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 No.186583[Last 50 Posts]

What is your life philosophy in as few words as possible? What is your primary rule for life, your compass and lantern to guide you when times are foggy and dark?


to have fun


evict all delusion


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Our third eyes were closed for a reason


reduce suffering


Wait for death. Practice self-maintenance. Regard the brain as your mortal enemy and sole problem to solve.


A reason that may not be in our best interest


Speed up the collapse of industrial civilization.


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I don't wanna work!


Life sucks shit and then you die.
For some, they eat a bigger piece of shit than others. Like me.

The guy who spends 5000 hours researching history and religion has now arrived at the very same destination as the guy who played video games for 5000 hours: nowhere. There's no such thing as a waste of time. The information regarding either medicine or anime will both serve no function whatsoever. People should do whatever the fuck they want and not feel bad about it.

The mind is the only escape from this place, and it's better than anything here. If you can't construct fantasy worlds in your imagination then you should kill yourself. Nothing here compares.

Animals are better than people and it's why I don't eat them.


Follow-up post:
Nobody has answers to your problems. All you can RE: mental health crises is wait for them to go away. You won't get some dumb fuck normalfag to say the magic word and suddenly make you feel better. Neither will you here in this place.
Don't expect anybody to help you. Waiting is the only medicine.

I've had people say exactly what I wanted to hear at me many times and I felt no different after hearing it.


Last one is a quote from The Sopranos: "America is the only country where the people expect life to be good".
Life shitting on you doesn't hurt as badly if you remember that it's supposed to be shit and that you only think it's supposed to be a good time because of American programming.
Everyone is a fucked up retard not worth your time and all of them are suffering in a unique way even if they appear otherwise.


>Don't expect anybody to help you. Waiting is the only medicine.
>Animals are better than people and it's why I don't eat them.
>it's supposed to be shit
>Everyone is a fucked up retard not worth your time and all of them are suffering in a unique way even if they appear otherwise.

excellent points

A qualification on the "waiting" which, again, may just be my ignorance - I would instead substitute "applicable knowledge" where waiting is the bed of roses
For example, if you have the knowledge that life is mostly shit, that no one will help you, that most people tell each other lies and support parasitical structures, that mind is body & body is mind, you can claw your way out from hell, reconstruct your inner world

Comparably, the knowledge found from diving into religion is inconsequential, they are their own mental prisons. History holds some nuggets on how humanity functions, it just depends on your end goals. Most history can feel rather shallow and inapplicable beyond observation.

Knowledge without application is useless, such as mental diagnosis - what is one to do with this other than feel worse about it? disregard, along with all of the other mental constructs people set up, make your own


don't get attached to anything in this three dimensionnal hell

reject reptilians / the tunnel / the white light, escape from the empire of the Demiurge, the lion headead snake also known as Samael, Yaldabaoth, Saklas, Yahweh, Allah, Adam Kadmon, the god of the blind, the creator, Cronus, Chronos, Keyvan, Zuhal, Shani, Tetzqatlipoca, Baron Samedi, Brahman, Saturn


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Hedonism. Not an epicurean, I don't like asceticism and I don't particularly care about "virtue" either. I try to reach ataraxia or nirvana in my own way, through as much pleasure as possible.
Materialism. There doesn't exist any higher reality or being. We are trapped in the cave Plato, sorry.
Individualism-egoism. My own survival/pleasure comes first, then everyone else. I don't care about the collective, there are some kind of people I sympathize with, but the majority can go fuck itself.
Nihilism. Universal morals are the products of normalfags. Make up your own moral code and disregard society.

Politically, I would advocate for aristocracy or fascism, IF I got to be in power. If not, meaning I would still be an average guy, then nordic style mixed capitalism with lots of free stuff for people who hate working, like me.


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The best thing you can hope for in life is people who love you and health insurance


Why do Chameleons change colour?
Because all the Chameleons who didn't died.
Just a Chameleon who can't change colours.


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I dont know shit, but from my nihlistic worldview, I can say that Gnosticism makes the most sense, and that the world was created by an evil being.


I live a simple life. I don't fall to consumerism like most people. I basically just chill play a few games that i've been playing for 10 years, smoke weed, and work a job. I take it very easy and don't overwhelm myself.


Now the only question is whether the creations of this vile god (us) can be better than our creator or are we fated to be psychopaths and demons like the demiurge is? Should we try to ascend to some idealistic heights or should we accept our bestial nature?


The human brain is ridiculously powerful and in most people it goes under-utilized. With only average intelligence we can learn subjects to the graduate level. The Internet gives us access to unlimited knowledge. Even knowledge of medicine is possible to learn by reading text books, doing interactive case studies, and so on.

It's highly advantageous to learn many different subjects as they make you more competitive against literally every other person who exists. It's not only a privilege to have access to the Internets knowledge but an absolute joy to put your brain to work on interesting problems. It doesn't take much to do creative work that puts you ahead of other people. Once you're good at it you can also make a lot of money.

I think that people don't believe in themselves enough to study difficult subjects and so doom themselves to a life of lesser riches. For being more educated has better career outcomes and helps you progress as a person.


I concur.


>What is your life philosophy in as few words as possible?
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

>What is your primary rule for life, your compass and lantern to guide you when times are foggy and dark?

When in doubt determine the objective truth and let it be your guide.


I prioritise entertainment without infringement, i.e., maximising enjoyment of my existence without intruding on innocents.
However, I have no qualms about directing malice and aggression towards terrible people.


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Which path to take wizards? I'm seriously thinking about becoming an anarchist.


cool 4chan pic one upvote


Did you just recently graduate high school by chance? You should try not defining yourself by ideas presented in texts - especially those written who lived their life the complete opposite of what they wrote.


just study stirner and you can do anything


No, but obviously people need something they can interpret the world through. We need some basic principles we can live by.

I read the ego and his own or what it is called, but I'm not sure I would go for wild, unrestricted egoism. The older I get, the more I think we need some kind of collectivism, a collective which helps those who are the least fortunate and protects their freedom.


i highly doubt it, there's nothing wild or extreme about stirner's egoism, compared to objectivism or other dogmatic nonsense. a basic idea he puts forth is also the union of egoists to address the needs of the needy, where associations are formed and continuousky affirmed between people based on whether or not they truly benefit from them


Never read anything related to it, always seemed to me like it is nothing but capitalism on steroids.

As for Stirner, in a world of pure egoism the weak would be left to suffer and they would enslaved, simply because nobody benefits from helping people who are weaker than him. There is no reason to help anyone in a world like that. A world of egoism/radical individualism would result in a very hierarchical system in the end, where those who are talented get to do whatever they want with others. No, I don't think egoism is what I'm looking for.


Working is for slaves. The


If you start eating them, though you will start feeling happier. It must have something to do with nutrient you can not get from anywhere else except from them.


All of this is because of atheism. Materialism, hedonism are the consequences of atheism.
And no matter how much pleasure and material staff you will get , you will never fell happiness.
Because without a struggle , without a higher meaning , everything is vain and pointless.
The real award is not the reaching of the final goal, but the road you have walked to get to it. This is what matters.
But when there is no goal, there can not be any path.


"all of this" being?


How do you know what to study?
Most things feel so far away and inapplicable.


Objectivism is kind of like egoism but tempered with reason and morals.
Still a big proponent of capitalism in the form of free market economics and low levels of government interference. Though not a fan of things like fraud and cheating since truth is highly valued in objectivism.


I really only ever study topics that I can make money from in some way. I used to have to struggle for everything and didn't have the liberty of having time to waste on stuff that wasn't practical. I learned how to code because despite people who will tell you otherwise – there are a shit load of good jobs for engineers. I owe my entire adult career to decisions I made as a young, autistic wizkid, and all of my skills are self-taught.


All of what you have described.


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All encompassing theory of life: ‘Well, at one time, you've got it, and then you lose it, and it's gone forever. All walks of life: George Best, for example. Had it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed.‘


Atheism is one of the things I'm most convinced about. "God" is only a tradition that is passed down among different nations and cultures. Just like how there are no universal morals, there aren't universal gods either.

>Materialism, hedonism are the consequences of atheism.

I don't know, there are plenty of people who are materialists yet they reject hedonism. The followers of Nietzsche or people who like stoicism for example.

No, I don't agree with you. Firstly, happiness: I don't believe in it. There are only pains and pleasures in this world, happiness is a myth only or a delusional state of mind. The best you can do is bombing your brain with pleasures as much as you can, this is the only way of liberation.
The need for 'higher meaning' or for 'struggle' is a cope invented for those who can't experience pleasure for some reason. The world or life doesn't need meaning in order to be enjoyed.


Exactly my purpose in life.


I'd say read Marx first, then some Buddhist text next. Communism and Buddhism can complement for each other.
I'm one of those "most existentialist tend to go left wing" people, so take my advice as you will.


don't limit yourself on one path but pick one you want to study some more


After giving things some more thought, I would rather drop this line as it is. By "this line" I refer to ideologies that try to erase all difference between individuals. I mean we are here on this site exactly because we are different, right? I can't just pretend I'm an ordinary person after all those years of isolation/solitude and after those years of learning, seeking knowledge and introspection. For better or for worse I, and I think this goes for most people here, am special. The only future that is worth fighting for in my eyes is one with strict hierarchies and classes, with divisions between people. So that kind of makes me a right-winger (which I never was in my life) and/or a nietzschean. Life can be so crazy and unexpected sometimes, I never thought I would end up as right-wing elitist or fascist. I guess I just don't want a society where every stupid normalfag has the same amount of influence on things as me or other wizards. Society should be led by the few, who are different from the herd…It is my opinion currently, at least. God knows what I will think tomorrow.

Currently interested in the übermensch path the most, for extra roads that I want to study besides I will take absurdism, taoism and hedonism I think.


>Communism Buddhism can complement for each other
>Which is why every single time communist took over a Asian country they mass killed the Buddhist especially the monks

You can't possibly be even remotely close to serious.
Communism is explicitly anti other religions and functionality only tolerates strictly controlled and subverted religious institutions that exclusive do exactly whatever the party tells them.
Everyone else is killed or forcefully reeducated.


>The only future that is worth fighting for in my eyes is one with strict hierarchies and classes, with divisions between people.
Why would you fight for division and hierarchies if you receive the short end of the stick in a society.
Shouldn't you be fighting for equal opportunity and freedom of choice?

Don't let hate govern your mind.


>if you receive the short end of the stick in a society.
You do get that even in "meritocratic" "egalitarian" societies, except you are told it's all your fault because of some moral failure of yours, and not how things are meant to be as humans are born inequal.


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So what are you proposing?
Division and hierarchies won't work and neither will equal opportunity and freedom of choice. What's left?


Not that poster, but why not? The world of ideas and philosophy have seen some strange combinations over the centuries. Evola started the whole "buddhism is the ideal religion of my political system" thing and he was a fascist, despite there being no sign in buddhism anywhere that it is exclusively a right-wing philosophy. Let people play with ideas, this is how new philosophies are born.

A question I thought over a few times in my head too. But it's like this: I don't support all kinds of fascism or aristocracy. I won't go and vote for far-right parties. Because I know these parties are made of rabble too. However, I picture my ideal society as something that relies on hierarchies very much. Of course, it's not likely I will ever have the power to achieve it, but nonetheless I view things in an aristocratic way.
And some other things: those "equal opportunity" and "freedom of choice" you mention, these aren't real things if you are given them by society. These are only real if you get these for yourself. I learned not to trust the goodwill of the collective or rely on it too much. And also, the question is: how do you envision the future of mankind? The egalitarian path, where everyone does manual labor because he is forced to or everyone does his job for the sake of the collective strictly? Imagine, if intellectuals or artists would be forced to work the fields just because "it is more just/equal" that way. Or if they could only make art or create intellectual works that if they adhere to the collective's morals and expectations. No, I don't want that. People are different and we have different roles to play. Normals should go work, while we wizardly types ponder the deeper things of existence. NEET-ing wouldn't be allowed in a world of equality, I hope you know that too.

Stop a little. Meritocracy and egalitarianism don't go hand-in-hand. In fact I think aristocracy should be built upon merit, not just titles and inheritance. I referred to the kind of egalitarian world I reject that is built around so called "humanity, moralism" and strict collective cooperation, because they are dead ends to me.

I propose aristocracy built on actual merit. I don't mean the ability to make money by merit, like people mean merit in capitalism. We should struggle for more power and freedom for ourselves while kicking back the normalfag hordes to their working class as much as possible. Merit should be definied as creativity, artistic instincts and intellectual mind-set. Even if we fail, this is the only path that is worth fighting for. Failure can be noble and majestic too. We should just take the risk and march bravely forward. In a gray and boring world of equality neets and wizardly characters would suffer because we don't like to play by society's rules and expectations. We shouldn't rely on others.


>Normals should go work, while we wizardly types ponder the deeper things of existence.
All you're proposing is tyranny. Forcing others into slavery while taking the products of labor and riches for yourself.

>The egalitarian path, where everyone does manual labor because he is forced to or everyone does his job for the sake of the collective strictly? Imagine, if intellectuals or artists would be forced to work the fields just because "it is more just/equal" that way.

My proposed equal opportunity isn't meant to struck down the intellectuals and artist into manual labor but instead giving those workers of manual labor and farmers the possibility to achieve intellectual and artistic visions.

No way how you spin things. Work must be done.
And when work must be done it should be done without hate, violence or misery.


Yes, work must be done. What makes you think normals don't want to work? My impression is that they aren't capable of anything but work, obedience and servitude. So let them be that way.
>instead giving those workers of manual labor and farmers the possibility to achieve intellectual and artistic visions
And this is where I disagree. The majority aren't cut out for this, let's face it. They like going to football games, to orgies and to talk about stupid things with their equally stupid peers. If they wanted to improve their creativity or intellectual level then they could have done so already, for we live in the age of the internet. Literally, even the dumbest normals possess the whole knowledge and culture of humanity via their smartphones. Oh, but they would actually have to spend their time on meaningful things instead of watching brazzersexxtra or naughtyamerica videos or talking with their friends on social media all day. The possibility is there for everyone to become the Übermensch these days, but most don't live with it. Why? Because they are slaves and they aren't on the same level as us.


> but why not?
Because communism is a totalizing ideology.

It would be like asking why someone couldn't be a Muslim and a Wiccan at the same time. Their foundational text literally says the other thing is evil and must be wiped from the earth for paradise and peace to be accomplished. Be that Communism and other religions or Islam and witchcraft.
They are fundamentally incomparable.


I can see the similarity between the two, anyway. Communism is against religions like we understand them in the West, buddhism is more like a philosophy than a religion. It is way more complex than christianity for example. Both communism and buddhism aim to eliminate individualism and egoism and to create an ideal collective where suffering is reduced.

Imo, you think way too strictly about these things. Ideologies and believes always mix and influence each other.
>someone couldn't be a Muslim and a Wiccan at the same time
If someone says he is both then will you debate him? I'm sure if I cared I could make up a system that mixes both of these things and reach a harmony between them. Even seemingly total opposites can be made into a coherent system, you just have to put time and effort into it. Evola preached that buddhism is the perfect religion for fascism, that wiz who thinks communism and buddhism complement each other also came up with his own interpretation.


Those would necessitate lax interpretations. If you’re orthodox then whatever founding papers there are for your ideology would be evidence enough to show you cannot be a wiccan Muslim. But interpretation allows “rules” to be bent or completely ignored. Hence why we have gay christians, or Christian communists.


It eez wut it eeez


sometimes it really do be like that


>buddhism is more like a philosophy than a religion
That is a purely western white people misinterpretation of Buddhism.
It most certainly is a religion especially in how it is practiced in Asia. I mean for fuck sake have you ever even talked to a practicing Buddhist or stepped foot in a temple before? It is unbelievable obviously a religion and "more of a philosophy".
It would be like calling Christianity less a religion and more a lesson in morality using stories.


>It would be like calling Christianity less a religion and more a lesson in morality using stories.
People do exactly that because the same thing happened to both. As they spread, locals incorporated their pre-existing religious beliefs and traditions into them. Hence why christianity has things like saints, martyrs, and holy relics, and buddhism has things like demons and the 8 cardinal directions.


>People do exactly that
They don't. At least anyone who is aware of what Christianity is. If they did they would be flat out wrong.
White western people do it with Buddhism out of ignorance from the early 20th century related to the fad of oriental mysticism that was deeply superficial. A current that was carried into the new age movement.


you are a fucking retard because buddhism is a dharma, not a religion.


Have you ever read basic buddhist texts? They are full of philosophy, and I mean not the simple-minded theology of semitic religions by philosophy, but actual reasonings, logic and conclusions about the world. It's not even funny how different buddhism is from christianity or generally other religions. First, there is no God in buddhism. Not in the sense you use the word god in other religions. Buddhism is a philosophical system, basically what they had in the East instead of stoicism.

As for the average dumb normalfag, they can't get into philosophy so they needed deities, demons and myths and shit to translate to their "language" the truth buddhism tries to convey. That is why you see the average buddhist as worshipping Buddha and offering rituals and stuff like that, while those who actually penetrate into the core of buddhism don't need to do that.
Christianity is a religion because it is centered around a certain image of god they imagine is true. You need a god for it to be a religion. Buddhism is atheistic in nature and origins. Of course, like I said, the average person can't comprehend hard philosophical arguments, so there you have it why they need to worship "deities" or holy men of their religion.


Buddhism, like all philosophies, religions, ideologies, etc. got altered and integrated into local beliefs as it spread across Asia. So many people can’t see past that.


>Have you ever read basic buddhist texts?
Not only have I read them but there was a brief period in my life that I was regularly going to a temple and was strongly considering converting, BUT I couldn't bring myself to believe in the religious and supernatural aspects of the religion. Because it isn't "just a philosophy, it very much is a religion by every meaning of the word.
Your understanding of the topic in general seems painfully shallow.
> You need a god for it to be a religion
So you just don't know what words mean.



Which part of "it is only symbolic" you don't understand? I gave you an explanation already why the need for temples, rituals, supernatural aspects exists. Then you go on and are all like "you are wrong, there are supernatural shit in it!".
I know more about the subject than you do, it is obvious by the fact that you seriously considered going to temples and being among normalfags when you can be a buddhist even without these.

>So you just don't know what words mean.

>a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

>especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies

You are the one who doesn't know how to read. And if we just look at the first part then it should concern all philosophies or ideologies.


>>especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies
If you think that doesn't apply to Buddhism then you quite litterally don't know the first thing about buddhism.
I also find it crazy that you have the arrogance to claim that 99.999% of actual practicing Buddhist are wrong about Buddhism and only you know the truth.
The fact of the matter is you quite literally don't know the first thing about what you are talking about.


I am a different poster from both of you just joining the conversation.

Buddhism is a fucking wide field. There are so many different branches and different viewpoints of every one, and many many westerners who take philosophical aspects from them and attempt to communicate it for a western audience. Claiming to be a westerner that understands "Buddhism" in general is an ridiculously bold claim.

>I also find it crazy that you have the arrogance to claim that 99.999% of actual practicing Buddhist

The deep parts are so abstract and esoteric that it is obviously true. This is why pretty much all branches of Buddhism talk about 'lay practitioners' and differentiate between them and dedicated monks that spend their entire lives on it, i.e. a tiny minority.

Not all branches of Buddhism are like that. The way you talk about it like one monolithic belief makes it clear you dont know much about it.

Both of you are right/wrong depending on which type of Buddhism you're talking about, and you need to realise that words like religion are entirely culturally poisoned and can't even be translated effectively.

All this stuff varies depending on who you talk to, which books you read, etc. At some point I don't even know if my own understandings became spiritual or not; language itself breaks down when you try to communicate the experiences that occur for me just through meditation, 'becoming one with the universe' and such. I recommend Japanese Zen for learning where you reach your own enlightenment just from sitting without influence from 'religious' beliefs you disagree with.

This stuff is all so incommunicable that people always have absurd arguments about it


There are very core ideas fundamental to all forms of Buddhism that are religious and supernatural in nature.
And zen as it is actually practiced in it's native countries is unmistakable a religion.
>his is why pretty much all branches of Buddhism talk about 'lay practitioners' and differentiate between them and dedicated monks that spend their entire lives on it, i.e. a tiny minority.
This line is garbage on even the face of it.
The very existence of monks and a clergy makes it a religion by default, and I have never heard any legitimate monk deny that Buddhism is a religion ever. Because it is.


>buddhism acknowledges a creator god
Okay, I'm done talking to you. You are just trolling around.

>I also find it crazy that you have the arrogance to claim that 99.999% of actual practicing Buddhist are wrong about Buddhism and only you know the truth.

Not just me, this is the common consensus among educated people, that buddhism is a philosophy, just like confucianism is a philosophy rather than a religion.

Then explain to us "dumb" people what you think the difference is between a philosophy and religion. I would say I am eager to hear you out, but I'm sure you will only parrot your retarded, mistaken conception of what buddhism should be, according to you.


>>buddhism acknowledges a creator god
Not what was said and you know it.
If you must be totally dishonest to push your agenda then it's clear you are arguing in bad faith.
>this is the common consensus among "educated" people
Clearly not educated in Buddhism. Some appeal to some undefined unknown authority is not persuasive. In fact it sounds like something you are making up to deny the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
And no, Buddhism is not like Confucianism.

>Then explain to us "dumb" people what you think the difference is between a philosophy and religion

You could start with the dictionary.
This is also a reasonable breakdown of the differences in a somewhat objective manner.


I unironically turned anarchist, guys. I think it is the logical moral conclusion of philosophy. A world of equality and freedom is worth dying for.


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>And zen as it is actually practiced in it's native countries is unmistakable a religion.
Nishijima Roshi liked to say Zen was a religion, but he also liked to say Buddha was very realistic.




equality and freedom are incompatible ideas that are in direct opposition to each other.
The more "equality" you have the less freedom there can be. The more freedom individuals have, the natural result of that freedom is less "equality".

"Equality" can only be obtained by restricting freedom and forcing people to behave similarly and forcing everyone to the lowest common denominator of the worst performers.


the extreme of inequality, would be 1 guy literally owning the entire earth as his property. and there wouldn't be much freedom for everyone else under such a condition.


The extreme of equality is death.
For it is only in death that people are equal.


if the world wanna kill me. i'll kill the world


I'm a 24 years old NEET who hasn't worked a single day in his life yet. While the idea of considering myself some kind of übermensch is tempting (because I objectively possess more knowledge than normals) but! it would be just a delusion ultimately. The fact is, I would be a homeless guy without my family. So I consider myself already homeless and one of the lumpenproletariat. People like me don't benefit at all from hierarchies. I'm an "intellectual" in the sense that I am probably smarter than your usual dumb normo but I'm not an actual "intellectual" since I refuse to participate in the shitshow that is called society, where everything is about pleasing your superior and stomping down on people who are inferior to you. I never went to uni or higher education either, I learned what I know on my own.

I'm tired of mainstream society and its emphasis on ranks, titles and competition. Let's build a world already where everyone can live an all right life. Or let's die trying.
And for anarchism being the philosophical conclusion of our entire culture, I think this is correct. I mean, what else is left? Religions are outdated and lost their appeal greatly, rationalism and science has won over it, let's face it. Nowadays even most people who say they are religious are actually materialists. So okay, materialism…now you face the possibility of either a moral and just world or the possibility of a world based on exploitation, class conflicts and slavery. I think everyone can agree here that our society is rotten throughly. If you don't go the amoral/egoist path then there is only a society of equality and peace remaining. A society based on mutual help among its members and altruism. I said already, but I'm not an übermensch and probably neither are most people here. We are the lowest of the lowest as far as society is concerned. Anarchism is the only ideology that makes sense to me now.

No. Equality and freedom go hand in hand. It isn't freedom to go around and exploit others while enriching yourself, it is just being an asshole. Similarly, equality can't exist in a world where everyone isn't free, because it is just an authoritarian system then, which presupposes that not everyone is equal.

Pessimism and its death worship is nothing other than another reactionary crap. It dismisses revolution as something unnecessary because it thinks the problem is with life instead.


"equality" can only exist when it is strictly enforced in a authoritarian system because if people are free to do as they please they will do different things and have different levels of talent that will lead to significantly different results. This is because equality doesn't exist in the real natural objective world.
This especially goes for humans, for we are a highly adaptable hierarchical species. One human can be significantly different from another just from making a few slight different choices.

I mean can you really call someone who decides to spend their time learning a useful skill and someone who spends all their time smoking crack equal?
Would it not be unreasonable that they have unequal results due to their own choices of learning things or smoking crack?
In fact it would be unjust for you to force those two to be equal. And yes you would have to use force or the threat of force to make those two in any measurable way equal. Thus taking away their freedom.
Freedom and equality are diametrically opposed. The more you have of one the less you have of the other.


To put it in diplegic terms freedom is the thesis, equally the antithesis, impartial law or justice (meaning one gets what they are owed, good or bad, reward or punishment) is the synthesis.


People are free to do as they please, and they created an authoritarian system like this. We live in the real natural objective world.



That is one hell of a typo.


>"equality" can only exist when it is strictly enforced in a authoritarian system
That is no equality, it is one person forcing others to be "equal", therefore it is the very essence of inequality.
Equality exists, but only together with freedom. It depends on the people, obviously in small communities it is much easier to achieve the ideal of anarchy. Get together a couple of people who share your ideals and you can form a commune. However, the goal is to convince everyone that it is in their own best interests to live in a world of freedom and equality.

>I mean can you really call someone who decides to spend their time learning a useful skill and someone who spends all their time smoking crack equal?

Yes, I can and I should. Both are my fellow humans, both came into this world naked and will die just the same. Learning a "useful" skill, hm. Useful for who? Also, you seem to think free will exists while it doesn't. Everything is predetermined. Someone who is a drug addict can't help it, he must have experienced things that affected him negatively. He had an unfortunate life, but that doesn't make him lower than me or someone with "useful" skills.
>In fact it would be unjust for you to force those two to be equal.
How the fuck do you know why X does Y and not Z? Don't be a condescending, snob prick, please. I'm not a drug addict but I don't judge people who are, like I said they must have lived a shittier life than me or had other stuff happening to them, that is why they are the way they are. We should help them but that doesn't give us the right to look down on them or to treat them unequally.


> Also, you seem to think free will exists while it doesn't. Everything is predetermined.
Oh boy here we go


Always be virtuous to stay ahead. Try your best when appropriate to be loved. Hedonism is for when I'm feeling weak and powerless. Grandeur not needed, simplicity and the pleasures that go along with it.


I know this isn't a video thread but this is a very pleasurable watch for anyone already on the path of personal virtuism


The only thing i do is learn other languages and play VNs.


A strange game, the only winning move is not to play


Sadly even though I also refuse to participate in the game it do not changes the fact we’re losers of this game


“I don’t understand why we must do things in this world, why we must have friends and aspirations, hopes and dreams. Wouldn’t it be better to retreat to a faraway corner of the world, where all its noise and complications would be heard no more? Then we could renounce culture and ambitions; we would lose everything and gain nothing; for what is there to be gained from this world?”

Emil Cioran


The same guy who shacked up with a succubus is the one questioning why we must have friends?


I will be able to be more alone than a stone, I will be able to spend most of my life in front of a screen, I will be able to live a miserable and boring life, but I will do my best to be someone who is rotten in society.


What is more, he questions why we must do things and yet he became a famous philosopher. Pessimism aka pretentious faggotry at its best.


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Do whatever you want, be whoever you want to be, disregard the opinions of others. Strive to avoid interacting with normalfags unless necessary, be a NEET whenever possible, and never stop showing disdain for any flawed logic that you are forced to put up with.


To exist is to suffer. That is all.


The notion of predetermination doesn't matter for me as a single person living my life. I can't decide anything useful out of "knowing" I am "predetermined" so for the time being I just have to act like I have a choice. Since I am (kind of) "healthy of mind" I can not feel these constraints and for all intents and purposes - for the life I live I might as well be free.


Cioran never claimed to be at all systematic or consistent. He wrote as he felt at a given time, honest in his human hypocrisy


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Interesting thread.

I guess I follow a sort of "anti-Peterson" philosophy. Misanthropy, antihumanism (Spinoza, Sade, Lovecraft, Ligotti, Land), existential/cosmic nihilism, hikikomorism, Chaos, messiness, entropy. Cockroaches shall inherit the Earth.


Keep skating.


Are you some anime villain by any chance?


Survive and thrive


based and jokerpilled


Are you happy?


Those are some awesome writers, honestly.


I only listen to myself and my own gut feeling. I never do anything that I don't want to do or that I don't fully believe in. This approach makes me immune to brainwashing by others. For me life is about increasing my happiness to new levels.


i think most people will say you are being selfish or something, but i would agree with you. you are your own best friend and should treat yourself good.




Haven't read them yet. Lately I'm interested in christian or generally religious thought systems which hold that a god rules over everything. Basically I'm shifting more to order and law perspectives, pretty much the opposite of the chaos wiz. No matter how I see it, there is a kind of order or plan in this universe, whether I like it or not.

All well and good until you start questioning yourself. "What do I want? What makes me happy? What do I believe in?" etc. After a while you will feel the need for a coherent and logical system.


If nothing is real, everything is meaningless and 'reality' is a wasteland of pure subjectiveness than I live after what resonates in my soul; Always push myself to set and reach goals, though those goals are usually cool new things i want to try, not usual wash-yer-penis self-improving stuff. I do still try to maintain strict discipline regarding my body and desires i don't like, because even though it might feel like torture in the moment the satisfaction of surviving temptation is amazing,


Find God.


>find god
so he can do what, exactly? tell me again what is good and bad for me so i don't have to decide myself?


Lately I'm thinking more and more about pantheism. Could it be true? Matter = God? I think this makes much more sense than the traditional image of God.


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Holy crap will you people get off your high horse and SHUT UP!
"Let me try to invent my own God because-" Shut up. Seriously. Shut up.

God is right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TejCk9Hp5y0
I'm sick of you dumb neo-pagans shooting yourself in the foot thinking you're so smart thinking you're going to sort out the universe and your place it in on your own. That's your problem! You have no humility you don't accept the one true and living God.
"Man," wrote Isaiah "Maketh a God and worshippeth it." And from ancient times to now it remains true.

Read the Bible. It is recorded true history this has been proven time and time again the Jaws recorded REAL events. "Oh but they added all the super natural elements for no reason while recording their history." What?
Let me tell you something. SHUT UP. And go beg for forgiveness because one day you're going to wake up in Hell buried by your sins and pride because you're so obsessed with the modern pagan world view and system that has been brainwashed into you. You literally don't even know what you believe. You are buckethead bucket holders. Gone into the system and out of them you're burning dead.

Stop being a little baby and learn the truth. You want to be smart and original? No man trying to be original will ever achieve it. It's only the man who is thinking about doing a good job which becomes original and doesn't know it. YHWH is God and always has been.

"Uuuu let me try this particular religion." Atheists are actually ill. They are the only religious people on the planet saying these sorts of weird statements about religion they don't realise Christianity is factual historical scientific truth, no one is interested in your feel good "how are we to live in an atomic age" nonsense. The reason you think otherwise is because you're ACTUALLY brainwashed genuinely and you don't see it. You think for yourself? You don't think at all and you don't heed true wisdom.

The Bible has been vindicated over and over again backwards all the way to Noah's Ark. You can do Yoga and all the garbage you want, it won't help. You cannot over come sin. You better accept Jesus as the Lord.
What a disgusting and annoying thread. For disgusting and annoying children who masturbate to anime all day. Stop being retarded immediately. I'm sick of you unsaved people not getting basic truth because you're so filled with pride and arrogance as you sputter about like you know a single thing and "I don't believe foolish nonsense I believe my own thing hahaha, yes I read the Bible, quite the academic read I do say so."

Atheists do not understand worship at all. Because they don't know what humility is. Atheists want to sit down with God and have a conversation. Have an intellectual debate.
“Perhaps God will see things my way, the good old chap'. He might learn a thing or two.”

Get saved in Christ. Here is some help on that: https://mega.nz/folder/WFwgTKxL#YhlNDVZAujP-n6QzNgLBcQ


Shut the fuck up retarded christfag. There is no god, there is not magic. You will die and that will be it. There is no sin, there is no judgement. You will die as an insignificant worm on this shitty little planet. No big sky daddy will take you to an eternal blissatorium for your "good deeds" or virtue.

Sick of proseletyzing, sick of you. If god wanted me to be a good boy and have faith, then how come doesn't "speak" to me as he does all you other religious nutters. Some dusty book wrtitten by some goatfucking yids who cut up baby penises is not convincing me. And neither is any other holy script whether it's muhammad or the buddha.


The sad thing is you're wrong and I wish I could get that through to you. But as I said. You can invent all the religions you want or you can seek the truth right under your nose.

"How come God doesn't speak to me." Gosh I wonder why. Why doesn't he come to you, you're such a worthy great person and demand God reveals himself directly to you so that he can have your devotion. Your devotion isn't cheap after all. God better pay up now so he can be a disciple of you.

Go ahead and ignore the truth with quips. I've met adults who believe Jesus was invented and written about hundreds of years after his time. Do you know why people believe that? Because they don't think for themselves or seek for themselves they are happy to believe lies they're told. Do you know why you hate the Bible and compared it to… whatever? It's because you don't think, you don't look or see. And frankly maybe you never will. That's all.


I understand why religious persecution exists and I’m glad it does. At some point fuck it, it’s worth killing people just for the chilling effect. No one wants to hear about your delusions.


It's really incredible to be told I don't think by a fucking biblethumper.


Oh I didn't see this the first time. Funny.

No silly Christian, the universe suddenly came from a dot of space time matter and law and is expanding itself faster than the speed of light and its speed is increasing! My mythology is SCIENCE! And it will stand the test of time unlike your RELIGION that's been around for thousands of years, my modern Atheism is fresh new and original. Hail the great God “The Nothing”

MILLIONS of years ago dinosaurs roamed the Earth, in the great Dino-world and they all evolved into chickens and turkeys!
JUST IMAGINE! 70 sextillion stars coming from nothing, life coming from a rock, evolution, stars forming themselves, water and gold on the Earth, just imagine it all magically happening.

YOUR religion is magic, not science, not history, not even basic observation or testimony. It's exactly what you worship, a big nothing with an agenda to destroy everything and yet all false demonic religions crumble away while YHWH endures because he is and always has been the truth, the creator.
“Well why isn't the creator what I want. Why doesn't he work the way I want him to.” Oompa Loompa doompeedee doo!

It's kind of pointless to make fun of you. But if you don't want the Gospel, you don't want the revelation of the truth, I don't know.


You get dumber every time you post, Joseph. Do you really intend to push creationist nonsense simply because you fail to understand physics and math?


>I'm smart because I say so and the points you make are dumb because I ignore them!
I once again bring you to this video: >>188126

Nothing to do with the creation you need to read the Gospel… I don't really care about lack of understanding of the universe and knowledge. The fact is your religion makes no sense, and you know this.

Please stop responding. I feel obligated but if you don't want to be saved. Then what do you want me to do!? Huh? You'll see it one day, I don't want it to be just one day I'd like it to be now. No one on this website cares more about you than me, you'll see.
But I have other things to do, other people to preach to while they screech in hatred toward God.

“If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you."
John 15:18


Christians worship nothing, as spirits and angels and god like they imagine so doesn't exist. It is all a lie based on Plato's deception made for the common person.

>You will die and that will be it
>You will die as an insignificant worm on this shitty little planet

And the be reborn as something else. Matter doesn't disappear, it just changes form. Reincarnation is true. Your particles will be used to construct something new. And eventually, the current you will appear again. It is a circle. The universe is god itself, you and me are both part of god. Everything material is god.


>Christians worship nothing, as spirits and angels and god like they imagine so doesn't exist.
You can believe that if you want. See how well it goes for you.
>It is all a lie based on Plato's deception made for the common person.

Don't reply to me unless you have something to say. Seriously. Atheists are crazy.


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>And the be reborn as something else. Matter doesn't disappear, it just changes form. Reincarnation is true. Your particles will be used to construct something new. And eventually, the current you will appear again. It is a circle.
We can imagine x trillion years into the future where all matter has evaporated from entropic radiation, leaving only energy. This is presumably the state the universe is in most of the time, and "our" universe of matter is a relatively brief period which comes about through a difference in potential energy. If this is true then something like reincarnation is true, as given enough universal cycles the same configuration of matter will occur.

The problem with this is it leads to an infinite regress of universes, which is fallacious by the standards of normative logic. When we say something exists it must have begun to exist, and making an exception by saying "energy is eternal" is itself a form of Platonic idealism that you're critiquing. You could resolve this by saying the nature of energy changes (over incomprehensible timescales), but the problem of how energy began to exist remains unsolved.


And there they go back to inventing their own reality universe and Gods. I have failed you.


I have given up.
There is no more hope, what I have become I can not cease to be until the day I die.
I simply do not care anymore, but why does it still hurt to think about things?
I don’t know


So don't announce it. You clearly don't comprehend that both your rhetorical style and ideological basis are repellant. Crawl back to your other forums and stay there.


you have gotta be kidding


Nihilism. At least in the sense that most things are pointless. I feel that humanity is equipped to go beyond what we are now, if we could figure out anti-aging, and further progression on other ventures like space and automation.
However, most of life are distractions. Politics, video games, movies, sports, etc. All pointless distractions to keep us entertained because the sad reality is that most of the population are slaves to a system.


Follow your own advice.
Why do you normalfags even come here?


Your views are so similar to mine as well


Agree with you on what you said but I still believe god is real but its not a abrahamic god


Get the fuck out of this place I absolutely hate crazies like you.Time of your insanity did passed and hopefully it will never ever come back, Darwin and science proved old testement is nothing but lies and absolute evil




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>Darwin and science proved old testement is nothing but lies and absolute evil
If Darwin is so smart, then why is he dead?


He’s alive in spirit. Remembered by history and had an 8.6 inch penis because he was a chad.


Because he knew that life sucks


>Darwin and science proved old testament is nothing but lies and absolute evil
Darwin? You mean the guy who saw two birds with different beaks and said horses frogs owls and potatoes came from a rock. Sorry he actually didn't say that, Darwin actually said it was pointless to think about where life came from, he just wanted everyone to know given enough time random mutations can turn a salamander into a human which I'm sure they'll prove eventually.

Science? Oh it's so annoying. Because I bet you aren't even children. You're all adults and this is the way you talk. "S-s-science has proven you wrong!" What?

As for what you said about the old testament and I know this is all falling on deaf ears but I do have an obligation to at least try and help you. 99% of the Old Testament has been proven, in terms of we know it's talking about real events, believe what they say about those events or now. Not that you would know that because you have never read it, never looked into the actual history or anything. NO ONE questions the Old Testament as the written history of the Jews. "but they added the supernatural elements!" You can believe that but you are wrong.
I've posted the links a millions times no one looks at them. Everything from Noah's Ark and onwards has been proven. In fact over time the old testament has been VINDICATED and continues to be as time goes on.

"There's no such thing as Cannanities BIBLE SO STUPID!" Whoops.
"The Battle of Jericho never happened!" Whoops.
"We CAN actually count the stars." Whoops.
"There was no red sea crossing!" Whoops.
"There was no Noah's Ark every civilization around the world so stupid!" Whoops.

Schooling and Wikipedia are not a good source of education. REAL on the ground reality is. Observation, thinking. Actual historians and such. It's so strange that you would say Darwin has proved the Old Testament wrong. I don't think Darwin proved that Nebuchadnezzar wasn't a real guy… he was. "They added the story about the three Jewish boys it's all added fantasy!"
"The Jews added random super natural events to their history as they wrote it and lied to their children and it CREATED religion or something."

You have NEVER read the Bible that's the problem.
You know why I know you aren't thinking and don't know anything about the truth. It's because a lot of the Old Testament is just "theology" let's say. You can't "disprove" a psalm. Read the New Testament today it'll be very helpful to you.

Witnessing is the WORST thing, especially online. Imagine knowing the truth and just… mmmm. It's called WITNESSING for a reason but who cares what you've seen. I can't imagine being one of the Apostles having to go around trying to convince people Jesus was the Son of God raised from the dead and all that. Imagine seeing that and trying to tell some Roman about it. I'd lose my mind.


Now that I think about it the post I was replying to was probably joking. So. Sorry. Don't respond to me unless you want to come to know God better.


Meh, science is overrated. The human unconscious is a much better source of knowledge and wisdom.

>I simply do not care anymore, but why does it still hurt to think about things?
Because you still care about things.

I don't see any point to anti-aging or whatever other tech or science developments, I mean they are cool but I don't think they should be the ultimate goal of humanity.
> most of life are distractions. Politics, video games, movies, sports, etc. All pointless distractions to keep us entertained because the sad reality is that most of the population are slaves to a system.
What you list are parts of life itself, what is wrong with enjoying them? You could say the same about anything in life, "it's just a distraction".
Slaves to a system, yeah always how things worked and will work probably, no changing it. Equality and freedom are myths only. Still, life can be fun and meaningful even if you aren't king of the world.

God is the universe itself, the Earth, the stars, the planets, nature, objects, stones, plants, trees, animals, and humans too. Without matter nothing would exist, we all come from matter. Without materia nothing would exist. Spiritualism is a lie and self-delusion, speculating entirely on belief about things that don't exist at all.
Study ancient pagan religions and certain types of eastern philosophy, they tell the actual truth instead of all this abrahamic nonsense about angels and heaven and Holy Spirit.


>I don't see any point to anti-aging or whatever
Likely because you don't see the problem with death, either because of religion, spirituality, or depression. For those of us who can't view life that way, and who's content with life and wants to keep enjoying it, the concept of aging and dying- 'ending', is not a pleasant one. It's hard to be motivated when you know in the end you won't have anything, not even memories.


Is death really such a bad thing? It is a natural part of life, just like birth. I think society nowadays has an irrational fear/phobia of death. Most people who fear death too much never really thought about things, in my experience.
I'm not into spiritualism at all or religion in the usual sense of the word, I believe in pantheism and that we all kind of have eternal life in that our bodies will be used to produce something new via nature. It won't be (you) but then again, (you) don't exist, the ego is something that is constantly changing, second by second too, just like everything else in the universe. You can't step twice into the same river and all that jazz. As for depression, I think these days I managed to hit a good balance between optimism and pessimism, so no. Just the fact that I simply see no value in sticking to your life so much and fearing "death". Even if I had pleasure after pleasure all my days while living, I would get bored of it eventually and so would others. Anti-aging would lead to people suiciding all over the place after some time. For me death isn't something like a boogeyman but a natural part of life and I don't really understand why it would cause you to lose motivation.


I'm sorry to interrupt but have you ever died? Instead of pretending to be a smart 20 year old philosopher who has the universe figured out and knows everything about death… Have you considered talking to people who have died? Because in the modern world that happens all the time. People die and they are brought back to life.
"No no no let's not talk about the facts let me prance on about my wise made up world because I understand the great universe in my mind's eye HUMSHAKALAKAKAKA! HUMSHAKALALALA!"
People die, they have an out of body experience where they are floating above their body, they are interrogated and they are able to tell you everything that was going on while they were dead. Blind people can see, the deaf can hear. It's really so simple, ask dead people what happens after death, but Atheists love their religion and hate the truth. I know someone who had an out of body experience, well someone who knows someone. This happens thousands of times a day due to modern medicare where we are literally reviving people now.
We know exactly what happens after death. You will be lifted out of your body. You will see your life flashed before your eyes what we call a "life-review" this is so common and widely reported we even know it only happens from age 6 onwards, age 6 and below we don't get reports of a "life-review".
You will be judged by a great light of love which is Jesus.

I would suggest actual researcher on the topic, countless doctors have done work on this many of them previously Atheists, rather than coming up with your own religion of the world, I constantly recommended the book Imagine Heaven: https://mega.nz/folder/6ZZiUbQY#Rx-z9hzuKWOJxw-_aMKu3A
And you can even do your own research into the extensive NDE field.

"B-b-but that's not part of the natural universe that I've observed it makes no sense! Things I've seen are all that exists!" Oh well then I guess it's impossible. Have fun worshipping the creature more than the creator.


Doubt on the second one but even the detail of Jesus's hands being large and farmer-like are noted by people. There's millions of these and some people are delusional and some people are liars but when you have all over the world the same accounts being made of out of body experiences, Heaven, the light, life-reviews, accounts that were made in the Bible like when Peter wrote about the time he died and was sent back. And of course I've seen the truth too long before I heard about the NDE field, anyone can see the truth for themselves if they actually wanted to.
You need to repent of your sins to God, you need to actually learn about God, God doesn't like pride and arrogance the idea that “I'm not going to listen to the stuffy “God of Abraham” I'm going to figure it out on my own!” No you're not.

The most important thing is love, when people have their life review they say that all that mattered was how much they loved or hurt others that's what's being shown, nothing else stands out, none of their accomplishments mattered.
One testimony describes God's love as being strangely familiar and human. We are made in God's image there are things we can look into of ourselves to understand God.
God likes theatrics. He's not quite the mindless black and white simple God that neo-pagans dream of. After all why would he be. Our minds are complicated and we like the way certain things are for complex reasons.

One day time will stop for all of you. As a famous Jewish person who died said it was like entering a jar of honey where time no longer exists. Because that's the only problem in our universe, how can time exist? How can there have ever been a beginning? There is no such thing as time. There is no beginning, that's only in our created universe.

“No Jesus was just some guy he wore a robe he didn't even have like a computer!” God sees all human time as primitive. Jesus was the messiah, was the Son of God and his followers preached that immediately to the world, being imprisoned and murdered for the truth and it is still the truth today.

There is no philosophy and other such things. There is one way to be you can choose God or not and what you choose is what you will get. So at least look into what you want to learn about. If you want to believe everyone is lying, every christian and even every death experience. "Maybe it's just a dying brain that triggers very specific illusions" Sorry, but when people have a clear out of body experience they can literally tell you what was going while they were being resuscitated. "this person was doing this and then this person came in." They were clinically dead and even the processes of resuscitation is not a simple thing to guess or know about.


I already posted the mega link. This video gives one of the best overviews of the covenants God has made with man and who Jesus was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HpPEdNOyK0
It's not really about the sabbath as the title says. Stop living in a fantasy world. Or continue. God wants you to either be a soulless terrible worldly person or a faithful person. But not inbetween. If you continue to be inbetween kind of believing or believing in some "kind of God" you made up, you're in trouble.

So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew you from My mouth.
Revelation 3:26

You must receive the Holy Spirit so you can begin the process of becoming righteous before God. Jesus said there will be people who come very early and very late to Heaven, he described it in an odd way and only now do we know what he meant, because many people who are not faithful have a death experience see the light of the world our Lord and they are born again. Which means even after death you can receive the spirit, but if your heart is hard and you're filled with hate and addictions and sin even seeing God is not going to help. Choose evil or choose good and as Jesus says, your cleverness is not going to reveal God to you.


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>People die, they have an out of body experience where they are floating above their body, they are interrogated and they are able to tell you everything that was going on while they were dead. Blind people can see, the deaf can hear. It's really so simple, ask dead people what happens after death, but Atheists love their religion and hate the truth. I know someone who had an out of body experience, well someone who knows someone. This happens thousands of times a day due to modern medicare where we are literally reviving people now.
It's only because you privilege living hallucinations that dying hallucinations surprise you. Just because living presents itself to us as a unitary in-body experience is no reason to take it seriously, that's just a prejudice of human experience.


That's cool and all but that outlook doesn't mean much. When I was younger I had a similar take that life is just a cycle. But once I really started to think about it, I realized it was only something I was repeating because other people told me so. There's no solace in losing my body and thoughts to becoming part of the earth's dirt.
Also, you talk about anti-aging as though it will never happen, as if say 500 years from now humans might not be living 10x longer. And if people want to suicide then let them. What does that have to do with people that don't want to? Then what? You'll cope and say that life is too long?
I only hope that you truly believe the nonsense you spew and don't end up like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX6NztnPU-4

Dude fuck off. NDEs have already been proven to be brain activity, it's just another cope.


>dying hallucinations
You mean DEAD hallucinations as in the body is dead and yet they hallucinate. Plus I already disproved this idea if you actually read my posts >>188248 or maybe even did your own research you'd know how easy it is to prove out-of-body experience after death as real. You just… hahaha. No one reads, no one looks. No one thinks. I can tell the second person has never heard about "NDEs" until now and "cope" I'm talking to children.

But as someone who's been spending awhile doing this I already know it's pointless, much like the Holy Spirit I wonder if some people have some kind of Satan spirit where they literally don't believe the truth when it confronts them because, well I used to say they were scared of judgment or too prideful but I don't think that's the case. Some people just don't want it. And that's fine. I mean it's not but it's your choice, God doesn't force anyone. "Everything that challenges my religion isn't real I don't care what anyone says."

I don't know why I try to help you guys, well I don't know why but it's just, impossible. You literally don't look at anything when it's the truth, you invent and continue to invent your own reality. All evidence all reality can be avoided because what you don't like is "not true"

“Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness.”
John 3:11

I'm done. I can't take it Lord. I just can't. When we are at this level of ignorance I can't. You are all deeply in trouble. please. There's nothing more I can say to you. What's the point of posting anything trying to give you anything when you won't even listen.


Sorry I linked the wrong post: >>188247
"Maybe it's just a dying brain that triggers very specific illusions" Sorry, but when people have a clear out of body experience they can literally tell you what was going while they were being resuscitated. "this person was doing this and then this person came in." They were clinically dead and even the processes of resuscitation is not a simple thing to guess or know about.

Like I said, you can believe everyone experiences the same general thing seeing their entire life having extremely detailed visions children adults oh it's all just an illusion I know because that's what I think ahhh you won't believe. And you won't read the actual research done that I've posted.
Look at this person >>188251 He's literally lying about something he just learned about. That's not good, but it's what you're trained to do. the most extensive research of NDEs is in the book I posted who cares. When I heard about this I was like "finally we can get the unsaved" we can't. They literally have a mental block.

I see why christians just recede back into the church. I'm done. You won't read the Gospel, I promise I won't look back at this website. It's too sad. I have no more suggestions for any of you.


Good, no one wants you here christcuck


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>You mean DEAD hallucinations as in the body is dead and yet they hallucinate. Plus I already disproved this idea if you actually read my posts >>188248 or maybe even did your own research you'd know how easy it is to prove out-of-body experience after death as real.
I don't dismiss those hallucinations, but I also don't make the logical jump in ascribing them to beyond what they are. In the same way, I don't dismiss the historical veracity of the Bible. People used to say the Hittite empire described in the Bible didn't exist, until archeological evidence of them was discovered. Why jump from the historical record into flights of romance and fantasy, though? Is romance itself not compelling enough?

Similarly, I don't dismiss what you write about God. What we disagree on is whether He is alive or not. You claim He is living, I claim He has been killed: acting otherwise is to not only engage in necrophilia, but stamp on the greatest crime scene in human history. Is there anything more human than this history?


>You literally don't look at anything when it's the truth
>What's the point of posting anything trying to give you anything when you won't even listen
>No one reads, no one looks. No one thinks.
if you start a fight with someone is it not expected that they will fight back or defend themselves? is it not true that saying "you are wrong" is starting a fight between two egos, yours and anothers? in fact the origin of the word "debate" is "battere", to fight. so do you believe you can overwhelm the defensive capabilities of the mind or do you believe the other person will lay down their arms in light of the truth? one must be the case here. but would it not be much more wise to never take up arms in the first place? leaving no burden on your opponent to have a strong character, and leaving you with no task of beating anothers ego into submission.


Narcissistic christtard ruins yet another thread with his deranged evangelizing, goddamnit.


You don't understand what I mean at all if you think you will stop at the stage of "being part of the earth's dirt" and be stuck like that. Your remains will go on to be parts of lower life forms first, like worms and such. And then on and on, until you will be built into other humans. However, let's not forget that since it is a cycle, there will come a time again when you will come into existence again and you will live the same life again you live now.
I don't know where you read that I think anti-aging will happen in the distant future only. I honestly don't care about it so I'm not following the news about it. But, let me just say some things: first, are you so naive that you think you could afford immortality even if it was a thing? If it was a reality then you could bet on it that it would cost fortunes and rich people would use it only. At least for a long time it wouldn't be enjoyed by the average person. Second, I'm sure fucking up the ecosystem and nature even more wouldn't have any negative results at all, nope! Yeah, overcoming a crucial part of nature, like death, wouldn't lead to any collapse or globaly tragedy at all…Overpopulation is already a thing, wiz. What do you think would happen to earth if humans wouldn't die? Seriously…Death exists for a good reason. You think like a typical post-modern 21st century retard, who doesn't care about anything besides his immediate well-being, which will ironically end up causing his downfall in the end.
And third, you probably currently live in a comfortable position, that is why you are so afraid of death. You mistakenly think this period will last for eternity. Happiness comes and goes. You shouldn't let yourself be lured into this trap and illusion, that life is just fun and games because currently you can afford to sit back and enjoy life.


> there will come a time again when you will come into existence again and you will live the same life again you live now.
> And third, you probably currently live in a comfortable position, that is why you are so afraid of death. You mistakenly think this period will last for eternity. Happiness comes and goes.
This is a bit conflicting no?


>I promise I won't look back at this website.
Hope so! Thread took a very noticeable dip when you started in with your mindless, essay-style rants whinging about how impotent your own rhetoric is.


Again, you're just regurgitating the 'life is a cycle' narrative, and I've already been through that phase.
>are you so naive that you think you could afford immortality even if it was a thing?
I've already thought about that plenty of times and came to the conclusion that it's going to be real fucking hard to dangle the ability to live forever over the heads of poorer people and not cause riots.
In a society where people are living way longer and staying young, why do you think people would still be having kids at anywhere near the same rate? Plus, as you said, some people will suicide anyway, and there will be plenty of purists like yourself who want to live for a short time, so there's no problem.
>who doesn't care about anything besides his immediate well-being
Quite the opposite really. I think death is a tragic thing unless the person is ready to go. People cope with death through religion and spirituality- like yourself, but not everyone wants to cope. Some people look at it as an ending to their being, which it is. You can call it selfish, you can say it's the inability to suppress the ego, you can call it ignorance, whatever makes you feel better. The reality is that you will die and be nothing.


Nah, he is a delusional person who takes his happiness for granted. Nothing lasts forever in this chaotic existence. Happiness and misery come and go all the time. Nobody's life is pure fun. He experiences a good time now but the moment even a slightly painful or negative experience will occur to him he will go down the road of despair. Be it a shitty co-worker who bullies him or a simple toothache or losing his financial security, it doesn't matter - even mundane and everyday evils are enough to set you on another track. From his passive aggressive tone I take it he speaks rather from a primitive kind of fear at the thought of death than truly out of joy at being alive.

It's a shame you let go of the truth after finding it.
It's not about riots, it's about being hard and expensive to produce. No matter how many chimp out because they want to space travel they won't be able to, because it won't be possible for them all to do it. Same goes for living forever, it will be a luxury item only, like owning your private island. It is possible for everyone, but only a small elite will be able to afford it.
>why do you think people would still be having kids at anywhere near the same rate?
Because I don't know, it is how normalfags work? Are you an idiot seriously or you are this desperate to win this conversation, that you go and state ridiculous things like this? People will always have children, at least the majority will do. What you propose will nicely wreck everything and will lead to more starving, wars and soon to a global tragedy. Nature has death for a certain reason.
>I think death is a tragic thing unless the person is ready to go. People cope with death through religion and spirituality- like yourself, but not everyone wants to cope. Some people look at it as an ending to their being, which it is. You can call it selfish, you can say it's the inability to suppress the ego, you can call it ignorance, whatever makes you feel better. The reality is that you will die and be nothing.
Spirituality is exactly what I DON'T agree with, my worldview is based on hardcore materialism if anything, thanks for proving you don't understand me. And I'm not religious either. It is the objective truth, matter doesn't disappear into thin air. However, even if you could prove me wrong, it wouldn't change anything, because there is nothing wrong with death. Only retarded normalfags are shitting themselves at the thought of it, because they can't think rationally and because society tells them that death is the worst thing ever :(. Also, it is rich of you to tell me I'm coping. Says the guy who runs to literal science fiction because he is scared of the big bad reaper. Pathetic.

If you were capable of rational thought in the slightest then you would understand that there is nothing wrong with death and that a life isn't valuable because of how many years you live but how you live it. An 8 year old who dies at that age can live a better and more satisfying existence than someone who lives for 500 years thanks to science. lol Grow up. Instead of putting your hopes into crappy science fiction novels you should concentrate on the here and now and enjoy it. Life is exactly fun because we have a limited time. That is why your actions, thoughts, feelings carry weight.


You sure make a lot of assumptions. Trust me, I wish my life was as happy as you think it is for whatever reason.
Also, you're claiming to know how a vastly different society from the one we have now will function, but calling me an idiot? Human societies have changed so much over the centuries and yet we still have retards like you who can't think beyond caveman logic.
>Spirituality is exactly what I DON'T agree with
You can call it what you want, but it's obvious that you believe in something when you say nonsense like "there will come a time again when you will come into existence again and you will live the same life again you live now".

Anyway, it's pointless to argue with you. You see life differently, and that's fine. Contrary to yet another assumption you're making, I don't cope with this hypothetical, it's just something I've thought about. I don't cope with anything because I came to terms with life being what it is a long time ago.


Stand by your principles. The world will devour you if you give it an inch. Stand firm even if death is staring you in the face. That death is better than a living death.


A tree may stand tall against the wind, but breaks in the storm, while the grass bends and never breaks.


Instead the grass is trampled, eaten, and shit on by even the lowest of creatures.


Rejecting the world and living the loneliest and as independently as possible.


>whatever, I don't care
this has been my motto since my mid teens


maybe the grass enjoys being defiled like that


Just go with the flow and don't stress too much over life or society's judgements because in the end the whole species goes extinct


>Not like most people
>Work a job
You're just as bad as them.


>needing food and a roof over your head makes you just as bad as a hyper normie who lives only for conspicuous consumption
It's people like you who give neets a bad name.


I think everybody is totally alone when it comes down to it and that the only real duty can be duty to oneself. Logic and Ethics are both this kind of duty to yourself, I believe. They are only self-imposed guidelines that the Will or the Understanding must be consistent with its own self-imposed norms. I think that I must act with some kind of maxim that justifies my actions and I have to truly believe in that maxim as self-supporting, not coming from some source outside of me, but justified and enacted by myself alone.


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The Throne awaits all Ascendants with enough Will and Spirit to take it.

Mind not the faceless masses of the Black Bramble reaching upwards in vain.

Through Theorem to Understanding, Through Understanding to Doctrine, Through Doctrine to the Throne.


I do whatever I want as long as it doesn't get me my ass kicked.


I agree. What’s YOUR maxim though wiz?



hikki hedonism- always run life at a profit, put less outputs than inputs into it, which in my case means keeping inputs/effort down to near 0

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