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So uhm, how do we stop this, hypothetically, if it's at all possible at this point?


It has to some degree already been stopped. The fascist and communist movements Huxley feared are as good as dead these days. However the tactics discussed are already being employed and cannot be stopped.


If we continue along this trajectory we won't be able to recover humanity. It will be eventually lost, which Normans don't seem to grasp.


I thought Orwell is more like a full blown hard Totalitarians society, but Huxley is more like a consumer hedonist fordist society that has triumphed


I think both is happening at the same time but we should probably veer off into Huxley's universe if we have to choose a highly technological future for our sake, that is, if we can't stop what is to come.


All in all, I'm kind of scared for the future and sort of wish I wasn't here.


Do you actually care?
What parts of history and reality would you so miss?


The 1800s..


Or even prior that. The fundamental problem is my own survival (a survival that I enjoy which benefits me) which is futile in such an age as this ironically.


just become a catholic monk its like a time machine


It's probably for the best at this point in time, knowing the things that I do now (which is too much)


You want to roll back time? Doubt it can happen. I think brave new world would be superior to this undulating swamp of shallow minds insisting that suffering creates greatness, in a world that has no greatness but plenty of suffering and narcissistic degeneracy.
I haven’t seen anything worth it in this collapsing world and there seems to be no hope of anything on the horizon. It seems like a failed experiment running on lies being dismantled by the documentation of history.
What specifically would you lose if the world went the way of brave new world, what is there that you would lose?


This thread is suspicious as fuck


Why would you want to stop it?


Because I was robbed of a pre-industrial existence


how would living in a pre-industrial society benefit you?


Why don't you critically analyze my question and then respond, thanks


It's a stupid fantasy of British eugenicists and tame compared to their actual plan. What they want is such an evil that describing it would be difficult without descending into a screaming fit.

I do think there is some sort of life in the further future, as the extremes of eugenism dissipate. It won't be a "good" world. The slaves will live in abject conditions, however many are allowed to continue on. Above all, though, they understood that all that was done to us over the centuries would never be forgiven. Humanity as a project was destined to end as a grand struggle between those selected to live and those selected to die, in a great game that has been played since ancient times by all who aspired to rule the world. There was no serious concept of rule that didn't devolve to this in the final analysis. We might have lived in a world where most of us were selected to live and we would mitigate the cruelty to those selected to die. That was purely a matter of human preferences and what, if anything, they wanted to make of this existence. The world could be much worse than it is - I've seen the desires of those who rule now, and what they would do if they felt they could walk over the masses completely. Perhaps, in some way, they have enough sense that all they have done is too ruinous to take it to the conclusion Francis Galton wanted, where all life dies screaming forever and these perverts create the only thoughts that remain.

Humanity was dead the moment 1914 went down. We pretended it could live, but nothing could survive what we were up against, and what we were made to submit to. None of it should have been allowed to continue under any circumstances. They certainly fooled enough people into going along with the plan war scenario.

Realistically I don't think what happened could easily be averted. Too many people wanted it, and no coherent resistance to it would be allowed to exist. The ideologies were very effective at destroyed the possibility of anything independent of the ruling system. The best you could have done is stymie their efforts, and it would have required a commitment to defeat the enemy at any cost, with no concession to middle class graspers whatsoever. How many people were going to throw their lives away just to spite the beast, in the hope that something will be allowed to exist?

That said, I do believe there is a future. It doesn't involve us, though. The people who are selected to live made sure that their plan will not be stopped, and anyone lacking faith would be destroyed. The people pushing events along are WAY ahead of the info that is leaked to the public or anything I have seen speculated. They're just figuring out now that the elite built underground cities, which wasn't even that big a secret when these things started after 1947. All this talk about nuclear war was always a threat against us - they knew they were safe and would select who goes into the bunker, and the only way nuclear war happens is by tacit agreement of the global leadership. The war would not conform to this stupid idea that nation-states are struggling essences, but it would be a war of those selected to live against those selected to die. Should those selected to die be cowed into total submission, they would be killed off by total humiliation and deprivation. Today, Mengele experiments are conducted openly and proudly. We're already far worse than the Nazis ever were, complete with genocidal wars fought purely to drive up the death and torture rate, and this is a global situation. No one is coming to stop this. The only thing that stalls it is total refusal to go along any more, and total rejection of all of the institutions. If there is to be any society again, we would do well to remember that there are two different worlds, and we will never coexist with those selected to live. It is past time to stop pretending. Too many of us have already been tortured and died while those selected to live laugh at the thrill of doing this in front of our faces. It's all Satanic, and that's the only religion they believe. It really is.

For a lot of reasons, I doubt the long-term plan is any caste system, or even eugenics. Eugenics is the vehicle for depopulation and behavior modification, but the long-term plan doesn't need that. The point of eugenics isn't that the rulers believe it would actually lead to a good world, but that the suffering is the point and they simply hate us too much to ever allow coexistence. We should have picked up the hint after 1914, when they exempted themselves from the draft or any real consequences, and suddenly they were cheerleaders for every war no matter how stupid. They bragged that they would kill us in front of our faces and dare us to try and stop them. They certainly believe themselves better than us, but they also know that eugenics as stated is pants on head retarded, and the real selective breeding happens in secret for the purpose of protecting an interest that is concerned with pure power above all else. The point of it for them isn't to make an antiseptic world or actually promote science, but the orgies and the thrill of winning, which will enter a new stage once major depopulation has concluded. I suspect that will happen in the last third of this century, and you'll see the horrorshow change face. The last stage of depopulation will be to liquidate many of the eugenicist faithful, who were tools for the bigger project. They had to realize that the lifeboat would only be large enough to fit the few people who were in the real in-group, and their attempts to ingratiate themselves with that club were doomed to failure. Those truly selected to live were either selected at an early age, or were just born to elite bloodlines and cults and were always immune to the ravages we have to live through. I never understood why the Rightoids are so eager to be cuckolds, as if they can't see that their strategy turbocharged everything. I hate the Rightist followers more than I hate the core conspirators, because the Rightoids only did it for a cheap thrill and because they really are just Satanic animals. It is for them that we had to suffer, for they are the enforcers of this purge. Without their approval, the purges would not be possible, and if they cooperated towards any end other than supplicating to the Satanic elite, it would not be too difficult to suppress the enemy. The threat of unlimited terror from the eugenists produces a chilling effect, and too many people were doped with god knows how much drugs and rot. I thought in my naivete that enough people saw what this was and would do things to stymie the beast, and would see that literally every way we were trained to communicate and think has been anathema to any goal we would have for ourselves.

So, eventually, there will be something - again, not for us. Even if the victors of this don't deserve it, recently I came to do this for the world itself, which deserves better than these people. I know I'm never going to win, but when has that ever stopped me? In the end, the world will end all the conceits humans ever held, and this is a good thing. The world is the only truly just thing because the world looks past human conceits about knowledge altogether. It does not do what it wills in some Satanic sense. The orientation of the world is opposed to abomination, and that alone has done the yeoman's work of stalling eugenics and provoking the correct disgust towards all that has been done. If it weren't for that, there is no trait within humanity that saves us. Humans made it clear that, even at the best of times, they're too committed to evil to allow for a society that is worth living in. We don't really have to do this, and we can mitigate the worst of it even at this late stage. We can actually mitigate a lot by simply refusing to go along with everything put in front of us. I have a feeling that the only way the present situation can be resolved is by instigating a civil war, and that is what the ruling interest has clamored for since the 1990s. Right now, I'm preparing for that when it comes, in whatever way I can. I do not expect I can last long in that situation, but if I'm going to go, I'm going out shouting, and at least a few people might know what this was. If I fail, there are many more who have seen this shit and will say it as we have seen it. It has already happened, and all of the filters and influencers can't change the hideousness of what has been done in the past century.


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Its ironic that everyone got all emo and depressed after WW1, and then after WW2 which was much worse, there was all this retrofuture optimism


Part of the social engineering. The influencers got to work during the interwar period. You can find writings from the 1920s bragging that they were going to do what they did, and the people were powerless to stop them. The middle class were aware of what this was, and either jumped on board or tried to stall it/pick a different side to capture this project.
Immediately after WW2, the purpose of the war would be entirely rewritten by the intellectuals, but the intellectuals didn't succeed at altering history until the Boomer generation left school and were indoctrinated with the new line. The people who lived through WW2 didn't see the war as ideologial, and some were scratching their heads about why we were suddenly fighting commies after the war. Weren't they our allies just last year?


Fun fact:

Most of this thread is samefaged.


For you



WW1 killed modernism with is pointless butchery and mass horrors. Modernism was a stupid idealist philosophical view of society that stated that man was God chosen an enlightened creature that had conquered nature using science and war using reason and that progress was inevitable.

After that you have philosophical views of transition to cope with the disaster of WW1 such as absurdism and nihilism that stated that it was all pointless and a fucking bad joke. WW2 was not a surprise or a blow to that way of looking at the world.

And after WW2 you get postmodernism that is a philosophical view that transcends all of that and basically says "hey, all the narratives and values that we where fed before where clearly garbage, so from now on lets deconstruct all the supposed truths that societies and their leaders and dominant institutions try to impose on us to check if they are bullshit just like before, because people do that shit because they are dumb as fuck and because they want to control other people, so lets be careful. Most things like morality are relative and constantly change with time and place". That was liberating and full of hope and possibility because it meant that you where no longer bound to anything, you could crate your own future free from constrains like religion or any other dogma.

Turns out that people are pack animals and so much liberty ended up leaving them felling alone and isolated and now lots of them need Prozac to face the day, but that happened decades later.



The fuck are you talking about? Do you want to be a starving peasant controlled by some lord if you where white or a fucking slave if you where black??? All your life doing back breaking labor in a farm with no modern medicine to help you if you get an infection or an appendicitis living in squalor and eating the same shit every single day, no running water, no sewage, not nice warm baths, no electricity to see shit at night, no fucking gas to cook, no refrigerator, no supermarkets, no fucking HVAC so you don't freeze or cook when the weather is shit, if you get a 3 bad year of drought like we got this last 3, you get to starve to death with everybody around you.

I have bad news, if you are a fucking looser now like the rest of us, that is not going to change if you time travel, you are just going to be a fucking loser in a worst time line. Fucking schizos and nerds don't do better in more brutish societies, they do worst.



Why the fuck do you want to stop it? Almost everybody in that society is fucking happy all the time. I'll love to have fucking Soma right now.

I'll just replace the lower casts with fucking robots and that is as close as an actual utopia as you are going to actually have.


so a society where serfs get bio-engineered to feel an intense joy flipping burgers that is more pleasurable than sex would be good?


>people being tailor made to fit their purpose
why not


If you honestly think reactionary faggots like Dugin won the world, you don't know what caused WW1. WW1 set into motion what modernity always was, after a birth where it struggled to form.

Freedom died because it became impossible to speak of freedom in the sense the common folk and the workers understood it. This has been a project pushed every generation, until you get "Freedom plus" and the Patriot Act, and then 2020 and libs snarkily writing "Freedumb" while they shit up the world with their faggotry.

The way out, as always, is something that hasn't been done before, that resolves the central struggle of modernity. It wasn't about capitalism, but eugenics. So long as eugenics exist, the world is fully Satanic and they seek to make everyone as Satanic as the core believers, forbidding anything else.

Imagine thinking Elon wants anything for you except the most abject suffering imaginable.

Look at what the modern world does to the lower class, especially globally, and ask how great technology has been. We already basically have slavery back in America, and there are assholes who want to make it total and include more honkies. Enslaving outright most of the white population has always been the endgame of the slave power.


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>The fuck are you talking about? Do you want to be a starving peasant controlled by some lord if you where white or a fucking slave if you where black??? All your life doing back breaking labor in a farm with no modern medicine to help you if you get an infection or an appendicitis living in squalor and eating the same shit every single day, no running water, no sewage, not nice warm baths, no electricity to see shit at night, no fucking gas to cook, no refrigerator, no supermarkets, no fucking HVAC so you don't freeze or cook when the weather is shit
Refrigerators weren't in widespread use until the 1940s, supermarkets developed in parallel with car ownership after wwii, and similarly air conditioning wasn't widely used in homes until the 1950s. Domestic boilers for heating water are also recent, but that doesn't mean people had cold baths before, they heated water on stoves or over fires to have hot baths. Some of the stuff you're talking about may not even apply to your own parents, let alone your grandparents


OK so we are living in the tiny sliver of human history of material comfort before Peak Oil ruins everything. That is why it is good and moral to be a virgin. Because the children of normies are just going to suffer in the future in a Neo Dark Ages.

The Earth can only provide a certain amount of pleasure, and this generation will milk it all up. The fruit is squeezed of its juice.


>The Earth can only provide a certain amount of pleasure
Uh, says who?


The concept that resources are not infinite


is pleasure a resource?


it is hard to come by without an industrial revolution


pleasure and comfort are relative to some extent. what we consider dirt poor but still affected by air conditioning, potable drinking water on demand, electricity, plumbed toilets, internet (and wifi)…

these things make even the lives of extreme royalty from hundreds of years ago look uncomfortable. if you assume more comforts become available, it's not unreasonable that future people's poverty will to some extent seem comfortable and nice when compared to our own


But all of that is highly dependent on energy and its not just Peak Oil its Peak Everything even Peak Uranium


They sneakily merged the wikipedia article to cover it up, but its a huge issue



I do wonder if I'll live to see passenger vehicles becoming a thing of the past because of that. For sure at some point we'll have to limit the oil consumption to industry and agriculture.


On second thought though humanity is so retarded it will probably glass crater itself out of existence trying to hog the leftovers instead of limiting oil consumption and the god given right of driving a SUV in narrow innercity streets.


We’re not too far away from fusion energy.


Utilitarian retards. We used to be able to ignore those people, until they forced us at gunpoint and with copious torture to accept their insane and Satanic "ethics". Call a spade a spade.

Also, "Peak Oil" is a myth, and not even a myth that is seriously perpetuated any more. It was an attempt to export ecologist thinking to the Right, before the Right went with hating immigrants and the general Nazi faggotry.

Anyway, there's plenty of oil. The problem is purely political will - the oil monopoly knows the nature of their operation and doesn't exist to give you nice things. Creating artificial scarcity has been planned since 1970 to impose by force depopulation. In every real sense, we already live in material abundance. We spend exorbitant effort making humans miserable for eugenic purposes, when we could have let people have the shit they wanted from the start and everyone would be better off. Certain people simply refused to allow that, because they'd rather be king of the trash heap. That's how they think. Ruling classes abhor the idea of producing anything, regardless of the economic basis for their existence. They only produce for their ulterior motives, which usually involve controlling other people and getting them to march around like retards praising whatever Satan they're told to worship. No ruling class produces things just to produce them. The productive classes of society - that is, everyone who works - only have this product to sell to survive. They don't engage in the arts of ruling and spiritual authority, and they don't fight as if they are equal to the violent force the state and its backers bring. Producers are systematically stripped of their ability to do anything but produce, and the higher classes scorn the producers for this mentality.


who can be against utilitarianism? even those who are against it in a moral stance will never defy it in a practical sense.

Who is ever going to say, my policies will make the majority of people less happy but it is the morally right thing to do? Even if it actually does make the majority less happy, they will talk about how it is for the longterm good.

This policy will make the majority of people worse off, now and in the future, but we must do it because it is morally right.


Peak Oil might get specific dates wrong. But if you believe it is a "myth", then you believe there is an infinity amount of oil under the earth's surface.


There is so much oil that it might as well be infinite. It's the second-most abundant liquid on Earth, produced by geological processes. There is a whole pseudoscience to pretend this isn't the case, funded by Rockefeller and the oligarchs so they can justify forced scarcity. You can tell their real intent when they shut down anyone who would engineer a solution or suggest any outcome other than the planned Malthusian purge that was the intent before this nonsense started. A pseudo-economic thinking is sold to the stupider of the investors to convince them to part with their money, but also to scare off anyone who isn't familiar with the finer details of investment strategy, and convince plebs that money and economics is fantastical. That is the only way they could sell something as retarded as Austrian School economics.

One reason oil "shortage" happens is because oil is gradually phased out. Supposedly they're going to give us the electric cars of the future, but really they're just going to take away the cars and any transport. One of the weak points of the regime is that anyone can walk to a gas station and obtain a highly flammable liquid they can use to fashion crude weapons, among other things. The availability of cars and gasoline is more dangerous to the regime than the availability of guns, and this has been acted on; but because people need to move from point A to point B and have no reason to give that up because the rich tell them to eat shit, it is not possible to destroy this availability by diktat. Too many people stand to lose if extreme constraints are placed on oil, or food or any other shortage the assholes want to plan. That's why all these grand plans they have to make people eat the bugs are stupid and shouldn't be encouraged. It's always a bunch of words impotent pseudoscientists use to heighten the general fear. They do want to take away your guns, cars, or anything that is considered useful, but this is only possible with a strategy of careful demolition of living standards and knowledge, and by feeding preferred groups a few resources to attack other groups in society. The mentality of a siege and Malthusianism is embraced not because the rulers are genuinely fearful of large populations or because they are actually convinced they need to kill x number of people to restore balance to the world. The purpose of depopulation is not to reach a set goal, but for behavioral modification and a general strategy of attack to place the subjects on the defensive, and thus prime them for any other manipulation the rulers want for the lowest cost possible. Any other principle for modifying behavior has either been proven ineffective or is undesirable to those who command the world at the moment.


On that note, one trait of Brave New World and 1984 is that the authors - who are both committed eugenists - insinuate, by some goofy-ass logic, that it is the proles and lower, stupid castes that are responsible for the dystopia, and the world would work fine if the masses of ignorati were just eliminated. If the masses exist, they are seen as useful allies to be cajoled by the ruling party, always ignorant and unable to appreciate the eugenic ideal that Huxley and Orwell (ERIC ARHTUR FUCKING BLAIR) believed in. Take 1984 - we're supposed to believe that the Party, this institution committed to absolute torture, has some sympathy with the proles that would encourage them to keep the proles alive, with full knowledge that the proles are superfluous to any utility the Party would need of them to stay in power. In any real situation, a party with the ideology of Ingsoc would see liquidating the proletariat as not only the most effective way to secure their power, but a far greater priority than this strange idea that it's the poor middle class that suffers. That is what happened in real life - the middle class were overwhelmingly enablers of the torture machine, usually going ahead of the rulers themselves in embracing torture and venality. A similar insinuation can be found in Brave New World, where the suffering Bernard is just too darn smart and all these stupids don't know what's good for them, yet you're expected to think systematically torturing children to force them into the lower castes is just a normal day. It has the effect of making eugenic education - a model the Huxleys always believed in - seem like the only possible world, as if it were self-evident even when Huxley is writing. This was the belief of pedagogues and the ruling philosophers at the time, and it was built into liberalism, communism, and fascism. In the second case, a terrible educational approach guaranteed that communism couldn't possibly build the thing it purported to build.


Peak oil is a moving target. It doesn't matter if you fix one variable at infinity or not. The point at which it is or isn't worth extracting is affected by too many other ever-changing variables to matter. That also goes for anything. There's nothing particularly special about oil beyond its various roles in the world. We also face, say, peak gold, which is a bit different because golds role is a bit different. But you're probably not going to hear a lot about peak gold because mining operations tend not to use that terminology, and questions of recycling or alternative ways of harvesting it also don't concern themselves with the idea of whether or where peak gold is but rather what might be possible, if it'd be worth it, and to what extent current practices might affect future trends.


why would any ruling class want to exterminate its own laboring class, so they can shovel the shit themselves?


Leave him be, you only risk provoking another set or raving, shitposting rant by replying to him


That guy is using wizchan like it's a blog and im kinda sure he's the same guy who's been trying to ruin threads last year because I see a lot of similarities. He uses every opportunity he gets to turn a thread into a collection of his writings.


They don't need the labor. You could shut down all the fast food restaurants and anything commoners access and the damage to those who rule would be nearly nil. The only thing the rulers would fear is either total institutional collapse - and the people forming their own institutions and ignoring anything the state says - or a Caesar from their own ranks co-opting a terrible situation. Both are situations that can be averted with enough police force and backstabbing. In the former case, the people are trained to hate each other too much to ever unite for long, and in the latter case, discipline among the elite is tight and no one will ever go to the people if they want to remain relevant. Both feed off each other.

They've already figured out which slaves they can keep to provide all of the labor needs of the future. The major hurdle for them is getting enough people to execute the killings, and that's why they boil the frog and grind us down with every brainwashing tactic known.


Since the labor force is being killed off as we speak, this is not a hypothetical. The Nazis called this "extermination through labor" - overwork those who do work, while doing everything possible to reduce the number of employed.


a better story is one by kurt Vonnegut called player piano.

>Player Piano is the first novel by American writer Kurt Vonnegut Jr., published in 1952. The novel depicts a dystopia of automation partly inspired by the author's time working at General Electric, describing the negative impact technology can have on quality of life.[2] The story takes place in a near-future society that is almost totally mechanized, eliminating the need for human laborers. The widespread mechanization creates conflict between the wealthy upper class, the engineers and managers, who keep society running, and the lower class, whose skills and purpose in society have been replaced by machines. The book uses irony and sentimentality, which were to become hallmarks developed further in Vonnegut's later works


A very good and funny story on these issues is "Jaihoos Trip To The Future" written by Sam Hyde and John Pellech. There is an official polished release but the original was read in a livestream back in 2015, Sam also made a livestream in 2020 reading chapters from the polished version.

>Original reading 2015:



We by Yevgeny Zamyatin is pretty good too. I liked the scene where the protagonists recalls how classrooms were filled with a bunch of kids goofing off while a monotonous dysfunctional computer kept trying to give lessons. The whole glass houses thing was a weird visual, but it was an interesting idea of a society with no privacy before the invention of video recording equipment. Its mind blowing this guy wrote this in 1920.


I liked WE more than BNW or even 1984


You don't know anything about history.

A lot of wizards would have found decent lives in feudal times even if they were losers as you put it. Even during the 80s it was pretty common for small towns and villages to have a literally village idiot. A family's child was not right in the head and mostly harmless so everyone looked out for them and helped as they could. The modern life style takes those same people and shoves them on weird internet forums and youtube instead. So instead of being the weird dim guy in the village who eventually gets hooked up with a weird dim succubus around the same age from another local village you get wizards.


> A lot of wizards would have found decent lives in feudal times even if they were losers as you put it.

> who eventually gets hooked up with a weird dim succubus around the same age from another local village you get wizards.

So you mean in past ages we got the EXTERMINATION of wizards???


"WE" won't do shit, like we always do


We are stopping it already, by spreading the Gospel of Volcel and rejecting the Dystopia of Hedonism. We could have pleasure but we say no to it. This is a defiant stand in an evil world.



This is a bit of a fairytale take.

Everything that you can imagine has already happened in history. It is entirely possible that you would just grow up to be an extremely unremarkable man who remains a virgin until he dies. There are plenty of men in history who end on the "he never married" footnote.


We are talking about what is good for wizards, not what is good for crabs with fantasy farmer wives.

And the best place for a WIZARD in premodern times was a Monastery. And monasteries still exist today. So you get the best of both worlds, modern comfort, and the best medieval place to be a Wizard.

A wizard has nothing to complain about. a crab with a fantasy farm wife does.


>the best place for a WIZARD in premodern times was a Monastery.
boring larpers fantasy. Rich coming from an imageboard addict thinking he will like it in a monastery. Jfl at the delusions of the people here.


OK then where was the best place for a wizard in premodern times, in the bosom of a village maiden?


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This thread is very fucking dumb, even by the leftypol guy's metric. Imagine wanting to be a pre 1900 peasant dying of preventable disease, terrorized by illness, living on a substandard diet, or just getting shot in a war. I do not care if medieval peasants worked less than wagies, they still lived in a gutter. Also the obsession this poster has with """EUGENICS"" is just a straight giveaway for bad sourcing, leftypol metanarratives are obsessed with 40's ideologoies as the root of all evil for some reason


for you


In fairness in this case the OP is about a dystopian novel from the 1930s that involves eugenics


Last I checked BNW was designer babes not skimming the population by intelligence so only the fittest could breed


>Imagine wanting to be a pre 1900 peasant
I honestly doubt anyone here truly wants this, the thread topic is more of an excuse to discuss some of the failings of modernity imo
>dying of preventable disease
Sure. It's funny, an earlier post ITT mentioned appendicitis, if you transported me back in time, I would have died from it at a young age. But then again, considering how my life has gone, that might have been its own mercy.
>terrorized by illness
Already am. 'Modern medicine' has been able to do almost nothing for me besides aforementioned thing.
>living on a substandard diet
To some extent this is just exchanging one problem for another. Have you seen obesity rates? And hence obesity-related diseases.
>or just getting shot in a war
…As opposed to getting shot in a war AFTER 1900? i.e. the first and second world wars? or even more recent wars? Men have always been disposable nothings to societies. Who knows when or if that will ever change.
>I do not care if medieval peasants worked less than wagies, they still lived in a gutter
Seems like you're referring to what urban areas were like in medieval times, filthy cities like London etc. Not really accurate to imply everyone lived like that.


> As opposed to getting shot in a war AFTER 1900?

Well medical technology and survivability has drastically increased since then. So actually it is very different since 1900


moreover the incidences of violence came down dramatically since ww2. There hasn't been a "real war" in decades really

Dentistry and tooth decay. Diphtheria and smallpox.


If you're unlucky enough to get your leg blown off, and lucky enough to live, then sure, maybe you can get a prosthetic nowadays. But, so what? War is war. There's already no better outcome than to not end up fighting a war to begin with. Having better 'survivability' is essentially a consolation prize.
I already said that I don't generally dispute your point about 'preventable disease'. Already knew about smallpox and others, that isn't new to me.
If you can afford it, or if you're lucky enough that you get it for free. And furthermore if you get it for 'free' then this needs to be in practice, not just in principle. For many people this isn't true, even in 'first world' countries. The UK for example.
>incidences of violence came down dramatically since ww2
We're shifting the goalposts a little now. You were the one who decided to use the year 1900 as a dividing line. I just thought it was funny that you somehow seemed to have ignored that some of the worst wars the world has ever seen happened almost immediately afterwards. Anyway, this point is true—for now. Ironically enough the existence of MAD might be one of the reasons for this. Is that good? Or bad? Who knows. Were the world to usher in nuclear armageddon, the aftermath might honestly be worse than being some pre 1900 peasant.


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Why do you find it so hard to believe that a man might prefer an older, more vital existence? Are you not in hell here, on this wretched board? I would rather for one week work the earth, have faith in God(s), and love my wife than I would continue living for the likely decades I am cursed with living in this modern world with my mental illness (that would go away with OLD, VITAL LIVING). The life of a Viking, a Spartan, a druid…


> and love my wife

So it's all about a succubus.

Most romanticized careers of the Old World still exist, people just choose not to do it.

Join the Army, a monastery, become a farmer. Even cowboys still exist.

Those romanticized adventure jobs of your old heroes all still exist now, but they aren't fun, and most people don't want to do it


Are you the no life fag trying to ruin Wizchan with your dumb nihilist posts in every possible thread?

People in the past lived to the same age as we do now. If you survived being a baby you survived to adulthood in pretty good health. Life was simplier and more material so you could actually enjoy what you did and see an impact of it around you. The modern abstract fag world offers you nothing but entertainment to dull the immense void in your existence where real living should do. Half the medications they sell you don't even work and all the media is nothing but brain washing you against your natural drives to act out against your immense void of an existence.

Tell us how many medications you're on because you clearly are to defend clown world this hard.


Hey you're the crab wishing for a princess wife in ye olde castle



Not all about a succubus. One part. Fuck off if the fact that I'm heterosexual and desire love bothers you so much, cunt.


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>Join the Army

Ahahaa I just noticed this if you think becoming a ZOGbot is similar to fighting for nation, faith, and glory… Oh boy.


People are disillusioned that America's wars are really for conquest and not for the defense of democracy. Your heroes the Vikings and Spartans openly and proudly fought for conquest. So what is the difference?

Defeating ISIS, saving the Christians of Iraq, I would say that is a more noble cause for faith and glory than anything the Vikings ever did

I don't agree with America's foreign policy, but if you're just talking about being a hero, America's last war was against ISIS, and that is about as close to a pure evil enemy as you can get. Your heroes of the past weren't more noble a cause than that.


In a war motivated by evil, I imagine you can expect your country to have your back. When it's motivated by profit, even if the enemy is pure evil, you will always be a dollar sign in that equation, with plenty of fat to trim.


Fighting for your own gain, versus being a soulless golem.



That's the thing: open conquest. They were resolute and proud in might makes right. America creates ISIS for Israel so the Middle East is further destabilized. America is all about war profiteering. You are just arguing with me for the sale of arguing. If you were so happy with modernity as it is, you wouldn't be on this fucking site for failures (I'm guilty as charged at the moment).

Saddam was a secular ruler who tolerated Iraqi Christians. They didn't need saving before the big demented pitbull of Murrica was let loose by Zionist masters on Iraq. Get your fucking figures straight.


America today goes through absurd lengths to save every last soldier compared to any other country in history.


Yeah the 2003 war against Saddaam was wrong.

But there has been a war from 2005 to now against Al Queada in Iraq which became ISIS and they are pure evil who want to genocide all Christians along with a lot of other groups.

You are a warrior not a politician. If you just want to fight bad guys, those are bad guys

The chance to be a hero fighting bad guys, and even winning a princess as your reward, was open to you, if you had the balls to take it. Don't blame modernity for that.

If you can't fight war in easy mode, you definitely couldn't have fought the old wars.



No one said anything about bad or good guys. The only scum are the profiteers of war (Zio-Merica). Bad and good guys mean nothing in war; most times, people on opposing sides can make convincing claims to goodness of cause. But if you knew anything about war, you'd know that. I'm done wasting my time replying to you when you clearly do not understand what I am writing, since it far exceeds the narrow confines of your psycho-spiritual faculties.



And by profiteers, I mean the international clique that profits from funding both sides and doesn't fight themselves. Profiting from war in terms of booty for the men who actually fight is fine.


this has been the end goal of liberalism. the so called end of history. some philosophers think it will turn us into animals, or as Nietzsche called them last men. A passionless coward who only cares for comfort.

we will be like animals, animals have no history. There will be no art, no ideology.

Just boredom and stagnation.


And yet most humans, even the wannabe Nietszsches, will always pick comfort and boredom over heroism, when given the choice.

Look at the keyboard warriors who think they can get to pick and choose which wars are good enough for them to fight in.


I don't care how many Douglas Feith books you read, I am not dying for Banks or Israel or Ukraine just so gays and blacks can dismantle my country


A warrior doesn't care about the politics or background. He knows ISIS is evil and he goes to fight them.


>So uhm, how do we stop this, hypothetically, if it's at all possible at this point?
Who is "we"? I don't know you, I'm not a part of a movement with you, and I'm not interested in joining with you to stop or start some political cause. This is an anonymous imageboard, stop trying to run psyops and go back to whatever discord chat you came from.


Sex is the ultimate soma of hedonist pleasure and Wizchan says no to it. Wizchan is the last holdout of anti-pleasure in this Brave New World.


fap thread


Fap addiction comes with it's own set of problems but it is not sex


Sex isn’t the same as soma. An oppressive urge that is only temporarily answered by orgasm, which in the moments after reveal how the pressure controlled you and your sense of reality returns. If you were happy before you return to it, sad before and sex is nothing but a cycle of oppressive domination that reveals your consciousness’ transience.
Soma provides a constant docility does it not, the pills maintain if you have constant access to them. One cannot have constant sex and live in it. Gimme that soma , gimme that soma, keep yo pussy, give me those pills


these people are probably spend twice as much time fapping as the average normie spends fucking. What's worse the more you raise your testosterone levels through self improvement the higher your sex drive gets


sex / orgasm is literally the definition of soma in the book. and its accurate irl as well


huxley didnt have any problem with these ideologies and they are both embraced by the state nowadays. huxleys book was a blueprint for the NWO for the nwo same with Orwells 1984.


utopianism is to brainwash people to love technology and think it will magically improve their lives. in reality its always used to enslave them and make them obsolete.


Being a porn and fap addict has nothing to do with a high sex drive but with the dependency itself. Guys who manage to self improve and have good testosterone usually have enough self control to not submit to every little impulse. This whole idea that we are like chimpanzees and have fuck or fap because otherwise we would go insane is wrong. It's all just an impulse that we can learn to control like any other and most of the time it is based on porn consumption or mental issues that cause problems with impulses.

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