>>180390 Many people in college are older, and a degree is a good way to get a tolerable job. If you're just doing it because you have nothing else to do, I don't think it'll work though. You need to be at least interested or have a goal in mind.
I’m finishing my degree at 26, to prevent my parents making me get another wageslave job. It’s pretty easy because I already know a lot of the material so I’m getting good grades and still have a lot of free time. All the classes have been online so far because of the pandemic though, I don’t really want to go back to in person classes and be around a bunch of 20 year old normies.
>>180390 24 is still young you can do whatever you want if you try as long as you are not retarded. I have met older people who changed their career in their 50+.
It's a waste of time unless you also go to a reputable grad school. A bachelors doesn't cut it anymore. Plus there are so many jobs that don't even require a degree at all.
If you don't have any plans then why the fuck are you going to college? Ether neet if you can afford it or work whatever shit job you are qualified for while you figure out what you actually want to do with your life. Don't waste that huge amound of money, effort, and time on something you don't care about with no goal in mind just because you can't think of something better to do.
At the very least you should ether earn money or spend time having fun.
I don't think so. Only concern is the supposedly loss of plasticity in your brain. I'm 26 and considering going back just to get out of wagecucking for a few months. No fucking way am I paying for online classes. Not that I want to be around normies but I can't focus on a class on the computer as well and if I could then I'd be better off self studying. Personally considering trying to learn calc and linear algebra then get a bit into analysis and see if I can jump onto the math train from there, I figure if I can't teach basics to myself then I'm not gonna succeed anyway.
I have tried college twice. Once at 19, again at 22. Dropped out both times - mostly because of not fitting in, but also because I found better things to do. Now I'm 24 and preparing to try one more time in October.
I'm doing it more out of interest this time and I have a side job from home which requires little effort and gives sufficient money. I live a 15 minutes' walk from the university & it's free so I will at least try. I won't put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, but I still might make it. There's also personal development for me to be had in dealing with people.
>>180419 > Dropped out both times - mostly because of not fitting in Not attacking you but can you explain why fitting in matters in college it is a time when you are an adult and socializing is not menat to be as big a part of your life and time in school.
>>180423 You'll have to work with others sooner or later, kinda like these team projects they force on you in high school. You can't survive in higher education without basic social skills.
>>180423 You can't even get a shitty job sometimes without knowing people. You can be insanely good at something, but if you don't know anyone to put you in valuable positions you won't get anywhere.
>hurr durr you need to network and do group projects in college Real fucking sick of seeing this bullshit. Group projects are fucking rare and even then as long as you just do your section and give it to the others then you don't even need to speak to anyone else. And networking is the biggest fucking meme in the world and only business major groids care about it.
>>180420 Yes, I can. I had big social phobia. People were always looking really strangely at me, trying to keep a distance from me. Something was putting them off. I was (going) insane, I could not bear this much rejection and these constant strange looks. I felt so much shame and hate.
I automatically label anyone who goes to college a complete normalfag because you need to be a normalfag to want to go back to a place filled with normies that will bully you.
>>180428 I label anyone I see posting a joker meme as a normalfag they are always a teen to 25yo who is a failed normie or crab it is never not a crab normie.
Going to college means you want to slave at a job for the rest of your life paying off debt, socializing and cliquing with normies (only way to hold down a normie job) and being a normal faggot.
>>180428 You can do it online without talking to anyone if you shop around and are careful about what you pick
I did this. But regret it enormously because it was not enjoyable, gave me debt, was useless, and I could have learnt better if I were left on my own. it is all a scam. Teach yourself: everything is available online and you will save a HUGE amount of time not doing impractical, boring, useless shit that you are not interested in
>>180430 If you want to improve your life you're better off lifting weights and reading books. Participating in the system is something that you should only do to the absolute minimum and you should not get in debt for it.
>>180437 I'm only in college because it was either get a job or study, so I chose the lesser of two evils. Pretty sure there are other wizards in the same boat.
>>180437 >If you want to improve your life you're better off lifting weights How often would this wiz come across heavy objects needing to be picked up to make lifting weights a good use of his time? For what reason would anyone lift weights to improve their life. Improve it how??
>>180443 He is only young he could do anything he wanted but has built mental walls up and narrowed his mind it is sad I was siilar when quite a bit younger.
>>180522 >Lol u mad Not sure if you're being a disingenuous shit stir or you are just incapable of reasoned discussion and default to I thought terminating cliches.
I sometimes think of going back to school for embalming. I wanted to do it when I was younger but my social anxiety made me worried about the possibility of interacting with the mourners but I seem to have outgrown that fear as I aged. I don't really care about what people think now.
>>180562 Why do any of that? To buy things you do not need? What a joke. >Maybe OP should sit down and watch fucking anime all day? If he enjoys doing this than he should consider it and if he would continue to enjoy it and be a NEET