how are you in real life anon? do you come off as a normal person? i'm average weight average height i think im come off pretty normal in real life, other than i sometimes can't find the words when speaking and i apparently come off as insecure, and i don't groom myself too well but in the end i think im pretty normal. What about you anon?
I come off however I decide. If I wish to I can make those around me think highly of me by using the normalfag facade BS and social skills against them. I usually just be myself though.
Does any other wiz ask random people philosophical questions when out in public to see their response? I quite enjoy talking with schizophrenic homeless people.
>>174243 Well I often ask people who are old fucks for any tips on life I mean actually old not boomers but most are too senile to use a brain anymore.
I ask people what do they think the purpose of life is or if it is meaningless or about the true nature of reality. Wageslaves who are succesful and old tell me work is not important and relationships have greater value than earning more money. Mostly the dregs of society seem the most aware that life is not worth worrying about and it is best to get fucked up to cope with it. I only give the homeless money if they promise to use it on drugs or drink because it would be wasted otherwise.
A week or two ago there was some people trying to get me to donate my organs and another guy near said I should donate my organs so I can help save someones life. I mentioned anxieties over part of my consciousness being imbued within an organ and being trapped inside another's body in some form until they die etc and we had a discussion about lots of topics.
I have a desire to go out and smash the optimistic delusion with potent pessimism. I often ask people their stance on antinatalism etc
>>174245 >are you american Why do you ask anon? I am interested to know why is it from my phrasing. I see myself as a netizen. I actually may not be anything soon :^) Wizanon can I get your opinion on something. I am rational at times I do question everything and often critique my own position and try to overcome my own bias etc. >the point I am trying to make is I do try to be rational However I now my thinking is flawed I am quite mentally ill and choices I make personally are often regrettable I am a mess in this way.
How can I be sure of my own suicidal intention given that I am such a retard at thinking about anything that concerns myself? Rational in theory kek not in action.
>>174247 >>174247 >Only an american would do that Wait other people don't do what? Can you please explain. I have been told I am eccentric though so maybe I do not fit into the geographic social norms.
>>174249 >>174247 Actually. How can you really point to behaviour of mine and say you sound like X Y or Z? A wizard could be an eccentric I could be Finnish and still ask people questions about anything in life.
>>174241 I'm short, a big fat, average face, the problem is my personality, I hate pretty much everyone including myself so I can't seem capable of forming proper relationships and because of that I don't have anything to live for besides vidya and anime and when those wear off, well it will be rope time for me.
>>174251 >>174251 >when those wear off, well it will be rope time for me. Only if you do not become so apathetic nothing fazes you as you are already dead inside in a non edgy real way. >>174252 >*it was supposed to be a bit fat not a big fat LMAO. freudian shitpost
>>174255 >Only americans would be that outgoing to ask random people such questions Not american I just have insane confidence or rather the illusion of confidence because >I am so disassociated >so numb >do not care what normalfags think is it actually autistic to ask random people all types of stuff? Am I just autisic? My social skills are fine if I turn them on but it is so draining though. Random people used to give me free food and even alcohol at stores after conversations with them top kek.
I just hate myself so much that it does not matter what other people think of me. I try be respectful.
I do weird shit like I wrote this grocery store guy a letter thanking him for radiating positive energy and to know he has value as a human which rubs off on others. I wrote it and handed it in to the staff I think I even greentexted some of it and I signed it as anon. God I really feel autistic
>>174259 Posting animoo gurls seems fine on wiz now. Sorry anon I know years ago we could not and this place is slowly getting slower whilst also shitter… sorry I should respect true wiz culture more. >>174260 >are you from central europe? I will not say my location I am just so fucked. Can I vent post please? I never mention my feelings online and always try be there for others so rare vent.
I hate thinking about how I went from hoping so much for a future to hoping so much for an end, the courage to kill myself. I am scared to die but feel I have to die and not because the world has been unkind to me but I have been unkind to myself. I do not even plan to use a noose as my method but still do mock hangings and cut myself in bad ways. I do this to desensitize myself to death but it won't work and maybe I it is because I have some hope and I had hoped I would not have hope. I do not think anything could push me to kill myself because if it could I would be dead already.. am I destined to slowly rot till death? I do not even want what a lot of depressed people want. I see no value in socializing IRL and it is not because I cannot do it as I can fine, but human interactions just seem so hollow and fabricated because they are. The fact that I can be social but do not enjoy it makes me feel bad for all the autist anons who wish they could talk to someone and make a friend.
Messed up anons and those without hope on here are all I have to talk to or rather all I want to talk to. I know that even if somehow life became enjoyable I would ruin it and I am scared of hope because feeling good has only ever primed me to feel worse.
I tried meds and therapy even fitness but I left it too late my mind is too full of negativity.
The only good things in life IMO are >crying >music >anons you click with >anime succubi I want to be sure I will be with mai waifu if I kill myself..
I'm tall and underweight and people tell me i look tired and say strange things. one of my coworkers randomly said to me "you look like a traumatized soldier" when i was just sitting down doing nothing.
>>174241 Normal looking skinny guy, above average in height. Usually shaved and wear normal (if boring) clothes. Can pass as a normal until I open my mouth and people start to notice my weird mannerisms. The older I get the more I start noticing the exact moments other realize im not like them, it still stings a little.
I might as well put a sign on myself saying "male virgin". I wear glasses, I'm kind of fat, I don't like to shave generally so I have homeless-tier red beard, my hair is brown/dark blond mix by the way and my eyes are blue. I usually have my hair cut down to minimum or let it grow freely like I did in high school, my hair reached the middle of my back back then. Plus I didn't care about it either like shaving my beard so my hair was all over my face like, I looked like a male version of those creepy ghost succubi you see in japanese movies. I'm average height.
In short, I pretty much look like your average homeless guy or some drug addict bottom of the barrel metal fan. Normals always notice me, not that I blame them but I'm way past the stage where I care about the opinions or bullying of normals. Back in high school I was constantly called Tarzan, Jesus or some other name by others. But the funniest thing happened to me when a guy said to his friend about me something along the lines of "he looks like a 40 years old virgin" - let me remind you I was only 17 or so at the time. Quite funny considering how right he was, I'm not 40 yet or even 30 but shit is funny. Another time a Chad said to his buddy "I swear I'm going to give him a razor to shave for his birthday".
Socially - depends on the situation. Usually I don't speak to people at all, I ignore them. However if I'm forced to speak to people or can't avoid it then I impress them usually in some way. I'm quite good with words. Some of my teachers back in hs told me I should become a lawyer because I can bullshit around so much. Another funny moment happened when in hs a PE teacher gave us students a little lecture or rather to the succubi about avoiding dangerous men who want to rape them. He said things like these people are usually very smooth, persuasive and can charm people with their words. Afterwards a succubus from my class said to me in front of others "The type the teacher described is just like you, wiz! Haha!" She said it half-jokingly but I knew she meant it kind of seriously.
Sorry for the many HS examples but I pretty much became a full NEET-hermit after HS so that was the last time I was around others much.
I've been working recently in the same place as my mom and she says the people tell her I constantly look scared and terrified, she said when she told them I was really shy they never imagined I was as shy as I am, I don't think anyone even thinks about whether I'm a virgin or not they just treat me like a child
>>174333 Yep, living with my parents. I get some absolutely ridiculous amount of money every month from the government as welfare but it would be enough only to starve to death in a single week if I didn't have my family.
I get bux so I only leave my lair whenever I need groceries. I try to blend in, nike shoes, blue jeans, polo shirts, etc. I think that I do blend in well but people treat me like a child or like im retarded. You can mask it physically but humans are social animals, keyword animals, and they sniff out outcast males for sport… But i'm having the last laugh over the normcattle!!! Watching anime and pissing in jugs living on bux and having fun!! Let them laugh at me in public, I'll go as hikki as I can
>>174241 i’m below average height 162cm, average weight, i come off as creepy sometimes i think, i like to wear sweaters at all times, when i tried selling something and met the guy in person i tried making conversation about the item i was selling and he just seemed weirded out, maybe it’s because i have no awareness of my surroundings or because i rarely converse with others. I stopped caring and it’s not like it matters anyway.
I am short and chubby and usually scruffy/unkempt. Since I only leave the house to buy food, I barely interact with anyone and haven’t done for a long time. I definitely give off weird vibes and I’m self-aware enough to know it, but at the sane time, I don’t really care or try to mitigate it.
I’ll be 30 next year and I think I’m starting to show my age now, with years of stress, anxiety and lack of sleep prematurely ageing me. The panda eyes and unshaven face don’t help either.
>>174402 Are you wearing pants? Last time that happened to me it was because I forgot my pants. Apparently being without pants upsets the children or something.
>>174385 Nope, I get unemployment money. Of course even for this crap amount of money you have to go through lots of fucking procedures where I live. Including the fact you gotta have some kind of proof that you worked at least 30 days a year in order to get the money. Luckily my family has an old lady friend who verifies every year that I was employed by her. If it weren't for her lying then I wouldn't get nothing. I live in a pseudo-fascist shithole which only gives money to breeders and those who contribute to society ergo those who don't even need any money at all.
I’m a giant obese ogre but I try to pass for Norman as much as possible by lying and pretending to be Norman. I’m a suicidal depressed person so I have to pretend on that front too. Throughout my life when I was younger I’ve found some people have treated me ok, I get the sense people either hate me or think I’m ok. Definitely get people who insult me or try to abuse me. I try to keep as clean as I can and dress cleanly.
People think I’m stupid because I’m so fat, don’t really talk much because I don’t enjoy much, and I’m socially slow. I sometimes demonstrate I’m not stupid though action or a conversation and people literally say they’re shocked. There are friendless wizards who have never had positive contract with others, I’m closer to a normalfag than them but I’ve also been a neet for many years who barely leaves the house so I’m largely speaking about the past. Sometimes men will talk to me or make a joke standing in a queue kind of thing, I think I pass. I spent a lot of time working on social anxiety and shit as I used to start sweating uncontrollably talking to cashiers and stuff.
I find it hard talking about the truth that I’ve done nothing but struggle with depression for years to people, so it’s uncomfortable thinking up lies. That’s probably the biggest barrier to seeming normal now since my lies are probably obvious. Oh well.
>>174404 >>174404 If you mean by that that I am actually looking at all of them like that, I have. Otherwise I would have to literally be hallucinating for it to not be sn accurate perception. Nobody likes me and alot of people hate me without provocation so it's not much of a stretch for most people to hate me on sight.
>>174241 Slightly above average height, lean. Don't think I stand out from my looks but I tend to mumble and blurt out verbal spaghetti as soon as I have to talk. Not always, but often enough that it makes me avoid interaction, which obviously only makes it worse.
5'7", 105 lbs, still skinnyfat because I drink like a fucking sailor and I'm not 20 anymore. I suffer from debilitating anxiety, so my interactions with others tend to be stilted and awkward. Though in recent years I've learned to mimic social cues so well it feels convincing, even to myself. Only problem is that my repertoire of fake social skills is a carbon copy of my mom's behavior - I subconsciously mimic her mannerisms, her standard responses, her way of talking, even her pitch. I think that makes my demeanor very feminine, which generally tends to have a dissarming effect when talking to succubi, but I get the feeling that men - especially older men and otherwise traditionally masculine men - think I'm a fucking fruit cake.
I'm short, balding and a bit fat. I began to realize how this effected my youth. I was constantly disrespected, berated, pushed over et cetera most due to my height and ugly face. I was even mugged far too often probably because robbers thought I was an easy target.
Now that I'm in my 30s I can just blend into the average working male. But I feel sad for the younglings
>>174552 >anorexic >somehow thinks that they are fat despite being anorexic >acts like a succubus >talks like a succubus >self medicates with alcoholism
Gee I wonder why anyone would ever think you are a fruit cake. By both slang meanings of the word.
>>174552 I get that feeling too, actually I get really embarrassed in mens areas like when I've had to go to the junkyard or mechanic shop for car business, you can just feel you're severely out-testosteroned and its intimidating and embarrassing
>>174682 Anorexia would imply that I'm engaging in self-statvation out of a pathlogical fear of gaining weight.
I eat whatever I feel like (but generally make an effort to consume plenty of vitamins and proteins) and drink copious amounts of booze on top. Alcohol - especially beer - is like a runaway train of empty calories, and it seems to all accumulate on my torso. I have so little fat on my ass it hurts to sit, and my upper arms are as thin as most guys' wrists. But I have a pot belly and man boobs. It's not bad, but it does give me a super weird physique in which my stomach is as wide front-to-back as side-to-side. I'm shaped like a barrel. My wonky proportions are reflected by my pant size too: 28 inches long and 28 inches wide. (This would seem to be an common size; usually the only way I can get a pair of jeans that fit is to settle for a pair that are wide enough to fit my waist and then take them to a tailor to have them taken up a couple of of inches to make them short enough in length).
>>174683 I went to look at a car last summer. I booked a test drive over the phone, but when I showed up at the dealer and came across as a pathetic child, the salesman wouldn't let me test drive it after all. I did my best to try to show that I was genuinely interested by asking a ton of questions about the car. I felt like I was performing an act of adulthood, of masculinity, but I failed miserably and he probably pegged me as being closer to 18 than 30 and wrote me off as a sniveling kid who thought taking a fancy car for a spin was just a fun way to blow off a Saturday. He sent me off on the note that I could come back when I had the money. I did have the money… in the bank. What was I supposed to do, show up with a briefcase full of cash?
>>174241 average height/weight, really gross hair and ugly face. i always look tired. i don't think i come across as insecure, but i think people can definitely tell something is wrong with me quickly, especially if i open my mouth
Skelton 5'4 midget Don't think anyone actually has an opinion of me honestly. I never leave my house unless I'm buying food or something. I've maybe clocked a total of a few hours outside my house in the last 6 months.
I've given up 100% on playing the social game many years ago and could care less how strangers perceive me. Based on physical appearance I'd be fine since I keep fit for fun and stay clean, but I just can't be bothered to join the circus man. Not unless there's something that I *have* to attain (like a job). So I suspect normalfags are really put off by me. My old friends started passive-aggressively 'joking' about how I'm a lunatic that's going to murder people so I stopped talking to those faggots years ago when I realized that they were being malicious. That ain't me, baby; I just want to see this insane existence through in peace and quiet. >>174268 >you look like a traumatized soldier Heh, that's a good one.
I'm average height but with a rather muscular build. I think as far as appearances go I can blend in ok but in any sort of dialogue that goes beyond the typical cashier interaction or responding to a "how are you?" greeting my poor social ability starts coming through. Each time someone starts conversing with me it's like the screen flashes and a pokemon battle begins. Sometimes I stumble through ok and sometimes I completely blow it and they get that weird expression on their face that says "this person has something wrong with their brain."
>>174241 >how are you in real life anon? I have average features, I dress ok and I'm also a manlet. Good thing is that I don't live in a country where most population is tall. >you come off as a normal person? I do, but whenever my colleagues or people I just met start talking about normal people stuff they can tell I'm clueless and they get a bit suspicious that I'm not that normal after all.
Overall it helps me to get through without being judged at first glance.
>fairly tall and fat (6'2, 225-230lbs, it's been a while since I weighed myself) >scruffy beard >shy, socially awkward >have a slight speech impediment, plus I talk low (even when I'm trying to speak up) >kind of weird mannerisms >do my best to try to be friendly, despite looking (and acting) like a socially/possibly mentally retarded giant
I hope I come off as "well meaning weirdo." The only people I talk to are my parents, occasionally my coworkers and other family members
Never had problems with weight, since I generally dislike sweet stuff. I am a fairly buff, average looks, early 20's 5'6 "manlet". It's quoted because the average height in my country is 5'7, since it's a latin country. I know that if I was born in the US or in Europe, I would definitively be a circus freak.
My grooming skills are probably normal, since I don't remeber anyone complaining about it after my teen years. My social skills are not great but are definitively acceptable, since I did survive mandatory military service without drawing too much attention.
But, since my conversation habilities are 100% mimicry, it tends to fail eventually on long exposure to the same person. Sometimes the mandatory social situation goes beyond my repertoire, and that's when I get stuck/display some weird robot-like completely unrelated answers. I have plenty of empirical confirmation that most of the time I pass as a normie. It's only that I tend to send out some uncanny valley feels once someone starts to see me on a daily basis for whatever reason.
>>174258 >My social skills are fine if I turn them on but it is so draining though. I feel the same way. I rarely get to enjoy any conversation, since most the time I'm worried on going under the radar. It's so draining that I tend to avoid as much as I can.
Also, I have this study addiction, which did great things to me. I'm a medical student, so (for reasons that are pretty obvious due to the nature of succubi but I can't express it here) I'm positive that I could abandom the path to wizardry if I wanted to. Too bad I can't stand them. I don't know if you guys ever feel for yourselves because of it (please don't), but I genuinely appreciate the fact that I am still a virgin. I am convinced that, in most cases, especially in the time that we live in, it's best for a man to be exclusively with himself.
>>174244 You seem so interesting! I would like to have a conversation with you about anything. I, for instance, don't agree with anti-natalism. Could you explain to me why it's so convincing to you?
I'm a bit fat, average appeareance (I used to think that I was ugly but after seeing some real ugly people I would say I'm average or slightly below average).
I sometimes come across as weird even though I don't usually say something stupid, it must be my body movements or something.
I don't go outside normally so how would I know? And when I have to I dissociate until I'm alone again. People drain my energy like nothing else so I can't be around them too long or I'll become psychotic.
>>177259 Sorry master race gatekeeper, but I am pretty sure that you don't need to be rejected by society to prefer a reclusive life. It just seems like you need to judge others as "truwizard" or not, so that you have some excuse to feel, for once, superior to others.
190cm 80kg 5-7/10 face and haircut more /fit/ than the average normie but not ronnie coleman either >do you come off as a normal person? To cashiers and people I interact with in my job yes definitely. To anyone who interacts with me in a social setting like at a bar (>implying) or during casual chit chat, I'm extremely autistic. In fact most of the time I just completely ignore people and fake being deaf.
I have been told I have "homeless person hair. I can come off as normal when talking with people but even then I do not as more outgoing or reserved and ask people all kinds of "weird" questions but not in a sexual perverted sense just philosophical. People can tell I am strange though by the scarring I have incurred over the years and also I have some eccentric habits like dancing/swaying to my music and talking to myself or observing nature plus frequently looking into the skyline also laughing a lot or crying randomly in public. People frequently mistake me for a succubus also which is odd to me.
>>177294 Where is the confusion stemming from my fellow wizard? During one of my last outings I was in a waiting room and struck up a conversation with some lady and another man joined in only to say. "see you ladies later" I have people misidentify me as a succubus yet wear mens clothing I have had family say I look like a lesbian.
The organic scaffolding which forms my frame is of little concern to myself so if people think I look as a succubus does it does not worry me in the least and is amusing.
>>177296 Thanks for the clarification. I was just trying to understand how, but now I understand that the homeless person hair is probably an exaggeration from whoever told you that.
About not caring, you are totally right on that. It's a waste of time to try to distort ourselves to fit the "socially acceptable". Enjoy the unique way you are man! I'm pretty sure there are lots of ways to have fun when you can pass as a succubi.
>>177296 >struck up a conversation with some lady and another man joined in only to say. "see you ladies later" people do that kind of thing to me to, I think it’s just subconsciously I come off as a bit effeminate so they will accidentally group me in with females or call me she/her, definitely not a manly man but don’t think I actually look like a succubus
>>177298 I do not even know if I can have fun anymore for me fun is just something that distracts me for long enough until I can sleep I only have fun when using drugs to be honest. I just start and drop animes cannot get into any books or manga even music is starting to fade for me :)
I think we all care about our image both physical and metaphysical that others have personally I do not really care at all compared to regular people or even most wizzies I imagine but I really do care to be seen as something I despise for example and that is just part of being human I guess.
What is the image you posted from i'm hoping to DL some anime I may actually like.
>>177299 Happens kind of frequently for me if I am at a store and the clerk needs to get the manager they will say there is a young succubus who needs help or something and I personally do not see how I look like a succubus besides my body shape it is a mystery to me…
>>174423 Wrong. The root of all your unhappiness is a blend of unresolved problems that you can't help but to cope with food. You can stop eating, you just don't want to. I'm pretty sure that if some magical being offered you a free wish if you lost all that extra fat, you would do it like it without breaking a sweat.
You don't want to because you haven't found a more sophisticated way to cope.
>>174241 I was born with duck footed legs,kyphosis spine,and crooked teeth. ppl made fun of my looks which resulted in a very bad depression, my shitty parents spent alot of money on me despite being a middle class family living in the 3rd world but in the end only me teeth got fixed, as for my mental state, i am suffering from a real bad ocd since a young age and from low self esteem, but i am fine now, i learnt to cope with my situation it could've been worse honestly, sorry for my bad English tho.
>>177330 Why do you think it's against the rules to discuss having relationships with other people or make fun of NEETs? Do you honestly believe this place is for anyone but a social reject?
>>177349 not who you replied to but I argue a wizard actually rejects society instead ofbeing rejected by it. A "true" wizard does not want any part of that mess whilst a crab actually wished they could be a nromalfag.
>>177350 The hypocrisy of most of these "wizards" is that they claim they don't want to be a part of society, yet almost all of them have jobs and are therefore a part of society. Either you completely disregard something or you don't. If you want to practice wizardry the RIGHT way, then live off the land or get neetbux. I'm tired of seeing normalfags claiming to be wizards when they're not.
>>177355 >I'm tired of seeing normalfags claiming to be wizards when they're not.
Are YOU living off the land?
By living out of neetbux, you are still taking part in society, even if by omission. By still being raised by your parents like the big toddler that you are, you are still taking part in society, even if by omission. >Either you completely disregard something or you don't.
Ok then. Lead us by example. Get off your fat ass and go out in the wilds to show us how much of a true wizard you really are.
im 18 years old in the confidence of my youth, 6'4 and full of muscle, and come from a family that owns a local sports franchise so it is pretty easy to pass as normal if i keep my mouth shut. when i do show my personality i have always been told there is something missing. i dont know if thats true or just the looking glass self but ive been NEETing it out since march of last year so hard to tell
>>177382 Eat my dick, wageslave. Does it make you angry to know that your tax dollars are keeping me alive? I don't care if you think I'm a "man baby" or whatever term you normalfags have invented.
>>177385 This is why we refuse to pay taxes. >b-but the IRS will get you! The IRS is an inept gang of clowns. The only power they have is the ability to scare normalfags with empty threats.
>>177386 >anon doesn't pay taxes for ten years >thinks he can get away with it >gets audited when the IRS follows his digital trail of transactions >the IRS discovers that he hasn't been paying his taxes >gets thrown in federal prison for tax fraud If you're willing to risk prison time to stick it to NEETs, you're retarded
>>177430 >Yes, you bet it does. lol wagie mad >Being a hiki isn't an excuse to not work if this was true then why do I get NEETbux? > you prefer being a liability, stealing money from others. The government steals money from you and then gives me a small portion whilst it wastes the west why are you angry at me? >your parents will die and you will eventually end up on the streets, Not when you pay for my housing as well.
Wagie how does it feel knowing that you work every day so I can live at home spending your money on drugs and anime merchandise of my waifu?
You are my slave NEETs are actually the ones you are working for we live doing whatever we want in our room and you go out and work every day so we can actually live this way.
>>177432 dont get so cocky calling others slaves. the taxpayer may be a slave because he isnt entitled to his own possessions, but at least the government doesnt own his life (by dependency for food).
>>177433 Money gaining and losing value based on the natural demands of the market to keep itself stable, so that the fragile world economy doesn't go to waste and plunges society into apocalyptic times. Please enlighten me, oh thy wisdom. How is that usury? >calls others thieves
Don't you understand the basic concept that it has to be against the other's will to be stealing? Can I choose to pay NEETbux? Can I force the private institutions to take my investments?
>>177420 Oh no not federal prison! What will I do! I'm so scared that the government will feed and house me for free while I get sit in a room and meditate and read all day.
based on reactions i've seen and from what i can almost certainly ascertain i either come of as a lower class bum or an eternal student, the former probably more apt. when i started talking my walks at night more frequently i would regularly get terry stopped by the cops and i still often get looks of suspicion if i encounter anyone else not in a group, especially succubi, who give me that same deer in the headlights look if i happen to be approaching their general direction.
i must've inadvertently scared the shit out of some succ and her bf one night as i was walking home because they kept looking behind them the whole fucking way and literally bolted around a corner once i reached my street. i felt pretty shitty honestly and i was worried they might call the cops, even though i'm one of the last people who would want to hurt anyone like that.
i guess it's just a continuation of the cycle; as a kid, i was a pariah because i didnt fit in, had poor social skills, somewhat unconventional interests. and now that i'm an adult people think i'm a disgusting creep at best and a murdering rapist at worst.
>>177439 Money gaining or losing value relative to other commodities is inflation or deflation and would be speculation but I doubt you actually buried it or whatever. All interest/usury is ultimately rent extraction from the actually productive economy, or dare I say it, a tax on it. A manufacturer for instance has to not only pay for input goods, workers, machinery, etc but also has the profit of shareholders as expense. This means products have to be sold above their actual cost, which the consumer has to pay for. You don't contribute anything and nothing would be lost if you were gone. Things would get cheaper though. >Don't you understand the basic concept that it has to be against the other's will to be stealing? Nobody wants to pay their landlord extortionate fees, they are threatened with homelessness into payment. >Can I choose to pay NEETbux? Of course. The choice is yours to make, you just can't decide the choices of others which might include sending you to prison. Freedom of choice is not freedom of consequence.