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Are ugly people the most opressed group in the world? No one chose to be ugly yet people will treat you like shit. They can be the butt of a joke in every media from movies to comedy and no one will bat an eye yet when it’s about something such as obesity or race people get riled up. Why is this? Do people just enjoy making fun of anyone other than them because it makes them feel better in comparison? Are they really that incompassionate?
Look at this fucking newspaper I found in the store. It translates roughly to “Your brain is coded to hate the ugly. New science shows that evolution has made us hate some faces - and rightly so”.


People in general are deluding themselves if they believe they look better than the people at that cover. Thoses faces look pretty average to me.


If you're ugly it means you have an ugly soul. Make your soul beautiful and your appearance will naturally change to match it.


>muh looooooks
It's never been about looks. Your worth in society is determined by how NT you are. More autism = less worth. You'd have to be clueless not to realize this, but I guess reading this post it seems you're just another shitposting crab.


>It's never been about looks. Your worth in society is determined by how NT you are
I think you sort of missed the point of my post. I didn't say that your looks is the only thing that defines your worth in society but its something that is definitivly important to a lot of people. That's what this edition of the paper was all about. Basically people will dislike you before you even open your mouth if you look a certain way. How NT you are absolutely matters a lot too but if you're autistic or otherwise "weird" you can still lead a relativly normal life. There are plenty of diagnosed autistic people in happy relationships, jobs and lives so to say that your worth in society is only determined by how NT you are is just as stupid as the crabs you compare me (somehow) too. In my opinion it's a mix of the two among other things;
If you are really ugly but got a charming personality and confidence you can absolutely succeed in life and the other way around.
If you are BOTH "weird" and ugly your chances are way lower. The point of my post was pointing out how ugliness is something that is somehow OK to make fun of. If a TV show jokes about autistic or BPD people some people get really mad about that stuff and go full cancel mode while if the punchline of the joke is that someone is an ugly loser no one reacts. But appearantly anyone that disagrees with you is a crab, great conversation right there


It's not really well received to discriminate by looks, however everyone does it because that is how the brain evolved as the article says. What people do is to make some supposed character flaw responsible for you being treated poorly, like calling you a crab.


>How NT you are absolutely matters a lot too but if you're autistic or otherwise "weird" you can still lead a relativly normal life. There are plenty of diagnosed autistic people in happy relationships, jobs and lives so to say that your worth in society is only determined by how NT you are is just as stupid as the crabs you compare me (somehow) too.
Oh yeah, I forgot. The unemployment rate for autistic people isn't around 80% anymore. Yeah, normans totally accept us now. Our suicide rate isn't sky high, either. I guess it somehow got better last time I checked the statistics.


You could be a 10, but autism will fuck your life up so that you are an effective 0 in every aspect of life. Think about the chads who are brain damaged by a car accident and you'll see what I mean. Seriously this entire thread is kinda /r9k/ tier.


Autistic people definitivly have it harder in society, but we're not really mocked as much nowadays in media though there are occasional jokes but the difference is that usually theyre something autistic people can laugh ALONG with. Again, I'm not saying being autistic isnt a big hindrance but it's usually something a lot of normals that somehow get diagnosed with it can overcome assuming they're good looking and have the money to spend to get good social skills trough practice with people that work with that.
But yeah totally all those successful celebrities like Dan Akroyd are total wizards right? They're not mutually exlusive. This thread isnt saying "If youre ugly or not determines if you're a wizard" I'm simply pointing out the horrible shit they treat like normal and the absolute injustice of it. I don't see how not wanting to have people literally hate my guts before I open my mouth makes me a crab. The deteriation of that word's use here to the point where its used like this is a testament to the absulte state of this site


and thats a cope


Plenty of brain damaged people lead very happy lifes. Of course what determines your success in society is mostly what is on the inside (things like confidence, likeability of personality, kindness e.t.c.) and to suggest that your looks are all that matters and to blame for all your shortcomings like >>177871 and >>177875 seem to think I'm trying to do is indeed crabthought and like >>177879 says a cope. Again, I think they've fundamentally misunderstood what I'm trying to say


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"Halo effect" is very real sadly. The only traits that seem to correlate with success in our society are the dark triad, especially for men.


Dark triad traits can fuck your life up in ways people don't really perceive. They think all sociopaths are Patrick Bateman manipulators, but a more accurate representation is your 37 year old roofer with an extensive criminal record struggling with a meth addiction.

And NEETdom is also correlated with dark triad traits, a lot of narcissistic people think they're simply above work, even though they're able to work.


>dark triad


>NEETdom is also correlated with dark triad traits
Guess I'm a sociopath, then.


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only dark triad can be wizards


Yeah no, those are the most normalfags traits I've ever seen.
>capacity to influence and convince
>charm and superficial enchantment
>orientation towards the future
There are only minor things relating to anti-social behavior.


self-improvement is part of being wiz


You've just described every normalfag in existence with one image.


What are you talking about? Wizards are charming, charismatic leaders in the making.



I imagine sociopath losers typically post on crabcels.co or shit like extreme white nationalist forums, where they go on and on about violent fantasies. There are a tremendous amount of them that have the wonder years from 18-30 doing drugs and then end up on the level we are.

About 50% of people on NEETbux don't need it in generous welfare states. I lived around them, and a lot actively make the decision to not work despite being completely normoid and able to. It sometimes takes the form of your 23 year old dumbass thinking he's going to be the next Post Malone and hence thinks a menial job is beneath him or will take away from his dream. Or someone so sensitive to criticism they can't handle someone having authority over them at work. Or someone with such a fragile ego they can't handle being seen doing menial work in public.


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Oh shit, I was in a troll thread the whole time


>About 50% of people on NEETbux don't need it in generous welfare states.
If you can find me a place that hires socially inept autists with low IQ, I will get off welfare.


OP here. I’m a mega autistic but I managed to land a job in a local store without even having to attend a physical interview due to covid in 2020 so they didn’t notice in a massive tist, see if you can get lucky the same way. You have any qualifications? If not aim for things like restocker, that’s what I do


autists are a genuine case that typically can't work. I'm talking about the hordes of normoids exploiting welfare and collecting NEETbux, there are a lot of them.


tfw autism diagnosis but they want me to go to work rehab


How will normoids deal with automation?


Tried going the work rehab route and the caseworker literally said to me "Why don't you have any references??" Fucking annoying, decided to get neetbux instead of dealing with that bullshit social game. I shouldn't need to have references for a job that pays minimum wage.
Hopefully by that point we will have UBI.


By neetbux do you mean the normal unemployed money where you have to prove you are trying to get a job and take any offered?


Huh? Not true. It’s definitely looks. I seen it too many times. If a dude is small? Gets bullied and excluded. Dude works out get huge? Gets a ton of friends, invited to parties, included in everything etc. Dude gets small again? Right back to being bullied and excluded. It’s kind of obvious that it’s looks mate.


I agree with this but it has to be really severe in order to matter. I knew a chad who was severely schizophrenic or something but he gets invited EVERYWHERE and is well recieved, too, despite being almost incapable of holding a conversation. There is a very noticable halo effect with this guy.

You’d have to be basically wheelchair bound, crippilingly retarded, or like you said severely ruined from an accident or illnes, in order to overcome this bias towards aesthetic/attractiveness that people naturally have


I'm so ugly that people won't even hire me. I have horribe acne scars, oily skin a huge red nose and seborrheic dermatitis. They think I'm a drug addict or some shit like that.


Same here, I’ve even had people INSIST that I was one. One time I went to the doctors for back pain and extreme dehydration. I still have never found out why I get dehydrated. They acted really fucking weird towards me (as usual), like they were surprised to see me at a doctors office. They asked me like ten times if I had insurance despite me saying yes. They made me wait for three hours, even though nobody was there, and then the doc came in and asked me to pee in a cup. I was like >what? Why?
And she said
>oh, it’s for tests that we need to run we need to start out with this.
I was thinking wow if this bitch is doing what I think she’s doing, I swear to fucking god. So then Imm made to wait another hour and the bitch comes back with a DRUG TEST -and she tells me
>oh see we took a drug test and you came back negative for everything, so we’re gonna let you go
I said are you fucking kidding me? What about the reason I came in here? And she told me
>oh idk about that maybe try drinking more water
Then she told me I was done and I needed to get out.

So if you’re ugly you cant even get medical attention. The bitch flat out refused to check me or run any tests for what I came in for. I was drinking over a gallon of water a day and still waking up dehydrated. Stupid bitch


Some doctors thought I was a druggie because my eyes are always like droopy watery and red. No actual help with it though.


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I like the concept behind this pic, but Roald Dahl was just too optimistic about it. Like it doesn’t matter how sweet those kids with progeria may act, they are still gonna be shunned and look creepy.


Nah, normalfags love to parade those types of people around and act like they're 'heroes'. I remember when I went to school we had one or two freaks like that, they were always surrounded by a gaggle of normals being extra-nice to them.


They love these types of people because it lets them rationalize away that they too are affected by the halo effect and feel like they are perfectly just and equal in the way they treat other people. No way they could ever be predisposed against conventionally ugly people when they parade around that one progeria sufferer, right? It's for that reason that they love them so.


This is very true and a good example of normalfag hypocrisy. Would a normalfag swap places with a disfigured child? Of course not: they would rather not have been born. But they delight in the fact these freaks exist because they give the normal an opportunity to demonstrate his virtue.


What the other wiz said. They don’t parade them around because they like them, it’s because they find them disgusting and know they are fucked in all aspects of life and so feel bad for them. No one likes to see them, they just feel obligated lest they give up the charade and admit they are grossed out which is a huge social taboo.


Ugly virgins are the only true wizards.


Woah careful man, that's a controversial thing to say around these parts. Don't you know the average wizard has been offered sex at least once in his life? Yes this was said in an actual post I saw on /meta/
Don't want to drag down all these successful, motivated, wealthy posters do we now?


True wizards are unemployed, autistic virgins and over 30 years old, regardless of looks. I'd imagine quite a few wizards are at least average looking, not exactly ugly but obviously not chads either. Just really weird and unable to fit in with most people. May also suffer from health problems like being overweight or having diabetes.


trolls post on /meta/ too, who'd have fucking thunk?


Average looking= normal in looks= normal= normalfag in most cases. So you should stop coming to this site if you're average looking aka normalfag unless you have autism or aspergers.
Life is different when you're ugly and socially awkward, most of the time if you are good looking or average you grow up to be a confident normalfag and not a wizard since people have treated you differently for the way you look, e.g. if you were timid as a kid or antisocial but good looking, you'd still get friends, approval from your peers, and more love from your parents, a social life, and is unlikely that you end up ostracized or bullied. That's the raw power of looks.
The more good looking you are the more normalfagish you will be because normalfags will want to be your friends and just love being around you and a kid will not refuse praise and affection from their peers so your looks determine your fate when it comes to being a normalfag.
Normalfags with plenty of friends and a social life can be virgins too but they won't relate to the ugly virgin experience, instead they will mock you, bully you, or outright ignore you, hence they're normalfags. Even the so called introverted and solitary, if they're average or good looking they're just normalfags and will be around others like them(birds of a feather flock together) while ugly virgins are the only wizards who can relate to those who had been ostracized and bullied, the rest don't matter.


>So you should stop coming to this site if you're average looking aka normalfag unless you have autism or aspergers.
>autism or aspergers
I do have that, actually. I even get neetbux for it. That's the only reason I come here at all, not because I'm "ugly" or whatever other made up reason.


Lookism is probably THE biggest prejudice that humans discriminate against each other but you can't really discuss it without crab accusations these days


There are rare cases of people who were attractive as kids and then grew up to be severely ugly.


Warlocks maybe.


already 2 in this thread. Rare? :^)


Strong cope.


>thinly veiled crab thread


There are 3 variables that will determine your success in life.
>Social skills (how "NT" you are as the zoomers would say)

If you're severely lacking in one it will close off certain opportunities and career paths but you can make it work if you're decent in the other two. For example an ugly guy with good social skills and a high IQ would still be able to get a job as a programmer and make decent money and a low IQ guy with charm and good looks will still do well in sales.

If you're severely lacking in two out of three, life is going to be extremely difficult. A really good looking guy with a low IQ and poor social skills isn't going to get very far. The only career path I can think of would be modeling, and that's an extremely competitive field that very few can make a living off of. Likewise a very NT but ugly and low IQ guy isn't going to get far, in fact it's even worse. A dumb ugly guy would just come off as annoying if he's outwardly confident. A high IQ ugly autist would have it better than the previous two, but still be extremely limited. He'll have to find a way to make money online.

And if you're severely impaired in all three, I hope to god you qualify for neetbux.

I would say out of the three intelligence is the most important, at least in the sense of having more overall utility. Looks and charm/NT are probably tied for second.

Then again I might be biased since I'm low IQ and ugly myself, but socially savvy enough to come off as normal. I'm like a 2/10 in IQ, 2/10 in looks and 6/10 in NT. I've worked menial jobs my entire life and am way behind where I should be in terms of income for my age range despite working hard all my life.


Kind of a self jerking off post but I feel like you have to be at least a midwit to frequent sites like this. Stupid people aren't introspective enough, all they know how to do is consume.


You can be self-aware and dumb. Likewise, you can can a high IQ but still be an NPC. I'm sure there's a correlation between how "free thinking" you are and how intelligent you are, but it certainly isn't 1 to 1 and it might not be as strong of a correlation as you might think.

The main practical utility of intelligence isn't introspection, big thinks, or anything like that. It's aptitude. Specifically your aptitude to learn a skill that can be monetized. I'm basing the fact I have a low IQ on the fact that I have failed miserably in that department despite my efforts. And trust me when I say it isn't laziness. I put more effort into learning new skills than the vast majority of people. For example I invested hundreds of hours into trying to learn javascript and python. Not at the same time mind you. I made zero progress. And those are supposed to be the easiest to learn.

There are plenty of people who are proficient in multiple programming languages yet are also NPCs who just parrot what they hear in mainstream media or read on social media and consume whatever shows are the most popular on netflix. Hell, the whole soy boy/bugman/numale stereotype is predicated specifically on those exact types of people. And having encountered these types so often, both on life and in real life, I can say the stereotype exists for a good reason.


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>guy dressed well with groomed hair
>vs guy with unkempt hair, dirty clothes, etc…
None of that is looks, it's just basic self-care.


for some reasons normies are afraid to admit that physically ugly people exist. You see online how they advise to just put on better clothes, lose the pounds, brush your teeth etc assuming this is the reason of your unattractiveness. It's mass-delusion. Maybe normies are so arrogant they want to think that they are the makers of their good looks, when they just won the genetic lottery.


They aren’t afraid to admit it. They deliberately conceal it and they all know that if the truth gets out, it becomes far easier to escape the mental prison we call society that normies have created for the lowest status males.

It’s a bit like why abusers gaslight their victims. The gaslighting makes it harder to outmaneouver them and escape the trap. If it were commonly acklowledged and known by low status males that muh bootstraps, muh grooming, all the little red herrings normies throw at you were fake? If low status males all knew that every little insult the normgroid buklies at school threw at you… if they knew every insult was based on lies, that the bullies would have and could have come up with any little thing to make you seem like a bad person for doing anything at all…


Makes sense. The rabbit-hole really does reach deep.


>Maybe normies are so arrogant they want to think that they are the makers of their good looks, when they just won the genetic lottery
This is definitivly part of it. As a whole they don't just dislike ugly people but theyre disgusted by them. Sugarcoat it all you want but at the end of the day the reason charachters that are canonically ugly and "le quirky" are almost always portrayed by good looking succubi they just slap some loose fitting clothes and glasses on is because no one wants to even SEE ugly people. It is like how succubi will say stuff like "Oh I don't judge people based on appearance but how they are on the inside" yet as soon as they get in an argument with someone they'll be calling them an ugly short loser.


normgroid platitude


they hated him because he spoke the truth

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