you may know, hikki-days tend to be long. Games and all that other crap can only entertain for so long, so I masturbate daily. As long as I masturbate I don't have to think about anything else. But I noticed, a | [View] |
133865 | Heard a group of chads talking shit about me on the street. This is already the second time, but this one I saw where one of them parks their car. | [View] |
133744 | This is a strange story and I don't know if it's appropriate to write it here. | [View] |
133677 | Defeated Wizard I have exercised, meditated, NoFapped, NoJunkFooded and yet im still depressed. | [View] |
133605 | House/Living Hole Thread How is your living situation? | [View] |
133478 | Making money online Is that even possible today without any fundage ? | [View] |
133326 | What is your ideal living situation? | [View] |
133009 | University/College/Academia Does anyone here have experience with college/uni?Was it worth it? | [View] |
132764 | Virtue signalling Do all these faggots on the internet who pretend to be good and virtuous people have any self awareness at all. It is physically impossible to be a morally righteous person in society because everything we buy off the shelf is either made through destroying the environment or through human exploitation. The only way to be a good person is to live off the grid self sustainably. Are | [View] |
132691 | Who watches the watchers? Why do wizards complain about not being able to find comfy jobs with little to no interaction when night time Security guard is a thing? | [View] |
132643 | I did it Today was my birthday, I made it, I am now an actual Wizard. | [View] |
132093 | Nihilistic wizards are hypocrites and the true reasons behind wizardry It's impossible for a wizard to be nihilistic because that would mean that he doesn't care about his virginity since he pretty much considers it unimportant and devoid of meaning. If a succubus tries to have sex with him he probably wouldn't mind, especially if he has a normal libido, unless he's asexual, but being asexual is be | [View] |
131810 | Any wizard who has the purpose in his life to live as old as possible, and if yes how are you trying to achieve it? | [View] |
131543 | Anyone else a ChadWiz? Imagine someone who is introverted, asocial, and evasive of females but is by virtue of his genetics is simultaneously highly desirable by females. | [View] |
131533 | How do you wagies do this for decades? Day 5 of my forced job search. First two days it was just kicking around ideas. Then, i thought of some old friends, and family members i could maybe ask about job stuff, Ha networking, right! All of them politely, and nicely, told me to go fuck myself basically. uhhhh, at least they pointed me in a basic general direction where to go. But, i have to dig up | [View] |
131507 | Anime is the antithesis to wizardry. If you find any love for anime, that is to say Japanese cartoons, then you're strictly not a wizard, at least in my book. That is because you worship succubi through your waifuism, and that you willingly watch social situations unfold in front of you with sexual situations unfurling in "oopsie", if not even willing manners. I've not watched much anime, but I've | [View] |
131260 | Basic income through a reformed social security program basic income is any system that provides everyone an equal amount of money | [View] |
131040 | Christmas General >What are you going to be doing for Christmas Wizzies? | [View] |
130729 | What makes us different? What makes us different from normalfags, psychologically? Why do I think about things normalfags never think about? Why do I perceive things so cynically (accurately)? Why do I value things they do not, and vice versa? | [View] |
130527 | Ask a wizard that moved to the 3rd world anything I'm from Germany, moved to Manila and live on 500 USD a month in a studio apartment. | [View] |
130453 | Wizard genocide is finally here It was nice knowing all of you. But net neutrality being repealed means goodbye to Wizchan and pretty much every other chan out there. | [View] |
130081 | self-control Water fasting and keto are two things that have significantly increased my self-control. This is because self-control has much to do with activity of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline and both a keto diet and water fasting (fasting or starving in general) increases noradrenaline. | [View] |
129517 | Comfy things we do Hi wizzos! | [View] |
129432 | Preferences Does anybody here prefer Anime/Manga to playing video games, or doing anything physical? I used to be a big fan of video games, and I played them obsessively, like many others here. I used to skip Anime episodes, just to play more levels or level up or something. I've noticed that, as I get closer to 30, I prefer passive activities much more. It's such a chore to learn the mechanics of | [View] |
129047 | I can't quite decide on the meaning of life. | [View] |
127963 | will prozac cause any permanent damage? | [View] |
126431 | Virtual reality How much time until something that feels real? | [View] |
126046 | Non-social job? Hi fellow wizzos! I was thinking of getting a job/starting a career (I know, horrible, but I won't be able of sustaining neetdom forever). I'd like to know if there are any jobs that don't require too much social interaction and that also don't require a college degree, I was thinking of becoming a barber, but that is too social... | [View] |
125746 | Hairloss / MPB thread Any wizards have success preventing diffuse thinning? been told Nizoral and Minoxidil may stop it but minox caused heart problems. | [View] |
124830 | NoFap on wizchan? Have anyone successfully stopped watching porn and fapping and if you had, for how long? Is it possible? HOw come? What the fuck, why I can't stop fapping? This month I wasn't supposed to fap but I just have fapped about ten minutes ago. Would I ever succeed? Anyways, although I failed on the first day, I will keep trying. Can we have a NO FAP September on Wizchan? Of course, my a | [View] |
123692 | Absolute Homelessness Survival Well wizzies, looks like it's finally happening. I'm not going to get into the personal details, but I am definitely going to be homeless soon here in the US South. I was in denial for a while about this but the sooner I prepare physically and mentally the better I will be for when it actually happens. I don't intend on becoming homeless as a permanent choice, but I w | [View] |
122457 | Hikikomori Thread Are any Wizards on here Hikikomori??. | [View] |